Genuine Research Paper Examples

Yongzheng emperor

By centralizing imperial control he gains the ability to control the nation as a whole and his citizens as one unified society rather than a disordered society. Some of his policies that demonstrated his focus on centralization of imperial control included eliminating gentry tax breaks and folding the head tax into the land tax, and →

Family assessment paper

According to Stanhope & Lascaster, the family nursing assessment is the cornerstone for family nursing interventions and systematic processes that are used to identify the family's developmental stages and risk factors. BH is also African American and is the mother of the family.

Fad dieting (cause & effect paper)

Despite the fact that varieties of fad diets are available for people to choose from, none of them support a healthy way of losing weight. Fad diets lead consumers into believing that losing weight quickly is the way to go when in reality gradual dieting is more beneficial and leaves people with a greater sense →

Dont get me started on… valentine s day

Valentine' s Day is trying to abduct me into a fake world where everything is glorious and perfect, a world we all wish to be living in. People are not thinking outside the box and why there really is a valentine's day, it's all a part of the government's evil and sick plan.

Avro arrow

Clearly it was smarter to invest in missiles which could get the job done easier and would cost less than half the price of the existing program. With a new era of anti-aircraft technologies emerging, the government found missiles to be much cheaper than interceptors and just as effective.

Monuments men

Film The Monuments Men Based on a true story of what was a " treasure hunt" In Its most basic deflation, The Monuments Men portrays a hand selected World War II platoon on a mission that sends them to all edges of Western Europe in order to retrieve artistic masterpieces stolen by the Nazis and →

Bug inc paper

Under this legal protection, the owner of the trademark has a right to prevent any person from committing trademark infringement or any act that is not in good faith with regard to the use of the company logo. Under this legal protection, the owner of the trademark has a right to prevent any person from →

The survival of any organisation

In this research I will try to link motivation of the employees with the performance of the organisation. The basis of the primary research will be to determine the extent to which employees feel motivated to work beyond their expectation and how this translates to the performance of the organisation in general.

Disneyland criticism

Throughout the years, Disneyland's response to the deaths that happened on its grounds is likened to a brisk walk in the park, wherein they opt to choose preserving the theme park's image as against compensating the families of the victims. Notice that one of Disneyland's rules is not to call paramedics in time of emergencies →

The end of privacy

It may not be something important to a lot of people because they do not really think deep about it but it is something that people should be concern about. But there are some things that people can do to prevent the spread of all of their private information but the most important thing is →

The pros of the iraq war

Williams English 102/ Sec 022 28 February 2008 The " Good" of the Iraq War The war waging in Iraq is the biggest argument in the United States today. And the less we support the war, the less financial support we can give to the people of Iraq.2.

Media bias in the election of 2008

Connie Zhang Media Bias Against Hilary Clinton in the Election of 2008 The election of 2008 was monumental in many respects, the most significant being the fact that there was a chance that the first woman or African American would become president of the United States. Although the press unnecessarily focused on these negative aspects, →

United kingdom – group of countries

In the United Kingdom, more than 70% of the working-age population aged 15 to 64 have a paid Job. However there is a positive to this, there will be less competition in the country.

Genetic experimentation and development

The essential utilization for genetic experimentation or engineering concerns the treatment or curing of genetic infection or genetic diseases. It should be used as a last resort for cure of incurable or life-threatening diseases.

Windshield survey

Community health, when perceived as the structure of the community, is commonly explained in terms of services and resources. The community is the client only when thenursingemphasis is on the common good of the population instead of on an individual's health.

Voluntary turnover

03 The aim of the survey is to cognize the factors of employee turnover, why employee quit the occupations and leave the organisations and which factor influence the most while go forthing the organisation.1. 06 The intent of the research survey " Factors of employee turnover" is to assist out the directors to calculate out →

Appendix a – meditation worksheet

The practice of meditation is a way to be still for a while and let our minds become focused until we become calm enough to deal with the daily pressures of life. Transcendental Meditation is the most popular technique.

