Genuine Research Paper Examples

Historical trends in leadership theory and research

Some scholars ease the task of the leader by establishing a theoretical base for his or her exercise of authority and cotrol. More recent definitions regard leadership as an aspect of role differentiation in a group; that is leadership is viewed as the act of initiating and maintaining role structure, and seek to provide a β†’

Multistream leadership at work in hawaii

Now Neubert and Buscher have personal concern to improve the situation for the members of the bar, and when their attention will be to get expansion opportunities it will not be totally for the members. What make this bar so special and success is the owners approached based on their values and the afforded they β†’

The impact of transformational leadership on employee motivation

A number of authors have argued that transformational leadership style enhances employee motivations and increases their commitment to the organization. For example, a study conducted by Avolio et al.on the impact of transformational leadership on performance and motivation of staff nurses in a public hospital of Singapore showed a positive relationship. Through such social, responsive β†’

Leadership behaviors of the path-goal leadership theory

The Path-Goal Leadership Theory was developed by the American psychologist Robert House to describe the way that leaders encourage and support their subordinates in achieving setgoalsby making the path that they should take clear and easy. It states that the leader must inspire subordinates by: one, stressing the relationship between the subordinates' β†’

Leader more feared than loved: evaluating chapter 17

This decision is most applicable during times of danger or emergencies, it is easier to break a bond of love when the situation arises, but the fear of punishment is always effective, regardless of the situation. Yet, Machiavelli reminded that when choosing to generate fear, a prince must be wary to avoid β†’

Women in leadership roles

The majority of research related to women and leadership examines the barriers women face in entering or moving up in the leadership hierarchy. Kruger also examines how theenvironmentplays an important role in the realization of gender differences in leadership. The last article, " Gender and educational Leadership in England: a comparison of secondary headteachers' views β†’

Coaching leadership

A coach serve as the leader, the mentor and the engineer of the team in which he or she is in charge of the over all management of the team. Furthermore, coaches are responsible for training the athletes to their reputable field of sports and assess their performance in accordance to their β†’

Evolution of leadership in the educational system

The disadvantages of the directive leadership style are: dissociates staff, non-development of employees and convenience. One might use this style of leadership when the faculty or staff is in danger of not accomplishing a task in a timely manner or in a crisis situation. The leaders in the district are a compilation β†’

Leadership principles for effective change

This may seem difficult and out ofculturebut it can do a lot in making people accountable and willing to implement the changes discussed by the organization. " A clearly defined vision of the end result enables all the people to define the most efficient path for accomplishing the results". When a vision is clearly stated and β†’

Hamas, leadership and leadership structure

The recent changes in political scenario in the Palestine and Israel has given Hamas a broad role especially its stunning victory in the recent presidential elections. The first Intifada is marked by the foundation of Hamas in 1987. The initial meeting, which led to the foundation of he movement, was held in the house of β†’

Leadership qualities: important leadership skills for workplace success

Many are convinced that being ahead of everyone is very prestigious, but they are really poorly aware of what a true leader should be, what qualities he must possess, so that people strive to follow him and would like to follow him. After all, in essence, this person is like a lighthouse that indicates where β†’

Defining formalization and mentioning its advantages and disadvantages for leaders and followers

Such formalization techniques are part of the organizationalcultureand those who happen to be in leadership have to abide by the known standards of management. Formalization results in conflict of leadership strategies and professional values. Employees' activities are governed through laws and procedures and leaders may not be able to exercise their leadership β†’

Options for implementing a leadership change

If Gene One is to remain competitive and successful, the CEO and the Board of Directors believe that the company must go public within the next three years. There is a 36-month deadline for this strategy to be implemented to help Gene One realize its growth targets, establish the company as a strong competitor and β†’

Leadership in action

In this particular manner, the author of thisinterviewreport decided to talk to one of the managers of the said Call Center Agency so as to be able to look deeper on how managers of the said type of organizations keep up with the challenges of meeting the different responsibilities left in their care which includes β†’

Exemplary leadership

This analysis examines how a leader utilizes organizational power, the magnitude to which the leader is constrained by contingency factors, how the leader deals with ethical issues, and the leader's decision-making style and influence tactics in addition to other characteristics. The leader detailed in this analysis is proven to be effective based β†’

Lewin’s leadership styles

Lewin's framework is popular and useful, because it encourages managers to be less autocratic than they might instinctively be. The Blake-Mouton Managerial Grid The Blake-Mouton Managerial Grid was published in 1964, and it highlights the best leadership style to use, based on your concern for your people and β†’

Leadership and tech final exam

The there is the first level manager that gives the daily drill down of operations notes and ensures the deliverables are made.. Then the senior manager who's task is the developing the budget, travel keeping the organization fresh with the latest each, and constantly keeping a fresh vision of the organization.64.

