Genuine Research Paper Examples

Pathology and contemporary treatment alternatives

The basis for treatment, anatomy and physiology of the respiratory tract and pathology of asthma in patients are all discussed in greater detail below. Normal Lung Function and Respiratory System The human body has two lungs located on either side of the chest. During the process of creating energy water and carbon dioxide are β†’

Windshield survey: overview

A windshield survey and internet research provides information on the people, the land, and the health of those living in this small community. A large park is located in the eastern part of the town.

Tenet healthcare scandal

Nevertheless, a number of hanges in the management of the company following the appointment of Jeffry Barbakow as the chief executive in 1993 contributed to the recovery of the company. California Nurse,. Tenet Healthcare: the seamy side of a dysfunctional system.

Having my ear surgery

One of the times that I was most proud of was the time that I had my ear surgery done on December 19. After the surgery I went to the recovery room and stayed there for more than an hour and during that time I had some stuff to eat and then after that β†’

Regional health information organizations research paper

Regional health information organization is a one of the varieties of health information exchange that brings together stockholders in healthcare within defined demographic place and is used to govern the exchange of health information amongst them. Independent databases are connected to exchange and share information. Centralized architecture is an approach to RHIO β†’

Indian pharmaceutical company “cipla limited”

Marketing itself Perhaps the biggest change in the company? s strategy is the jettisoning of its focus on volumeled growth and a shift to an inorganic, profitability-focused one. In July, Cipla announced the hiring of Frank Peters to head its respiratory business and the European Union region.

Health care and faith diversity

The Art Institutes Religious Facts) Religion this acitation, a bit confusing? ) Basically the Islamic religion believes that all illness is caused from the heart and until the heart is right, one cannot be healed. The heart becomes right by asking forforgivenessfrom Allah, Another important aspect of this religion in health β†’

Healthcare utilization

Health care reform will not only affect patient coverage but will force changes within the utilization of health care as well. The changes made from health care reform have a major impact on health care by influencing the level of spending within the health care industry. The concept of universal health care would ensure that β†’

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation

CPR stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and is used to revive heart attack victims. The practice of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation dates back to the eighteenth century, while performing chest compressions goes back to the early twentieth century. New technique tools to help improve or supports life. The mean purpose of CPR is to bring oxygen to the β†’

Ge healthcare india

The enormous market potential and General Electric's successful low-cost operations fitted well with the aggressive sales strategy that the corporation had established. Solely on a business point of view, GE Healthcare India had tremendous growth potentials in the still developing market, but the social side of ultrasound machines was threatening to kill β†’

Health care reform

3% of its GDP for healthcare compared to the average 9% of others in the first world. Not a few hospitals have complained that the rising number of uninsured they serve is leading to greater financial struggles to maintain operations. The greater national spending can be attributed to the more β†’

Drug monitoring program

The research showed that in states where a drug program was in place the supply of illegally obtained pharmaceuticals and the likelihood of abuse was significantly reduced. The study also showed that if law enforcement, rather thanhealthoriented officials, were the ones to monitor the information there was a greater chance of success in reducing pharmaceutical β†’

Kraske or jackknife position

Arms are usually positioned over the head for turning. Anesthesia Factors One of the most common concerns about the prone jack knife position is the safety of the airway during anesthesia. It was found to be an important factor in determining the patient position and type of anesthesia β†’

Why support the kidney care quality and improvement act

And, it could cost an insurmountable amount ofmoneywhen someone goes to dialysis three times a week for the rest of his or her life Indeed, there is an immediate need to improve the government's program that provides dialysis care for those with kidney failure. Thus, the problem of health care dollars β†’

Development of brazil is investing in health care.

The targeted investments in Brazil are in favor of programs directed tohealth, educationand improvement of public services. Another benefit is the social inclusion through participatory stimuli, as well as Increased productivity and economic stability Granola, Jorgensen & Roach, 201 1 With the definition of unilateralism that primary education becomes an education for all, β†’

Lead trial

It is found in the earth's crust as an ore together with their metals like copper and zinc. Exposure to lead can lead to the damage of the nerves. It can ultimately lead to death of the infant. Sampling methods In order to find the lead levels in humans, sampling is carried out.

