Genuine Research Paper Examples

Work in front of the kids

Summary The article " Co-Teaching: How to Make This Marriage Work in Front of the Kids" by Kohler-Evans discusses the implications and effects of co-teaching on children, and provides co-teaching lessons for teachers whoa re willing to improve class performance. The information provided in the paper has improved and broadened my knowledge of co-teaching and β†’

Officer recruitment and selection

The next topic we are going to discuss is the major components of the training process and thecareerdevelopment programs for officers who work at the agency. The first topic were going to discuss is elements associated with the police recruitment and selection process at the agency.

How the gig economy is changing work for women

In fact, according to , in the last decade, the number of women in the gig economy has outgrown that of their male counterparts. Related: That's becausetechnologyand rise of the gig economy has offered new options for working women who crave more balance in their lives. There's , for women in tech and , a β†’

Working students

Schools, though invested in fostering good academic habits for the same reason, are also often influenced by concerns about the school's reputation and the possibility of monetary aid from government institutions, which can hinge on the overall academic performance of the school. State and federal departments of education are charged with improving β†’

Rajiv gandhi vidyutikaran yojana and blackboard- cleaning

My data related to blackboards includes all schools in rural and urban India.' can substantiate my conclusion with different surveys and datas prepared by govt.and non-govt.agencies that still in rural area more than half of the schools have negligible basic infrastructure. As far s Mid-day meal scheme is concerned I have worked on β†’

Introduction to how pcs work

Roberts called his computer the Altair 8800 and sold the unassembled kits for $395. Popular Electronics ran a story about the kid in its January 1975 issue, and to the surprise of just about everyone, the kits became an instant hit and the era of the personal computer began [source: The Computer History Project]. There β†’

Organization & work

Hakanen, J., Bakker, A.B. and Schaufeli, W.B., " Burnout and work engagement among teachers", The Journal of School Psychology, Vol. Saks M.A., , " Antecedents and Consequences of employee engagement", Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol. 21, pp.

Gender roles in the work of john ford

Before diving into the work of Ford and how he gave significance to women in the West, it is important to discuss further he attitudes that Western film, and all of Hollywood in the early 2 years, had towards female characters. All of these story and character dynamics are to be expected when examining a β†’

Importance of teamwork

The systems analyst usually has to evaluate and study the organizationalcultureof the client, he has to assess and understand the preferences of the team members of the client and review the current circumstances of the client organization. This is important for the systems analyst to liaison widely with the external or internal β†’

Low-wage workers

The truth is I do not want to be a low-wage worker but I do not have a choice. If you want to know the answer, just look at me now. I was hired because I was referred by a friend who used to work for the company I am working for at present.

Negotiating a salary increase

The key to successful salary increase is to convince the employer that the company cannot afford to do without the services the person who is asking for a pay raise is providing. The services that person provides should not be easily replaceable. The negotiation for a salary increase starts the first day the person starts β†’

Stephen king and langston hughes – perspectives on good writing

In How to Be a Bad Writer , by Langston Hughes, and Everything You Need to Know About Writing Successfully in Ten Minutes, by Stephen King, the reader is advised on a variety of writing topics. Hughes, a product of segregation andracism, uses biting humor and sarcasm to rail against bad writing, whereas β†’

University of manila

Organizational Framework This Chapter consists of History of the company, mission and vision of the company, Nature of the company, size of the company, organizational chart, strategic trust and program, critical business and system management as well as strategic concern and IT used. Name of the company / school: The University of Manila Proposed β†’

Lingnan university student canteen imc plan

MKT231 Advertising & IMC LNU Student Canteen discussion Student answers will vary and the following is a suggested framework: Targeting Benefits Sought: Needs States| Brand Offer| Personal/Brand Purpose| The rest place for Lingnan Ren: a global village where we are all equal and creativity rules Historical background: Shi Jianru, one of its former LNU β†’

Universities: breaking down walls

This is a powerful question that society needs to know the answer to and the universities need to address. The university can" t think that the privileged are the only people that deserve theeducationthey offer; the university has to think on a broader scale and include the once excluded. If this problem were looked at β†’

University of arizona information paper

To become a Wildcat, Arizona requires 4 years of English, and either a 21 or above on the English section of the ACT or a 530 on the reading section. They also require 4 years ofMathematics, and a 24 on the math portion of the ACT or a 540 on the math part β†’

