Genuine Research Paper Examples

Morality and moral values

If you have got to give a speech on moral values you have tostressthe significance of moral values in life and should never ignore them. Here are some things you may use so that you can present this essential subject to your audience. In your speech on moral values you have to find β†’

Pre marital sex

Teens nowadays too tend to have this perception that sex before marriage is acceptable and would not even bother the consequences of it. They will not want you to suffer fear of disease, unwanted pregnancy and the psychological difficulties of premarital sex.

Seize the opportunity

First of all, it's impossible to say " Yes" to everything, but you could almost certainly say " Yes" to more than you do. When your friends invite you to join them to do something they like, and that you have never tried, what would you say. We all have potential, and β†’

Matrilineal societies

The Nairs and Mappilles in Kerala, the tribal groups of Minicoy Island and the Khasis and the Garos of Meghalaya are the followers of matrilineal system. Study Area The basic aim of the study is to understand the structure of matrilineal system and the changews that has taken place in it over the period β†’

Warren harding error

The author used a combination of scientific studies , historical accounts , social happenings , notable trends , and simple day to day observations regarding the creation of snap-judgments called thin-slicing. The book opens our eyes to the fact that in coming up with judgments and decisions, we β†’

Teenage hypocrisy

Think that at least once in our lives we all try becoming someone. Or try to pretend to be someone we are not. So is important to remember who we are and where do we want to be.

What causes a crisis

Real ignorance is a lack of understanding of the law of cause and effect in our own lives. Many of us seem to think that we can do whatever feels good acquire wealth, achieve status, pursue romantic conquests, eat heartily, and so forth ften at the expense of others, without ever having to concern ourselves β†’

There is always more than meets the eye

The poem " The Beggar & the Tourist" clearly shows how looks can make people wonder what kind of person you are and how valuable is to society. In the " The Beggar & the Tourist" it is between a bum and a suit tourist and in the song " The Way I Am" it β†’

Examine the relevance of unitarism to contemporary

Lastly it will reason by sketching the figure of elements associated with the employment relationship and whether the unitarism position bases an apprehension of the employment relationship between employer and employees. There are legion premises of the unitarism position within the workplace. The unitarism construct can be seen as an attack to command the employees, β†’

Filipino traits

We also have the unwavering joie-de-vivre in us. Despite the economical and political issues we face, we still have a candle of hope that never ceases to radiate. I see that we are starting to ake a good image of our country.

William blake’s songs of innocence

The collection as a whole, by meaner of paired poems in Innocence and Experience (The Lamb, The Tiger; The Echoing Green, The Garden of Love/London; The Nurse's Song ; Introduction ; The Chimney sweeper , etc) explores the value and limitations of two different perspectives of the world. Flake's objective in Songs β†’

Psychosocial paper

I will attempt to review the behaviors and influences on my relationships along with the negative and positive outcomes of my stage of psychosocial development. I also discussed the influences on behaviors, relationships as well as negative and positive outcomes of my stage of psychosocial development.

Legal and ethico moral practice of nurses

The purpose of this study was to look into the level of compliance to the Legal and Ethico-Moral responsibilities of Staff Nurses of Selected Tertiary Hospitals in Lucena City and the assessment of their head nurses. To achieve this purpose, the researcher determined the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of β†’

Kohlberg’s moral judgment model

When a child experiences a dilemma in which he or she must be able to come up with a particular decision and actualize it, Kohlberg tells that the child's judgment could be explain through his model. The first three stages are crucial for the reason that the child's response is dependent on his or her β†’

How to get rid of the homeless

For many years we all witnessed the life the brutal life of homeless people, and for many years we try to figure out a way to get rid of them. This means we normal people will not have to spend a dime at the grocery store, because we would have plenty of children to β†’

Choosing the right college

The student should ask his or herself if they would like to attend a larger school or smaller school, private or public, and take into consideration themoneyhe or she would like to spend in order to get a qualityeducation. These main questions can narrow down the choices and make the process less β†’

Covering ignorance

From this perspective, we can see that the Yoshino's " new civil rights" that should be based to individual rights rather than groups can have a drastic change in how our society functions. On the other hand, Yoshino argues that a " new civil rights" is needed for harnessing individual authenticity rather β†’