Acid-base titration lab

45| Final Volume of NaOH | 11. 53| Average Volume of NaOH = /3 = 9.

Aaron wong

The appearance and reactions of the elements in a triad were similar to each other. He arranged all the elements into a table in order of relative atomic mass.

Chemistry and uses of carbohydrates

Today chemistry of carbohydtaes is better known, the generic term is still in use. A carbohydrate is a polyhydroxy aldehyde/ketone, with the empirical formula CnH2nOn. Figure 1: Glucose to Fructose Isomerization On the basis of molecular size or the number of polyhydroxy aldehyde or polyhydroxy ketone units, carbohydrates are classified as follows : β†’

Acid in soda

Next, the tip of the buret was placed over the top of the soda solution. Using the volume of NaOH and the molarity of NaOH, the number of moles was found.

Carbon dioxide and industrialization modernization

Increasing the number of employed people in the labor force means increase in the economy. It is harmful for our body to take in the chemicals instead of the trees that should be taking it in. As what I have noted, industrialization can also harm the animals around us.

Grignard reagent

8 The tendency of the halide substituents in the RMgX and MgX2 species present in ethereal solution at equilibrium to form bridges between magnesium atoms, Mg-X-Mg, in a Lewis base/Lewis acid type interaction further complicates the nature of the Grignard reagent in ethereal solvents. In a very thorough study of the association β†’

Concentration of sulfur dioxide in wine and time periods

Sulfur Dioxide, which is added to manyfoodproducts including wine because it acts as a redundant, is Well known as a poisonous and allergenic substance , making it a somewhat harmful ingredient. The purpose of this experiment Is to determine how the amount of sulfur dioxide In white wine Is affected by the β†’

Carbon dioxide emissions

Write a sentence that compares the results to the hypothesis.4. In conclusion, in the fact that if all the Arctic Ice melts the worlds sea level would rise.

Water molecule

TM Water Is Essential To Life Term paper Water is Essential to Life Water is Essential for Life Water is the most important substance in our evolution and our daily lives. Without water, life as we know it would not have been possible.... Water is Essential for Life Water is β†’

Water and bubble

You might think that it is the surface tension of the water that holds the skin of a bubble together. Actually, the surface tension of water is too strong to make a bubble. Now it can act more like the skin of a balloon, stretching out nice and thin, trapping air inside β†’

Global environmental issues research paper

A lot of land is needed for cattle ranching especially because the demand for beef for export is high which means that the amount of deforestation is large to make enough room. In order to increase profits slavery is used in the slaughterhouses which prepare the cattle for meat us and processing of the leather.

New invention

One of the key elements that this machine can do, is it can cleanse and purify any amount of water, meaning, it will be able to filter masses of water such as beaches and rivers. Clearly, the invention of this machine will aid our nation in a push for a better world.

Good example of research paper on a possible new way to satisfy both sides

Like any other use of technology or technological enhancement, sonar testing has its advantages and drawbacks as will be seen in the ensuing discussion. Thesis statement The use of navy sonar testing is very sacrosanct because of the gains accrued from it, despite the staggering pitfalls that accompany it; β†’

Black lives matter

Black Lives Matteris a social movement that focuses on the protesting against the violation of rights in the African-American community. They prefer a united group instead of a figure of power who that takes away the main focus of the movement.

Neither black nor white

They never thought of themselves as whites or as blacks, one parent that was white and one black to create a whole new identity. It is clear that there is only speculation as to the relationship between appearance and racial identity among bi-racial individuals. So we expect that it is appearance, not skin color, which β†’

Slavery and racism

In Africa, the slaves and the slave owners were of the same race. The large plantation owners were white and the slaves were black. Because of the racial divide in the owners and slaves, many forms of racism were justified.

