Genuine Research Paper Examples

The importance of extracurricular activities camry

When students are involved in activities, they learn how to work in groups. To put it briefly, students who participate in extracurricular activities will see an improvement in their academic and life skills.

To be a successful learning team

It is the trust and confidence that we put in to each other that makes failure obsolete. Being in a learning team at the University of Phoenix has really been a great experience. When assigning tasks to different group members in your learning team, you want to assign the tasks that will β†’

Learning and memory research paper

Hence, alteration of the normal state of the brain may result in alteration of the learning process. Although several researches concerning the brain have been done, there is no specific research that is meant to specifically describe the relationship between the state of brain and the learning process. However, most β†’

The challenges in learning foreign language

A lot more people are crossing the border of the home country either to advance their language skills or to get a bettereducationin a certain sphere. The poorer your vocabulary is, the more likely you are to face the difficulties in understanding the words and thus the meaning of the message.

Apple plans to acquire another machine learning startup, and it’s india-based

What seems like a shopping spree, only months after buying Turi, and also recollecting that Apple bought Perceptio at the end of 2015, rumors of the firm buying another machine learning startup have resurfaced. This time it's India/US based machine learning startup called Tuplejump. Though the representative from Apple neither denied nor acknowledged the buzz β†’

My three most effective college study skills

First of all, making a schedule to confirm what things I need to do and put everything in order is a good way for me to improve the learning efficiency. And I think giving eye contacts to teachers is a good way to give feedbacks to teachers and helpteacherknow whether you have understood or not.

Self directed

The element of culture plays an important role in adult learning and it has been noted that self-directed learning is the central concept in the study and practice of adulteducation. Self-directed learning is related to the learners' culture, learning stylepersonalitytraitsmotivationand readiness to acceptresponsibilityand these characteristics emphasis on the individuality of the learners β†’

Web – based library system

However, when it was established that the vendor of the system has closed shop and has merged with another company, the University Library started to work on the future of the library system that can be considered to replace T-Series. The system is designed to act as a helper for the user who visits the β†’

Employees’ behavior at work

This would show the people that work at the place of business and the customers that there is a low organizational structure. Without the right kind of power and politics in the place of business this could cause discord for people that work in the business. If this kind of behavior is β†’

Multilingualism: controlled vocabulary and survey

The Commission's multilingualism policy has three aims: to encourage language learning and promoting linguistic diversity in society; to promote a healthy multilingual economy, and to give citizens access to European Union legislation, procedures and information in their own languages. Communication from the β†’

Edward albee’s presentation of nick and his role in who’s afraid of virginia woolf

The audience sees nick as an image of youthful pride, unblemished, athletic whose very life is dedicated to eliminating the imperfections in human genes, but is himself revealed as flawed in the play. The young couple Nick and Honey are presented as "passive observers. We are done with humiliate the about a little game β†’

Higher learning reaction paper

From the time when America began its struggle with race andcultureboundaries, people of the United States have shown their true beliefs towards other people who may look differently than they do; and the movie " Higher Learning" is a good example of the type of prejudices. Before the movie even starts, the title of the β†’

Cognitive, research ad learning theory

In Maria's case, one approach is to utilize a cognitive perspective for the learning theories that will serve as the foundation of her strategies. What factors are influencing students' assimilation and accommodation? What are the commonalities and contrasts of students' schema or context? What are the modalities of methods of accommodation? How can mental processes β†’

How grammar is taught in task based language learning method

How Grammar Is Taught In Task Based Language Learning Method The purpose of this essay is to investigate how grammar is taught in task based language learning method at upper secondary high school and what guidance experienced teachers have to offer. The whole issue is how to design tasks which help learner to use β†’

Department copes with ict

The problem for using ICT is that the business may go through a number of problem when training the new staff with the newtechnology. So to keep all this under hand the organisation must have a very efficient information system manager. So the business introduces the new ICT system it is important that the business β†’

Impact of media technology on learning behavior

It is the consistent application of positive or negative consequences to reinforce the occurrence of a desirable behavior and/or to reduce the occurrence of an undesirable behavior. As stated by Malingerer , analyzing a behavior meaner to 7 determine the relationship between theenvironmentand that behavior to better understand why a person behaved β†’

E learning system

The database is Oracle log. This online application enables the ND users to register online, select the subject, read the tutorial and appear for the exam online. 2 Purpose: - Education through the Internet, network and a computer Is E-learning.

