Genuine Research Paper Examples

Modern technology has made our lives more complicated

The reader is oblivious to Susan's secret until it is revealed in her letter to Henchard. Susan's choice to leave her daughter in the dark allows Elizabeth Jane to enjoy an innocentchildhood, and she is blissfully unaware of her mother's troubles.

Research – factors influence public’s choice of car

Based on the above mentioned content, this research will focus on the decisive factors which will impact the public's final choice of car, especially in the Glasgow area due to investigations and studies in the field will be carried out and conducted in this city. This journal is relevant to the topic of this research, →

Omaha beach invasion

The area between the shingle bank and the bluffs was both wired and mined with the latter also scattered on the bluff slopes. By the end of the day the forces at Omaha were to have established a bridgehead five miles deep into the enemy territory.

Fall and injury prevention

The aim of the Fall Safety Bundle literature review on falls in healthcare settings, was to create an evidence-based fall safety for use by healthcare providers and as anacademicframework to increase healthcare provider's consciousness and knowledge for prevention of falls and fall-related injuries in healthcare settings. The traditional one on one walking rounds is not →

Strategic training and needs assessment

The company also aims that its employees contribute to the success of the firm and that they are continually learning by providing the needed training and development programs for the advance of knowledge and skills. The availability of its products and services in a wider geographic range is a strength that HP is intending to →

What issues were resolved by the compromise of 1850 who benefited more from its terms, the north or the south why

Why? Slavery became the most significant point of division between the Northern States, and those in the South and the Compromise of 1850 was intended to resolve this issue, and thus also other potential sources of potential conflict between North and South. The Southern States, represented in the feelings of John Calhoun, felt as if →

Conversation between mother and child

She did not adapt her language to match that of the child's, but she did allow the child to determine the direction of the conversation. The teacher did repeat the child's sentences and phrases.

School age observation

He likes to get a lot of attention and when he gets bored he turns his focus to other destructive matters, such as, throwing pencils up into the ceiling. When he is bored, he needs to find another activity to fill the void, and that activity will be something that distracts the teacher and his →

Stop thief!

This was my first trip to Canada and I was really enjoying the every cold chilli weather of the country. And I was really very eager to see my cousins for the first time.

Theories of pyramid creation

The first theory, the external ramp theory, Is based on the men pulling the large stone up a ramp that would Increase In height as the pyramid did." Historians speculate that the stones were dragged up inclined ramps made of compacted rubble bonded and made slippery theory is it is believed to be impossible for →


What proportion of the progeny will be expected to phenotypically resemble the first parent? ) Which of the following is the best statement of the use of the addition rule of probability? A) modification of the XIST gene so that it is active only on one X chromosome, which then becomes inactive B) activation of →

Following simple instructions

Note: If the victim was the superior noncommissioned or petty officer of the accused, add the following elements That the victim was the superior noncommissioned, or petty officer of the accused; and That the accused then knew that the person struck or assaulted was the accuser's superior non-commissioned, or petty officer. That the accused was →

Inner city neighborhoods

These harmless children are forced to grow up in around people who will not make the right decisions for them at a young age which causes them to mistakenly make the same decisions that their parents made. I am sure that spending the small amount of money, around ten dollars a group, for these activities →

Major abnormal behavior theories of psychology

From the pre-industrialized societies of the past that correlated abnormal behavior to evil spirits and supernatural and magical forces to be cast out by spiritual healers or magician with magical spells and holy ritualistic incantations, to the purveyors of modern day scientific medical and psychological treatments that include psychotherapy and genetically engineered medicines, human abnormal →

Pet sounds vs. rubber soul

I love you." I admire these lyrics because this man is trying his best to prove to this woman that he is really in love and he is going to do whatever it takes to get her to understand. But I liked the song " Would not it be nice" because it really shows a →

Eugene schueller

This was a great opportunity to the Oreal hair dyes to earn more money. Hair dying came to be because of many scientists but Eugene Schueller is the main one.

