Genuine Research Paper Examples

Research on altered granites

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Greek and roman contributions to modern society

With the collapse of the Western Roman Empire in the fifth century AD, a Dark Age in philosophy and science descended upon the Mediterranean region. Thus, the introduction of the lowly horseshoe and collar fostered commerce, civilization, and the growth of towns.

Human resources and recruitment in p&g

This is also an opportunity for the applicant to get a more in depth understand-ing of P&G's uniqueculture, values and endless opportunities. The company want to ensure that all of its employees share the same values and are equipped with the most up-to-date product knowledge in a consistent manner.

Gender imbalances in primary education

This following portion will concentrate on the ethnicity of pupils in the schoolroom and why this could be a possible ground for the deficiency of male instructors in primary instruction today. The statistics show that the Numberss for male instructors in primary schools are worsening and a consequence of this could be the deficiency of →

Supply chain management .reflections on the theory of constraints (toc)

The Theory of Constraints in Supply Chain The Theory of Constraints in Supply Chain Background Organizations conduct business in the presence of numerous constraints that limit them from achieving their objectives. The theory of constraints recognizes the fact that firms operate in the presence of limits and it tries to draw a direction that organizations →

Barrick gold and the mine at the top of the world

Barrick Gold and the Mine at the Top of the World Introduction The purpose of this case analysis is to identify the maincommunicationproblem that the world's largest gold mining company, Barrick Gold, is facing in the midst of their major Pascua-Lama developmental project. The following paper discusses the causes of the communication problem and resulting →

Scared straight

Critique of the " Scared Straight Program" The program established in the 1970s, called Scared Straight is used throughout the United States as a means of deterring Juvenile crime. This then has parents and viewers thinking the " Scared Straight" programs works, which then they do not think of the other possibilities of programs that →

Heroes: twinkle little star and hero

My hero is my dad. You are probably thinking " well that's a stupid hero" or " there's nothing special about a nobody", but my dad IS SPECIAL, and not because he is my dad, but because he is the most trustworthy person I know, and not only that he is generous, kind and filled →

Prevalence of hiv in united states

I wanted to find out if the rate of HIV infections in the U. I was curious to find out the methods that the United States uses to prevent the spread and infections of HIV.

Peer mentor

At the first meeting most of them are a little bit shy to ask or to talk about their personal problem, but as time goes on they become really talkative and tell me everything that they think I would like to know, for example their grades, their living situation, etc. They share everything without I →

What does it mean to be a teacher

Teachers are leaders not followers; they are the lyrics to a song. A have lost the knowledge of what it means to be a teacher.

Pollution horticulture

As the temperature in the UK rises due to climate change by an estimated 1-5 C annually by the end of the century more water will be needed to satisfy plant needs. Climate change may also effect what plants are able to grow in the UK, consideration will be needed, if a plant is placed →

Modernization theory

This optimistic must be understood in the historical context of post war prosperity and growth in the north and independence of many southern colonies along with the growth of national markets and trades. The traditional society is contrasted with the modern society- in whichever increasing numbers and density of the 0f the population.

Renaissance history

Originally the term Renaissance only referred to the time when man rediscovered the knowledge of the ancient Greeks and Romans. The term Renaissance is now used to indicate all the historical developments that have inspired the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of modern history.

Autism and physical therapy help

Asperger's disorder is similar to autism in their impairments in social interaction and behavior. Another syndrome is called Rett and it is a very rare disorder of the nervous system that lead to developmental reversals especially in areas of language and hand use.

Lesson 6

Act I leaves off at this stage where Lear is about to suffer tremendously before further stages of recognition, retribution, and restitution occur later in the play.) In Act I of King Lear, references to the principle motifs of nature and the unnatural, sanity/madness, and " nothing" all reinforce the downward movement of Lear's perception →

Example of a journal

You have had a big influence in the way I write now. I want to thank you for everything you have taught me.

How does jackie kay’s trumpet fit into the genre of african-american literature

Music a common feature in both black and American literature is the ultimate passion of Joss Moody. He contributes a lot to the world of music and these contributions cannot be denied, regardless of the sex he reveals himself with.

Life-cycle reverse logistics support policy of genco

Currently, in matter of reclaiming value from the waste materials, GENCO works closely with the Hershey's Zero-Waste-to-Landfill Program at the Utah Distribution Center. As part of the initiative of reclaiming value from the waste materials, the process begins by removing trash comparator from the facility, followed emptying all the contents in the parking lot.