Necrophilia cases

It is a very rare and unwell understood phenomenon. Legends with necrophilia themes are common throughout history and the concept of sexual interference with the dead has been known and abhorred since the ancient Egyptians, as noted by Herodotus : " When the wife of a distinguished man dies, or any woman who happens β†’

Pareto optimality

The implications of this view in welfare economics are that, once an economy has ceased to grow, it is impossible to increase the wealth of the poor without opposing the Pareto criterion; in other words, without making the rich worse off. This then becomes an argument for retaining the status quo, even if the distribution β†’

Meeting conflicts and interventions

Let us first define what is conflict: Conflict refers to some form of friction, disagreement, or discord arising within a group when the beliefs or actions of one of more members of the group are either resisted by or unacceptable to one or more members of another group. Conflicts in meetings. Conflict resolution β†’

Urban vs rural

Harriman and her boyfriend life started well, their financial situation was great there; they bought a house, she started a new work at a media start-up called modern farmer and Patrick also was very happy with his new work especially because he had the relaxation and the peaceful fife that he was deprived β†’


Now, however, more and more feminist voices are rising to accuse Barbies of stereotyping girls' perceptions of their bodies, making them strive for unattainable ideals. Emily Praeger in " Our Barbies, Ourselves" vindicates the producers of toys for instilling in girls harmful stereotypes, creating unrealistic expectations of β†’

Inspiring a shared vision

I can still see what I would like the functionality of the website to be in my head, and continue to take every strenuous step forward that I can to achieve this sometimes lofty goal. The problem with my job is that an individual best undertakes creative tasks, yet everyone wants to have input on β†’

David lurie in disgrace by j. m. coetzee

This is not the last time David engages Melanie regardless of her strong reluctance however, and Melanie eventually has enough and reports Lurie to the University where he teaches. David Lurie goes from being the predator, to now being the one who is being chased. Lurie uses descriptions of animals as a β†’

Can the morally right action be explained as that action which maximizes good?

This kind of goodness is relative to the kind of object or thing which is being discussed, therefore it is essential when discussing ' goodness' within Aristotelian ethics that we are specific to ' human good', as humans are the only organisms able to have rational capacity, and therefore able to be virtuous, " the β†’

Π‘ivic sense

A lot of people assume that civic sense is just about keeping the roads, streets and public property clean. But civic sense is lot more than that; it has to do with abiding to the laws, respectfor fellow citizens and maintaining decorum in public places. Vandalism, separation, road rage are the few β†’

Cartesian compromise

One Tattered Angel captures the Mind/Body Problem, proclaiming the existence of the spirit and challenging the connection to the body. Mind, Brain, and Self in Psychoanalysis: Therapeutic Implications of the Mind-Body Relation.

Job-hopping – is it good or bad?

In the past few years, job-hopping has become so widespread across the industries that even a four years stint in the same organization is considered to be a stable job. The downside of job-hopping Many job-hoppers think that jumping from one job to another in rapid succession is a sure way to reach the top.

Case of aline deneuve

She also said that she was ignored to give a promotion six months ago by her supervisor Jack as she was Chinese, and that her supervisor does not like foreigners. She also stated that the three day retreat held once a year will not solve the anti-social atmosphere between the employees. She β†’

Bishoy fanous writing 102 professor riveland

It can be helping someone out or looking out for someone in need. Meaningful work can be defined as enjoyment of the worker, dedication of the worker to the job, and involvement that the worker shows toward his job. In order for work to be a hundred percent meaningful to the worker β†’

Structure of the family and relationships within it

Thefamilyconstellation, or structure of the family, the relationships within the family, and the characteristics of the individual children all impact sibling relationships. Family constellation refers to the number and sex of the adults and children including the birth order, type of relationship (biological, adopted, stepparent or sibling), age, and spacing of the β†’

Positivism vs interpretivism

For example, in a sales department, researchers can separate two different groups of the employee one of the group is getting stable salary and the other one is getting commission salary. Based on the data of two different group's employee, to compare its working time, output and time required for specific work β†’

Filipino social acceptance

The subject while talking the test was quit. But when he saw some of her dormate he talk even though I am in front of him. He wishes the presence of his father.

