Genuine Research Paper Examples

What makes a person a psychopath research paper example

They are prone to guilt and have the capacity to respond to stressing situations. The third class of Psychopaths is the distempered group. The environment is a nurture agent that acts to modify the conduct and behavior of an individual.

Social, moral and emotional development research paper examples

A child's concept of morality at this stage is dependent on adult view of moral behavior and according to Anna, good girls are supposed to do what mommy and teacher tells them to do. She is also supposed to help at home with the dishes and cooking. - How do you make someone happy?

Good parenting styles research paper example

Parenting styles usually represent in a broad way the manner in which parents respond to their children's needs and the demand that parents have on their children (Domenech Rodr guez, Donovick, & Crowley, 2009). In child rearing a number of theories as well as opinions have been developed in order to come up with best β†’

Example of research paper on history of autism

In the same paper Bleuler coined the term autism to describe the clinical picture of schizophrenia, namely the life of a schizophrenic patient in a fantasy world. Descriptions of people with a strange kind of behavior and perception of reality we can also find in imaginative literature. In this paper, a red thread was the β†’

Parenting teenage boys and education

Parenting is a challenging task, but with the proper guidance and understanding parents can raise their son's to be their best and to succeed." Therefore parents who refrain from corporal punishment seem to have a more positive outcome and are more successful in being able to get their Teen to focus on theireducationand every aspect β†’

Should parents of children with hearing impairment provide their children with cochlear research paper examples

The objective of this paper is to discuss the impact of hearing impairments on an individual's education and ability to learn and whether the parents of such individual should start to make investments for the procurement of hearing aids to bridge the gap in these individuals' learning efficiency. Should Parents of Children with β†’

Free research paper on maintaining or reclaiming a good sex life after children

It is vital that the spouses establish a positive connection in an effort to rekindle their sexuality and sensuality. Some mothers agree that it is difficult to reclaim their sex lives after children. This ensures that they have more intimate relationships in the months following their childbirths. It is of β†’

The effect of ccss: common core state standards, charter education & morals research paper samples

Some parents worry about sexual content to the extent of a possible influx of pornography in the schools. First, we take a look at the other side of the argument. While character development may not be of prime importance to CCSS implementation who controls the content is worthy of examination. In Character Education A Common β†’

Guns in america research paper

However, as part of the gun control, Utah law maker has come up with a bill that will let the parents know if the teachers are in possession of the firearms. The law proposed by the Utah law maker has been supported by nearly 82% of the parents. In addition to letting the teachers own β†’

Relationship values between fathers and sons research paper

Through this there is the establishment of an eternal and a close relationship between the two. Son's respect to the father From The Odyssey, sons are expected to see their fathers as great. Presence of the father assures the son of his safety, because any harm to the son is purely borne by the β†’

Assessing infants and young children research paper examples

The research paper will highlight the diagnostic and screening assessment among the infants and young children. Screening and diagnostic assessments Screening assessment refers to a general type of assessment that helps parents and professionals in understanding children development. However, the assessment helps children that show the learning and reading problems in the screening assessment. β†’

Human resources are most important asset

By the mid-1980s in the USA, and in the UK by the late 1980s, the more widespread use of such titles harboured larger ambitions. Matching employment practices to business strategy The first major theoretical advance came in the classic statement of HRM by Fombrun, Tichy and Devanna. The β†’

Individual leadership and management. chosen public figure m. k. gandhi

Through his novel ways and means, he led the country and instilled confidence in people of India. Initially, people were highly suspicious about the effectiveness of his ways but he strongly believed that only ahimsa could bring a true freedom and peace for the nation.

Functions & responsibilities of hr & admin department of rcl

Bothprimary and secondarydata were collected to prepare the report. The main sources of the primary data to prepare the company profile and its performance had been collected from organization's web site and the concerned with HR Manager of Royal Capital Limited and secondary data collected from the web site and books for β†’

Human resources task 1

X made the company aware of his religious beliefs, it might have been possible to make allowable accommodations for him. Mr. X's shift. Secondly, to avoid any legal issues around Title VII or the Civil Rights Act of 1964 I recommend implementing a " best practices" policy.

