Genuine Research Paper Examples

Energy use in developing countries ((in indea ))

Energy section is of critical importance in associating the country that is developing with the limit of the energy sources. It is noteworthy that the energy situations are diverse in the developing countries, and this is evident in the analysis below. The factors that diversify energy include energy demand where energy consumption is in the β†’

Bright light innovations: the starlight stove

Whether the local government support or against the kind of products is the factor to affect the entering in the international market. The fourth hidden critical issue in this case is the " infrastructure" in Nepal. Finally, the stove can produce electric and the generated electric can be widely used in the β†’

Bani yas island

With regards to the potential of the island as a tourist spot, more consistency the maintenance of the island is needed, knowing that the island was a desert before. Ecotourism is not usual for regions particularly in the Middle East region but with this island, it would be possible to have a β†’

What does a pycnometer do?

In most materials, heating the bottom of a fluid results in convection of the heat from bottom to top of the fluid due to the decrease of the density of the heated fluid. In this lab, all the forces and weights are measured in the unit of grams using the triple beam balance, then the β†’

How has baz luhrman used sound effects to appeal to a younger audience?

The various sounds effects used to help us, the audience, see the Montague's 'Boyz' as cowardly and spineless and the music that they are listening too 'The boys the boys...' tells us that they are young boys not men this is reflected through their music. Whereas the sound effects with the Capulets are morebullyingand sinister. β†’

Welding guide on unitor

SAFETY IN WELDING A Safe Journey with UNITOR Norwegian Training Center - Manila A SAFE JOURNEY WITH UNITOR Welding and Flame Cutting elsewhere than in workshop should be the subject of a " HOT WORK PERMIT" A Safe Journey with UNITOR 2 Norwegian Training Center - Manila Production welding is done under optimum conditions. β†’

Acetylene lab

00% Few High pitch " Pop" Discussion The observation table do not support the hypothesis, since it shows the result that as the amount of acetylene gas decreases and oxygen gas increases, there would be a greater chance of a complete combustion. Conclusion Even though this experiment do not have β†’

Sun block

Fifteen to twenty minutes before exposing yourself to the sun, it is ecomendable to apply sunblock directly on the skin. Now, the two types of sunblock that are available to us are the physical and chemical type.

Quiz: emotion and job satisfaction

Which of the following is an example of being an efficient company? a.operating at the lowest possible cost while yielding a higher output b.reating the highest customer satisfaction ratings c.meeting the production schedule d.obtaining the highest market share e.maximizing diversity at high cost 3._____ is discretionary behavior that is not part of an employee's formal β†’

Passion vs reason in the play medea

In the play Medea, the protagonist Medea learns that her husband Jason breaks every vow and betrays her by taking another woman to bed. Feeling outraged and hurt, Medea decides to take revenge. The main characters express an extremity of either passion or reason which leads them to their own downfall; moreover, β†’

Rikki tikki tavi theme

In the short story, " Risk Tick Davit" by Rudyard Kipling, the primary theme of the story is the Idea of good versus evil. Risk's protectiveness Is evident at the beginning of the story when he went to bed with Teddy, the young boy.

Seeing the world through a broken heart

Our hearts have been broken and now see things in their most naked honest state, and so, it refuses to rest. What is a broken heart? A broken heart simply is an honest heart. It is a shallow reason but it is enough to cause man to want to β†’

How to build online business trust in the philippines

A Trust Mark Seal Certification is probably the easiest and most effective way of building trust in your business. Having a Business Verification Trustmark will tell your clients that you are a serious company that cares about ethics, security and reliability. Localized service is key to choosing a Trust Mark.

What is the conflict between elizabeth and john proctor?

It is important for Miller to create tension within the play to keep the audience interested; he uses this technique in Act two with great affect. The audience is already aware of the Proctors strained relationship following John's affair with Abigail, and Miller highlights the damage that has been done by the affair perfectly in β†’

To what extent should we trust our senses to give us the truth

In a simple context of analyzing an art piece, for instance in the process of analyzing the nuance of the work, our interpretations of what we see tend to be bounded with the language that we know. The emotions that we get from viewing the art piece, for example, can be described with adjectives.

