Genuine Research Paper Examples

Example of research paper on sexuality and families

In the past, parents were the main agents of socialization; in the contemporary society, education on sex has been taken over by media and peer pressure. In schools, children are taught on the dangers of unprotected sex.

Good research paper on child abuse: parens patriae

Even graver is the responsibility of the State to ensure the wellbeing of its children. Parens Patriae is a doctrine that obligates the responsibility of the State for the wellbeing of the children.

Free research paper on health care provider and faith diversity

It is therefore imperative for the health care provider to have a good knowledge of as many religious beliefs as possible in order to learn their perception about religion and their own concept of the healing process. Health care providers in any institution that provides health care need to be β†’

Example of abraham in the bible research paper

This was confirming that God would transform the Gentiles into righteous people on the base of their faithfulness to the maker. The circumcision of Abraham is a mark of covenant between him and God. Despite the conviction of God's promises to Abraham, the accomplishment of divine pledges, particularly the conceiving of a son to become β†’

Sample research paper on the christology debate

This paper discusses a number of theories and opinions regarding the deity and humanity of Jesus Christ, as well as the necessity of the matter in the Christian truth. 1. 1 The Heresies of the Manichees and Marcionites In the ancient times, the reality that Christ was clothed with the true substance of human β†’

Dreams in a raisin in the sun by lorraine hansberry research paper sample

In Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin in the Sun, the trials and tribulations of the Younger family, a black family living on the south side of Chicago, reveal the flawed and unfair nature of the American Dream. Walter, Mama and Beneatha in A Raisin in the Sun are shown having varying definitions of the American Dream, β†’

Research paper on follow of tradition

The story takes places in a beautiful day, people are gathered in the town square, and all are getting ready for the ritual, but, with a certain release given by the years of continues practice, are presented the old days when traditions were more stringent and the formalities more complicated. A very important clue related β†’

The practice of islam throughout the world amidst challenges and cultural divergence research papers examples

The teachings of the Prophet Muhammad and the doctrines that are transcribed in the holy book, Quran, lay down the foundation of the Islamic faith. This paper will also focus on the interactions of the Muslims and non-Muslims. Teachings and beliefs The beliefs of Muslims are based in the teachings of Muhammad.

Contribution of christianity in a pluralistic culture research paper sample

0 Background information Despite the necessity of encountering pluralism in culture as a requirement of fulfilling the Christian mission of sharing the good news about Christ to others, the phenomenon constitutes a complex theology that may pose a serious danger to the faith of an unprepared Catholic, particularly in the context of ecumenical dialogues. β†’

Rules based versus principles based accounting research paper examples

All this has fuelled the debate on the efficiency of principle-based accounting when compared to rule-based accounting. Discussion Although there are many local standards setting bodies, the two main bodies that set accounting standards are the Financial Accounting Standard Body and the International Accounting Standard Body. The body has other concepts that form part β†’

Religious conflict research paper example

The most significant religious conflicts witnessed are between the vibrant Christianity, the growing Islam and the revived Hinduism. The rivalry is mainly as a result of selfishness, intolerance, ignorance, suspicion and mistrust between the followers or believers of the various religions. Conflicting religions The north of Nigeria is mainly composed of Islamic dominated states β†’

Religious persecution

The help is helpful to solve the religious persecution and have saved a lot of people's life in those countries. Religious persecution in Whitia is a problem which is not easy to solve, and the United States should get involved to help Whitians solve it.

Oncology nursing research paper

The main variables of the research were complementary and alternative medicine attitudes and knowledge. The research used questionnaires to obtain data and information from the nurses. The main intervention the research question is aiming to get, is the opinions, attitudes, and knowledge of oncology nurses on CAM, and in so doing get the patients and β†’

Free research paper on important job attitudes

The manager has to ensure that employees feel comfortable at work and that they feel appreciated, supported in order to be committed to the organization. Organizational Commitment This is an important job attitude because it has a direct influence on the employee's performance. The attitude has a direct influence on their commitment and productivity. β†’

Organizational readiness to adopt new research implementations research paper sample