Free art & architecture research paper example

He was a second child in a catholic family of Philipp and Luise Ernst. In 1908, Max Ernst graduated from the lyceum in his native town, and in 1909 he started studying philosophy in the University of Bonn. In the summer of 1913, Ernst exposed his works on the exhibition of Rein artists and the β†’

Benefits from unrestricted international trade

They seem to think that the success of free trade can be seen if there will be greater employment rate. But the true success of international trade is not on producing jobs but by directing the people to the most productive jobs available. Aside from this, international trade opens new job opportunities for the workers. β†’

First interstate bank experienced research paper sample

At the ground floor, the main branch of the downtown Los Angeles was also heavily damaged due to the water. Before the event of the fire, First Interstate Bank had a recovery plan which was established two years back from the fire. The plan included presumptions which were made in gathering the plan, the vital β†’

Counter trade

Still, the harsh reality of international trade means that countertrade is often unavoid able for companies that want to do business in markets that have limited or no access to cash or credit. Complicating matters is the fact that as much as companies may dislike them, many emerging markets prefer forms of β†’

International trade and us economy

TOPIC OF THE CASE: TRADE IN INFORMATIONTECHNOLOGYAND US ECONOMIC GROWTH INTRODUCTION: The assignment is about the case where the organizations in the US were responsible for the development and advancement of information technology which also included the invention of Mainframe and Midrange computers in the era of 1960s and 1970s. Companies such as IBM β†’

Palate-able delights: new modes of trade finance

For larger orders, a documentary collection method of payment provides PAD with the flexibility it needs in order to sell the goods to an alternate customer should a dispute arise before the products perish, while providing the customer with much less complexity and expense relative to a documentary letter of credit. Introduction and β†’

Research paper on concepts of comparative and absolute advantage

625 units of potatoes for every unit of rice produced. The opportunity cost of potatoes is higher in USA than it is in Canada implying that if it is to be profitable for the two countries, USA can produce e and export to Canada. Production possibility frontier refers to a curve showing various combinations of β†’

Relations between blacks and whites

The venture into export economy also leaped enormously from international marker of low tariffs; low prices of oil and materials needed for industrial expansion. Another significant trend to the expansion of the economy was the welfare society in Japan instead of the welfare state. The other factor that helped was the provision of loans for β†’

Example of demanding ethical and socially responsible behaviors research paper

The federal government on that note there does everything to ensure that the laws are implemented to the letter and ensure they are effective. The government intention in formulating anti-competition laws and implementing them to ensure that they are effective, is to ensure that free enterprise are well as competition β†’

Analysis and exploration of asia minor by horatio southgate research paper example

From Hettic and Phinician tribes to Egiptians, from Ancient Persians, Greeks and Romans to modern Turks, Kurds and Arabs hundreds of nations have crossed the land or settled down there. The importance of geopolitical and economical status of the area was understood of leaders of various nations throughout the past three thousand years. In the β†’

Murderball: disability and attitudes paraplegic people

Instead, they use strength to achieve what they desire and for many of them in the film that was to become wheelchair rugby gold medalists in the Paralympics. Zupan was ask during the film by a reporter if he could turn the clock back to that day of the accident would he have changed the β†’

Grab raises $750 million to take on uber in southeast asia

Grab, the biggest rival to ride-sharing service Uber Technologies Southeast Asia, has raised $750 million in a funding round, turning up the heat on the U.S.firm now seeking to expand in the region after exiting China. The successful cash-injection just a month after Indonesian peer Go-Jek raised $550 million highlights the intensifying competition β†’

Why can china and japan not become an economic bloc research paper sample

As can be seen in the current crisis being faced by the EU, differences in trade policies and objectives of member states can lead to instability within the economic bloc, thereby decreasing its power of influence. In August 2012, Economy ministers from 16 Asian countries agreed to act towards the creation of the Regional Comprehensive β†’

Political instability in pakistan

From 1947 to 2010, In this long period many government changed but unfortunality they all could not Maintain the politicalenvironmentstable, after ruling 1, 2 or three year that governments politically instable. Political instability is a situation when the uncertainty among the government structure expand due to some basic causes and it eventually end up the β†’

Citibank: launching the credit card in asia pacific

In addition, there is a lack of credit experience and the market is undeveloped yet. Finally, in the case of Hong Kong, Citibank needs also to choose Greenfield market development.

Research paper on asian masculinity in movies

When watching the film, it was not possible to forget Cho. In conclusion, filmmakers have a lot of stereotypes for the Asian man. In an attempt to avert this general view, some producers of films have made movies that depict the Asian as a superhero. Works Cited Carroll, Bret.

