Genuine Research Paper Examples

Modern means of communication have introduced relevant changes in our lives

For example, using new software applications like skype, is undoubtedly one of the popular ways for communication. In this way, we can surf the net and chat with our friends at the same time. To sum up, I would admit the fact that modern means of communication can add unexpected good points →

Intercultural experience

The differences between the language spoken in the American culture and Hipic culture is in the American culture the most spoken language is English while in the Hipic culture the most spoken language is Spanish otherwise known to those of the culture as Epol Mexicano, meaningMexicanSpanish. When it comes to values there →

Aplaying for a job

It Is my goal to combine my range of experience which I have gotten In different sort of Jobs with my ability to be an enthusiastic, Intelligent student who will make a positive contribution to your agency. I also wonder if you could tell me the cost of fight will be included in the bill.

Information paper

I thought it would be fitting to compare the communications that I have experienced here at DLA and my military communications experience, to show some of the differences As a 23 year retired veteran of the United States Navy, communications becomes a major part of everyday life. Military men and women are →

Mail-room policy recommendations

Each employee tends to provide students, staff and faculties the best services and however, they make sure that their needs are met. Complaints was received from the University concerning the poor and ineffective services provided by this department but I find this disgruntling because each mailroom employees put in their effort in doing what was →

Propaganda throughout history

Gray propaganda falls somewhere between these two forms as the source may or may not be correctly identified, and the accuracy of the information is uncertain. Ultimately though, the success orfailureof any propaganda depends on the receiver's willingness to accept the credibility of the source and the content of the message. From →

Communication facilities for disaster management

Communication Facilities For Disaster Management ITU Southern and East Africa Workshop on the use of Telecommunications/ICT for Disaster Management: Savings Lives Lusaka, Zambia, 17-18 July 2008 Role of Telecommunications and ICTs in Disaster Management Overview of Association of Telecom →

Note-taking method

The handwriting method is a traditional way which takes much time and requires the audience listen to the speaker carefully. When writing the notes word by word on the spot, the audience may get much pressure and feel more tired, it demands them to focus on every words the speaker said, then pick up the →

Explain the principles of effective communication in the workplace

To avoid awkward questions do not talk about something which you do not know how to explain, and if you are going to include something in your presentation make sure you know exactly what it is and know how to explain it. When answering questions even when not sure about the answer it's important to →

Course reflection

I almost considered dropping the course, but now I cannot believe I am at the end of it. I think it was the purpose of our instructor to make this course more interesting and exciting by giving out such famous books for the class. Even though I read these books before, I →

Harvard citation style: how to organize references in the paper

There are two principal components of this author-date system the in-text citations and the list of reference. This citation style indicates the surname of the author and the year of publication of the paper you are citing. It's centered halfway down the page. Three lines down goes the name of the author written without capital →

The other side of truth

Naidoo shows in the novel, when it is ok to lie and when it is not. Folarin Solaja is the main protagonist in the novel when it comes to the importance of telling the truth.

Communication task

Facial expressions are read when a face to face conversation is taking place so the career should ensure that they have a gyms atheistic and caring facial expression to encourage Alfa to talk about the way he feels, the e career should ensure that they do not have an angry or happy facial expression became →

Influence of culture versus communication

Of course, any group or organization or human beings which gets together for a purpose has a kind of assumption invented, discovered or developed to learn and cope any issues/problems of external adaptation and internal integration that has a valuable to be thought to new members as a correct way to perceive, to think and →

Good example of origins of communication theory research paper

The sender develops the information and conveys it, even if the receiver is not aware of the intention. The process of communication is considered effective when the recipient understands the message that originated from the sender. The origin is related to the introductions of information theory during the 1920s.

Communication and presenting information

Active listening involves listening with your head and your heart; that is, you listen to the content of the message but also the feelings behind the message. The listener is silent and passive and the speaker is active and verbal. When the speaker finishes its talking, the assumption is that the message has been accurately →

The importance of communication in care settings

It is the tone of voice that you are using and the way you portray how you are feeling, for instance the way that you are standing will indicate how you are feeling towards whoever was with you if you were relaxed and open you would be standing with your head up and arms relaxed. →

Human Services in Contemporary America

5 of Human Services in Contemporary America Answer the following questions in 200 to 300 words: What would you need to learn or know about each of your clients in order to communicate effectively with them? There are many different types of cultures and beliefs that go along with those cultures.

