Genuine Research Paper Examples

Substance abuse, homelessness, hunger and how they relate

Substance abuse Substance abuse is the excessive use of drugs and alcohol to the extent that they become harmful to an individual's body and mind. The deplorable conditions under which the homeless people live in provides a reason for them turning into substance abuse as a way to drown and forget their current poor state β†’

The evolution of developmental psychology

Without the vital research and theories, one might never have understood the inner workings of the mind and how nurturance, nature, and other factors affect apersonalityover time. This type of observation is the most natural and non-evasive way of conducting research and one of the best ways to get pure information.

Native american from the colonial american era

NATIVE AMERICAN FROM THE COLONIAL AMERICAN ERA Events which took place in the United s of America in the of the 17thcentury were of critical significance to the country's history. The relations between Natives and Caucasian colonists varied from one tribe to another, as exemplified by the Indian tribe and the native inhabitants of Narragansett β†’

Research methodology and analysis for cosmetic issues

It is the fact that cosmetics issues still are kind of girls' topic, boys are less willing to do the questionnaire, and 50 of 158 male did the questionnaire. 2 % of respondents felt that they are loyal to brands, and only 3.

Bengaluru: the startup capital

The city, which is home to headquarters of successful homegrown companies like Infosys, Biocon also houses the best of the startup names like Flipkart, Ola Cabs and a zillion of other names. Priyank Kharge, the newly appointed IT and BT minister, has come up with a number of initiatives to motivate the startup community in β†’

Research paper on dollar vs rupee

Dollar ND relationship in terms of Rupee appreciation that is dollar depreciation and rupee depreciation that is dollar appreciation. This is conceptual study based on Rupee Dollar relationship in terms of Rupee appreciation that is dollar depreciation and rupee depreciation that is dollar appreciation.

How sports influenced me

A few things I learned include how important teamwork is and how critical it is to have a good work ethic. One of the most important things I learned as a high school athlete was how to work well with others.

My imaginary story

She saw his rigid veins on the surface of his skin stretching out in creeks and streams to the ocean, the blood running so dark of a blue it startled her, but what can he ever do to her? As he deepened the kiss, what remained of her slowly dissolved into ashes and his heart β†’

Leadership research paper managing across the organization

The culture was one in that the superordinate goals of winning their division, making the playoffs, and eventually winning the Super Bowl were the only goal for the team. In the simulation Managing the Organization, there is a point where the fitness company promotes the role-player to the vice President of the Production Department.

Wholly owned subsidiary advantages

In a stable and mature industry the major objective of promotion is to influence consumers' choice for the company's brands and products. Product proliferation strategy essentially involves having a product in each market segment or niche and compete face-to-face with rivals for the customers.

Women and minorities in law enforcement

The hiring of minorities and women changed the role of modern policing as everything had to be changed to give way to minorities and women. The importance of women in policing should not be overlooked because they bring huge changes to every police department and are intelligent people.

Suzanne britts sloppy people vs neat people

Neat people are lazier and meaner than sloppy people. When sloppy people say they are going to tackle the surface of the desk, they really mean it.

Gossip in faulkners a rose for emily research paper

The use of the collective first-person narrative is Faulkner's way of building up a notoriety and legend to Emily, so that when the grisly truth is discovered at the very end of the story, it carries a more profound payoff and sense of horror. Also, there is no narrative room to establish a single townsperson β†’

Methamphetamine research paper

Smoking meth causes the body to absorb the drug quicker and leads to faster addiction. Meth also blocks the reuptake of dopamine and other neurotransmitters, another way of increasing the amount of dopamine in the synaptic cleft.

