Genuine Research Paper Examples

Romeo & juliet

Romeo is the son of the Lord Montague, he is the patriarch of the house of Montague and Juliet is the daughter of Lord Capulet, he is the patriarch of the house of Capulet. The two teenagers meet at the Capulet's party, where Romeo, Mercutio and Benvolio was not meant to be. Romeo first caught →

Voltaire and rabelais

Candide does not know and changes the subject bringing up the fact that he's hungry. The orator declares that Candide does not deserve to at because of his lack of affirmation toward believing in the Anti-Christ. He goes on to explain to Dante that some people choose to love the wrong thing or →

Explanation of hamlet’s mystery (by: ernest jones)

The call of duty to slay his uncle cannot be obeyed because it links itself with the call of his nature to slay his mother's husband, whether this is the first or the second; the latter call is strongly " repressed," and therefore necessarily the former also. It is no mere chance →

How far would you agree that ”animal farm” is, as orwell himself described it, a ‘fairy story.’

I wanted to help, but I dared not; something was rooting me to the ground.Fear. The woman finally replaced the lipstick back in her handbag, and looked around. I was looking at her, but yet not seeing her. It was the same with the rest of the passengers: they had no features in my head.

Harry potter and traditional spiritual values

In other words, the books and the films have not set in motion a radical change in American civilization nor have they led to any conversions to witchcraft. Furthermore, the Harry Potter series are very traditional in their approach to ' good and evil.' Harry Potter is →

Chapter 18 moony, wormtail, padfoot, and prongs

And I looked them up when I did my homework - the Ministry of Magic keeps tabs on witches and wizards who can become animals; there's a register showing what animal they become, and their markings and things...and I went and looked Professor McGonagall up on the register, and there have been only seven Animagi →

Baz luhrman: romeo and juliet transformation

Luhrmann and co-writer Craig Pearce were tenacious in deciding " to stick absolutely to the Shakespearean text, to keep as many of the Elizabethan customs as possible, such as a highly evolved code of etiquette and honor, even in the use ofviolence" in the context of a created world, based on twentieth century icon. They →

Exploring the theme of guilt in the fifth business and macbeth

And finally, it is the guilt of a person that serves as a catalyst to his suffering which is most of the time, on the emotional aspect On the story of Macbeth, guilt is found on the act of killing. The protagonist of the story, Macbeth, was persuaded to kill King Duncan of Scotland →

Lord of the flies by sir william golding

In fact the beginning chapters of the novel parallel assumptions about human evolution, as the characters " discover" fire and form levels of political authority. However, what concerns Golding in Lord of the Flies is the nature of evil as demonstrated by the boys on the island. The devil that is the " lord of →

The mask in lord of the flies

His size, demeanor and use of the conch shell prove him to be the chosen leader of the group of boys on the island. He is the direct representation of order, leadership, civilization and innocence. Ralphs innocence is shown early on in the novel when he is unable to comprehend why the →

The theme of leadership in the ‘lord of the flies’

He then proceeds to be voted as the group leader, over Jack, mainly due to the fact that he was the one that initially blew the conch, " They obeyed the summons of the conch, partly because Ralph blew it, and he was big enough to be a link with the adult world of authority...." →

Lord of the flies: examine goldings methods of writing in the last three paragraphs of chapter nine

The end of chapter 9 is very different to the rest of the novel, both in the style it is written and in what Golding is trying to portray about human nature. My first impressions of this extract are how different Golding's style of writing is; he is much more poetic, mythical way " →

Lord of the flies by william golding in 1954

In The novelLord of the Flies, written by William Golding in 1954 a group of British boys is on a plane that crashes onto an island. Piggy is the biggest outcast to of all the boys on the island. Everything from his maturity to his looks places him on a pedestal →

Lord of the flies setting

The writer of this story created many ways for using the setting, one general way is the geography of the island, he chose the island, witch I do not think is a real island in the Pacific Ocean I think he created it, and this island changed the humanity of the boys. →

George orwells and margaret atwood

Fear and intimidation are used in the texts and furthermore, power is shown through the patriarchal society, which includes the Commanders, the Commander's Wives, and the Handmaids assigned to them. The government establishes power and control through the use of the Wall, military control, the Salvaging, and the Particicution. The Patriarchal society allows the Commanders →

The machine gunners part two – wolf invasion

During the day I found out that he had nearly the same personality as Ralph as well. Over the night I thought over the plan I was going to use to escape. He was not in the mood to. 'I know dad.

