Genuine Research Paper Examples

Cell phone should be banned in high school

Jesse Scccia English teacher from New York said " when I was teaching, all too often I turned around from writing something on the blackboard to find students text messaging or otherwise playing with their phones." When student playing with their cell phone and texting each other they are not listing or learning anything, which →

Cellphones should be banned

While teenagers are stressed when they are not on their phone, always being on can stress people in the workforce." Increasing use of cell phones and pagers may be blurring the boundaries between work and home and raising stress levels at both places". Even though there is just anecdotal evidence of cellphone →

Advances in mobile phone app development and their relevance for social entrepreneurs

Using thecase studymethod, this study discusses the M-PESA as an example of such social entrepreneurial initiative and affirms that mobile applications can be of significant relevance for creating social, economical value. Introduction Despite the integration of information and communication technologies in our lives, governments and public and private providers of services still →

Unplugged: mobile phone and portable music player

I realized that I use my phone mostly just to see what time it is because I always have it on me so it is always the first place I look for the time, instead of running around trying to find a clock. It opened my eyes to my frequent usage and →

Effects of inflation

The main causes of this decrease in aggregate supply is excessive wage growth not accompanied by productivity increase, a rise in the cost of raw materials, and other inputs, or a rise in government taxes or other charges that raise costs for firms. Cost-push inflation may also be the result of imported →

Pest brazil

Political environment Greed and Corruption Increase in government expenditures Political stability and emphasis on consistent economic policies and growth Position of international influence and power Many environmental restrictions and regulations Going into business: High bureaucracy, lack of transparency of rules and slow legal procedures (are hurdles →

Relationship between inflation and economic growth

There are two aspects to this debate: the nature of the relationship if one exists and the direction of causality. Friedman succinctly summarized the inconclusive nature of the relationship between inflation and economic growth as follows: ? historically, all possible combinations have occurred: inflation with and without →

Swot of parknshop

As a supermarket that have they own mission that the mission, vision, and values tenement of each major retail grocery store and supermarket chain in the HIKE defines their brand, culture, and customer experience. Each mission, vision and values statement is as unique as the merchandise and shopping experience of each individual supermarket. →

Swot on japan

World ClassEducationSystem- Japan's education system played a major role in enabling the country to meet the challenges presented by the need to quickly understand Western ideas, science, and technology. Japan has one of the highest standards of education and one of the highest literacy rates in the world. Japan's Automobile Industry- It →

Demographic structure

Leisure activities - since people are reducing their working hours for leisure activities, these reductions could mean more time for most consumers to buy goods and services without time pressures. Means of transportation - the most monumental impact of this relates to the physical capacity to convey passengers and goods and the associated →

British sky broadcasting group

The top-down approach begins at the top, by analyzing thehealthof the UK economy and the effect on the performance and profitability of the companies in it. However the UK economy has just recently entered 2009 in recession, on the brink ofdepression, after unlimited bailouts and running a colossal 15% of GDP budget deficit, the UK →

How to combat inflation

In order to reduce the inflation rate, government should monitor the growth of GDP. One of the ways to reduce the inflation rate in Malaysia is by increasing the deposit rate so that people will save more and spends less.

Qantas pestle

5 Legal The implementation of the carbon tax had a negative affect on the aviation industry, as the airlines could not absorb the higher cost of fuel. This meant to offset costs travelers would pay extra in ticket prices. The airline industry is very competitive and as a result, profit margins are usually →

Example of research paper on biological influences – neurotransmitters

The excitatory neurotransmitters are those that cause the brain to perform certain physiological functions while the inhibitory neurotransmitters bring balance to these functions that are designed to suppress or inhibit them. The functions of the neurotransmitters in the body are significant as the neuronal signals transmitted by them influence bodily function. →

Lewy body dementia suggests that " in Lewy body dementia, abnormal round structures called Lewy bodies develop in regions of your brain involved in thinking and movement." Although the specific cause of dementia is unknown, specialists believe that it relates to Alzheimer's Disease, and Parkinson's Disease. Lewy Body Dementia is not preventable, but there →

Good fats and bad fats research paper example

Good and Bad Fats Fats can be classified as saturated fats and unsaturated fats. Unsaturated cis fats have similar structures to saturated fats and are easy to deposit in the body.