Barnsteiner and his counterparts believe that proper preparation before conducting a research countered with proper understanding of the subject of research is the beginning of reliable and informative research. For example, research on new medical practices must be in line with the culture and alertness for change. Research is defined β†’

Should all states require motorcyclists and passengers to wear helmets research paper sample

The thesis however remains that as a precautionary safety measure with a great potential of averting the loss of human life all motorcyclists and passengers should wear helmets at all times when they are in use of the motor apparatus. The audience in this research is primarily motorcyclists and people who use motorcycles on a β†’

Saudi arabian-american cultural considerations research paper example

For the purposes of this assignment we will consider Saudi Arabian-American cultural considerations with a special respect to beliefs and rituals, communication and dietary considerations. Beliefs and rituals As opposed to the modern population of the USA, whose predecessors substituted native population, Saudi Arabia can be proud of a significant β†’

Sample essay on nursing research

In order to come up with the best results of the study all this factors need to be considered. My research is about comparing 100 schools' NCLEX first time pass rates after implementing the new curriculum and before the implementation of the new curriculum. Not only are the factors that directly affect a research are β†’

Similarity research paper examples

Despite the differences, we interact well because of proper management of personality differences. My colleague and I share personality attributes, which tend to make us work together in harmony. Ambitious We are both ambitious and have set high targets for ourselves. This common personality trait creates the devotion to work together and assist each β†’

Two types of computer software

The application software is all the software that uses the computer system to perform useful work beyond the operation of the computer itself. Software refer to one or more computer and data held in storage of the computer. System software is the backbone of any computer.

Brief history of computer by ajiboye daud

Computer history comprises the evolutionary journey of computing systems, the timeline of operating systems as well as the history behind the development of a wide variety of computer software and hardware. They used the operating system manufactured by the Seattle Computer Products as a template to develop DOS.| 1984| Macintosh operating system came up in β†’

10 worst computer viruses of all time

While some pranksters created virus-like programs for large computer systems, it was really the introduction of the personal computer that brought computer viruses to the public's attention. A doctoral student named Fred Cohen was the first to describe self-replicating programs designed to modify computers as viruses. Unlike the Melissa virus, this threat β†’

Computer research

How should schools tackle the challenge of teaching these " digital natives? ' And how can teachers engage students in ways that are familiar to them, as well as harness the power of these technologies to repaper youngsters for an increasingly complex world? These questions were explored at the 21st Century Classroom, a β†’

Train traffic monitoring system

Operation Information systems for staff Such Operation information systems for staff is located in every station and provides the station, train and maintenance staff with the required information regarding train status and the latest train diagrams in real time. All such information of the trains and its status updates is been provide by OMS to β†’

Ace hardware point of purchase observation

Researchers are either mixing in the subjects undetected, or observing from the distance. This method is used so that the subjects' behavior will not be contaminated by the presence of the researcher. The conversion rate of the store will be determined by observing the number of customers coming in only from the main β†’

A world without computer

When I got up early in the morning, I found the sun still shining in the sky, the streets were still congested with cars." Oh, I have said that, nothing will happen! " I murmured to myself. I was not surprised to see the empty table where the computer had been putting for so long β†’

The role of computers in our daily life

The computer is one of the most brilliant gifts of science. The interconnection of computers worldwide, i.e., the internet, is revolutionizing the concept and the conduct of business.

Bead bar network paper

It is required to create a network design and the appropriate topology which would be of good to the company for communicating the requirements and sharing information to keep in synchronization with the current state of the business. The network topology would be discussed which would make β†’

Human computer interaction

After selecting the engage the user can choose a Vegetarian menu or Non Vegetarian menu. Then if the customer chose the Vegetarian menu Vegetarian menu list will be displayed, as well as for Non Vegetarian menu. From the stage we give the conclusion that this view has the initial appearance, vegetarian and non-vegetarian β†’

Working in the it industry

Researching the requirements Grade P1 You will have to research the characteristics which are needed to get a job in the industry. The best way to go about the task is to state the characteristics and then to describe them. Being unorganised can be very annoying to other members of your team β†’

