Genuine Research Paper Examples

Movement, space and dynamics in “carmen” of mat ek

As the group of female dancers come in we see a dramatic change in the dynamics and movements of the dance as in comparison to M, these dancers have a much more open body position about them with much greater use of the entire kinosphere of each individual. The use of multiple kicks and turns β†’


The grammar of the steps is followed rigorously. It is danced to Carnaticmusicand the mathematical precision of the dance equals the Carnatic music measure of measure. Bharatanatyam: The Journey The journey of bharatnatyam from the temples of south India to the proscenium of the world is a very exciting one.

The origins of masks

There is evidence to prove this all over the world, which includes paintings on the walls of the insides of various different caves in Southern France, to images also painted or inscribed on the walls of pyramids in the Sahara desert of Egypt. Although our own Britishcultureis extremely different to that of many others around β†’

Belonging: birmingham royal ballet and billy elliot

The use of word " Gentle" establishes Feliks as a calm and mild man and also demonstrate the relationship between the persona and his father is completely strong. Therefore, family is the first place which teaches you about the understanding and acceptance to identify the sense of belonging in your life. So, while the acceptance β†’

Free objectives: research paper example

The adult stem cell research is ethical than the embryonic stem cell research. Adult stem cell research refers to the usage of matured cells from mature adult human being without killing the host. On the other hand, embryonic stem cell research referred to the usage of a 14 day old zygote. β†’

Original myth

The Sun was favored by the other astral entities to the isolated Moon. Not long after all of the spirits of the universe were created by the Great Spirit, their creator who cannot be seen by any life form, the Sun had become the leader of all other celestial bodies and was β†’

The mark of athena

They ride on the Argon 2nd, a ship that one of the demigods made which can travel in the air and water. She has to follow the Mark of Athena to find and bring back something that the Romans stole from the Greeks that was dedicated to Athena.

Is the claim of white skin privilege a myth

Focusing on the topics of white benefits, white denial, and a personal opinion, in this essay will I will explain to the reader the question, " Is the claim of white skin privilege a myth? Referring to the author from the first passage, Paul Kivel, " The reality of privilege is so embedded within the β†’

Aeneid and hector

Aeneas is a good leader because he puts his faith in the gods in everything he does. Aeneas, being the good leader he is, gives a prize to Salius and Nisus.

Institutionalized organizations: formal structure as myth

This paper argues that the formal structures of many organizations in postindustrial society dramatically reflect the myths of their institutional environments instead of the demands of their work activities. The first part describesprevailing theories of the origins of formal structures and the main problem the theories confront. The essence of β†’

Roland barthes & myths

It is through their rhetoric that bourgeois myths outline the general prospect of this pseudo-physis which defines the dream of the contemporary bourgeois world. 6- Quantification of Quality: This is a figure which is latent in all the preceding ones.

Past and future life

While living there with my grandparents my sister and I never got along she would always do things and blame me for it. I remember one night after eating dinner my sister got up to put her dishes in the sink in the kitchen, so I came in behind her but as I walked up β†’

Continued dependence of united states on foreign oil research paper example

The big dilemma involved here is the increase in earth temperature due to excessive burning of oil which poses serious threats to overall national interest and security. Background The imports of United States including oil from more than 10 oil rich countries and oil dependence on such a large number of countries has serious β†’

Disney vs. the future of men

The fun and innocence may have its value, but it is important to understand how these movies are representing the moral characteristics that the children viewing them will eventually grow up to represent themselves. Most alarmingly is the representation of masculinity throughout many classic Disney movies such as Mulan, The Lion King, β†’

The future of wimax and its effect on our lives

In fact, what changed is that now people become more interested in these technologies and look for more development in this field. With development in this field, companies start to invent new technology that can be better than and challenge Wi-Fi, such as WiMAX and LTE. WiMAX is not the only technology in β†’

Cosmology research paper examples

This paper introduces the field of Cosmology, its various disciplines, past findings, and then goes on to outline the present research and future prospects in this field. Introduction Cosmology can be crudely defined as the study of the Universe. In the history of Cosmology, there were two major theories β†’

Terroism yesterday, future & chronology

The last story of Columbine was an act of domestic terrorism. In a perverted way, the perpetrators of Columbine were making a statement, and that is terrorism.