Discuss the role of endogenous pacemakers

This study shows that the circadian rhythm persists without the cues of natural light, which demonstrates the existence of an endogenous clock. However the study also shows that external cues are also important to the sleep/wake cycle, because the clock was not perfectly accurate, meaning that without the cues of natural light, →

The fashion indistries affect on body image

But how does fashion media impact our body image issues? Celebrities in the media can impact us negatively, but they do not always have to be negative influences, they can be positive too, as well as different types of media may alter the opinions we have on ourselves. The positive side to these →

Research paper on the last days of socrates

On the last days of Socrates, he faces death with courage as he understands the meaning of life and his transition to the other life. In the last days of Socrates, Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, and Phaedo give an account of his trial and death. In the years of Socrates, philosophers saw the soul as →

Virgin group – richard branson

Since the Virgin brand itself is the company's greatest asset, protecting the brand image is critical. A second short-term problem is Virgin's financial information that is fragmented, hard to locate, and even interpret. With the company's different alliances and joint ventures, questions about the financialhealthof the Virgin group were being asked.

Spiritual guru isha judd reveals #10 tips for entrepreneurs to succeed

These she categorizes as elements that are absolutely important aspects of business. Learn To Go Home Without Stress To appreciate that our well being is an important aspect of our success so that we can enjoy our achievements is such an important thing says Judd. We home without stress and we are not projecting →

5 entrepreneurial shoves to push you forward

Push all those empty calories off your plate, and you will be able to concentrate on the meat and potatoes. Here are five ways to start. Find a virtual assistant. You can hire a virtual assistant from for approximately $100 per month. It's more efficient to outsource work that drags you away from what you →

7 takeaways in the success of elon musk for young entrepreneurs

No one was convinced to share his/her shop listings on the web when Musk and his brother approached the shopkeepers to list their shops on the web, but they believed in their idea, built it and ultimately sold it to Compaq for $407 Million in cash in coming years. Related: Elon was so obsessed with →

7 ways entrepreneurs drive economic development

According to traditional models, entrepreneurs create new businesses in response to unmet needs and demands in the market. In this vein, the role of government leaders and public policy is to create conditions that allow more entrepreneurs to start businesses by implementing policies which nurture that environment so those businesses can grow.

Entrepreneurs pitch underwater products for life-changing investments

On the show we put new outdoor products to test as the entrepreneurs behind the creations pitch me, NFL linebacker Dhani Jones, and the Co-Founder of Boost Mobile Craig Cooper to invest in their companies and products. This week we dive into the shark-infested waters of the Bahamas to decide if we want to invest →

College entrepreneurs do good and make money

Aaron and Ryan only had a couple of hundred dollars to start their business, but they were able to run their business and start with a small amount of capital. We do not need to start gigantic to create a successful business. We also think that the fact that Ryan and Aaron were young and →

Hear these entrepreneurs share their childhood memories of diwali

Niki team is a family, and we celebrate Diwali together in the office, with sweets, snacks, games and laughter". CLIO Retail Founder Hema Vinothini Back in the 90's, Diwali was one big festival. For the entire week before Diwali, my mother assembled all the sugar and ghee to make a mountain load of sweets →

The real risk of entrepreneurial strengths becoming addictive weaknesses

And that's their Achilles' heel". Addiction is said to be a crisis of disconnection, and that the way out of unhealthy bonds is to form healthy ones. Powers, who has worked with many business owners as a member of Entrepreneurs' Organization." Changes in weight, sleep and mood can also indicate a substance abuse problem". Related: →

Research in social entrepreneurship

Structure - The goal of the article is to bridge the gap between the current understanding of social entrepreneurship and an enhanced knowledge that could aid in researching and fostering this emerging field.- The article analyzes the current state of intellectual exchange among scholars and highlights potential areas of improvement.- The →

How to connect entrepreneurship and your dream of location independence

When you are in charge of you, when you are your business and you have built it to the point that you are not required to be in a particular place (e.g., digital entrepreneurship), you will have the freedom that many can only dream of. I am writing this from Bali, where I →

Principal bulacao

If granted, we will conduct aninterviewwith the key Personnel and distribute survey questioners in order to get vital information about your system and interpret the esult. Any information we may get from the interview will be kept confidential and used solely for the study. The result of this undertaking will not only be →

