Genuine Research Paper Examples

Ict in language teaching

Multimedia and languages: Students can create their own multimedia software, to help in their learning of a foreign language. Thus Students can the language in a playful way. E-learning: E-learning is defined as an interactive learning in which the learning content is available online and provides automatic feedback to the students learning →

Figurative language

Jeremiah used figurative language to tell stories and to explain to the people what was going to happen if they continued to sin. The natural imagery that Jeremiah uses can be seen as useful in getting his point across to the disobedient people because he used it to paint a scary →

Sumerian language

Modern-day math still uses aspects of this system. Next, according to the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, writing emerged in many different cultures throughout the ancient world, it was not the creation of one people; however, the Sumerians are credited with inventing the earliest form of writing around 3, 500 →

Nature vs. nurture in language development

Universal Grammar * An innate property of the human mind * Growth of language is analogous to the development of a bodily organ * Abstract that it could not be learned at all Principles of UG: 1. Empiricism is otherwise known as the doctrine that says sense experience is the only →


Being in this state of unacceptability, the only alternative is to arrive at a higher understanding or denial of the supposed presupposition of the thesis and anti-thesis forming a third proposition termed as the synthesis. A more simple and un-Hegelian example to understand dialectics is, let's suppose you just got a hold →

History of english language

ISL Linguistic Date: 12 January 2013 History of the English Language Indo-European LanguageFamilyTree World Englishes History of the English Language Source: The figure below shows the timeline of the history of the English language.* The earliest known residents of the British Isles were the Celts, who spoke Celtic languages a separate branch of →

To what extent can language shape our beliefs?

So if we believe in something, that has a meaning in dictionary, can we know what we believe in? But if we look at artists, how can they express themselves? He just makes an image and he can tell everybody else, what they believe that love is. But, if →

Dialectical theory

It is how the parties engaged in a relationship respond to tensions that shapes the way parties will handle tensions. For a husband and wife in a marriage or a boyfriend and girl friend in a love affair, the knowledge of the underlying assumptions of the dialectic theory is fundamental. The partners may therefore have →

Types of slang

For example, the word " LOL" which is the abbreviation of " Laugh Out Loud" is often used by Internet users to express their feeling. The forth type of minor slang group is slang of the army and police which includes a series of terminologies in the armed forces. For example, the word " commodore" →

Value of codeswitching in an interaction


Learning a second language

Unconsciously, they learn to recognize contexts and begin acquiring finediscriminationin their use of a language. This means that for a second language learner, the best way to learn is through immersion in the language. The " sink or swim" concept is so very true in the learning of a second language, the language must be →


Education' comes from a Latin word. One of the important things about education is to give people an interest in knowledge and an ability to learn - or strategies or techniques for learning - and a knowledge of how to find out about things they want to know. People going to school and →

Languages of love

That Is the reason why Words of affirmation speaks to my heart as well. Lastly, my most cherished of all the love languages is Quality time.

Junot diaz’s “drown” – used language

He is able to let readers see things from the perspective of the narrator, a man who struggles to stay in touch with the culture of his native land. The next stories in the book focus on the life of immigrants as they have settled in the United States. In the story, " Edison, New →

Acquiring the human language-playing the language game

Explain the ambiguity of the question asked by Jill de Villiers to both children and graduate students: " When did the boy say he hurt himself?" Why is this question ambiguous and why is it interesting to note that this question is ambiguous? Question was " When did the boy say he hurt himself?" and →

Language development multi-disciplinary

The articles selected for this purpose have one theme in common: they offer tips and suggestions, and also the roadmap for applications within a children learning environment. Transduction: Having worked in the field of cognitive development among children, Jean Piaget, a famous Swiss development psychologist, has described " transduction" as the first →

Certainty and doubt

The intelligence to have a certain amount of doubt regarding everything is truly a blessing to have. From the creation of the light bulb and the telephone, to the discovery of the new world, these well-known men of action had begun their journey based on their individual doubts. Due to their doubts, →

Japanese language

That is because the foundation of the language is so important that if you screw up in the beginning, it will drag you down when you move forward to the intermediate or advanced classes. Conclusion If you can follow some of the tips I mentioned above, I believethey will help you a lot on learning →