Knowledge management foundations of it systems slp

There is need for the data to be interpreted and analysed and the SAP tools can be used in organizing the data to enable easier analysis and interpretation. The tools presented in the SAP website are useful and should be used by all organizations which are committed to improve their business performance.

How does priestley show that tension is at the heart of the birling family?

This shows that there is tension at the heart of the Birling family as it may be hidden to begin with, certain comments give the reader a small insight to what is hidden and not spoken of. One of the hidden tensions within the Birling family is the fact that Mr.

Legalization of marijauna

Because of the high demand for marijuana the black market has taken upon itself to mass-produce and distribute it to the world. Also, other more dangerous drugs are sold to fund the production and distribution of marijuana.

The new weave- culturally inclusive curriculum

This assignment will be discussing the importance of culturally inclusive curriculum to students learning, then describe how as a teacher would facilitate the sharing of cultural experiences of students, outline the challenges faced when facilitating of cultural experiences and how it was dealt with and finally the concluding with the fact that diverse cultures in →

Baranagy information syste

Background of the Study The development of the system changed the way society accesses and processes information. The main function of the system is to enhance the process and flow of the old system that will allow students to verify their grades Information.

Improving communication between healthcare providers and patients

Verbal reports of the patients are extremely important for the care providers to know the acute details of the problems encountered and to scrutinize them later. According to the Interpersonal Communication toolkit identified in, one of the main strategies formulated for interpersonal communication programmes is the deep analysis of the social, economical, cultural and →

The war on wonga: the church of england’s campaign against payday lenders

In brief, they have ventured into the chance and opportunity to make a business where there was a market gap in the society. I am of the opinion that the advertisement are not geared or aimed at children in any way.

Limitations of on gross domestic product

GAP has four major limitations: It includes the replacement of depreciated capital. References Redefining Progress - Genuine Progress Indicator.

To be human is to discuss

Although the Rwandans are fully responsible for the organization and execution of the genocide, governments and peoples elsewhere all share in the shame of the crime because they failed to prevent and stop this killing campaign. And the thing that the parties should understand best of all- is that they are humans and that as →

Republic of slovakia an economic overview

Slovakia has the reform the advantage of a strategic position between the border of the EX.and the former Soviet Union source: SARIS According to Trading Economics 9, the main trade partners of Slovakia are Euro members, Germany, Czech Republic, France, Poland, Russia and Hungary. This is particularly relevant for Ukraine, since " Ukrainian approach to →

The catbird seat

He expects the reader to now occupy the life of a disabled person in a wheelchair. His goal for the essay seems to inform the readers as well as educate them on the life of the disabilities.

7 dimension

Example like Chinese New Year, the food is sacrifice to the god and Qing Ming the food will be sacrifice to our ancestor and Hungry ghost festival is definitely to the ghost and also our ancestor that out from the hell. Experiential and Emotional Dimension Experiential and Emotional Dimension When a Taoism prays they will →

Defining the purpose of education

The more fun a child has learning the more they will want to learn and the more they will want to be in the classroom. Students should feel like their classroom is the safest place for them to be.

Diwali experience

In our family it is traditional to go to our cousin's house for this part of the event. It is a custom in our family to let all the men cook a feast.

Research supporting policy making in tourism

Policy makers will need to know whether that policy is going to be successful, politically/legally/ethnically acceptable, the costs involved, the number of staff needed to implement that policy and whether it fits with the wants, needs and aspirations of the people directed at. At this stage researchers decided to gather primary data, by means of →

William shakespeares macbeth. macbeth character

Macbeth becomes insecure as time advances, and he visits the witches again to know his future where he is reassured that his reign will continue. However, both of these events seem impossible to Macbeth, and he is tormented by Banquo's lineage.

Current treatments

One is a former patient who appeared to have succumbed to the symptoms of schizophrenia and was not able to improve and live a normal life even with the medications available at that time. Professionals in the field of health care should never be contented with the current treatments and should always look for ways →

Am certain and it is certain

The question, addressing passionate conviction, Inquires whether It Is ever sufficient for Justifying knowledge claim. These are a few knowledge issues that need to be identified and taken into consideration when deciding whether passionate conviction is sufficient for justifying knowledge.

Wac kanpur confectionary

OBJECTIVES KCPL has the vision of emerging as a leading national brand in the biscuit industry and thus maintaining thefamilyname and dignity. Alok will have to bring major changes in the operations and the workings of the company.

Classicism versus positivism

Classicism has the origin in the eighteenth century and positivism in the nineteenth. In positivism theory we can find a ' differentiation', " the criminal is a specific type of person" and criminals differ from non-criminals.