Db2 employment recruitment and select

The functions are mainly the major reasons the organization and the job description exist in the fast place so they are usually handled with care and only experts are involved in the duties. The other function involves the non essential functions, as the name suggests they are additional duties laid form a major function being β†’

Technology as a replacement of human resources

The rate of this replacement is very high because, with the huge pressure of growing population of world, technology is giving better and easy path to humans to deal with this fast era. As I have mentioned above that the technology is affecting the people relating to any profession of life, some people are familiar β†’

Db3 hr — organizational/employee development – the value of utilizating motivational tools

Db3 hr - organizational/employee development - The value of utilizating motivational tools Although there are a number of activities that can be engaged within any given firm/entity as a means of increasing employee retention, the given case in question illustrates a situation in which it appears as if stakeholders are frustrated with the β†’

The reluctant receptionist

Even though she has a college degree, and the job she applied for was an HR assistant not a fill in receptionist. The importance of job descriptions Employee job descriptions are written statements that describe the duties, responsibilities, and the qualifications of a particular job. Employee job descriptions are based on information β†’

Organizational behavior in the new york police department (nypd)

The four major elements of organizational behavior which greatly affects the effectiveness of security agencies such as the NYPD are the people, the structure, the technology and the environment. This step was an important facet in the revamp of the structure of the organization which greatly affects the behavior of the NYPD personnel.

Human resources management: overview

With regard to organizational effectiveness at Tesco, " Tesco Human Resources director for retailing service Therese Procter and CIPD strategic adviser Lee Sears regarding the role of the development of business organizations which include ensuring that the companies goal is met at every stage of the business process and engaging the employees toward the companiesgoals". β†’

Wal-mart human resources

Walton believed that employees play a vital role in the success of a retail business and gave considerable importance to them. To instill a spirit ofequalityand oneness among employees, the company adopted the practice of terming employees "" associates "" thus creating in them a sense of belonging and involvement in Wal-Mart's β†’

Human resources at ict

The ICT departments and the finance department need to interact with each other so that the finance can tell the ICT department how much money to spend on ICT equipment and repairs. Human resources and administration The human resources department specialise in the recruitment of new staff. Human resources and all the other departments β†’

Strategic role of human resources management

Later on it was found that the efficient sources of competitive strength were to be looked for only inside the organizations themselves, which have the distinct advantage of non-imitable nature. It was also perceived that such resources, capabilities and competencies were located in the minds of the people and hence human resources are deemed imminent β†’

Good consumer demand in food and beverages research paper example

Businesses have to take into account consumers' demands and preferences to survive and compete with peers in the field.. The tourism industry promotes the sale of food and beverages, as travelling implies fun and pleasure, and consumption of food and beverages is an inseparable part of human pleasure. The employees who are dealing in food β†’

Marketing strategies used by usa car manufacturers research paper example

The number of potential car buyers has also drastically reduced surveys indicating that the current number of potential car buyers is 5 million less than what it used to be 5 years agos. The shift in the demand for cars has been attributed to the following factors: lack of jobs hence the lack of purchasing β†’

X-ray machine purchase justification research paper examples

Even though, the price of the machine seemed high, it is proves to be the best decision the organization need to make. The purchase of the x-ray machine that cost the organization a total of $124, 995, is proving to be useful in more than one way as it is helping the organization achieve many β†’

Good example of consumer behaviour and market research essay

Further, taking the above discussion into consideration this particular paper attempts to throw light on the decision making process of the customers. Consumer buying decision process refers to the decision making process carried out by the customers with respect to a potential marketplace transaction before, during and subsequent to the purchase of an item or β†’

Esr class presentation – week v

Veil of Ignorance: You have a limited amount of resources, so you have to make the choice for one of the 2 clients. Moral: Only sign the contract if you know that the working conditions are ok, that there are safety regulations should at least follow the country regulations for safety codes, building rules, β†’

Hunan province research paper

The government has not considered the number of industries and the population density in this area. Problems in this province include unemployment, pollution, power shortages, healthy problems, drug abuse and problems of dealing with migrants into the region. The government of Hunan province has put measures to handle these socioeconomic problems.