Is the nuclear family universal

Nuclear family consist a husband and wife and one or more children, own or adopted, it is defined by Murdock and according to him, he believed that the nuclear family is 'a universal social grouping.' Functionalist George Murdock suggested an idea of universality of the family as family is the basic and vital institution in →

Modern art : pablo picasso

The composition of the painting as an object consisting of several perspectives of the same object creates the peculiar angular form that is present in both " Girl with Mandolin" and " Les Demoiselles d'Avignon". At the same time, the later " Girl with Mandolin" is in a sense even ' more Cubist' as it →

Butterfly life cycle

It is no surprise that if the flowers grew longer, the butterflies would have to adapt their own body in order to reach the nectar. Also since it was a new area where these flowers were, it is no surprise that the butterflies had to adapt to a new flower.

Usability of a management strategy in the field of information technology project management

The implementation of information technology has the capability to enhance both efficiency and accountability in business operations. Moreover, information technology has the capability to solve complex problems through the use of proper business models and their simulations.

Recent events have made the patents value of question

Recent events have made the patents value of question in some Third World countries as there is an international movement to allow developing nations an exemption from world patent laws, but given the the nature of the product and the import regulations of most modernized countries, the patent protection is certainly worth having. However, the →

Investigating the aesthetical and functional qualities of contemporary chalet interiors

" Investigating the aesthetical and functional qualities of the modern-day chalet insides and their rise, from the low mountain hut beginnings" This essay is intended to thoroughly look into the insides of mountain chalets, chiefly comparing the current epicurean skiing chalets to the early mountain huts. When it comes to the insides of Swiss chalets →

J. pierpont morgan and andrew carnegie

Andrew Carnegie was born in Scotland in 1835 in the womb of a working classfamily. In the other side of the world, in Connecticut, America " J P Morgan was born into a prosperous mercantile-banking family in 1837".

Good research paper on cultural differences

Interpreting the descriptions for defining culture, the term can be regarded as a series of ideas that provides fundamental aid in standardising a society, and explains the behaviour of its followers. For the same reason where, the economists have described the potential to expand the economical status of one country, the financial gurus have also →

Prosthetic devices

A future advancement that is being researched and developed is the addition of a sense of touch that would be able to detect, and then relay to the brain the amount of pressure being applied. An alternative to relaying it to the brain is to have a small display or other indicator that shows the →

Brick wall

They never had a chance; Just to be born into the system and die in it too. It is disheartening to try and fathom how in this situation kids Just on the brink of just a wild impulsive action fueled by their own inner discontent, that will more than tater, with the youth of this →

First 48 vs. cold case files

First 48 focuses on the perpetrator of the crime, witnesses, the discovery of the bodies as it happens, and with real footage. They have interviews with the new detectives on the case that have solved the cases.

Bric countries

According to a thesis published by Goldman Sachs Investment Bank, the economy of these four countries is slowly improving and is likely to surpass the existing developed countries in the world by 2050. Among the BRIC countries, China and India have shown the most significant improvement in terms of their economy.

Practise what you preach

But it seems to be normal when a little child follows the ideas of a mother today, for example, and the other day he/she persuades everyone that a father says the truth, even though it contradicts a mother's truth which was actual a day before. If you have said something once, do not change your →

Beauty: wish and carla

Carla is the definition of beauty, and Bethany who is the opposite carries something Carla wishes she had: brains, personality, and a college degree. When Bethany has the power to change what she has and get what she has always wanted; the writer uses Carla to show that Bethany will be disappointed with the set →

Major differences between classical athens and han china

Major Differences Between Classical Athens and Han China Classical Athens and the Han Dynasty In China were two of the most famous and successful early clvlllzatlons. According to Pericles in Document D, Classical Athen's government was the best form of government because the administration of the government is in the hands of all the people, →

Life as we know it concept paper

When Messer and Holly were told they would become the parents of Sophie, Messer was looking for a way out. In the movie Messer and Holly argue about how they are responsible for Sophie, this is when Messer finally freaks out and says, " She's not my kid".