Relflection paper on interpreter as an gatekeeper in medical discourse

In the Davidson's study, there were found examples of the way in which the interpreters tend to align themselves with the institutions and to strengthen institutional voice, often at the expense of the voice of participants. In this case, the institutional setting is hospital and participant is the patient. Davidson's study of medical discourse was β†’

Importance of computer network service levels

It aims to literate the people managing the network to be aware of these different key areas so that they may always be reminded of their duties and responsibilities in securing the network. Network Computers Networked computers have been a part of every business both big and small. The IT group with the help β†’

Involvement and involvement factors when buying a computer

You should plan to purchase your new computer so that you can get a good product life out of your computer. If you are a business person and are always on the go, you should consider the purchase of alaptop computer.

Mark zuckerberg, an american computer scientist, software developer and philanthropist

Do the public realize both the positive and negative impact of facebook to the society and are they the smart user or blind user of Facebook? Objectives The main purpose of this research is to determine the level of awareness among Malaysians regarding the impact of facebook in the life. The researcher strongly agrees β†’

How computers effect our lives?

On the other hand, the computer is a great tool for people who are looking to learn anything in the world. Whether you want to read books or search the news, or get information worldwide, the computer can handle all these of things. Finally, the computer is a very spectacular tool that β†’

Computer class

When using a source for a research paper It Is always very Important to verify the book, website, photo, etc. In order to verify the validity of a photo on the Web, people need to check the source as to wear It came from, If the website Is not a website with absentia β†’

Computers are replacing more and more jobs

We get a lot of help from computers and believe that computers could make people's lives and jobs easier. In publishing, a lot of jobs are gone, many in layout and production, since computers do layout and design faster and more accurately.

What is the influence of alternative splicing on the topology of interaction networks?

In this research, we attempt to study the influence of alternative splicing on the topology of the physical and genetic interaction networks in Homosapiens, Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster. Result: The analysis showed that the degree of AS and non-AS genes follow a power law distribution and there is a very small difference in the β†’

Mtv networks: the arabian challenge

However, the company faced the most challenging test in late 2007 with its launch of MTV Arabia in the Middle East, which some experts considered as the biggest launch in the channel's history. While the market in the Middle East offered MTVN with huge opportunities due to its huge youth populace, MTV's controversial content that β†’

Dental records and income monitoring system

The Dental Record and Income Monitoring System will be developed for the monitoring and managing records of patient's information and the clinic's income. This procedure will result to the development of the Dental Record and Income Monitoring System. Objectives of the Study Dental Records and Income Monitoring System is proposed to lessen β†’

Wearable computer

In the non-ending struggle to increase computing speed, it was found out that speed of electricity might become a limiting factor in the speed of computation, and so it was a need to lessen the distance that electricity had to travel in order to increase the computing speed. This idea still holds true in modern β†’

Computerized cashiering system at libraries

Record of the transactions of books is maintained in written and kept with the librarian. Drawbacks of present system Provides the facility of books only during the working hours of the University. Alerts The system can alert the Librarian or the administrator in case of any problems.

Research and development – business studies 13939

After the research the company has to have good confidence that the product is fit for sale before they produce it. And as they have used heavy research and development they can be a major competitor in the market place.

Negative and positive effect of using computers

The children should allow them to use it in the supervision of parents only. " Using a computer everyday can have more negative than positive effects on children. It is also worthy to galvanize the use of computer during children's leisure time. There are a galore of strategy related computer β†’

All the troubles in the world

The computers systems in " All the troubles of the world" by Isaac Asimov and Minority Report were both very different. In " All the troubles of the world" by Isaac Asimov the entire world is controlled by Multivac. However both the computers in " All the troubles of the world" and β†’

Why don’t we have enough hardware startups today?

There are many reasons for that and there are a lot of disadvantages for India in manufacturing. In software our position is well known and well established globally. During hiscareerin Government, he held a wide variety of key assignments many of them relating to the ICT sector, both in the Government of India and the β†’

We are becoming increasingly dependent on computer technology

This technology now reaches into almost every area of our lives and it is easy to predict that this phenomenon is only going to grow. My conclusion is that the growth of computer technology is inevitable, but that this may not be entirely positive.

