Genuine Research Paper Examples

Free online social networks threats research paper example

In this study, various aspects of network, social and physical security associated with online social networks sites have been discussed beginning with the introduction of the mechanisms related to each threat and the summaries of relevant solutions that can be adopted to solve these issues amicably. 0 Online threats and solution Processes Conclusion β†’

Example of research paper on engineering: world trade center new york

It was created through the tube frame design that runs vertically from the base of the building to the apex. - Aluminum was mixed with steel to create steel bushings that ensured the core as firmly fixed and no loose ends were hanging. The major categories of structural steel include: - ASTM A529 - ASTM A572 - β†’

Example of user experience research paper

They are also able to access their contacts by login in to their Gmail account using the Google chrome web browser. We were also interested in learning that Google chrome is the fastest web browser when compared to FireFox and Internet explorer. They simply want to have an enjoyable and fun time. Adding more features β†’

Sample research paper on sales career research project

The company maintains a continuous observation of logistics by communicating with the carriers and the customer form departure until the shipment arrives to the customer. Steps of the Sales process Used in this position: Key steps applied in this position include - Search of potential clients through internet and phone communication - Explaining to the β†’

Research paper on

The following selection offers a chance to all customers from different cultural backgrounds to get a chance of shopping at website. Organization culture, corporate values, and norms improve the performance of a business depending on the approach an organization uses to implement them. has maintained quality customer management values through the provision of β†’

Example of research paper on external and internal environment

In the World Wal-Mart is positioned as the second largest company based on the successive growth, shares that the company has acquired within the market and the dominance within the industry. The retail market is competitive with various entrants and the existing giant companies having a huge impact towards the company growth and development. The β†’

Global crossing fraud research papers example

The Chairman sold the stock of the company only two years before the collapse of the company. With the increasing growth of the company and the value of the shares, Winnick regularly sold some shares and earned the profits.

Research paper on external factors analysis

The company has engaged in several acquisitions to increase its geographic reach and increase customer base. Delek U.S.has a strong financial position. The wide range of petroleum products sold by the company enables it to enhance its brand image and serve an extensive customer base. Delek U.S.has not invested in alternative fuels and increase focus β†’

Ups air cargo company

However, in 1913, Evert McCabe with his delivery car-Model T Ford- appeared as a competitor of Casey and Ryan. UPS continued to grow despite war and by 1975, UPS had established their firms in 48 different states of U.

Mearl oil company case

According to this discovery, company made a memorandum of wastewater discharge, environmentand health standard to all Mearl subsidiaries which were then called by Environmental Impact Targets. The EITs provide very detailed and specific manufacturing standards down to the process and controls that facility had to apply to its operation related to health β†’

Example of research paper on the automobile industry

The development of the electric motor and the battery to propel a vehicle in market the pioneer and significant step in the steam and locomotive industry between 1893 and 1894. These figures prove that despite the significant and tremendous changes experienced within the automobile industry, automobile firms have had to pay specific prices on the β†’

Company assessment

The new direction of the University over the years to come is to increase the amount of student body and graduates. Each person has a different need and it is up to the manager to see what motivates each employee to become successful. According to the article, The Value of Teamwork, by David β†’

Mcdonald’s fast-food restaurants

However, Klein's book " No Logo" has been in the forefront of the antiglobalization campaign, citing that globalization has led to the crowding out of the smaller local players. Klein further says that the globalization process has been perfected by the kinds of McDonald's through franchising and the operation of gas station β†’

A stray cat research paper sample

The paper will examine comprehensively the consequences and effects of leaving a cat to stray without due care. The paper will demonstrate that this not only put the life of the poor animal at risk, but also illustrate the weaknesses of the society in ensuring the animal rights are respected and upheld. I live in β†’

Leading global foodservice mcdonalds

By the time the meat is ready after the 45 seconds on the grill, the dressing would be finished as well. Then the dressed toasted buns is moved from point 2 to point 3, that's mean from the dressing table to the side of the grill where the cooked meat patty will β†’

Gdi consulting firm security policies research paper examples

The key elements for effective security policies include Facility and Physical Security Policy, Information Systems Security Policy, Personnel Security Policy, Ethical and Moral Policy, Acceptable Use Policy, Safety and Health policy, Business Continuity Policy and Email and Communication Policy. - Facility and Physical Security Policy Physical Security involves security measures designed to deter physical entry β†’