The formal structure of organisation

Job definition specifies the boundaries of a job by describing what tasks the job does and does not involve, the responsibilities and expectations of the job holder and the authority of the job holder to make decisions. Customer Service - Liase with other internal functions and departments to ensure that the highest levels of customer β†’

What is bibliotheraphy

They learn vicariously how to solve their problems by reflecting on how the characters in the book solve theirs Some approaches in Bibliotherapy * Traditional bibliotherapy * Tended to be more areactive' * Focused on getting individuals to react positively or negatively to the reading material.* Therapeutic process * More interactive one: the reader becomes β†’

Boston tea party

There were three famous ships, the Dartmouth, the Eleanor, and the Beaver were sitting in Boston harbor, their holds full of tea that was not being unloaded because of the angry residents of Boston were threatened not to buy or use the tea. The Boston Tea Party was a symbolic act, an example of how β†’

Faith in humanity

As well as Liesel, the main character in The Book Thief, and the Germans in the time of Holocaust, the Thai people also have a massive amount of faith in humanity in their own kind. Faith in Humanity is, and has been, practiced all over in the world.

Who is responsible for willy s demise

He cannot accept the fact that he is no longer a successful salesman, that his sons are not successful as Charley son, also that he has been unfaithful to the only person who ever loved him no matter what, his wife Linda. When he became a salesman at an age around eighteen or nineteen and β†’

Headscarf debate in france

The essay analyzes other factors that influenced on the banning of religious symbols in France in order to compare their role and the role of laicite in passing the law as well as to prove that laicite had major impact on the banning of headscarves. With the beginning of decolonization in the 1950s and the β†’

Co-operative sugar mills limited, salem.

Our Sugar Mills consists of 4 divisions and 2 sub divisions in which 12 cane sections are functioning Objectives of the mills The main objective of the mill will be manufacture of white sugar from Sugarcane and the sale if sugar so manufactured along with the by products to the best advantage of the members. β†’

19th amendment to the constitution

19th Amendment to the Constitution * Women gained the right to vote in 1920 in the 19th Amendment. Economic Growth in the 1920s Despite the 1920-1921depressionand the minor interruptions in 1924 and 1927, the American economy exhibited impressive economic growth during the 1920s.

Educational leaders in a globalising world

Bottery argues that a globalising universe is now the context within which educational leaders need to border their work proposing that an apprehension of the planetary nature of policy issues, and of their impact upon educational work, needs to be incorporated into a re construct of school functions and duties. Most surveies on educational leading β†’

This may be the world’s first functioning 3-d printed building

This is the first 3-D-printed building in the world, and it's not just a building, it has fully functional offices and staff," the United Arab Emirates Minister of Cabinet Affairs, Mohamed Al Gergawi, said". Dubai's strategy was to have 25 percent of the buildings in the emirate printed by 2030, he said.

Trials and tribulations in james 1:12-18

Trials and Tribulations in James 1: 2-18 The Epistle of James is one of the books of the New Testament that deals with the Christian character and how to deal with daily Christian life. It is the duty of Satan to cause doubt in the mind of the Christian so that they will believe that β†’

The mystery of big foot

Scientists discount the existence of Bigfoot and consider it to be a combination of folklore, misidentification, and hoax, rather than a living animal. The most controversial evidence of Bigfoot's existence is the infamous Patterson video.

Contracts practice exam

Further, given that to the terms of the offer were " same as last year", it is reasonable that Bob was aware of the terms of the agreement. Was there a valid revocation of the contract for Greenhouse on February 5th?

Literature oregano

Related Studies Oil of Oregano According to Scott Gavura, the less evidence that exists to support the use of a treatment, the more passionate its supporters seem to be. And while it is popular, there is no science to support the use of oil of oregano for any medical condition.

The uk has a multi party system rather than a two party system

The structure of the House of Commons also supports this idea because the two main parties sit on opposite benches in parliament, creating a government vs.opposition system, where the two main parties move between these two seats, currently with Labour as the opposition. This shows a clear end to the two party system, with three β†’

Somali culture lifestyle and how it affects on housemaids

The purpose should not be a reproduction of the title, but should be a summary statement of the reason why the study is being proposed. While the purpose is a general statement of the aim of the study, the objectives must be specific.