Jamaica national heroes

He believed in the teachings of the Bible, endorsing the principles of charity and endurance. The Morant Bay Rebellion and the resultant deaths of Bogle and Gordon precipitated the beginning of a new era in Jamaica's development.

Profitability & break-even point

At the moment we are in the bidding phase, which means that we are in negotiations with the customer, we have a bid team travelling in and out of London to talk to the customer, to have meetings with our subsidiary in London and to work on the bid document, which will be a synergy →

Complex and dynamic business world

The statement that planning should be abandoned in a complex and dynamic business world will be discussed in the following." A plan describes the chosen solution to a problem and lists what has to be done to achieve the goal". But the challenge for managers is to interpret and then implement the information into the →

The effects of alcohol on teenage

The Effects of Alcoholism teenagers Owing to its legality, alcohol is ubiquitous in many societies around the world and many individuals engage in alcohol consumption. Seeking to explore the ramifications of alcohol use and abuse teenagers within society, the following will analyze the negative ramifications of teenage alcohol use.

The concept of isa server

ISA Server 2006 also has the capability to schedule the download of web page updates for specific times of the day that record less traffic to ensure an optimal and less frustrating use of the internet. ISA Server 2006 may be further described as a firewall security product that was designed to publish web server →

The craft era

This system was European in origin and linked to the way in which skills were developed: the apprentice journeyman master progression, which led to the creation of guilds of skilled people who sought to control the supply of their speciality, and the consolidation of skill within a subsector of society. The system was massively successful →

Viewpoints of the great carajas project

The main two types of people involved in the Great Carajas Project are the CVRD and the Garimperos. They are annoyed with the government because they feel that they have the right to mine in the area as well.

Life span perspective

There have been a number of developmental theories that seek to explain the questions that we have related to human development. One of the most leading theories of human development is the psychoanalytic theory.

Revisiting the eclectic theory of the choice of international entry mode

Revisiting the Eclectic Theory of the Choice of International Entry Mode During the internationalization process of a company, the decision of entry mode to a particular market is determined by a set of different considerations. The first section is a brief literature review of the theoretical background behind the understanding of entry mode in the →

Customer satisfaction on plugin hybrid system

Part of the problem hybrid cars has had in gaining popularity can be found in the fact that this is too broad of a definition. Customer satisfaction helps to direct the direction in which these vehicles are developed and constructed in a reciprocal web of giving and take.

Environmental issue affecting population

The Compostela Valley is located in the Philippines. The first way that dominance contributes to this environmental situation is through the social inequalities that exist in the Philippines.

Improvement of equality in workplace

Unbeknownst to the students who were doing the estimating, the experimenters had matched the photographs so that for every photograph of a male student of a given height was a female student of the same height. The extent of the problem is seen in the results of a survey of 825 large firms, in which →

An ideal life

People use fraudulent methods, practices and techniques to amass wealth, but this is not the life the eternal force wanted us to live. Mahatma Gandhi is the perfect example for a person with an ideal life.

Tv representation of families and society – 1950s to present

Both the parents had a successful job, the children have morals and optimistic values, and the family is always positive and humorous. The children start to argue and disagree with many things, the father is still the only one working and still the man of the house.

Description and influence of stakeholders

The influence that they hold to the business is that if it was not for the patients there would be no NHS, and also if there were no patients or people getting ill or sick they would not have discovered any of the diseases that are around today, which means there would not be as →

Business research methods

If Kohl's were to open earlier data that would need to be collected would be all data from previous years such as overall revenue and also a breakdown of each hour that the store is open on Black Friday, by comparing this data to the test period of opening earlier the company can see if →

Determination of price

Sony laptop on the other hand is a branch of Sony that manufactures and sells laptops. This involves a technique of introducing a commodity in the market at a lower price that will eventually rise to a normal or targeted price.

