Genuine Research Paper Examples

Free technology research paper sample

This paper will analyze the ethical issues related to this activity, how technology is involved, the effects, and finally how individuals and institutions should protect themselves from identity theft. Ethical issues as it relates to the use of information technology Identity theft has been enabled by the rampant spread and technology and hacking activities. β†’

Research paper on fisher v. the university of texas: affirmative action in higher education

The decision of the Grutter cas, e made Texas to revert to the use of race as one of the considerations in student admission in addition to the top-10-percent program and the socio-economic-affirmative program. Abigail Fisher and Rachel Michalewicz filed a lawsuit against the University Texas after admission rejection into the University in 2008. Fisher β†’

Research paper on drug control

In the ensuing section, the paper will examine some of the theories that can be used to explain the indulgence in drugs and how the same can be used to reduce indulgence in drug consumption and related criminal activities. The Strain theory and the Marxist theory of crime can be used to explain indulgence in β†’

Ministry of justice research paper

The paper of interest is ' Access to Justice: evidence of the experiences of minority groups based on ethnicity, identity and sexuality, done by Paul Mason and Nathan Hughes, with Rachel Hek, Basia Spalek and Nicola Ward, Institute of Applied Social Studies, University of Birmingham and Allan Norman, Celtic Knot, β†’

Research paper on drugs and gangs

This paper also evaluates the significance of the street gangs in the supply chain of hard drugs and the establishment of their networks. The best available evidence suggests that the serious street gangs emerged in the early part of the 19th century. The rise of gang activities started in four regions of the United States: β†’

Terry v ohio: history and impacts research paper sample

Terry is also one of the most castigated decisions involving the Fourth Amendment in the contemporary era of the United States Supreme Court and the development and incorporation of the exclusionary process. There is no doubt that the decision of the High Court in Terry acknowledged the factor of race in the justification of the β†’

Contemporary cultural diversity issues research paper

Police officers frequently rely on tipoffs from the public in order to follow criminals, and without this help, many crimes may never be solved. According to Nandra Nittle on the Race Relations website, " Racial profiling is a form of discrimination by which law enforcement uses a person's race or cultural background as β†’

Free statutory rape research paper example

The development of statutory rape laws in the country is haphazard because of the variance of perspectives by states as to the nature of statutory rape whether it is a true crime, a public welfare crime or a combination of both. Statutory Rape: Background Statutory rape laws, however, have seen changes through the years. β†’

Criminal law research paper examples

This way, the subculture for the aggressive masculinity that are openly known across the inmates and ultimately, the prison officials alike forms the paramount factor for the assessment of whether or not prison officials act within deliberate actions. One of the major differences between jails and prisons is the fact that jails are mostly run β†’

Good research paper on the hidden slaves in human civilization

The complication of the case of women who are trafficked to Hong Kong comes becomes of the nuanced way in which the different types of sex workers are categorized, hence, a misrepresentation of the cause and concern of these women. Women who work in Hong Kong's sex industry can be β†’

Research paper on crime measurement

What instruments are used to measure crime in the United States? Two major crime measurement tools are found in United States that determine the magnitude, impact, and nature of crime. Crime in the United States.2011.

What is probation?

According to Probation and Parole: Theory & Practice, probation is a community punishment that requires the offender to comply with certain court-ordered conditions, such as curfew or attendance at a day reporting center, and may subject him or her to various levels of supervision based on public safety and rehabilitative needs. Stated in the β†’

Research paper on operant conditioning

Theory of operant conditioning Theory of operant conditioning is the application of a character's precursor and or its effects to pressurize the occurrence and type of character. The failure to provide the chocolate is the restraining of a positive reinforcer.

Research paper on legal and ethical environment of business

Every business must consider both the legal and ethical environment. In the United States of America, the office of government ethics stipulated conduct standards that regulate the conduct of the government employees in the USA. This paper discusses the fundamentals of ethics, how the American legal system affects ethics in business β†’

Example of methods of handling psychotic disorders research paper

In cases where the conditions of the victims become more serious, the victims tend to occur shut completely from the realities of life. Thus, the kind of drugs administered to such patients should help suppress such effects on the victim (Miller, Early Intervention in Psychotic Disorders, 1997). In the process of treatment, the drugs may β†’

Sexual harassment in the workplace and its impact in the work environment research paper examples

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace and its impacts in the work environment Introduction - Sexual harrassment which is a common behaviour identified in different countries around the world has been observed to cause significant social and economic effects, especially to women and girls. - Sexual harassment has caused losses in millions of dollars due β†’

Research paper on violence against women

This is aimed to stop the violence against women. These public policies and less formal responses have actually worked to stop violence against women. It offers examples of violence against the women.