The political, economic and social aspects of the enlightenment

The Political, Economic and Social Aspects the Enlightenment The Enlightenment, also known as Age of Reason, was a cultural movement that spread through England, France, Germany, and other parts of Europe. This revolution was the political upheaval during the last half of the 18th century towards the end of the enlightenment in which the thirteen →

Sainsbury’s competitive advantage

This problem is affecting the impact that Sainsbury's has on the market but they have tried to improve the situation with the introduction of the 'Nectar Card', which is a card that customers can use to collect points when they purchase goods and in turn the points can be used to buy goods. We also →

The role of education in plato’s republic

In particular, the views of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, as evidenced in The Republic, and of the pre-Romantic philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau in his Discourse on the Arts and Sciences, present a striking juxtaposition of the two extremes of the ongoing philosophical and political debate over the function and value of education. But the →

Unique challenges of international staffing

Second, it can hire host-country nationals, natives of the host country, to do the managing. Third, it can hire third-country nationals, natives of a country other than the home country or the host country.

Thus, research undertaken by academicians thus; there

Besides, in Japan the thrust of rewards and career incentives is for economic and corporate success as far as research is concerned. The implication of this for India is that we should aim to foster a sense of openness in our students and provide training and create an environment to foster creativity and innovations as →

Stem cell therapy: a possible cure for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis?

Being a biotechnology student researching in a neuroscience laboratory, it is of interest to investigate the causes of neuronal disease and when I found out that ALS was incurable with no determined cause, I really reflected on the matter and saw the applications of biotechnology, cellcultureand stem cell research in finding the causes and a →


The group is thought of by many to be made up of insane people, and, though there are members of PETA that are not crazy, the " all members of PETA are crazy" rumor is not one without reason. PETA even claims that labs that make dog food abuse the animals that get to eat →

Bringing the jobs home

His analysis of the problem of outsourcing of jobs places the origin of the phenomenon squarely at the doorsteps of liberals, who he termed " The Left". From the analysis of Todd G.

Research facts are unproved speculations of little

A theory inspires research that can be used to verify or disprove it, and the findings of research are used to confirm, reject or modify the theory, or even to provide the basis of new theories. Research helps us to know the nature and the magnitude of the problems.5.

Global information & tech: international technology analysis

Where Japan has become one of the leading countries in technological advancement, Iran is still lagging behind in the development of technology and scientific research. In contrast to that, the number of Internet users in Iran averages 23 million.

North and south poles

Even if more than 60% of the Earth's surface is covered in water, this is salt water which is not adept for the purposes we listed above. Of the freshwater in the surface, a vast majority of it is locked in ice caps at the North and South Poles.

The necessity of urban local government institutions

The main purpose of this working paper is to describe the major issues of governance at the local level and to identify some important challenges for urban local government institutions in India in the light of recent urban sector reforms. The findings of this study show that urban local governments in India continue to remain →

The just or unjust

The fortune tellers predicted the future and for a just punishment they have their heads on backwards, because they looked into the future and now they can only see what is behind them. Dante give the fortune tellers, hypocrites, and thieves a suitable and just punishment for their sin.

A comprehensive guide to social impact assessment

Human activities have resulted in the disruption of social and communal harmony, the loss of human livelihood and life, the introduction of new diseases, and the destruction of renewable resources. 7 Impact Assessments in the context of social development are: Processes through which the government departments/ agencies can better understand how the socio-cultural, institutional, historical →

School life and college life

Vi) Assessment of continuous assessment of marks for practical courses A student will be evaluated for his/her academic performance in a practical course on the basis of continuous evaluation and End Semester Practical Examination. Mode of examination for non-performance type of practical will be declared by the course coordinator in the beginning of the session.

Research methodology: impact of us press on pakistan

The main questions of the Study are: What are the impacts of the American press relevant to the Issues of Pakistan in their inclination towards India? The reasons for the selection of these newspapers are the prestigious newspapers of US and also the medium of expression of the American policy.

Why is buying a business a less risky proposition than starting one?

What are the two major determinants of the value of a business? Hence asset and income are the two major determinants of the value of a business.

Scorch trials: unreality

Also there is a group called the Gladder which is a group of guys and one girl named Theresa Agnes who can telepathically communicate to one of the boys named Thomas. It is basically the post-apocalyptic government which consists of all the remaining governments unite into a single totalitarianism one could say where they control →

Alternatives for financing the rosario acero s.a steel mill

On the basis of the cost of the IPO, it was expected that a fee of around 8 percent of the IPO will be encountered. A Company to consider the adoption of IPO in seeking funds for the company.

