Genuine Research Paper Examples

What is anorexia nervosa?

6% of patients for every decade they remain ill, after three years, the risk of the disorder maturing into a chronic illness increases and treatment will become less effective" (HarvardMentalHealthLetter, 2011). " Most retrospective age-of-onset research infers thateating disorderstypically commence early in adolescence or young adulthood" (Nagl, M., Jacobi, C., Paul, M., Beesdo-Baum, β†’

Jill bolte taylor’s stroke of insight

She had a stroke while she was researching about biological differences between healthy brains and brains of individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia, schizoaffective or bipolar disorder at1996. One of her blood vessel exploded on the left side of her brain and it caused the stroke. I generally watched the videos about brain and β†’

Eating disorders: disease or choice

Many insurance companies deny coverage for the treatment of eating disorders because they view it as a choice, because the treatment is too costly, as well as the uncertainty of the treatment for each individual patient. The standards for qualifying as having an eating disorder are very high; it is very difficult to β†’

Alzheimer’s disease amyloid precursor protein gene

As such, the roles of four specified genes, as well as the mechanism of oxidativestress, tau, inflammation, hormonal changes, and inflammation on the AD's neurodegeneration have been the central theme of scientific studies conducted on this disease. As experts continuously gained insights on the mechanisms of neurodegeneration, pharmacological strategies are concurrently devised β†’

Hemolytic disease of the newborn

This condition occurs when there is an incompatibility between the blood types of the mother and baby.* " Hemolytic" means breaking down of red blood cells * " Erythroblastosis" refers to making of immature red blood cells * " Fetalis" refers to fetus - What causes hemolytic disease of the newborn ?

Free schizophrenia research paper example

And in 1911, the Swiss psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler called this disease " schizophrenia". Schizophrenia is the illness that can be met in 1% of the population. The behavioral tendency of the disease is determined by the combined action of genetic factors. Numerous studies have shown that family cases of schizophrenia occur in a small percentage, β†’

Dementia care

Take care what is said in their presence and do not exclude them from conversations or decisions. There is always a reason for agitation often something or somebody in theenvironment. Try to spot the cause and change it if possible.?

World without mosquitoes

Primarily, this Idea would be beneficial to humans since not only the nuisance but also the spread of a number of pathogenic diseases would stop. However, while the study attempts to accentuate the benefit of eradicating hem it fails to elaborate its main problem and that is on how to actually get rid β†’

Dutch disease

The term of " Dutch disease" for the first time came in an article in The Economist -1977 that described the case as a natural resource curse. The name of Dutch Disease generally associated with a natural resource discovery, but it can be seen in any trade or investment activity that results β†’

The direct effects of johnes disease

2000 } }. Transmission of MAP Cattles are most susceptible to infection as calves from birth to a few months of age { { 27 Taylor, A.W. 2009 } }. Harmonizing to Whittington and Windsor { { 4 Whittington, R.J.

Mental illness and crim behavior

However, when it comes to people who are mentally ill the crimes they commit are a type of " chicken pox" in that certain mental illnesses cause certain types of crimes so that it is sometimes detectable based on one's behavior if they are going to commit a crime linked to their mental illness. Also, β†’

Concept of significant event

He was the kid who always knew what to say and had a demeanor that was cool to the touch. I was raised in private school so I had no sense of style, seeing what he wore and what he did really had an impression on me. He said there was going to β†’

The pros and cons in combating hiv/aids among its south african workforce

Anglo Americans constitute a highly recognized and profitable mining company in the world, operating in more than 50 countries including South Africa. Other than its objective of high financialgoalsthe company has developed five development principles sustainably and one of these is creating a meaningful and safeenvironmentfor a healthy working atmosphere, for β†’

Free research paper on surveillance systems for severe acute respiratory syndrome (sars)

The health care workers and hospital transmissions appear to play pivotal role in the spread of the disease with 46-63% of the cases being reported in healthcare workers in large and mature outbreaks in Hon Kong, Hanoi, Singapore and Toronto. The etiology of SARS has been linked to a novel Coronavirus that was later named β†’

Hcs 245 culture and disease paper

Africa, parts of South America and Asia have incurred the majority of the malaria epidemic (Global Health - Division of Parasitic Diseases , 2010). I this paper I will cover: populations vulnerable to malaria, factors that make these populations vulnerable, modes of transmission, methods used to control the spread of malaria, the role of social/cultural β†’