My own interpretation of mandela’s 8 lessons in leaders

Courage is not the absence of fear it's inspiring others to move beyond it In tackling life's challenges, you must face fear head-on and find the guts that you may not falter when life is giving you a hard time. Do the right thing even when you stand alone and it eventually will pay off β†’

Teacher leadership does culture make a difference

One job of reassigning educational constructs from the West is undervaluing the impact of civilization on the successful execution of a policy in a context where the civilization is different , because taking an organisation is interwoven with the civilization of those supervised. Based on this definition, the function of a teacher leader β†’

Practice and role of transformational leadership

Researchers developedpersonalitytests and compared the results of average individuals with those perceived to be leaders. Until 1978, the focus of the majority literature on leadership was derived from the concern in organizational makeup to understand the impact of leadership styles in small group behavior and outcomes with similar variable models , while attention to β†’

Moments of truth

Energy: If the leader in an organization does not have the energy or the drive for the success of the organization, the employees will not have the energy or drive for the success of the organization. Leaders have to lead from the front by introducing innovative ideas to keep the company fresh and vibrant. Vision: β†’

A unique leadership solution for project managers

Caught between the demand of the situation and the limitation imposed on them, they often feel stifled and out of wits about what to do and how to do. Therefore, this study learns about the nuances of such situation through acase studyand then reviews appropriate literature to gather the elements of solution β†’

Leadership value

But this understanding is faulty as leadership is not a sole function of individual charisma or talent but a collective activity. Gilbert Fairnholm defines leadership as an interactive function of a leader and several followers jointly engaged" which means that there is a collective effort in terms of value and trust enough to β†’

The sights of leadership

HindsightLeadership: Tends to emphasise the value of experience and evidence. They look at the future through the eyes of the past. Although they reflect on the past and respond to the present, they are much more concerned with preparing for the future.

Jet blue leadership

This emphasis on people is apparent in the daily interactions he has with the employees of JetBlue. Neeleman says," I want them to know that I value what they do". Neeleman also has characteristics of a servant leader, as seen in his ability to communicate his vision, encourage trust, and his faith in his own β†’

6 sources of leadership power

Maintain confidentiality of all payroll information.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Training of all managers and staff on the use of the invoicing system ?

Development as a leader

There are three ways through which a leader can make changes to the followers: Increasing the level of awareness about the value of work and how to attain the fit Enabling the team to be focused towards the bigger goals of a given unit and not just individual β†’

Charismatic style of leadership

Thirdly, this person or leader has been influential as well because he can draw people in the upper echelon of society to support in many aspects of their program. People, both within the volunteer and paid staff, the homeless themselves and the supporters respect, abide by and pursue this leader's vision and plans because they β†’

Free ekg research paper sample

Explain the pathophysiology of the impulse origin and the electrical impulse pathway that is associated with the following rhythms: Normal sinus rhythm In NSR, there is normal conduction of the sinus impulse through the atria and ventricles. The right ventricle is affected. A left bundle branch block is a delay in the impulse β†’

Leaders: born or made

Further, there are also firm opinions that it is not possible for every one to naturally acquire the skills of seamlessly inspiring a group of people, set sufficient challenges, and make every one of the group to accept those challenges and strive together to achieve them. However, years ofacademicresearch among leaders from β†’

The team leader assembly department

Such a review might provide the team leader with more insight into how their actions affect the success and ability of the team, and the team's contributions to the company as a whole. It might also serve to improve communication more among team members. It also encourages the team leader to be more accountable for β†’

Values of effective leader

There was one research conducted in co-operation between the International Graduate School Zittau and the Technical University in Liberec in the period of March September 2006. It considers the question of what values are significant for small and medium-size companies' managers and owners and how they manage to β†’

Commercial influences

Although the excessive involvement of business could be increasingly detrimental, some areas will not worry about the fund any more if they can gain more support from business. To avoid the conflict between business and scientific research and to harness the commercial interest effectively, review panels can be set up to protect both science and β†’