The perils of obedience by stanley milgram

Zimbardo wanted to test the effect that prison has on guards and prisoners. Milgram and Zimbardo were both interested in how people obey under authoritative circumstances, using " fake" settings to test obedience; however the writers differ in the seriousness of the fight for individuality and the use of reality. Since Zimbardo's volunteers knew that β†’

Hume: morality is based on sentiment

Aquinas' statement " Whatever ahuman beingseeks, it seeks under the aspect of the good and if it does not seek it as its perfect good, which is its ultimate end, it must seek it as tending to that perfect good, since any beginning is ordered to its culmination" can be interpreted to mean β†’

Implicit association test

I think people think it is wrong because all the attitudes of the whole thing and I do not agree with them. It is normal test for people to check on their attitude and my is very equal towards all races and religions. I think people do not think this is the way to test β†’

Antitheatricalism – ben jonson

Due to the nature the actor's role in Ben Jonson's Volpone, the play was also implicated in this moral battle. The ideology behind the Puritan protest was based on biblical sentiment and the patristic literary tradition of Roman writers like Tertullian and St. Volpone seems to be conveyor of Jonson's acknowledgment of the actor's transformative β†’

Practical wisdom

Practical wisdom as highlighted by the authors is like an antidote to both rules and incentives: it appeals to good judgement andresponsibility. The author's encourage you to self-reflect and think more consciously about what you do. Reading some of the examples in this book where practical wisdom was exercised, reminded me of β†’

Georgiana cavendish background

With reference to Georgiana Cavendish there is a clear outlook of how the society started to defy the widely defined and accepted norms for the women in the society. Georgiana was therefore expected to be obedient and submissive to her husband from the time of marriage throughout their lives. All the women β†’

Highlights of the german pension fund

The coverage of biometric risks and not merely its function as an investment instrument was one of the social requirements emphasized by the European Parliament but not adopted in the final draft. The plan guarantees participants a right to their benefits guarantees, a compulsory redemption of contributions, β†’

Anthro fieldnotes

Define and give a bit of its significance, such what these people/things/practices/ rules are and do in the book (go to other side of page or a new one if necessary): Text never A shaman who was believed to have the ability to enter a trance and negotiate for his patient'shealth. Fading β†’

Kochansak and aksan

It is a major concern of children's parents and teachers because compliance will help a child follow simple orders at home by his or her parents and follow rules and regulations in the school. Body There are two kinds of compliance according to the book of Kochanska and β†’

Ob : all the wrong moves

Don Rifkin is the main character of the case who tries to correct the decisions made by the company at the time of crisis or otherwise. While going through the case we tried to find out the main reasons for poor decision making of the company and tried to find the solutions for the same.

Duty vs. desire

All humans are blessed with a plethora of gifts, but all have one in common: life. This being said, there is one common humanistic duty: the obligation to live that life in the most satisfying manner in the hopes of reaching fulfillment. If this is true, how is one supposed to make β†’

Blue shark

I think that it is very special how you are able to tell children about your story and each them to not Judge people for being different. You inspired me to never give up and Just stay strong Just like how you stayed strong through the holocaust and how you never gave up β†’

ο»Ώbalancing modern and traditional living

The attraction of modern and ' shiny' things, as Keeper says, that pull people away from traditional practices and values are indeed, extremely persuasive. It's difficult to choose because they " wanna be a part of one world cause it's all shiny and fast but afraid to let go of the other β†’

Chanda’s secret- stigma

Not only Africa but also all over the world there is a lot of prejudice and misunderstanding in society about AIDS and the people who get this disease. AIDS is the most horrible disease that everyone fears whether they suffer from it or not. The folks will not know about her death β†’

Transformational learning

This learning cycle of intricate tasks is broken down into four stages, recognizing a significant problem, confronting it intensely, finding a solution, and integrating a new perspective and a new set of assumptions into your life pattern. The intensity of this procedure is often painful and stressful, hence forth the old saying " no pain, β†’

Me as a writer

In the essays " How Computers Change the Way We Think" and " Is Google Making Us Stupid" both authors address the issue that throughout the yearstechnologyhas changed the way we think and process information. Students ' blog' and ' tweet' about personal information that on some social networks is available β†’