Argument sketch research paper sample

A shocking report published in The Guardian by Gethin Chamberlain indicated that, an alarming two million children under five years from the Indian slums die every year despite the countries growing status as an economic superpower. The Causes of Diarrhea in Orissa, India The major causes of death in Indian slums such as Orissa β†’

Population growth: economics ans enviroment

Population growth is often portrayed as causingpovertyand environmental degradation, and thus population control is seen as a means of improving living standards. There is a growing concern amongst governments that the rate of population growth in most developing countries if not checked could continue jeopardizing the development in those countries by straining the budgets of β†’

How is funding by the imf and world bank affecting kenya research paper

These projects may be in the education sector, the infrastructure sector and the health sector. A country like Kenya which is a developing country relies on the IMF and the World Bank for these loans so as to facilitate development in the country. A healthy population is always crucial in developing the economy of a β†’

Good research paper on chinas one child policy

Over the past decades, the People's Republic of China has slowly but surely gained strength to become a regional superpower, both in terms of economic and military benchmarks, especially when the fact that it is still being considered as one of the fastest growing economies not only in Asia but β†’

Resource summary on immigration in usa research paper

The article presents an overview of the political issues surrounding the immigration debate and delves into the arguments for and against immigration. The article also presents the position of the proponents of immigration who feel that immigration should not be treated as an environmental issue rather other issues threatening environmental sustainability should be looked into[ β†’

Russian population trends

This is a very unbalanced and unstable population structure.At the moment in Russia there are on average 16 deaths per 1000, far more than the world average of just under 9, and just 10 births leading to a population decline of about 750, 000 per year. There are many people living into old age with β†’

Diversity of the world’s population

Healthcare professionals should be qualified to deliver, on a daily basis, proficient care and sensitive skilledcommunicationto culturally different individuals. To exercise professional nursing in a conceptual way holistic nursing care focuses on physical, emotional, social, environmental and spiritual aspects as well as on the idea that any individual involved in treatment care should be treated β†’

What exactly is an ageing population?

The old age dependency ration is calculated by (Elderly Population 65+ / Working Population 15-64) x 100. Ageing populations are a factor of reductions in both birth and death rates due to technological and economic progress. An ageing population means the proportion of older people is increasing, which causes an increase in the dependency ratio. β†’

Research paper on djibouti

The biggest and most crowded city is the capital of Djibouti, Djibouti city that also shelters more than half of total population of the nation. Ethnicity The society is a blend of people from different ethnicities. Currently the president of Djibouti is Ismail Omar Guelleh who is holding this post since the year 1999. β†’

Free research paper on india

The focus of this document is on the exploration of India's global context in the world currently. This paper explores on the important contributions of India and the way the world views India.

Research design essay samples

Since the study was focused in evaluating the effects of the policy aimed at reducing the prison population, the study involved delving into the county database to find cases from the initial eight months of the implementation of the policy, and creating a control group within the same period of the previous year to β†’

Is prison population increasing or decreasing crimes research paper examples

This paper will discuss upon the issue at length touching upon the contribution of three strikes law in overcrowding of prisons and criminogenic effect of incarceration in attributing to an increase in criminal offenses. Is Increased Prison Population Increasing or Decreasing Crime? When in 2009, there was a drop in crime rates all across USA β†’

The diaspora studies

He sacrificed for his real identity, his Pakistani culture and his customs to follow western culture and western identity. Being in America his dual identity did not win even though he cannot forget his hybrid culture and cannot follow only one identity. She was easily adapted to the culture and tradition of America.

Free the following is the data after a regression experiment research paper sample

The mode of the equation is indicated as follows Y = a +bx Where a and b are constants, which depends on the changes of Y and X In this case, the Y axis is represented by the student population and the X- axis, is represented by the grade level. In addition, β†’

Research paper on study design

Therefore, I will be required to assure the participants that all information collected will remain confidential under all terms. Participants: The research will include sampling which involves use of a small or a portion of the population to investigate the behaviour or the characteristics of the entire population. This strategy assists in the cutting down β†’

Example of essay on research: the role of health care in sultanate of oman on elderly care

XXXXXXXXXXX Introduction Definition about Demographic and Epidemiology Demographic trends - Worldwide and regional trends - Oman Population size and growth - Economic and social changes that impact on elderly. Epidemiological transition - Epidemiologic Transition Theory - Epidemiological transition in the worldwide and regional context - Sultanate of Oman ( Life β†’

Biological wastewater treatment research paper examples

The water that is discarded after the processing is the one that is referred to as the wastewater and is usually unfit for human consumption. The other thing is that the invention of the kit resulted to treatment of large volumes of water.