Why the story of beowulf focuses on the history of the main character as a hero rather than a king research paper

The story of Beowulf, to a great extent, focuses on the history of the main character as a hero as opposed to a king. And the deduction that leads to this conclusion is simply because one can be born in a royalty or even get anointed into it, but as long as his life is →

The significance of the manner in which ophelia dies

Shakespeare, by " letting" Aphelia drowns herself, to some extents alleviates the pain of death and pictures a beautiful Aphelia drowned In water with her beauty minded and preserved. By comparing Aphelia to a mermaid-like figure, Shakespeare gives unreal characteristics to her death and makes it smoother for Aphelia, whose life has been →

The significance of suicide in hamlet

Although Hamlet did not commit suicide, in the end the path that he took inevitably led to his suicidal intentions and his eventual downfall. The contemplation of suicide threatens Hamlet and various characters in the play leading to the demise of the characters and the kingdom of Denmark. For it seems that →

The single persona of ophelia and gertrude

Aphelia can see that Hamlet's madness has generated a break between her father's wishes and Hamlet's, and, distressed by the apparent severed bonds, pleads for help, " Heavenly powers, restore him! ". Gertrude, in the midst of a barrage of verbal accusations, strives to conserve the filial bond; she refers to Hamlet as →

Romeo and juliet different versions

The oldness of the TV could signify that it is the modernization of and old story. This signifies the hatred between the two families but also the eternal love between Romeo and Juliet which they are trying to break. As the explanation of the story commences the TV becomes larger, the camera zooms in on →

Factors responsible for romeo and juliet’s death

The first factor that is responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet is the family feud. The Capulet's and the Montague's would have never allowed Romeo and Juliet to be wed this became the forbidden love. The third factor that is responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet is true →

Love in play “romeo and juliet”

Shakespeare demonstrates how Juliet is willing to sacrifice a place in her prestigious family for the love of Romeo. It is clear that the selfishness and immaturity of Romeo and Juliet played a part in their deaths.

Role of women in twelfth night and hamlet by shakespeare research paper

Interestingly, despite this show of dissatisfaction with societal roles, they do not lose their feminine touch and towards the end of the plays, most come to accept their true identity and place in society. The purpose of this study is to compare specific women characters in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night and Hamlet and to explore their →

Providing feedback to the community-based care transitions program

Providing Feedback to the Community-based Care Transitions Program It is definitely a problem when patients end up coming back for readmission, due to the same problem that they were there for the first time, in this case, heart problems. The Community-based Care Transitions Program , which is under Section 3026 of →

Decreasing rates of neutropenia in the chemotherapy patient

Decreasing Rates of Neutropenia in the Chemotherapy Patient EDUCATIONAL Decreasing Rates of Neutropenia in the Chemotherapy Patient Neutropenia is a disease characterized by a low neutrophil count, which can be caused in a variety of ways. The suggested outcome is that there will be a decrease in the number of neutropenia cases and the →

Pathophysiology of sickel cell disease

Sickle Cell Anemia of the of the Sickle Cell Anemia Introduction I chose to research on sickle cell anemia because my sister has the disease. This testing is very important to prevent fatal complications that are common in children with sickle cell disease is in the first years of life (Explore Sickle Cell Anemia, 2012). →

The history of nursing and the educational preparation of nurses

This research paper will explore nursing history, the educational preparation of nurses, the scope and practice of differentiated practice competencies, the collaborative learning community and the presentation of the nursing conceptual models. The nursing educational venues are the Bachelor of Arts in the science of nursing, the Associates degree in Nursing and the diploma in →

Nursing recruitment and retention

The nursing shortage crisis is caused by nurse burnout, an aging Registered Nurse population, not enough nurses graduating due to a shortage of nurse faculty, and an increase of patients as " baby boomers" retire, grow older, and experience age-related illnesses. There are many challenges involved with the →

A study on how informatics affect the clinical nursing practice

It facilitates the integration of data, information and knowledge to support patients, nurses and other providers in their decision making in all roles and settings. This support is accomplished through the use of information structures, information processes and information technology. It is anticipated that majority of nurses who will →

Do resuscitate status: a legal and ethical challenge for nursing

The legal implications include falsification of documents and breaching the standard of care set forth by the nurse practice act. The ethical issues include malfeasance, dishonesty, and taking on the role of deciding who has a chance to live during a life threatening situation, demonstrating medical paternalism. At that time, I was just a student →