Trail of tears

The purpose of this chapter is to discuss the cause and effects of " Indian Removal" during Jackson's terms, ultimately creating the " Trail of Tears." As early as the colonial period Indian removal was evident, Brown claims. This can be compared to the Trail of Tears , because neither Chiang nor Mao would accept →

Language learning fundamental way to broaden one’s horizon

In fact, without having a common language as a means of communication, the struggle of it would be noticeable everywhere in our lives. According to Collins Dictionary for the definition " English as a foreign language" is: " the practice and theory of learning and teaching English for use in countries where it is not →

Differences in the way language is used

Numerous articles have dwelt on the topic of language especially in its importance and the ways it is used. The succeeding paragraphs will discuss the different usage of language based upon some of the written accounts that have given specific attention in this topic. A person perceived a particular color →

Language and power

At the dawn of civilization when man had yet to discover a language to communicate among themselves, the exchange of ideas and feelings hardly remained withdrawn. The sign language born out of gestures came to fill in the hiatus for a given period of time. When the same man takes his subordinate in the office →

How effectively does pavel ivanov use language to persuade his/her audience?

The film review about the movie 'I now pronounce you Chuck ; Larry' written by Pavel Ivanov is well suited to its audience who the writer describes as the 'Adam Sandler crowd', although Ivanov does indicate that audiences who get pleasure from comical films, would probably enjoy the blatant crude humour in this movie →

Cameroonian slang

Although it is the African country with the largest number of languages after Nigeria, according to Ethnologue data , Cameroon, with its 279 local languages and two official languages is the theatre of a language conflict due both to the ' rivalry' between local languages and the dominance of the two official languages. In →

Phonology and english classes

Besides, I do not know very well why, but English had mom kind of attractive power over me and I never got bored during the English classes. At present I am in my second year at university. To master the language fluently is what I want In the future.

Bilingual education and the cycle of native language

Plus, they argue that in an increasingly global society, schools, far from discouraging native-language retention, should work to help students maintain their native tongues, even as they also teach them English. Complicating the debate is the range of programs that, by some people" s definition, fall under the umbrella of bilingual education. For instance, they →

Eats, shoots and leaves

Not only do we use it constantly, but is appears as well on the television, the internet, etc.therefore appropriate spelling and grammar is significantly important. Even though I give the impression of being a stickler, I, in fact, am a slacker. Maintaining proper English is crucial thus I try to write with as much concern →

Junk food should be banned from elementary and middle schools research paper

Children in this age group tend to eat a lot of junk food in school and outside of school causing health problems (Lytton, " Why is there so much unhealthy food in schools?", Junk foods are very greasy and overly salty. There should also be replacement of healthy foods instead of junk foods in →

Free essay on drafting a research problem

This paper aims at assessing the relationship between one's weight and opportunity advancement or rather the level of income. Statement of the Problem Body weight and income relationship differ from one cultural setting to the other. The studies below highlight some of the studies that attempt to explain the relationship between income and weight. →

Weight loss and use of a low carbohydrate diet research papers examples

As well as recommends lorcaserin and the phentermine-topiramate combination as viable, evidence-based treatments that have been approved by the Food and Drugs Administration for use in achieving sustainable weight loss. Weight Loss Obesity is a serious health problem that affects people in virtually all parts of the world, necessitating weight loss among obese people. →

Research paper on healthy eating

In addition, all of the sources are properly cited and referenced. Since the information presented in this article is based on the results of the author's research, which are supported by the findings of previous research, the information in this article can be considered authoritative and reliable. The article also describes the specific foods that →

Positive and negative effects of bariatric surgery research paper sample

Laparoscopy benefits the patient by minimizing wounds and reducing postoperative pain. Each of the mentioned procedures has its pros and cons considering that every surgery carries the risk of death and that bariatric surgery patients often surfer from heart disease and diabetes. Other than the initial high cost of the procedure, the economics seem to →

Forming habits to prevent obesity

You have to improve your nutritional and physical habits to prevent obesity. You are more likely to live a healthy adulthood if you eat right and stay in shape. A high level of physical activity helps you to lose calories and if you do so regularly you can prevent obesity. Some →