Issues affecting the aged research paper

Apart from the physical changes and health problems, aspects like change in the cultural and social life, also affect the life of the elderly adult, population. Most of the health problems in the elderly population are nutrition related. In line with this, health associated problems, ascribed to diet problems and malnutrition, and mental distress and β†’

Under population

In some cases the women lose fertility and are unable then to have children at all as well. There is report's that many nations are not offering enough maternity leave in terms of length andmoneybeing paid out to the women during it. They also in some means of want to control the population within their β†’

Good research paper about geographic information

India is bounded in the southwest by the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal in the southeast. The three distinct geographic regions of India are the Himalayan region in the north, the Gangetic Plain and the plateau region in the south and central part.

Menace of overfishing and its effects on marine and aquatic life research paper sample

In fact, the depletion of one species can create incredible consequence and effect on the whole habitat and might go a long means not simply to have an effect on the aquatic environment but disrupt the entire ecosystem and the whole economic system of the world. Literature Review Overfishing β†’

Causes and effects of gambia’s youthful population

Because of over-crowding in the cities, they are being expanded but there is not enough money to do a good job of it. In the future it will be harder to find employment and accommodation with even more of a strain onfoodresources, infrastructure and thehealthservice, which is already struggling.

The impacts of a youthful population

When a country has a large number of people under the age of sixteen it is said to have a youthful population, and when it has a large number of people over the age of sixty-four it is said to have an ageing population. Both of these can cause problems and benefits for a country.

Obesity in america: the cost of poor dietary choices and sedentary lifestyles research paper examples

Furthermore, we will examine current interventions from the local to the federal level and examine the role of the media in creating awareness. In conclusion, the paper will suggest possible solutions to the epidemic. Introduction Poor diets and inactivity have been cited as the 2 major culprits for the growing population of obese Americans.

Research paper on wilson & jungner criteria for screening arterial hypertension among adults in the

These differences may help to justify the use of Wilson and Jungner criteria for screening arterial hypertension at a national level among adults in Maltese. Introduction Hypertension is a disorder in which the heart's pumping power is weaker than normal and that the heart has become more of elastic causing ventricular hypertrophy. Notably, from β†’

Free research paper on research designs

It is also the questions that a researcher aims to answer through the findings of the research. The null hypothesis is a theoretical statement that is unproven but is used by the researcher as a basis of carrying out the research.

Why did the population of the uk rise dramatically between 1760 and 1870

I am going to explain how each of these factors had a part in the change of population. Firstly I will discuss birth rate, and how it caused the surge of population changes. Firstly, Age and Sex of the Population was one factor which caused a change in the population. Many historians believe that this β†’

Research paper on role of nurse practitioner in primary care setting

The roles of nurse practitioners range from taking care of the sick in the hospital to helping the needy in villages and homes. The Role of Nurse Practitioners in Meeting Increasing Demand for Primary Care.

Specific population and advocate role

Ways to Assist with Problem The advocate can assist the teen in many ways. The advocate must understand that the client has a chemical imbalance in the brain. The advocate's job is to help the teen connect with different resources in the community.

Population density research paper

According to the latest data from the world population clock, the current human population in the world is around 6. These limiting factors are the carrying capacity of the environment and thus reduced or increased carrying capacity would lead to an S-curve type of population growth. Current US and World Population Growth Rates. Currently, the β†’

Example of research paper on interconnection of social problems

These links are strengthened by the fact that poverty causes deprivation of basic and luxurious needs and this in turn breeds the temptation to commit crime hence victimizing the concerned parties in the process. Race, poverty, and punishment: the impact of criminal sanctions on racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic inequality.