Racism and prejudice

Nevertheless, is undeniable that it has come a long way since the time of slavery and more recently Jim Crowe laws and the harassment that was brought against blacks. Later, recognized as the solution needed to afford minorities' equal opportunities both in work and in school, Affirmative Action, was hailed β†’

The policy status quo to prevent racism in american schools research paper

To overcome the discrimination issues, there should be a policy stating the equality of rights for all the races and ethnicities. The main policy associated with the education field which works to state the equality of students' rights is No Child Left Behind. Thus, one of NCLB policy's functions is to state the equality of β†’

Jose aquino

Sure we have gone a very long way to back in the days Of Martin Luther King J.R., Blacks/Minorities are not so bluntly discriminated but now in days its as if this new form of subliminally resentful actions are being brought to this day and age. These are subjects we should be β†’

The cultural impact of music, dance, and art created by black people

In this period of history, the concept of race emerged as a strategy of control and legal exploitation toward female sex and black people. The couple decided to pay a new tribute to the black community and launched this musical success to take us through a short guided tour, full of aesthetic, social, and cultural β†’

Racism in american schools research paper

Some are applauding the program while some are cynical about the idea. The program core mission is to map the education curriculum of different states to know what kids are taught from kindergarten to 12th grade. She says " a look at the national statistics, the fruits of this program are conspicuous. There has been β†’

Differentiate between the biological significance of race and the social construction research paper

Differentiate between the biological significance of race and the social construction of race Introduction Race is diverse and can be perceived from different perspectives depending on the context; for instance the scientific point of view of race is usually different from the social constructs of the subject. This paper attempts to highlight β†’

Caryl phillips cambridge

The first section of the novel is in the form of a journal, narrated by Emily herself, and gives readers a sense of Emily's identity through her depictions of her surroundings. Phillips takes a gendered narrative approach to explore eurocentric influence in the depictions of black womanhood during the African Diaspora and how it has β†’

Beloved: an inspiration for black females

African American men were forced to do strenuous manual labor, such as working in plantation fields from dawn to dusk in the extreme heat with little to no time for breaks. The women, on the other hand, were expected to take care of household duties and care for the children of the plantation owners while β†’

Indirect and direct racism

This can be explained in the detail with example of skin color, origin andculturewhich are the key factors in defragmenting the human society which eventually leads to racism. Asians are attacked because they have different culture and when they settle in western world they bring uneasiness to western lifestyle thus leading to racism.

Nella larsen’s “passing”

Both of them are light-skinned black females, but Clare was the one who has been passing as a white woman during all of her life in spite of the fact that her husband was a violent opponent of the blacks. Through the whole book one can observe a debatable notion whether it is worthwhile having β†’

Jim crow laws

Hundreds of other lynchings and acts of mob terror aimed at brutalizing blacks occurred throughout the era but went unreported in the press. Numerous race riots erupted in the Jim Crow era, usually in towns and cities and almost always in defense of segregation and white supremacy. The word Jim β†’

Types of racism

The two types of racism are overt racism and institutional racism." Overt racism, especially in its contribution to the racist impact of qualification requirements on blacks." 1. Institutional racism also reinforces future racism by contributing to the presence of blacks at the bottom of the employment level." The adverse effect on blacks of these neutral β†’

How i became hettie jones with two secondary sources…

The skin color of a person used to be a big issue in America, which appeared to have been resolved; however, it is still a big issue today. Hettie Jones tells the story of her life as an unconventional woman during the 50s and 60s, struggling to find her place and role in the world β†’

Group project – black lives matter

This group was started by Alicia Garza, Opal Tometi, and Patrisse Cullors and has now grown to a global movement that protests against violence on Black communities by the government or vigilantes. One of the reasons that has contributed to the growth of this group is the targeting of Blacks where the group supports and β†’

Research paper on sociology race and ethnicity in american life

Since the teacher was a white person and the student a black man, the scenario of racially discriminating arises, the student feels discouraged by the teacher due to the comments subjected to him of his nature of being black. The absence of racial discrimination is a key element to determine the level of development that β†’

Questionnaires on perception of early marriage

Thank you very much for taking the time to fill out this questionnaire. The following questionnaire will require approximately 10 minutes to complete all the questions.