Concepts of family nursing theory

There is potential for conflict in all of these relationships as family members attempt to balance their own needs with those of other members of the family, and of the family as a unit. Such family tensions are likely to influence the health and well-being of each family member, and their ability to deal with →

Is there a link between post traumatic stress syndrome and genetics

As the name suggests, the disorder is a prolonged stress response following a highly traumatic incident that shatters an individual's sense of security, which further poses a threat of injury or death such as rape, natural calamity, war, prison stay, domestic abuse or assault. The symptoms of PTSD can occur at any age however, there →

Unique effects of apathy and depression signs on cognition and function in amnestic mild cognitive impairment

Article Review: Unique effects of apathy and depression signs on cognition and function in amnestic mild cognitive impairment Course name Institution of affiliation Instructor's name Date of submission Introduction Within mental health nursing, understanding the transition from normal aging to Mild Cognitive Impairment is delicate given that symptoms only emerge →

Lung cancer and nursing

These compounds are said to trigger growth of malignant cells thus causing cancer. Melissa Conrad Stoppler, MD a board certified Anatomic pathologist based in US in her article lung cancer points out that lung cancer is a life threatening cancer that spreads very fast to other parts of the body and is a →

The modified medical research council dyspnea scale nursing essay

The goal of this classification is to determine the disease severity of the individual patient, it's impact on the patient 's health status and the risk of future events in order to recommend optimal therapy. This study revealed that the new GOLD classification is not a reliable predictor of objective COPD physical activity →

Free research paper on cultural awareness

Because of the different setting, in that the film does not take place in Paris, this film is the focus of my cultural experience. I used to think of myself as strong, educated individual who would not be affected by ethnocentrism, and as I understood the definition, I was not and still am not. The →

What makes a credible documentary

The illusion of believability is most often either confirmed or destroyed by the credits. Frequently the audience first learns the people on the screen were actors, and that they have fallen prey to the thick veil of believability that documentary films are so able to portray. To capture the audiences trust directors →

How does harper lee portray atticus finch as a good parent?

Atticus wants Jem and Scout to grow up with good morals, and one way he does this is by exposing them to an important quality, bravery. An example of this is when Atticus goes against the townspeople's beliefs by accepting the case of Tom Robinson. Knowing that Atticus, their parent and example, →

All about eve

In the film, Eve becomes Marco's understudy with the help, and Influences of great theater people. The audience is introduced to the story of a young lady and her ruthless way to rise in fame.

The hobbit double entry journal prompts

Sottas Double Entry Journal Prompts March 20, 2013 " But men remembered little of all that, though some still sang old songs of the dwarf-kings of the Mountain, Thror and Dragon, and the fall of the lords of Dale." " I hope I never smell the smell of apples again." " →

Athletes and entertainers as role models

Lastly, entertainers and athletes do not live in the " real" world. They are not in touch with reality and live extremely extravagant lives. Entertainers and athletes usually live immoral lives and they do not have a satisfying, or life-long career.

A bronx tale: sociological perspective

At this point other theories of criminality begin to emerge as explanations of the continued behavior. Differential association is the theory that criminal behavior is learned by the interactions of a particular subculture of group. C and his friends mimic the men by committing crime and " hanging out" on the street →

The bridge to san luis rey

He has taken on a mission to find out why the five people had to die with the collapse of the bridge. Juniper decided to research the lives of the five victims and figure out the reason of their deaths, why God chose the lives of these five people. He wanted theology to take the →

Looking for alibrandi short story

How was he meant to write down what he was feeling when he could not explain it? He thought of the times he was told he was hated or not good enough just because he would been beaten in a math competition. He thought of the times he had come home to →

Citizen kane

Citizen Kane was the first movie to tell the audience the end of the movie in the beginning. In nearly every scene in the film, the foreground, background and everything in between are all in sharp focus. Another unorthodox method used in the film was the way low-angle cameras were used to →

House on mango

The description of the house Esperanza's parents provide does not go with the reality of the situation leading Esperanza to hope for something that cannot be. Esperanza is disappointed by the lack of stairs, the absence of a yard, the actuality that the house is not the picture perfect house as seen on TV.