Fundamentals of computer

Mechanism of Laser Printers: Transfer of Data The very first step in laser printing is the transfer of data from a computer to the memory of the image processor of a printer. The transfer corona applies a charge of about +600v to the paper and when the paper passes through the drum, the toner which β†’

Disadvantages and advantages of computer

With computer and internet connection, you can have easy access to information. Risk of addiction to online gaming and online gambling.

How to play soccer

The next step in playing soccer is to actually play against your opponent. The objective of a soccer game is to score as manygoalsas possible on your opponent's goal. These are all the reasons I have to tell you that soccer is one of the best sports in the world today.

Computer information system brief

Kudler Fine Foods is looking to further expand the business and has asked Regal CPA's to evaluate the company's accounting operations. After evaluation of the systems and policies Regal CPA's will advise Kudler's on how to integrate the computer systems to meet business needs. Smith Consulting has been contracted yearly β†’

Web mining research support system computer science essay

Application of data mining techniques to the World Wide Web, referred to as Web mining has been the focus of several recent research projects and papers. Thus, design and implementation of a web mining research support system has become a challenge for people with interest in utilizing information from the web for their research. β†’

Brain vs. computer

Memory is the ability to store and revive information. The memory process for both the computer and human brain are very different. The human brain memory is not measurable.

Data transmission in computer networks

Following are the ground why its happened, Diffraction Current induced in the Earth 's surface, which slows moving ridges near the Earth, and because of this moving ridge forepart tilt downward. These can be some ground that why Low frequence are non used for informations transmittal in computing machine webs. Low frequences - & β†’

Computer literacy research paper

You sign into Backbone and the first thing you see is, " What is on your mind? " You no longer have to call all your friends and tell them you are having a bonfire and they are all invited. If you can not find what you are looking for in that search, it will β†’

Computer input and output

The channel contains the logic circuitry and storage needed to monitor several 1/0 device control units and provide pathways to and from the CPU. Role of Channels and Control Control Units High Speed Control unit Low Speed Jinni 1/0 Devices Channels and Control Units The transfer of data between the 1/0 unit, he β†’

Impact of computer on our society

Ilorin Being a paper presented at the closing ceremony of the 1st computer training and issuance of certificate by Ascetic Computer Centre on the 15th September 2007 Introduction At this closing ceremony of the 1st computer training and issuance of certificate by Ascetic Computer Centre, let us lift our eyes toward β†’

Will doing a master’s get me a better job?

For some students this is to put off the thought of getting a ' real-job' for another year (which is a bad reason to do a Master's!), but for others it is seen as a route to further develop theireducation, themselves, and ultimately their employability. But that invariably comes with a cost: another year of β†’

10 lessons you should learn sooner than later

Take risks. You are not entitled to much of anything in this world, and that's a good thing. Stay true to yourself and be the genuine you. 8.

Masculinity versus femininity

If the main idea of the story is seen it is a tragedy but the original idea of this story is masculinity vs.femininity. Okonkwo made his whole life on the basis of masculinity and so he gave to his tribe.

Myers-briggs paper

Although I agree with the order of the results, I would also put feeling number one. Of course, this may not be the case for every opposite, but I think for the majority it is true.

Lorenzo’s oil

In the Movie Lorenzo's oil the disease Adrenoleukodystrophy or also known as Schilder's Disease, a rare inherited disorder that leads to progressive brain damage, failureof the adrenal gland and eventually death, is institutionalized by Augusto and Michaela Odone's struggle to find a cure for their son who has ALD. In this movie β†’

Navy seals

These men were willing to do everything and anything to become part of the elite group known around the world as the Navvy Seals. Navvy seals are groups of elite soldiers, known around the world for their abilities in he air on the land and in the sea. Which is one of many β†’

Marxist and neoclassical economics

Now, readings of Marx that posit him either as the last of the great classicals or as the leading left-wing critic of classical political economy often share the claim that Marx extracted from the classicals the view that labour is the sole source of value. Marx is applauded for his consistent formulation of a labour β†’

Time talks with accent

Since his time in Brazil, Levine has focused on the concept of punctuality and its effects on thehealthof people and society. He has found great diversity in the concept of time, among cultures and within countries.