Greenhouse effect is the result of deforesting

Nonetheless, it is not a coincidence if the number of natural disaster increases while the number of human activities increases. We must begin to consider the consequences of greenhouse effect.

Code division multiple access communication systems

Therefore, in communicating, the term multiple entree can non be defined as a agency of leting multiple users to at the same time portion the finite bandwidth with least possible debasement in the public presentation of the system. There are four multiple entree methods - a ) Frequency Division Multiple Access B ) →

Example of research paper on poor intercultural communication

Culture determines how people encode messages, the type of medium they choose for transmitting the message, and the way in which the message is interpreted. Relationship between Iran and USA The relationship between Iran and the USA is currently extremely poor. In order to solve the communication problem between Iran and the USA, it →

Three steps in writing

Correct spelling is not necessary at this stage. In the second step of the writing process, a pencil is placed on paper or fingers on the keyboard. The task is to start writing and keep it flowing.

Free three research questions were formed to achieve the research objectives. these three research paper sample

Qualitative research approach has been chosen as it has advantages like richness of data and realism attached to it and allowed the researcher to gain an in-depth understanding of human behavior - Research Questions - What are the effects of using L1 in classrooms to facilitate the →

Purpose statement research paper examples

They are broken down into, the communicators, the message, barriers to communication, feedback, context and the channel used. The communicators are the participants in the communication process. The recipient turns the word into symbols to which they assign ideas depending on the context of the communication. The context of communication is perhaps one of the →

Should lord of the flies be banned?

Half of the room believes it's a life lesson and should be continued in oureducationcurriculum and the other half believes its sending a horrible message to our society and should be forever banned from our school. I believethat it's an educational book and should continue to be taught; it's a great read →

Blood imagery in macbeth

In Macbeth Shakespeare presents a bloody tale of an age-old struggle for power when Macbeth, the play's protagonist, and his wife plan to kill Duncan, Scotland's current beloved king, after hearing a prophecy told by three evil witches proclaiming Macbeth to be the new king. The higher Macbeth rises to the throne →

The relationship of macbeth and his wife in act 1 scene 5 and 7

She uses the phrase " yet do I fear thy nature, is too full o'th amilk of human kindness..." in her opening soliloquy which suggests that he is a very kind and worthy gentleman." Thou wouldst be great, art not without ambition but without the illness should attend it." She explains how he has the →

Chapter 7 the boggart in the wardrobe

Malfoy set up his cauldron right next to Harry and Ron, so that they were preparing their ingredients on the same table. " Sir," Malfoy called, " sir, I will need help cutting up these daisy roots, because of my arm - " " Weasley, cut up Malfoy's roots for him," said Snape without looking up. Ron →

Role of rosaline in romeo and juliet

However, when a Capulet servant asks them to read the guest list for the Capulet's party, from which Romeo finds out that Rosaline, is expected to attend; Benvolio then suggests Romeo to crash the party in order to look at other beauties of Verona, and Romeo reluctantly agrees. While at the party, when he is →

Hamlet’s indecisiveness

In the play, Hamlet is supposed to be portrayed as brave and intelligent but looking deep into the play it is seen that Hamlet is more of a coward and an indecisive man through out most of the play. Hamlet does not know what he is doing in his life →

Feminist criticism theory in the novel “harry potter” by j.k. rowling

The analysis As I mention above, I will challenge the representation of women as ' other', as ' lack', and as part of ' nature' through these Harry Potter novels. The main characters of this story, well, of course, is a man called " Harry". She had practice some simple spell and →

Comparative study of wuthering heights, translations, and i’m no scared

When I address the cultural context of a text I refer to the worlds of the texts, the circumstances which face the plots and the characters of the texts. Coming to grips with the general norm of the society with in each texts and how the characters behave enables me to enjoy each text all →

Hamlet as a tragic hero

The downfall of the hero in a tragedy should not be, however, caused by an external force such as a higher power, whether in the form of gods, fate or even society; it should be the result of an action or lack of action carried out by the hero. Finally, the hero must achieve a →