Takings clause research paper examples

The United States Supreme Court applied the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment to the states by way of the Fourteenth Amendment Due Process Clause in the case of Chicago Burlington and Quincy R.R.v. The third line in which the application of the Takings clause applied to the state and local government was through review β†’

Research paper on facts

Whereas, the fourth part of the essay will be devoted to the issue of the analysis of future implementation of the case. In this case, Bart should present all the documents and ask the previous owner of the house to be a witness. The rule of the law is the main part of the case β†’

The rights of the defendant in the american criminal justice system

The rights of the defendant in criminal prosecution are: " 1) right to a speedy trial; 2) right to a public trial; 3) right to a trial by jury; 4) notice of the accusation; right to confront the opposing witnesses; 6) right to compulsory process for obtaining favorable witnesses; and the β†’

Sample research paper on mothers should be convicted of a crime when they give birth to a drug addicted baby

In the case the mother gives birth to a child who is drug addicted, it means that the mothers had not conformed to the duty of care principle. Experts can be incorporated into the process so as to come to the truth of the matters that pertain the behavior of the child and the mental β†’

Criminal justice system

Current sources have revealed a rise in the fraction of cases processed in the juvenile court system. For instance, the number of cases processed in such courts in 2005 was 1. There are numerous reasons behind the transfer of juvenile offenders to adult courts. The magnitude of offenses committed β†’

Incident handling procedures research paper

Information technology has however opened a door for malicious people who are bent on ruining the success, image and reputation of individuals or corporate entities through unauthorized access, known as hacking, of servers and computers bearing sensitive information for the sake of extorting money from the victims or using the β†’

Free research paper on restorative justice

It also helps those offended against, by having an opportunity to interface directly with the offender, to perhaps get answers to their questions, and ultimately to put the events behind them and get on with the rest of their lives. How Effective Is It? According to " Restorative Justice Works" an article on the website β†’

Good example of research paper on the history of abortion in america

Abortion, and the issues related to it, is the subject of deep public debate and discussion in the contemporary world. Despite the strong anti-abortion laws before a few decades in the United States, it was legalised and made available for the public. Literature review Lewis found that the history β†’

Good example of criminology research paper

Through the different theories of criminology, the essay will illustrate on how criminology shows the humanity the way to combat and prevent crime. The scope of criminology in the different social crimes is the understanding of their different aspects as it unravels the ills and cures of the criminal behaviors in the society.

Policy conflict analysis – the health bill research paper example

On this note, it has to be noted that the 14th Amendment was to take care of the rights and freedoms of the people. However, the health bill acts in contrast to what the president seemed to believe sis for this reason that Pear argues that the bill seems to be contradicting β†’

Research paper on looked at property crimes, larceny or theft, robbery and burglary. in each the

Virtual Crime: Identity Theft Virtual crimes against persons are projected to increase at a faster rate over the next decade because of the significant expansion and use of personal computing and social networking sites. Many games and apps available through social networking sites actually share your personal information with affiliates, and therefore, individuals, β†’

Songs of suicide

As usual, the teachers would shout across the field, at the group of kids standing in the corner, lighting up a regular cigarette and as usual, there were the group of good people, or bofs as they were often called by the rest of the school, as they hid their heads in a book, and β†’

Anachronisms in stravinsky’s neoclassicism

Music analysis depends on how it developed during the age of the Harlem Renaissance, as well as, in terms of the late 70th and the early 21st century. The focus on the works and compositions of three of the significant musicians was dominant during the Harlem Renaissance.

Classroom effects of a commercially-available video music-and-movement program

The case study is a carried out in the classroom to know exactly how students behave and respond to musical inducement. Objective of the study- To investigate the classroom effect of commercially available video music on students Population of study- this study was conducted on fourth grade students' population. The behavior of the two β†’

Street violence in ward’s songs

From convict to conqueror, pistol to pen, Ward serves as a legitimate role MO del and real life urban legend for today's misguided youth. A self made entrepreneur, politician n, community activist and leader, Ward is a native of Chicago Altered Gardens, one of the t suggest housing projects in America. He actively β†’

The audio engineer

After receiving the hands on experience from internships, the climb to the top of their field starts and soon they begin to take on more important tasks in the studio, which can include becoming a second engineer or even becoming the lead engineer. As an engineer, the skills learned through out the β†’

What influenced music in the 1960s?