Don benito cereno: no future without the past

New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1990 Don Benito Cereno's epiphany over the mistake of underestimating the Negroes keeps him moralized upon the past, rather than accepting his wrong doings and modifying them into optimistic beneficial accomplishments. To prove that his way of thinking is keeping him from moving on, Captain Delano advices β†’

The future of east timor

At issue is the fate of the people of the tiny island of East Timor, located in the far reaches of the Indonesian archipelago. At issue is the desire of the East Timorese to secede, which goes against the desires of the central government to maintain the territorial integrity of their country.

Good no child left behind act research paper example

The no child left behind act is a requirement in the United States of America began to function in 2002 and was pass unanimously by both republican and democrats. A good example is that most of those in the surround make us reflect on to live in the future.

Infographic: the future of loyalty in retail

Gone are the days of segmenting customers on the basis of demographics such as age and gender. The infographic reveals that there is now a need to focus on identifying customers on the basis of their choices and preferences.

Example of research paper on why do we dream

Dreaming, therefore, plays a role in enabling us experience what we like or dislike about our day to day activities in life. We dream in order to have the experience or the feel of the situations that are threatening in reality. The instances of fighting with other people or enemies helps us to experience the β†’

The past and the future the cure for time

One can choose any moment in history, and, at some time, it had existed in the form of the present. Also, in the mind of the person remembering this moment in the past, it exists as present in that particular memory. How can we know that the definition of the word present actually establishes this β†’

The future of business information system

The system is called Help Desk which enables in the monitoring of the inventory system and the management of the SMS and documents. Outsourcing might also involve reducing the cost even it effects their quality to a slight extent. IT outsourcing helps improve the efficiency of IT department as after outsourcing there is special attention β†’

Nature vs. nurture: do we have control over our destiny or is it pre-determined for us?

The central dispute in the study of human development is the nature-nurture controversy. It argues that people's heredity is the mold that shapes development. John Watson, the founder of behaviorism, argued that the environment and not nature, was the key to human development.

The future of work motivation theory

These and other definitions have three com mon denominators.con They are all principally or events cerned with factors that energize, over time.and sustain human behavior channel, In various ways, of work theories contemporary motivation to explicate derive from efforts with increasing precision to determine terrelate how these behavior three factors in organizations.

Earmarks in the u.s. budget

Key Actors and Their Roles Earmarks are mobilized through the Appropriations Committee; the Appropriations Committee is legislatively supported by clause seven of Article I, Section 7 of the Constitution; its function thereby defined by this statement, " No money will be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law; and a β†’

Budget making

The cash budget is a tool to recognize the cash position of a company on a month to month basis. Finally the cost budget feeds a variance analysis area that lets you compare actual costs to budgeted costs on a monthly and year-to-date basis. Not all spreadsheet applications are as successful as the one described.

Distribution of us budget in military and education

It" s not that us Americans do not want a solid military, we just believe that our military is wasting billions of dollars at the expense of our children" seducationand well being. 50 years ago our country, and the entire world was in disparate need of a strong U.S.military. The money is truly there, we β†’

Balanced budget amendment

This level is of debt is unsustainable to the our economy and a Balanced Budget Amendment may be the answer to get wasteful spending under control and reduce out national debt. There is a lot of debate for a Balanced Budget Amendment in the United States. Under this version of the amendment β†’

Research paper on budget deficit and its impact in the economy

I will highlight the positive and negative effects of the budget deficit and the different causes of the deficits. It increases the gap between the poor and rich in the economy. When a government decides to borrow funds from abroad, it causes an increase in the amount of foreign debt.