We need a retirement plan

Social Security or SSI is a program financed through general revenues; it is designed to help adults who are blind, the elderly and disabled people who have little or no income. SSI provides cash to meet basic needs forfood, clothing, and shelter. With Social Security there is no guarantee that you will qualify to receive β†’

Health problems in down syndrome

The aim of this study was to explore the barriers and facilitators to physical activity for this group. Methods: Eighteen in-depth interviews were conducted with 20 parents of children with Down syndrome aged between 2 and 17 years to examine what factors facilitate physical activity and what factors are barriers β†’

Tears of blood

Then, all of a sudden she could hear the taunt of the piano in the background, and fearful greenish liquid took over her body like adrenaline. She opened her eyes, to find broken glass and cutlery all over the kitchen floor, and there in the far distance was her father.

Eating disorders in children

In addition to the problems with the diagnosing children, specialists and physicians are not adequately trained to look for eating disorders in children. It is important, as mentioned earlier to have treatment which includes the family. This is because the child's eating disorder may be based on a problem which is deep β†’

Myths and misconceptions research paper sample

This fact is not true because there are various types of schizophrenia and the symptoms that patient present with vary from one patient to the other. Some people also believe that decline in the level of cognitive function is automatically a symptom of schizophrenia.

Enable rights and choices of indivduals with dementia whilst

If a decision is made under the Mental Capacity Act on behalf of the Individual, the decision must be made for the best interests of the Individual. Before a decision can be made on behalf of the Individual we must ask ourselves whether the purpose of the decision can be effectively achieved in a way β†’

The mmr vaccine against three diseases – measles, mumps and rubella

Professor Peter Lachman, President of the Academy of Medical Sciences, said: 'Even if there are dangers, all the evidence suggests that the chances of something nasty happening to you as a result of not getting vaccinated are around 100 times greater than something nasty happening to you if you do.' AGAINST β†’

Accidents, illness and emergencies in the early years setting

1974 and the policy of the County Council. Accidents and Injuries Policy and Procedures All accidents must be reported to the HeadTeacherand entered into the accident book which is found in Health and Safety Rep's first aid folder. Fatal or Major Injuries must be reported β†’

Liver disease research paper example

The abnormality function of the liver is also a factor of the disease. Hepatitis, liver tumors, cirrhosis and abscess of liver are some of the disorders of the liver.

Hiv and nutrition

HIV infection can lead to malnutrition, while poor diet can in turn speed the disease's progress. As AIDS treatment becomes increasingly available in the poorest parts of the world, critical questions are emerging about how well the drugs work in people who are short of food. In most cases food is provided to mitigate the β†’

Symptoms of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Some are easily treatable and others can be terminal, but some of the worst are those that still remain without a cure; one such disease is amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS, is a degenerative disease affecting the human nervous system. These patients have no family history of disease, and the cause of β†’


AIDS was later identified in 1982. There are four main stages that compose HIV infection: " primary infection, clinically asymptomatic stage, symptomatic HIV infection, and progression from HIV to AIDS". Primary infection is similar to the flu, with symptoms that are characteristic of the flu virus. During this time, β†’

Treatment of phobias

The most effective treatment is when there is a combination of psychotherapy and medications that are for the individual's phobia. It is essential to most patients' recovery. Medications are also used for the treatment of phobias, with the drawback of the possible side effects that usually vary from person to person and depend on the β†’

Mental illness and prison

The threat of potential litigation has meant that some revision and provisions of mental health services for seriously ill inmates is necessary. As the mentally ill become a larger segment of the population in jails and prisons, professionals in the mental health field became essential to the correctional administrators. One problem in the use of β†’

Torrent syndrome

Some patients in the childhood has problem with suppressing their ticks in the school and when they came home he will go to his room lock the door and let the ticks goes out single gene mutation. There is no real medication that works and all of them had side effects and β†’

Lives of deaf mexicans

It also showed how in spite of these problems many of the people in the film had " good lives" The differences in opinion regarding the language I found particularly interesting. The National School for the Deaf taught LSI and was a residential school. On the whole, the movie did a good Job β†’