What i think about gay marriage

Just because you do not want gays to get married in Georgia does not mean you have to take their rights from them that is wrong on so many levels." Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found afamily." " β†’

Sociology marriage and divorce

Couples who marry in their teens are almost twice as likely to divorce as those who marry between the ages of 20 and 24. The divorce rate also varies by the amount of time the marriage has lasted. As a result of this people are less afraid of the consequences of divorce β†’

Marriages are made in heaven

She was in tears." Mom," Yu also melt into tears, " I know you love me so much... At the wedding ceremony, the bridegroom and the bridge were a good match." Yu," Paul said, " I will make a good match for you".

Problems on early marriages

In the instrumental model the husband brings in the majority of the household income and takes care of the finances, the wife on the other hand, stays home and takes care of the children. At the age of 22-25 years many college students have a bachelor" s degree and are then ready to start their β†’

Marriage vs cohabitation

Cohabitation on the other hand, mimics the structure of a marriage with the exception of legal impediments. In the event cohabitation progresses into a marriage, the dissolution of the union is attributed to the permissive nature of cohabitation.

Marriage verses living together

In today's society many people are getting married and divorced at record rates which are really affecting people views psychologically when it comes to marriage vs.cohabitation; therefore, I plan on exploring both options to see how both of these options work. A marriage is a legally binding agreement that grants each partner a wider range β†’

Pride and prejudice on marriage

Jane Austen uses Elizabeth and Darcy's relationship to portray what a marriage should truly be based upon, and to teach people of the Regency Period to marry for love, as well as in an attempt to rid the idea of marrying based on social class and economic standing. She uses this relationship as a way β†’

Arranged vs love marriages in india

In the words of the website, the objective of this large survey was to " try and understand the psyche of an average marriage hopeful and the way matchmaking trends are changing and evolving". Listed below are some of the key findings of the Indian marriage survey. Surprisingly, in a similar survey β†’

Thoughts on love dating and marriage

The socialsciencetheories that help us understand the components and processes of love include attachment theory, Reiss's wheel theory of love, Sternberg's triangular theory of love, Lee's research on the styles of loving, and exchange theories. Many people perceive marriage as an important occasion in their lives, while others take marriage for granted and not that β†’

Effects of broken marriage to children

Reyes CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Generally, most broken marriages are the result ofdomestic violencein the home, particularly men abused their wives physically and emotionally, and if are children are involved in the marriage, it means they all experience the situation and then, imagine the suffering they had to go through before the marriage finally leads to β†’

Cohabitation before marriage

Nonetheless, like everything in this life, there are two sides of a problem. Hence, the advantages and disadvantages of cohabitation will be discussed in depth as follows: The first and foremost reason is that living together before marriage is a good way for people to find out whether they would be compatible β†’

Marriage and families

They include; the right and obligation to make a contract in regard to property; the modification or elimination of spousal support; ownership rights and disposition of death benefits from a life insurance policy; The disposition of property upon separation; a break up of marriage, death or the occurrence or any other event and lastly the β†’

Marriage and lovers

The grave that the lovers are in is the second marriage-bed, this is also a metaphor. The lovers will fade away, for separating soul and body is the fate's job which is : obligatory; however, desting can not sever husband and wife because they live once. Now the poet wants readers to β†’

ο»Ώpatience and courage

Interestingly , the Danish for patience taalmod contains the term for courage.(Literally, taalmod is " enduring courage.") Kierkegaard connects patience to " unavoidable suffering" and thus implies that courage differs in that in courage we choose to put ourselves in the way of danger andadversityfor a noble cause. And he discusses β†’

Self-confidence: confidence and self-assurance

In my opinion we can say the self-assurance is something such asmotivationon the person to highlights of his abilities, decisions and potentials. He said that my age did not allowed me to join the competition. But I was confident of my ability to participate in the contest.

