Genuine Research Paper Examples

Little prince

Saint-Exupery was always trying to find the meaning of life through the choices that he made throughout his life. These existentialist views are seen all throughout Antoine De Saint-Exupery's book The Little Prince. The Little Prince by Antoine De Saint-Exupery has a lot of symbols of the existentialist views that Saint-Exupery believed β†’

Ibsen a dolls house

She had been treated like a doll by both her father and her husband, but she has the strength to stand up to her husband. In the end, when Nora decides to leave her husband and family, her decision opens up a possibility of a new life and personal growth for her.

Great gatsby: overview

Seven Deadly Sins and Seven Cardinal Virtues: The Great GatsbyIn the book of Proverbs, it is written that there are " six things the Lord hates, and the seventh His soul detests." Those seven deadly sins are: lust, gluttony, greed, laziness, anger, envy, and pride. Scott Fitzgerald designs the characters to reflect each deadly β†’

Influence of pastoral romance

One way it is possible to recognize the Influence of classical comedy in the opening scene is through the dialectic structure, which is a key theme of old comedy, shown by the conflict between the brothers Orlando and Oliver. Influence of Pastoral Romance and/or Classical Comedy in As You Like It By oligarchic the influence β†’

The beloved country

Cry, The Beloved Country, a novel by South African Alan Paton, is the story of a father's search for his son, an experience which opened his mind to the prejudice andpovertyprevalent in his country. Cry, The Beloved Country explores how the social situations between the black and white races promote a β†’

Yann martel’s life of pi

Thus, the island parallels the events that occured in the Garden of Eden and represents temptation as a whole. Moreover, when the floating island is revealed to be carnivorous, Pi undergoes a momentous change in character, which affects the plot of the narrative greatly. Additionally, the film uses visuals to convey the message that the β†’

Walden theme

Overall, since I think that the theme of this book was to be simplistic I think that Thoreau achieved his goal in living a simple life and making his life be filled to the fullest. I bet he did not think that his book was going to be as successful as It Is. β†’

Time machine

I Just wish I could make things right with my dad so he would know that I really love and cherish him always. I could not believe that my dad is gone and I could not do anything because I am in America.

Good night motel case

In addition, if he refuses, McGregor's reputation in the community will suffer, and he will also lose all future business from Alward's group and other church groups, at regular price. Consequently, Justin McGregor should accept Alward's offer but under the following two conditions: one, guest service will be limited so β†’

Rape scene in the bluest eye

When she made him sleep with her for warmth in the winter and he could see her old wrinkled breasts in her nightgown - then he wondered whether it would have been just as well to have died." If he looked at her as an actual parent he would not have thought about β†’

The fall of the house of usher

Madeline Usher, the sole female character in the story, is kept in the background, but holds her own by being the main drive for much of the plot. Roderick Usher, the male descendant of the Usher household, has qualities of the feminine, but introduces a powerfully masculine identity into the house. Roderick β†’

Mother and honesty

It was so that I could grow from a baby to a boy. Beah and I were both lied to yet the outcome was the same as we both lived in a fantasy.

Charles dickens novel – a tale of two cities

It would be unfair to say that he lovesviolenceand bloodshed for its own sake. The melodramatic and sensational incidents and episodes here are integral to the plot and the design of the novel. This man was a promising young physician, leading a quite and peaceful life with β†’

Psychological mindsets in the black cat, my last duchess

There are numerous ways that one can leave this world, some die peacefully while others may die by force. The following will reveal the psychological mindsets concerning death as depicted in Poe's " The Black Cat", Browning's " My Last Duchess", and Dickinson's " Because I could not Stop for Death", and β†’

Richard iii and looking for richard

RIII Wanted to prove legitimacy of Queen E's rule- 'validity of her claim to throne' Divine right Context: Relatively peaceful, S makes R a devil and usurper to legitimise Eliz. King Richard III and Looking For Richard directly relate to historical and social contexts respectively, social drawing on historical's challenge to the context in which β†’

Belonging in “as you like it ” by shakespeare

Different types are presented throughout the play by showing connections to place, to people and to ideas. Each connection that is presented details the characters emotions, actions and morals and values. Rosalind and Orlando had to be banished from the Court, to then thrive and find themselves in the Forest of Arden enabling them to β†’

