Genuine Research Paper Examples

The pover of language in the handmaid’s tale

The bible passage is used to defend this idea and to encourage the use of the handmaids for the good of the society. The practice of referring to the police as the Guardians of Faith and naming all the stores so they allude to biblical stories fortifies the idea that all the changes are being →

Studying abroad helps improve language skills

If you want to get the hang of a foreign language while studying abroad, do not hesitate to make local friends. Your language skills may not be good enough to speak with them comfortably in the native language, but you will still pick up quite a bit of phrases and vocabulary words →

Linguistics and language teaching.

Generally, English educated Malaysians of all ethnic andfamilylanguage background speak and move alike. However, with the implementation of the national language policy of Bahasa Malaysia as the national language of Malaysia and as the language of instruction, (except in the cases of Chinese or Tamil medium primary schools), the status of English →

How does the writer of this text use language and grammar?

This is done by paying attention to his audience which is the readers of the Metro, which are public transport users. The use of puns provides amusement to his audience and by placing this pun at the beginning of this article it makes the reader intrigued to read on.

How does shaw introduce his ideas about society and language in the first two acts of pygmalion?

Shaw also uses accent, revealing society's bias that accent is the key to social status. This is already apparent through the proleptic irony of Liza, and the status of those around her. He believes that Liza's English " will keep her in the gutter to the end of her days" It is his →

Cognitive effect of bilingualism: enhancement by stimulation

Through the mechanism of stimulation and enhancement, the correlation between bilingualism and cognition could be explained. From previous research by Liquan Liu in 2017, it is possible to find benefits of bilingualism in cognitive development. By comparing bilingual and monolingual brain, it is possible to see the difference in brain development. Moreover, if learning a →

Improving listening skill

Listening in the Classroom is not the same as real-life listening but is as realistic a simulation of real-life listening as possible. Listening activities should be training students and preparing them for effective functioning outside the classroom. Long response activities: Students can engage in answering questions verbally about a listening text, taking →

Organizational language

It functions on the basis of words which is unique verbal symbols which correspond to all the objects or ideas which the speakers of that language need to communicate to one another. The rules for using a language are followed by all members of the linguistic community, for all wish to be understood.

Be able to support individuals to use the toilet

When the individual is sitting on the toilet cover his/her private area with for example towel to respect their dignity.4. Ask if they the individual needs some privacy, if it is save to live the individual by him/herself on the toilet inform that you are going to wait outside the toilet and →

Free research paper on obesity in the united states

Obesity can be stopped and prevented with knowing the factors, the risks and how to prevent it. The factors that cause obesity can be classified into two categories. These are only a few of the risks posed by obesity. The third limb of this essay concerns how to prevent obesity.

Child obesity

To begin with, in point of fact the reason of obesity are not difficult to understand. As we have seen, there are number of ways to reduce obesity. One of the most effective method is that society , school andfamilyshould takeresponsibilityfor educating about mentalhealthof healthy life style for children so as to →

Research paper on the book of jubilees

What is the Book of Jubilees? The Book of Jubilees is an ancient religious text which is not part of the Bible but which is deemed to be an apocryphal text which actually covers most of the Ground of the Genesis book in the Bible. A typical example would be the incestuous relationship that →

Good research paper on alcohol and drug abuse

The sociological strategy toward social problems varies from other approaches in that the sociological strategy has a focus on self-consciousness and building attention that causes outside of the single person's control or area of command can frequently influence the interaction with community. Other sociologists establish that, conditions might exist, they might hurt individuals, but →

Development of the drinking water standard research paper

In its report, the NRC had concluded the studies for required for improving the validity of arsenic water, and provided these recommendations to EPA. The standards proposed by EPA were meant to apply to community water systems in an attempt to reduce the levels of arsenic compounds in tapped water. 5% of the →

Freedom of press and media regulations

These restricts stem from English common law regarding libel and defamation and from the attempts of the United States government to keep up with ever changing modern times. The initial restrictions on the freedom of the press were only in regards to libel and defamation. It's not libel or defamation if it →

Cirrhosis of the liver: etiology, diagnosis and management research papers examples

Cirrhosis is one of the stages of chronic liver disease that, usually, commences with a benign fatty liver condition, progressing slowly to cirrhosis and leading to liver failure or liver cancer and death. Even though, cirrhosis is the 12th leading cause of death, the rate of mortality has decreased considerably in the past four decades. →

