Genuine Research Paper Examples

African cuisine and culture – kinshasa

There are two questions that need to be addressed. The first question is about the type of information that needs to be collected to help diagnose the marketing problem in this case. The second question, however, it is interesting because it asks to create a list of probing questions that should be →

Good example of research paper on art work

The purpose is to modify the perception of the consumer and divert the attention towards the rigour of the product. Top line promotion and below the line promotional activities will be segregated and uttered to bring desired changes to the perception of consumer in accord to the objective. - Budget: The →

Midterm exam research paper example

What is the difference between the selling process and the sales presentation? According to Futrell , selling process involves the entire steps taken by a sales person in order to execute a sale transaction right from the start to the end. Therefore, selling process entails the steps involved in sale of a product or →

Differences between pr and advertising

It's not a form of advertising, its purpose is to tell not selling product yet it is playing a role of spreading knowledge about a new product or service, informing and educating people, and creating understanding to the prescribed objectives. Sometimes, it is also the beginning to play an important brand-building role. Whereas, the PR →

Marys rice trading

Alternative Courses of Action Inability to submit the price quotation with rice sample in time. Solution: Submitting the price quotation with rice sample on time to the prospect and MR.must follow up after 2 days if they receive the price quotation with sample. Lack of Solution: They need to hire another employee because →

How can we understand the consumer’s trust issues in relation business to consumer (b2c) e-commerce?

One of the important findings has been the revelation of trust as a interpersonal determinant of behaviour handling with the concepts of morality, benevolence, ability and predictability of the people's behaviour. In E-commerce context, Gefen has defined trust as a single area, which makes consumers rely on the trustworthiness of the vendors. The primary objectives →

Research paper on the enactus lets can hunger challenge

These teams are then accorded with the responsibility of developing community outreach projects which would be beneficial to the society by improving the living standards of the people as well as a better quality of life. It is also important for the team to take a review of the past →

Good example of research paper on does efficient market hypothesis still owns a dominant paradigm

For the purpose of this research, we will include a brief introduction of EMH, existing literature review in support of EMH and will then finally proceed to conduct our analysis to see if the market anomalies are responsible for the deviation in stock prices that lead to irrelevance of Efficient →

Research paper on pharmaceutical advertising and ethics

For example, if patient has a disease but is are unaware of it and that disease does not affect their overall health, is it ethical to bring that disease to the attention of the patient to sell that medicine to treat that previously unnoticed disease? The answer is not clear, but it is certain that, →

Marketing cars effectively by knowing your customers well

Another need it answers is the need to belong which is an intrinsicmotivationto affiliate with others and be socially accepted. If one would surf the pages of the website of Toyota, this basic need is met by the selling points that car manufacturers give." Buy a Camry Hybrid now, and you may be eligible for →

Nike marketing research

With a diverse marketing strategy and operations spreading in primary regions such as North America, Europe, and Asia, Nikkei has established itself as a key player in the athletic goods industry, and will continue to succeed in the rumination and sale of its products in future years. Company Nikkei was founded in 1978 →

Marketing plan for x box 360

The macro-environmental forces affecting the company are based on Demography, there are people in the society who are not having higher income level or those who are having lesser awareness about the product. The important thing to consider here is that most of the target audience is younger generation and kids, but most of the →

Irwin mountain inn & sister properties marketing plan

Several kilometres to the west of town is the Cave and Basin National Historic Site, and to the west is the Golf Course Road, which is flanked by verdant fairways and greens. Lodgings are abundant in Banff. If you plan on staying in a campground, make sure to visit →

Implement marketing strategies

Identify and brief marketing and non-marketing personnel critical to the success of the marketing plan, on the objectives of the plan, performance measures, and their roles and responsibilities1.3. Implement strategies for monitoring marketing activities and analysing marketing performance, in accordance with the marketing plan| 2.