Impact of attitude and information

A 28 - point questionnaire titled, " Survey of Attitude toMathematics" , to happen out the pupils ' attitude to mathematics by and large and geometric building in peculiar, and A 3- point word- job type, teachermade Mathematics Achievement Test in Geometric Construction instruments were used to carry on β†’

Should cigarette smoking be banned

In my opinion smoking should definitely be banned in public places as it not only has deleterious effects on the non smokers present there but also may cause allergic coughing to many people. Besides, many youngsters are fascinated by the act of smoking and try to imitate it which may later develop into a habit. β†’

Example of picot question: evidence-based practice research paper

Prior to the research, each participant was informed on common procedures and subsequently signed the consent forms. Purpose of the Study The purpose of the study is to examine the comparative effectiveness of nicotine replacement therapy, varenicline, and bupropion in smoking cessation. Methodology Out of the 300 participants, 251 completed the study. The β†’

Outline for drugs

There are plenty of people trying to fix this problem but there is a solution that is better which is legalizing drugs. Solutions In the past we have tried imprisonment by taking them off the streets, which failed. On Easter morning Sean, 12 years old woke up and β†’

Smoking cessation in pregnancy

Problems in the Health Care One problem that health care faces with smoking cessation for women that are pregnant is the lack of training among professionals. Educating women of the dangers of smoking during pregnancy is the first step, but following up with the proper interventions and material used to help women understand and motivated. β†’

Tobacco addiction: hookah

The smoker inhales through a tube that is connected to the vase. The smoke is drawn through the stem of the pipe and filtered through the water before going through the tube that the smoker is inhaling on. To defend the health risks of hookah smoking, many argue that when inhaling, it β†’

Infectious disease research paper examples

As such the bacterium mycobacterium tuberculosis is responsible for initiation of inflammatory responses. Mode of transmission of tuberculosis The main route of transmission of tuberculosis is via the air. As such, overcrowding results in limited flow of air, hence in case an individual living within the overcrowded radius has the disease, it will predispose β†’

Example of macbeth and lady macbeth: how they contributed to each others downfall research paper

The play portrays the dichotomy of mind, the hunger for power and the brutal clutches of fate that looms over the lives of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth who finally succumb under the onus of their deeds. They duo have very close influences on each other's downfall as they both hatch the conspiracy of the assassination β†’

Identity theft

If unusual activity appears on a person's account it should be reported to the credit card or billing company immediately so that if the consumer is a victim of identity theft the card will be reported as such and the next time the thief uses the card there will exist a paper trail by which β†’

When a crime is committed

The most time will be spent on who are the perpetrators are, but a considerable amount of time will be spent on what crimes the perpetrator or perpetrators committed due to the severity of the situation; for example, burglary is larceny if a car is involved in some places. Finding out who could be the β†’

Criminology theories-differential association and strain theory

This definition of criminology is also a useful way to categorize the theories. Theories of law breaking are the most common and essential in the field of Criminology. The main theories highlighted in this paper are Differential Association Theory and Strain Theory. These theories are explained and scrutinized in β†’

Insanity vs cleverness

To begin, insanity and cleverness are proven by the characters in a variety of ways. In " The Tell-Tale Heart" the narrator displays insanity by the characters desire to eliminate the eye, due to his mental instability. With precession and caution he knew exactly how he anted to proceed with this madness.

Serial killer research

A serial killer is a person who attacks and kills victims one by one in a series of incidents. Some characteristics of a serial killer is that they have a minimum of three to four victims, usually with a " cooling off period" in between. The worst part of a psychopathic serial β†’

Crime and wheel conspiracy

Rudy did what he was asked, because Rudy did this he was involved in a wheel conspiracy because he is technically considered the " middle-man". He is the one that is doing the crime but there is an agreement between him and Ron who is in charge of the operation and he is protecting Ron β†’

Plea bargaining

Plea bargaining is defined as the process of negotiating an agreement among the defendant, the prosecutor, and the court as to an appropriate plea and associated sentence in a given case. In cases involving a plea the judge is able to dispose of a case quickly and move on to the next.

Police career research paper essay sample

Their responsibilities include not only preserving the peace, preventing criminal acts, enforcing the law, investigating crimes, and arresting those who violate the law but also directing traffic, community relations work, and controlling crowds at public events. Law enforcement officers are a part of our communities to protect and serve us from danger and to β†’

Motion to suppress qrant or denial

Page Number: 60. Richard Bamberger, Publication Year: 1972, Justice Is the Crime: Pretrial Delay in Felony Cases. 1994)stressing the importance of " immediacy" requirement). See, e.g., U.S.v.