Advertisement and self-efficacy influence on tobacco and alcohol abuse research paper example

This is the influence of advertisement and self-efficacy on the tendency to abuse the two drugs. Although there are concerted efforts from the parents and government to fight off alcohol and tobacco use among the youths, a lot of investment in advertisement of the two drugs has a turnaround effect. The flamboyance in the advertisements →

Good alcohol, the individual, and the family research paper example

Binge drinking is typical in the 40 percent of US adults between 18 and 25 years old, making them more susceptible to alcohol problems (National institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism). Alcohol abuse, which can be the result of a variety of reasons, is a drinking pattern that leads to serious →

Example of hacking as an addiction research paper

Hacking as an Addiction The rising number of computer addicts rise proportionally with the rising number of " computer hacking addicts". Of this number, around 25% engaged in computer hacking. Because several studies showed similarity of the symptoms of computer addicts compared to that of alcohol or drug addicts, computer addiction has been →

Good research paper about drug addiction, consequences and remedies

Drug addiction ruins the future of individuals by affecting their body, mind and spirit and it is important to detect the behavior in individuals at an earlier stage and rehabilitate them to secure their future. Drug Addiction Drug addiction is defined as a persistent and degenerating brain disease characterized by uncontrollable seeking and use →

Criticism of the second and twentyfirst amendments of the constitution research paper

Two of the Amendments of the Constitution come under particular scrutiny the Second Amendment states that people have the right to bear arms, and the Twenty-First Amendment repealed Prohibition, also allowing states to set up their own drinking ages, most of them choosing 21. The Second and Twenty-first Amendments of →

Lysergic acid diethylamide (lsd) research paper

A single dose of LSD in combination with other alcoholism treatment programs has been linked to a reduced alcohol abuse that may last for several months. Studies on the effectiveness of LSD as analgesia have shown positive results in the management of chronic pain resulting from cancer or other traumas. Use of LSD has not →

Effects of drug abuse and alcohol addiction research paper examples

This paper discusses those effects which are wide ranging, can affect the health and the safety of the subject and the subject's family and friends, and can lead to criminal activity and even the death of the subject. The Research - General definition of the problem. Excessive use of drugs and/or alcohol is collectively termed →

Free alcoholism and drugs in the workplace research paper sample

Other statistics deduced from the NCDD indicating the prevalence of the issue include the industrial fatalities that are recorded to be as high as 40% linked to alcoholism and drug consumption, over 60% of alcohol and drug related abuse result to work performance challenges, shortfalls of productivity and efficiency were mainly attributed to the consumption →

Air pollution research paper examples

According to the report on the World's Worst Polluted Places that was done by the Blacksmith Institute in the year 2008, urban air quality and indoor air pollution are rated as the two of the worst toxic pollution problems. Pollutants Air pollutant is a substance in the air which →

environmental pollution

Also one of reasons that contributed to the spread of English that, it is the language of the modern era. It is one of the official languages, even in most of the countries of the third world.

Acid precipitation/acid rains research paper example

It started the Acid Rain Program that introduced limitations on the amount of the sulfur dioxide emissions and nitrogen oxides emissions from the power plants that can be released. Some of the plants are offered the allowances from the government aimed at reducing the chemical emissions (Acid Rain Students Site: What Is Being Done?).

Environmental pollution and global warming

Freshwater sources- Is water from the earth surface using glaciers, bogs, ice caps, ponds, lakes, streams and rivers Water supply problems-The demand for water increases yearly. Water conservation-The carful use and protection of the water supply. What can you do to decrease the effects of global warming?

Save the earth

Developments in the media made " green" the slogan for action to limit the adverse effects of air pollution. The task for humans is to stop destroying the environments that sustain us.