Macbeth- act 1 journal for lady macbeth

When I heard the news that the thane of Glamis fell really ill, I agreed to marry Macbeth under one condition that he would poison his father and inherit the position as the thane of Glamis, and of course Macbeth was easy to convince, since he was madly in love with me. →

Hamlet’s infatuation with death

We start to learn that Hamlet has a bizarre fascination with death when, every other scene, he is talking about how everyone will end up in the ground one way or another." To be or not to be that is the question" , is where it all starts off. From this famous speech to →

Dear friend – a letter about animal farm

Dear friend! We have just read " Animal Farm" in class." Animal farm", or " Animal Farm: A Fairy Story" as the original title was, was a little manuscript which was published right after the Second World War byGeorge Orwell, ever heard of him? It was a book that was originally placed in the →

Hamlet tragic flaw

However, Hamlet's outbursts of aggression at certain instances of the play shows that Hamlet's other tragic flaw is his tendency to take rash actions - the polar opposite of indecisiveness. This could be seen as a reason for his downfall as if he had had the courage to take action at that moment, perhaps the →

Squealer in animal farm

His manipulation of language is key to grasping the trust of animals under their leader Napoleon's reign. Squealer is a very convincing actor to the animals and his persuasion used to justify Napoleon's actions overcomes their doubts, " he could turn black into white". He redefines his words to prevent the animals →

Macbeth – notes on elements of the gothic in the play

An Elizabethan audience would have been genuinely terrified by the events on stage as they believed that witches did exist, murder by witchcraft was made punishable in 1563 thus demonstrating that people during this era believed witches were real and had magical powers. The theme of equivocation is used by Shakespeare to highlight the →

Foolishness in shakepeare’s king lear

Early on, the readers glean the foolishness of the king as he bequeaths his riches and his kingdom to his deceitful daughters. Thus, we see that only a foolish man would do such actions for naturally, his daughters, who want the material things will give him the accolades he so desperately wants to hear.

Protagonist in wuthering heights

Furthermore the name Heathcliff is a name of a deceased son of Mr Earnshaw, therefore Heathcliff is seen as an inferior character who is deprived of a sense of identity. Similarly in Shakespeare's ' Othello' the protagonist is a black military man, but unlike Heathcliff he is considered to be a noble →

Chapter 24 rita skeeter’s scoop

You do not think a skrewt -?" " Oh he has not been attacked, Potter, if that's what you are thinking," said Malfoy softly." No, he's just too ashamed to show his big, ugly face". " What d'you mean?" said Harry sharply. Malfoy put his hand inside the pocket of his robes and pulled out a folded →

Why the deaths of romeo and juliet should not be a surprise

Page one Why the Deaths ofRomeo and Julietshould not be a Surprise Romeo and Juliet both end up dying in Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet. The deaths of Romeo and Juliet should not be a surprise because there is a lot of foreshadowing preparing us; for this twist in the plot.

Development of the culture&climate assessment scale – the effect of culture on the quality of academic services of the faculty members and staff of the bsu school of nursing

The purpose of the research is to determine the effect of culture on the quality of academic services of the faculty members and staff of the BSU School of Nursing. The variables include the nursing faculty profile and the work attitudes of the respondents.

Why fat people are funny in hollywood

Chow to laugh hysterically and simultaneously slip " it's funny because he's fat" out of his mouth. Clearly in the scene, the overweight character, Zach Galifianakis, is the butt of the joke as he is punched very hard in the stomach and then laughed at for his stupidity and weight. →

Billy elliot directed by stephen deadly

Dancing is shown from the beginning of the film to the end, but he does not realize this in the beginning because he was so caught up in what his father wanted and theirfamilytradition than for what he wanted for himself. The idea of persevering in following our dreams Is worth learning about →

What is a monster? are we monsters? are humans monsters?