The evolution of leadership theory

This essay will describe the evolution of leadership theory as it developed from being based on individual personal traits and behaviors to the modern theories that are based on dynamic models of situation and on transformation. Early Leadership theories: traits and behaviors Ohio State University developed a theory β†’

Organisational leadership

Charles Handy has written much on the field of leadership and felt that the search for the definitive solution to the leadership problem has proved to be another endless quest for the Holy Grail in organisation theory". However, I feel that leadership is a relationship through which one person tries to influence the behaviour or β†’

Explain why trotsky did not become the leader of the ussr

On top of this, Trotsky himself had not tried to build up support within the party and consequently after Lenin's death when the party were in debate as to how the country should be run Trotsky had a difficult time trying to put forward his ideas as many supported Stalin. In fact β†’

Is joko widodo a good leader?

He should manage Jakarta to be a neat modern city and also he visited flood victims when the big flood in Jakarta for several times. That is to show hisresponsibilityas the Governor of Jakarta.

Leadership distinctive project

And when we function this way life controls and ultimately overcomes us. Having a deep devotion to Christianity and commitment to Godly values helps us discover the things that give real meaning to life. Life has to be engaged, not avoided yet it is also a choice to live a life of sacrifice and self-denial β†’


As a new chief executive officer, Tony Hayward was recruited in June 2007 and he took over for BP's highly-respected former CEO Lord Browne. The new CEO of BP may be able to use his ownleadershipor management style to change the culture of the organization and also try to help the business β†’

Achieving strategic fit

Strategic fit can be used actively to evaluate the current strategic situation of a company as well as opportunities as M&A and divestitures of organizational divisions. Strategic fit is related to the Resource-based view of the firm which suggests that the key to profitability is not only through positioning and industry selection β†’

Leadership & managing people

Retrieved June 12, 2007, from Encyclop dia Britannica Online: uncertainty they are presently in and apply the strategy needed for further progression of the company. Also, in the article, issues such future realization and analysis to where the product is needed are discussed. In the article, the β†’

No place to hide

We join Kelly's contention that ' the apparently mundane practices that are made accountable and therefore observable remain unexplicated and actively ignored' and that this is regrettable. We diverge from his emphasis on the reification of leadership through language games, however, and focus instead on the dissonance between the salience β†’

The charismatic leader who transformed my life

She is the first leader who came in my mind for this essay as she is a bright combination of charismatic and transformational leader. In this essay I will describe the qualities of my friend, that I am confident enough she can fulfill all the requirements to be called a charismatic leader who also proved β†’

High eq attributes yield a more successful work environment

The ability to build relationships, display sensitivity to the needs of others and manage your emotions would all qualify as EQ attributes. Great leaders share many of the traits of high EQ individuals. Some leadership traits can be at odds with EQ, specifically competition and results orientation. There is β†’

Successful business leader essantials

If the leader does not communicate the team member properly a successful business never is possible. Leader must be extrovert not be introvert. If the leader is experience person then he or she tackles all kinds of the situation.

Characteristics of a daring leadership (part-ii)

Back in 2013, I took the lead and insisted that Gionee should take the plunge in India because I believed in the brand and knew that India is a potential market one needs to tap. The challenge was to build a product that brought down the cost of critical care significantly without compromising on the β†’

Primal leadership

In reading PrimalLeadership: Unleashing the Power of Emotional Intelligent authors by Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, and Annie McKee along with How Remarkable Women Lead: The Breakthrough Model for Work and Life written by Barsh and Cranston, you begin to understand the pillars of leadership and the building blocks for success utilizing these key components of β†’

3 core competencies all leaders must focus on

These leaders are focusing solely on what they assume is their own best interest when they should be learning how to serve the unique needs of their employees and customers. Rather than strengthen their competencies to lead more effectively, many leaders look for short-cuts and leverage their authority and title to get by. Be an β†’

Strategic capabilities and resources

But, it is also important to study the internal strategic capabilities of the firm, because, since your competitors are in the same environment, that is what distinguishes the companies performances. Foundations of Strategic Capability Strategic Capabilities can be defined as the resources and competences of an β†’

Leadership in the new millenium

A lot of times it is done purposefully by the media for the sake of makingmoney. The author makes a special point to note that this loss of character is prevalent in all walks of society such as religion, politics, and business being the most prominent of these. Chapter 3: A life β†’