Listening without resistance and systems thinking

In addition, I have been judging the accent of the other party in the conversation. A dialogue, on the other hand, is a special way of conversation in which one is willing to be influenced by the conversation.

Borderlands gloria anzaldua

She was a woman, an Earth Goddess, the beholder of all." Coatlicue, Lady of the Serpent Skirt, contained and balanced the dualities of male and female, light and dark, life and death,". Coatlicue is the true model of who and what we are.

False papers

She takes nostalgia in a different direction where it sets up a kind of barriers where the poem takes different tracks in writing about relation of the past and the origins of the feelings which draws one back to the past. In nostalgia she mentions the " early mercenaries" where the poem first imagines the →

Resistance to british nationalism

Clash of Cultures and the Reasons of the Conflict There are three reasons for the Indian conflict:- the religious conflict between Hindus and Muslims - the social conflict about the Untouchables - the colonial conflict about the status of India In the three conflicts, the main actor was Gandhi himself. In the first conflict, the →

A passion for practicing medicine in developing country

The study of health hence is the study of wealth. I am quite positive that my interest dwells in the study of medicine not only for a mere need to able to treat the ill ones, but a mission to spread the awareness of the need of good living and good health to all and →

Factors affecting teaching profession in tanzania

But soon after the introduction of universal primaryeducation in 1977 the status of teaching profession started to decline and seems to be of very low status as most people think of it as the work of those who failed or they have no alternative of life but to be rescued by the teaching profession. Therefore, →

Psychological research studies

High amplitude sucking takes advantage of the fact that infants have good motor control of their sucking behaviour and this fact can be used to determine discrimination as well as likes and dislikes of the infant in question. Siqueland and De Lucia used a projected light as a visual stimulus to condition infants sucking, with →

Responsibilities of non-profit health care organizations

The second step would involve getting the views of the people who depends on the services being offered by the clinic. This would enable the management to understand the value of the services that were being offered to the people.

Disability in sports

Sports for persons with disabilities are described using the disability element and not using the sporting/athlete element as is usually common in traditional sports. In fact, the core tasks of organization, management, officiating, competing, and development of the sports for persons with disability are more or less similar to those carried out in their colleagues →

A terrible accident

I was so happy when I got it, because all the kids in my neighborhood had one. When I finally got to my driveway, I was going so fast that I could not stop.

Importance in shaping law of future

The Court, on the other manus has made attempts to slake this aperture by enforcing upon national tribunals to infer national statute law, " as far as possible in the visible radiation of the diction and the intent of the directive so as to accomplish the consequence it has in view".[ 5 ] First, I →

Grass fed based farms

In grass fed farms there is a better quality of life for the animals and they get the chain CE to roam unlike the others where they might be consumed in a small little space and w loud have to sit there day after day. If the persons land p reduces ay or if they →

The help of technology to the stock market

The key to thatleadershiphas been the state-of-the-art technology and systems development. They are given assurance that their market will have the systems capacity and trading floor operations to handle daily trading and in billions of shares.

Enrollment system

Everything has changed because of the hightechnologypeople acquired now and these are the results of the studies made by the professional. This study is conducted in order to improve the recording of the enrollment of Lahug Christian School.

The manual method compered to ict

To do this I would take a piece of paper and pencil and draw the company logo and either by freehand, or with the use of stencils could have written out all of the information required and then included the vacancy details. THE BENEFITS OF ICT The use of ICT is of great benefit for →

Controversy behind qatar 2022 bid

The Qatar bid was emphasized as the only one representing the Arab World and positioned their bid as an opportunity to bridge the gap between the Arab World and the West. The Qatar bid's chief executive, Hassan al-Thawadi has attempted to quell fears of an unbearableenvironmentby stating " heat is not and will not be →

Message in a bottle

On a trip to Cape Cod, she finds a mysterious, intriguing love letter in a bottle in the sand, addressed from Garret to Catherine. In it, he apologizes to Catherine and says that in Theresa he has found a new love, a love he must fight for.

Err booklet abc

Any holiday is to be requested a minimum of one month prior to the date and is at the discretion of the manager. CONFLICT MANAGEMENT When conflict arises CareGivers are asked to not approach the subject in front of clients and to try and resolve calmly, if to no avail they are to seek assistance →

Modernization and dependency theory

In stark contrast, developed countries play the key role in the development of the entire world and the integration of all countries of the world in the global economy is one of the major ways of interaction between developed and developing countries and both theories agrees that this interaction constantly increases. Nevertheless, both theories underline →

Kant on milgram’s perils of obedience

To some evaluated participants, the case describes their disobedience with the standards of morality given the provision of a governing or instructing authority. However, Kant subjects a restriction to an individual to resist conflict of the morality of one's own, with his adherence to the authority.