How entrepreneurs can impact on the economy

Realizing both the economic and social contact of entrepreneurship, many countries and local communities have executed antagonistic strategies aimed at taming and nurturing entrepreneurs. In alignment for governments to competently evolve principles that will foster entrepreneurship, they should first realise the distinction between entrepreneurs and little business proprietors, common misconceptions about entrepreneurs, and where entrepreneurs →

7 ways you’re getting distracted as an entrepreneur

You lose sight of your end goals. When you are concerned with what's happening to you right here and right now, you may forget about the endgoalsof your business. You look too far into the future. Conversely, you might also be so focused on your long-term goals that you are distracted from the here and →

Getting rich in entrepreneurship begins with just wanting to help people

But those things are not going to make you successful. It's like Jim Carey said: " I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it's not the answer". It's what you give that counts. How I started giving. At 24, after half a →

Supervisor : administrative position in various business areas

A supervisor Is defined as " someone who supervises as In a large business or enterprise," supervise Itself means " to be In charge of : to watch and direct " this means that the Job Is still built and run with the same basic and fundamental Ideas of →

What it takes to achieve sustained team loyalty

In such a world where nothing is sure, creating teamloyaltyor employee stickiness is essential, and an outcome born of many elements that marry people, purpose and process. To scratch the surface, let's look at four of the many factors that I have personally understood to help create sustained team loyalty: Recognizing the best in everyone: →

Comment on global entrepreneurship

Aside from small business operators representing thefoodsector, those in the services sector, such as an electrical appliances repair company, also stand to gain a fair share of the market. Based on the market overview on China in the Market Research Library website search_type= int & loadnay= no, China's rate of consumer →

Elon musk says we’re likely living in a video game. are we?

Given that rate, he says, the chance we are not living a simulation is actually quite small. You bet the far-out founder of Tesla and SpaceX has pondered the possibility a lot." I have had so many simulation discussions it's crazy," he told co-founder Josh Topolsky last night at Recode 's Code Conference. Of →

Digitization: entrepreneurs should either get on the bus or get underneath it

The modern, affordable smartphone is experiencing rising penetration; whereas, internet availability in the almost corner of the world is enhancing thetechnologyreach out. Undeniably, digital is the future because of its huge disruptive potential. Only if they could clock few more hours daily, South Korea will rise as the leading nation busy in social media activity. →

Ebay & paypal

With more than 94 million active users globally, eBay is the world's largest online marketplace, where practically anyone can buy and sell practically anything. Their collective impact on e-commerce is staggering: In 2010, the total worth of goods sold on eBay was $62 billion - more than $2, 000 every second.

Types of e-commerce

One of the most typical examples is AMAZON. COM Information disseminator Company offers up-to-date source of information of a specific nature. Better purchasing prices from suppliers: The nature of the competitiveenvironmentin e-commerce allows for more pricing information and results in lowering costs to producers.

Benefit of e-commerce

E-procurement, commonly known as supplier exchange comprises of B2B purchase and sales of supplies done through the internet using information systems like ERP. Now if someday, any salesperson wants to make an important sales call for a regional grocery chain. He can check the updated report of current sales order and confirm →

Competition and collaboration in e-commerce and are two examples of e-companies that also pay attention to increasing needs of protecting personal data of their costumers. TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract Table of Contents I. 2 Economic Potential of →

Shop-n-save e-commerce system

Overview of the present Information system: It has an information system connecting point of sale terminals, internal stock systems and barcode scanners. All these combine to be an interface to another for exchange of information and synchronization of activities of the business. It will be able to spread the grocery business over a large domain →

Service request for kudler fine foods

The loyalty points will be redeemable for gift items, specialty foods and other products or services. The behavior patterns of customer purchases will directly help Kudler Fine Foods to produce sales events. Kudler Fine Foods must give attention to the legal and ethical aspects of taking customers information.