Love and deception ( the chaser)

Akshay decides to help Pooja by grabbing the money for her because he is in love with her, Akshay tries to rob Vikram but gets caught. But if it starts by deception it's not a true love and it always ends the relationship with your lover or spouse.

Azerbaijan poverty rate

Approved by the Decree #3043 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated of September 15, 2008 State Program onPovertyReduction and Sustainable Development in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2008-2015 Chapter 1 Introduction In order to tackle poverty on a global level, the heads of 147 world countries joined together at the United β†’

Envy is a sin

Schoeck points out that envy is almost a taboo-topic in daily conversation, in research, and in literature. In societies where envy is high productivity is low and where envy is low productivity is high.

An exploration of hrm devolution and the impact on line manager capabilities

The paper will then explore the changing shape of the HR function and HRM Devolution within theUK, and move on to present findings from this. This following chapter will look in brief at the background to the study including the change in role of HR and the new emphasis on partnership working. This study will β†’

Basic managerial units for the operation – nypd case

A particular police precinct such as the 26th, in which Columbia University stands, may have 6 patrol cars in the field during the typical 8-to-4 tour. In New York about 1200 cartours are fielded on an average day - about 200 on the 12 to 8 tour, about 400 on the 8 β†’

Effective leadership of a manager

Controlling is a new task that this student deals with in minimal measure. This student is the contact person in the office because the office is in transition with management in our office. In the opinion of this student, the most important role for a health care manager isleadership.

The risk factor of diageo

Consequently, in the event of insolvency of Diageo, the claims of holders of notes guaranteed or issued by Diageo would be structurally subordinated to the prior claims of the creditors of subsidiaries of Diageo. You should consult your financial and legal advisors as to any specific risks entailed by an investment in debt securities that β†’

Aristotle & mill on capital punishment

For example when he says, " every state of soul is naturally related to and about whatever naturally makes it better or worse; and pleasures and pains make people base, from pursuing and avoiding the wrong ones, at the wrong time, in the wrong ways, or whatever other distinctions of that sort are needed in β†’

Maria hernandez case

At the start of the operations i.e. July 2nd, 2004 the amount in the company bank account was $12, 000; however on August 31st, 2004 (roughly two months of operations) the amount had declined to $6, 600. What can we say about the status of the business on August 31, 2004?

Good research paper on death penalty in the united states

Because of the divided amount of support for the death penalty, in addition to the likelihood of killing innocent people who have been wrongfully put in prison, the death penalty should be eliminated in the American justice system, instead giving out sentences of life without parole for our harshest punishment β†’

Myth on change management

You are a collection of skills with the ability to learn new ones. These steps do little to change the future. I have noticed the need for assistance with these areas is in direct proportion to the changes the organization is experiencing. We all go along our " merry-little-way" until one day and...boom...change appears.

Overview of strategic management

This is said to limit the responsiveness of the organization to actual business situations as the top managers are not directly involved in the day-to-day operations. With the disadvantages mentioned above, it is vital for any organization not to undermine the role of middle managers in strategic management.

Balanced scorecard: traditional performance measurement

Customer Perspective The customer perspective addresses the question of how the firm is viewed by its customers and how well the firm is serving its targeted customers in order to meet the financial objectives. In the customer perspective of the balanced scorecard, managers identify the customer and market segments in which the business unit will β†’

Management actions prior to cyber attack and business continuity plans research paper

Crisis management is part of disaster management as when any disaster man made or natural paralyzes normal operations the organization is faced with a crisis (, 2013). Business continuity plans A business continuity plan helps an organization prepare for disruptive events and allow the resumption of business processes. Then there is the IT continuity β†’

Week two supervision homework

Some just do not have the time to change the nature in workplace, why change something that is not broken. Or maybe because some managers has a superiority complex and thinks that the way he wants something done is the best way.4. Discuss the following statement: Meanings are in people, not in words.