To the lighthouse

As she matures as a painter Virginia Woolf is overcoming her anger and frustration caused by the fact that she did not not fit into the generally accepted pattern of the woman's role in society and in the family life, and especially of the status of women as artists. Rooted deep into her most personalmemories, →

Apanese cinema and western audiences

Japanese Cinema and Western Audiences: Why a Foreknowledge of Japan's Social, Cultural and Historical Background Is a Necessity in Order to " Properly" Appreciate Japanese Cinema and Western Audiences: Why a foreknowledge of Japan's social, cultural and historical background is a necessity in order to " properly" appreciate Japanese Cinema. According to Leger Grindon →


However burlesque brought light on to the sexiness of woman without It being too distasteful; they did this by putting the woman In less clothing or more see through clothing such as tights, as a way of teasing the audience. Burlesque also helped women to gain more control In other ways as most →

A synopsis of the movie, ip man 2: legend of the grandmaster

Ip Man 2 Legend of the Grandmaster is an action packed martial arts film, this movie being a semi-biographical cinema is based on a real person in history which makes the move even more interesting and exciting. Ip Man 2 Legend of the Grandmaster is a movie that I will always love and a movie →

Battle royal

Pleasure makes the reading a worthwhile experience, ensuring that generations of readers would love the literary work and critics would praise the quality of the writing. Meanwhile, disquiet makes the material relevant, creating a haunting effect upon the reader, which is important in any work of art →

Racial distinctions: the lion king 2

Disney employs these barriers so that the audience recognizes the unfavorable aspects of One instance in which we find racial distinctions are in Disney's The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride. Given to misadventures and mischief, Kiara, Simba's young cub, wanders into the forbidden Outlands, the haunt of Scar's exiled minions, and →

Billy elliot

Billy, the main character of the film Billy Elliot is a symbol of change and freedom not only in hisfamilybut in the community in which he lives. Billy is successful as he breaks out of the limited routine of the traditional town and follows his dream to become a dancer.

Pr to my left foot

Because of my mothers persistence in finding help for me, driving me in from Cochrane to Calgary every morning and back, I was able to overcome my depression, control my demons, I am not in the constant terror that was holding me back from living a normal life anymore. My Mother is →

Research on media preferences film studies essay

The audiences of a movie are taken on a journey where they can lose themselves and their ain jobs in the characters on screen. In this sense, genres are societal instead than textual restraints, leting viewing audiences to modify their generic models and take part in the building of intending instead than merely " absorbing →

Film critique: encoding and decoding

According to the cultural studies model, the cultural artifact Storm Warning Is the text, Its producer Is Jamie Blanks, and the readers are all the people that have seen the film since its release. They decoded that the villainy is into the film.

The glass ceiling

Women are found at the top of middle management and are being denied of higher positions in the corporate ladder and are getting paid less than men for similar type of work. Both articles address the question whether is the glass ceiling the reason why women are not getting advancement in their careers or it →

English literature, the secret life of sir walter mitty-james thurber

It is difficult to live always in the world of reality and also it will be impracticable to fly always from the world of reality and resort always there in fantasy. AsRobert Frostsaid in his eminent poem " Birches" one should be a swinger of the Birches therefore keep balance between reality →

Crisis in movies: self medicated

What were the differing perceptions of the crisis? (the client, family, community, friends, legal perspectives) The client, Andrew, did not believe there was a crisis because he did not view his behavior as problematic. His mother felt quite differently and was highly concerned with both his drug and alcohol use and →

Giberson’s glass studio

We find the company to be in positive financial standing, but with large areas of weakness that will require further investigation and action by management. We will present the following recommendations: Reset Pricing Structure Use of Part-Time Labor Time ManagementPlan

Charlie chaplin’s life overview

CONCLUSION THE IMPACT HE MADE TO THE WORLD AND HIS CONTRIBUTION TO THE SOCIETY AND THE ART Charlie Chaplin was a man who dimpled millions of cheeks in the early 1900's. He was not afraid to clearly show what he believed in. His excellent sense of narration and subordinating the story makes him a →

The life of walter mitty (alternate ending)

The life of Walter Mitty By Gregory Jones 9/17/12 Walter Mitty the Undefeated, inscrutable to the last." Walter! " his wife yelled " what are you doing cannot you see I am ready to leave! " Ok Mitty replied they got into the car and Mitty turned on the radio. The Football game had →

Lincoln, the movie

At the beginning of the movie we see Lincoln talking to two African Americans who served in the war, and they went on to say that they loved his speech and one of them even quoted the end of his speech. Lincoln thinks that the amendment is the cure for the war.