Mobile technology in higher education

The students got the devices at the start of the course and were allowed to maintain ownership till the end of the module. Ownership was a vital characteristic to give students freedom to discover the capability of the device and roam within the wireless factor outside the classroom.

Bandung: the perfect weekend

Tourists can enjoy and buy the beautiful and colorful flowers or even spend their time with their children or friends at the strawberries farms and to actually pick as many strawberries they want fresh from the stems." Delicious food" are the first two words that usually be pop out in most of the Bandung visitors' →

Social psychologist amy cuddy talked about

Even if she is not singer her volume is good and she is controlling her volume perfectly. Her delivery, visual-aids and attention- getting technique is very good.

Tranquility of a cemetery

As you approach to the middle section of the cemetery there is the baby section. As we approached to the section where my father was going to be buried, it smelled like fresh flowers and plants, but if u smelled deep enough there was a humid smell in the air of the rotting corpses underneath →

Career study: dental assistant

5 Conclusion6 References7 List of Figures Figure 1 Gender of Dental Assistants3 Figure 2 Current Wages Earned for Dental Assistants3 Figure 3 Estimated Yearly Growth of Dental Assistant Jobs in Alberta4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Thecareerarea of dental assistant does, in many ways, relate directly to the skills and knowledge learnt in the Administrative Office Professional program. →

Strategic finance issues

It will also benchmark the latest result with that of Woodside Petroleum for the same period using the same ratio analysis of the 2013 financial statements of each company. The ROE is higher for Woodside due to their higher profit margins however, the higher financial leverage ratio in Table 4 will benefit Santos' shareholders when →

Nora’s individualism

She submits to him and is a mother to their children. Nora realizes that nothing is going to change in her life and she will not settle for less.

The griffith park observatory

You can look through the telescope on the roof and see the rings of Saturn, or the craters of the moon. The Zoo shuttle is easy to find, easy to drive to, and free to park at.

Regarding methods of cost allocation

The findings of the meaning of activity-based costing, and the focus of activity-based costing as a means of managing the business on the basis of the activities that make up the organisation was defined. The purpose of this report is to critically analyse and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Metcalf using an activity-based costing →

Lets talk about dying

Greg Konen In Peter Saul's " Let's Talking about Dying" talk, he opened up with a very poignant statement that when 2000 brain cells die daily he argues that our dying process really truly has started. His closing quote by Dame Cicely Saunders, " You matter because you are you, and you matter to the →

International accounting standards: revenue recognition

Introduction This assignment features the recognition and measurement of revenue depending on the source of revenue in accordance with the provisions of International Accounting Standards 18 Revenue. The Report To: Managing Director From: Student A Regarding: IAS 18 Date: 3/11/2011 Introduction to the Report The Conference on International Accounting Standard 18 Revenue was held to →

Thirsting for power

It was at this time that he was beginning to gain more and more of a following and put into the peoples' heads how magnificent of a leader he would be." In 58 BC Caesar left Rome for Gaul; he would not return for 9 years, in the course of which he would conquer most →

Persian wars: cause of the 499-404 b.c.e

Despite the defining effects that the Persian wars had on the history of the Athenian and the Greek, their beginning was nothing big. When the Persians conquered the Lydians around 545 BCE all states that were under the Lydians came under the rule of the Persians.

Promoting and protecting public health

This foundation also wrote to the prime minister, to explain the statistics that they have found about the amount of people dying each year due to lung cancer and smoking. The chlamydia campaign is the chlamydia screening campaign; it is encouraging people the age of 16-24 to get tested for chlamydia as there are no →

The bluesky software consulting firm

Question 1, in the case asked to address the differences inleadershipstyle and approach today and in the recent past at Blue Sky. In question 3 of the case study, it relates to strategic plan and decision-making process.