Lastly the rim click is used which helps convey the mood and theme of the piece. This piece is originally composed for the drum kit and has not been arranged for it. My instrument relates to the others in the ensemble by playing the rhythm and keeping the time. It is vital to the piece β†’

Music streaming now bringing in some cash

Themusicindustry is in the midst of a moderate rebound thanks to streaming. For the first time since 1999, the industry could grow over a two-year period, according to data to Bloomberg by the Recording Industry Association of America. Ad-supported streaming accounted for $195 million of that amount, growing 24 percent compared to the β†’

Math and music

The beauty of music, for him, was the same as that a mathematician experiences in the process of discovery. The intervals present in the scales are expressions of mathematical ratios. The process of writing music is mathematical at its heart.

Music videos

Depending on the type of genre the song is, would decide which TV channels your music video is to be played or advertised. My planning source for my music turned out to be quite difficult, however I done the difficult parts first, to make it not as sophisticated to do there on. I think my β†’

Willis earl beal in american popular music

Willis Earl Beal deserves to be crowned as the next king in Lo-fi, folk and experimental music genres, the artist and musician conjure his music to evolve a revolution that gathers crowds of all walks. Willis has set the music targets in his career after developing his music title, The Church of Nobody; that has β†’

Famous singer of her time nina simone

Eunice changed her name to Nina Simone after playing a club in Philadelphia in1954.he got the Job to play plano her true love and was told by the manager she would ing or be out of a job thus her stage persona was borm She took the name Nina meaning " little one" she said β†’

Ludwig van beethoven greatest composer

The four symphonies, namely the Eroica , the fifth, the Patorale , and the ninth symphony; an opera entitled Fidelio, and the Missa solemnis, his religious musical composition are some of his most celebrated masterpieces (Burnham 29; Pestelli and Cross 217; Lane). The life of a musical genius Born β†’

The roaring 20s

Cloche style hats were very popular and were tight around the head before flipping out at the base of the neck. Year by year, the length of skirts and dresses grew noticeable shorter until it reached halfway up the knee. Short, flowing skirts made dancing to the new forms ofmusiceasier. The Roaring Twenties was characterized β†’

Iranian protest music

We spent more time on the video than we expected but it was good to be able to show our peers a video that was and is a big part of the protests. I think that they took the information that we had to offer well, and can understand more about Iranian Protest Music as β†’

Genre conventions of punk

Then lastly I will need to produce a report where I will be evaluating my production, and also comparing it to real ones and commenting on the weakness and strengths mine has. The Genre I have chosen is punk rock/pop punk, It is not clear when the term pop punk was first used, but pop-influenced β†’

New age music and religion

Other New Age music features the sounds of waterfalls, ocean waves, and crickets. But despite the increasing support of many people to New Age music, its critics also have their own arguments about it. Raschke, a religion professor at the University of Denver and a student of the movement, New Age is β†’

“as i lay dying” by william faulkner

Vardaman catches a fish on the day his mother dies and cuts it up and brings it inside to be cooked. The blood of the fish is all over his clothes and on the same day, Addie dies. Vardaman uses the death of the fish to symbolize the death of his mother.

History of piano companies

Musichistorians consider the competition at the 1867 Paris Exhibition the turning point In the Plano Industry because It was there that the 'American' system of cast- Iron frames , heavier strings, solid construction and more powerful tone took the competitive honors from European pianos. The jury awarded Stairway the prestigious Grand Gold Medal β†’

The effects of classical music on individual

Classical music is the root of all music and still practiced by a number of musicians. What I found is that so many other genres took the position of classical music and its popularity is on decrease. But still there are groups of people who are well aware of its contribution to β†’

The beatles and the rolling stones in the 1960’s

A further big factor was the advances in newtechnologyat the time, for example television and radio. This meant that everyone could listen to the new music that was appearing and they were able to be the first to find out who was number one - which was essential at the time. The people of the β†’