Cell functions

It is important, therefore, that learners understand the contexts in which such behaviour occurs in order to develop their knowledge and understanding of the causes and effects of challenging behaviour, and the range of methods used to deal with it. Health and social care workers are bound by professional codes of ractice and β†’

World systems theory

The IMF and World Bank are two multinational corporations that also may have contributed in many ways to the massive inequality that is the global economy. These financial institutions provided aid to needy countries. The countries are then, in turn, caught in a cycle of conceding to the Banks demands and paying β†’

A brief description of non-parametric tests

In addition to this, these methods do not require measurements as strong as that required by parametric methods. Most of the non- arametric tests are applicable to data measured in an ordinal or nominal scale. For example, freezing point of water is defined at 00 Celsius or 320 Fahrenheit, implying thereby that the β†’

Research paper on second language acquisition

The most common evidence of a critical period hypothesis is the fact that older language learners do not achieve the native accent of the language. Therefore, under the social factors, the strongest determinant of acquiring a second language is the amount of the second language that one is exposed.

Vygotsky’s socio cultural learning applied to teaching

The areas are: The Social Sources of Individual thinking The role of Cultural tools in Cognitive Development The role of Language in cognitive development We will also discuss how we can apply Vygotsky's theory to teaching through: Assisted learning Scaffolding and Zone of Proximal β†’

Psychometrics validty and elaiability

Foxtrot and Rood state that the " the validity of a measure concerns what the test measures and how well it does so". In the studies consulted it has been evident that construct and criterion validity were shown to be present in the PAIL B assessment. The Memory and Understanding sub-test β†’

Digitization of library materials

At present most of information networks in other countries engage in their cooperative activities by using Information Communication Technology. This research attempts measure the impact of Information Communication Technology for cooperative activities of information networks among science and technology information networks in Sri Lanka. The aim of the study is to find β†’

Value of learning and the number of bucks

So the NCAA will be deciding whether the athletes should be paid for playing their sport of choice thus demeaning the reason they are at college in the first place. There are millions of students who go to college each year; some play sports, others are in student government, and some are in theater. Paying β†’


A synthesis paper is a review that fuses bolster from various sources that have unique perspectives. After analysis some books, watching motion pictures and taking part in a variety of class exercises, your job is to organize some of the data on all sides of a topic or a problem, make generalizations, and then present β†’

Relationship between machine learning and data mining

This is shown in fig.1. DATA MINING PROCESS The process of data mining consists of various phases: Data collection: This is the first step of data mining process where the data is collected from various sources using specialized tools and techniques and is stored in a database for further processing. Feature extraction and data β†’

Stress can impact on student learning experience?

Levels of stress can help improve the performance of the individual, or vice versa it will lead to a decreased performance. The questionnaires were designed, piloted and then distributed internally, to all members of the senior faculty in SHEI in 1994 to determine their level of stress. About 21 percent of the stress report helped β†’

A learning experience: lost in translation

I came upon this quote while I was looking for some passages or anecdotes that might make for a " first paragraph with a good hook". Emerson's take on the issue of language learning was somehow brutal and unconstructive, instantly attracting my attention since I am an β†’

Free research paper on decision making

Decisions are made by strategic analysis of the business situation and taking rational decisions is necessary for the organization (Nelson & Quick, 2012). In terms of elements that are affected in business through decision making, an example is presented that involve decisions affecting demographic diversity and cultural perceptions. Decision making and β†’

10 harsh lessons that will make you more successful

The only thing that separates successful people from the rest is how they respond after they fail. When facing obstacles, you have to decide if you are going to let them be the excuse for your failure or if you are going to make them the story behind your success. " β†’

Good example of necessity of planning in life and outline for research paper essay

As for a research work planning is quintessential. A research paper is undertaken with a goal in mind, and one must plan to achieve that goal. One has to dream and plan for every step he takes in his research work or writing.