Meeting customer needs

On the other side, the fans of NBA in Europe are the target customers of NBAstore-eu, what the expectation of customers is to get the varieties of products from NBAstore-eu and pay less delivery fees to support their favourite team. Therefore, the current market/customer expectations of the NBAstore-eu and the purpose of →

Social media and marketing

Social media was defined by Marketo in The Definitive Guide to B2B Social Media as " the production, consumption and exchange of information through online social interactions and platforms." They are considered to be low-cost tools that combine use of echnology and social interaction and has become one of the main source ofcommunicationin →

Advertising: it’s everywhere

The marketing company FeatureThis extols the virtues of product placement for potential clients, on its Web site: " Break through the cluttered media entertainment environment inexpensively," it claims " product placement in feature films and television reaches millions of consumers, over and over again." With the advent of technologies such as TiVo, which allow consumers →

Answers to lectures 5, 7, 8

Going over the advertising & promotion, the average group size, the total marketing, and the commissions would make way for lower advertising costs, which would deliver greater privileges of producing higher profits and income. Total Costs of Market This is also very important, since it reveals the overall cost of marketing, from →

Example of research paper on history on the fossil fuel industrys influence on cars

This paper looks at the possibility that the fossil fuel industry has been influential in stopping mass transit projects including trolleys, railways and buses since the early 1900s. This paper begins with information from the 1800s and the start of mass transit then moves on to explain Edison's and Ford's attempt to start cleaner and →

Crude oil refining or petroleum product importation: which is economical for nigeria

The Nigeria economy plays into the hands of the volatility of extremely vulnerable external shocks, particularly the vicissitude of world oil market prices, and the consequent inflations that characterise it most of the times. With the production of 229, 008, 126 barrels of crude oil and condensates increased in the third quarter of 2010 with →

Ice cream lab

Place the contents of the medium sized bowl in the coffee can and submerge the can in the ice. The ice cream was a homogeneous mixture and each of the ingredients was uniform throughout.

Manufacturing and public sector

Other related topics are identified as political, legal, and social concerns. Key areas of lean production are improving quality and eliminating waste, which including five principles: a) Build products that meet customer requirements at the exact rate of customer orders; b) Practice just-in-time techniques for obtaining, using, and distributing resources; c) Think of workers and →

Managing multinational strategic alliances of airlines

She further argues that quite concrete practical questions can be addressed without placing the study in one of the theoretical frameworks and the methods of qualitative enquiry stand on their own as reasonable ways of fining what is happening in human settings. The survey instruments included multiple sets of Questionnaire and these can be regarded →

The pan american airlines

However, changes in competitiveness in the marketplace, thanks to the Transpacific Route Case and deregulation, coupled with decline in air travel and soaring fuel prices caused the company's ultimate demise. Juan Trippe: The Man Behind Pan American: Juan Trippe, founder of Pan American World Airlines, graduated from Yale in 1921. Pan American Airways Incorporated was →

Promotion strategy – software industry – webtel

Software industry got the research carried out to find what the current trends are in the market and what the competitors' playing. Also, market share of different player of the software industry was to be found and the recommendations to increase the market share for each individual player of software industry globally were to be →

Kitchen layout

In compliment to this, the interior will be well-ventilated and equally lighted for maximum space utilization. For my restaurant's menu, I will adapt the menu of the Via Carducci because they give special importance to pasta dishes, which are the marker s of Italian food. The kitchen will be open for the customers to view →

Botany durian

Durian Flowers Durian flowers are strongly fragrant and having nectar 50-70 mm long and grow in clusters of 1 to 45 individual flowers per cluster Flower clusters hang from the main and smaller branches, or directly from the trunk of the tree. Durian flowers are normally open from around 3 midnight Durian flowers are →

Mousetrap Сar

By winding the spring on your mousetrap car, you store energy in the spring as potential energy. If my mousetrap car has too much friction, the energy in the spring will be turned too quickly and my mousetrap car will not travel very far or accelerate very fast.

De beers and the global diamond industry

With the death of Rhodes De Beers comes in the control of Anglo American Corporation created by Ernest Oppenheimer. The Oppenheimers created the " single chain marketing" system of shoveling all available stones to the clearing house. De Beers hired a leading consulting firm, Bain and company whose key recommendation " was →

The effects of evolving technology on business industries

For an organization, its success andfailuregreatly depends on how the organization was structured to work. The drive to improve peoples living pattern is still the same drive or factor which triggers international firms to globalize their operations and with that, today's latest technology makes the company's and consumers life easier It enable companies to reduce →

The situation of the wine industry

The New World developed shorter production process, lowered cost of production, and produced cheaper wine products that cater to the changing tastes and habits of the consumers. The New World wineries add oak chips to wine while being fermented in steel barrels. Wine consumers become more educated and discerning. →

Nestlé refrigerated pizza case

A, had to decide about the launch of a refrigerated pizza, under the name of Contadina pizza, continuing the build of the refrigerated food category it started few years ago with the launch of the Contadina pasta and sauces, and where the satisfying results exceeded expectations, NRFC would be then the first mover in this →

Can apps make fast food even faster? we put them to the test.