Pollution causes change in environment

No part of the world is free from air pollution. In the Arctic and Antarctic, the air appears clear; but traces of industrial chemicals can be found in the atmosphere and in fallingsnow. On the Southern road from Spanish Town is the town of Old Harbour Bay which has 17, 883 people. On the coast →

Saving energy

The good news is that as an individual you have the power to control most of your choices and therefore, the impact you create: from where you live to what you buy, eat and use to light your dorm/apartment, to where and how you travel to classes. By the end of this paper you are →

Acid rain formula and air pollution problem

There are airborne pollutants that cause acid precipitation for instance sulfur and nitrogen. By far the most common cause of acid rain is sulphur dioxide, which is believed to cause 70 percent of acid rain, with various oxides of Nitrogen causing the remaining 30 percent. This study explains that Congress had made amendments →

Hong kong and chongqing air pollution

Landslides and rockfalls are very common in both cities, and large expenditures are being incurred by both Governments on the investigation, design and implementation of mitigation and preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of the loss of life and economic losses due to landslides. Besides, its summers are long and among the hottest and most →

Free research paper about list the environmental issues that the kroger grocery store might experience in

Violations of emission standards results to widespread of environmental contamination that contributes to lead poisoning within the vicinity of lead recycling plants and the surrounding environment. Kroger Grocery Store also faces the environmental challenge of disposing of off used lead batteries through. According to Jang , environmental lead contamination occurs in many different ways, →

Request to conduct research

At the conclusion of my research, a formal report will be provided to you. Significance of this research. Environmental Protection Agency, 2008) Benefits of the Investigation After having an opportunity to research for alternative methods of waste management, I am confident we will be able to implement methods that are significantly less harmful to theenvironmentthan →

Free how factories pollute the environment research paper example

First of all, the greenhouse effect is the nature's way of heating the Earth by which natural activities, such as plant respiration, emit carbon dioxide and water vapor to trap some of the radiant heat of the sun inside the Earth's atmosphere. The destruction is because of the emission of gases and chemicals that are →

Qur’an and the life of a muslim

It is additionally named Umm al-Qur'an, the Mother of the Qur'an, and Umm al-Kitab, the Mother of the Book in light of the way that the noteworthiness of the whole Qur'an is outlined in that. It is in like way named Sab'ul-Mathani, (the Seven Often Repeated Verses), Al-Hamd, , Al-Shifa and Ar-Ruqya, →


Salat is the ritual part of the prayer and needs to be understood in this overall context. Keeping up with the schism in early Islam and subsequent formation of Sunni and Shia sects, salat has incorporated the influences of these sects. Prayer is of such a paramount importance to the faith, it is also included →

Does the philippines have a chance?

The challenge now for each and everyone of us from mere tao up to the national leaders is draw a positive recommendation from the said report that could possibly be the or at least part of the solution to the embedded problems of the society and expectedly could at least lessen the problems if impossible →

Various developments of the philippines under

The National Government was the one In charge of maintaining peace and order, collecting taxes and building schools and other public works to the benefit of the people. Laced Mayors managed the day-to-day operations of the provincial government and supervised the collection of taxes. Differently, the Spanish people.

Research about k+12 in the philippines

Philippines is shaping up to be an attractive recruitment destination. According to Aquino, the K+12 program will pave the way for an ever brighter future for young Filipinos by equipping them with basic education up to international standards. The goal of the new curriculum is to give Filipino students →

Anyone elected from public office is obliged to live

As such, precisely because of the grave power and function of public office on which depends the interests of the public, a public official ought to take his/her role as nothing less than sacred and that the " violation thereof would be nothing less than a sacrilege" (Philippine 1971 Constitutional Convention in de Leon 433).

Provinces of the philippines and local markets

The term is coined from combining the Filipino words tapa, sinangag, and itlog which are the main components of the dish. Egg, the last main ingredient in making a tapsilog, is also bought from local markets.

Internet and philippine english proficiency

It is one of the biggest contributors in making the world into a global village. The access to information is one of the most important features that it has.

The philippine national police

Created by virtue ofRepublic Act6975, otherwise known as the " Department of the Interior and Local Government Act of 1990", the PNP came into being on January 29, 1991, at Camp Crame, Quezon City, when the Philippine Constabulary and the Integrated National Police were retired as mandated by law. Vision The Men →

Childhood by alice walker

Walker uses the harvest to tell the story of traditions, and how she learned the traditions. She puts a lot of emphasis on the word " magic" and how being in the country is magical. I can relate with Walker when she says that the country is magical because I too am from the country.