Free research paper on economic growth in egypt and india during the past three decades

Nevertheless, out of the near collapse came the rise of major transformations such as from the socialist orientation to a capital structure altering the structure of the country's economy pivoting it towards economic success. Despite the saddening statistics in the unemployment levels of the country's economy, human development in Egypt reveals a promising population with β†’

Adolescent osteosarcoma research paper

The reported cases of osteosarcoma represent one percent of the reported cancers in the United States with a peak frequency of 4. One of the most significant realities is the high incidence of patients' relapse and ensuing death from the disease after the onset of treatment as exemplified in a nation-wide population-based study β†’

Research paper on the affordable care act and african americans

Political settings and the influence of organized groupings such as the American Medical Association and the American Association of Labor Legislation have played a major role in the evolution of the concept of the right to health. Historical Background In 1793, a yellow fever epidemic forced the central government to impose quarantine on cases β†’

Research paper on hispanic groups

Among the sub-groups in the Hispanic group include Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and Central and South Americans. So as to understand the Hispanic community, it is necessary to first understand some of these groups which will help in showing the similarities and contrasts within the Hispanic ethnic category. Mexican Americans β†’

Free research paper on historical perspective

It was a founder member of NATO, and it also joined the European Union in 1986. Important dates In the history of Portugal, there are important dates that have defined the history of the country socially, economically and politically. Portugal was renamed the Kingdom of Portugal in the same year.

Copy paste!

I always wanted to see what will be my life in the future, what will be mycareerand what will I become? I will be a good mother and wife.

Story of akbar and birbal

It is important to realize that if the ratio is greater than 1, the majority of assets are financed through debt. If it is smaller than 1, assets are primarily financed through equity. Return-on-assets: An indicator of how profitable a company is relative to its total assets.

Professional ethics ecg research paper sample

As part of satisfying the principles of the highest good in light of common interest, individual desires should be subordinated to organizational interest. According to the stakeholder principle of professional ethics, the decision of this member of staff is unethical. Among the factors to be taken into consideration in the decision making process are; the β†’

Using equity and debt to finance investment opportunities

They look for deeper involvement other types of return beyond the financial. Under equity financing, capital permanently invested by the investors entitles them to share in some form of earnings distribution and therefore to be considered part owners in the business. However, raising new capital through equity financing would mean giving up β†’

Biographical sketch: overview

Although this strictness may at times have cost me a few good times with my friends, I do not complain much as I can see where it has led me. They brought me up as a self-motivated and independent minded person and these qualities I continue to apply in my life up β†’

Theories of foreign direct investment

Singapore shipyard is reputable for handling sophisticated turnkey projects regardless of is complex requirements and other considerations. This industry is well known in the economic development for the last 40 years and will continue to play the critical role in our economy in order to achieve the goal for Singapore to become β†’

Merger analysis research paper example

There are two main ratios that will be used to assess the liquidity of the two health organizations; current ratio and quick ratio. Current Ratio The current ratio of Mayo Clinic was 1. This section will analyse the debt structure of Mayo's Clinic and Erie Medical County Centre using various debt ratios. Total Debt β†’

Foreign direct and indirect investments

In both foreign indirect and direct investment the investors offer their technological know-how or skills, management as well as capital. The major distinction between the indirect and direct investment by the foreign investors is difference between equity and non-equity investment. Wertz B and Wensley R. Foreign direct investment entails β†’

News summaries

By shining a spotlight on these mistakes, the article reinforces principles in Chapter 22 namely, the essential need for solid personal financial planning. Each ' mistake' receives a few paragraphs of attention, and the information holds more value because the author also pinpoints expert tips that can β†’

What drives the recession of the united states economy research paper example

The basic argument is that that the recession of the United States economy is primarily due to events that impose economy wide impact such as interest rates and consumer confidence. The consensus is that the recession of the United States economy is mainly imposed by the actions and policies deployed to control the currency supply β†’

Major reasons for financial crisis of 2008 research papers example

Over the years, there have been many discussions like what caused the financial crisis of 2008 and this report has discussed some of the most significant causes of the financial crisis. Causes of Financial Crisis: i)The Burst of Housing Bubble Courtesy its low interest rates, Federal Reserves allowed for an unsustainable bubble in the β†’

New way of investing

Thematic investing can be used in different contexts within the equity universe, but it typically comes down to a top down approach to investing. This particularly for a market like India with such low participation in equity markets could be the way forward. This remains the pivotal point of focus for us and we β†’

Foreign direct investment (fdi)

Hence, the outsourcing activity of Nokia became a stimulant tool for other associated firms to direct their capital stock to India. Coupled with economic growth, the overall risks and uncertainty can be reduced. References AMR.2007. URL Retrieved September 23, 2007.