Although Beowulf is seen a deviant God-sent savior by the people of Heorot and Hrothgar, he is not exempt from the equivalence of humanistic flaws in the natural world. Through the use of many parallels between the characters of Beowulf representing monsters and the natural world humans, the reader is left questioning what it is →

The salem witchcraft trials research paper

However, this appalling occurrence was in the history of the people of Salem; it was not an isolated incident. During the 16th and seventeenth century, people in the New England colony were highly religious. The latter was a highly influential elder in the community. One year later, the leaders requested Parris to move to their →

Yolanda belo research paper sample

These boards are, the American College of Nurse Midwives, American Nurses Association, Council on Certification of Nurse Anaesthetists and the Council for Re Certification of Nurse Anaesthetics. 3) APRN nurses also need to take a written examination prior to certification. 4) APRN nurses also need to have completed a formal nursing speciality program before certification. →

Native americans in the united states and patrick

Buchanan makes the point that America 400 years ago was not based around democracy, equality and diversity, so why should we value that in the present? In 1957 the Queen visited Jamestown, Virginia. In his concluding thoughts, Buchanan remarks that America Is a changing nation specially in the areas of diversity, democracy and →

Research paper on congestion pricing for parking in san francisco

The new idea to be implemented here include: the mode of programming the parking meter whereby time is used as a variable when calculating the amount of parking fee to be charged. The congestion parking is also likely to induce more public transit and hence a reduction in the amount of air pollution which is →

Research paper on the evolutions of technology in the dental/dental hygiene profession

In the same year, the American Society of Dental Surgeon became the first dental organization. Next year, the state of Alabama enacted the first dental practice act, thereby regulating the profession in the U.S. Further, in the year 1846, William Morton for the first time successfully demonstrated the use of ether anesthesia for dental surgery.

Poverty in new york city

The cause of poverty in the United States is a plethora of things, Such as the economy getting worse so jobs and factories had to make budget cuts so many people lost their job because Of the worsening economy. This is not the only reason though there is also people who have →

Why i`m proud to be an american

America the Great I am proud to live in America, the land of the free, home of the brave. We have the freedom to vote, practice the religion of our choice, speak freely, and freely share our thoughts or ideas throught the press.

Life of samuel d jackson

This assignment consists of a written synopsis of a scholarly biography or biographies of a notable figure in American history, and an oral presentation of the work. In your synopsis, please be certain to explain the most important observations made by the author concerning the contributions of the historic figure to →

Hip hop research papers examples

However, these popularity and success led many youths to embrace the hip-hop as a culture because it reflected what they were. The realistic approach to violence and other criminal activities in some of the gangster rap videos was meant to highlight the disparities that face African Americans. The culture industry was, therefore, forced to raise →

How did the 19th amendment change the united states

The impact of the 19 th amendment was enormous it gave women the same power that men had. It created a strong influence and created a huge cultural impact. It gave the women of the era more confidence and a sense that they could accomplish and do more.

A growing problem in the united states

Removing unhealthy snacks and drinks could give America to decrease childhood obesity. Also president Obama said " the sale of unhealthy high-calorie snacks and drinks in school vending machines undermines these etto rts to ensure access to healthy and nutritious t in schools " Basically president Obama is trying to say selling these →

Obasan internment camps transfer of values

How the Japanese Internment Camps Disrupted the Transfer of Values One of the darkest periods in Canadian history strongly revolves around the Second World War and the internment of Canadian-Japanese citizens." Obasan," a novel by Joy Kogawa, explores the internment of Canadian citizens of Japanese descent through Naomi Nakane, a thirty-six year old schoolteacher, →

Example of research paper on oral history research project

It is based on the genera experiences that the Chicano has gone through while in the United States. History of the Chicanos The origin of the Latino Americans has the most complex origin in the American's economic growth. The origin of the Latinos in the united stated begun at →

War on iraq research paper samples

War on Iraq was imposed on Iraq by United States of America and its allies. This paper aims to propose a discussion on war on Iraq and presents a firsthand account of the war on Iraq. Background The attack of 9/11 raised serious concerns over security of Americans and →

Elvis presley research paper examples

Because of this ability to cross racial lines and ingrain himself so deeply in pop culture, Elvis Presley is one of the most enduring and important figures in popular music. Born in Tupelo, Mississippi in 1935, Elvis Aaron Presley moved to Memphis with his family at the age of 13. →

Healthcare finance in the united states of america

This will naturally form the basis of such hospitals being permitted or not.(Physician-owned specialty hospitals) The findings of this committee showed that:- Physician owned hospitals generally treated patients who had less severe problems and concentrated on specific diagnosis related groups and the reason for both of this was that these were expected to be more →

Different cultures between saudi arabia and united states

There have been many instances in which I encountered stereotypes, mostly presented to the American public through various media types, which have limited Americans from realizing or seeking to comprehend more about my culture and heritage. As Thomas Sowell points out " one of the obstacles to understanding what behavioral →

Imperialism of united states in the philippines

After its defeat in the Spanish-American War of 1898, Spain ceded its longstanding colony of the Philippines to the United States in the Treaty of Paris. When it became clear that U.S.forces were intent on imposing American colonial control over the islands, the early clashes between the two sides in 1899 →

Chapter 11 study guide

National Defense Act- Military preparedness program that was created before entering the war that increased the size of the National Guard and the army.6. Militarism was a factor of the start of the war.