Examine the sociological views

Climbie's case and ' Every Child Matters' has led to the improvement of social services andchild protection, meaning childhood is much safer now than it was 50 years ago. Children are also in betterhealthdue to the NHS, meaning more children survive childhood now than ever before. All of these changes have improved →


While it is important to create an attractive environment, everything should be safe, secure and have a purpose that supports each area of the children's development. All legislative requirement for children under five years can be found in EYFS statutory guidance on the department ofeducationwebsite. When working with children under three, it →

Is childhood the happiest time of your life?

Mother and father are kindly but absolute dictators. This is an adult world and though children may be deeply loved, they have to be manipulated so as not to interfere too seriously with the lives of their elders and betters. Every movement you make, every thought you think is observed by some →

Safeguarding: childhood and young people

The policy highlights key issues and recommends actions when dealing with an allegation. These key issues include recruitment policies for those working with children and young people, their induction and training, how to respond to disclosures, how to make a referral, suspicions or allegations of abuse. These policies and procedures are there →

Sample research paper on social learning theory, sociocultural theory, and attachment theory in early childhood

These theories can also be used to take into account language differences that may occur in the classroom, and be utilized to help mold children into more accepting and culturally-accepting individuals. Social learning theory is a theoretical approach to cognitive and behavioral theories of learning that makes an attempt to frame learning in such a →

The normal distribution and probability

In terms of central tendencies, it is to be expected that the mean, median, and modal value for number of words typed per minute would be most likely the same value. In this particular example, it is the percentage of participants that typed a particular number of words per minute.

The role of research and statistics in the field of psychology

However, one method reigns true and consistent, and that is the Scientific Method; of which will be further explored. This paper will discuss and make sense of the roles in which both research and statistics play in the field of Psychology, and the procedures in which such methods are conducted will be →

Through the tunnel by doris lessing

For hours he has been practicing holding his breath he begins to feel weak and dizzy. Jerry has to battle the forces of nature pushing his lung capacity to its limits. He is engaged in a conflict of nature and physical barriers to attain his goal.

Amy tan’s mother tongue

I honored the way she defended herself even with her " broken" english and taught me that language is just a way of seeing the world depending on your language you can determine the way you want to go. I grew up in a bilingual family in which my mother spoke only pish and my →

Research paper on imprint: new york crown publishers, c2010

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks tells a story of the collision between ethics, race, and medicine, it tells of the story of scientific discovery and faith healing. While covering this story Rebecca Skloot became enmeshed in the lives of the Lacks family especially with Henrietta's daughter Deborah who had so many questions about her →

Pregnant inmates

You can not access information about your pregnancy and the best you will be able to get for medical personal is the enfermery unless they decicde it is sereve enough to take to the hospital. Nothing is really your decsion in jail, if you are unfortunate enough to have to be pregnant →

Republican motherhood

Before the late eighteenth century, their role was to God and the care of the home and their children. However, Enlightened thinkers knew that it was the role of the mother to make sure her sons morals and values were in pace, and also they knew the future of the United States →

Difference between your mother and your grandmother

Mothers have the household to look after, but you; believe me, you mean the world to your grandma. She, being elder to your mom, has several stories to share with you, her own life experiences as well, though some turn out to be boring, I bet you would enjoy most of them. →

Example of technologies are under research so that they are able to be integrated to the assembly essay

This will call for people to manually change the system so that it recognizes the changes that have been integrated to the system. Another technology that is being developed is the one which will allow machines that are used in the assembly line to have their own way of thinking. In this new technology, machines →

Good example of rationale and analysis of central intelligence agency research paper

However the case, the Agency has clung to its goals. Among the goals that drive the Agency is a service to human beings. Although the assailants are not known, it is now in the hands of the Central Intelligence Agency to ensure that the culprits are found.

Hominin discussion : the evidence for early human evolution

After comparing Homo erectus with Dmanisi, and Homo erectus with the WT 15000, this paper reveals that the paper Homo erectus and WT 15000 share numerous characteristics and this makes WT 15000 the direct ancestor to Homo erectus. Within the same time the fossils of Homo erectus were found in East Africa, the fossils of →

Mat540: statistics concepts for research paper

Yet at the same time, it is clear that the occurrence of childhood obesity places those afflicted at increased risk ofhealthproblems now and in the future. Overweight and poor nutrition of children in the United States are becoming issues of increasing concern for public health. But schools do not seem to be →

Alphabet of lines

Alphabet of Lines The " Alphabet of Lines" refers to the different styles of lines used in drafting to show different features about an object that is drawn. Dimension lines are dark, heavy lines. They show the length, width, and height of the features of an object.