Chick-fil-a restaurant chain

The company's official statement of corporate purpose is " to glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us and to have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Chick-fil-A". Chick-fil-A's attraction is their chicken sandwich, a " healthier" alternative to the hamburger.

Bassano’s last judgment

The painting, to me, appears in 3 sections: the central and most eye drawing section on top, the middle section, and the bottom section. As it appears, the top portion of the painting conveys salvation and Christ, while the middle section depicts the church and the people, so all that remains are those in redemption →

State-funded faith schools

On November 11th, 2007 during Prime Minister 's Questions, the authorities stated that sing instruction it " is committed to a diverse system of schools driven by parental demands and aspirations; that the Government does non hold marks for faith schools but remains committed to back uping the constitution of new schools by a scope →

Determining achievements in the choice of school

Also, not all public schools are the same and not all private schools are the same. It is as if they decided to write a brief for the proposition that society shift to the subsidization of private schools and away from the subsidization of public schools.

Web design and development practices

The Web design and development patterns, the reappraisal of the wed design and what are the engineerings we are used and the besides the reappraisal about the effectual web site design patterns, and the is the good pattern. The purpose of web design is to make a web site that presents content to the →

7 wonders of the world

SEQUENCE: * History * Seven Wonders of the Ancient World * New Seven Wonders of the World * Ongoing Seven wonders of the Nature * Recapitulation * Conclusion HISTORY: The origin of the idea of Seven Wonders of the World dates back to Herodotus and Callimachus, who made lists which included 7 famous place of →

Reaction paper: always

I thought the film was about the history of Japan or whatever but then as we arrived in the cinema and start watching the movie I got curious why it was like a comedy and a little bit drama kind of movie. The movie was set back on 1958 at the time of the construction →

Not all security experts agree about the value of biometrics. using the internet research the topic of biometrics. what are its advantages and disadvantages wh – math problem example

Source of information largely derived from Clarkson University Article entitled - US Biometrics Corporation to Conduct The First In Its Series of Biometrics Education Seminars to Universities and Colleges Across The United States rel.res1 Article entitled - Biometric Security Experts Not Convinced By Jacqui Smith Speech Today. Review and extracts on the book →

Salt: a world history

In the introduction of the book, Mark Kurlansky states how he bought a rock of salt in Cardona. He also includes a list from the book " One Hundred and One Uses for Diamond Crystal Salt", by the Diamond Crystal Salt Company of St.

How to sell with emotion

Related: You can provide a ton of arguments to convince the intellect of the advantage of making a certain choice, but unless you make readers feel that they have to have what you offer and that it will be worth any effort to get it, your sales letter will be worthless. It's that twinge of →

Main theme of invictus the movie

The sport of Rugby, and the Springboks in general were considered symbols and a constant reminder of apartheid to the blacks of South Africa. And most of all we see the nation of South Africa rallying as one.

Change for you, not for others

Bradbury's purpose is to promote the idea that a person should have the courage to listen to their own beliefs and thoughts ofhappinessrather than to blend in with society. In the end, Bradbury's style puts the reader through an emotional break through as they realize that relationships reflect who people are and who they want →

Politics in education

This is one of the reasons that " today, education is perhaps the most important function of state and local governments". In 1791, the 10th Amendment guaranteed rights to all citizens by stating " the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to →

Life sentence, cruel and unusual punishment?

According to the reports from the Equal Justice Initiatives, only 8 people in the world, all in the United States, are serving crimes they committed at 13. Putting a 13-year-old in jail and telling them they will be there for the rest of their lives is somewhat overwhelming.

The issue of territorial exspansion sparked considerable debate in the period 1800-1855.

Gregory Ortega Big bang Scientist around the world studies the stars and planets to learn more about the past or to learn how that and our planets are alike. One major theory from the scientist is that the universe was created by the mixture or gases and matter.

