Genuine Research Paper Examples

Monetary and fiscal policies on recession

Monetary and Fiscal Policies on Recession Recession is a phase experienced by countries as a result of changes in the business cycle of the economy. The US government introduced combination of monetary and fiscal policies to solve the problems of decline in GPD, high rates of inflation and solving the problems of unemployment.

Kite runner by khaled hosseini

The physical geography of Afghanistan changed after the wars and the Taliban attacks. Another example of this was when the book mentions that the Taliban took over and massacred the Hazard's in 1998.

Treatment modalities for inmates research paper example

This is more complicated where inmates may have a mental or medical condition, such as those brought about by the use of addictive substances, and call for special treatment modalities in working towards reform and re-integration of the offender. It is in response to this that a number of modalities β†’

Myspace vs. facebook

Namespace has simple and " to he point" privacy settings as compared to Faceable. The user may choose to allow everyone to view his or her profile, or Just his or her friends. A major downfall regarding the Namespace site is its inability to limit the number of friends a user can have; β†’

The scarlet letter: themes alive today

Whether it be because of the old setting in the Puritan Massachusetts Bay Colony in Boston that we cannot relate to or the old English language in which it is written, Nathaniel Hawthorne just failed to create a novel that most teenagers of the early twenty-first century can enjoy and appreciate. It β†’

The death of a salesman by arthur miller – linda

Woods ENG 252 Sec 400 October 29, 2012 Linda A Pillar of Strength and Balance In theDeath of a Salesmanby Arthur Miller My question for discussion is what I think of Linda, the wife of Willie Lohman in the play " The Death of a Salesman". She is fighting to stay strong, guide and stay β†’

Unit 2 seminar big ideas in science

The usual known measurements such as barometers, thermometers and hygrometers are also used to measure the recent climate changes dating up to 200 years. 2. What are some of the challenges associated with collecting data over large periods of time ? It takes a lot of time and resources to collect the β†’

Han vs mauryan

The Indian Mauryan/Gupta Empire The Han Dynasty of China and the Mauryan/Gupta Empire of India in 206 B.C. On the other hand, the Han Dynasty relied on a highly structured system of classes. The most powerful was the emperor, the nobles and the military officers, who made up the first class.

The axis were motivated by expansionism

Italy was seeking their own expansionism due in large part also to the Treaty of Versailles that ended the First World War. Germany was the largest and most powerful of the Axis nations. Hismotivationto the people was not one of conquest but one of regaining what was rightfully theirs before the Treaty β†’

Monetary policy and the stock market in china

At the core of the above are the country's economic policies that have been devised using its Five Year Plans that include the use of deft monetary policies to control inflation, interest rates, and currency exchange. The low exchange rate of the Renminbi has helped to make Chinese exports more attractive and to ensure the β†’

Medical marijuana should be legal research paper examples

Medical marijuana faces a difficult path toward legalization, yet a growing number of doctors and citizens believe that it provides valuable medical benefits to patients and its status must be changed to allow it for medical use. Marijuana " comes from the leaves and flowering tops of the hemp plant, β†’

The influence of technology in human resource management

The advantages of these forms of training include convenience and the ability to control the pace of the instruction. With this explosion of connectivity and technology in the workplace, security is also a huge concern.

Facebook now lets you officially endorse a presidential candidate

You may already " like" a 2016 presidential candidate's page on Facebook, but the social network is now letting you go a step further by outright endorsing them to your friends. " Similar to how politicians, newspapers and organizations endorse candidates for elected office, this feature allows anyone on Facebook to do the same," Facebook's β†’

Popular culture research paper

Also, we will see what the negative effects are of the cultural influences on the formation of culture identity in children based on the new culture that spreads nowadays, which is the social networking site facebook. This study will explore some other negative effects on the young ones who are active in the social networking β†’

Journal on john steinbeck of mice and men

For example at the very beginning the name of the town Leonie and George were going through, Scolded, already makes the reader think that the place is connected with solitary, loneliness. These guys have a dream together, that Leonie likes to be repeated to him by George. That got him In trouble at β†’

Of mice and men relationships

The theme of the novel is of two men Steinbeck introduces the two characters, George and Lennie, in the opening section of the novel. One stayed behind the other', is the first indication that one take more of a lead in the relationship than the other, and more evidence to support this: ' β†’

Production possibility frontier

When an economy produces only two goods, the increase in production of one good will necessarily draw a decrease in production of the other, because the resources are limited. Production possibility frontier, in the form of a graph, defines how to use the resources efficiently to produce two goods. The choice can β†’

How did britain colonize nigeria?