Vespucci, columbus, and the new world

However, the presence of negativity has also transcended in his text when he described their lifestyle as having no knowledge and totally ignorance about arms made of irons as the natives' spears were only made of woods and cane. Another unpleasant testimonial was when he stated that these natives are vulnerable and →

Current situation research papers example

S are involved in the campaign to curb the use of IED in Iraq and Afghanistan. For instance, the U. The decline of the amputations is due to the increasing role in the fighting being taken by police and soldiers in Afghanistan, and also reduction in U.

Still a threat to the united states

The tenth anniversary of the 9/1 1 attacks prompted reflections on the current status of theterrorismthreat to the United States. A prime distinction is the fact that exposure to minute quantities of a biological agent may go unnoticed, yet ultimately be the cause of disease and death. The Incubation period →

Jimmy carter research papers example

Jimmy Carter is one of the successful and effective leaders of the United States who served as the President of the country. Jimmy Carter As President: Leadership and the Politics of the Public Good.

The american family is in a state of decline as research shows

5 percent in the year 1990. In the last decade there has been a sixty percent increase in number of births out of wedlock. This clearly shows that the American family is really in a state of decline. The church has also not been spared of the same.

Exploring challenges and health disparities among aging asian americans and native hawaiians

Researchers stressed the importance for understanding cultural outlooks, values, and beliefs affecting the health and well being of Native Hawaiian kupuna. The article is relevant to my research topic because it dives into the lived experiences of Native Hawaiians and explains the importance of community-based programs and its impact on aging in Hawaii for both →

Goal and phoenix student

Based on the answers from the personality test I have discovered that I am burdened with many barriers to achieving my personal goals. I must learn to understand to overcome any threatening obstacles to my achievements, and to use techniques that will help me overcome any hitches that I could phase. I →

Occupy wall street

The protest is against corporations that take advantage of the economic poor and social inequalities, corruption, greed, and the excessive power of corporations on government over the democratic process. The group Occupy Wall Street has spread globally to over 1500 cities, they are demonstrating against the destructive powers of major banks and →

Irish influencing america ways

The Irish traditions influence many things in American that we Americans really barely even realize The annual celebration of Saint Patrick's Day is a generally known as a sign of the Irish existence in America. The learning and playing of Irish music by first and second generation Irish-Americans helped the spread of →

Government hospitals of india

The National Health Policy was endorsed by the Parliament of India in 1983 and updated in 2002.[1] However, the government sector is understaffed and underfinanced; poor services at state-run hospitals force many people to visit private medical practitioners.citation needed] Government hospitals, some of which are among the best hospitals in India, provide treatment at taxpayer →

Latinos and their history in the united states

People who identify their origin as Spanish, Hipic, or Latino may be of any race.(US Census, Subject Definitions, 2000) Current status Today the Latino presence has emerged, as a fact of American life - this diverse group has come to the United States and themselves become " Americans". →

Michael chekhov research paper examples

This section of the paper seeks to discuss various aspects of theatre that existed before Michael Chekhov and the manner in which he wanted to change them. Secondly, this section will address the innovations that Michael Chekhov proposed to actor training and the theatre at large.

Life in the fast lane

Journalists known as the " muckrakers" highlighted the malpractices In politics and business which also demanded eradication after society realized the poor conditions and recognized improvements that needed to be made. The Progressives pursued improving the quality of life to make " even, equal, fair regress." The Progressive Era ushered in a time →

Economic survey of the transportation industry of the united states research paper sample

Notteboom of Hoftra University says that the transportation sector is a very important component of any economy because of its impact on the welfare of people and the development of nations. Generally, the effect of transportation can be direct in that it influences the creation of employment, the development of consumer or production →

Good research paper about midterm essay

The gilded age and the progressive era are the renowned periods of the United States, which saw major changes in the American society. The speech is one of the most significant speeches in the history of the United States.