Nominal group technique

When all or some group members are new to the team. When some group members think better in silence. Source: When is it useful? ? ? ? ?

6 ways embracing mindfulness helps you thrive at work

Why? Because it can help employees thrive, which ultimately benefits the bottom line. In fact, here are six of the most powerful reason why you should embrace mindfulness if you want to thrive at work. What is mindfulness? Before we get into the reasons why mindfulness should be embraced, let's β†’


Behaviorism theory best describes this explanation. The second individual believe that the root cause of committing a crime is poor parenting, specifically, thefailureof some parents to teach their children the values ofrespectfor the law and for the rights of others. I am a caring person since I was born, during my childhood, I β†’

Introduction to duty of care in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings

1 Describe how to respond to complaints. First of all listen to the complaint and assess the right action to take. Once you have established this you should be able to either deal with the complaint yourself or advise which course of action to take and to whom to take the complaint β†’

The bobo experiment

Bandura had several hypotheses about the results of the Bobo Doll Experiment that were appropriate with his vision on the concepts of social learning.1. Children observing an adult role model operating in an overly hostile manner would be likely to replicate similar behavior themselves, even if the adult was not there.2. Bandura believed that children β†’

The whipping boy

The prince, prince brat, is the most horribly behaved boy in the kingdom! A whipping boy, according to prince brat, is supposed to bawl and cry, but Jemmy never did, he was very strong and held in his screams.

Instrumental conditioning

In potty-training, the child must discover what response is necessary to stay dry and receive a reward. Positive reinforcement is the basic practice of rewarding a child for displaying a desired behavior, such as using the potty. A vital factor in instrumental conditioning is the concept of positive and negative reinforcement.

Balancing modern and traditional living

It's difficult to hoose because they " wanna be a part of one world cause it's all shiny and fast but afraid to let go of the other world that's slower and more familiar.". The speed of the world is getting faster and faster with the Whitemans inventions and it's hard to β†’

Wa student duty of care policy

0 Part 2 Action Plans Below are action plans that a teacher in the following scenarios could note and introduce to ensure that the teacher is consistently adhering to the Western Australian Government and the Department of Education & Training's, Duty of Care Policy.7. As per the teachers duty of care policy (Department of Education β†’

City of kelsey

We have people that work the farms, teach our children, work the mills and those that are here to serve and protect us such as the police officers, firefighters and ambulance personnel essay writer vancouver. The community offers up a variety of opportunities for our members to gather together and socialize such β†’

Youth and politics

K, Contact me in 08105837859, Youth And Politics Youth are young generation of the country. Youth should join hands to enter politics to protect our country from old orrupting politicians.

Stand here ironing

Further, while the mother is looking for employment, Emily remains under the care of some unidentified neighbors. Moreover, when the mother is out working, Emily remains under the care of her father's relatives. This essay analyses " I Stand Here Ironing" to show that the task of bringing up children is communal based β†’

Internship: overview

The program coordinators/departments expect that internship will be an opportunity for the students to apply classroom knowledge to the real-world setting. The employer/Company hopes the internship program partnership to be a path to determine hiring ; retaining talented students seeking permanent employment after the internship program. KDU has linked with National Apprentice and Industrial Training β†’

An overview of egoism and altruism in society

People may not know it, but it is always human nature to put oneself before the rest of the people in the society. The difference between psychological and ethical approaches is the fact that moral egoism does not attempt to hide the fact that self-interest is of the primary concern while on the other hand, β†’

Margaret atwood- moral disorder

It gives insite to their failed marriage with the fact that OOna would give her total life's attention at her writing, and leave Tig to take care of the children and the house completely alone. Even though to the public eye Tig and Oona's relationship could only be described as perfect, it is obvious that β†’