Covering the ucc

In order to give an answer one must understand that in the world trade industry everything ties together. The UCC might just be a State side regulatory law system, but it has to affect the international world too; this might not be direct, but the effects have to exist. It just means →

E-commerce in u.a.e

Abstract This report examines the prevailing situation of the E-commerce industry in the UAE by determining the current size, key market dynamics of the industry and forecasts growth in the future. The report provides an overview of Business to Consumer E-commerce sector globally, with specific focus on the UAE market.. To →

Importance of e-commerce in modern business

With the introduction of multiple payment systems, electronic commerce has greatly improved on the business standards in different countries like UK and USA where the customer are able to buy the available products internationally and this has greatly improved on the various businesses strategies across the globe. Electronic commerce has also minimized →

Introduction of e-commerce

Traditional physical trading of goods and currency is becoming increasingly unpopular and more businesses are Jumping on the e-commerce bandwagon. Today, the line between e-commerce and traditional commerce is becoming more blurred as more businesses start and continue to integrate the Internet and e-commerce technologies into their business processes.1. 2 DEFINITION OF E-COMMERCE →

E-commerce – will and co.

Additionally, the report aims to show how the manager is able to address issues discussed, and will also consider ethical considerations of the issues Overview of Online Business: Will & Co The online business developed for this project was Will & Co. It is important for Will and Co to subscribe to Twitter →

Structural equation modeling analyse

Model 1 covariance results show the following relationship: or The relationship fits the theory that the exogenous variable and the endogenous variables regress on the same notation. With the covariance expression and the derived value of a, a manual approach to the equation system gives the confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis model or structural →

Important publication of official statistics

Important Publication of Official Statistics A few important publications containing official statistics for general use are given below: Statistical abstract of India: This annual publication is brought out by the CSO and contains the statistics of various sectors of the Indian economy at least for the last five years. Agriculture situation in →

Random sampling techniques

Stratified Random Sampling: Suppose we need to select a sample from the population of a city, and we want households with different income levels to be proportionately represented in the sample. In this case, instead of selecting a simple random sample or a systematic random sample, we may prefer to apply a →

My parents

For my mother, she is a fun woman and she's not too strict with us. My father is Sahrawi, so he has a facial bone structure of Sahrawi, a tanned skin color and he's thin.

My special someone

Because of the real feelings that I have for her, I want to share my special someone named Shabnam. Shabnam is a very fine, loving and caring person. I guess despite of her family background, she remains humble and generous for it is the only way of showing her love to other →

Single mothers

Parenting is extremely difficult without a spouse to turn to for advice, assistance, and comfort. Children of single mothers have a significant amount of responsibilities to take care of, because their mothers especially need help when she is raising the child. Through observations, interviews, and research it is concluded that single motherhood is →

Taking sides

I personally believe the government wants to be stricter on the drinking-during-pregnancy matter because of the outcomes and effects towards the community. If the government agency strengthens the alcohol ban for pregnant women, the lesser the risk for families and the community to fund these problems later on. Mothers can decide to →

Juno and the paycock

Furthermore, as the play continues this need of attention grows with the facts offinancial difficulties, the pregnancy of Mary and also her son's, Johnny, death in the end. O'Casey clearly shows that Juno certainly has her work cut out for her, as she is not only the one person in →

Vergil as the greatest of all latin poets

He was famous in his own lifetime and was the first poet in the history of Latin literature to be the subject of lectures given by a contemporaryteacher. In 19 BC, Vergil set out on a trip to Greece and Asia with the intention of revising his masterpiece.

Managerial planning for a company

This needs to link to the corporate strategy of where the business is evolving to and this needs to driven by key market data. Technological Future: Key points - being aware or leading the latest technological developments, knowing when to start and stop producing a technology Proposed managerial landing objectives - this needs →

Being a manager and a leader

I have worked for organizations where the managers did not have the skills to lead and it showed through the stores performance. But yet when I transferred to a different store, the managers there were more focused, had wonderfulleadershipskills, and outstandingcommunicationskills and the store was #1 in the district for sales, production, and →

Importance of study managerial economics

Managerial economic is concerned with decision making at the level of firm. It has beendescribed as an economics applied to decision economic theory and managerial is defined as application of economic theory and methodology to decision making process by themanagement of the business firms. According to Spencer and Seigelman"" it is defined →

Physical and cognitive development in old age research paper example

Due to the adverse challenges that the elderly face in their later life, it would be great for the various scientists and experts to come together and research more on the theories of aging or the causes of aging. Hayflick did not give the explanation as to why the cells were unable to divide themselves →