Bon app- tit! Chick-fil-A One The promise: Customize meals down to extra salt and " lite" mayonnaise, skip the line for pickup and earn points toward free " treats". The reality: I felt all-powerful strutting into a crowded midtown Manhattan location and grabbing my bag of bird without a wait. The app finally grants →

Skills & characteristics of mental health human services workers

Impatience from professional to client can cause the professional to rush the clients' progress. Moreover, other professionals may need to understand the writing. So if the aspiring professional uses shorthand, they must be prepared to provide a legend.

Saving time

I did not mind to spend a long amount of time to do something that was meaningful, but I would not waste my time to do something that I considered useless or wasting time. Last summer one of my friends spent her whole summer going to school. However, I did not think it was a →

A critique of “don’t blame the eater”

For a long time now, people have been discussing who is to blame for the obesity crisis going on. Some people prefer to blame the government, several blame the restaurants, others the parents and even the schools receive criticism for obesity. I do agree with Zinczenko up to a point that the →

Do you like the ending of the a question of dowry or cat in the rain

I like the ending of the " a question of dowry" because Sivasothie should not marry to such a materialistic man like Thirulchelvam even though she liked him so much. But, she should feel lucky that she could know the true face of Thirulchelvam before they get marry because he would not be the guy →

The crucible and mrs putnam

A child unconscious in bed creates tension because we do not what is wrong and grabs the attention of the audience as the audience would be keen to know what is wrong with the child. In conclusion, I think is very effective because it grabbed my attention because of the tension and hysteria used as →

A passage to india: imperialism

The way in which Forster captures the imperialist ideology against the backdrop of a wondrous India and its people has been done so to give the reader a completely unbiased focal on the themes, but still create an enduring curiosity to how the back-story will affect the current affairs. With the thought on imperialism, rather →

Explore the role of joe keller in the play all my sons

At the beginning of the play we see just from the description of Joe Keller in the stage directions as he described as a 'business man with the imprint of the machine shop worker and boss still upon him' from this we learn that even though Keller is a man from nowhere he has →

Cask of amontillado – literary elements of foreshadowing

The literary elements of foreshadowing, symbolism, and irony help to create a tale of horror or found in the short story " The Cask of Amontillado" written by Edgar Allan Poe. J" , because he knows that Fortunate will in fact die from dehydration and starve ion in the crypt. He reshow's →

Angela’s ashes: respond

In this texts found in the 8th chapter of the book, he mentioned that although his father is bad at some point especially in using the money that was supposed to be used for the children and the family, he adores his father so much and loves him like he loves his mother. In other →

The emperor jones the cabinet of dr. caligari

The second aspect was the significance of setting design as a way to generate meaning in the theatre. And the third way in which Caligari seems to influence O'Neill is through the lighting effects in the film.

Chronicle of a death foretold

She went on feeding the dogs with the insides of the other rabbits, just to embitter Santiago Nasar's breakfast." The emotions expressed by Nasar in this scene add to his and Victoria Guzman's characterization: Nasar's opposition toviolence, and Guzman's hidden despise for Nasar. Dogs are also a motif used by Marquez in →

Human-animal studies, deconstructionist, and psychoanalytic approach to “to build a fire”

The man, protagonist of the story, wants to meet with his friends and starts to travel in a weather which is below minus degree. He finishes all of his matches in order to build a fire and thinks to kill the dog to warm himself. However, he cannot catch the dog because of being numb.

The porter and the three ladies of baghdad

The same thing did happen in the story The Porter and the Three Ladies of Baghdad. Although there had been a sworn statement between the ladies and the men, the latter broke the contract and faced the consequences.