Introduction to oboe and bassoon

It is played with a double reed consisting of two thin blades of cane tied together on a small metal tube called a staple, which is inserted into the reed socket at the top of the instrument. Traditionally made from African Blackwood, also called grenadilla, the instrument is made in 3 parts. β†’

Why i like beethoven

I also like him because he is very persistent. Even though he went deaf at only the age of 22 yet he still went on to write more music. Another thing I really liked about him was that he did not let anyone control his music. In that time musicians would ask people what music β†’

The first movement of beethoven’s sonata op.31 no.1

A, after stated in the tonic G major, the first theme is repeated in full with tonicisation in F major in the exposition. B, the arpeggiando passage in the transition seems to establish the dominant- D major, preparing the use of the dominant in the second theme. However, the listeners are once again β†’

American music and popular culture

British American folkmusictradition refers to the music origin is associated with the British and white Americans while the African American music refers to the music that originated with the black Americans. The first print accounts of the African American songs appeared in the periodicals of these northern shortly thereafter, the first β†’

Marcus garverys contributions

After moving to the United States in 1916, he established branches of the UNIA in New York's Harlem and many other ghettos all over the country. After moving to New York, he found work as a printer by day.influenced. A split occurred in the Harlem division, with Garvey enlisted to become its β†’

The effects of rap music on children

Rap music can have negative effects on those who listen to it, but just as easily and equally have a positive and beneficial outcome. Yes, many rappers use vulgar derogative terms to describe women and may influence its listeners to break the law or things of the like; but it can also β†’

Earth, wind & fire

Al McKay was 70 when he was on Earth, Wind & Fire. In Maurice's early life he was a singer, songwriter, producer and drummer. He was on a group known for the popular classic " Express Yourself" before he became a member of Earth, Wind ; Fire in 1972. Before Earth, Wind ; β†’

The gypsy swing cats and the beginning of jazz

From what I observed, their music merges Gypsy melodies and rhythms, with the influences of American Jazz reminiscent of Paris in the 1930's: cool, charming, and classy. The music of the Gypsy Swing Cats is thoroughly modern infused with the wild, mysteriously free and exciting Gypsy flavors. He was foremost amongst a β†’

Animal research by thomas genneralli

After the film was circulated, the laboratory was closed down on accusations of failing to respect the ' Guide for Care and Use of Laboratory Animals'.Dr. Genarelli and his team of researchers are accused of knowingly causing serious injuries to the baboons by use of force and when pulling out the helmets from their heads β†’

Comparing music promos

The two videos I am going to compare are; a new and up incoming artist from London's underground scene, Kano with the video for 'Ps and Qs' an underground a anthem that marks the mainstream break - through for grime and UK hip hop and a very comical band Tenacious D with the video β†’

The major musical development of the classical period

However, the term classical music is used colloquially to describe a rarity of Western musical styles from the ninth century to the present, and especially from the sixteenth or seventeenth to the nineteenth. The Classical period falls between the Baroque and the Romantic periods. Ludwig van Beethoven is also sometimes regarded either as β†’

Release of rare, awe-inspiring john denver song coincides

Denver, CO - Coinciding with what would have been legendary singer/songwriter John Denver's 70th birthday on Dec., chart-topping Indie recording artist Luanne Hunt releases his rare and powerful composition, " The Wandering Soul." Denver, who died in a plane crash in 1997 off the California coast, delivered perhaps his most profound message through the inspiring β†’

How does william shakespeare utilise the genre of tragedy

The utilisation of the genre tragedy in William Shakespeare's play Macbeth is apparent through the actions that lead up to the tragic death of the plays hero. Through the life and death of Macbeth, the use of the genre tragedy is apparent in the play.

Recipe for a perfect party

Choosing a date is the first step in planning a party. For example, if you are planning a Christmas party, chances are your guests will have other parties to attend this time of year and you will not want this to interfere with your party. You chose your date, created your menu, and decorated your β†’

The effects of music on laboring moms

The challenge for the labor nurse is to reduce the pain and anxiety and to help make the labor and delivery a positive experience. Nurses could apply music therapy in reducing the pain and anxiety for women who are at the early phase of labor.