The brady act: inconsistent but served a purpose

At the same time, it also required the gun dealers in each of the state should begin conducting and submitting background check requirements on their prospective buyers to the authorities to aid the process of authenticating that buyer's capability and reliability in owning a gun. All of these prove that there is discrepancy and inconsistencies →

Psychosexual theory

The first stage is set at birth to 18 months, it is the oral stage, this area is based on the mouth and the need to eat to survive also coupled with the pleasure that follows through with taste, this is instigated by breasting feeding. Stage three is the phallic stage this is from ages →

Design house partnership

In effect, we design products jointly with specialist design houses that have a well-known brand, and offer them a complete service of manufacturing and distribution. Within a year of launching our first new range of kitchen homeware under the " Concept" brand name, we had over 3000 retail outlets signed up, provided with point-of-sale display →

Carter racing

This ensures that they have until the next season to resolve their engine failure issues and it gives them time to formulate a safer strategy. If they were to race and lose their options, the chances of recovering from that loss are very small.

Business etiquette: manners in today’s society

In addition to the traditional rules of conducts new areas of concern are emerging in regard to the behavior of both the employers and that of their employees. This implies that etiquette in business world needs to be upgraded because, good manners ensurehappiness, a sense of security and overall success in the business.

All about deep purple

But soon Curtis left the band with his brother but Blackmore and Lord were enthusiastic to carry on the band and so Curtis was replaced by Rod Evans on vocals and when Curtis left Booby Woodman left the band too based on the fact that it was the experimental situation they were going through so →

Development of a psyops plan

This plan is also utilized by intelligence groups and the main objective of the plan is to induce immediate response to the target group. There are limitations to the PYSOPS plan which has limited the delivery of the PYSOPS mission and objectives for instance there is a limitation of the funds required to pass information →

Ap european history frq: karl marx vs. adam smith

" Adam Smith's enormous authority resides, in the end, in the same property that we discover in Marx: not in any ideology, but in an effort to see the bottom of things. However, despite the disagreements, both Smith and Marx were correct to a certain extent.

Advertisements and female gender stereotypes

Thus it can be concluded that advertisements play a major role in the stereotyping of the women in this world. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 76, 7-20.

Lateralization of functions: left and right hemispheres

Corpous callousum is the structure that joints the two hemispheres so that the brain functions according to the Lashley principle of mass action, that is, it is the integrative functions of the two hemispheres that result in the coordinated activates of individuals, that is behavior. Lateralization of Functions: Left and Right Hemispheres Lateralization of brain →

The digital millennium copyright act

Since the said industries are in account for the upscale development in the economic activity of United States, the creation of the copyright law became as important as the emergence of these industries. The session was a month-long negotiation which concluded in the adoption of two treaties: the copyright treaty which is centered towards the →

Erythropoietin and athletes

It is released by the kidneys, and to a lesser extent the liver, and in very little quantities in the brain in response to a negative feedback. The physiological stimulus of erythropoietin production is hypoxia, or prolonged oxygen deficiency in body tissue, and in the majority of instances is related to the number of circulating →

Why history is important

History is important to us because it is the heritage that shaped the world we live in today. So, when history does repeat Itself, we have a better understanding on how to resolve it.

L1 languange acquisition theory

In a matter of a few decades of language some giant strides were taken, especially in the generative and cognitive model of language, in describing the nature of child language acquisition and the acquisition of particular languages, and in probing universal aspects of acquisition.3. He suggests that language acquisition is in the same order with →

The great awakening

Despite disagreeing to this next opinion, the " supposedly" ineffective relationship between the Great Awakening and the revolution is supported with heavy content. The newfound feeling of pride for God and country was a strong impact to America.

Beer production

Also the quality control measures being adopted to maintain the quality of the beer to international standards and the basic layout of the plant were also observed. Apart from brewing company expenditures on research and quality control designed to achieve the highest standards of uniformity and purity in the product, the production of beer is →

The drive to destroy enlightenment values

Out of revolutions at the latter part of the 18th century, a general atmosphere of Enlightenment clouded the countries of Europe. In the end, he became violent and indignant to the basic principles of civilization; the same thing Sigmund Freud said.