Management planning – the boeing company

The Boeing Company's business is conducted by its employees, managers and corporate officers led by the chief executive officer, with oversight from the Board of Directors. The Board's Governance, Organization and Nominating Committee periodically review the Company's corporate governance principles and current practices. Legal Issues The planning process of the company can be problematical, at β†’

Swot matrix for starbucks

Starbucks spends minimal cost on marketing although they have great market share due to the product differentiation star bucks has a unique line coffee shops so advertising is through a method called word of mouth. Their core competencies can be defined as high quality coffee and products at accessible locations and affordable β†’

Research paper on tuition reimbursement programs

It only requires the student to agree to take the responsibility of paying the school and thereafter the school might defer the payments until the student is employed. Hence, if the employer does not provide the funds to the school then the burden of educational costs is laid upon the student. To begin with, employers β†’

Zara and h&m

If we have focus on their clothing line we believe that they have penetrated the market very much, naturally because they use the same products, clothing, and also because they aim for their existing target group. If your growth strategy is market penetration it would be obvious choice to promote your products, but that is β†’

Kmart corporation

The objective in establishing a needs analysis that is used at Kmart is to find out the answers to the following questions: - " Why" is training needed? " What" type of training is needed? - " When" is the training needed? - " Where" is the training needed? - " Who" needs the training? β†’

Agency conflicts

The separation of the company ownership and control, which Is especially prevalent where corporate ownership Is highly diffused, gives rise to possible conflicts between shareholders and managers. In theory, shareholders elect the board of directors of the company, which in turn ire's managers to run the company for the Interests of shareholders. So β†’

Discovering las vegas’ vibrance and orlando’s magic

Thus, we will try to evaluate the ups and downs of having a vacation in Las Vegas and Orlando by browsing through articles that feature these cities. Anyone might have known Las Vegas because it is constantly represented in movies as a site for gambling and shotgun weddings. The resort is a " full-fledged Las β†’

Good example of research paper on post-world war-i situation

The employers tried their best to overcome the power of labor unions through various tactics. The War ended, but the overall disaster in the Labor industry just started. But the real deadlock started in the year of 1937, the year of the great depression.

The cheesecake factory research paper examples

The company has already signed licensing agreements for expansion in the Middle East and Latin America. One of the main strengths of TCF is its extensive, innovative and evolving menu , 2013). The innovativeness of TCF in terms of its product offerings is evidenced by its new Skinnylicious menu which aims to target the β†’

Roles of information systems research papers examples

The business strategy and the goals of the business are the key components that should determine the information system adopted by the business and not the vice versa. Information systems have fundamental roles in the conducting of day-to-day business. The company will be able to undertake better projects since information β†’

Solutions research paper examples

Additionally, it will show that the firm and the clients are working as a team because the needs of the clients and the firm will be achieved. In addition, the Gift-cards are difficult to use, especially if the user is new to the system. It is an essential approach as it will make the process β†’

The most important investment for a company is to spend money to improve the work skills of its employees

Therefore, Form where I stand, devoting money to improvement of its' employees has been the most important investment for a company. First of all, skilled employees, to a large extent, are conductive to reduce a large amount of cost in companies. It is obvious that the if companies get their β†’

How apple managed to reinvent itself over the years

In 2001, the iPod melody player became successful making the company the leader in the customers' electronic business. Apple Inc.has had its successes and failures. In 1980, the introduction of Apple 11 was the beginning and the representation of the computer uprising during that period.

Role of private investigators in private security research paper samples

This literature discuses the role of private investigators in private security the jobs they hold, different types and the value and requirements are necessary to be private investigator Role of private investigators in private security Private investigators play various roles in private security. For an individual to a licensed private detector, they must β†’

Finance: company analysis research paper examples

Additionally, company have also gone to an extent of investing to the society as a way of revealing its togetherness with the people who are its clients as a way of corporate social responsibility. The company have also embraced the idea of environmental conservation by cutting on its carbon emission into the air as a β†’

Free research paper about history of sears roeback company-exploitation of the american market

This process helped to evade the middlemen who happen to increase the prices of the products reducing the purchasing power of the products. It was a way of advertising their products as the more they were in most regions, the more the people came to learn of their existence.