Rap and hip hop culture

On the surface, they may seem the same, but their just as different as they are alike. In the hip hop subculture, two of the most standard types of music are called rap and hip hop. While rap is a style of music that comes from the culture and has many different genres like " β†’

Drawing one direction

Talk less of hiatus that brought to a halt one of the world's best music band and forget about Zayn exit, there is a lot in the offing right now. And if anything is to go by, there is no doubt green lights paint a picture of the most anticipated re-emergence of one the world's β†’

Research paper on patton-fuller community hospital networking virtual organization

Research on the Web, Social Networking and the Network Patton-Fuller Community Hospital Networking Virtual Organization In the past few decades, in the increasing demand for technological innovation has taken the world by storm as all commercial, government and private organizations have relied to the convenience offered by technology in monumentally fast-tracking their β†’

Education technology research paper

According to the US President Commission of Enquiry on instructional technology, technology of education is a systematic way of designing, implementing and evaluating the total process of teaching and learning in terms of specific objectives, based on research in human learning and communication and employing a combination of human and non-human resources to bring about β†’

Hazard mitigation and vulnerability assessment research paper sample

The tool can therefore, be useful to the emergency management of organizations although, there are a number of challenges that also arise. Since Hazus-MH analyzes the potential loss estimates in terms of physical damage, economic loss and social impacts it provides local emergency management organizations with the opportunity to assess the vulnerability of facilities thereby β†’

Good example of research paper on social media and bullying

Cyber bullying can be defined as " willful and repeated harm inflicted through the use of computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices" The effects of bullying in social media require a quick response if teenagers and children are to develop into fully-functional adults. In some decades backmost people β†’

Research paper on love and dating

She claims that, when a man suggested they half the bill for their first date, it made her think that he was not keen on her. When do you know you are actually in love? How to know whether you are in love is a difficult conundrum solve. 17 April β†’

Japanese people in the usa during world war ii research papers examples

All of this taken in aggregate points out to the fact that the life of Japanese-Americans was quite okay right before the war and probably resembled the life of any other national minority living at that time in the United States. However this all drastically changed after the assault carried β†’

A day i will never forget

After the first day of tryouts were over I went to straight to Walter and bought a volleyball. That night I practiced and watched volleyball videos on youth working on everything that we did in tryouts. Sometimes those girls made me go to the point where I just did not want to do β†’

Threats to america

Failures in intelligence due to events such as the Boston marathon bombing, WikiLeaks, and the first attempt at Osama Bin Laden's demise increase the need for concrete countrywide strategies, organized information databases, stricter punishments for criminals that breach security, and clear knowledge of intelligence policies and protocols. The Economic Espionage Act of 1996 was passed β†’

Terms of service (tos): instagram research paper samples

For the site user, the terms of services are important as it provides them with information that they can use to know what the risk of using the website is. If the user does not read such information in the agreement, he or she may end up losing rights to β†’

Good example of wenhao lu research paper

11 Research paper First Draft Online Degree Should Not Be Underestimated Introduction Nowadays, with the development of the internet, online education is becoming a significant trend that gives more people the opportunity to expand their field of knowledge. Many online degrees present on the market are designed to meet the demand β†’

Judgement fair or not

In the short story by Alexie, we see how stereotyping takes place in the life of William the main character, a salesman that has to travel a lot and leave hisfamilybehind while he travels. In the short story we see that William has a strong statement where he describe himself and give a β†’

Why fairy tail is a bad manga

Why Fairy Tail is a Bad Manga One of the most popular manga in circulation today is Fairy Tail. The next problem in the story is the character development.

Who wants to be a millionaire? top 10 hacks for having $1 million for retirement.

The options are scenario planning - all the ways you can accomplish that goal - open a Roth IRA, contribute to a 401 ". When it comes to , it does not have to be a complex document. For example, a 25 year-old who saves $405 per month with an average annual return of 7 β†’

The effect of fair dealing for digital content in canadian education system – distance education

They are the purpose of the dealing, the character, amount, nature of work, and effect of dealing on the work and whether there are any alternatives to dealing. Fairdealing laws in Canada need to be reviewed on this background, in order to maintain a fair balance of rights and promote the cause of Distance Education.