Neuromarketing: a brave new world of consumerism

Perpetuating this conflict is the notion that academia and industry share limited cohesion in exploring this field, that private enterprises do not tend to publish findings or share proprietary information, and that more has been published about marketing's across the popular media, relative to the traditional tome of recognized peer-reviewed publications. In spite β†’

Macbeth-nature of evil

Macbeth was a Scottish general and Thane of Glamis, a loyal, brave man who turned into a murderer and traitor in order to become King of Scotland. In Macbeth , dramatic irony is used to create suspense and tension; it keeps the audience anticipating the reaction of the people and consequences. Lady β†’

Odysseus and supernatural beings

Athena aids Odysseus in many ways throughout his entire journey, like when she changes the course of events that take place when he first meets the princess Nausicaa of Phaeacia. Athena changes the course of the ball that the girls are throwing so that it falls on Odysseus and wakes him up, leading him to β†’

Jay asher and his novel “thirteen reasons why”

The short summary on the inside cover had a way of drawing you in, and I could not wait to start reading. He had a way of writing this novel that would really grab the reader's attention.

The portrait of medieval social classes in the canterbury tales

The Knight and Squire represent very different types, and functions, of chivalry. The Monk is described in terms that make him a different kind of antitype to the Knight, and the attributes that might be expected of each are exchanged: it is the Monk who hunts and loves goodfoodand clothes, while the β†’

The butcher and his fiend like queen in william shakespeare’s macbeth

The Butcher and his Fiend like Queen in William Shakespeare'sMacbethIntroduction At the end of William Shakespeare's Macbeth, Malcolm refers to Macbeth and Lady Macbeth as: " This dead like butcher and his fiend like queen," when he was crowned as new king of Scotland. Macbeth can be described as a butcher when he is β†’

Drama: daydreams and nightmares

We were chanting things like ' You should not have done that', 'you killed my best friend' and 'you killed my son'. We then had to develop our plays so that they had the beginning of the story, then the nightmare chair, and then the end of the story. This was probably because we had β†’

Storytelling in homer’s odyssey

To the knowing Athena, he claims to be a Cretan fugitive. And to Eumaeus and Telemachus, he in all his craftiness asserts that he is a beggar who fought alongside the great Odysseus on the Trojan shore. It is Odysseus, the master tactician and master of disguise, not a rage-filled berserker that reclaims β†’

Josh hamilton book

Hamiliton lives the ordinary life of a sports star , the pretty women , fancy cars , huge house's and the six figure pay checks. Even though this may be true, living an everyday lifestyle was extremely difficult for Josh throughout his whole life , you would think someone who is so β†’

The great gatsby research paper

Scott Fitzgerald successfully uses location to differentiate social status amongst his characters while the weather and seasons of those locations help guide them. Each character helps represent and support the differences of social class and the four main locations, The East Egg, the West Egg, the Valley of Ashes, and New York β†’

Macbeth hallucinations

These two ideas of the subconscious come alive in this tragedy through hallucinations. In the beginning of the tragedy, Macbeth receives a prophecy that he will become king. Though the reader does not see this from Macbeth's exterior emotions, it is depicted through his subconscious. In the next act, β†’

Benito cereno

The razor symbolizes power, and even perhaps the balance of powers, because this is the first instance in which Babo, one of the slaves onboard the San Dominick, shows his dominance over Benito Cereno by keeping the razor close to Cereno's neck and eventually cutting his cheek. When this " accident" happens, β†’

The call of “bartleby the scrivener” and “young goodman brown”

In 19th century American literature, we see the use of the latter tool in " Bartleby the Scrivener" and " Young Goodman Brown", where authors do not give the full information about their characters and events to create the desired effects. Though Bartleby does not evolve to the point that he discovered what he would β†’

Media and a doll’s house

Nora is looking for sympathy, but when Media gets sympathy she yells and says that it makes her sick. The titles of the plays have different meanings as well. The title of " A Doll's House" represents a theme throughout the play and is important in the last scene of the play.

Manipulation in macbeth

The witches are the first to raise the possibility of Kingship and persuade Macbeth to act on it." All hail Macbeth; hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor! All hail Macbeth; hail to thee, Thane of Glamis! Macbeth believes that he is unconquerable because of the visions from the witches.