Supervisory skills research paper example

In case of any decline in quality, the tests and done thoroughly and repeatedly. The auditing of process entails the reviewing of results handed in by the quality control personnel in order to determine whether the original tests were performed correctly. The directors of the various divisions in the Toyota organization should agree with the β†’

Verizon says yahoo hack is β€˜material,’ could affect deal

83 billion deal to buy thetechnologycompany. Verizon's general counsel Craig Silliman told reporters at a roundtable in Washington the data breach could trigger a clause in the deal that would allow the U.S.wireless company not to complete it. " I think we have a reasonable basis to believe right now that the impact is material and β†’

Amazon rainforest

August is the Amazon's driest month.[pic]In the southeast of England, the temperature in January is about 5 c, where as in the Amazon it is about 28 c.[pic]The total number of tree species is estimated to be about 2500. Map of the Amazon rainforest The Amazon rainforest covers the area of 2.

Intel corporation-porters 5 forces model research paper examples

Currently, computers and other technological devices are principally reliant on processors to function meaning that the threat of substitutions to Intel Corp's business is minimal. The biggest threat comes from counterfeit processors that damage the reputation and business function of Intel Corp.

Good research paper about triumph group, inc

Navy had the opportunity of increasing its revenues and profits because of high performance recorded during that period. - Areas of interest Navy and Triumph have coincident interests in areas of production and maintenance. The amount of orders and revenues maintained by Navy offers the organization an opportunity to seek more contracts with other companies β†’

The doctrine of separate legal entity: a case of salomon vs salomon & co ltd

The importance of this doctrine and its relevance in the analysis of laws relating to companies is evident in the case of Salomon v A Salomon and Co Ltd [1897] AC22, the leading case which gave effect to the separate entity principle. This case has formed the basis of company law and corporate theory. The β†’

Research paper on walmart and its marketing strategies

To achieve this, it is important to increase the customer base and hence increase the volume in order to wring the supplier side constraint and provide the lowest prices to the customers. The threat of any foreseeable increase in competition is low as the entry barrier is high due to the high cost of establishing β†’

What is the impact of attractive packaging on impulse purchase decision?

In this research I will try to find the connection between attractive packaging of a product in influencing impulse purchase. Purpose: The basic purpose of this research is to provide information to assist in research to gain knowledge and to understand the problems. Therefore, the research question is formulated as follows: What is the relationship β†’

Research paper on assumption1: machines can be reliable

The video data recoded during surgeries in the hospitals are deleted after a few weeks.. - What are two main components of Hadoop? Hadoop is one of the leading technology of big data. However, traditional computing solutions and databases are un-scalable to handle the data of this magnitude. Big data velocity also raises a β†’

Research paper on computer lab

Discussion Board #5 Proper The PROPER function sets the first letter of each word in a cell to upper case and the rest of the characters of the text would be on the lower case.. Instead of typing the words again in order to make it in proper form the PROPER function β†’

Example of research paper on public relations ethics comic strip

Unlike the role it plays in managing the flow of information on the Association of National Advertisers, it is a bigger picture and a reflector of the public's progress. The handbook of strategic public relations and integrated marketing communications.

Mission of southwest airlines

The result is that the airline enjoyed an increase in every aspect of operations over the 20 years of operations that are presented in this case study. Herb Kelleher played a unique and important role in the success of Southwest. This was an important to the company's success because he operated from β†’

Comparing manchester airport to starbucks

Starbucks runs on entire sector primary, secondary and tertiary because they pay farmers to grow the beans so they are primary, they are in the secondary sector because they roast the beans into coffee, and they are in the tertiary sector because they sell the products and provide a service to customers. In addition there β†’

Classical conditioning research paper

Pavlov by the aid of the fistula made a sensational discovery that the dogs would start salivating on a mere sight of empty bowls of food. The major transformation during the Pavlovian conditioning process in the changing of an initially neutral stimulus to conditioned stimulus that produces a similar response like the one produced by β†’

Mcdonalds and social responsibility

McDonalds is serving up the same food to them as it is to Americans, but they are not suffering from obesity. Unfortunately, the sad truth is that many of us are choosing to be obese, and we are in denial.

Burger king marketing & employee motivation strategy.