Example of research paper on obesity in middle school

The obese students fear being in the company of the rest of the students, and, therefore, they fail to enjoy their childhood moments. It adds to the poor grades in the schools as most of the times the obese students are ever teased by others in the learning institutions. Obesity has a tendency to increase →

Weight bearing exercises benefits and risks research paper example

Similarly, a study by Etherington et al confirmed that long-term weight-bearing exercise to be an important factor in the regulation of bone mass and fracture prevention. Another study by Mueller et al assessed the effects of weight-bearing exercise and non-weight-bearing exercises for diabetic individuals with peripheral neuropathy. Observational studies focusing on PA and fracture risk →

Ethical analysis of obesity interventions research paper examples

The paper will then go on to utilize a particular ethical framework to examine a selection of obesity interventions for ethical issues. Specially, Baum, Gollust, Goold, and Jacobson of the University of Michigan School of Public Health have formulated a framework of six considerations for the analysis of public health ethical issues. The present proposal →

Example of research paper on cardio respiratory disease

Cardio-Respiratory Disease Cardio-respiratory disease is an umbrella term used to describe various diseases of the cardio-respiratory system which make it impossible for the heart and lungs to supply enough blood and oxygen to the body during sustained physical exercise. Bacterial and viral infection of the cardio-respiratory system, allergens, toxins and diseases such as →

Media representations of race and ethnicity research papers example

For instance, the Bratz has one Black girl in the cartoon, and she may be the only Black character in the entire show. Fat Albert blatantly supports racial stereotypes when it comes to how the Black children speak and in terms of the environment presented in the show.

High-fat diets and endurance research paper example

Those in support of the use of high fat diets to enhance the performance of endurance athletes postulate that high fat diets proved a more concentrated form of energy, which is certainly crucial during periods of exercise that are often characterised by the increased energy needs. Therefore, consumption of high →

Free research paper on profesor

It will also trace some positive effect and impacts of the law and how each school carry out the policies for the good and/or welfare of their students. According to the World Health Organization's 2006 Report , interventions for good nutrition should occur in the period between early childhod and puberty so as to →

Ways in which the global financial crisis refigured international relations research paper example

The countries include the United States, China, and the European Union. The global financial crisis raised a concern on the role played by the US on the world stage, its leadership relating to other countries in terms of position and the credibility of the United States Government. The progress of the global financial crunch the →

Free research paper about architecture of 19th century

Besides, in the conclusion I will compare and contrast the peculiarities of architecture of the United States of America and Europe. Europe Eclecticism, entrenched in the 30s of the 19th century, was the architectural and creative method of the century. Starting the post-colonial period., The main features of which are the transition to the →

Free research paper about culture and architecture

However due to the progress of times the description of culture also evolved and diversified and one of the expansion to the connotation of culture includes architecture. The basic characteristics of architecture such as the size and prominence allude to the central notion of creativity is now bannering modern and urban economies to the point →

Pathogenia research paper example

The economic changes facilitated the growth of commerce that led to the opening up of national and international trades. The disease is transmitted by inhalation and also from the sores of the infected.

Free the history of gunpowder in the middle east research paper example

According to Frantz, the principal ingredient of Black Powder which is saltpeter first appears in the writings of Abd Allah in the year of 1200. The purpose of the early cannon and other gunpowder weapons as we can see from the description of the battles of that time was to frighten the enemy's horses and →

Data management research paper samples

This research was intended to uncover factors responsible for child poverty rate in selected number of countries. Research questions - Does the population and maternal employment rate affect child poverty rate? - Is there difference in child poverty rate between European countries and non European countries? Hypothesis - There is significant no significant relationship between the →

Major approaches to clinical psychology research paper

This approach in clinical psychology involves understanding of the patient as whole and not fragmented segments of their personality. Hence the main objective of the approach is to integrate self-actualization into clinical psychology.

The love of my life: overview

The two characters in the story, Jeremy and China, are young and are head over heels for each other. The very first line of the story is all it takes to make the reader realize that these two youngsters share the true meaning of love, " they wore each other like a →

Haitian culture research paper example

One characteristic of the Haitian culture is specifically distinctive and that is the Vodou tradition. Many Christians residing within Haiti are reported to have been practicing Vodou indirectly as a part of their religious practices. The religious practices within Haiti culture is a source of bonding for people living within the boundaries of Haiti.