7 great habits of the most successful people

Habits determine 95% of a person's behavior. Everything that you are today, and everything that you will ever accomplish, is determined by the quality of the habits that you form. By creating good habits and adopting a positive behavior, you too can become successful and live a prosperous life.

Success plan

I will be able to realize my strengths and weakness, along with recognizing obstacles that will come up that may create barriers for me to complete the task at hand. While I know that the road to success is not easy and curves will be thrown my way, having a solution to those curves will β†’

Example of should schools decrease class sizes to improve student outcomes research paper

Just one organization The Center for Public Education (an initiative of the National School Boards Association) published an article reviewing previous research, entitled: Class size and student achievement: Research review., which mentioned 19 studies that were found to be of a sufficient standard to include in their own review. The article also mentioned that most β†’

Factors that contribute to the success of your business

Based on these factors, there will be the following segments that the firm will target: demographic, geographic, psychographic and behavioral. In demographic segmentation, the firm will classify the customers based on different factors such as age, location, and income levels. Therefore, market targeting is a mandatory procedure for any business to achieve theirgoalsand objectives in β†’

Dress for success

The company does not provide the dress information before the meeting; it is the company's mistake. And Cohen as a new employee, she is unable to know the dress rule for the meeting. Of course, the employer have an unfettered right to set a company's dress code. The employer β†’

How andrea jung became successful

Both her parents are very educated people and they set high standards for Jung and expected her to work hard for what she wanted and to achieve as much as possible without losing sight of her heritage and values. Having a mentor was good for Jung as she was very successful and had become the β†’

Successfully navigating the turbulent skies of a large-scale erp

In the analysis I will address the challenges faced by Bombardier, the challenges associated with the integration of the large system & its benefits. I will also address how the project team managed and communicated it's vision amongst the firm and how the new roles were defined, communicated & understood. This inefficiency β†’

Research paper on role of business analysis within organizations and its evolution

It covers the evolution of Business Analysis from the recent past to the near future, including possible developments. Introduction Business Analysis can be simply defined as the recognition of the needs of a business and determining both short-term and long-term solutions to the business problems. It majors in the requirements and changes β†’

Research paper on other

This study will cover and analyze the concept of Anomie and this will also cover the types of human responses. Concept of Anomie Anomie is a situation where social norms do not control the actions of people in society and according to Durkheim; it is a breakdown of norms. Durkheim identified an example that β†’

Core areas of a successful business

Despite this, the leader is the one to make the final decision on the matters at hand. There is also a leadership style where the leader delegates the role of decision making to the employees while giving minimal or no guidance. The leader should be able to create a time for reflection of β†’

If 80 percent of success is showing up then 20 percent is following up

In fact, I have lost more deals because of a lack of follow up than I have lost to price, to competition, or to outbreaks of the plague (an admittedly low percentage of my losses), added together. So why do we do it? Customers who do not want to get poor service or have inordinate β†’

Research paper on lou ferrigno

Universe earned him a slot in Guiness Book of World Records as the youngest body builder to win the title at the age of 21. His voice was also used for the remakes in 2003, 2008 and for the Avengers this year.

Success: goals

I have to sacrifice to benefit my future for the reason that my future will be filled with wealth, happiness, and a sense of accomplishment. Continuing to receive the positive outlook I receive from many situations in life. It would have been easy for me to give up, but I was driven β†’

Jfk: the epitome of success

Kennedy decided to take action and ordered a naval quarantine in which the U.S. JFK was the epitome of a successful and effective individual.

American culture vs. jewish culture: success stems from beyond marriage

Through the ages, women have proven their resilience at defying all odds and proving to the word that they are worth more than the domestic roles they were given at marriage. Throughout history, the role of married women as wives, mothers and housekeeper was of much importance both to them and to β†’

Profit indicator of the success of an organisation

Thus this essay is going to discuss what extent is profit a good indicator of the success of an organisation. Supposing there are two companies in the same market and same period. The net-profit of A is 5M and its capital employed is 25M.