Office management – assessment 1

There are lots of problems with the partners being out of the office and with the use of laptops ascommunicationtools this will provide a direct link between the office staff and the partners. I believethat this is a strategic decision as with the right planning and overseeing the development this could really β†’

Strategic operation management

In a business entity like Guineas Ghana limited the use of operations management is very necessary in every fabric of the company's activities. The measures of effectiveness and efficiency in Guinness Ghana leads to labour productivity, yield, capacity fill working capital utilization and the efficiency of production systems. Guinness Ghana Limited also makes good use β†’

The information of different needs of different user groups

We will then go on to consider the particular role of financial accounting and the differences between financial and management accounting. Since this book is concerned with accounting and financial decision making for private-sector businesses, we will also examine the main forms of business enterprise and consider what are likely to be β†’

Free research paper about rfid research bands

With about 1000 festivals in the United Kingdom at the moment, it is hard to keep track of the over 175000 visitors that attend the festivals. Problem statement The current problem is that it is hard to control the number of visitors who come to the festivals. The researcher will be immersed in the β†’

Why has wall-mart tended to improve performance

While the company has made a conscious effort to go " green", including training and products, it is because they are trying to garner more support in communities with stakeholders, as well as realizing that the global business world is more socially and environmentally responsible as a whole; they need to get with the program β†’

Scotts miracle-gro’s – management policy and strategy

This comprehensive analysis will used to add value to the company and its consumers. Synopsis of the Situation The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company , based in Marysville, Ohio, was formed by a 1995 merger of Miracle-Gro and the Scotts Company (Pearce & Robinson, 2011, p. The merger made Scotts the β†’

Value based management

The Nigerian companies do not have much capital to invest, are short of material resources and have low standards of products and services. The country is rich in oil resources and is the 8th largest producer of petroleum in the world.

Hnd business human resource management

It Is assumed that the outcomes from providing Justice and achieving efficiency in the management of personnel activities will result ultimately in achieving organizational success. Human Resource Development - Human resource management is concerned with the Training, promotion placement and implementation of people strategies, which are incorporated with business strategies, and guarantees that β†’

Contingency approach to management

Contingency refers to the immediate circum stances. This approach was developed during 1960s and 1970s and based on the idea that it is impossible to select one way of managing all situations, and for this reason managers have to identify the conditions of a task, β†’

The manager’s technical skills

He utilizes them as the dominant medium of transferring his functions across to others. He sets regular meetings with staff to communicate his plans and objectives for the organization and the workflow processes that the staff must meet. For instance, the sales department needs to report to thefinancedepartment in order to acquire correct financial information β†’

Adhd: effects and management

There is also significant findings that the level of intelligence affects ADHD children in different ways. More specifically, those with both ADHD and normal to high intelligence are more prone to accidents, and have a smaller number of steady friends. And by failing to provide interventions for their behavior problems, they may become restricted in β†’

Bvs supply chain management case

In other hand, independency of BVS division is menaced and the Mother Corporation can take control of its management in order to adjust traditional management and deal with the situation in an American approach to hold back and resolve departments' confrontation and accelerate the chain enrolment. If the new strategy helps for β†’

Negotiation in action

While negotiating, I have been more like a soft positional negotiator who emphasizes the importance of building and maintaining a better relationship, trying not to hurt other's feelings. My unique set of negotiation skills are : polite, positive and active attitude, a good listener and

Administrative role of management

They are required to participate more in order to ensure that all actions taken are for the success of the organization. In the case of Far Horizon, there are three administrative issues that need to be addressed. Issue 1: Hiring Phase 3 of Far Horizon's β†’

Seo vs. ppc: knowing which is right for your website

When it comes to boosting traffic to your website, you have two basic options: advertising or. You can pay for traffic using the PPC advertising programs provided by , Yahoo Search Marketing and others. But if you are operating on a shoestring budget, it may make more sense to invest time in β†’

My week as a room-service waiter at the ritz – customer service that puts the ritz in ritzy

The phrase " the customer is never wrong," has been attributed to Cesar Ritz, the founder of the Ritz-Carlton empire. A recent study of hotel workers by researchers at Cornell's School of Hotel Administration found that, while job satisfaction plays a major role in employee retention, it is not the key β†’

Proposed marketing strategies

Given that there are two possible reasons for Coke to have positive cross price elasticity and not certain which on the two exist in the market, then it would be best for the management of Coke to intensify their marketing strategies in order to undercut their competitors by attracting more customers β†’

Marketing research demak motor

In our research we are reviewing the problem that Demak Motor are facing in order to improve this brand and to increase the acceptance toward consumer. Demak Motor have a lower acceptance from consumer because Demak Motor are lesser know brand. Moreover, the design of the product is not attractive and some of its types β†’

Brand equity market research

2 Brand Association Brand Association alludes to the positive sentiments of consumer towards the brand given the relative level of brand quality. The significance of loyalty is likewise perceived and connected to brand value by.