An introduction to tax

Using the facts in the previous problem, if Chuck earns an additional $40, 000 of taxable income, what is his marginal tax rate on this income? If Scot and Vidia earn an additional $70, 000 of taxable income, their marginal tax rate on the income is 33 percent.

Who is more to blame for the murder of king duncan?

Moreover, although both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth can be considered guilty for the downfall of Macbeth or the tragedy of the play, Macbeth is more to blame as a result of his ruthlessness, his ambitious desires, and his na ve character, which allow him to betray his own conscience. Macbeth's ambitious character β†’

Good hitler research paper example

The evidence of this is the is the atrocity of the Holocaust. Rise of Hitler was a long battle. It was a long and hard battle for Hitler to achieve the top.

O’connor’s a good man is hard to find

From the title of the story itself, I was already expecting the plot to be showing the negative side of the characters. I believe the Misfit's sentence was a metaphor.

Echoes of childhood in a novel oryx and crake

Not only do Jimmy's poor choices in his adult life have a clear link to his neglected and unguided childhood they also create an adult that is emotionally damaged and unable to see the right path in his life even when he wants to. Atwood's similarities between Jimmy and Snowman β†’

King lear – tragic flaw

The most noble of men can succumb to their own flaws until driven to the brink of insanity, as illustrated in Shakespeare's play, King Lear. King Lear represents all qualities of a tragic hero and in the end is ruined by his own vice, by driving himself to the point of full-blown insanity as a β†’

Saturday night and sunday morning

ContentsPage Brief Synopsis Historical context About the author The adapted text List of Characters Principals Analysis In different media 21st Century references Synopsis Saturday Night and Sunday Morning tells the story of Arthur Seaton, a young Nottingham factory worker, who is having an affair with Brenda, the wife of Jack, an older co-worker.

Comparingcask of amontillado with the rats in the walls

Compare the narrator in Poe's " Cask of Amontillado" with the narrator of " The Rats in the walls". The style and mode of narration in any story determines how appealing a narrator becomes to his or her readers. On multiple instances, the Delapore and his cats hear the scurrying sounds of rats behind β†’

Interpreter of maladies

In the book Interpreter of Maladies with the tittle " Interpreter of Maladies" by Jhumpa Lahiri, the difficulty of communication becomes one of the problems.Mr. But at the end, he feels so disgust with Mrs Das because she cheated with her husband's friend and had a child from it. Mrs.

The educational and race issue on everyday use

Although she and her youngest sister just could not reach the proper education, her oldest sister, Dee could enjoy school until college now and she even studied in a prestigious boarding Final Semester Take Home Test : Everyday Use Auliya Atika at other city. Dee at her sixteen age already have β†’

Ironical elements in ambrose bierces an occurence at owl creek bridge

The author plays a role in causing you to sympathize with Peyton, because in the plot you do not even know who he is or what he has done to deserve to be hanged. He/she has Peyton to think on escaping to be with his wife and little ones, which causes us to think he β†’

Plato’s allegory of the cave and advertisements

Just like prisoners in Plato's Allegory of the Cave, we are told every day to invest our time and interest into the subject of these advertisements, and to accept the forms of reality they serve us. Whether it be a commercial for a must-have new car, to a spot featuring desirablefast food, β†’

Their eyes were watching god: overview

The judgment placed upon her and the gossip that is said is a result of na ve ignorance on both parties, the community and Janie herself. The people of the town know little about Janie and what she has encountered in her years away, but make no genuine attempt to know, so β†’

Π‘haracter of gatsby in “the great gatsby”

Scott Fitzgerald's main character in the novelThe Great Gatsby, is a charismatic man who throws elaborate parties for the wealthy people of Long Island. To those around him, Gatsby appears to be a great man, however, the reader can see through this facade and understands that he is not as great as he appears. Gatsby β†’

Much ado about nothing: beatrice & benedick

Beatrice almost instantly jumps into a frenzy of lyrically punishing Benedick, who after a war of men begins a war of words. From the beginning of the play even before Beatrice and Benedick begin their battle of wit, it is evident to the audience that she has some kind of strong feelings for him, whether β†’

Research paper on world poverty

The global problems of the world have a direct relationship to the whole humanity and affect the interests and destinies of all countries, nations and social classes, leading to significant economic and social costs, and in the case of aggravation of the situation may directly threaten the very existence of human civilization. The essay will β†’

Developments in hacking, cybercrime, and malware

The attacker can then execute malicious tiles installed by the initial security weakness. Also, an attacker can exploit this vulnerability by enticing a victim to open a malicious Web page.