Jane austen: romance and finance

This shows us that Miss Bingley has few of the same interests or indeed the same superior mind as Darcy, making the match unsuitable, for in Jane Austen's view a couple should generally not only have equality in status but in mind as well. This shows the practical side to Austen's view of marriage, sometimes →

Explain the centrality of the dreaming and its importance for aboriginal spirituality

The Dreaming tells the stories that explain their views and beliefs on how the world came to be and its history and the totems which represent each historical factor of the dreaming. Dreaming stories: The Dreaming stories are of great importance to the aboriginal people in terms of the dreaming because they are the history →

Eureka forbes case

The case also discusses the company's attempt to enter the bottled water business, its decision to increase the thrust on the retail business, and the problems between its owners, Forbes Gokak Ltd.and Electrolux. ANS2:- The main reason behind decision to increase the share of dealer sales in its revenues is to focus more on the →

To what extent have eu member states lost the power to control their borders

The paper " To What Extent Have the EU Member States Lost the Power to Control Their Borders" is a wonderful example of a term paper on law. It is also noted that the number of EU employees in the UK is estimated to be three or four times the number of Britons working elsewhere →

Medication administration (research paper)

Prior to the conclusion, the researcher will discuss the nursing ethics in relation to the proper nursing management on the administration of medication on patients. Errors in the Use of Medication Dosage Equations.

Internet research – current state of mobile ip

I feel that what is holding Mobile IP back is the fact that this technology is not seen by the user it is not knowledge to the user. I also feel that because the foreign IP Hosts require configuration to become Mobile IP that there is a lapse in its popularity.

Ballet and giselle

Giselle is one of the most popular ballerinas of the period and separate identity of the scenarist from the choreographers is distinguishing feature of Giselle as being a Romantic ballet. For instance, in the classical one Giselle is not dancing as close as in the contemporary one.

Miss greenford

Scared of the worst, she has refused to visit the hospital for a checkup."I need to be strong to take care of my two boys, John and his father", she always whispers to herself. We had both been praying for a boy, but he prayed more fervently because he wanted his son to be a →

Social inequality and race

According to Eitzen, the critical feature of the minority group's status is its inferior social position, in which its interests are not effectively represented in the political, economic, and social institutions of the society. Conflict theorists, in particular, stressthe role of racial and ethnic hostility as a way for the dominant group to keep its →

Why evolution and religion can coexist

Science and religion can coexist because; arguably the greatest mind of them all said so, religion's morals and values uses science to the benefit of all mankind, and perhaps God himself used science to create all that we see. Think about it, many lives are based on the above list due to a strict enforcing →

Being gay in fillipino

This essay is entitled " Being Gay," the same title as that of the said article I have read to parallelize the contentions of what should the parents do to their gay child according to the perspective of a " noted psychologist" who speaks of the word of her god rather than the word of →

La vita e bella

I think that is the very essence of the film, making life perfect for you, even if it really is not for the entire world. It is just so ironic for me that a person like Guido is living in a world where freedom is the rarest of all terms.

Group lending and mitigation of adverse selection in microfinance

This implies that the lender can pass risk from risky borrowers to safe borrowers and thus reduce the overall riskiness of the group. As a result the higher the extend of social sanctions in a group the lower the groups risk of default and thus lower rates can be charged to retain safe borrowers.

Public health – short explanation

The mission of public health was " to generate organized community effort to address the public interest in health by applying scientific and technical knowledge to prevent disease and promote health". The definition and mission of public health has not changed." In the United States, the local-state-federal partnership includes federal agencies, the state and territorial →

Comaparison of crisis in congo with bangladeshi textile

But after the outcry in the name of democracy andhuman rightsall over the world and specially in the western countries, the colonialism came out in a much more evolved and concealed way. The video 'Crisis in Congou is about the exploitation of a whole nation by a host of exploiter Rwanda, Uganda, united States Government →

Should fred hire mimi despite her online history?