Hypothesis research paper example

This comes from observations from people who are successful who have a generally positive outlook. In the experiment, the working hypothesis states that the use of positive visualization will increase the levels of success with specific goals. Scientific Process Groups were asked to produce positive or negative fantasies. It was shown that there was β†’

Effective presentation research paper samples

The introduction, body and conclusion of the presentation would keep the audience glued through the period since credibility from the audience is found hence contributing to the efficient presentation. The practice before hand in the use of visual aids in a presentation helps elaborate the point of discussion in a more profound and interesting manner β†’

Goal setting

16/ : 92-102. Goal Commitment and the Goal-Setting Process: Problems, Prospects, and Proposals for Future Research: John R. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 37, 184-200. Forward, J., & Zander, A..

Research paper on marie anjou war of roses

In order to understand the circumstances leading to her actions and the accolades that she receives, it is important to look at the historical perspective and the circumstances surrounding her actions. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica , the War of Roses can be broadly defined as the series of civil wars which took place β†’

Research paper on community policing

That process of problem solving is based on the SARA model, as follows: - Scanning: The identification and prioritization of problems; - Analysis: Research of the known facts about the problems; - Response: Development of enduring solutions to reduce the extent and the quantity of problems; In essence, the philosophy behind community policing is to involve individual police β†’

How to live a successful life

How to Live a Successful Life As a Student To live a successful life as a student is to accomplish thegoalsthat we have set to accomplish. The first step to live a successful life as a student is to be responsible student.

Successful businessmen

Dream A person who has a dream to be successful in the field that he deals with is an individual who is certain to attain his aspirations amidst all the challenges that he knows he should face along the way. Determination This particular factor involves the realization of the individual of the major challenges β†’

Organizations success

Analyzing the qualities of the candidates needed for the job opening This is the first step in which list of qualities of incumbents are analyzed according to the job requirement. The job profiles should be measureable and objective and should be updated constantly according to the growth of the organization (community β†’

Opportunity is the key to success

We believe opportunity is the key to success. Opportunity is the key to success.

Success is a tag given by others!

Everyone is in a pursuit to achieve it and at the same time wonders how to go about it. The people you speak to should understand your idea and relate you with it.

Current rehabilitation issues research paper examples

If the individual is fully reformed and qualifies for the job, I would give him/her the opportunity. Factors to consider When assessing whether to hire an individual who was formerly a law offender, I will consider the following factors; Rehabilitation records Rehabilitation records are important in determining whether the individual has fully reformed β†’

Example of retention and success of students at a for profit colleges research paper

This paper focuses on the research methods and design that will be adopted and used for this study with the aim of achieving the research objectives and answering the research questions of this study. Research Design This study purposes to determine challenges/experiences that students encounter as they try to achieve their student's success and β†’

Example of research paper on covert action: coups

The involvement of the United States in this coup was through the CIA. The United States held the belief that the Prime Minister of Iran at the time, Mohammad Mossadegh had communist leanings and was consequently bad news to the west. The Iranian premier had been calling for the expropriation and nationalization of oil fields β†’

Mussolini’s rise to power research paper examples

He was sociologist and was opposed to the Christian view of the existence of God. Mussolini remained a great supporter of the sociologists until the break of the First World War. He was able to campaign for fascism to gain support of the people despite the fact that fascism was a new idea to the β†’

How to plant the seeds of success in the new cannabis economy

What does an entrepreneur need to do to open a green business and capitalize on the new cannabis laws? Planting seeds in the cannabis economy is not for the amateur without the right guidance and information. 25em;"> What's the attraction? The possibility of big revenue has people rushing to the retail cannabis business in states β†’

Qualities that are important for a successful teacher

Establishing this rapport is probably one of the hardest things to teach, as it very much depends on individualpersonalityand teaching style, but with some effort can be the key to success in language learning. Working with children for example is a very demanding job as it requires a lot of patience and β†’

Are successful cold calls still possible in the digital age?