Customer service and hard-to-get auto air-conditioning

Areas of Consideration SWOT Analysis Strengths * Hill's Automotive a supplier of hard-to-get replacement parts.* Hill's Automotive a financial stable manufacturing company.* The manufacturing company has a state-of-the-art MRP system and extensive inventory and assembly facilities.* The firm has accurate bill of materials. Opportunities * The firm has a limited manufacturing capability.* The β†’

On research will mention the various platform which

The companies have built strategies on how they can be sustainable in its operations while on the other hand, they have discovered that millennials are the driving force behind user generated content which has turned to be a big influence on purchase decisions, engagement with companies on advertising their products online and mostly β†’

Customers or clients

The graph will look like this: Look for movement between the end of one month and the end of the next AND look for the trend revealed by the graph as a whole. VISION To be the leading provider of financial services in India and a major global bank.

Advertisements exploiting children

However it is now the children who have become the main focus. The growth in advertising channels reaching children and the privatisation of children's media use have resulted in a dramatic increase in advertising directly intended for the eyes and ears of children. The current practises of advertising to young children definitely β†’

Advertisement: cosmopolitan magazine

I think the impression that the ad gives is that these rings are a treat. And this ad is the perfect example of how the honey represents a sweet " treat" and the rings should go along with it.

4 marketing tips by food industry experts

" Customer is the one and only king of the Business", is an old adage but with the passage of time has not lost its importance. In the restaurant business, the adage comes to reality, where one has to remain consistent, keep the core and deliver what one promises. Entrepreneur Media, during " Franchise India" β†’

Nsu mgt 210

The organogram of the company is shown below: Organogram of UABDL Situational Analysis Situational analysis is a marketing term which involves the situation and trends in a particular company's market. Technical level The main function of the technical level is to coordinate the activities of the operational level.

Marketing research final poject

In this report I will explain and give steps on how data mining used to choose the right place to advertise. The reminder of the paper is organized as follows. This is where companies use data mining to gather more information about group of customers to advertise the products to. Next β†’

Factor influencing mortar selection

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A project on ipl.

He says the INDIAN PREMIER LEAGUE will be mainly a television product for the Indian market and the crowd attendances will be no more than a bonus, and adds that the main aim of the organisers is to ensure that the tournament takes place. Arthur compliments Cricket South Africa on β†’

Nationwide insurance’s use of bi to enhance customer service

So in this large business nationwide insurance company experienced a various data issues, like data in-consistence, data reputation, dissimilar data processing, his will shows on business decisions and strategy on market. To resolving the issues Nationwide insurance started using Enterprise data warehousetechnologyfrom Attracted, it is a single data warehouse. In National wide various β†’

Good research paper on competition

The target initially will be 100 restaurants in the city. The breakdown of the target market at the start is shown in the following diagram.

Consumer behaviour. relationship between recognition and recall

Research is needed to address the following questions within a single framework: What are the interrelationships between recall and recognition measures? What are the interrelationships between cognitive and affective responses to an ad? How do cognitive and affective responses correlate with recall and recognition? Recognition and Recall β†’

Dell e-marketing

0 provided great shopping cart and checkout functionality along with other benefits, but we were still looking for ways to improve performance and get closer to our customers," says Gregg Hansen, Development Manager for Dell HSB." Specifically, we wanted the ability to implement campaigns and use coupons. This presented challenges due to the heterogeneous environment β†’

Advertising is not bad for children’s health

Advertisingis the only way for producers to share information with the community about their products - it would be disservice to the company and to the community they serve - children, like consumers, need access to information to allow them to be educated C: Advertising is not bad for children's health Evaluation: β†’

Product strategy, pricing, and distribution

The product strategy, prices, and distribution methods are part of that value and the way of a company promotes aids in conveying that value to the customers. The paper analyzes Aspirin, a health care product, in terms of product strategy (including product life cycle and branding), price, and distribution. Product strategy Aspirin as an β†’