From my perspective, Fred Western should talk to Mimi to explain her protest activities, and hire Mimi if the potential risk related the online history can be preventable. Palfrey's article, " Should Fred Hire Mimi Despite Her Online History", says that there is no reason to fear bringing Mimi in based on the results of →

The accuracy of “the clouds” in portraying the political and social life

Strepsiades tries to convince his son, Pheidippides, to attend the " Thinkery", to learn the art of double talk in the hope of outwitting his creditors in court. However the perception of Socrates evident in the text is not parallel to that of Socrates in real life.

Abigail adams

Adams used the rhetorical strategies of logos, ethos, and pathos to guide her son In a direction that will push him to take advantage of the world he lives in to broaden his mind and understand the importance of engaging himself in society. One of her ways to push her son in the direction she →

Constructing your health decisions

This can be avoided by going for a brisk walk at lunch, a stroll around the office every hour, and checking our posture by standing with your heels and back against the wall and seeing how far back you have to move your head until it touches the wall too. Let's say I have symptoms →

Traditional capsules

Llqulds can be filled Into Dotn sort ana nara cap- out OITTerent conslaeratlons apply.cannot necessarlly Till same formulation into both types, need to think about composition of the shell itself Gelatin for Hard Capsules Main problem Liquid fill hard gel caps is; Residual moisture loss.rom the shell into the formulation Hydrogels require 13% to 6% →

New historic criticism of pudd’nhead wilson

The striking lack of agreement about the merits of Mark Twain's Pudd'nhead Wilson, is undoubtedly related to the equally striking disagreements over the interpretations and analysis of the novel. The recently increased interest in Mark Twain's " Pudd'nhead Wilson" is a text that turns the misapprehension of gender and race in a mid-nineteenth century Southern →

How does steinbeck present curly’s wife

She has an ambition to work in films ' coulda been in the movies and worn nice clothes' and this is no doubt stemmed from her desire for attention and is linked to her loneliness and insecurities on the ranch as she bitterly resents not being treated as an individual. Curley's wife is attracted to →

German buying habits

The cheapest bidder is not always the winner; tidiness, easy-return options, sustainability and quality of the product are more important in the decision-making than the price. 52% of consumers believe national brands are more responsible, with the exception of the financial services.

Why was the thirty years war fought?

The final phases of the war were initiated by Denmark, Sweden and France, all of whom were led to the fray in concern with the increasing Hapsburg power in their territories. The Peace of Westphalia, two treaties which ended the war, returned the German states which were seized by the Holy Roman Empire in the →

The website

The main purpose of the website is to provide the leaders and frontrunners in business and technology with information, analysis, and insights on the field of information technology and its relation to business practices, plans, and strategies. Moreover, it also provides the latest news on the economy and other pertinent fields that can impact the →

Lee chong wei

Lee Chong Wei began to learn badminton at the age of 11 when his father brought him to the badminton hall. After he had attended the attention of the badminton couch, the couch began to train him.

Bladder cancer

BLADDER CANCER Bladder cancer is the growth of malignant cells in the urinary bladder. Most forms of bladder cancer start in the superficial layer of the transitional epithelium, and most often affect the transitional cells.

A young mans song

The poem creates a symbolic meaning of taking a chance when the poem says, " Wherefore I threw a penny to find if I might love." This line describes that people need to take a chance at love otherwise they may not get another chance. The poem has an encouraging tone for people in love →

What was the millenium bug

This Commission has theresponsibilityof coordinating the efforts of both the social and economic sectors to make sure of the adequate year handling, and therefore, the correct operation in information systems during the year 2000 and beyond. The development tools and the methodology of analysis and design use in the construction of the most reason information →

Revenue recognition requirements in u.s. gaap, ifrs and iasb

Generally, revenues are recognized when the amount of revenue is measured reliably, when it is probable that the economic benefits of the transaction will flow to the entity and when the costs are identified. Accordingly IASB and FASB the main objectives of the project are to provide a single revenue recognition model that could apply →

Importance of writing

The Importance of Writing for Students Writing defines as a tool to represent writers' thoughts, feelings, and ideas into one component/purpose. Scope of writing anacademicprogress, such as research paper, requires students to understand in applying a right grammar, and structuring a paragraph." Creative writing" leads students to do analyzation that trigger them in finding a →

What are the stages of the economic cycle?