Research on social development in bangladesh

For a case, the tip top hypothesis recommends that open arrangement is by and large the impression of the " qualities and inclinations of representing elites", where the requests of mass individuals are disregarded. The contribution of private college understudies in the " No VAT Movement on Education" is likewise critical for a few reasons.

Canadian immigration law and policies with india research paper sample

Most of the Indians during this time become the citizens of Canada. The first attempt by the Canadian government to restrict the immigration from India took place in the year 1908. The authorization of delegating immigration decisions was not well stated. That marked an important stage in the immigration laws and policies governing immigration of β†’

Air asia overview

2 Vision AirAsia's vision is ' To be the largest low cost airline in Asia and serving the 3 billion people who are currently underserved with poor connectivity and high fares.' As we can see, the new vision statement that formed is still within its scope, AirAsia remain emphasizing that it β†’


Middle life expectancy: Anomalies in Africa, including Equatorial Guiana and Reiterate and Madagascar. Middle nations Include Central South America, countries such as Peru and Brazil and even Bola, although low compared to the mentioned previously. High literacy rates: North America and most of Europe , with slight high rates in South America β†’

Gender discrimination in south asia research paper example

These are some of the indications for the low life levels in this place. Nature of the issue The issue of gender discrimination is one of the major impediments in the south Asia apart from poverty which is the chief source of all other problems in the lives of β†’


Known as the State of Qatar or locally Dawlat Qa? ar, is an Arab emirate, in the Middle East, occupying the small Qatar Peninsula on the northeasterly coast of the much larger Arabian Peninsula. Beginning in 1992, Qatar has built intimate military ties with the United States, and is now the location of U. β†’

Research paper on nursing evidence – shaving of patients preoperatively

Finally, aspects of the actual application process would be outlined in detail. Nursing: Evidence Based and Applied Research-Shaving of Patients Preoperatively Description of procedure Shaving the operative site prior to surgery is in itself a surgical intervention undertaken by the nurse or surgeon's assistant. After hair has been cut it is removed from β†’

Research paper on anthrax attacks

The results of the anthrax investigation were distributed to people via ABC News, which gave evidence to the fact that the chemical traces of bentonite were recovered from the anthrax samples. It was presumed that Ivins was one of the sources that ABC News refused to reveal their identities. This contributed to the role of β†’

Evidence-based practice on wound packing following incision and drainage research papers examples

The second article is authored by Alimov et al.and is entitled " Use of a silver-containing hydrofiber dressing for filling abscess cavity following incision and drainage in the emergency department: A randomized controlled trial". The study by Leinwand et al.sought to determine whether omission of the wound packing component in β†’

Example of research paper on what counts as sufficient evidence of the effectiveness of a technique

The screening is based on the relevance of the procedure/intervention/technique to the condition or topical area, the relevance and size of the sample relative to the interest population, the relevance and validity of the findings and the timelines of the research. Study design As earlier mentioned, the design of β†’

Nursing evidence based practice research paper example

As such, the following pages of this document the author will review the sources of evidence assess their efficacy in applied research for nursing intervention and review a sample article to scrutinize approaches of clinical Practice guidelines. Nursing: Evidence Based Practice and Applied Research: Evaluation of Research Report on Acute Otitis Media in Children β†’

Example of research paper on casey anthony; oj simpon

Alternate jurors may be selected if the judge and the attorney's believe that the jurors are qualified and competent to decide the factual matters in the case intelligently. The second step is the opening of statements. Before the jurors start their discussion, the judge reads the instructions of the law to the jury and reminds β†’

European union peril or panacea research paper

The treaty had to be ratified by all 27 members of the Union and meant a number of changes including: the election of a president of the European Council; the creation of a role entitled the High Representative to give the EU more status on the world stage; the maintenance of a full 27-member commission; β†’

Example of longest lasting nail polish research paper

This paper is going to research on the longest lasting nail polish. The most well-known nail polishes are the designer nail polishes. The packaging of the China Glaze nail polish may not be as good and attractive as some of the other nail polishes, but it has the best quality nail polishes.