Legal and regulatory environment research paper example

This paper will discuss the importance of security measures and will give an insight of the applicable laws that will prevent cyber crimes. Keywords: Cyber Crime, Security, Information Technology and Policies Legal and Regulatory Environment Committing cyber crime is the same as acting against a prevailing law for which the act of offense β†’

Business & ethics of becton dickinson and the safety syringe controversy author

The fact that Becton Dickinson purchased a number of the patents for safer syringes, they only offered on size when they finally started to manufacture the syringe. The fact is that while Becton Dickinson was fighting to keep the new safety syringes from the public, Retractable Technologies, Inc created a better and safer syringe with β†’

Steps taken to ensure security of personnel

Security strategy should coordinate information among enforcement of law and security agencies and strengthen cooperation of police and community through sharing information to know the causes of insecurity in an agency. Operation plan should help in providing timely information about criminal activities that may arise so that the director of security can β†’

Health and safety at work

Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 , section 2, " It will be the duty of every employer to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all his employees." This highlights theresponsibilityemployers have in ensuring their employees are safe of chemical, physical and β†’

Fire analysis and investigation research paper

In addition to this, the paper is also going to look at some of the effects of these laws and decisions on accessibility and collection of evidence from the fire scenes. Significance of Fire Investigation and Analysis Acts of negligence, criminal acts, or negligence coupled with a number of other mechanical, related factors are β†’

Criminal law research paper examples

The first known form of documented law was the Ten Commandments that protected the women and the weak. The leaders turned the law enforcement agencies into personal armies and this led to corruption in the system.

Food security in india

Ten years after the dismantling of the universal public distribution system systems, the statistical jugglery of the targeted food distribution system actually excludes millions of poor in both the BPL and APL categories. Targeting is linked to neoli9beral policies that seek to limit, if not eliminate, the government's welfare responsibilities. According to a replay given β†’

Free texas policy research paper example

There should be a fresh debate and reconsideration over the issue of gun control because the issue is directly associated with public health and life. Transportation problem Transportation has always been an issue of concern for the state. Texas transportation, roads and traffic needs more attention and concerned bodies should give their hundred percent β†’

The business of security deposits in landlord-tenant laws

But, if the tenant does not fail to meet any of the terms of the lease, the landlord must return the entire security deposit amount to the tenant once the latter has vacated the property previously rented. The term 'security deposit' does not include earnest money or pet fees which are β†’

Free research paper about refugee law and policy

By assessing the two policies, as well as the policies in other countries, it is possible to highlight the respective strengths and weaknesses of the proposed arrangements, the degree to which they act as a deterrence or encouragement to more asylum claims, and whether they can be justly applied against the background of Australian current β†’

Research paper on ethics in health care residence abuse in hospital

Working for long hours beyond the allotted time is an ethical issue since it has the potential to affect the outcome of the treatment on the patients and the efficiency of the service offered by the overworked medical practitioner. 0 Ethics Working for long hours beyond the allotted time is an ethical issue because β†’

Free research paper on china and japan conflict over the uninhabited senkaku islands

In Japan, the group of islands is known as the Senkaku Islands, and in China, it is known as the Diaoyu Islands. The potential of the islands for military use in the future and their implications for security and national defence seems attractive to both countries. In terms of the economy, the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands are β†’

Landfill mining and excavation research papers examples

The process used by landfill has six phases; excavate and separate landfill material into the soil, combustible and residual materials, recyclables, remove and disposal of wastes, remediate soil, refill to bring the intended site to reline or grade, and monitor after completion of the project. The necessary funds are provided β†’

Explaining legal and ethical tensions between maintaining confidentiality and sharing information

Communication has got to be understood before it can be effective and so I try to ensure comprehension when I am verbally speaking by getting staff to repeat what I have asked them to do. One of the biggest preventatives and barriers to effective communication is noise.