Different type of budgeting technique

An example would include increasing last years operating expenses by the rate of inflation to calculate the new budgeted figure. The major disadvantage of this is that the major part of the expense does not change and in fact is overlooked and not questioned under this approach. By understanding the relationship between all β†’

Example of planning a family vacation research paper

Specific purpose: To give the audience an insight into some of the factors to consider when planning a family vacation. Central idea: Planning is core to the success of a family vacation and all important factors should be taken into consideration. Introduction There is a misconstrued concept that little or no planning is β†’

Budgeting in cooperatives

The advantages of having a budget and budgeting system are as follows: It ensures the plans and ultimately the objectives of the co-operative are realized; It provides a means to control expenditure and ensure corrective measures are in place if over-expenditure has occurred or is happening; It assists in communicating financial information to all in β†’

Federal animals should receive at research facilities

In addition, the Animal Welfare Act is enforced by other federal committees such as the Food and Drug Administration , and the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee to ensure the ____ and fair treatment of animals during testing. Every IACUC at each research facility reviews research protocols and conducts evaluations on β†’

Budget approaches

The main weakness of this system is that a lot of effort is required in its running by the managers involved. Creation and Uses of Budgets Budgets actually are the short-term plan that aid in putting the strategic plan into action. The appropriate use of budgets helps all β†’

Importance of a budget to a school

A school budget can also be defined as a financial plan of funds that a school expects to receive and the expenditure it will take to achieve its educational objectives. The headteacheris charged with the prime duty of preparing a school budget. A budget is important to an educational institution in the β†’

Psyc 305 exam #1 study guide

PSYC 305 Exam #1 Study Guide Defense Mechanisms: help ego deal withanxiety(Ego cannot handle the conflicts between ID and superego.) * Rationalism: plausible, but false reason for action * " I needed to break up with my boyfriend for his own good." * Sublimation: socially productive displacement * " I will just go to β†’

Macroeconomics living standards

Identify the person who gave this idea. A GDP price index is a measure of the price of a specified collection of goods and services in a given year as compared to the price of an identical or highly similar collection of goods and services in a reference year. William Stanley Jevons β†’

The great recession of 2008

The stock markets reflect the buoyancy of the economy. The Indian stock markets also crashed due to a slowdown in the US economy.

Sticky prices and their macroeconomic consequences

On a day-to-day basis, the price system works silently in the background, matching the desires of consumers with the output from producers. Flexible and Sticky Prices But the price system does not always work instantaneously. In modern economies, some prices are very flexible, whereas others are not. In the β†’

How does stagflation affect the phillips curve?

In the following years, Phillips curve was successfully demonstrated to be found in many countries. The IS-LM model is a macroeconomic tool that demonstrates the relationship between interest rates and real output in the goods and services market and the money market. It can be seen from Figure 1, assume that at the beginning, the β†’

Inflation in hungary

1990-1991 In 1990-1991 the main goal of economic policy was to avoid an external debt crisis in Hungary It was threatening to happen because if 3 reasons: the liquidation of CMEA/COMECON followed by rapid growth of oil prices the collapse of Eastern European Trade The stabilisation policy β†’

Commodity fetishism

The prices we see when we walk into a store represent the human labor required to produce the product and the approximate use value one would achieve using it. The use value is simply the amount of utility we gain from consuming or using a good or service. Perhaps a person in β†’

Good example of optimal inflation for guinea research paper

Inflation, which is one of the most significant elements come in the field of macroeconomics has a direct linkage with the economic position and the growth of an economy in particular. In this assignment, it is required to analyze the core relationship between the inflation and the GDP Growth rate of Guinea.

Intro to macro notes

Combinations outside the PPF are unattainable, given the available resources and current technology Combinations inside or on the PPF are attainable, given current shit. Inside the PPF is ineffificent, reosuces are not being used and possible for economy to produce more of one without making more of other Comibinations of the β†’

Macroeconomics: economics and groceries

A few of the most common of these activities are the purchasing of groceries, a massive layoff of employees, and a decrease in taxes. Massive Layoff of Employees A massive layoff of employees can also affect the government, households and businesses in several different ways. This activity can affect the government because with β†’

Intertestament period

Then 418 years after, the book of Matthew, the first book of the New Testament, was written. The Intertestamental Period is the period of history between the two testaments. The Greek period went from 331 167 B.C.Alexander the Great, son of King Philip of Macedonia, was given the control of the β†’

Faith statement

Also, even though I know I will be forgiven, church has taught me that we should all try to do our best at doing what God wants us to do and the right thing. Since I am a Christian, whenever I am about to do something that I think God would not want me to β†’