Fredrick jackson turner seminar

Frederick Jackson Turner, " The Significance of the Frontier in American History," Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1893. He reviews the significance of this move and evaluates the various results of the expansion on different groups in America.

Research suicidal actions among teens, depression should

In the United States, on average 40, 000people die as a result of suicide every year, making it one of the mostprominent causes of death for all Americans and tops the list as the second mostsignificant cause of death for teenagers in America. Since depression is mostly citedas a reason for suicide and suicidal actions →

Trash is money: the business of landfills research paper

In the United States, many local governments have turned to unit pricing in an effort to reduce the amount of solid waste produced and therefore the amount of solid waste that needs to be disposed of and paid for by the local government. In a case between the states of North Carolina and Alabama, the →

B. the way children were affected by the industrialization research paper examples

Negative effects of the process. The main result of the Civil War was the beginning of the industrialization. In conclusion, one can say, the main reason was different interests and ideas of the North and South of the USA. Industrialization stimulated a number of absolutely new inventions in the US.

Morphology research paper

The beans are singular sections of the seeds of the Sebastiana Paviniana shrubs. HABITAT AND GEOGRAPHIC RANGE Sebastiana pavoniana are found in the states of Chihuahua and Sonora in the Rio Mayo region. In fact, the Alamos in Mexico is dubbed the 'jumping bean capital of the world'.

Breaking bad research paper example

Who knows what other idea would come into Gilligan's mind and whether it would have been as spectacular as the concept of the show he randomly got during the conversation with his fellow writer Thomas Schnauz while they both were unemployed and joked that the only possible option for them was to put a " →

Birth of the republic

This was but the first of a series of demands that led the colonial settlers to redefine and rethink the nature of their relationship with Britain. It is important to note that the colonial settlers did not truly wage the Revolution because of nationalistic impulses or because of too lofty ideals. More →

Freedman’s bureau

Freedmen's Bureau is also known as " the Ex-Slave's Friend" was created on March 4th of 1865 during theReconstructionera by the U.S.government as a federal agency and a part of the United States Department of War to help the newly released and freed slavery which is also known as freedmen and southern white refugees →

Vocabulary words apush

Although not adopted by the House, 4, 000 coop sees of the states' rights manifesto were printed and distributed at state expense; it proposed that each state in the union counter the tyranny of the majority by asserting the right to nullify an unconstitutional act of Congress 3. Nullification - the streetlights doctrine →

How a new york storefront points out the joy of the pencil

Initially she kept her stock in a closet in her apartment." The nice thing about pencils is they do not take up a lot of room," she quips. Pencil pusher: Weaver turned tosocial mediato spread the word." I love Instagram. Ultimately, she would like to open a store in Tokyo." The Japanese are so obsessed →

The policy of the united states

In the emergence of a lax border security, finally, the issue of this juxtaposed with the opportunity that exists for terrorists to exploit will also be developed in the paper. In order for a more substantial argument to evolve in this paper a brief history with terrorism →

Example of how the us military funding affects the world politics and justice research paper

For instance, the invasion of the Iraq by the military forces of the United States of America was partly due to the desire to control the vast oil resources in Iraq. The United States has also been involved in a war of ideologies such as the Cold War which was a war of the Communist →

A tree grows in brooklyn paper

In the world that Betty Smith describes in " A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" however, this poverty is depicted as a kind of virtue, a force that causes individuals to grow, and families to bond c. Johnny and Katie Nolan, exemplify a theme of gender difference in the overcoming of poverty for immigrants i.

Good example of how education in an american university is important for an engineer from saudi research paper

This paper will address the reasons as to why pursuing an education from the United States is important for prospective engineer professionals from Saudi Arabia. Discussion Role of English language to engineer students from Saudi Arabia There are various reasons that justify the reason as to why attaining education from an American University →

Key symbol – statue of liberty

This is confirmed by the work of the sculptor Birthday, and his eloquent portrayal in the subtleties of expression, " Liberty serious demeanor underscores the Idea that liberty Itself comes at a cost and must not be taken lightly." (Scorcher Arts and Entertainment) " Finally, almost covered by the drapery, Liberty left foot, which few →