Free research paper on singapore country case

The partnership allows the World Bank to exercise Singapore's development expertise making the country the hub for knowledge in the world. The Global Competitiveness Report of 2011-2012 ranks Singapore in the second position after Switzerland. Being a global city, Singapore has managed to go excel and survive most of the turmoil experienced in the global β†’

Marketing strategy of best buy

Sonja Pollard-Mitchell MKT 301: Principles of Marketing 3 March 2010 Marketing Strategy at a Big Box Electronics Store: BEST BUY Consumer behavior is defined in a variety of ways such as " the dynamic interaction of affect and cognition, behavior and environmental events by which human beings conduct the exchange aspects of their lives." by β†’

Group is the compact that are against consumerism

Freegans are people living an anti-consumer lifestyle, they choose to re-usefoodthat is being tossed to the curbside but the food being tossed is edible. A lot of people think that it is obscene to eat food out of a dumpster or curbside and that it is impossible to know how long the β†’

Segmentation: marketing

As there is no segmentation and focusing concern so large amount of customers are possibly exposed to the product. For example as audience is focused on radio, television and newspapers in which large and broad audience are targeted by the companies and industries towards their product. Segmented marketing targeted a specific or β†’

The perfect tender rule

Because of the heavy volume of goods present in the traffic passing through the Internet-assisted sales via business-to-business and business-to-customer websites that provide the capability to sell items to customers via e-commerce, this new avenue of business transaction yields itself vulnerable to the possible breakdown of the β†’

Free research paper about pizza hut and big gay ice cream

Since customers are the employers of the entrepreneur, pizza hut should pay special attention to the customers ever evolving need and preferences. To know what the customers want, the business can carry out surveys and get in touch with how they feel about the services and the quality of the product on offer.

Marketing plan (innisfree)

Therefore, the competition of marketing is extremely competitive. The SWOT analysis Strength: Our product's formula is unique unlike other brands. Use 3 years for research and development this snail mask. The ingredients of our snail mask are in high β†’

Iptv is a relatively new technology that is only now being provided to consumers research paper examples

The video streaming is done by encoding it in the form of IP packets and then transferring them through the network. The traditional television networks are able to run different types of programs at the same time and the viewer simply changes the channels based on their individual preferences. Technology involved in the area β†’

Good example of research paper on economic

Vitamin water with flavor Gross Domestic Product This is the measure of the well-being and the welfare of the country. The per capita as the measure of the living standard of the people in the economy, the average family income has a role to play in the understanding the wellbeing of each β†’

Role of marketing department

It is the duty of marketing to make the right promises, to come up with an appropriate name and logo for the organization and in projecting a good corporate image for the organization at the marketplace. The marketing function plays a key role in managing several important connections between the customer and critical elements of β†’

Marketing and unilever bangladesh

Thus the main objective is to bring about a well organized summary and view of the positioning of these brands compared to its competitors. The corporate purpose of unilever states that to succeed requires " the highest standards of corporate behavior towards everyone we work with, the communities we touch, and theenvironmenton β†’

Gender and development: provision of social protection as a basic service research paper samples

Finally, the paper concentrates on the role of social security in the labor market. - Gendered consequences of social security policies - Constraints faced by women - Gender specific constraints They are constraints such as the societal norms and practices that apply to men and women by the virtue of their gender. Development and promotion β†’

Bargaining power of buyer

In automotive industry, consumers do not have much buying power as they ever purchase huge volumes of cars and switching cost are relatively low. Raw materials and input-labor are needed to complete the finish product of the organization. Toyota has this superiority, brand and marketing skills to use a premium pricing policy charge for many β†’

Marketing plan of lad’s diary milk

The introduction is followed by the review of the marketing plan which shows the specific marketing objectives of the company, its marketing strategy and program, a program for implementing the marketing strategy and how it monitors and evaluates its performance. The next segment of the report is an analysis of the promotional program β†’

Good example of porter’s five forces and how they affect strategic planning within a business research paper

In order to understand these five forces in greater detail, we will consider the example of the automobile industry in this case. Introduction The automobile industry is booming these days with the emergence of a lot of new vehicles, new cars, and other automobile vehicles. The thesis of this paper will focus upon applying β†’

Advertising campign of nutella

We just want to endorse it as a quality product that met the requirement of the growing child. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The product we take is the chocolate spread popular among the children. Nutella is a healthy and nutritious product for the wholefamilyhealth's that's why the rational reasons exist in to believe and buy Nutella.