Home is the place where heart lives

When you learn about the love of Jesus and compare it to the lusts of this world, one seeks to be with Jesus more than anything. The Bible does a great job of describing our future home in the Book of Revelation in Chapter 22. But on behalf of my regard I β†’

Synoptic gospels

Each Gospel and author had a different purpose and each focused on the different facets of Jesus and his ministry." The first three Gospels " are referred to as the synoptic gospels because of the large amount of overlapping materials.(In Greek, synoptic means " seen together'). The first three Gospels are what are known as β†’

Interpretation paper of luke 15

Both the Parable of the Lost Sheep and the Parable of the Lost Coin reflect repentance, diligence, and a form of forgiveness. In this day and age, the majority of people would search and work for the ninety-nine sheep and not the lost one, not for the one coin but for the nine others, and β†’

A brief history of christianity before jesus christ

The teacher of righteousness was " passed away" at some point and the writer pointed out that the incident marked the beginning of the end of all the fighters who deserted to the Liar. The writer also pointed out that period lasted about forty years. The document instructs that the Overseer will β†’

Disinvestment: capitalism and public sector

The only purpose of government would be to protect its citizens from force or fraud. The protection from force, that is, the protection of individual rights, would be achieved through the use of a police force to protect the rights of citizens at home; a military, to protect the rights of citizens from foreign aggression; β†’

Laissez- faire capitalism vs. modified

A true believer In Laissez-fairer capitalism would believe In the separation of economy and state. The lace where complete Laissez-Fairer capitalism fails, however, is in mankind's own greed and desire for riches. The process of natural selection or " survival of the fittest" can be applied to business to Justify immoral and illegal β†’

Tesco’s capital structure

It is commonly accepted that the increase of the gearing ratio will significantly couple with the increasing trend of EPS, and vice versa. In Tesco's case, the decline of gearing ratio parallels the incline of earnings per share. This is an efficiency ratio of the performance of management. Virtually, the company has increase the utility β†’

Free research paper on the future of rhetoric in the electronic age

It begins by considering the fate of English Departments faced with the much-vaunted ' death of the book', but quickly moves on to the weightier matters of the rhetoric of the visual and the consequent enfeeblement of rhetoric in the electronic age. This sense is, of course, not just because of the electronic age and β†’

John kenneth galbraith

A witty commentator on America's political follies and a versatile author of bestselling books that warn prophetically of the dangers of deregulated markets, corporate greed, and inattention to the costs of our military power including the " THE NEW INDUSTRIAL STATE". Galbraith always made economics relevant to the crises of the day. Galbraith remained active β†’

Capitalist system

In a socialist system, the people, through their government, own many of the resources and manage the economy. Representatives of the people decide what to produce and how much. Mixed economy individuals, businesses, and the government own some parts of the economy.

Capital structure theories

Which of the following directors seems to have a risk of tax exhaustion? Director A Director B Director C Director D Q49. Which of the following statements is incorrect? Equity financing is costly as compared to loans A bank is at low risk as they β†’

History of capitalism

I" m nodoctorof the economy, or a spokesperson for all of America, but I feel that company" s can be more profitable both in an economic and a personal standpoint by running a business based on capitalism. Looking at the predicament with competition, from most of my experiences at this stage of life for me, β†’

The protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism

The first three chapters make up what Weber calls " The Problem." The first chapter addresses " Religious Affiliation and Social Stratification," the second " The Spirit of Capitalism," and the third " Luther's Conception of the Calling and the Task of the Investigation." The fourth and fifth chapters make up " The Practical Ethics β†’

Good research paper on lethal injection: the least disturbing method of execution

During the movie, the fatal mistake of not dousing the head of the concerned person, to speed up conduction, led to the extension of massive surge of electricity. A History of the Death Penalty in Georgia :

Statement of facts

At trial the State introduced Simmons confession and the videotaped reenactment of the crime, along with testimony that Simmons discussed the crime in advance and him bragging to fellow classmates about it later. The defense called no witnesses due to the evidence and confession. The juries may get distracted by the crime and not consider β†’

Pro capital punishment – paper

One of the main reasons that people object to thedeath penaltyIn because of the fear that the wrong person could be convicted and put to death. Shown below is the prison population for two separate years and show the number of Inmates that escaped or were ALLOW.According to this research this, is β†’