Night: judaism and nazis

The Almighty, the eternal and terrible Master of the universe, chose to be silent." The syntax Elie conveys demonstrates the hatred he feels for God and how God does not save the Jews from their morbid lives. How the Nazis began to transport all the Jews to the German camps were the commencement to the →

Sop for msc in electrical engineering

Department of E&C 2010 Lovely Institute of Technology, Phagwara 2 RF OPTIMIZATION AND PLANNING In the end o the end of October 2001, Cingular was the first to announce their switch to the 3G GSM network. 3 GSM-400 GSM-400 is the least popular of the bunch and is rarely used.

Mother in law

In the case of mothers-in-law, there is a desire to control and this affects the freedom of the younger ones. In this case it's easy for the mother in law to judge her incommunicative daughter in law as a careless and destructive person.

Fascism in venice

Christopher Hibbert, Venice: The Biography of a City, 317 [ 24 ]. Christopher Hibbert, Venice: The Biography of a City, 317 [ 26 ].

Colombo frozen yogurt locations

In the case of SG&A, the activity cost setup was " selling time" and the total cost was $1, 185, 000 of which $1, 173, 000 was assigned to Impulse Segment and $11, 850 was assigned to the Yogurt Shop segment. This cost allocation was based on that sales reps dedicated 99% of the time →

How the communicator’s dilemma made a ‘slack-lash’ inevitable

Slack is a powerfulcommunicationtool and one of the most celebrated tech companies of the past couple of years with 2. Where once the messaging platform was called, there is now chronicling the backlash, The Atlantic has and, of course, there is a hashtag to capture.

Baseball and softball

Both are played with a bat and ball; however, the bats, same in shape but not in ize, and balls, different in sizes and some times color, are as much alike as not. A softball is about the size of a grapefruit, twelve inches in circumference and is pitched in an arcing angle and much →

Seminar topic on mnc

2] [3] A subsidiary or daughter company[4] is a company that is completely or partly owned and wholly controlled by another company that owns more than half of the subsidiary's stock.[5][6] A corporation may choose to locate in a special economic zone, which is a geographical region that has economic and other laws that are →

A story drown by junot diaz

The pool is described in a way that is similar to the neighborhood where Diaz live, " The water feels good.while everything above me is loud and bright, everything below is whispers." this particular quote coincides with the fact that Diaz is trapped, but he would rather stay below than come up and see the →

Wolf lichen

Also Wolf Lichen is the most photographed lichen in Gar enslaved. Wolf Lichen is found on most of the trees that are dying or already dead.

First amendment rights-ingraham v. wright

S Constitution against cruel and unusual punishment did not apply to corporal punishment in the school system. Proponents of corporal punishment feel that it's a quick and immediate response to discipline and the students will be back in class learning again.

Mini ethnography on amish dinner instructor

The Amish have a strong sense of community spirit, and often come to the aid of those in need. The Amish are a religious group, they are sweet and full of God's spirit.

General electronic company

As a market leader in the manufacture and sale of different industrial and household goods, the company is tasked with the widerresponsibilityof ensuring that its actions are beneficial to the millions of stakeholders that relate to its products and production processes. The company was unethical for GE to challenge the law which was being enforced →


I refuse to let my disability to get the best of me, In school, volleyball, and my relationships with friends andfamily. I refuse to let my disability to get the best of me, in school, volleyball, and my relationships with friends some truth on that statement.

Human anatomy: test

A The Interventricular septum the heart prevents blood from flowing from the right to the left sides of the heart.A. C The space in the middle of the thoracic cavity where the heart resides is the: a) Abdominal cavity b) superior mediastinum c) pleural cavity d) mediastinum e) dorsal cavity Ans.