Free research paper on a brief overview of online colleges

These types of students appreciate the flexibility and convenience that online education provides in terms of managing their schedule and time as it allows them to complete their educational requirements without having to resign from work or leave their homes. In addition, it helps students to develop appreciation of other cultures through their interactions with β†’

The latest treatment of congestive heart failure, and newest synthetic hearts research paper examples

Therefore, effectiveness of the stem cell therapy lies in the ability of the cell to differentiate into these sets of heart cells. CHF causes death of heart cells. The fact that the cells from the bone marrow are attracted in the muscle of the heart for replenishing the dead cells forms the bases stem cell β†’

Development of the modern submarine

Advanced Chemistry January 30 2013 The Development of the Modern Submarine Since the invention of the submarine, all water travel and warfare have dramatically changed. It is rumored that Alexander the great walked under water in a bell like shaped device that acted as a submarine. In 1776 David Bushnell β†’

Characteristics of the life-span perspective research paper examples

In the cognitive aspect, skills such as problem-solving, memory, perception, language and learning abilities are given focus as they determine the extent to which a person changes as he or she develops, whereas, the psychosocial aspect is concerned with development of emotions, personality traits, communication skills and interaction an individual has with members of the β†’

Example of research paper on the historical influences of mexican architect luis barragan

His cultural and historical background as well as his creativity, as portrayed by the evolution of architectural works, bridged the gap between traditional and modern architecture in Mexico. Barragan's career in architecture began in 1926 when he teamed up with other architects in Mexico who were interested in the provincial architecture of the state of β†’

Free research paper on action plan for reducing racial disparity

in the Criminal Justice System and Application of Political Leadership Skills of Heifetz & Linsky in the Criminal Justice System and Application of Political Leadership Skills of Heifetz & Linsky In Leadership on the Line, Heifetz and Linsky discuss the role of politics in the ability of leaders to effectively β†’

Example of research paper on infancy

Infancy: Benefits of High Quality Child Care Introduction The article focuses on child care and the benefits derived from high quality child care practices in society. The care giver gives a report on the behavior of the child and their performance.

Parental attachment and the development of self-compassion

Having a secure sense of self-worth and trusting others to be supportive may have facilitated the development of self-compassion among adolescents in Neff and McGeehee's study. The development and validation of a scale to measure self-compassion.

Free urban growth research paper sample

In France, there is the rapid development of urban areas. The result of this can, therefore, be referred to as urban bias. Urban Bias and Rapid Urban Growth in Developing Countries The third world is the only place where urban bias is rampant.

Example of research paper on changing families

Examples of normative changes within any family include birth of children within the family, change in behavior among adolescents, older members of the family getting older and beginning their own lives, and retirement for all working individuals within the family. Majority of such changes and transformations can be used to characterize the changing families and β†’

Development, influence and impact

The Imitating of ecological actions In Dalton to the changes that occur such asdivorceIs an example of the final system called the Chronometers. Influence It is clear along with the usual role of educating; schools have a larger part to play in the progress of our children. However, not all children who come β†’

Master your android 7 app development skills

The latest count shows that mobile internet penetration already covered more than half of the world's population in 2015 and is projected to balloon to 63. This beginner course on Android promises to walk you through each step of the app development process and has been designed to accommodate learners who have not seen a β†’

Parent/ child relationship research paper example

Thus, it provides an overview of the parent/child relationship and what are the effects of conflicts in this relationship on the personality of the children in social settings. I choose to write about the topic of parent/child relationship because I believe that the bond between the parent and their children is one of the purest β†’

Good example of moral development research paper

Finally, evaluate how parents should act to promote moral development from the preschool years via middle childhood. The progress of moral development from preschool to middle childhood Early childhood is the stage when young children develop various social and emotional competencies such as the capacity to control their emotions, self, confidence, and moral values. β†’

Employee training and development research paper samples

Psychological science in the public interest, 13 , 74-101. The primary objectives of this research study to examine importance of training and development, and the way training programs should be designed, delivered, and implemented in organizations. The science of training and development in organizations: What matters in practice.