Effect of vampires on society

The ways that vampires were made may seem odd to you and I but they were things that in the early days of the middle ages were considered wrong or different from the norms. Today'ssciencehelps explains most of the things that were thought to be considered the marking of a vampire to →

Movies at theaters preferred than at home

Nowadays, for instance, while it is very unlikely that a movie theater would use words such as " fully air-conditioned" in its advertising which gives the audience a pleasure in watching movie at theater. Going to the movies is not merely for enjoying the film, but also for taking pleasure in the facilities beyond just →

Bell rock lighthouse: signal and guide to fishermen and travelers

They went to the sea, with a steady ship floating not so far away from the rock, they went with the ships to the rock and started digging for the base of the lighthouse. The going back and forth routine has been a disadvantage to Stevenson as he were already behind time working with the →

Symbolism in the glass menagerie

There are other less outstanding symbols such as the colourss of a rainbow, bluish roses, and the issue, and entryway to the flat. Laura 's glass menagerie is an of import symbol. All though it is really delicate, much like Laura herself, the glass radiances and glitters, amplifying many colourss of the rainbow in the →

A brief history of turkish cinema

This was a 150 meter long documentary by Fuat Uzkinav, an army officer. The film " The Marriage of Master Himmet" was began in 1914 but took long to finish because the actors served in the war of the Dardanelles. His important works included the 1923 " Shirt of Fire" which was →

James cameron’s avatar (2009)

At the beginning of the movie, Neytiri, who is the Na'vi tribe leader's daughter, introduces Jake to the rest of her people, explaining that she did not kill him due to a sign by their God Eywa. In summary, Jake is portrayed as superior to the indigenous people since he is easily able to outdo →

Looking for alibrandi: story of josie alibrandi’s experiences at school

Josie tells us the story of her struggles with her Italian-Australian identity and the highs and lows of teenage life. It's the story of a young girl who feels she does not belong. Josie's transformation from school girl to young adult is the result of major events in her personal and school →

Persepolis view on culture

Though she is born and raised for much of her life in Tehran, Marianne Satraps is as much of a product of Western culture as of Middle Eastern culture. The size of the layout is fairly big so you can see the Nine's logo and her full outfit.

Iron jawed angels toulmin

Alice and Lucy served as examples for the others through their passion and conviction. The rebellious spirit of the two younger activists is in stark contrast to the ore conservative older women. The woman's goal to earn their right to vote was a battle that challenged not only their inner capabilities but also →

Blade runner

It is with this creation of Empathy that the serious question is asked, " What makes us Human? " The Backdrop of a dystopia society the actual humans appear to be Lonely, Dirty, sad and unsympathetic. The Replicates of these people display the Human traits that we regard ourselves with; they show Empathy, →

V for vendetta

Even after he had the nerve to kick her out she was still loyal to V, this is the point where we start to believe it's a true loyalty instead than a game of manipulation and brainwashing as V's common games. When asked to testify against V, her loyalty was so pure and profound, that →

Market outsider system

The types of systems will impact the way the company is controlled and will hence automatically impact the way the factors of production are handled, one of the most important being labour. These two differing types have different priorities, and so emphasis put on the employers will →

Justice: what’s the right thing to do?

This book review analyzes these three concepts of what justice is supposed to be and what individuals believe in, as well as evaluating Sandel's argumentation of how justice is a reflection of an individual's morals and opinions. With Sandel providing historical events and examples that connect the topic of justice to our everyday lives, it →

A streetcar named desire: the passion of blanche research paper

The very movement brings back the fleur of the England of the XVIII century, to " Southern-Gothic imp of Poe-etic perverse" with all its ideas of Gothic culture and the features that are due only to the gothic genre, very sharp and gloomy, the idea of a human life inevitably ending in death →

Behind the ‘battle royal’

It is a foreshadowing historical tragedy as the narrator attempts to transport his readers from idealism to realism and finally relating to the true meaning one's social identity. In the beginning of the story, a nameless, first-person narrator instinctively intimates that for the first twenty years of →

Attacking wifi nets with traffic injection

Section 43 of IT ACT 2000, defines as If any person without permission of the owner or any other person who is in charge of a computer, computer system or computer network, Accesses or secures access to such computer, computer system or computer Network; Downloads, copies or extracts any data, computer →