Knowlege on segway

You can choose between the versatile and sleek flagship model, the Segway i2 with lithium-ion batteries standard); the Segway x2, or six different fully equipped packages tailored to such uses as commuting and golf. For Businesses Businesses worldwide have discovered the enhanced productivity and increased mobility inherent to the versatile, reliable and durable Segway i2.

Trade secrets: how to procure a passport

The storyline of Dirty Pretty Secrets which is set in London, England, revolves primarily around three people: Okwe, a cabbie by day and a desk clerk at the Baltic Hotel by night; Senay, a friend of Okwe's, who is a maid at the Baltic Hotel; and Sneaky, the head clerk at the Baltic who uses β†’

History of graphics

With the arrival of computer aided graphic design an assortment of novel effects, digital techniques, and innovative styles have been emerged in poster designs. Howling was born in the Rhine-Main region of Germany, though he and his work are associated with Munich and Bavaria in southern Germany.

An action research study of nigeria lng limited

Subsidiary Questions: Which environmental factors determine success in Nigeria LNG Limited What are the similarities and differences in critical success factors for project management in Nigeria and international standards What are the best practices of project management in Nigeria and how can project optimization be improved 2. Thus, it can result in the development and β†’

My beliefs, values, and clinical gestalt with individuals and system’s paper

I am also going to add some of my personal insights about the strengths that I have and the areas I need work on. The simple fact of the matter is that I belief it is my turn to take time and return the favor to someone that may need a helping hand.

Mulai periyar dam

Mullaperiyar Dam or Mullai Periyar Damis a masonry gravity dam on the Periyar River in the Kerala state of India. The dam is located in Kerala on the river Periyar, but the dam is controlled and operated under a period lease by neighboring Tamil Nadu stateSupreme court judgment came in February 27 2006, allowing tamilnadu β†’

Wobbling pivot

There was a riot that had happened in China where there was a riot that happened and there were a lot of people protesting for domestic tranquility in Beijing. In the streets of Changing there were people in taxis and most of them that took a ride was businessman and foreigners because the fares prices β†’

The birth of complex cells

The n, they have to provide an evidence HOW did the host cells symbiosis with the living c Hence, being able to see how science is conducted, I really appreciate all the perseverance and patience the scientists put into a research just to find ONE evidence to support/overthrow a theory.2. Yes, this paper really allows β†’

ο»Ώrelationship of sales and inventory

A successful relationship between sales and inventory operations involves either a predictable rhythm of inventory turnover as a result of consistent sales, or dependablecommunicationbetween the two divisions so the inventory department will know how much the sales department needs. Solution The Inventory module of Shopfloor-Online MES is able to: Create a record for each pack β†’

Day when every thing went wrong

However I ran to my bus stop and to my utter misfortune the bus had already left. Again I ran to my house and luckily my brother was there to take me to my school.

Love is repaid by love alone mother teresa

She gave up her Sisters of Loreto robe for the blue and white sari of the poor, to aid and live among the destitute of Calcutta. Mother Teresa recalls:" I realized that I had the call to take care of the sick and the dying, the hungry, the naked, the homeless - to be God's β†’

Sigmund freud’s theory of psychosexual development.

They were living in a rented room in a blacksmith's house at Schlossergasse 117 As a result of the Panic of 1857, Jacob lost his business and the Freud family had to move to Leipzig before settling in Vienna in 1865. This led to the emergence of Freud's new theory of infantile sexuality and eventually β†’

Dignity of labour

This contempt of manual labour is absurd and wrong and the distinction between manual and mental work is misleading. All manual work even so called unskilled labour requires some thought and the skilled work of the engineer the carpenter and the builder and the potter is really as much mental as manual.

Mobile technology

Taste for variety is the reason behind the connection for the revenue of growing food truck business and social surplus likewise social media is used to communicate with the customer. Changing consumers' tastes and preferences and inclination towards consumption of street food and beverages has resulted to rise in demand for food truck business over β†’

The simple gift

The sense of acceptance of Bendarat can be seen in the quote " Bendarat is the perfect town" and this portrays that even though it's not a perfect town but Billy sees it as a faultless town due to the connection that this town his provide Billy though old Billy and Caitlin. The Simple Gift β†’

Barbie doll:represent what a perfect american woman is

Piercy wrote the poem Barbie Doll, and in this poem she states woman do not need to fit into society's point of view of what a woman should look and act like. Piercy attended the University of Michigan and was the first in her family to attend college.