Difference between sequence of development and rate of development

Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development that would normally be expected in children and young people from birth -19years.Explain different theories (for example cognitive, sychoanalytic, humanist, social learning, operant conditioning, and behaviourist) and frameworks including social pedagogy that support the development of children and young people.MU53. Explain how different types of β†’

Ways in which activities of international firms threaten sustainable development.

The analysis also suggests some of the ways through which governments may seek to reduce the threat and make globalization work for sustainable development. An analysis of the topic will be incomplete without defining the concept of sustainable development. Sustainable development As defined by Brundtland commission, Sustainable development is the development that meets the β†’

Development and aging

The analytical approach of life-course contributes historiographically in four areas of family: life- childbearing, earlychild development, adolescence and old age. Development ofhealthproblems with growing age is another area to be focused on; study of difference in adjustment level of people in mid-life, late life transitions and stressful life events, the effect of β†’

Free research paper on corporate ethos and business ethics

However, it is still crucial to determine how good corporate ethos and business ethics influence the performance of a business. Business ethics and corporate ethos have been used interchangeably over years to define the achievement of business success through ways which honor the ethical values and respect communities, people and β†’

Womens education research paper

It is imperative to appreciate the strides made and in equal measure advocate for an even more informed realization of education of women. United States of America up to the late 1800s believed women had no need and right to education. This approach is seen as the onset for an education of the women. The β†’

Studying the origin and development of secularism

The purposes and arguments in support of secularism vary widely. In European laics, it has been argued that secularism is a movement toward modernization, and away from traditional religious values. In the United States, some argue that state secularism has served to a greater extent to protect religion and the religious from governmental β†’

Communication memo

Also, main concerns should be specifically addressed, such as the confidential matter of the information, its propose, and the fact that taking the medical test is voluntary.4. Foundations of the Response: From a Human Resources standpoint the EWP should be managed carefully to avoid that the employees get confused regarding the real intention β†’

University of maryland

It is this lack of individuality that drives my fearlessness, and pushes me to set and accomplish anything I put my mind to. It is the willingness to take risks which can end up hurting you, with the faith that it will all work out. To be yourself also requires dedication and β†’

Cross culture

The transmission of the sender's ideas to the receiver and the receiver's feedback or reaction to the sender constitute the communication cycle. Objective of the Report: The Primary Objective of this report is to analysis of cross cultural communication in IBM.

Effective intercultural communication

It is imperative that we be aware of and sensitive to the many cultural differences we will encounter. As you know Asian Services International Group has offices in many Asian countries including India, China, Korea, The Philippines, and Thailand. You must also be prepared to understand their actions and reactions to your β†’

Ipsec research paper examples

Internet Protocol security comprises procedures and protocols used in establishing a reciprocated authentication or verification procedure between artificially intelligent agents at the commencement of the interconnection period and the intercession of cryptographic keys to be used by the network user during the given time lease period. Internet Protocol security can be used in guarding data β†’

Communication and your spouse

Researcher Talks about the role of Communication in Marriages" I realized how much I can relate to it. I am a firm believer in communication and it being a key factor in any successful relationship.

Top 3 leading telecom providers in the philippines

Background Globe Business is the corporate arm of Globe Telecom, the leading mobile telecommunications company in the Philippines. Globe Business provides wireless and wireline solutions for a diverse set of industries, businesses, and commercial enterprises.

What do you feel is the most unethical activity that can be associated with scientific research paper

One common practice in the medical field is the use of the placebo in their experiments. There are scholars who would not agree to the use of the placebo because not informing the research participants about the procedures in the study is tantamount to deception.

7 conversation starters for your next event

You do not know enough about them yet to comment on their achievements unless you have read about them in the news, so it's safe to offer a sincere compliment on a physical attribute. Related: 4. Do not exclude others in the group. When you approach a group, be sure to introduce topics that will β†’

Observing nonverbal communication

Choose one of the following activities and record your observations in the space provided. Watch a television drama or comedy and write down all of the instances of nonverbalcommunicationthat you see. She said " I am not like you guys, Who are having theirs cars and drivers".