Example of research paper on plato essay

According to Socrates, he believed that there is no difference between justice and injustice simply because there is no conflict in the city. Socrates, in the republic, postulates and supports the idea of actually being and thus does not support the point of seeming. Socrates is said to have gone against β†’

Leadership theory

Cherry, 2012) Per our book the Hersey and Blanchard's extension of the leadership grid focusing on the characteristics of followers as the important element of the situation, and consequently, of determining effective leader behavior.Behavioral theories leadership is based upon the belief that great leaders are made, not born. Scholars taking the trait approach attempted to β†’

Understanding leadership styles

Authoritarian This style is used when the leader tells an employee what she/he wants done and how of this method is when you have all the information to solve the problem but there is little time and the employees are well motivated. This style should only be used on rare occasions. This β†’

Leadership path-goal theory

In the paper to follow, a reflection on one's ability and self-improving processes would be discussed in the view of the author of this paper. Being a leader is a serious task that requires serious effort and determination to adjust on the part of the person who wants to pursue on being β†’

Why was stalin able to become leader of russia by 1926?

As Lenin's funeral was organized by Stalin since he was regarded as the party's administrator because of his position as General Secretary, Stalin was able to deliver the oration. As a result, Lenin's funeral gained Stalin support and made Trotsky unpopular, contributing to his success in being the leader of Russia. Apart β†’

Leadership structure in the local church

The general values that can be acclimatized to fit the features of " the local church" were established by the early church to do ministry. These values can be directed to the constitution or bylaws of a localized place of worship in modern times. To explore this notion a closer look is β†’

Roles and responsibilities of leaders

Previous it has been strongly suggested that leadership and management approaches within an organization affect the way service provision is delivered and eventually the performance and success within the organization. Excellency in leadership always starts with the leader and the way he treats those under his management, communicationis the most crucial and delegation of power β†’

The concepts of leadership theories

A good leader is more likely to accomplish this task through knowledge and skill. Knowledge to know about how to use what is known to influence workers in an organization to reach the goals of a company and skill to put in the effort to actually do what is meant to be β†’

How stalin became a leader of russia

Stalin's choices of policies (NEP and socialism in one country) During the beginning of the struggle for power after Lenin died Stalin formed an alliance with Zinoviev and Kamenev in 1923, this was purely to keep Trotsky out of power. However in early 1925 Zinoviev and Kamenev split from Stalin, he Joined with β†’

Authentic leadership

The authors noted the differences in leadership approaches and skill sets that will be necessary for project managers to be successful and remain relevant in the future.. Authentic leadership, a CMM plan and soft skills are particularly relevant for the continuous improvement of the project management field.

Study of leadership: can leaders be born or made?

Many researchers have studied leadership in a quantitative and qualitative way and seen that it is far more sophisticated and complex that the leadership concepts discussed in the popular leadership books. Leadership can be represented as a process whereby someone influences the thoughts, attitudes and behavior to achieve an organizational goal. That means the Trait β†’

Herman case

Underlying the Scansion Plan were the principles of equity and justice for everyone in the company" Two major functional elements Of Scansion plans were the use of committees for sharing ideas on improvements and a structure for sharing increased profitability. The relationship between Frost and Herman Miller continued for at least four decades. β†’

Wal mart’s leadership styles

Sam Walton. Amanda Giliano had further noted in her article that the profit sharing plan give the employees a part of the company and this makes the success of their profit dependent on the company of success. At present, Lee Scott is still implementing the profit sharing plan for the employees to β†’

Leadership skills: qualities of a great leader

The good leaders have that vision to see the future to avoid the fear of unknown or unknowable. Gary Yukl defines leadership as " the process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be done and how to do it, and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish β†’

Hr leaders brainstorm

Furthermore, the Peter's principle put HR Manager on their toe to recognize management changes and adapt new technique in their operation in executing their human resource functions. The ability of the HR Manager to operate in line with changes the industry will enable the organization workers are disposed to adapt to new changes in the β†’

Servant leadership what is it?

A greatest strength of servant leaders is the potential to heal one's self and others.4. Servant leadership is a style that lays down a set of characteristics that all leaders are supposed to emulate to attain success, and tries to shape the character andpersonalityof the leader.