Ethiopian culture and history

Its documented history begins in the ancient city of Askum in about 2nd century AD, thus making it one of oldest independent African nations and one of the most ancient cultures in the entire world. All the artifacts date back to the age of the history of the Ethiopians around 10th century B.C.

Back of the bus theory

With these facts still lingering in the minds of pioneers and elders of a generation almost completely extinct, an individual has to wonder; could this be the long-term results of a particular type of mental programming, or is it considered cool amongst a lost generation to sit towards the back of the bus now? Now →

Conflict critique

The course of conflict transformation seeks to provide students with knowledge and understanding of the nature of conflict. Now I understand the nature of conflict and that emotions play an integral part in conflict.

Why people should ride a bicycle

If you choose to ride your bicycle to drive a short distant trip, you will can decrease gasoline consumption, improve the quality of your life, and protect ourenvironment. Another good reason to riding your bicycle is that it can improve the quality of your life.

The other west moore

When West learned about the other man with the same name, room the same neighborhood and the fact he was in prison, West was intrigued. In the book West tells us about the conversations the other West and he had.

Variables used in spatial and regional models

In turn, the use of ' analysis' scale, includes the use of units to measure phenomena, for data analysis and mapping. Harvey argues that " Inconvenience arising from the search for causality between human and physicalenvironmentideas and the predictions of spatial patterns" are often discussed However, Clarke argues that there is a " widespread connection →

Research on sexual satisfaction and marital happiness

Ruvolo examined marital well-being and the general happiness over the course of two years and found that during the first year, a higher marital happiness resulted in higher general happiness in the second year. In the present study, sexual satisfaction was defined in terms of the frequency of sex; relationship satisfaction, marital happiness; and general →

Perdue farms

In a research project designed to study Perdue Farms the proponents were able to find out that they are in for the long haul, in order to, " Enhance the quality of life with greatfoodand agricultural products. In the case of Perdue the crisis point was in the decade of the 1980s when Perdue Farms →

Economic order quantity: practice exercise

According to the appropriate order size recommendation, what would be the Total Annual Inventory cost? Therefore, the total annual savings for this store using our recommendation versus the present lot size of 1100, would be $ 12, 327.


He loved the solitude of the mountains, and as he dismounted his horse he smiled as the usual thoughts and emotions washed over him His ex-wife sarcastically called it the Zen of the Mountain Man, which he thought was a perfect fit. For a brief moment he gazed at the steed and his hand-tooled saddle →

Opposing electronic medical records

Different organizations and health personnel have issues with the use of the EMRs in keeping medical records and would rather prefer the use of paper health records considering the ease of use. The fear of errors and the other technical problems that are associated with the use of the EHRs is a problem that is →

Family and true feelings

In her poem, " Legacies," Nikki Giovanni shows how families choose to make the topic of death a " touchy" subject, instead of being open about it, which is shown through her characters, the grandmother and the granddaughter. In " Legacies," Nikki Giovanni shows the struggle that the grandmother and the granddaughter endure when the →

Lawn tennis

When both players are at 40, the preferred term is deuce.ll-court: Style of play that is a composite of all the different playing styles, which includes baseline, transition, and serve and volley styles.backhand: Stroke in which the ball is hit with the back of the racquet hand facing the ball at the moment of contact. →

Describe the scientific method of research. identify the key components, providing examples of each. provide support for your answer

A scientific method of research is a formal approach to research that applies professionalism and statistical techniques and identifies a series of steps in its implementation. The first component of a scientific method of research is the research title that communicates the involved subject matter and is in most cases a summary of the entire →

Historical impact on working conditions (hr, employee labor and relations)

In 1785, when US government marked the western boundary of Mississippi River, the land was sold for the first time in the public realm. The first key event in the US labor history was establishment of the American Federation of Labor in 1886.

Use linked in account for high business development

Use Linked In account for high business development Linked In recommended for business The connectivity of Linked In is very big. Linked In tips for workability of business The Linked In is a type of social media which gives help to job workers as well as businessmen.

Skeleton for marge piercy

Ashley Zogba November 30, 2010 Skeleton #1 Colors passing through us by Marge Piercy: In the collection of poems, Colors passing through us, Marge Piercy expressed her feelings and her perspection of life through her eyes using references to colors, and other daily life things." Blue as still water. She uses the arrival of a →