A recovery can be seen on the economic cycle diagram by the encroachment of actual growth to trend growth, and is therefore where the economy is growing gradually and ' recovering' from the bust period they have just suffered. Or perhaps in the short term through a boost in demand side policies, such as a →

What is preventive vigilance

Vigilance:- Vigilance means to be watchful to be alert what is happening and what can happen. On the other hand, the preventive vigilance sets up procedures and systems to restrain the acts of wrong doing and misconduct in the various areas of the functioning of the department.

Family assessment

The author identifies two wellnessnursingdiagnoses based on the author's assessment of the family health patterns and the answers provided to the interview questions. This family has done exceptionally well coping with the recent health issues they have had to face.

Deviant act project: visit to a grocery store

For my act of deviance I chose to go to a grocery store and attempt to pay for my groceries ignoring the line at the checkout counter. I was almost ready to give up this whole Idea when I got to the line, but then I heard: " Next person In line! " from a →

Research philosophy is a belief management essay

It is significant with particular reference to research methodology because: it can help the researcher to refine and specify the research methods to be used in a study, that is, to clarify the overall research strategy to be used, knowledge of research philosophy will enable and assist the researcher to evaluate different methodologies and methods →

Evolution alongside creationism school

Pasteur study fermentation and spontaneous generation in 1859, he discovered a link between microbes, fermentation, and putrefaction, and diseases, however, convincing the scientist and medical profession to accept the idea was a challenge. Kahn enables readers to think clearly about the effectiveness of creationism and evolution.

Irobot – technology taking over humanity

The main message of this movie is to show how our society can change to be completely dependent on technology if we keep on improving it in many different ways such as robotic body parts, robotic systems and robots to do everyday work for humans. Alternations is less risky as it is the transplanting of →

Religions of the world jesus/mohammed

But the global fact is that the adherents of Jesus and Mohammed are more widespread and more numerous, and make up a greater part of the world's population, than at any time in history. The followers of Jesus and Mohammed live in every country of the globe.

Valentine`s day

I prepare hundreds of love poems by the famous and the infamous on slips of paper to be tossed in a basket and passed around the classroom. My students always know the homework and what is expected, but I like to bring in the unexpected.

Main purpose of education

The current education system ignores the main purpose of education which is to train the students'critical thinkingin the lesson. The aim of education is not only to let the students learn the knowledge and apply it to the real situation.

Dead poet’s society

The significance of this poem is the motto that he hopes to instill in his students: Carpe Diem. The director does a lot of camera shots back and forth from the teacher to the students.

Heineken netherlands reengineering is/it

V: Reengineering IS/IT To Enable Customer Oriented Supply Chain Management In June 1993, Jan Janssen, financial manager of Heineken Nether lands B.V.and the person responsible for Information Systems and InformationTechnology, and his IS manager, Rob Pietersen, faced the challenge of developing an IS/IT configuration that would add value to the business and support the ongoing →

Malaysia a multi-cultural country

The population has consisted around 60% and the other cultural are consisted the rest of the percentage. It could be because some of the people are working far away from home, and they do not have holiday so they could not make it.

Opportunity and threat of cadbury

Besides the market, Cadbury should responds to change in consumer tastes and preferences because consumers are more concernhealthnowadays, low-fat, organic and natural confectionery demand appears much stronger. When they set an aggressive price and promotion activity, it ' s possible to occur price wars in the market which will induce a main threat for Cadbury.

Lucent technologies

Also due to its intimate knowledge of product cost, the factory was able to steer many bids towards configurations in which the switch had great cost advantage leading to competitive advantage needed to win the bid. I would recommend reevaluation of supply chain to reduce the competition.