Leadership approaches

Industrial Management, in business, is a term used to describe the techniques and expertise of efficient organization, planning, direction, and control of the operations of a business. Industrial Management and the Managerial Grid Thus the style approach tends to analyze the individuals involved and see how best to harness their collective contributions to realizing β†’

Good example of research paper on airline analysis: british airways

It is currently the largest airline in operation in the United Kingdom, although there are a number of smaller operations that are currently threatening the larger company, especially in the national and European travel markets. British Airlines is still the leader in the number of international flights booked on a yearly basis,

Good example of ryan totsch research paper

The Black Plague almost wiped out the whole of civilization and this period was one of the darkest periods in Europe's history. Keywords: Black Plague, Europe, labor, environment, upheaval, industry ECONOMIC IMPLICATION OF THE BLACK PLAGUE Abstract " The plague had large scale social and economic effects, many of which are recorded in β†’

Example of research paper on history of western dress

They had tight buckles at the ankle, and later on in the 1820, impoverished under the instep. . The domination of what was fashionable by the French was obvious in the 19th century. The eighteenth century was a moment in time of so much memory.

Free research paper on john locke

His two works the " Two Treatises of Government" and the " An Essay of Human Understanding" was met in scepticism but was accepted entirely as a position that reflects the time of the Enlightenment. The Essay was divided into four books, and included an Epistle to the Reader, and a dedication of Locke to β†’

Free this is my land research paper sample

These conflict arose of many issues including the taking of the Indians land, the destruction of the Indians crop by the Englishmen's cattle, inequality of the law with regard to the Indians, and more. The article " Pequots and Puritans: The Causes of the war of 1637" discusses the events of the Pequot War.

Research paper on the u.s. indian wars

White has repeatedly incited the Indians scalp and of their opponents. For example, in June 1775, the British government, urging Indians to oppose the Americans, not only supplied the soldiers of all the tribes of the Great Lakes to the Gulf of axes, guns and ammunition, but also announced a reward β†’

Objectives of sentencing within england and wales

This is the acknowledgement that the behaviour of the offender is not acceptable within society and ensures a consequent punishment. This can be seen as a form of paying back the wrong doing or understanding of what is right and wrong. The purpose of this is to change the offenders' attitudes and β†’

Research paper on imperialism in east africa

Examples of imperialism include British colonization of India for 200 years, Japan colonization over the West Pacific before World War I and so on. Effects of Imperialism on Africa At the peak of Industrial Revolution in Europe, a string of European nations including Great Britain, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Russia and France discovered Africa as β†’

Olaudah equiano’s experiences and the british slave trade research paper sample

Equiano could remember vividly well the slave woman who was wearing a muzzle as she dies and he was shocked and at the same time astonished. In the slavery, Equiano remembered how they starved daily as well as suffering of other fellow slaves. He concluded that in Africa, slaves were not treated so badly to β†’

The war of 1812 research paper examples

This paper intends to discuss the war of 1812 along with several related aspects and further discusses the factors which turned out to be the turning points of the war. Background On probing the reasons of this war, it becomes clear that the war of 1812 was indispensable due β†’

Pestel analysis of derby sandiacre canal research paper

Before deciding on any given decision, the financial department of the Derby Sandiacre Canal management has ensured that the plan is well financed. Social factors The demand of the construction of the Derby Sandiacre Canal also delayed because of the social factors that surrounded the construction of Derby Sandiacre Canal. The increment of the β†’

Lloyds building research paper sample

This form of architecture is an art of maximizing the internal space by successfully locating and functioning the service facilities like ducts, sewerage pipelines and elevators of the building on the exterior! Some salient features of the structural masterpiece are: - The buildings architectural ideology is inspired by an earlier project, Centre Georges in Paris, of β†’

Free research paper about british youth culture after wwii

The confusion and the failure to articulate of the youth culture was a result of misguided assumption that teenage culture was homogeneous and that deviance was a norm. Besides the changes in culture was also a reaction of authority and adults to the youth culture.