Contribution to radio programme changing time

Relating to the internet; the next change, or introduction, that I welcome into our world today is the phenomenon of portable handheld internet devices; such as laptops, iPhones and the latest " must-have" the iPad. Speaking of crime, the final change which I welcome to our society today is the issue of thesmokingbans, making it β†’

Research paper

While in the 20th century saw the rise of the industrial revolution with steam-powered machines intensifying and expanding human productive power, the 21thcentury was characterized by the birth of machine-powered flight and the emergence of broadcasting and computer technologies the extend the reach of human creativity even more and made possible new ways by which β†’

Euro zone advantage and disadvantages

It is still in the mind of the people that should UK join the Euro Zone or not and what would be happen if it do not join or join. Global financial cause started in August 2007 gave a strong argument for the United Kingdom to join the EMU and assume the euro quickly as β†’

Intellectual property rights

High R&D input spillovers and low appropriation of the rents that flow from successful innovation reduce the profit that flows from successful innovation, but for different reasons. Uncertainty There are three kinds of uncertainty, which differ according to what sort of thing the performer is uncertain about: truth uncertainty, semantic uncertainty and ontological uncertainty.

Graffiti art

Since the root of the word " graffiti" is " to write," then it can be interpreted as a human need forcommunication. Without a better understanding of why artists turn to graffiti, it is not surprising that the average person's image of this type of artist is far from accurate.

Building up without base

However, the project runs the risk of becoming shambolic in future as infrastructure has to exist in the first place for the government to make it smart. We look at mobility in terms of energy efficiency and the mode of transport that can move people from one place to another in the most energy efficient β†’

Adolescents how society affects them

Because it is filled with constant changes and uncertainty, the risks of losing the sight of the right path is quite high. The use of drugs by teenagers is the result of a combination of factors such aspeer pressure, curiosity, and availability.

Is space exploration worth the cost?

I would like to see NASA and those members of Congress most supportive of the manned space program convincingly let the public know that the value is there, where the value comes from, and why it is there. The space program I chose was the manned program to the Moon consisting of the Mercury, Gemini, β†’

5 inspiring lessons from the cubs’s journey to the world series

The grit, resilience, hope and triumph seen in last night's game between the Chicago Cubs and the Cleveland Indians is a great reminder to the rest of us that anything is possible. Never giving up, relishing the pressure and setting highgoalsdrove these players from the bottom to the top.

Can machines think?

It could be said that the human brain is nothing more than a machine, and as we know it to be capable of thought it would be fair to surmise that therefore machines can think and it is probably this, or a similar premise that inspired AI. Regarding the entire room, the person in the β†’

Tiffany case

Under the new agreement, Tiffany's wholly owned subsidiary, Tiffany & Company Japan Inc, assumed management responsibilities in the operation of 29 Tiffany &Company boutiques previously operated by Mitsukoshi in its stores and other locations in Japan. The repurchase of inventory by Tiffany necessitated the reversal of $115 million in sales and related gross profit previously β†’

E-learning in health profession

The publication of the National Framework For Lifelong Learning and subsequently the development of the scheme Supporting Best Practice in e-Learning across the NHS work together to determine the development of C & A; IT expertness within the NHS work force; the National Programme for InformationTechnology delivered through local execution by Strategic Health Authorities and β†’

Surfing- counter culture

As surfers began to express themselves more and more freely throughout the 1950's and 1960's, the surfing sub-culture that was portrayed by the media, with retrospect to Gidget and Beach Part, began to diminish in the eyes of society; as a new breed of antisocial surfers stood in opposition of the culture that was created β†’

The role of culture in international management

Cross-cultural understanding by individuals and the organization as a whole serves to eliminate misunderstandings that could harm the business and maximize the best attribute each individual has to offer. The challenge in the uncertain global economy is to learn and effectively practice international management.