Sources of resource risk

Funds can affect the project in a way that the employees could not be compensated for their work, a factor which can result to them losing their job morale or even driving them out of the project and this can result to loss of the initialmoneyinvested for the project. Furthermore, lack of monitoring the subcontractors →

Gender and the importance of the social construction of gender

" Gender" and the Importance of " The Social Construction of Gender." Gender is an individual's natural sense of themselves existing as a male or female, which may hold opposing views from their biological sex. As Lorber states, " I am arguing that bodies differ physiologically, but they are completely transformed by social practices to →

Should medicaid and hmos be allowed to join forces

This is mainly looked at the cost per unit of output, when it comes tohealthcare than one must measure the cost, I believethat to have an efficient Medicaid program we must have one that has better outcome for a given level of spending, it must be assessed by comparing spending and also the outcome of →

Marbury v. madison

Madison case raised the question of if the Supreme Court should have the authority to overturn unconstitutional federal laws. In conclusion Marbury was entitled to his position and the evidence supported his claim.

The results section (hypnosis )

141 237 Hypnotizability Pearson Correlation N. 196 237 Hypnotizability Pearson Correlation N.

Dissociative identity disorder and social psychology

It is important to discover gender differences in perceptions of different real life dilemmas, which may help us to understand why men and women have a tendency of reporting different types of disassociated identity disorders, and real life dilemmas. It was noted that contrary to the expectation none of the relations between guilt, shame, and →

Information technology research paper

Through the development and deployment of IC ITE services, the DNI has potential to provide to the Intelligence Community an automated, collaborative, secure, and dynamic environment with the necessary tools for IC integration and collaboration not previously experienced. The full implementation of IC ITE will improve analysis for IC members, and consumers of Information Technology →

Audio and video enhancements

The information highway has become the greatest pastime in the world. The more interaction with the user the more likely they are to return.

Differences between the house of representatives and the senate

In many countries, House of Representatives is also known as the inferior house of a bicameral government and the parallel upper house is usually known as Senate. House of Representatives is the name given to most of the lower houses of United States state legislatures apart from some, that are known as State Assembly and →

Why did the league of nations fail in the 1930s?

When the league judged that Japan were wrong, instead of obeying and withdrawing from Manchuria, Japan said they intended to invade more of China and resign from the league proving they were self interested to obey the league. Only the USA or USSR would have the resources to remove the Japanese from Manchuria by force →

If you have a family, place your family before your business

In a chat with Entrepreneur India, Chan said women need to manage their time efficiently to cater to the expectations the world has from them". On one hand, you have your personalgoalsthat you want to achieve as a woman entrepreneur, you want to achieve great heights for your business and on the other, you have →

The structure of the magazine: magazine designing

I used the computer to produce my magazine, this is because I thought using the computer would be the best method do design and create magazine because, it has software's which allow you to insert text and pictures on the same page. Secondly it's because it gives me the chance to meet these artists which →

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and implications for head start families

He spent much of his time in the library and found solace in books. I think since Maslow was still writing and publishing at the time of his death he intended to continue his research.

Love for your country

Being proud of being American is like being proud of being Christian: how can you be proud of that? If you want to be proud, be proud of your achievements!

Immaculate perception

However, this point cannot be proved because where is the division between the experiences of the mother and the baby, or is there even a division between the two? With this bias no one can claim to have untouched or virgin perception because it has been trained to only acknowledge certain elements of the surrounding.

Will religion ever disappear?

Statistical evidence suggests that in terms of institutional religion, membership is in decline in Britain and in much of the rest of the world. Today the Church has less wealth and plays little part in the running of the country, Martin calls this process the disengagement of religion from wider society.

Tv industry – factors in change, changing face of the industry

The television industry has not been left out in these changes and has suffered a considerate change, forcing the industry to restructure its systems and change their strategies so as to keep up the trend. These factors include; the threat of new entrants in the market, bargaining power of the suppliers, bargaining power of the →

Helmet laws

One day you could be riding behind a car on the highway and the car all of the sudden the car in front gets in a wreck and flips and smashes the motorcyclist. Another important reason why I think the helmet law should be enforced is because the people who are most likely to wear →