Why i love south africa

A colourful array of different foods, religions, beliefs and traditions are blended together to make up the amazing nation of the republic of South Africa It is, arguably , one of the most liberal, free, and constitutionally healthy democracies in the Western World - and, most certainly, in Africa. Here's to the rich wildlife →

Traditions and beliefs

Courtship is one that is still being practiced among the strictest of the Filipino families. This is performed by the male (who is the suitor since it is wrong to do it the opposite way) visiting the home of the female. The snacks or other goods are offered to the family of the girl then →

Free research paper on dissociative states, panic attacks, or hallucinations as constellations of symptoms

It was only after the Vietnam War that the name posttraumatic stress disorder was coined, and so far the name has stuck. Posttraumatic stress disorder is caused by traumatic events that manifest themselves in the typical symptoms of fear, a feeling of helplessness, reliving the traumatic event, and efforts to avoid reminders of →

Why you should volunteer before launching your career

By the time I graduated and moved to New York to start my , I better understood my abilities and instincts not only as a businessman but as a human. Some people are so eager to get out there and start working their way up the corporate ladder that they forget to develop their sense →

The best job i had

There are different ways I can communicate with my friend and thefamilyby using different apps on my Smartphone, for example chat and text messaging allow me to send quick messages to my family and friends, and I can also use my viber app for international calls. Secondly, Smartphone also allow me to →

Career transition

Career transition often requires employing new tools, skills and/or a switch in perception. In her article, Beyond the Career Mystique: " Time in," " Time out," and " Second Acts", Phyllis Moen.states that Americans confront a major mismatch between outdated career and retirement regimes and the exigencies of familyresponsibilities, and the risks →

Career paper

They rely on an anesthesiologist to keep the patient asleep and comfortable, nurses and assistants are responsible for passing the surgeon any tools that are needed to do the surgery, and keeping track of the patient's vital signs and many other things. Sometimes in difficult procedures surgeons often work together as a am →

Job description of school counselors

They advocate for students and work with other individuals and organizations to promote theacademic, career, and personal and social development of children and youths. They evaluate the strengths and challenges of these individuals, offer specialized and vocational counseling, and arrange for medical care, training, and job placement. Rehabilitation counselors meet both with disabled individuals as →

Choose a career

Robert Sullivan in How to Choose a career that will not get you rich discusses how society had driven people to choose something that they do not love by saying, " These days, a goodeducationis a must if you planning on working your entire life and ending up with little or nothing". →

My writing career

In kindergarten, I first learned how to write the English alphabets. The idea was to trace the alphabets until we know how to draw them. The idea came to me when I was watching a cartoon and I saw that a character is writing diaries.

Get better at your own job by doing someone else’s

I did not set out with a goal of understanding the roles of our team members or the questions of our clients, and I was not on the hunt for , either. What happened was that when our backup plan for covering for an account strategist fell through, I took it upon myself →

Factors of career choice

Introduction " The occupational choice debate is concerned with the degree of choice individuals have over their eventual occupation." The process of occupational choice is " psychologically based and examines the way in which the individual develops and passes through a series of stages during which the self-concept grows as abilities, aptitudes →

Quitting my $97k job saved my life

Maybe you are not making themoneyyou want or you would like to try a different role at your company. Identify what you are missing, and take steps to get it. If you want to change something in your life, there's no time like the present.

My career job

And because I like to challenge the best, I decided to accomplish the best, so I found out that an accountant might be the suitable job for me. I find my self as an accountant for many reasons. Some people read them to make a choice whether if they want to do →

Written questionnaires for investigating students’ career aspirations

Questionnaires are much better to find data which can be compared and analysed, and are therefore particularly useful for testing hypotheses about cause-and-effect relationships present in pupils' career aspirations, such as correlation betweenfamilyincome and pupils aspirations. This is why interpretivists tend not to use written questionnaires. Another limitation of using written questionnaires →

Ntu career

Value = 208.25/ = 1893.5.award: 10 out of 10 points If a firm has a free cash flow equal to $50 million and that cash flow is expected to grow at 3% forever, what is the total firm value given a WACC of 9. 25 $18.78 8.award: 10 out of 10 points Caribou Gold →