Free research paper on canada food subsidies issues and impact on local community and international relationship

Most of those programs focused on assisting the producer and meat packers so as to keep the domestic market moving and effectively to further penetrate the US beef market which is the major determinant of the Canadian cattle exporting market. BSE recovery loans helped the Manitoba cattle producers that are affected by the BSE to β†’

Supermarket marketing

When I walked into the supermarket the first thing I saw was a stand in the middle of a small-like room in which people get the kart to do their shopping. It also gives a better experience to the consumer as he walks in, since flowers are produce a sense of calm for many.) As β†’

Stereotypes through simple living

But would it be wrong to say that hip hop may have an effect on the way people look at African American men in our society. While watching an episode of the Tyra Banks show rerun an episode about stereotypes happened to be on where Tyra did an experiment where she put β†’

Mango juice marketting

Is potentially one of the largest consumer market in the world the soft drinks market is the one among the various markets in India. Survey: It refers to the questionnaire administered to the subject who is identified from the population with the help of probability or non-probability sampling. Questionnaire: It refers to β†’

Global consumer product

Since this was not pre-planned and the company is in a hurry to introduce their new product to the market, the recruitment and selection process was carried out within a very period of time. There were several major mistakes in theadvertisementthey repaper in order to publish on the newspaper. In the first week β†’

Dells marketing case, dillema

Question 3: According to Nations Product-Market expansion grid which strategy is applicable for Dell computer's offerings? Explain the strategy in your own words in the context of the case. By going for product development strategy, Dell would be issuing new, developed and modified versions of its products. By doing so, Dell β†’

Should women be allowed in combat

To start with, the skeletal system of the women is less dense and is more prone to fracture (Journal of the American College of Nutrition Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2011). The fear to be in the front-line of combat might drive women to get impregnated so as to avoid being in it, β†’

Work, energy, and power

It is because the displacement of the book from the top of the desk to the floor and the force that is applied to the book is parallel with one another. State the law of Conservation of Mechanical Energy in two ways? It is because the gain in speed of a machine is the result β†’

Safety regulations in the petroleum industry

Some of these safety standards are explained in the following paragraphs. The regulations governing occupational health and safety are industry specific those that apply to the petroleum industry are based on the fact that petroleum is flammable, inhalation of petroleum vapor is dangerous and harmful to health and for those who drill, exposure to natural β†’

Pinnacle manufacturing case

The following are furnished as background information: A summary of key information from the audit of the acquisition and payment cycle and accounts payable in the prior year, which was extracted from the previous audit firm's audit files A flowchart description of the accounting system and internal controls for the acquisition and payment β†’

Internship on hotel industry

No 11BBA0071, a Bonafide student of the VIT Business School, VIT University, Vellore, hereby declare that the Internship Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration of the VIT University, is my original work. Price: As Shveroys is a three star hotel price of the rooms are β†’

Squash buchi

It also contributes to the mineral density of the spinal column. Vitamin C aids in the production of collagen, which is essential for the building of bone mass, and magnesium is indispensible to thehealthof joints and bones. What is the direct material cost of the developed products? Hypothesis

Gender identity paper

The zygote contains 23 pairs of chromosomes; half from the producer of the sperm and half from the producer of the egg. The cells of females only have the X chromosome, the cells of males have X and Y chromosomes; this means the male is responsible for the sex of the zygote.

Research paper on ethics of behavioral analysis

Auton is the report that collects data and information from the parents of autistic children and the entire autism-ABA industry due to the unethical dissent. To defy the ethics of the autism and ABA community will necessitate the position that autistics should be regarded as human beings with human rights.

Privatized military industry

It is a potential because the mere presence of a PMC can deter aggressors from considering the use of force a viable course of action. Neither does there have to be an actual or potential military role; a PMC's involvement may as well be directed towards enhancing the recipient's military and security capabilities" Private β†’