Seizing power and gaining control, British successful established treaties with the chiefs of the Niger Delta, which ultimately allowed them to proclaim the central and eastern coast of Nigeria as protected land by the British, ultimately granting them power to control the oil in that area. This in turn led β†’

The turning point in novel “of mice and men”

Lennie's strength is one of his major positive attributes for his work ethic and workload around the ranch, but also a negative trait due to his mental handicap, which renders him unable to control his strength. This is portrayed through the mice and the small pup he kills. He realizes what he β†’

Examination paper: human resource management iibm institute

All of the above 7. Halo effect is the tendency to the judge all aspects of a _____________ a. Brief Description of the Problem: The performance of the Company has not been good and the records revealed the following facts: ? ? ? ? ?


I think if you do not like something, then do not do anything that has to do with it. InFahrenheit 451by Ray Bradbury he shows that censoring material causes people to become lazy and not think. When Faber is saying the book has pores, I think he saying since it has pores β†’

Why should marijuana be legalized

How deeply entrenched if Federalism in the Canadian constitutional order? In your answer, be certain to discuss the division of power between the federal and provincial government (look at section 33, section 1 for question #3) 5) In the Canadian Senate an anachronistic relic of a bygone age? In answering this question be β†’

The american dream in of mice and men

Obviously, the Founding Father's did not take the future's problems into consideration when making the Ideal dream for Americans. They were unaware of the hardships the discriminated would face, which made It hard to make the American dream more than Just a dream. Candy dreams to own his own piece of land.

Good example of marxist criticism of the kite runner and king lear research paper

Both of these works show the unsustainability and moral bankruptcy of these divided class systems, as the world of the Taliban allows unspeakable crimes to happen to Hassan and Amir's friends and family; at the same time, King Lear in the titular play is a power-mad member of the elite who finds his own life β†’

Frankenstein – the role of safie in the novel

Shelley merges many forms of writing- the memoir, the journal, the letter novel, the picaresque to produce themes as romantic myth making, the gothic project, contemprory history and politics and the discourse of gender. In the novel, one also witnesses two families working on opposite set of ideologies. Infact, it is the character of Safie, β†’

The scarlet letter: hester’s secrets cause harm

Dimmesdale was also hurt in many ways when she withheld the identity of the father of Pearl from the community, such as harming himself to deal with the fact he did not come forth at court. In fact, this very act also resulted in the harm of Chillingworth. She was right to β†’

The importance of human resource management

Human Resource Department links the management, the subordinates and all the individuals within the organization. Producing competent employees is a desirable outcome that this department wishes to do. A good hire enables the organization to develop proficient asset in the company in the future.

Big one

This took a toll on the political relationship in the middle of Britain and the American pilgrims in light of the fact that it prompt the Proclamation of 1763. The dialect in the appeal is unassuming as the originators concede to the ruler and vow their faithfulness. Moreover, in the event that they β†’

Reading and watching are totally different

I found out some differences of the story in the book compared with the movie. In the book, the author mentions about the taxes more than in the movie. One more different thing is the strand of gray hair is found in Homer's hand but not on the pillow as it is β†’

The shifting of imperial power

Therefore, it is due to these power changes and shifts from the traditional power structure of the McHugh Empire to that of a strict, Imperialistic British Empire, that resentment of foreign occupation by the Native peoples of India grew strong enough to warrant a rebellion on their part against the British occupiers in the mid-sass.

Good research paper about effects of layoff on survivors and organization

This essay seeks to explain the effects of layoff on the survivors and organization. Employees who retain their positions after layoffs experience increased stress. As asserted by Thomson , the savings an organization anticipates to attain through layoff are reduced by the decrease in the quality and productivity of employees. In summary, layoff is β†’

Obtaining approval and support research paper example

A significant number of studies promote the procedures for prevention of VAP in ICU patients. Fieder, Mitchell, and Bridges conducted a study of compliance in regards to the suggested policy change. The ventilator care bundle and its impact on ventilator- associated pneumonia: a review of the evidence.