Refugees in yemen research papers example

Apart from the refugees, Yemen suffered a blow from the internally displaced persons who had been displaced because of the war in Yemen. The deteriorating humanitarian situation in Somalia is the main cause that has led to the fleeing of Somali citizens to other countries. The security in Yemen, which was worsening made the work β†’

Example of research paper on fire safety organizations

11 March 2013 . IHS." National Fire Protection Association " 11 March 2013 . Techstreet." National Fire Protection Association"

Motorcycle safety

The study was conducted on random times between six in the morning and midnight on different days of the week and different directions of travel. The participants of the survey were randomly selected on the road and were interviewed as to whether they use their headlights during the daytime, if the driver uses reflective or β†’

Threats to international security research paper sample

Today, the greatest threat to international security in my view is the political state of the Middle East vis- -vis the rise of insurgent groups using terrorism to fight ' infidels' in the name of religion. Particular emphasis will on the on the spread of terrorism, organized crime and the recent nuclear rush in the β†’

Maintaining national security in a society

Explaining further, in the implementation of national security measures, although intended to protect the nation or the society, the reality is that it sometimes unavoidably and automatically have a tendency to confine an individual's rights and liberties.. This situation is not that difficult to deal with, however, it entails great understanding on the part of β†’

Good example of research paper on hacktivism remain a cybercrime

While computer hacking is the process of manipulating the course of the function of networks and systems. Hacking is just like trespassing and trespassing is a crime and illegal.

Social security in canada research paper

Canada is one of the countries in the globe that employed social security after World War one with the aim of protecting individual's and family's income inadequacy that was extremely influenced by high levels of illnesses, accidents, pregnancies, disabilities, deaths, absence of breadwinners, unemployment, retirement among other factors. The main impact on the imposition of β†’

P r i s o n research paper examples

With the better organization of the society the inflict of punishment and its serving also needed better and more civilized organization. Prisons appeared to be one of the most effective places to serve the punishment and they had to be constructed and developed in accordance to society and time. Prisons 1 Prison is a β†’

Social security research paper

Social Security The US social security system is a system that caters for the financial need of the poor and unemployed in the United States of America. This would lead to a deficit in the future because the money available to service the social security would be inadequate and need to be augmented. β†’

Research paper on relevance of the 3ps for research in medical laboratory science

This in research means looking at the welfare of the participants in a way to safeguard it. Finally, participation denotes taking part in activities that help both the researcher and participants.. In retrospect to Charles Grinter's session, the above 3Ps are demonstrated in the subsections within the session.

Research paper on cyber security mobile code

This document will discuss the concept of mobile code, the types of mobile code, security considerations and finally presents comments on mobile code. Definition of Mobile Code Mobile code is a kind of technology whereby a code is downloaded from remote computing device, possibly not trusted systems, but execution takes place on local

Health and safety in the workplace

If a person is found guilty of an offence by a sheriff under solemn procedure, he could be fined an unlimited amount and/ or imprisoned for up to three years Improvement notice If an inspector is of an opinion that a person is contravening a relevant statutory provision, 2 or β†’

Example of pro gun rights research paper

Legalization of guns puts all people on a platform where they are suspicious of each other and, are, therefore, likely to deal with other using reason, non-violence, respect, non-intrusion and other ways that promote healthy social interactions. The phrase " guns do not kill people, people kill people" as used by musicians, rappers and poets β†’

Gun control research papers example

The manner in which guns are controlled in the state is determined by the mechanisms that are put in place to ensure the safety of individuals is guaranteed. Due to the sensitivity of this matter, it therefore becomes important to have a policy that achieves the best balance in owning firearms. The regulation of firearms β†’

Va information security

This paper looks at the information security situation in the United States Department of Veteran Affairs with an aim of analyzing the organization's information security policies, standards and measures used by the organization to ensure confidentiality of its information. VA has in the recent years been on the spotlight concerning its information security β†’

Gsm based portabel vehicle security system

This project is designed for the immobilizing of the vehicle by GSM mobile phone. The project consists of a circuitry with Microcontroller AT89c51 and GSM modem in a vehicle and a GSM handset for Owner. Relays are used for the activating and deactivating the alarm and the locking system of the vehicle doors. β†’

Medical records security paper

In my paper, I am going to explaintechnologythreats that an organization might face with having medical records put on a database. I am also going to explain the information that will be protected in medical records on the database. Patients medical records represent who they are, organizations must understand that, and live up to β†’

Unit 242 it security for users

5| | Describe ways to protect hardware, software and data and minimise security riskThere are steps to prevent threats to system and information: access to information sources should be allowed with Username and password/PIN selection. The system set up on password strength; how and when to change passwords ; online identity/profile; β†’

National security is more important than human rights

For centuries the courts have been standing safeguards of protection of persons against unreasonable intrusion of the State, generally interpreting the Constitution and the Bill of Rights with preference of personal human rights protection. Nonetheless in the end of the 21st century there appeared several factors which so much influenced our society that the matters β†’

Should people in the public eye expect their privacy to be respected by the media?