Managers and workers

They do not have initiative and in some cases, they may know what to do but they are not allowed to initiate any action on their own without such initiative originating from the manager. In many organizations where empowerment is set aside, absolute power is in the hands of the mangers. It β†’

Working weeks

I would define this key strategic issue in two particular contexts; the first of which being how the generic working week is structured, and the second being the average amount of normal weekly hours a full time worker must work to maintain a livelihood. Companies would gain two extra hours a day of an individual's β†’

Ergonomic workstation

Be at the same distance from your eyes as the display screen to avoid frequent changes of focus and you should be able you to look from one to the other without moving your neck or back. CHAIR ADJUSTMENTS Contrary to popular belief, sitting, which most people believe is relaxing, is hard on the back. β†’

Collectivism in my big fat greek wedding

The father offersmoneyto Thia Voula for her travel agents business; this shows how they help each other within the community. Tula asks to her boyfriend, if he went on holiday with his cousins, and he says no, she is shocked as she has 27 close cousins which they travel and do everything together." Greeks marry β†’

Turning work in on time (work ethic)

Doing more than is expected on the job is a good way to show that you have and know how to utilize goodtime managementskills and do not waste valuable time attending to personal issues not related to what is expected. Excuses are not accepted by anyone who expects something done a certain way, and the β†’

The contemporary workplace

Outline The aim of this essay is present the reader with an analysis of the concept of pleasure with particular reference to how it relates to the workplace. It will be shown that pleasure is of significance in the contemporary workplace, and that it is both a product and a producer of control and discipline β†’


Picture Graphs are also used to represent the answers to questions. There Were no bars graphs introduced in this excerpt from the book. In doing further research though found that circle graphs are beginning to be introduced in the fifth grade.

Biblical and secular perspectives on the causes of dysfunctional turnover

The other strategy is the provision of growth opportunities. This is because the more the employees feel that they have the ability to grow and even become more marketable then the more they are likely to stay. The other strategy is the motivation of the troops; this can be done through the β†’

The federal minimum wage

Even though many states already increase their minimum wage many people living in the United States claim that the federal minimum wage is entirely too low. The preponderance of evidence suggests that increasing the federal minimum wage would have little effect onpovertyand would in time reduce job security and increase unemployment. In fact, one of β†’

Ap bio work

What is the atomic number of helium? Here is a list of the types of bonds and interactions discussed in this section.

China – geert hofstede

Power distance is defined as the extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organisations within a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally. At 80 China sits in the higher rankings of PDI i.e.a society that believes that inequalities amongst people are acceptable. The extent to which β†’

Social regulation in the workplace

It has been argued that the concern issues with regard to adult females in the workplace is a accepted issue and thatgender equalityrepresents an of import societal duty, the consensus is that it is good policy to put to the promotion of adult females in the workplace. The Council indicates that gender equality needs to β†’


This has caused a distinctive effect on the workforce causing them to face the age differences. The HR knows the older generation of the past consequently will sway the future of various organizations. Meanwhile workers and jobs are always transforming so organizations realize that they have diversity and the skill to maintain a balanced workforce β†’

Racism in the work place

The settlement also requires the company to institute a range of policies and programs to promote diversity among its workforce and to prevent discrimination based on race or gender. The settlement agreement also contains provisions related to the recruitment, hiring, job assignment, training, and promotion of Abercrombie & Fitch, Hollister, and Abercrombie Kids employees.

Migrant workers in uk

This essay, hence, critically examines the history of migration and current policies, the ways in which migratory workers have been exploited, wellness and safety hazards they face and legal protections that have been put in topographic point. History of migration and migration policies The history of migration into and out of the UK is β†’

Understand the work of the ream

2 The class teacher's purpose and objective is for the running of their class and making sure that the national curriculum is delivered and delegate duties to the TAs that are in their class. 3 My role in the class is to help the class teacher.