James i of england and macbeth

Some critics would refute this point, and argue that Macbeth does not harbour such a passion, and that it is the femme fatale-esque character of Lady Macbeth who taunts Macbeth with demeaning rhetorical language such as " Are you a man?" and " I would be ashamed to wear a heart so white"; there is β†’

Good example of research paper on david mccullogh’s john adams vs sherman edwards and petersburg 1776

Whilst the former is a biography in the grand manner (as we are used to by McCullogh, the latter is a musical which revives the spirit of that important year and is full of interesting and intriguing turns. John Adams was an intriguing and interesting character who was rather enigmatic β†’

Research paper on usa and new imperialism

The aim of the present research paper is to examine new imperialism from the American perspective, identifying the reasons for this new wave and certain difference between European and American approaches, implications for the regions affected and its place in American nation building. Just as the Great Depression can be viewed as one of the β†’

Who killed the princes in the tower

Edward V and his younger brother Richard, were sent to the Tower by Richard Ill.the boys were declared illegitimate and the Duke was crowned King Richard Ill. This to me seems very suspicious and therefore that is why I am convinced Richard Ill killed the princes in the tower.

Pearl harbor: agent cicero in istanbul, turkey, during world war ii research paper examples

The effectiveness of the use of information coming from Bazna, however, remains in question; In addition, it is possible that the entry of British intelligence and disinformation (in particular, the prospect of invading Allied armies in Greece). After completion of the Tehran Conference German, intelligence has done everything possible to learn about the most important β†’

Religion and its importance of in 16th century england research paper

Their views on the diminishing the power of the clergy represented most of the wishes of the enlightened members of the society. Consequently, the actions of the government resulted to the enlightenment of many people in the society. A good number of the puritans in Elizabeth's reign were concerned with the detection and absolute removal β†’

History research paper examples

The overwhelming majority of all these people was accused in collaboration with Poland , Japan and Germany. The key reason for these actions was a creation of the atmosphere of fear in the Soviet society and paranoia of the state leaders, but there were also growing number of facts about real espionage β†’

The history of music in england and its context to cultural identity and how it research papers example

The first source will be a book named " Sound tracks popular music, identity and place" by John Connell and Chris Gibson, the second source will be a great article regarding immigration from " Global Issues" journal and the third source will be another article from a journal from " Studies in Music History" helping β†’

Les maitres fous and theories of colonialism research paper example

At the same time, Durkeim would find merit in the collective conscience that the Hauka people discovered; the rituals would then be a way for the whole of the Hauka culture to gather around and maintain a kind of social order within that framework - a mechanical solidarity. Every bit of the ritual - from β†’

World war i – the battle at belleau wood research papers examples

The introduction of the use of airplanes and submarines for war was also seen in this war. At the outbreak of World War I, the United States had nothing to do it. The end of their training will signify the start of the offensive attacks with the French army in order to defeat the Germans. β†’

Tutoring two esl students research paper example

I originally came up with the idea of tutoring these students because most of the ESL students use the internet to learn the English language, which is a tool not recommended in the learning process. Out of the two students, Student B had a little bit of difficulty in naming some of the pictures that β†’

Free research paper on race is on to find life under antarctic ice sheet

The U.S.and British teams will drill with hot water melted from ice filtered and UV radiated to ensure purity and will immediately withdraw samples from the lakes before the borehole re-freezes. However, Valery Lukin, in charge of the Russian expedition, states that boiling water falling into the lakes will contaminate them, and therefore casts doubts β†’

Founding of america research papers examples

Thus, it was seen as the most incendiary and most accepted booklet of the whole radical era. Thomas Paine's Common Sense, and the Declaration of Independence, conflicts with the Selections of the Federalist, in a number of ways. This paints a picture of the Great Britain establishing a colony in β†’

Research paper on current distribution of power at the global level

Russia and China have started to challenge United States over the issue of oil in Middle East, Japan and India has started to compete over the natural gases and oil bases. Other nations which are challenging United States with their international ambitions are Russia, France, Britain and Germany. During Nicholas Sarkozy's helm of France they β†’

Good london’s model of multiculturalism research paper example

Among main reasons that make London one of the most culturally vibrant cities are: - A great number of museums and galleries, and three of them are in TOP 10 in the world; - Tower of London, Maritime Greenwich, Westminster Palace which includes Westminster Abbey and Saint Margaret's Church as well as Kew's Royal Botanic Gardens are β†’

Research paper on englands political system parliamentary democracy

These are the executive led by the office of the Prime Minister, the legislature which is bicameral in nature and is composed of the House of Lords and the House of Commons. This essentially implies that the legislature is composed of two houses, namely, the House of the Lords and the House of Commons.