Financial institution

With regards to the concern of Bridgecorp, we know that they have suffered from crises that have led to the collapse of their financial institution. As a business sector, it is expected that there will come a time that they will be facing such problems and with β†’

Bernie madoff

Fairfield Greenwich Group is believed to have suffered the highest losses in the Madoff fraud saga. Out of the $17 billion invested with Madoff, $7. From the information the investors and even potential investors would have known the qualifications and any disciplinary history of Madoff and his investment firm. β†’

4 ways to reward employees and gain a return on investment

Many companies try to harness that feeling - especially now, during the run-up to the end of the year and the holiday season. At some point, the hardest-working employees become fed up with the lack of individual recognition. Finally, gifts just are not as meaningful when they are prizes in a competition.

Nafta research paper

Yet, advocates of the economic integration shelved these fears, and rather emphasized the numerous benefits of free trade that member countries stood to gain under NAFTA. This is followed by the background, provisions, criticisms and benefits of NAFTA.

Financial sector

Another would be Railtrack who has had operations suspended by the government because all there money has gone, while shareholders want money back. This is an example of the asset having a different value than expected Financial institutions are able to reduce risk through a number of ways, the two main ones being diversification and β†’

Impaired asset

Which of the following correctly defines the recoverable amount of an asset? Current market value of the asset less cost of disposalHigher of fair value less cost of disposal & value in useHigher of carrying amount & fair valueLower of fair value less cost of disposal & value in use Q5. At β†’

Monetary policy research paper example

The largest component of Aggregate Demand that is affected most by changes in the rates of interest in the consumption. During the recession period, the government recommends that the tax rate is cut down and the government expenditure is increased to simulate the economy.

Threats to investment banking

When allowed to capture the market of individuals' deposits unhindered, joint-stock banks became deposit banks, leaving the business of investment banking to institutions especially created for that purpose - trustee banks, investment banks, and the stock market. They abandoned the field of investment banking altogether in order to match the maturity of their assets with β†’

Research essay samples

Joanne, I would like to express my interest in pplying for the position of research assistant which is currently available job code. Retrieved from

International accounting standard: statement of cash flows

IASCF 1001 IAS 7 International Accounting Standard 7 Statement of Cash Flows* Objective Information about the cash flows of an entity is useful in providing users of financial statements with a basis to assess the ability of the entity to generate cash and cash equivalents and the needs of the entity to utilise those cash β†’

Lorex pharmaceuticals

50 per hour. A sample of the filling process and test results are given in exhibit 2, with a target of 10.fluid ounces. The cost details from exhibit 1 are used to guesstimate for the cost of other predicted samples. The issue: Recently, there was a β†’

Petroleum and investment grade rating

Conoco a subsidiary of DuPont which operates worldwide and has investment grade rating Investing in Petrozuata is indirectly investing in DuPont If you invest in Petrozuata your real investment is also in Venezuela and DuPont Petrozuata project has a very good structure and business projections Same comparables with other oil companies operating in other β†’

Example of research paper on factors that led to the growth of international banking industry in miami

Its proximity to both Central and Southern America, its multilingual population coupled with the promulgation of international banking regulations that were deemed favorable led to the country becoming a specialized Latin American banking centre. With international banking as a major financial activity, the economies has experienced spiraling growth and also increase employment

Example of doing business in malaysia research paper

This brings us to the aspect for international relationships between Malaysia and the rest for global world. On the aspect for religion, most of the Malaysian communities practice Buddhism, which does not affect trading relations in any way. Foreign Relations of Malaysia and the rest of the World In terms of connectivity with the β†’

ο»Ώa study on preferred investment avenues among hni investors in the city of indore, m.p ,india

The people has to choose Proper Avenue among them, depending upon his specific need, risk preference, and return expected Investment avenues can broadly categories under the following heads. Equity FI Bonds Corporate Debenture Company Fixed Bank β†’

Is your one-pager scaring away investors?

Its main purpose is to grab the investor's attention, help you stand out and get you that meeting. The problem is that an investor spends around five minutes reading a one pager. You do not have to give me all of the information here, you need to interest me enough to get the meeting". Related: β†’

Sample financial plan description

We do, however, understand that the cost to attend the university may concern you at first, but there are methods of assistance that are available, such as investments and savings plans. Investing in specific funds, with good performance history, will have a huge advantage in acquiring the money for your son to go to college. β†’