Black plague of london 1665

The Great Plague in London of 1665 Although people proposed a variety of causes for the great plague in London of 1665, the effects of the plague were certainly catastrophic. Consequently, Londoners were forced to try many drastic measures to prevent the spread of disease. Nevertheless, the great plague left the β†’

The black death: the greatest catastrophe ever

The black death began in Europe in 1348 to 1351 but It started much earlier in Asia in the later 1200's and made its way to Europe on trade and cargo ships on the back of rats. The black plague was caused by a bacterium Yersinia that circulates onto rodents. The rats were the carrier β†’

Discuss the pathogenesis of measles virus infection under the following subheadings

Introduction: Although the measles virus remains less of a threat in the today's western world, it still posses a significant challenge in the under developed countries with an estimated 30 million illnesses and 770, 000 deaths being reported in the year 2000. Following a survey of 32 European Countries, the European Centre for Disease β†’

Free clinical practice summary: antibiotic prophylaxis in spine surgery research paper sample

In the way of adopting the recommendations of the study, there were a variety of restrictions, entailing the costs of personnel training. Introduction The scope of this practice guideline will be aimed at exploring and defining the clinical practice areas that were fashioned by a team of experts, in the area of spine injury, β†’

Out of the ashes: schizophrenia

Well according to the National Institute of Mental Illnesses " schizophrenia is a chronic and severe mental disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves".. The artist was not known to become intoxicated and may not have been drinking more than many of his contemporaries, but he was particularly vulnerable to the epileptogenic β†’

Research paper on schizophrenia

Psychological factors also contribute in the development of the disease. This paper discusses the incidence of the disease, its onset in children, causes, symptoms, different treatments and future outlook of the disease. Schizophrenia is a chronic mental disorder which is associated with abnormal social behaviors. Schizophrenia can be treated, and the β†’

Injuries in the nfl

The overwhelming topic on any sports network such as ESPN and the NFL Network are the growing number of lawsuits against the National Football League concerning head injuries and lack of concern that the leaders of the NFL had about the risk players were being put in. Both sides of the lawsuits β†’

Biopsychosocial models for schizophrenia

These symptoms cause a significant impairment in personal and social life. There are a wide range of symptoms that can be present in individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia, for which some researchers have questioned the validity of the concept of schizophrenia as a single disorder. The neurotransmitter which seems to play β†’

Late bloomers

It is possible that viruses and genetics have a role in Josh's autism but neurological damage is most likely. Depending upon the severity of Josh's disability he may or may not be able to care for himself in the future. Learning the symptoms and signs of autism is the first step in education and improved β†’

Must be 540 words

The combination of intervention and prevention is but perfect channels to improving health and patient's lifestyles! I firmly believe Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine has the edge to offer the most comprehensive education and training in the world of Osteopathic medicine being referred outstandingly by friends and colleagues alike. I humbly ask understanding that the β†’

Good example of research paper on hantavirus

The symptoms of the Hantavirus disease are very close to the symptoms of influenza. Even in the cases where aggressive treatment is applied, there are chances that more than 50% of those with the disease in the lungs do not recover from the infection. The rodents that carry the Hantavirus have been observed in a β†’

Learning from mass media campaigns for hiv/aids prevention

What is interesting in this report are the comparisons it draws to reviews of earlier campaigns in this area as well as the current state of the art andscience. The authors used seven principles to guide their analysis: conducting formative research on and about the target audience; using β†’

The experiences of family members who provide care for their relatives with alzheimer’s disease

It is useful therefore to discover some of the commonly challenges faced by caregivers in order to obtain a better understanding of the issue and to develop appropriate strategies to address the issues. 2. This research will also help to improve understanding of the role that caregivers fulfil and the challenges they β†’

Als lou gehrig disease

When these neurons die, the lateral portions of the spinal cord becomes marked and scarred. Sclerosis is the term used in medicine to refer to hardening and scarring. Charcot used the term amyotrophic lateral sclerosis to refer to weakened muscles and scarring of lateral sides in the spinal cord.