Diffuse hair loss in an adult female

It contains capillaries to allow for a rich blood supply to the hair bulb, forming the base of the hair root, the only living part of the hair, and therefore requires nutrients. The hair bulb is the enlarged lower end of the hair into which the dermal papilla projects. The matrix gives rise to the β†’

20 habits holding me back from being a millionaire

If you notice that that's the case, then you need to start cutting unnecessary expenses and speak to an advisor to get you back on-track. This is actually another habit shared by the wealthy as authors Thomas Stanley and William Danko discovered after studying millionaires for their book Related:

Hrm problem in indian airlines

However, only two strong competitors emerged during the 1990s which were the Jet Airways and Air Sahara. This competition from the new private carriers required the airline to adapt to the new order, a process which was difficult due to the fact that management did not have complete commercial freedom, β†’

Social loafing and building an ethical small group

Working in a group is viewed as a way of facilitating accomplishment of a task through pooling the talents and skills of the people in that group. Ethical group interactions can be promoted in many ways e.g.critical thinking, defensive versus supportive communication, resisting group think, etc. Communication is very important to the members' of the β†’

Famous names in american literature

In 1819 he published his volume of stories with such classic American stories as the " Legend of Sleepy Hollow" and " Rip Van Winkle". This famous humorous writer of the 19th century is best known for the novels " The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and " The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn".

Lily lopez

Taking experiences from his time on the Mississippi and from his time in service, Mark Twain incorporated both into it. Not to mention Mark Twain's prevailing influence back in the post-Civil War period with his novels that helped people move on into the new political and social mindset of the century.

Depression due to repression in the yellow wallpaper research paper

Therefore, it will not be much of an exaggeration to say that the short story The Yellow Wall-Paper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, provides us with the real insight onto technical subtleties of women's intellectual awakening in late 19th century's America. Gilman's story begins with the narrator telling readers about the way, in which her supposedly β†’

Reaction paper sample

Reaction Paper #4: The Prince and the Pauper Monica Sharma I read The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain and enjoyed reading about a wealthy prince name Edward Tudor and a pauper name Tom Canty trading lives with each other and experiencing how it is like to live a life that is totally β†’

Man versus nature

In the world as Huckleberry Finn views it, society has corrupted the notion of justice and morality to fit the needs of its people in the nation at a particular period of time. In the very beginning of the novel " the Adventure of Huckleberry Finn" Huck plainly states that he did not wish to β†’

Catcher in the rye dairy entires

I remember I was there overlooking the football field which I had no interest in being there were Penny plays its annual grudge. I was there because I was supposed to be in New York because I am the manager of the fencing team but I accidents lost the teams utile on the β†’

12 angry men and to kill a mockingbird

In To Kill a Mockingbird, the prejudice is seen because Tom is a black man going against a white man's word, and the jury is all white and prejudice. In Twelve Angry Men, prejudice is seen because the boy in trial is from the slums; he is criticized because of where he lives. Juror # β†’

Eulogy of mrytle wilson

I wanted to look my best for you, I wanted you to notice me, I wanted you to like me. I want you to see the world.

Translating metaphores in the catcher in the rye

TRANSLATING COLLOQUIAL IDIOMS/METAPHORS IN THE CATCHER IN THE RYE: A COMPARISON OF METAPHORICAL MEANING RETENTION IN THE SPANISH AND CATALAN TEXTS MICHAEL O'MARA Catholic University of Valencia San Vicente Martir Michael.[email protected]es 57 In spite of the novel's position among the American Library Association's list of the one hundred most frequently β†’

The catcher in the rye by j. d. salinger

The main sphere of the usage of the vernacular is the dialogue and monologue speech of the characters in the novel of or in the household and social novel. The modern English plays are enriched with vernacular too; they depict the life of workers. Here, on the one side, in the result of the situation β†’

Good research paper about aicpa versus ifac code of ethics

Auditors are being linked to the economic scandal brought by the collapse of various business giants due to the claim that auditors failed to do their duties. It means that auditors must comply with the standards, communicate their findings based on sound judgment, and to keep the balance between mere compliance and expressing concrete information. β†’

Free bong hits 4 jesus:school speech and constitutional conflict research paper example

The First Amendment is at the heart of this discussion, as it guarantees freedom of expression in public schools, and allows for the free flow of ideas, beliefs, and ideologies between citizens of the United States, although admittedly young and inexperienced in the workings of the outside world. School speech thus traces its colorful pedigree β†’

Research paper on the nayars of india and their subsistence

The decline in the the matrilineal society and the Nayars reverting back to patrilineal ways since the 19th century can be put down to the western education and globalisation and the incompatibility the setting has with the modern ways. The Nayars of India and Their Subsistence The Nayar are a group of castes in β†’