Corellation between math, logic and truth

In other words, the soundness of a truth should not be based on an absolute dichotomy, but rather as a spectrum of validity where locality and scope are cornerstones of validity. Let us however, allow this essay to begin the discussion by assuming that such absolute distinctions are plausible. What must be considered →

My learning experiences in math

She taught me to understand math the way I understand my easiest subject. She taught me to understand math how complicated life is.

Mathematics and trial rate

We found that the trial rate for " actual definitely would buy" for pizza will be 80% of the definitely would buy rate of the BASEL research. The demand for the pizza is the multiplication of marketing adjusted trial rate and the target households, which is 1.

Contraception research paper example

The adoption of the use of the reproductive medicine is influenced by the extent of the influence of the evangelicals have on their followers. According to Schenker , healthcare practitioners need to be aware of the attitudes of the evangelicals and understand them if they are to promote the use of reproductive medicine. According →

Abortion should not be permitted

There are many reasons why they prefer abortion such as having a fear of raising the child, rape, or not having enoughmoneyto support their life and the baby. Some important reasons of why abortion should not be permitted have to do with human morality, religious and values of conscience. Nevertheless, in what →

Against abortion

Abortion's should be illegal throughout the world because it is cruelty and mean for killing an unborn child it is unnecessary for an adult to do such a cruel thing. An abortion is a issue affecting our society. Abortion's is also a threat to the mother's life and their health.

Legalizing abortion

Abortion helps in controlling the population of a country. I concede that abortion can lead to a decrease in population which may endanger the economy of a country.

Good example of main body research paper

Presentation and Analysis of the social phenomenon of Teenage Abortion Analysis of both its reasons and effects as witnessed based on research findings - Emphasis on the impacts of teenage abortion on teenagers in terms of its psychological and emotional effects Reflections drawn upon the research findings and presented effects Introduction The →

Abortion: it’s your choice

According to Bioethicist Andrew Varga, " It is also said that a pregnancy caused by rape or incest is the result of a grave injustice and that the victim should not be obliged to carry the fetus to viability. Having a child with a deformity is a lot of work that some people just are →

Save a girl

Aborting a foetus because it is female is a major social problem in India and has cultural connections with the dowry system that is ingrained in Indianculture, despite the fact that it has been prohibited by law since 1961. The dowry system is thought to put great financial burden on the bride's family.

Argentina research papers examples

The devaluation of the currency will significantly lower the price of Argentine products in the international market increasing their competitiveness. In the long run, high demand for exports and low import demand will lead to a surplus in the current account balance. The GDP growth will contract slightly compared to the growth recorded in 2013.

Good the legal uncertainty of bitcoins research paper example

The senate inquired about the validity and the ability of the coin to be used in transactions. The country significantly uses the coin for tax and trading purposes and the Germans appreciate the efficiency created by the use of the coin. Additionally, Kirk 2013 and Francois 2013 offer an inordinate literature on the advantages of →

Fundamental breach according to the cisg

Article 25 A breach of contract committed by one of the parties is fundamental if it results in such detriment to the other party as substantially to deprive him of what he is entitled to expect under the contract, unless the party in breach did not foresee and a reasonable person of the same →

Legal research

Doctrine of Lex Loci Rei Sitae The lex loci rei sitae (Latin: law of the place where the property is situated) is a doctrine which states that the law governing the transfer of title to property is dependent upon, and varies with, the location of the property for the purposes of the conflict of laws. →

Example of research paper on how fast food changing american food culture

However, as fast food restaurants came by and times changed, the American food culture started moving far away from its origins, and ultimately fast food managed to completely change the American food culture. Drive on any American highway and you will notice that fast-food restaurants at every service area and exit. The fact that Americans →

Good example of promoting healthy lifestyles to fight obesity in kuwait research paper

Promoting healthy eating habits and regular exercising at gyms is the need of the hour to restore the health and life expectancy of Kuwaitis. Weather and Climate Affecting the Life Styles The climate of Kuwait is characterized with long summers and short winters, even though dry conditions prevail throughout the year. Fast food in →

How far do you agree with the view that the limited appeal?