A holders of Burger King franchises has to follow the strict obligations and duties given by the Burger King; it includes designs of a company, internal and external appearance, brand standards, quality and serving offood, training programs and employee compensation plans Nathan, 2011). Burger King is giving license to the operators and administrators β†’

Marketing research on heineken research paper

This should be compared to the cost of running the campaign in order to determine if the campaign is paying back as intended to the business. This metric is necessary for Heineken since the company operates in different market segments and as such, it is important to identify the rate β†’


5% indicated Havaianas as first brand of flip flops designed Find the right market segment considering the competitors Convey to consumers the important attributes, technical and emotional, of the product Targeting The product is suitable for everyone, but especially for consumers aged from 16 to 40 In this range we have identified three main consumers β†’

Research paper on business: introduction of chile

This essay introduces Chile as a country, the culture of its people, Chilean business etiquettes and provides basic information about the commercial bank the group intends to set up. Chile is a country in South America located between the Pacific Ocean to the West and the Argentina to the East. β†’

Kotler ch. 1 jetblue company case 14th edition

In today's world consumers need to be able to travel long-distances quickly and JetBlue's practices ensure customer comfort/satisfaction along the journey. The wants of JetBlue's customers are to safely and quickly travel on an airplane.

Marketing plan for event management company

2 Objectives, research questions, limitations The main objective of this thesis is to fulfill the need of the Clubworks Company having a comprehensive marketing strategy in order to optimize the company's functions and to raise the company's wealth. The reference is not included in this table.β†’

Mcdonald’s beef-fries controversy

However, in the early 1990's, Mcdonald's was facing problem due to changing customer preferences and increasing competition. Customers were becoming increasinglyhealthconscious and they wanted to avoid red meat and friedfood. The furore over the matter seemed to be settling down, when to McDonald's horror, some of its restaurants in India were vandalized.

Research paper on henry ford

Ford is renowned for changing the lifestyle of the Americans the production system in the 1900's by inventing some of the first automobiles. This made the company one of the largest car manufacturers in the world at the time. The efficiency of production due to the introduction of the assembly line made the prices of β†’

Adelphia communications corporation

It was started on the demand of Rene-Robert Cavelier, Sieru de La Salle after he projected it from the year 1660 and later being appointed the Governor of Fort Frontenac, which was at the mouth of River Mississippi. After traveling over the country through the River, he returned to France and there β†’

Effect on starbucks store design on consumer behavior

In order to achieve our goal, first, we will focus on how Starbucks consumer behaviour in China and compare it with other countries such as U.S.A. And then we will compare Starbucks in China storeconcept designand how it affect the consumer behaviour in China and then compare it with KFC store design.

Free research paper on crisis management

Some of the passengers panicked, hoarded the available food and started arguing, but on the other side, a group of passengers in the same ship shared water, indulged in prayers and comforted the children of other families. In this research, I will explore Crisis management in detail by analyzing the types of crisis that would β†’

Uber, careem suspend services in uae capital

He did not respond to questions about the arrests or the reason for the suspension of services. Christian Eid, vice-president of marketing and communications for Careem, a Dubai-based company, said many of its drivers were being stopped by authorities in Abu Dhabi, apparently over licensing issues, and as a result had become nervous and were β†’

8 ways to reduce your company’s expenses

Second, you could reduce your expenses. Increasing sales requires a lot of planning, strategy and moving pieces to fall in line, but reducing your company's expenses is something you can do very easily - all it takes is a little bit of time. Not only can this help to absorb some of your lease expense, β†’

Example of research paper on trade marks problem question

Kraft Foods is the owner of the Toblerone brand. The reason for the confusion among the consumers of chocolate would be based on the shape of the pointy mints brand. According to the rules regarding the registration of trademarks, the product should not cause confusion among the consumers of the product in relation to the β†’

Singapore company law

Whilst there, his accountant gave him a prospectus issued by Ionic Ltd., a company listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange, to take home to read and if interested, to follow the instructions about investing in new shares in the company which were to be quoted on the Exchange. After reading the prospectus, β†’

Mcdonald’s pound exposure

This makes it an equity capital and any foreign profit or loss is reflected only in the CTA account on the joint balance sheets. The other option of stating the loan ' Nonpermanent invested' would credit or debit all profit or gains from the account of the parent company. Interest payments are β†’

Google beats oracle in $9 billion android trial

A U.S.jury handedGooglea major victory on Thursday in a long-running copyright battle with Oracle Corp.over Android software used to run most of the world's smartphones. The jury unanimously upheld claims by Google that its use of Oracle's Java development platform to create Android was protected under the fair-use provision of copyright law, bringing trial β†’