Dorothy and the tree

Using the example of Dorothy and the tree, Fish is able to show how with our assumptions, we as people categorize others and things into what we believe to be correct. He believes it takes practice to accept the fact that there are things that we cannot comprehend because there is no limit on the β†’

Theory of the case study research

The research interviews are the mediums where the knowledge is produced in the interaction of interviewer and interviewee. Moreover, the results of case study research are in big quantities that it is hard to conduct and analyse.

Bosom friend

I addition, Jenia goes in for sports and she is fond of tourism. And I could say, these words are about my friend as Jenia, because she is a true one.

Characteristics of the byronic hero

In England we have a reinterpreted Paradise Lost, a number of Gothic novels and dramas the heroic romances of the younger Scott, some of thepoetryof Shelley, and the works of Byron. In all of these works the Byronic Hero is the one protagonist who in stature and in temperament best represents the [heroic] tradition in β†’

The current state of the criminal justice system

As institutions evolve, it is imperative that the criminal justice system evolves to respond to the changing concerns and the new challenges that arise. The Police The main challenge that the police force confronts is the constantly changing face of crime and the criminal mind.the criminal mind is constantly evolving and characterizations of criminals can β†’

Adult day care centers

The licensed nurses would be responsible for the overall day-to-day operation of the center and particularly ensuring that the center is operating according to state licensing regulations and health department policies and procedures. This type of chain is more of a pyramid and is well-suited to the organization's needs.


Lippitt felt that the coordination issues were a condition of the nervous system and was one of the first to want to treat it with therapeutic measures. He was a neurologist and he felt that dyspraxia was caused by lesions in the brain, especially to the dominate hemisphere of the brain.

Baderman island expansion

Weaknesses of a merger for Baderman Island are the many distractions that rise to the surface. Recommendation The suggested option for Baderman Island Resort to take at this point is to merge with a larger chain of resorts.

Main features of french rule in indochina

This destruction of the social system along with land ownership changes resulted in a small elite group of Vietnamese land owners who collaborated with the French and left the 90% of the population of the peasants oppressed and inpoverty. A number of Vietnamese groups tried to rebel and were executed by the French.

Mephisto products ltd

That plan has to include and not to be limited to: The demand of product and services, a description of its competitors and a stand point of the business and its competitors for their strengths and weaknesses. The problem on this approach is that's not enough for a product to be superior to sell out, β†’

Erikson and meet the parents

Mastery of each stage's challenges is not necessary to advance to the next stage but unconquered challenges are likely to reappear in the future. The two characters I will be relating to different stages of Erikson's developmental theory are Greg Focker and his soon to be father-in-law Jack Byrnes.

Mr bhekokwakhe ntshangase

In this Tutorial Letter you will find the assignments and assessment criteria as ell as instructions on the preparation and submission of the assignments. It also provides all the information you need with regard to the prescribed study material and other resources and how to obtain them.

Business policy and strategic management

Theses strategies are: In the first year of expansion of Starbucks in the year 1988, they ' more than doubled' their existing 11 base stores by inaugurating 15 new stores in Pacific North West. Starbucks launched packaged tea because of growing demand of tea in the year 1995.

Complete college design presentation

The students should be given advice on the progress of such courses first. In addition, there should be a well developed automated contact system to the students through social media, email and many others.

Water crisis : a plethora of opportunity for startups lies here!

Karnataka and Tamil Nadu are stuck in a tussle for ownership of the Cauvery River, what lies in this battle of states is the opportunity fortechnologyintervention. Since a significant amount of water of the Cauvery river is used by farmers for cultivation, there exists an opportunity to introduce newer methods of agriculture and water usage β†’

Use office equipment

If a fault does occur, I know that it is something to do with the equipment and it is not anything that I have done. When using equipment it is important to maintain it and keep it clean to prolong the life of the machine and for you to get the most out of it.