Fundamental of portfolio management

Part D The keenness in the distribution of returns has became important in asset pricing because the traditional mean-variance measurement cannot fully characterize return behaviors (Samuelsson 1970, Campbell and Hence 1992; Circler and Huber 2007). This report will discusses the importance of keenness in returns in asset pricing with he respects of investors' →

Careers in clinical and counseling

This led me to ask myself what made mom different from the wife next door.(Now that I know that my mom was what is now called a classic enabler, I am sure that her being one certainly supported, if not actually encouraged my dad in pursuing his alcohol habit.) Later, I would always resort to →

The job sample

25/hour, time and a half for overtime Education: High School Diploma Training: One hour of orientation, two hours of WHMIS. Other Information: Bing learned about his job from his friend who also works at TA Appliance Warehouse. Bing enjoys his job because he makes a →

Career objective

It has equipped me with stable technical skills in programming and experience with SDLC methodologies. Throughout the experience of working on different IT projects, it has established my interest in project management and I made me realized that my own career goal is to be a professional Computer Programmer or a Chief →

The training programs and job performance of the rank –and-file employees

Training likewise aims to provide the employees the knowledge required in performing the job such information regarding the organization its goal and program its relationship to other units in the company and the relationship between employees work to that of other employees provide the feeling of confidence, camaraderie, ease, andmotivationto work in the harmony towards →

Career growth opportunities

The recent global downturn has brought in several questions regarding the efficacy of the practiced models of business strategies, like " Sustainable Competitive Advantage", where it integrates the elements like Strategic Human Resource Management , human motivation and reward system and the leadership issues. Yet thefailureof the big houses even after →

Medical career vs. fashion design

Behind a greatdoctor, is a hard and long Medical Career, there's a lot of sacrifices you have to do to success in that area. Medical career requires time and dedication, the length of the career is 7 years and 4 extra depending on the specialty o want, some specialties are 7 years long →

The are solid foundations for my future research

In the near future, the development of quantum computation and nanophotonics willlead to another information revolution, and I am determined to lead this scientific progress. As the leader of a group of four students, I wrote a C program and then designedand set up an optical system to test the properties of the spatial light →

How to prevent air pollution

The first step we need to take is that we have to produce less to conserve more energy.second, We see many people throwing things in the roads in our daily life.some of these people forced them to do this with out containers on the road and some others do this by offense?

Research paper on nazi medicine

The government took over control of all the institutions in order to brainwash the masses into believing in the effectiveness of racial hygiene, as it was commonly known to the Germans. One of the first initiatives in the development of a genetically-clean community was through the use of state-backed restrictions on intermarriages between hereditably fit →

Example of research paper on natural selection and disease

Evolutionary forces therefore to a huge extent play a major role in the development and propagation of diseases because of selective pressures that contributes to the resistance or development of alleles or genes that cause these diseases. Chances are that the mutations will be passed down from generations to generations and if a disease is →

Example of viruses in genetic engineering research paper

The study of viruses to understand their ability to cause disease led to a recognition by scientists that viruses could be used to transport genetic material into cells (Thomas, Ehrhardt, and Kay, 2003). By using different kinds of viruses, different host cells can be targeted, different amounts of genetic material can be carried, and →

Genetic counselor

They will explain the meaning of the medicalscienceinvolved, provide support, confirming a diagnosis in a person who has disease symptoms, and address any emotional issues raised by the results of the genetic testing. Genetic Counseling is the process of evaluatingfamilyhistory and medical records, ordering genetic tests, evaluating the results of this investigation, →

Methods of resource allocation and resource leveling

Abstraction This paper illustrates what is the resource, what are the motivations for the direction of resources in undertakings, what is the different between Resource Allocation and Resource Leveling, it explains the attacks used in resource direction which are " the resource constrained scheduling problems" and " Resource →

Free research paper about dissection of a molecular diagnostic test

The technique of PCR however requires certain components and strict temperature control for proper amplification and analysis of a Particular gene of interest. Principles of PCR (PCR, National Institute of Health website. Fact files) The basic principle underlying PCR is amplification of a single sequence or strand of DNA.