Toyota’s sudden unintended acceleration

Introduction about the mechanism : The throttle is a metal plate that connected to the end of the gas pedal this part controls the amount of the air that go to the vehicle's engine. To move the throttle plate there is an electronic throttle control that connects the throttle linkages and the accelerator pedal to β†’

My favourite brands

It provides you best quality at cheaper price with belief of Reynolds. HERO HONDA: I learnt bike with Hero Honda CD 100 SS which we have in our house 10 years ago. Hero Honda also have many products depends on the needs of the customers, Splendra is the most sold model of Hero Honda which β†’

Example of research paper on leadership style of larry page

Page has Masters Degree from Stanford University as well as a BSC degree from the University of Michigan. The stupendous development of Google credited to the extraordinary leadership style of Dr.Page. The leadership approach of Larry is clear and simple towards his workers, that is, to be humane, compassionate, co-operative β†’

How political, legal and social factors are impacting upon the business activities of tesco in the uk and china

These social factors could include demographic issues, changes in structure, religion, educationand ethics. For Tesco:- UK What are the political influences in the UK which impact on Tesco:- The government sets a corporation tax rate, and Tesco must comply with this and pay a proportion of their profits to the government. With Tesco having β†’

Financial statement differentiation research paper

However, the bottom line of the statement is the net income which indicates profitability of the company in terms of investments. Balance Sheet A balance sheet is essentially a detailed report on a company's liabilities, assets and shareholders equity. Generally, the statement is normally divided into cash from operating, investing and financing activities. The β†’

Good research paper on factors for failure

Although that day the rise was a sudden increase and break cycle, the Internet boom is usually referred to as the stable and continual expansion and development of the World Wide Web. Companies simply added the title " e" which increased the value of their stocks. One of the major reasons for the bursting of β†’

Window display

Another design element that underlines the simplicity of this set-up Is dark Cheap Monday sign, light colors of the retail space and minimalist hangers creating a pleasant contrast. Layout and diagonal lines In this composition that create attention and movement and symmetry between clothing rack and apparel that Is giving calm effect are β†’

The factors that contribute to the effective use of ipads with pmld pupils.

These potential issues will be factored in to all research. Rationale Despite the rapid advances in the field of specialeducationover the last few decades children with PMLD have continued to present a challenge to teachers and teaching methods. I expect my examination of the field to further support the theory that iPads will improve β†’

Good research paper on financial analysis: american express

Below is the summary of recommendation trend over the stock: Financial Statement Analysis- Horizontal Analysis Income Statement Balance Sheet Cash Flow Statement Ratio Analysis In this section, in order to evaluate the financial performance of American Express over the past three years, we will be using the tool of ratio β†’

Research for financial analysis of citigroup company

Financial analysis refers to the examining of financial statements or financial reports. Financial statements provide a general overview of how the business is doing and these statements are normally four in number namely the balance sheet, the income statement, statement of retained earnings and statement of cashflows. Citibank β†’

General motors human resources (hrm motors)

HR team in GM always focuses on people. Compensation issues and reward policies: GM provides its employees' the benefits which to go beyond the expected in terms of range. GM also provides its employees and their immediatefamilymembers the product discounts. Labor-management issues and employee support/relations: GM respects the right β†’

Example of research paper on apple iphone

The company also makes use of celebrity endorsements to advertise its iphone. Moving ahead, like with all Apple marketing, the marketing strategy of iPhone is very clear, clever and simple. Further, the website of Apple is considered as an effective marketing means for present and potential users and customers of iPhone that have high interest β†’

Vodafone egypt

This paper focuses on what Vodafone had to consider in concerns to entering the Egyptian market in 1998." Vodafone's corporate growth strategy is to use the technical and managerial expertise of the parent company to enter markets and leverage this knowledge in its subsidiaries. Vodafone, being the market leader, and wanting to expand, had to β†’

The pepsi generation

Pepsi Cola went bankrupt in 1923 and was later purchased by the Loft Candy Company who tried to sell it to Coca Cola. Pepsi's first jingle was broadcast across the nation in 1966 Pepsi is sold in Japan and Eastern Europe for the first time. Price positioning also would not help Coca Cola because β†’

Walt disney company

With its mission to be one of the world's leading producers and providers of entertainment, Walt Disney continues to seek and develop the most creative experiences. Walt Disney's values are what make the company stand out. The variety of training and the benefits of the training supplement the organizational culture of the company.