Celiac disease research paper example

The paper being discussed today, includes the disease Celiac disease and the laboratory department the sample is tested in. Pathology Department The pathology department is a laboratory where tests are performed on clinical specimen of a person like blood, urine, stools, sputum etc in order to study the health condition of the patient. β†’

Free hiv/aids and stis research paper sample

The decision to place a disease on the mandatory reporting list is a consequence of how contagious the disease is, and the long-term health impact that it has. One state mandates that parents be informed of any positive HIV test performed on a minor, in contrast to the rest of the states that do not β†’

The explosion of hiv/aids cases in district of columbia

Though momentous strides in the diagnosis, treatment as well as the survival of those who are living with the disease have taken place within the locality and nationally at large, the District still remains one of the cities with the highest number of persons infected with the killer disease in the U.S.

Acute hepatitis b

The bilirubin is processed through the liver and the normal levels in the body are; 0.3 1. For example, if the patient were having an acute onset of Hepatitis B his Albumin would be low. Albumin is made in the liver and is very sensitive to any changes in the liver.

Traditional healing system

The utility of the Siegler-Osmond model can be demonstrated by comparing a shamanic medical model, an eclectic folk healing model, and the allopathic biomedical model on 12 dimensions: Diagnosis Etiology Patient's behaviour Treatment Prognosis

Riluzole in the treatment of lou gehrig’s disease

Motor neurons come from the brain to the spinal cord and from the spinal cord to the muscles throughout the entire body. In addition to this, lateral shows the areas in a person's spinal cord where part of the nerve cells that signal and control the muscles are located.

Research paper on renal stenosis

If the renal arteries become narrow, the blood flow to the kidneys will be restricted which may impair the kidneys' function. The major cause of renal artery stenosis is atherosclerosis which is when the plaque made up of fats and cholesterols builds up on the walls of the blood vessel. Furthermore, renal artery stenosis may β†’

Tourettes syndrome in children

Chronic tic disorder is diagnosed with the presence of single or multiple tics, and the presence of motor or phonic tics which is present for a year or more. On the other hand, Tourette's which falls under the category of above is diagnosed when there are multiple motor tics occurring β†’

The moths

The connection between the moths and the major characters in the story helps to express the main subject of the feature; the theme is not only the death of a much loved person, but also a sacred and growing experience underwent by the young girl. This story is a perfect example of β†’

Research topic: listeria monocytogenes, haemophilus influenzae, and mycobacterium ulcerans

The method requires 24 and 48 hours of enrichment, followed by a variety of other tests. Total time to identification is from 5 to 7 days, but the announcement of specific non-radiolabeled DNA probes should soon allow a simpler and faster confirmation of suspect isolates. Even with increasing awareness of the bacteria β†’

Through deaf eyes

TTY was a huge step and technology was working for the deaf world. Sign language made a huge impact in 1955 by deaf people thought signing was weird and different because of the way they were taught. National theater of the deaf began performing and signing for the hearing public too.

Alzheimers disease research paper

The disease's manifestation comes in the form of memory loss and affects one's intellectual functioning to the extent of interfering with one's normal life. This is the last stage of Alzheimer's disease.

Blood disorder

A B12 enhancement may be all that is required to re-establish the appropriate amounts of B12 in the body. In this second scenario I think that Davon has sickle cell anemia. The blood disorder that Davon has is a familiar hereditary trait amongst African American people.

Sample research paper on polio virus

The polio virus was the first virus to be grown in cultured cells which was in itself a great breakthrough leading to development of a killed virus and a live attenuated vaccine; physical and chemical characterization of the virion along with its assembly intermediates, and the characterization of the β†’

Psychological causes of depression

One theory for the cause of depression is the bio-psycho-social model of causation and is the most commonly recognized theory for the cause of disorders such as depression by professionals. With that said, major depression seems to be present generation after generation, in some families, but not with a frequency that suggests clear biological causes.


This paper is going to have an in-depth analysis of what perhaps leads to this disorder, give some of the symptoms that are characteristic of this disease, its possible treatment and the group that is most affected by it. The disease was identified for the first time over a century ago in England by adoctorknown β†’

Sane or insane: who’s to know? – mental illness

The notorious " bleeding" practice, The bleeding practice entailed draining the bad blood from the individual, unfortunately this inhumane practice normally resulted in death or the need for lifelong care; at best the odds were one in three that this procedure would actually lead to an improvement in the patient's health. The β†’

Truth versus falls or evidence of the society

To be initiated into a gang, you must look beyond the facts and consequences of what could happen to you, and do whatever it takes to get in. This could involve taking a person's life, robbing a store, or doing other illegal things, but if it means becoming part of a " β†’