Paradise lost

When the Lord comes to dealing with punishment for their actions, it would appear that Adam's wrongdoing was primarily in the fact that he listened to and obeyed his wife, as this action is the one God stresses firstly and unnecessarily; with the eating of the apple - and thus the contravening of His law →

Brownies cakes history and nowadays

Thus, the Morning Leafier or Malagasy plant is chosen as the raw material of the product which is food supplements in the form of brownies. This product will be offered to suit the needs of people who are in need of help to their health featuring the nutritional values and many benefits of →

The return: nightfall chapter 23

He looked Damon in the face and said, " No way". Shrugging, as if to say, I did everything I could, Damon lifted the shaggy pine rod - " No," cried Elena." Damon, I will do it". Damon smiled the smile and held it for a moment until Elena looked away and went to Matt. Something →

The storm also rises

Two eyes were staring down at me, and the air was grabbing my skin as if I was not allowed to enter. As I reluctantly climbed the gray, old, squeaky, wooden steps, I noticed that the front door was partially open, and the darkness behind it seemed to swallow me. The sunlight was like swords →

Salem witch trial and the crucible

Since she was a woman and was questioning him, he thought the best way to get rid of her was to send her to jail for being a " witch". The first execution in Salem was to a woman of 71, Rebecca Nurse.

Free will vs. determination (east of eden)

Sam Hamilton was thought of being bad or evil when he came to Salinas due to the fact that he was Irish and he proved to be one of the kindest characters in the book. Sam Hamilton changed their views, as Louis told Adam when he brought him up to meet Sam, " he's a →

Stop book banning

They should understand why America did the things it did so that they will not be ashamed of the country that they live in and they can then defend their country to anybody trying to put it down. One reason administrators should not be allowed to ban books is because it takes →

Dropping of the droppings on hiroshima and nagasaki

Results of the Event on the United States and the World For the US, the dropping of the atomic bomb sent a powerful message to the rest of the world that this nation would not be intimidated or tolerate any aggression against it. The dropping of the atomic bomb meant years of painful physical and →

Women’s rights come to a halt : madame bovary

Children are also a big part of a woman's life, because children can only be produced by a women, and it is their duty to care, and love them. As Emma was trying to convey the perfect woman " she declared she adored children; this was her consolation, her joy, her passion, →

The great gatsby, chapter 8

He spends the day making his way to Gatsby's house and upon his arrival kills Gatsby in his pool and then ends his own life. He mentions the "...cluster of leave..".that are in the pool foreshadowing Gatsby's fate by having the leaves represent the end of the season and the end of his life.

Gender equality in beowulf

Having to carry the cups around in order to give it to the king, and his warriors was not a simple task for women. When Whole-wheat first appeared in the poem, " she graciously saluted the men in hall, then handed the cup]first to Warthogs, their homeland's guardian, urging him to drink deep →

How does fitzgerald tell the story in chapter 6 of the great gatsby?

This is actually a use of foreshadowing because they are not there for Gatsby but to question his ' accepted hospitality' which is later seen in chapter 9 where people gather to reveal information about the ' madman' Wilson and the death of Gatsby, not actually Gatsby himself, just the role he plays. This chapter →

Bangle sellers

The poem " Bangle Sellers" was first published in the year 1912 by Sarojini Naidu in her collection of poems called " The Bird of Time." A group of bangle sellers is on its way to the temple fair to sell their bangles. However the bangles they sell are of religious and symbolic importance: →

Vampirism in the fall of the house of usher

Watson September 20, 2011 Vampirism in " The Fall of the House of Usher" The theme of vampirism occurs several times throughout " The Fall of the House of Usher" written by Edgar Allen Poe. Although she is seldom seen, only 3 times, she is a very important part of the plot and of the →

Context of me talk pretty one day

By the end though it has an almost hopeful tone when he is excited about how far he has come in his learning of the language and what there is to come in the future. He uses self-deprecating humor to help set the tone of the story. I have learned that even though he is →

A dream deferred

Langston Hughes' poem, A Dream Deferred, is about the sentiments of African American people back when they were great oppressed and marginalized. They were denied of a dream, of a better life and a better world just because of their skin color and →

Dicuss the roles of the gods and goddesses in the iliad and medea

The Iliad The Iliad concerns itself with the rage of Achilles and how it begins to break down the Achaean army, and how the tensions were change towards the Trojans. The Iliad This book refers to the death of Patroclus.