Tesla inc research paper examples

It was interesting to analyze that the company experienced a 289% increase in accounts payable in comparison to 2011. The increase in revenue was also experienced during 2011 also when with the turnover of $202242, the company increased its revenue by 75% in comparison to 2010. Works Cited Robinson, T..

General electric research paper

According to Welch stretching is one of the business strategy this means figuring the performance target, that are within GEs capability and reasonable. These business strategies try to work towards the companies' goals and mission. The operations of the GE are very important on its achievement of the business targets.

Good research paper about they jobs

The three interviewees include a tutor, a doctor and the CEO of a communication company. Robert is a mid aged man who graduated from with a degree in teaching and he currently works as a tutor. Roberts's performance is evaluated depending on the results his class records at the end of the year and the β†’

Cultural challenges of opening a business in haiti research paper

The country is currently the 25th poorest country in the world according to UN's Human Development Report ranking in the year 2010. Cultural Barriers and Differences With regards to the culture, the culture of Haitians could be considered as a very different one when compared with the culture of the citizens of Dominican Republic β†’

Hrm about alibaba

Outline of People Management Issues This issue related to the credibility of Alibaba is directly due to the internal defects in management, the lack of inside supervision and few controls of the internalculture. Although managers in Alibaba Group have to take responsibilities for the consequences, it cannot be denied that the fraud fully exposed that β†’

Marketing – colgate greece

Line Extension | Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief| | Colgate Max White| | | Colgate Max Fresh| | | Colgate Time Control| | | Colgate Oxygen| | | Colgate Total| | | Colgate Total Advanced Fresh| | | Colgate Total Plus Whitening| | | Colgate Total Fresh Stripe| | | Colgate Sensitive| | | Colgate Sensitive Whitening| β†’

Wal-mart is dangerous for economics and small business

I suppose it would open maybe around 60 jobs tops in town, but a majority of the jobs would beminimum wagejobs. Raising the employment rate of your town has nothing to do with the actual quality of the town, and that's saying that all the people hired come from our town. Every β†’

Women warriors of the amazon

The Amazons, knowing that they could not live within the Scythian patriarchy, insisted the men leave their native land and start a new life in the manner they were accustom to the Scythian men obliged and they set out and established several new villages." These new clans were known as the Sauromataes, who spoke a β†’

Training professionals have a leading role in innovation and change.

The purpose of this essay is to successfully explain the leading role that training professionals have in innovation and change. Nowadays, the role of a training professional is to successfully come up with a program that will improve the performance of a certain work group with the best practices to lead towards innovation and change. β†’

Samsung research paper sample

Such a lawsuit discourages Samsung to conduct business in the U.S. There is the political aspect in comparison of Samsung in the U. Samsung that is based in the U.S.

Free research paper about documentation delays at al madina logistics

A computerized process will reduce the process to ensure the company maximizes the opportunities to create good relationship and efficiency in the process. 3. The process entails the use of manual files to search and input data of the invoices in the system.

Rice cakes and starbucks

And then his phone rings and it's CBS wanting to know if his daughter can come to a casting to which he replies:" I will have to get back to you about that" and does not tell Beth what the call was about. But some people have the power to handle both their drams and β†’

Business ethics and social responsibility of my given company

The purpose of this essay is to give a good understanding of what Ethical Business practise and corporate Social Responsibility is and how my company personally goes about fulfilling all their obligations to their stakeholders of Unilever. I will do this by obtaining information on both the terms in the question and then about the β†’

Agency theory and corporate governance research paper

The agency theory and corporate governance always go hand in hand in an attempt to solve the agency problem2. Corporate governance puts an emphasis on the stakeholders' accountability in all their activities, and ways to manage and reduce the principle-agent theory, usually addressed by the agency theory, and that is where the agency theory and β†’

Sumitomo mitsui banking corporation

STB Omega Investment Ltd: One of the subsidiaries of The Sumitomo Trust and Banking Co., Ltd (one of the global corporate client of KPMG) mainly dealt with the investment in CDO/CLOs administered by Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Ltd. LLC and Snowhite LLC. PAKISTAN KARACHI, Affiliate with TASSER HADI KHAILD β†’

Facebook ceo says it will not become a media company

Facebook Inc.will not become a media company, its founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg said on Monday, telling students the firm would remain atechnologyplatform. An increasing number of users are turning tosocial medianetworks, such as Facebook and Twitter, to find their news, but Zuckerberg said his firm had no ambitions to become a content provider. " β†’