Role of the prosecuting attorney in the criminal justice system research paper example

Role of the Prosecuting Attorney in the Criminal Justice System The prosecuting attorney in the criminal justice system is an officer responsible for overseeing criminal prosecution on behalf of the people and the state. The prosecutor hence becomes the accuser in all criminal cases and it is up to the defense team to β†’

Trifles research paper example

As the distance between the laws of the kitchen and the law of the courtroom increases, the women realize that there is no possibility of a fair trial for Mrs. Analysis of the Play " Trifles" by Susan Glaspell.

Writing a position paper

Ideas that you are considering need to be carefully examined in choosing a topic, developing your argument, and organizing your paper. It is very important to ensure that you are addressing all sides of the issue and presenting it in a manner that is easy for your audience to understand. Introduction Your introduction has a β†’

Good a horrible mind: csis ideological legitimization of law enforcement research paper example

They create unrealistic beliefs and expectations about evidence collection and criminal justice processes, which have the effect of restoring the credibility of law enforcement agencies as hardworking and determined. In order to understand the motivation behind CSI its scriptwriters' determined approach to legitimize law enforcement agencies, it is useful to understand the public perception of β†’

An unforgettable return to my high school campus

The sun shined through dense green foliage of flame trees and filled the ground with little spotlights, which cast light on my body and on every step I took when walking through the pavement inside the campus. I kept walking on, as what I usually did in those three years of high β†’

Betty joy parr’s high school experiences

After attending high school at Roy Miller High School in Corpus Christi, Texas from 1953 to 1958. After graduating with at class of 475 students she went on to work and noir collage as she helped her husband trough collage as she explained, " There was notmoneyfor college so I got a job β†’

Reflection paper on school counselor’s skills

Moreover, the acquisition of said skills and competencies were recognized to be vital for both group of students. There is only a discrepancy when it comes to acquiring skills for according to the results, counselors believed that the work-bound students need to have more idea when it comes to skills so it β†’

Absenteeism 3

School administration and faculty may also affect the absenteeism rate of their student, and so as the population of those who practice absenteeism affect the administration and the school itself. There are so many fruits that the root of absenteeism can produce depending to the situation of the respondent. Teacher Population and Respondents of the β†’

The lesson of the cliff

Morton became to frightened and plan on going back but he away that it was to far down and became worried that he may fall to his death. His friends abandon his and continue on while he stays in panic. As he reached the bottom to be in the comfort of his father β†’

Eme lesson plan

By doing this, students will learn to identify the authors intent in written works e even when it is implied or implicit. Learning Objectives: With the aid of the two textbooks and Nicolas notes, students will be able to c instruct a twisted Pentagram in aGoogledoc of the differing messages within each ext, β†’

Aims and values in school. 2.5

Aims and Values of Schools: Aims: * To attempt to reach a certain goal that gives people a purpose or intension to achieve a desired outcome.* It gives people/organisastions something to follow and work towards to achieve the best outcome.* To attempt the accomplishment of a purpose; to try to gain; β†’

Bank reconciliation lesson plan

Lesson Plan The Bank Reconciliation Statement General Objectives: Students will: Account for differences between the cash book and bank statement balances. Construct a bank reconciliation statement using the adjusted trial balance. Specific Objectives: Students will: Cognitive: Demonstrate knowledge of the concept of reconciling bank statements. Explain the reasons as to why your cash book β†’

The importance of reading

Smith's words made me come to the realization that reading was beneficial in a way that other teachers had failed to do. I took her advice. There was a depth to the words that caused me to sit back and reflect further on what I would read.

Not satisfied with school canteen food

TASK 4: You are not most satisfied with thefoodprovided at your school canteen and would like to convince your principal or the school management to change the vendors or the food sold at the canteen. I have been in this school for 6 years and the food was delicious, however, recently, I have noticed β†’

Back to school: overview

My Challenges The cliche that " patience is a virtue" is not yet rooted in my system. This is the greatest weakness that I need to strengthen so that I can get well adapted to college-level learning. I know I will be needing a lot of it now that I am in β†’

Importance of reading: the effect of contextual visual aids on students

When the learners see reading text and related pictures, their schemata can help them to comprehend verbal and non-verbal information which can simplify the reading comprehension. Empirical studies on the effect of visual aids on reading comprehension In fact, this strategy can be useful for advance organizers. This pictorial cues can simplify the context β†’

The strategic purpose of members of the school team

They usually meet once a week to discuss issues and make dicisions concerning the running of the school and discuss how information will be passed on to teachers and support staff. Other Statutory Roles SENCO Is responsible for managing and monitoring the provisions of those with special needs β†’

School uniforms debate

The utilization of school uniforms is a subject of sizzling debate among parents and school authorities since long. In contrast to civil dress, school uniforms prove to be ineffectual and futile once the kid is out of school.