Purple hibiscus: overview

There are a number of symbols used to help develop ideas of the novel; the three most predominant ones being purple and red hibiscuses and Mama's figurines. The red hibiscuses are symbolic of theviolenceand bloodshed in Kambili's life whereas the purple hibiscuses symbolize freedom, defiance and the courage to speak out. These →

The great gatsby: how it applies to modern society

Scott Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby are very alike the people in our generation today. There are people still today that will fight for their friends becausefriendshipis vowed to be very important in the life of very human.

A study of homoeroticism in twelfth night

Further, the very fact that the action in the plot - the wooing of Olivia, unbeknownst to Sebastian, and the wooing of Orsino - is mostly attributed to Viola through her planning and action demonstrates the female in power instead of a male. You are she" , thus expressing her deeper interest in Viola →

Toni morrison`s beloved

She begins to realize that she can be independent from Sethe and looks forward to school because she does everything " on her own and [she] was pleased and surprised by the pleasure and surprise it created in her mother and her brothers". This newfound learning is something that Denver can cherish as her own, →

Morality play pattern in pride and prejudice

This is why her characters are moral rather than psychological constructs. Austen's purpose is not to explore their inner lives, but to expose particular moral pathologies to the attention of the reader. I do not believe that all the sophisticated Kantian and utilitarian theory in the world could shield you for long →

William faulkner’s barn burning & it’s socio-economic levels

At the top of the ladder are Major de Spain and his wife, Lula de Spain. All of these characters represent the differences among the socio-economic groups, and how they intertwine with each other in the community. Though still a servant, he is presumably higher in the hierarchy of the social ladder.

Nebraska landscape in my antonia

Part of the reason for this connection is that the novel is set in a time and place where the weather places limitations on the characters. As a result, the characters are simply more in tune with the weather and the natural elements in general. The land is unyielding and unforgiving, just →

“miss brill,” by katherine mansfield

The selected passage is from the end of the short story Miss Brill, beginning where Miss Brill sees the boy and girl who sits down on the bench near her right to the end of the story. Mansfield shows us how hurtful the truth can be to people who have not →

Jane eyre- victorian mores

After being accused of " strike[inning] a young gentleman" , Jane is reminded that she is not a true member of the Reed family as she is told that she is something " less than a servant". Her relatives could have easily treated her with love and kindness, but instead she was →

Research paper on greek theatre and ritual

Thus, the article contains reliable information for the paper. Part 2: Greek Theatre and Ritual In Athenian society, theatre was institutionalized as a schedule of festivals popularly known as the Dionysia in honor of the god. It also served as a representation of the palace and house in which the plays were set.

It’s a dog’s life

I run to the door, and take the paper in my mouth, he waves at me through the glass, and I jump up at the door, and bark excitedly. Sometimes he goes for days without feeding me, or he will grab me by the throat and yell in my ears, and when he's had a →

A letter from birmingham jail

Kennedys inaugural address, and last but not least, we read " Millennial Makeover" by Morley Winograd and Michael Hals. Furthermore, we had to read and analyze the documents because the quizzes required us to think deeper than the written words on the paper. My favorite of these three documents, if I had to →

Feminism in a novel the bell jar by sylvia plath

The passage quoted above, and the emotions which it conveys, are typical of a feminist like Esther, but Esther is ahead of her time and is thus unable to express herself to society in the way she wants. In this novel, Plath shows us the ways in which women were discriminated against, through the eyes →

Contrast in conrad’s heart of darkness

Of the many contrast in " Heart of Darkness" the difference of light and dark and the difference between the Thames River and the Congo River are the most obvious. The biggest contrast in " Heart of Darkness" is the difference between light and dark.