This can be good because it creates an opportunity for you, the salesperson, to show listeners that you are a contact worth making and that by listening, they can achieve a better bottom line. Related: Your objective is lost. Real selling is not just about β†’

Factors of success

People endeavor great struggles and hardships to obtain that blissful feeling of reward and individuals are taught from day one to do whatever it takes to thrive. The book Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell is a story of success and how it is achieved. Malcolm Gladwell uses different anecdotes and real life examples β†’

Example of marilyn monroe research paper

The 3D modeling enables the viewers to have clearer view about the legend that was very successful in her career within a very short period of time. Marilyn Monroe also had a spectacular dancing style that has been copied by various artists in the past and in the current film and music productions. In summary β†’

Example of what do parents look for in a private versus public high schools research paper

Religious or moral foundation of the school also determines the choice between public and private schools. It is mainly common in private religious schools than public schools. Parents' education levels also affect choice between public and private schools.

No child left behind research paper sample

The signing of NCLB into law was basically a re-authorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act which is the core law in the pre-college education of the federal government. Race tothe Top This is a program of the United States Department of Education. This program enhanced the competitiveness of public schools based on β†’

What important skills should a person learn to be successful?

I think, that any person can become successful through learning from the mistakes, being able to take risk and having the persistence. In addition to learning from the mistakes and being able to take a risk, having the persistence is also one of the main points of being successful in the world.

Sample research paper on copd

COPD involves many options that can be incorporated at the plan that might be targeting either the prevention, treatment or empowering the community with information, and depending on the issues that are on the plan, and the targeted results determine the design and approach of the plan produced. In this case, I would distribute roles β†’

Academic success is more than just getting high grades

Academic success is more than merely acquiring high classs and executing magnificently in class demands and tests, it is a positive manifestation of the pupils ' ability to larn from their categories and to take what they have learned into a working cognition of their chosen field. Academic success in college nevertheless has non been β†’

Free research paper on harry connick jr

He has numerous achievements and is one of the male artists who have 20 top seven albums and ten jazz albums that were number one ranking hi as the only and best male artist in the jazz genre to have many albums in the chart history. Early life and career The music career of β†’

A successful teacher

Flexibility: One of the tenets of teaching should be that everything is in a constant state of change. Therefore, a flexible attitude is important not only for yourstresslevel, but also for your students who expect you to be in charge and take control of any situation.

The success of the elite white south

During the 12 year period after theCivil War four main groups of people, Southern Whites, Recently Freed Blacks, Northern Democrats, and Northern Republicans, were all competing to rebuild the war ravaged South to their advantage or ideals, but it was the Southern Whites whose needs were most closely met. Because the freedmen were β†’

The good life research papers examples

In this paper I am going to explore what contribute to happiness and good life and contrast Socrates perception of success and happiness with the modern day realities. The changing perception of success Despite the change of times and possibly the thinking of people, the view of life by early time philosophers still reflect β†’

The new deal was not a complete success

His New Deal was a fresh and exciting way of repairing the once great America. His popularity was undeniable and showed the support he was getting for the New Deal among the Americans. Roosevelt's aims were simple and tackled all that was wrong with America; Get the unemployed back to work, protect their savings and β†’

Excellence vs. success

It seems to take a great number of us most of our adult life to live up to our full potential and sadly, many of us never do. Johnston Nonstop 2004) defines excellence and success in a manner that anyone could understand. Excellence is determined by the individual defining it and, therefore, means β†’

Free research paper on useful methods for successful inmate rehabilitation

Prison guards in the Nordic system are highly trained to have the right attitudes to encourage and foster rehabilitative efforts by the inmates, and the resources are there to not only afford the inmates the education or vocational training that they decide they want, but inmates are transferred to a " halfway house" β†’

The differences between goals and objectives

In addition, goals can also be differentiated from objectives as they are abstracts with objectives being more concrete. This means that goals are more of a summary with objectives bearing more details with regards to the abstracts. As well, since objectives are more precise and existing under a goal, they are mostly β†’

Research on the modelling of real world crimes and better understanding of crime patterns

Each one of us conducts ' social behaviour' with other people using the intertwined systems of the social network and the geographic landscape to grow the ' social connectedness' which could be consisted of the various societal indices representing the complex components of human communities ( cohesion, capital, integration, psychological sense of community, and etc.). β†’

Competency goal 6 cda

I have the children assist in setting the tables, instruct them to keep allfoodand utensils on the placemats, and encourage them to use all utensils. I encourage the children to participate in conversations.