Intelligence and adaptive behavior research paper

Teaching adaptive behavior constitutes a large part of what teachers of students with intellectual disability do in class. As a teacher of students with intellectual disability, it is important to have a proper understanding of the difference between intelligence and adaptive behavior as well as how the two terms relate to mental retardation. In addition, →

Free emotional intelligence: collaboration, teams and the group iq research paper example

It is the trust among the group members, and having a sense of group identity and sense of group self-efficacy that are most important in ensuring the success and effectiveness of a group or team. The management of emotions is critical in a group as it affects the team performance. →

Central intelligence agency research paper examples

The work mandated to the CIA is both domestic and international considering that the US is super power in the world. The US is in the front line due to its diplomatic relations to curb the menace of terror in the world. Over the years, the role of the CIA has not changed.

Good example of research paper on how do memory and intelligence change as we age

One theory which cannot be over emphasized when it comes to understanding the human growth and development is the " Eriksons stages of psychological development theory". For example, the aged in the society are seen to be part of ' storage of experience' and mentors.

Free the usa patriot act – how a nation stands to benefit research paper sample

If the administration remains careful regarding certain aspects of the implementation process, this piece of legislation can become an effective tool in combating terrorism at local as well as global level. Keywords: USA-Patriot Act, Terrorism, National Security, Immigrant, Alien, Civil Liberties, Civil Rights, Computer Crimes. The USA-Patriot Act - How →

World war ii and adolf hitler

From 1933 to 1945 he held the position as Chancellor of Germany and ruled the country in a dictatorship manner. He was a known veteran of the First World War and he joined the pioneer of the Nazi Party in 1919 and went on to →

Situation evasion

For a management to choose which set to use it must be aware of the variables that internally exist in its organization; the work force and policies to follow. Even as this developments crop up the organizations must be careful to infringe the rights of the workers or breach any direction that was stipulated in →

Theories of motivation research paper example

This paper will touch upon four such theories Maslow's hierarchy of needs, cognitive evaluation theory, equity theory and drive theory. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Maslow's motivation theory is based on hierarchy of needs. Maslow gives the utmost priority to the lower section of needs and that is physiological needs of →

Motivation theories used in organisations

This worker friendly manner of running the organisation leads to motivation. According to Abraham Maslow motivation needs can be divided into a hierarchical levels which are physiological needs which involve the basic needs such asfood, housing etc, safety needs which include both psychological and physical safety , love and belonging which involves →

Research methods in social sciences

Fundamentally, social science research is concerned with people and their life contexts, and with philosophical questions relating to the nature of knowledge and truth , values and being which underpin human judgements and activities. Empirical social science research that is research which involves the collection of data about people and →

Math observations

I was surprised to see that most of the students had no problem drawing and writing out the problem even though an additional factor had been added. Then when they moved on to counting the coins I liked that majority of the students could recognize the coin, the value of the coin, →

Logic and logically consistent manner

What is Logic? " The inherent ability to mentally compare and weigh two or more perceptions and to mentally conclude accurately what is the differences and/or similarities between each perception." " Logic is thescienceor art of exact reasoning, or of pure and formal thoughts, or of the laws according to which the processes of pure →

Math: mathematics and nurses

Nurses have to be familiar with statistics when needing to know the side effects of medications and to counsel patients when giving a diagnosis. It is helpful to know the statistics of diseases and what a person's outcome may be.

Math and psychology

The Use of Statistics inPsychologyAuthor: The Role of a PsychologistI believethe role of a psychologist is to help people understand the underlying cause of abnormal or detrimental behavior and give them the tools to modify or change the behavior or the underlying issues. An example of this in psychology might be the hypothesis that →

Patterns within systems of linear equations

In one of the patterns, by multiplying the coefficient of the y variable by 2 then subtract the coefficient of x from it you will be given the constant. As a word equation it can be written like so with the coefficient of x as A and coefficient of y as B →

Statistics final exam questions

The following data represent the number of days between the receipt of the complaint and the resolution of the complaint: 1 65, a. Is ordering a beef enter e independent of whether the person orders dessert?