A farewell to arms

While Frederic Henry became a true " code hero" by the end of the novel, Catherine Barkley was a better example of a " code hero" throughout the course of the novel. The most important characteristics required to be a true Hemingway " code hero" like Catherine Barkley are bravery, immorality, and discipline. According to →

The fool in king lear

Not only is he important in the development of the plot but he's important in the development of Lear's character and also has an important role in the development of the mood in the play. The Fool is one of the wiser, if not the wisest, characters in the play and emphasises →

The great gatsby chapter 1-5 summaries

At dinner, Tom talks about the book, " The Rise of the Colored Empires", and readers learn that Tom is pro-white dominance. Dinner is interrupted by a phone call for Tom, and Jordan tells Nick that it's a phone call from Tom's lover in New York. Gatsby then tells Nick about his →

The great gatsby – the unachievable dream

Through his portrayal of the main characters and symbols, Fitzgerald illustrates the decay of morals and values, exemplifying the underside of the American Dream. Fitzgerald portrays twisted relationships to represent the corrupt American Dream in The Great Gatsby. The girl who was with him got into the papers, too, because her arm was broken- she →

Briar rose

The use of allegory and symbolism effectively links the story of " Sleeping Beauty' to Gamma's past and more Importantly, theHolocaust. A clear example which shows his technique is when Gamma describes the bad fairy as " the one in big black boots and silver eagles in her hat." The initial meaning to →

The need to disobey

Antigone chooses to break the law and buries her brother, and gets caught. Despite the pleas of Antigone and Haemon, Creon's son and Antigone's fiance, Creon sentences Antigone to death by live burial and starvation. MLK makes a more direct point that civil disobedience is necessary, and he is more effective in →

Growing up

The older adult craves the commitment and emotional satisfaction of another person to share his life with. As a person ages the social aspect differs greatly from a younger adult. This generally is between the ages of 40 and 50 for men and women and is a result of a freer lifestyle →

Do not go gentle into that good night by dylan thomas

Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night" by Dylan Thomas BY Lolo-H poem " Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night" by Dylan Thomas Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. →

The rocket boys

Homer was in great shape at the end of the book- physically, emotionally, and socially, having stayed true to what he wanted to do, and sticking with his friends. Homer's father would not have come to the launch, and even though he was slowly getting used to the fact that Homer wanted to leave Coalwood →

The sisters mainini and lucia in tsitsi dangarembga’s “nervous conditions”

Dangarembga seems to argue that there is a sort of entrapment of women within the society stripping women of genuine freedom and an unprejudiced position in the society. To communicate the issues of African women, Dangarembga had created an ensemble of African Women that have varying voices to represent women of different views regarding the →

American cold war in literature

In comparison to one flew over the cuckoos nest It Is also written In the first person narrative through the eyes of a mental health patient, similarly to the Bell Jar we are placed Into a mind of a patient that Is not condemned as 'sane' so therefore has a significant Impact on the questioning →

Story “my name is asher lev”

One, Asher Lev's up tight and all- encompassing religious community, and the other his intense passion and desire to create art. Throughout Asher Lev's life as a young child and as an adult, he had to trade-off between his love of creating art and/or following his family and community religious traditions. Due →

That doom abided but in time it would come

It is also interesting to note here that the poem is book ended by funerals, death being the inevitable conclusion of fate, and also with prophecy, particularly effective for a contemporary audience knowledgeable of the outcomes of such prognostications. However, it is in the episode of Beowulf's fight against the dragon that we see the →

The storm

I fell to the floor, almost knocked unconscious by the ever increasing pain. Salty tears rolled down my face, as I struggled and fought my way to my feet. I continued to teeter and totter home, the pain becoming

Between harrison bergeron and a&p

Both Harrison and the cashier pay the price for their defiance (Harrison gets killed and the cashier loses his job), and it is because of the character's selflessness that the actions appear heroic. Bedford/St Martins, Boston.2009.

Much ado about nothing and othello

Both Don John and Iago are determined to break up the key relationships of the two novels. Overall, the characters of Don John and Iago are very similar, although the latter is much more intelligent and complex.

The importance of being earnest: overview

The characters Jack and Algernon are both willing to change their names to Earnest just because the women they love say that they will only love a man named Earnest. This is an example of how much emphasis Wilde believes that society places on love and how important it is to us. →

Farewell to arms is a novel without hope

During the war, soldiers turned to the simple pleasures of live in a means finding hope and escaping the misery. The constant drinking and journeys to " bawdy houses" shows the change in moral standards as the need for meaning in life rises, and the social norms change from modesty to going to the " →

A boy and girl’s relationship in james joyce’s “araby”

As the story continues, the narrator develops feelings for the girl, and instantly her appearance is much more than just the time to go in the house. While playing with the girl's brother, all the narrator thinks about is when his friend's sister will come outside and how he can get her →