Research paper on counseling theory paper

The weaknesses of SFT are connected with simplicity of the approach and the lack of empirical research. Further, the therapist will have to scale the closeness of the client to his/her goals or a problem solution, helping construct effective steps to the preferred future of a client. The role of the therapist using the SFT β†’

Slavery and successful slave revolt

The first migrations to the Americans were by cattle. The Bantus migrated to America in the 1800s.

Is single-sex education more effective in improving students’ academic achievement research paper

If the research shows that single-sex education is more effective in improving the academic achievement of students in middle school, such a program should be taken in consideration in order to maximise the academic performance for this level of school. The purpose of the study is to use the " One Group Pretest-Posttest Design" β†’

Investments homeword

A year from now the economy will either be in a recession, a state of " normal" growth, or a boom with probabilities of 30%, 40%, and 30% respectively. After analyzing ABC you determine that the price of ABC a year from now in these various states of the economy will be: β†’

Investment fraud

So the idea that people find ways to con the system is not that far fetched (especially if there are examples of in my opinion of what's borderline organized crime, that gets away with what is so easily plain and simple: theft from the public. According to the Securities and Exchange Commission, the β†’

Rearch paper

Business costs : the direct influence factor to the efficient use of capital. Costs increase as prices of goods and services increased by reducing consumption leads to reduced efficiency of capital. On the other hand the use of capital is influenced by interest rates and time to mobilize funding. Selecting and β†’

Dollar-cost averaging for investing in mutual funds

Thus, dollar-cost averaging reduces investment risk by smoothing out the ill effects of cost fluctuations (" What is Dollar Cost Averaging," 2009). According to State Life Insurance which has its own mutual funds: " In the end, the average cost per share should be lower than the β†’

People of the philippines vs andre marti

Marti contends that the evidence had been obtained in violation of his constitutional rights against unreasonable seach and siezure and privacy ofcommunication. Ruling : 1. The Bill of Rights governs the relationship between the individual and the State.

Federal tax research paper

The taxpayer now held the silver bullion as an investment. What was the issue of the revenue ruling? The issue was whether an exchange of the gold bullion held for investment of the silver bullion qualifies for non-recognition of gain under IRC's Sec.1031. What was the IRS' conclusion to the issue in the revenue ruling?

Lockheed tri star

The net present value of purchasing this new equipment is negative, and the internal rate of return is less than the cost of capital; thus both calculations confirm that the investment will not provide additional value to the company. Rainbow should purchase the machine under this service plan as it results in a positive net β†’

Return on investment and residual income

Max Burgman, the manager of the Park Theater, had the following master budget and actual results for the month. Assuming that the theaters are profit centers, prepare a performance report for the Park Theater using the chart below. Determine the variances between actual results, the flexible budget, β†’

Example of the correlation between state income, state educational expenditures and sat scores research paper

They concluded that there is " no relationship, effectively, between spending and academic outcomes". Questions: Since we already know that a family's income has a strong relationship with SAT scores, it may be interesting to look at how average state income (what the average person earns in a state) and average state educational expenditure (how β†’

Women art and the society research paper

Charles was influenced in a way he became a lover of design and fine art, and Ray was influenced to love architecture. According to Alexander , the walk to fame by both Charles and Ray was not easy but together they were able to change the society through art. Museum of Modern Art.1941. McAleer, β†’

The ethical imperative – contrarieties

The article dissects the different characteristics attributed to those optimistic and pessimistic. It describes the institutional pessimism of business, and explains how it is a product of fear the fear of making mistake and of trying something new. He develops on five core fallacies that ground the pessimists' antipathy and prevent correction.