Youth culture and the school of rock

Black and his character was a snob, and at the end, he showed how he is not a teacher one bit by showing very poor characteristics and capabilities that is necessary for effective teaching. In retrospect, the movie seemed like a criticism about the lifestyle of rock n roll puritans who cannot and would not β†’

Creating an inviting classroom environment

I agree with the authors that the second classroom was the ideal and the one that is more conducive to student learning. Finally they made recommendations as how best to use these categorical items to create the ideal classroom. It is these suggestions and the implication that I can incorporate them that I have a β†’

Semi-detailed lesson plan in english

OBJECTIVES; At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to; a. DISCUSSION Active voice- is used to indicate That the subject of the sentence is the doer of the action.

Comparative research on middle education between china and western countries

China's education pays more attention to the instilling and accumulation of knowledge, cultivating " the students' respect to the knowledge and authority and building the ability to inherit the knowledge system". Compared with Chinese middle schools, American pays great attention to train the students' practical ability to utilize the knowledge, cultivating the students' question to β†’

Improving youth roles in poverty reduction

Youth has fresh, creative ideas and perspectives which can be very helpful in finding solutions to development problems. However, this is not going to run smoothly if young people has no concern about the future life of their country nor have any sense of belonging to the country which will be the β†’

Marie curie research paper example

Due to the results of this research Marie Curie obtained her doctorate of science and later she and her husband were awarded the Davy Medal of the Royal Society and the Nobel Prize for Physics. After marrying Pierre Curie, Maria succeeded him as the Director of the Laboratory of Physics. Marie Curie " β†’

International studies research paper sample

The case presents and highlights the basic issues related to organ transplantation, the informed consent and also the ethics of organ selling and its impact on the lives of sellers. The dilemma of Carole Bennet further increased as she found that all these foreign donors were from Turkey and were under the exclusive care of β†’

Bulgarian identity and folklore

The spirit and identity of a Bulgarian is entwined with the folk traditions and customs, as it influences and shapes his way of thinking. Also, a history of suffering under the Ottoman rule and coming through it with their identity intact, adds a special dimension to the β†’

Example of research paper on the theories

In 2009 the Saturday Mothers resumed the peaceful protest, and there are now thousands of participants and sympathizers. The Most Plausible Explanation for Collective Action It seems that the economic approach does not provide strong arguments for explaining why people engage in collective action. So the rational/economic approach does not offer a satisfying explanation. β†’

Alienation and the search for identity

The poem begins with the introduction of the snarling and rattling sound of the buzz saw. Through the exchange of words between the American and the woman named Jig, the readers will soon realize the issue that they were discussing. Aside from the discussion, the use ofsymbolismenhanced the mood of the story β†’

Life of pi adversity on identity (introduction)

Yann Martel explores, in his fantasy adventure novel, Life of Pi, a young boy's reaction to the hardships of adversity. Piscine Patel, an adventurous tenacious young boy experiences the struggle of surviving at sea, and the calamity of coping with tragic events in his life. Yann Martel develops the idea β†’

Research on the prevalence of tattoos with the help of social theories

The popularity of tattoos between the ages 18 to 29 can be explained a little by the help of three social theories: division of labor, functionalism, and the rational choice theories. Division of labor, functionalism, and the rational choice theory are the three social theories that I believe are able to help explain the β†’

Individuality to group identity

A political ideology is a collection of ideas and often times is shared by those of a specific group and is used to advance that group in the direction that will support individuals of that group. As years pass and the world changes, some groups are separating because of altered views and other groups are β†’

Curse: having diverse ethnic identity

Maalouf argues that " having mixed ethnic identity is not a curse; on the contrary, it is blessing." As arguments and evidences show that having mixed ethnic identity is not always blessing, it is mostly a curse for some reasons like; psychological and behavioural problems, educational and communicative problems and some problems in team work.

Which is more important in shaping individual identity: social structure or social interaction?

Sociologists now refer to this as socialisation, to establish the important components of living and a person's social identity. Social structure is more important than social interaction in shaping individual social identity, the reason for this to have more importance in shaping someone's social identity, is because without social structure there would β†’

Theoretical perspectives of race and ethnicity

The belief is that if a certain part does not contribute to society's survival in an effective manner that it will not move form one generation to the next.. The conflict perspective is the perspective that society thrives on the conflict and struggles between social groups that compete against one another. The conflict perspective is β†’

Anonymity research paper sample

Anonymity could be connected with humility of a person or even malicious application of it. It is the situation where personal identity of a person is unknown.