Death penalty/capital punishment

The study examined the relationship between the number of executions and the number of murders in the U.S.for the 26-year period from 1979 to 2004, using data from publicly available FBI sources... There seems to be an obvious negative correlation in that when executions increase, murders decrease, and when executions decrease, murders increase... The race β†’

Capital punishment: an inquiry into policy decisions in the united states research paper examples

However, if the idea of capital punishment is to be investigated, then the cost-effectiveness of capital punishment programs must be thoroughly investigated. Upon first blush, it appears that capital punishment is not a cost effective policy. Statements of the Problem/Purpose of Capital Punishment The purpose of capital punishment is, arguably, to serve as a β†’

Critique of the death penalty research paper example

The death penalty is unfair in practice, it does not deter crime and it is against the most basic of human rights; the right to life. The increase in homicides in cases of the death penalty was attributed to revenge by the friends and families of the criminal.

The beguines: the brave, religious women of the middle ages

During the Middle Ages, women who entered Beguinages were not bound by permanent vows, in contrast to women who entered convents. It would seem that these women responded spontaneously to the work of the Holy Spirit to live a simple communal life of prayer, to care for the poor, the β†’

Victorian era consciousness

This constantly transforming and thriving world to the people at the time must have been overwhelming and thrilling, as they gained a realisation that all aspects of their lives were becoming influenced in some way or other by the increasingly advanced technologies and innovation. As a result, there was a great influx of population from β†’

Astronomy in the medieval islamic world

And why was it so significant? There is much architecture, objects and textiles from the Islamic World that express the significance of this topic, such as Qasr al-Amra in Jordan, built by Umayyad caliph Walid II in the early 8th century, which features a frescoed caldarium ceiling depicting the twelve Zodiac constellations. There has been β†’

Kingdoms of medieval civilization

The fall of Rome and the rise of Germanic kingdoms marked the end of ancient times and the beginning of the Middle Ages. The decline of Roman rule left the western and central Europe disorganized. A new medieval style of government appeared in the kingdom of the Franks.

The factors that led to the decline of the middle ages

The late middle ages were the ending of something old and the beginning of something that most hoped was better. The decline of the middle ages was the result of famine and plague, decline of the papacy, and the hundred year's war. The Conciliar movement, along with the attacks from intellectuals caused β†’

Medieval european sports

The favourite sport of the peasantry was folk football, a wild no-holds-barred unbounded game that pitted married men against bachelors or one village against another. Theviolenceof the game, which survived in Britain and in France until the late 19th century, prompted Renaissance humanists, such as Sir Thomas Elyot, to condemn it as β†’

2002 ap euro dbq: manchester

The Effects of Industrialization on Manchester, England 1750-1850 England in the 18th and 19th centuries changed dramatically as a result of the Industrial Revolution, which had many effects on the social structure of England and increased the gap between the rich and the poor. The most powerful points of view were from supporters of β†’

The middle ages vs. renaissance

Writers and thinkers of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries introduced the idea that they were part of a distinct era the Renaissance. They found the ideals of the ancient Greeks and Romans to be superior to those found in the feudal and religious literature of the Middle Ages.

Riwt task1 renaissance and middle ages

Due to the fact The Middle Ages came first in history, they will also come first in this paper. To start, I will talk about the characteristics and styles of The Middle Ages and the social conditions that influenced them. The next period, the Renaissance, is probably the most famous period of art β†’

Child maltreatment prevention research paper example

However, such notion is wrong, since many child abusers are family members and well-respected people or people that face some kind of mental condition, or simply do not know any other way to raise a child. Listing the types of child abuse leads us to the following three: emotional, child neglect and physical child abuse. β†’

Research paper on child abuse

Emotional or psychological abuse results from the other forms of abuse. The true incidence and prevalence of child abuse is not known. The true incidence and prevalence of child abuse is unknown due to underreporting.