Pursuit of happiness in “you learn by living”

The fact that Boethius has fallen under Fortune's spell, and forgotten three important things: his true nature, the end and purpose of things, and the means by which the world is governed , seem to be the bigger issue since they are the main causes of his illness. Throughout all five →

Good research paper on motivation case #3

These set of questions, thereby, force me to work upon my weaknesses and become proficient in my profession. Scrutinizing my problems under the microscopic instruments with the help of Social Cognitive Theory , I have found that I need to take steps to improve my self-determination and self-efficacy in order to help me deal →

Free unfolding the oedipus complex research paper example

The boy is Larry and he is the narrator and leading person in the short story ' My Oedipus Complex' written by the well-acknowledged writer O'Connor in 1950 as part of his book ' My Oedipus Complex and Other Stories'. The essay will look into Larry's profile and his process of growing out of his →

The kite runner research paper

Since Baba is Amir's father and family, Amir does not want to associate with people who are not family. Towards the south of the garden, there is a little hut made of mud. As Hassan and Amir pass through the barracks, the soldiers decide to insult Hassan since he is a Hazara.

Single fathers versus single mothers

As if to add insult to injury, home visits are scheduled during the daytime and most of them are designed primarily for the mother and children, the father, in most cases is overlooked. He is deemed to be the challenging rather than partner in delivering social work practices. The father's role is →

Research paper on history the life of charlemagne

After his initial training in said school, he was then sent by the abbot of the monastery, Baugolf, to the palace of the Mayor, the most powerful office of the Frankish people before. Charlemagne was considered to be strong of build and tall in stature. In Einhard's description the top of his head was round →

Brother dear

Greg and his father struggle through difficulty as Greg is caught in the midst of what his father wants him to do as appose to what he wants for himself. What the family does not notice is that Greg does not want to walk a narrow road, but to be free and do what he →

Good achieving manhood, under controlling father research paper example

From the poem, it is clearly evident that the author is in a dilemma since he has both feelings of resentment and love for his father, and this is due to his father's actions. It is to say that the actions of the children are usually sanctioned and controlled by the men or papa in →

Good case study about legal research and writing

The issue is that the respondent wants custody of the child. II. WILL THE MIGRATION OF THE PETIOTIONER AFFECT THE RIGHTS OF THE RESPONDENT AS THE CHILD'S FATHER? The petitioner informed the respondent that she is relocating to another state because she is acquiring a new job there.

Change in male role in the home: 1960-present

The customary male role, specifically in relation to the home, has been the head of the household, the protector, and the provider. Provider is not the only established male role, protector and ' head of the house' are equally important to the equation. The traditional man of the 1960's was indisputably the →

Absent father

A fragment of what I thought I needed but in all reality became as pointless as the conclusion to book that I will never finish My father has managed for eighteen years to be a part of my life without being a part of my life. I imagined him as a strong wide bodied linebacker →

Example of research paper on globalization

The research paper will establish the impact that globalization has had globally. Analysis of a primary source Berry, Heather, Guillen, Mauro and Hendi, Arun. This source is apt for this research because it conceptualizes the shrinking of the world both literary and metaphorically.

The pros and cons of globalization

Cause local markets' business to go downwards, and eventually close up.- When economic globalization is bring us diversity, its also destroying peoples'culture. Most movies, and TV shows that we watch andmusicwe listen to in Canada is produced in US.

Economic globalization and the environment

It besides discusses the drivers of globalisation and effects of globalisation on organisation 's environment. First, it is of import to understand the definition of globalisation as there are many definitions. These differences require that marketing schemes in order to fit the conditions in a state. Globalization of production refers to the sourcing of goods →

Globalization’s side effects

The second adverse effect of globalization is that it is gradually erasing the differences between cultures. Needless to say, acultureis a set of values and assumptions that group of people hold, and what makes the differences between one nation and another is the variety of the differences between these values and these assumptions. It replaces →

Mary wigman

Her use of the character, The Witch, changed the world's views on dance forever, and inspired a revolution of artistic quality all around Europe. In this essay I will discuss whether or not The Witch in Wigmans work stands as an interpretation of her role in society, and her aspirations for future →

My most memorable expeirence

My body began to prepare Itself for the intensity of my first class, that would forever be part of my life. I began to move my feet to rhythm of the beat.