Co-working space alley expands to new york university

The program culminates in a demo day when the companies present their business plans to a network of angel and venture capital investors in education. We are developing a series of programs and events for the startups, students, and faculty involved in the Edtech Incubator and Accelerator. This makes New York City " the natural →

Iraq backlash

The main argument in this article is that the continued involvement of the United States in the war in Iraq will lead to unforeseen and even disastrous consequences such as acivil waror even global war given the fact that the United States is ill equipped at dealing with the insurgents and →

Equal opportunity for financial aid

If we chose to come to America to get a universityeducation, we should be treated as equals and allowed to apply for all the same financial aid that the American students do. It is every student-athletes dream to come to an American university. The opportunity to study in another country does not come to everyone, →

Free the argo crisis research paper example

Ben Affleck's, Argo, does not embody the facts of the Iranian Hostage Crisis, because it fictionalizes actual events to please an American audience by profiling Iranian's as clich d, senseless Middle-Easterners and exposes the United States as the hero who helped the six embassy workers escape. In order to best understand the way in which →

Example of arabs in the united states research paper

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary provides a definition of an Arab as someone who is " a member of the Semitic people of the Arabian Peninsula who speaks Arabic as the primary language. In the United States, 90 percent of Arab immigrants were Christians who flew the Arabian countries on the basis of religious intolerance, majority of →

Cultural universals between united states and china

Chinese New Year which is also called Spring Festival starts with the New Moon on the first day of the New Year and ends on the Full Moon 15 days later. It is celebrated in honor of Heaven and Earth, the gods of the household, and the family ancestors as a family →

The reasons of chinese immigrated to the united states

Method Participates: The interviews were requested to be completed by Chinese people I have met in the Chinese school in Edison and New Brunswick, people work in the Asian Cultural Center of NJ, and some of my friends in Montclair State University, Rutgers University and Fairleigh Dickenson University. I have totally interviewed 30 people included →

Gap outsourcing in china

This is especially because the textile industry is a labor intensive industry and firms prefer to outsource In China since It has large pool of cheap labor. The World Bank report of 2006 Indicated some of the most suitable locations to Invest In china which re; the south east Coastal provinces, the Pearl →

Richard nixon

In July 1959, Eisenhower sent Nixon to the Soviet Union to represent the United States at the opening of the American National Exhibition in Moscow, the Soviet capital. The Nixon family moved to New York during what Nixon himself later referred to as his " wilderness years." In January 1968, Nixon decided to once again →

Reasons the united states entered the first world war

What was the main cause of the United States joining World War 1 because of the Germans resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare Research Question: To what extent did the U.S.enter World War 1 because of unrestricted submarine warfare used by the Germans. Question: This essay will be investigated in this research paper is; →

Berkeley, california and terre haute, indiana:

For instance, it is relevant to know how the behavior of water cycle in certain location in order to grow crops and plants more efficiently. Water balance is the study which deals with the water cycles. Water balance has many components including precipitation, potential and actual precipitation, →

Example of the cultural significance of spider-man research paper

By looking at the message Spider-Man projects to society I feel that we can gain a better understanding of societies desire to end social injustice and aspire to become more moral. The History of Spider-Man This hero's story begins in 1962 at his creation and chronicles to the present." The Amazing Spider-Man" was developed →

Example of effects of unemployment on family research paper

1 million initially, but has reduced by 456, 000 people (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2012, October 5). The table below shows the changes in the rate of unemployment in the United States since January, 2011 to October, 2012. The highest rate of unemployment as shown above was recorded on the month of December, 2010 which →

United states recovery of western europe post world war

United States Recovery of Western Europe post World War II Most of Europe was demolished after World War II and had to rebuild but most governments were in debt and out ofmoneybecause of the war. This helped to rebuild the economies of Western Europe and to help contain the Soviet expansion in the aftermath →

The united states became an industrial power

But, by the late nineteenth century, these concepts of Adam Smith had been distorted and fused, to some extent, with the ideas of Charles Darwin about evolution. This led to the extremely pernicious and largely discredited concept of " Social Darwinism", related to Nazism, in the twentieth century. As the nature of →

Free research paper about unemployment rate differences between races in us

6 percent. The information is alarming as it shows that the unemployment rate among the black people is twice than that of the white people. The article recognizes the tremendous difference in employment rates between the white and the blacks in the United States.