Causes and effects of child abuse

It is important to understand that the causes of child abuse and the characteristics of families in which child abuse occurs are only indicators. Most parents, even in the most stressful and demanding situations, and even with a personal history that might predispose them to be more violent than parents without such β†’

Too much delegation in nissan

Decentralization make employees feel that organization is trusting on them and giving right to make decision. Example 1: As the company X is suffering from loss for two years, the employee concluded that as the company is closed for 5 to 6 days per month in a year due to strikes in β†’

Reaction paper- asian and global crisis

In my further readings, I have read that during the Asian Crisis in 1997, where affected countries suffered severe setbacks in their economies and where development stagnated, the accountancy profession, including its standards, policies and levels of information disclosures, had played a role in the start of the crisis, and perhaps had even worsened it.

Bristol myers squibb

In 1921 the Squibb Company coined its slogan: " The priceless ingredient in every product is the honor and integrity of its maker", which is now the corporate slogan of Bristol Myers Squibb. In 1989 Bristol-Myers merged with Squibb, creating a global leader in thehealthcare industry. We pledge Bristol-Myers Squibb to the β†’

Project management ethical issues

The primary challenge of project management is to achieve all of the project goals and objectives while honouring the preconceived project constraints. The goal of every project is to drive it to a successful and appropriate conclusion.

Conflict resolution in project management

Conflict resolution in Project Management Conclusions and recommendations Conclusions What is the best way of conflict resolution and why in the projectenvironment? In the business industry and life in general, β†’

Kentucky fried chicken corporation

The company has strong product identification through its branding, advertising as well as packaging signifies the company in various manner. The famous paper bucket that KFC uses for its larger sized orders of chicken, its logos and the famous picture of Harland Sanders, the initial founder, all represent KFC in the most β†’

An introduction to business ethics

This paper will analyze the views of each author as well as address the differences and similarities between the two texts. This paper will answer a number of questions, including: what are the views of each author in regards to socially responsible behavior, what are the ethical principals or theories the books β†’

How to gain weight eating healthy food

I found it very inconvenient to eat a lot of food all day every day, because I am not a big eater. Knowing that I can eat a normal amount of food and still can weight makes me think that I can finally reach my goal weight. I was not eating the β†’

French revolution

A little bit more than two hundred years later, we now know that it was a necessary event. The French revolution was a necessary event, because there was widespread hunger that needed to be changed, they got rid of a king and queen that was disloyal to their country, and the Declaration β†’

Box man

She develops the examples with description vividly portraying the Box Man and the two women.Ascher uses division or analysis to take apart the elements of her three character's lives, and she relies on comparison and contrast to show the differences between the Box Man the other two While using many β†’

~table of contents~

Critic of the " Critical Period Hypothesis" point out that in this example and others like, the child is hardly growing up in a nurturing environment, and that the lack of language acquisition in later life may be due to the results of a generally abusive environment rather than being specifically due to a lack β†’

Climate in groups

Emotional IntelligenceContemporary Assignment: understanding Emotional Climate In Groups I think that being able to recognize the emotional climate when In a group Is very Important and key to how you will respond as an individual. Com/blob/how-do-mementos-almanac-group-and- Individualistically climate in groups By savage Contemporary Assignment: Understanding Emotional Climate in Groups I think that β†’

Example of wine variety and my wine grape is barbera research paper

Presently it is one of the most widely planted grape and accounts for over 50% of the annual DOC red wine production and 35% of the vineyard area. Apart from Italy, Barbera grapes are not much grown in other parts of Europe. The wine that is made from these Barbera grapes are generally dry, full-bodied β†’

What factors affect britains climate?

The main influence on Britain's climate which are important are latitude , altitude , distance from the sea, ocean currents and the prevailing winds. Latitude: Latitude is the position north or south of the equator measured from 0 to 90. As you can see on the diagram Egypt is more nearer to the equator than β†’


The Partnership for Food Safety Education's Fight BAC! campaign, created and endorsed by the US Departments of Agriculture, Education, and Health and Human Services, and 10 food industry organizations in 1997, was developed to reduce the incidence of foodborne illness in the home by educating Americans about safe food-handling practices. The purpose of this study β†’

Food law, food safety & risk management

Furthermore, although the food was baked in a bakery in the neighbouring food authority, Elsewhere it will still be appropriate for the enforcement officer in Somewhere Local Authority to investigate this case because this is where the food was actually eaten. Since Mrs Its Disgusting found glass in a scone she purchased from the bakery β†’