The definition of public eye is people in the one, which consist of politicians, athletes, celebrities and other individuals who are famous. For my presentation we will be concentrating on the public eye and whether they should expect their privacy to be respected by the media. It is the amount of public interest involved that β†’

Social web research paper examples

Pediatricians should help families to understand social websites and encourage healthy use, urge parents for monitoring their children due to potential problems associated with social web usage as extensive use can include depression, cyber bullying, exposure of inappropriate content and pornography. Benefits of Social Websites Social websites are a good way for connecting people β†’

Free research paper about environmental regulations

Enacting HB 257 by the State of Georgia in addition to regulating tire disposal the State intended the vertical expansion of the existing municipality solid waste landfills with the goal for meeting federal requirements to expand landfills horizontally. Managing landfills underpins the federal Environmental Protection Agency protection of β†’

Mobile security and why it’s important

Focus on the accuracy of the assumptions and conclusions. I followed the assignment instructions and highlighted them on my printed out sheet as I completed each necessary step. I printed out the material for Unit 5 Assignment and highlighted as each step was completed. I used the grading criteria to hopefully β†’

Driving safety and distractions

I will also generalize between the different types of distractions and there affect. I will also use data from different driving accidents to see what caused it and the age and gender of the person.

Score a $75 gift card when you buy this stealthy security system, plus more deals

With the included $75 Gift card it is one of the best deals we have seen and is far less expensive than the competing Nest DropCam which charges for cloud storage. OLED HDTVs are one of the best picture qualities you can buy and are among the top choice for home theater buffs. You will β†’

Research paper on policing

In most countries, the criminal justice system and policing organizations work in unison and have the obligation of providing adequate security to the people, protecting the country from external invasions and maintaining law and order in the society. American is the leading superpower nation in the world with well-established military service and national intelligence system. β†’

Law enforcement management 2 research paper examples

Data and information dissemination has become easy using these facilities. The impact of information systems in the criminal justice system will improved the performance of law enforcement agencies including the police and the courts. The data library in the law enforcement agencies is considered a reasonable means to keep a domain of the information and β†’

Example of government 2306 research paper

This is despite the fact that most of them did not settle long-term in the state until the latter part of the 20th century (Orrenius, Zavodny and LoPalo, 1). The foreign-born population part of Texas did not however exceed the nation's migrant population in the state until the 1980s. Undocumented Immigrants in Texas: A Financial β†’

Police militarization in the united states research paper

There was a fundamental shift in the way these agencies related to one another as well as towards the public. Some of the effects of the shift to this mode of operation include the change of the mode of confrontation of a number of issues by American citizens. The move β†’

Free research paper about american corrections

Over the years, the state prisons have experienced increase in prisoner population, hence the need to control the problem in a manner that the security is not a compromise. A parole is allowed to offenders automatically by the board that is in control if the sentence allowed parole. A parole officer acts as the monitoring β†’

Backlash of apartheid: racial profiling in the american society research paper sample

Since 2007, the UN has not found the right negotiation atmosphere to make the Moroccan Government and the Polisario Front to agree on the status of Western Sahara. The purpose of this was to separate the Polisario and the almost 80% of the territory west of the berm which it controlled. In tracing the historic β†’

Free challenges of securing information: attacks, attackers and the need for defense research paper sample

However, even when all security measures have been taken, it is hard to completely guarantee immunity from attacks or consider a system to be completely secure. Information security can be considered as protection since its main goal is to create defenses that ward off security attacks and prevent collapse of the system in case an β†’

Confidentiality and informed consent

Professionals in many settings create and utilize very ifferent techniques of informed consent and confidentiality. In professions where professionals constantly see people who are troubled.who see the everlasting devastation of grief, pain, and the disparities of people in situations that they cant change, it can be very taxing and wearing on even the β†’