Example of polygraph research paper

With the high rate of crime in the current society it is essential for the governments and security forces to create and develop other severe gadgets and devices in order to help detect any form of crime and protect the society. Use of Polygraph in Police Work In most of the nations polygraph device β†’

Good example of research paper on research on mathematical proofs

For evidence of particularly interesting and important mathematical statements society prescribed premium. Why Mathematical Proofs are Important? The importance for a formal proof of the allegations is one of the main characteristics of mathematics as a deductive discipline, respectively, the notion of proof plays a central role in the subject of mathematics, and the availability β†’

Research paper on traditional forensics vs. live forensic acquisition

More specifically, forensic science refers to " the application of scientific techniques and principles to provide evidence to legal or related investigations and determinations". Although forensic science has been employed in crime investigations since the early twentieth century through the use of traditional forensic techniques, the emergence of computers and other forms of β†’

Environmental factors as proposed causes of schizophrenia research paper

However, there are several theories regarding its cause, and these include genetic factors, biochemical factors, environmental factors, and substance abuse (Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, n.d).. Although further research is still being made concerning these various causes of schizophrenia, this paper provides some of the evidence gathered that either proves or disproves the validity of β†’

Research paper on note 1

Lastly, the lack of bias as a fairness test looks at the fact that for fairness in employment to suffice, the process must lack any bias. For fairness to prevail, the approach that needs to be taken entails a consideration of various parameters underlying the process.

Computer technology and forensic science research paper examples

With the increasing importance of computer security and the gravity of cyber crime, it has become very important for all computer professionals to understand fully the technology used in computer forensics. This makes it necessary for forensic scientists in the field of computer forensics to always come up with new ideas and methods so as β†’

Howard paintings and abstraction research paper sample

The brush strokes act to show the presence and the movement of the artist; the blazing contrasts of color bring out intense pictures of visual energy and a strong sense of intensity in his work. Most of Howard paitnings have an effect that resembles frames. This is what he has been seen to dwell on β†’

Example of research paper on fundamental theorem of algebra

Despite this, the ideas of the proof are important. Euler was soon able to prove that every real polynomial of degree n has exactly n complex roots. Frobenius in Basel at the celebrations dedicated to the bicentenary of the birth of Euler said that Euler gave the most algebraic proof of the existence β†’

Evidence based practice in nursing research paper

Understanding the research methods for the effective implementation of evidence based practices in the nursing field of patient care is necessary in order to optimally prepare nurses to become more skilled and highly competent health professionals. According to the research study conducted by Majid, Foo and Mokhtar , there is a need to adopt β†’

Example of fountain of youth research paper

Therefore, the main claim in this topic is that people obtained the restoration of their youth and vitality through drinking and bathing with water from the " Fountain of Youth" spring. Identification and Analysis of Evidence. Various researchers have attempted to provide proof to the claim that " Fountain of Youth" restored the youth β†’

Research paper on secondhand smoke in public should be banned

Communities need to examine the current studies on secondhand smoke and smoking bans to promote the rights of non-smokers. Secondhand Smoke in Public Should Be Banned According to the Centers for Disease Control , smoking causes heart disease which is the number one cause of death in the United States; smoking leads to β†’

Narcotic drugs

The analysis must leave no room for error because its results will have a direct bearing on the process of determine the guilt or innocence of a defendant. There is no middle ground in drug identification either the specimen is a specific drug or its not and once a positive conclusion is drawn, the chemist β†’

Homicide research paper

Second is the second degree murder, which described as the person's intent to kill that is not planned of deliberated. The first degree murder does not require any proof of intent to kill nor premeditation and deliberation.

History of photography research paper example

The description of the photograph provided by the author at the boot of the frame gives the audience a great understanding about the happenings that are transpiring within the photograph. One of the things that are evident in the photograph is the destruction of trees through logging.