Somali people and djibouti

S Foreign Policy vision in the HOA region; support for U.S. Djibouti supports African Union and U.S.

Eco 372 week 2 individual paper

Unemployment rate is the measure of the prevalence of unemployment and is calculated as a percentage by dividing the number of unemployed people by the individuals that are currently in the labor force. The cost of groceries affects the government because this is a good that is produced and sold within our country; which affects β†’

Organizational and business performance

At the core of this must be attention to the short, medium, and the long term organizational and business demands, and also the value, frequency and nature of the supplies. The ethical line in the utilization of resources is to maximize and optimize resources in the pursuit of objectives and is based on the judgment β†’

The impact of daycare on infants

What is the centers policy on disciplinary action for children In addition to these questions a parent should tour the facility and go over the safety procedures for the facility. The important thing for the parent is to do there homework ahead of time when looking for a facility.

The function of the sales department in sony

The function of the Sales Department in Sony is to sell to the customers. The factors effecting organisational structure are the number of employees, the type of premises used and the type of business.

Reflection on law enforcement and advancement of policing

The police system in today's society and back during the seventeenth century both have the same agenda which is enforcing the law and keeping the peace amongst the people and the city, state or town. The differences between modern day policing and the police system back in history is that, in today's society they have β†’

Main challenge in international staffing

In this assignment, we will define in a first part the four main approaches to staffing within International Human Resource Management and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach to international management. They represent a critical IHRM issues in international staffing, so the challenge is to find the right people which are consistent β†’


When Caesar was killed unexpectedly, Cleopatra was left in both a bad and good position - she made sure everyone was aware she considered her son by Caesar as an heir to Rome. The Roman people increasingly began to see her as a threat to their public - They were very much against Kings and β†’

Public sector organisational effectiveness research

Two questions invariably arise in discussions with practitioners and policy-makers about ' Public Value': The first is what is ' Public Value' and is it possible to have a single ' public value' in a world of conflicting public values and institutionalised competition between values systems? The rise in the standard of living and the β†’

Judicial conduct and disability act

Indeed, Article III, rather than being meant to insulate judges from internal oversight, was meant to safeguard the independence of the judiciary from the Congress and executive. If federal judges did not have tenure for life, it would be easy for them to become affected by various issues and crisis that were prevalent in the β†’

Inflation in bolivia

Inflation has plagued and sometimes crippled, the Bolivian economy since the 1970s. Fiscal and monetary reform reduced the inflation rate to single digits by the 1990s, and in 2004 Bolivia experienced a manageable 4.

The haunted house

When Kaitlyn and I arrived at my house we sat around chatting waiting for it to get dark, before we started to trick or treat. Finally, we made it back to my house, I gave a short terse wave to Kailtlyn and she adjourns to her house.

Countrywide financial

Moreover, while lendingmoneyto low-income and minority families justifies a higher interest rate due to the risk of debt default, lending money to families that would very unlikely be in the capacity to fully repay their mortgage is a threat to both the financial institution - who would have lost the invested money - and the β†’

Self awareness and opportunity awareness

Another weakness in this area is that I am not resilient to change and the exercise states that most of us have this as a weakness but its something that is always going to happen and we need to accept change and thrive upon it. To improve in this area I have completed the exercises β†’

Darden capital management

For each stock, the team had developed a financial forecast and an estimate of the fair-value of the stock in 007. Hill countered that the attractiveness of Placer Dome stock was primarily in its diversification effect.

The daily wine news e-newsletter

It is one of the first online marketing strategies, and works by taking the user to the advertiser's own page. In the online version of Allure magazine, a popular publication that caters to women, one type of banner advertising that can be viewed is Latisse's, a product used to grow eyelashes, making them darker, longer β†’

Legal and political aspects of the business

The administrative agency I choose is the Social Security Administration and the proposed regulation is " Amendments to Regulations Regarding Withdrawal of Applications and Voluntary Suspension of Benefits". According to this proposed regulation they are limiting the time for the withdrawal of old age benefits applications.