Free research paper on genetic indicators and variable relationship

This paper will focus on the FVIII gene, the wild type and the mutations responsible for HA, the gene products as while as the interactions of the gene and psychosocial, occupational and environmental factors. Suffice to say that while the deleterious mutations in the FVIII gene result in a reduction of the circulating levels and/or →

Analyzing racial and ethnics features of my identity research paper example

How boys and girls are raised in Somali a)Raised as per the norms of Islam religion i) Attend Quran teaching classes ii) Taught Arabic and farming b)Education was for the rich IV. This helps me to grow spiritually in the required ways for any Islam believer. I came to United →

Good feminism and religion: exploring the role of women in the world religions research paper example

Although there are people who practice different religions or are not religious at all, I will narrow my research to the first three and the role of women in Christianity, Islam and Hinduism as all of them are practiced in the United States today. Talking about women's rights and feminism one needs at least a →

Issue of women’s rights in islam

Article Summary This article examines the issue of women's rights in Islam by introducing Islam and women's rights in several different Muslim countries, such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Indonesia.-The women in Islam are often viewed as a poor one, having to do whatever her husband, brother or father commands her to do.-This →

Sample research paper on rites of passage

Kurdish Culture and Rites of Passage: The Kurdish people do share the common religion of Islam in the Middle Eastern region, but their traditional and ethnic values are much different than the rest of the Muslim groups. If the first cousin is somehow not married with the man, the other cousins are considered the possible →

Islamic feminism

Coming in contact for the first time with Muslim communities the missionary women found that women in those communities were greatly oppressed because of their customs which the missionaries thought, rendered them subordinate status in the society. In this way, the veiling was construed as a symbol of women's oppression. In Muslim societies, safeguarding the →

Religious studies: relevant islam research paper example

Islam is meeting the needs of many people spiritually or they would not be joining the religion and becoming worshippers. Maybe one of the reasons for the increased interest and the ability to understand the Islamic religion is because of it has many similarities to Christianity and Judaism. Islam is able to do this maybe →

Role of media and islam in pakistan’s politics

India joined the community of the democracies in 2000, at the turn of the millennium, and later became a member of the UN democratic funds in2005. It has sought to contribute to the efforts aimed at promotion and strengthening of democracy in its own way. This explained Nehru's vociferous argument in favor →

Sectarianism in pakistan

They became known as his ' partisans' while the majority agreed on Abu Bakr on the assumption that the Prophet left no instruction on this matter; they gained the name ' The People of Prophetic Tradition and consensus of opinion'." Besides the political dimension, there also existed a difference of →

Danger of cell phone

Huffing Post conducted a research call " Are You Addicted to Your Cell Phone? " Huffing Post concluded in their survey that 66 percent of American is afraid to be separated from their phone. Why is that percentage bad? Someone relationship, love ones and employment could be terminated because of there addiction to →

Regulate irresponsible cell phone users on the road

For example, New York was the first state to ban motorists from using their cell phone while driving. In the state of New York, drivers that are found guilty of talking or texting behind the wheel, they will automatic fine a $150 violation fees and penalty of two points under the distracted →

The negative effects of a cellphone

The dependency of cellphones has had a negative social effect. The cell phone is probably one of the most commonly owned devices in America." 75% of all American teens ages 12-17 own a cell phone, and 66% use their phones to send or receive text messages." The cell phone has →

Mobile phone and social media

The people I communicate with the most on Faceable are not the people that I am closest to in life. I am able to stay in touch with these people in a way that I would not be able to without Faceable. We are able to share articles, books, recipes, and ideas.

The telephone: then and now

The telephone has developed from something that was not a necessity to something people must have. The telephone opened the door for communications across the world and played a part in the development of personal and business cultures by allowing people from different countries the ability to communicate with ease. Culture in the earlier time →

Poorly equipped for monitoring and managing security

Yet, to be competitive, organizations continue to seek a seamlesstechnologyenvironmentthat allows them to provide voice, data, and video services to exchange documents, to collaborate, and to deliver products and services in cost effective ways. The Case Study solution must take into account the Gardner Group's statement from the perspective of the company and should create →

Mobile phone and people

Restated thesis: As a conclusion, it's clear that we have become overly dependent ontechnology by the facts that we are becoming lazier, ignoring humanpower, and working while travelling in our daily life, although when most of the people say that technology made our lives better. B. It's a simple fact of the →