Pursuasive policy

Central Problem Statement: Due to the increase in bullying in schools, there is a need to prohibit bullying and create a safe and educationalenvironment. Transition: Now tattoo know some statistics and my own personal let Like me, in my story, many bystanders lack courage to step into the situation Evidence Pathos: A. Imagine β†’

Example of issues of diversity in criminal justice research paper

Blood Match The case of Darryl Hunt is an example of negligence on the part of the prosecution as well as the entire criminal justice system. The man that Johnny Gray had identified happened to be in prison at the time of the crime, and so he later identified Hunt. At the same β†’

Evaluating the benefits of ultrasound over mri as an imaging modality for assessing research paper

The main area where fetal brain assessment remains prevalent is in fetal MRI, yet several factors are weighed in the process of examining the remaining parts of the fetal body. According to the argument presented by this researcher, effectiveness of MRI over ultrasound is based on the understanding that the fusion between the two hemispheres β†’

Essay on research presentation

In the other setting, the gym is based in very high social class. In both social settings, the gym is associated with the masculine population.

Appriseating evidence based practise

Cooper is quite a resent evidence and it can be used to represent to settings, which are urban and rural settings and people with Intellectual disabilities do reside in both type of settings and reaction for different settings on people does differ from one another. Kenyon et al, 2002 saw social exclusion β†’

Research paper on general motors in mexico

The expansion suggestion is based on various factors highlighted in the underlying suggestion. ASSESSMENT SCOPE The proposed suggestion has been based on conducting assessment from the following perspectives: - GM's proposed suggestion is based on the assessment of the Mexico's local business conditions with specific attention to the economic outlook β†’

Public schools vs private schools

That is description essay tells what something looks like, taste like, smells like and sound college description is used in many different ways, such as when writting a comparism essay, you use description to tell the diffrence between the two a student, through description you communicate the view of the world to your β†’

Salem trials: a lesson from history

The lives of the people who were innocent of a crime that is witchcraft which was not proven enough were put to waste due to the cruelty that beset upon them. It is important for them to ensure that due process must be served in the courts.

School-based consultations

The behavioral modeling is meant to assess at the behavioral patterns of an individual from the past and relate to them to the present, know why individual is behaving in that strange manners, whether the causes for the behavior change could be thefamily, environment, the friends, the workplace or the community and then look for β†’

Macroeconomic schools of thought

This means that classical economics is only based on the supply of the economy. These economists believed that the business cycle can be managed by active government intervention through fiscal and monetary policy. This theory is basically faced on the fact of the economy and how it affects output and inflation and the β†’

Internet – based learning versus traditional classroom learning.

According to Allison Rossett, She said; " Web-based learning is a training that resides on a server or host computer that is connected to the World Wide Web." Rossett also considers internet-based learning to be a training that is delivered partially or entirely through electronic hardware, software, or maybe both [2]. Another β†’

Differences between secondary school and college life

One of the experiences that we are experiencing now is that we learn to manage our time to be more systematic so that we will not be late for classes. From this distraction , we must learn to restrict ourselves so that it will not affect our studies. The difference between secondary β†’

Lengthening the school day

This is because the time the students are in school they will have maximum concentration due to their goodhealth. Incorperating community, familypartnerships in students learning leads to greater student achievement than adding those extra learning hours in class. Sports Many times parents, guardians and even teachers think that time spent by students in sports β†’

Main types of state and independent schools

The LEA are responsible for employing staff and admissions and pupils follow the national curriculum. Voluntary aided schools These schools also have a religious affiliation and are largely funded by the state although a trust or foundation, represented by a proportion of the schools governors, provide some funds β†’

Three changes of my old school

Also they are providing more time to students specially seniors who have planned to go to college. One of the changes they have made is the reinforcement of rules, they been having more safety within the students. Many students that graduated last year had problems with counselors because they would never have the time to β†’

Sex eduacation in school

Many others see the prohibitive nature of this approach to be controversial. The public also show the need for sex education programs to include not only abstinence but also to include information about contraceptives as well. In the January and February 2007 issue of PublichealthReports announced that premarital sex is not out β†’

Graduate school

I would love to eventually earn a graduate degree that will help me further mycareer. I would love to earn a degree that will give me more mobility in my career.

High school teacher

Question 2: What does Shame feel about the story of how he got his name? Question 6: What method does Shame use to survive going to the same school as Barry Bagley?

Children should stay in school

Most people believe that children should be taught not only the lessons in the classroom but also sports, musicand other skills at school, like how to work with other students and how to organize their studies by themselves, etc. Some other people think that children should not be living under much pressure, they should have β†’