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

I felt as if I was an introvert as compared to the extrovert person that I am usually. Although the familiar saying ' two hands are better than one' might be true in most cases, it appears that there are situations when this saying is not truthful. Later on, I spoke to one of my β†’

The natural

At the beginning of The Natural movie, the additional portrayal of Roy's childhood leads him to future success. In the book there was no portrayal of Roy's childhood, and, therefore Roy did not achieve success to the same degree in the movie. The book begins with Roy, at age 19, on a β†’

Vark analyis paper

This paper will look into the dentified characteristics of a kinesthetic learner as well as the dfferent learning and studying strategies that can make the kinesthetic learner successful. Kinesthetic learners use all five senses to be able to grasp Ideas and retain the Information that is being taught. The kinesthetic learning style nables β†’

The value of knowledge: the role of knowledge management and innovation

The key to knowledge management is to understand the value of every part of knowledge; the fast-moving businessenvironmentof today is entirely knowledge driven and dependent upon it. The knowledge outcomes of an organisation are not directly managed, integrated or created by the knowledge management but knowledge processes of the organisation are influenced by the knowledge β†’

Paper of dream

Professor Jarvis The Dream Freud believed the dream to be composed of two parts, the manifest and the latent content. Freud suggested that the manifest content possessed no meaning whatsoever because it was a disguised representation of the true thought underlying the dream. The latent content holds the true meaning β†’

Reducing intergroup conflict

Most of all these intergroups teach youth and others on the outside to stereotype those that are in the group and around those in the groups without those that are doing the stereotyping to know that personal on a personal level. In the center they all have one thing in common is that they all β†’

Romantic innocence

Blake juxtaposes, as it were, two areas of human experience but with his lament at " lost innocence", there is also the view that these phases are inevitable in human experience perhaps complementary. William Wordsworth, on the other hand, indeed brings forth the view that nature carries a beauty threatened by materialism: The β†’

Asch study research paper

Conformity is " the tendency for people to adopt the behavior and opinions presented by other group members". Solomon Asch finally conducted the experiment in 1951 on a group of male participants. Although the majority of the participants conformed to obvious wrong answer, there were some that stuck with their own beliefs.

Social influence and the branch davidians

Compliance-gaining strategies used by the Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms agents during the 1993 siege at the Branch Davidian compound were also examined. Social Influence and The Branch Davidians David Koresh used various compliance gaining strategies to gain the allegiance of his followers who according to were also known as the β†’

Poor black little fellow

The first reason why they disregard Arnie's necessities is that they were used to live by their own. The second reason why The Pembertons paid no attention to Arnie's requirements is that he did not belong to their family.

The picture of dorian gray moral lesson

At the end of the novel, Dorian is punished by his conscience, his innate and inner judge. It is not the only thing he has to pay for his sins.

On pathography

As a result, Robert Maunder clearly manifest his main proposal successfully. Maunder expresses the clarity of his main argument of photography through his beliefs. He uses clarity, evidence for support and assumptions to underlie the principle of the argument.

“lust” by susan minot

The young girl in this short story tries to fulfill that hole by having sex with multiple boys, in hopes of them caring and loving her. Minot was born in Massachusetts. To begin with, Susan Minot portrays the girl in the story as someone trying to find herself but does not know-how.

The katrina breakdown

However, Griffin's examples of governmentalfailureshow something valuable about the nature of federalism. First of all, he proves that federalism is not simply about the fact of the existence of federal and state governments. It appeared that Katrina was beyond the capacity of the state and local governments, and it was beyond the capacity of FEMA.

Boys vs. girls

In accordance to this perception, Leonard Sax, a doctor and a psychologist asserts that boys and girls differ in their view of the surroundings andenvironment. In studying the outlook of the girls, he showed an image with " a girl, a dress, a pet, the sun, flowers, rainbow and all those colors," β†’


Many things can be said about willpower, but this time I only wanted to highlight some points: self-control helps us to malting a meaning In our life and reach peppiness, as well as give us freedom, something that we can not Ignore. And we never should stop training our willpower; sometimes we fall β†’