It was here that one of Mazzini's major weaknesses became apparent- that as a result of his ' complex thinking' as well as his studies of law and medicine, his ideas became too intellectually advanced for most people to grasp and most certainly too radical for the ' cautious, middle-class reformers'. This →

Evidence- based decision making and discovery

The introduction allows the reader to know what the paper is going to be about and why It Is important. The background fills the reader In on previous research and the study. Results and discussion is the part of the manuscript that discusses what the research found and what it means.

Juran’s triology

The role of quality control is to operate and when necessary correct the process so that it performs with optimal effectiveness. The role of quality improvement is to devise ways to take the process to unprecedented levels of performance.1. Quality Control The process of managing operations to meet quality goals.

Store management

Their main competitors are Gap and H&M, and together they form a group of speciality chains in the apparel industry. Zara has operated and adopted a different strategy as compared to Gap and H&M and the following points draw the difference between the players. In contrast, Zara has developed a successful diverse method of doing →

Software performance engineering techniques

Introduction In position of Mukesh Jain, across the Earth, end-user public presentation of the bulk of our online services, web sites and package applications is a affair of concern. The public presentation of most of the sites and services in many instances lag. For illustration, in the US, on broadband connexion, MSN/Live Search takes →

Principles of management: total quality management

They need to understand that the performance of anyone is governed largely by the system that he works in, theresponsibilityof management.A leader of transformation, and managers involved, need to learn thepsychologyof individuals, the psychology of a group, they psychology of society, and the psychology of change. Changing behaviors is probably the most critical area in →

Porter’s five forces

It is because of this reason that it has been argued that the suppliers' power is negligible in this industry. Both Google and Yahoo however are also considered as regionally dominant forces and as such do not have the global reach and power to influence the behavior of suppliers. Further, the nature →

Management and organisational behaviour qantas

From the side of the employees, they could argue that this approach was not the right approach to change. From the other side one can argue that these decisions anyway had to be taken to the survival of Qantas, hence he had done these in good faith. CRITICAL DISCUSSION →

Virtual team management and systematic organizational research case study examples

However, despite such a predictable aspect that is presented by the systematic organizational research, there is a great disparity when it comes to managing a virtual team as will be discussed curtly. It is important to note that there are great deals of challenges that are posed by the virtual environment. Additionally, the management of →

Supply chain managemetn – scm vs. crm and erp

This process can only be embarked upon after the sales group closes if you will the sale; said process integrates sales, customer support, and supply chain management and customer relationship in order to enlarge the operation. The CRM system incorporates data collections in specific databases; in most CRM program, the primary role →

Capstone project web based library management system

The researchers do not mean to abolish or replace the library of the school because that is not possible, instead the group wants to enhance the management of the books in the library, suffice the lacking books and increase the student's productivity. Since books are still available in the library, students who borrow or return →

Introduction to management

Louis Button is one of the leading fashion trends industries in the world which has significant every year. Louis Button will always have their loyal customers where they bought their new products, with a strong brand value LEVY has no worries with their competitors. Louis Button will put more concern on their weakness →

Major challenges facing human resource management

The signs are that HER departments are preparing to maximize their resources and staff as organizations look to grow." Today's Top 10 Human Resource Management Challenges Due to the fluctuating economy as well as local and global advancements, there are many changes occurring rapidly that affect HER in a wide range of issues. →

Data management plan research paper examples

We are going to interview patients who have used the drugs, nurses and physical therapists who have been administering the drugs and then tabulating the results to show the effectiveness of each of the two Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory Drugs. Data Collection Staff: The data collection staff plays a very significant role in determining the accuracy of →

What is greed?

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines greed as, " a selfish and excessive desire for more of something than is needed." ________________________________________________________________________ The word greed dates back to the 1200-1300's, where in France it came from the word avarus meaning greedy which was a form of avere meaning to crave or long for. Coming →

Commercial hr database systems for organization

The disadvantage that Capterra has is there are a lot of options to choose from, and the website does not seem to be easy to follow. The customer can easily be lost and maybe confused on what type of service they may need to choose from. With Waypoint I feel it can →