Gcom 123 study guide

What are the advantages and disadvantages of small groups? What is cohesion? What are the benefits and disadvantages of consensus?

How to properly raise moral qualities in children

Hence, it is clearly demonstrated that parents should hold the responsibility to teach children how to be good member of the society. Thus, it is undeniable that parents play a significant role in developing one's moral concept. This is because people see little needs for them to communicate face to face with the β†’

Verbal and nonverbal coding worksheet

I would say yes, that the smile is a nonverbal form of communication all over the world. The reasonI believethis to be true is because a smile is letting people know how you are feeling and they way you feel about them. If they greet me with a rise of the head β†’

My progress in writing

I was determined to earn an Associate's degree then transfer to a university for a Bachelor's degree. I started going to ESL classes and studied English very hard to make progress in my speaking, reading and writing skills. I have made a lot of progress in writing skills since I started studying β†’

British propaganda during world war i

They used it to make the British people dislike the Germans and support the war. Propaganda was used in world war one to promote the war effort. The government used propaganda at many different times in the war for many different reasons and some of the propaganda was not needed by the end of the β†’

Identify and explain communication relationships

It is also used to share our ideas and thoughts, to interact with others, and to understand others. Communication allows us to make decisions, to inform others, to resolve conflicts and problems, and to meet social and physical needs. The gesture for ' no' may be different so it is good to β†’

Cross cultural field experience

As soon as my daughter and I pulled into the parking lot I realized that this was going to be cultural experience for us. We were the only people in the whole church that were not dark skinned. I was able to share in another cultures religious experience and the group welcomed me with open β†’

Do you like surprises ? why?

Nicholas or Santa Claus. I remember when my parents tried for years to make for us my holiday surprises, like putting at foot tree or in boots various gifts that always surprises me with joy. Lately, when I got married my husband was the one who started to make for me different β†’

Warby parker

By cutting down the middleman and selling directly through customers without the use of physical storefronts, they were able to offer high-end quality glasses at reasonable prices. Warby Parker's strategic approach is focused on governance and strategy as well as always making sure that they are in the right path to achieving β†’

Effective and ineffective communication

I have never since and never will give a medication unless I have pulled it and have all the resources in front of me to verify the information. The nurse later wrote on my evaluation that we both needed to learn our five rights. I went to the patient to express concern β†’

Digital comm tutorial

The signal-to-quantisation noise ratio must be no less than 35 dB. How many binary bits are required to code each quansation level? ii) If the bit rate is 104 bits per second, what should be the maximum bandwidth of the analogue signal prior to sampling? Q2.a)i) Explain how nonlinear quantisation can be β†’

Telecommunications law

Natural Monopoly is a monopoly that exists because the cost of producing the product is lower due to economies of scale if there is just a single producer than if there are several competing producers.( Today, telecommunicationstechnologyaffects lives to a greater degree than ever before. Communicationhas evolved over many years β†’

It 284 week 9 capstone checkpoint

What components of the problem solving strategy have the greatest effect within a computer support atmosphere? Miscommunication occurs often between two parties depending upon the scenario; the main focus is how the person that is communicating holds the audience. How might the support specialist and customer both be satisfied if there has β†’

Communications between predecessor and successor auditors

05 When more than one auditor is considering accepting an engagement, the predecessor auditor should not be expected to be available to respond to inquiries until a successor auditor has been selected by the prospective client and has accepted the engagement subject to the evaluation of the communications with the predecessor auditor as provided in β†’

Research paper on autism symptoms

The condition also makes a child to exhibit restricted interests and repetitive behavior. Diagnosis of autism is done through observation of the behavior of the child. Other common approaches to the treatment of autism are through diet regulation.

Roll of communication in management

The definition of vertical communication is the flow of information both downward and upward through the organizational chain of command. Some also refer to it as formal communication. The second step in the communication process is, the sender transmits the message. After the sender has encoded the message, and selected a channel it is transmitted β†’

Researchers of uncivilized tribes essay sample

Guided democracy is a type based on democratic principles, free election and so on but in fact, it is unfair elections, which controlled by the government. Of course, the government follows all norms and rules in a democracy country however they imitate it for that people can think that their country with democracy regime, example β†’