Appiah notes on identity, authenticity, survival

There is a collective dimension- intersection of collective identities Also a personal dimension- consisting of other socially or morally important features, such as charm, intelligence, wit, that are not the basis of forms of collective identity (people who have these identities do not form a social group) SLIDE 4- RUBRIC OF AUTHENTICITY Uses this rubric β†’

Example of asian american studies-sexuality, gender and identity research paper

The argument in the issue of sexuality, gender and identity is that the novel shortcomings is too general on issues affecting different person's sexual partners choices and decision on sexual orientation. Print. The issue on this book is the sustainability of marriage in reference to sexual desire.

Societal observations of identity in brave new world

John is from the savage reservation were everyone is an individual, John is taken back to Brave New World and is shocked at the loss of individuality." The Savage stood looking on, " O brave new world, O brave new world..". John was shocked at how they live in Brave New World, Lenina and Bernard β†’

Impact of reality tv shows in modern society

One of the most popular, yet tragic examples of reality TV is the " Jersey Shore". This " cast" consists of six guido's and guidette's whose only purpose is to drink, fight, party and have sex. The oldest member of the show is Mike; is a thirty-year-old man who's obsessed with his β†’

Does television have educational value

It also depends on what you are watching and how much. I think if parents are afraid of their children watching too much television and not benefiting from it that they should monitor what their child watches. Regulate television watching time and what is and what is not appropriate to watch.

Mass media and popular culture

As a result, both have played a vital role in the development of Popular American Culture. In this paper, Learning Team D will examine the relationships among the media; address the impact of the mass media on advertising, and enculturation, as well as the impact of the Internet andglobalizationon popular culture, and the interpersonal communication β†’

How reality tv shapes our lives research paper example

Furthermore, leads people to believe that shaming and bullying other people is not only acceptable behavior, it enhances the social status of the aggressor. Never the less it is a cultural phenomenon and whatever the effects of reality television society is positive or negative is yet to be determined. This, too, is a kind of β†’

Effects of television commercial repetition

In the first experiment, the cognitive response measureand a persistingmeasureof attitudechange were affected in the curvilinear manner suggested by the two-factor model. In the second experiment, they predicted-and found-an interactionbetween exposure frequency and the nature of the argumentsused on a persisting attitudechange measure. They argue that repetition of the message β†’

Free research paper on anatomy and physiology

Certain anatomical terms used to pinpoint the location of a particular structure include posterior (i.e.toward the back of the body) and anterior (i.e.toward the front of the body). But in the case of a positive feedback the temperature will further increase and the condition is exacerbated. pH and its Functions The pH is a β†’

Examining the skills of marin luther king jr. and oprah winfrey

Oprah and King used rational persuasion and inspirational appeal; everything they stand for is logical by principal and their values are moral. I cannot come up with a better way to describe both King and Oprah.

Reality tv and the effects on youth

There is good and bad in everything, and everything is good in moderation, but counterproductive TV is taking over productive TV. The time slots to watch educational reality shows are generally later in the evening. However, these shows are targeted toward adults, as they are on at a later time slot, and much of our β†’

The language features of forrest gump

In the 10 chapters, Gump retells his adventures through American history, with everything from college football in early years to theVietnam Warand Ping-Pong games In China later in his life. Despite his low IQ and being an Autistic Savant, Gump Is full of wisdom and humor.up to now, what has left us a β†’

Nida and taber: formal correspondence and dynamic equivalence

Nida and Taber: Formal correspondence and dynamic equivalence Nida argued that there are two different types of equivalence, namely formal equivalence which in the second edition by Nida and Taber is referred to as formal correspondence and dynamic equivalence. Dynamic equivalence is defined as a translation principle according to which a translator β†’

Koko the gorrilla

Although there may be many linguists who discredit this notion, AOl chat was able to provide transcripts between penny, who is Koko's translator, and Koko the gorilla through the use of American Sign Language The transcripts provide evidence of gestures, behaviors, and thoughts that Koko does through her conversation with penny. To β†’

Applied linguistic and language learning

The object of applied linguistics study is not another language, that are the human language that serves as communicationsystems that use speech as a medium, human language daily, the language that is used daily by humans as members of a particular community, or in English is called with an ordinary β†’