Europian countries during world war i

However, the street celebrations that accompanied the British and French declaration of war gives historians the impression that the move was popular and politicians tend to go with the popular mood. Russia also had a huge army and with France on the west of Europe and Russia on the east, the amessage' β†’

Minimises stock levels

Sales turnover is themoneyvalue of the sale of the products by a business and cost of sales are the costs of production such as raw materials and wages that a directly involved in production. Increasing Price Increasing the price of a product will also increase the company's GPM by turnover increasing, but this also has β†’

Communication research methods worksheet essay sample

It is also important to know how to research the topic you wish to research. What are two qualitative research methods used in communications research? Orientation and values 5.

Good example of sewage disposal in america research paper

The sewage is then taken to a sewage treatment factory for treatment purposes. The sewer systems can be powered by gravity to enable the flow of sewage. The primary treatment is a stage that involves screening of the sewage, and allowing the sewage to sit in ponds so as to let the solids settle.

Example of research paper on patient falls

A Critique of the Research Article: Patient Falls: Association With Magnet Status and Nursing Unit Staffing. Patent falls during hospital stay is one of the patient outcomes that are contained in the nursing care performance outcome events utilized by the National Quality Forum. The Research article " Patient Falls: Association with Magnet Status and β†’

The lottery by shirley jackson

Jackson also shows this by telling the reader that it is a small community that murders one of its own members which shows the shocking and cruel nature achieved by humans. We can see this by looking at the start of the story when a group of boys play at the lake: " Bobby Martin β†’

Globally, what is the commercial and residential use and reliance on oil

After the Second World War, oil became a reliable source of domestic and commercial energy across the world. Oil has a wide range of applications in residential and commercial settings. 2% of total oil and oil products used in the U.S. The manufacture of electrodes and chemical products involves the use of petroleum coke as β†’

The story of an hour & a sorrowful woman

" A Sorrowful Woman" & " The Story of an Hour" The sadness and unhappiness displayed by both of the married women in " A Sorrowful Woman" and " The Story of an Hour" shows that marriage does not always bring the typical ending of most fairy tales. In both of these stories the women β†’

Delayed gratification

This is what everyone should do so they can obtain what they want in the future, by working their hardest now. In the year 2010, young adults are having trouble grasping the idea of delayed gratification and if they do not know what delayed gratification is they get into problems that many β†’

Example of research paper on federal marijuana policy

This paper looks at the past, current, and future of federal marijuana policy and how formal organization such as federal and state government, political parties, healthcare, professionals, voters, and interest groups, such as the Marijuana Policy Project have influenced the policy. Actions by the key formal political actors The formal political actors β†’


Everyone in the family had to play his or her own part and had a specific role or purpose to fulfill in order to be a successful family. Whether you were the head of the family, a wife, or a daughter or son, everyone had their own role and duties to execute. β†’

Facebook to stop ethnicity-based targeting for some ads

Facebook Inc.said on Friday it would stop advertisers from using its ethnicity-based ad-targeting feature on some ads, following criticism that advertisers could misuse the tool. The feature, intended to help advertisers reach ethnic groups with relevant ads, has come under fire from politicians andcivil rightsleaders for allowing advertisers to exclude users from seeing ads β†’

Foreign exchange performance of national bank limited, khulna brance

Foreign exchange department of commercial banks facilitates the import and export of a country and thus develops the international trade. Primary data have been collected through discussions with the officers of the foreign exchange department of the bank.

Effects of black carbon on artic ice

Nevertheless, an increase in black carbon emission will pose tremendous threats to the Arctic and to the environment. One, a large amount of finances and resources will be needed to maintain the ice levels in Arctic.

Loneliness in of mice and men

Do not matter no difference who the guy is, longs he with you. I tell ya a guy gets too lonely an' he gets sick." This shows that he desperately needs a friend to talk to and he's at the point where he is becoming emotionally sick of it. It's just in β†’

Contemporary social issues as portrayed in othello research paper examples

In the full title of his tragedy, Othello, The Moor of Venice, Shakespeare announces the place of origin and race of the titular character. This prejudice and the notions of their savagery rendered them an abhorred race of villains. The title character is a noble Moor who commands a Venetian army in Cyprus, a β†’

Good pit bulls are a misunderstood breed research paper example

Today, the dog breed that is widely feared and alleged to be dangerous is the pit bull. The pit bull is actually an umbrella term that encompasses dogs of a certain appearance. The pit bull's physical stature and its dangerous reputation are commonly cited by supporters of dog breed bans as evidence of the need β†’

Samuel de champlain

Champlain became a famous explorer and is known because he founded Quebec and a lot of Canada, which was New France at the time. While he was there he realized this land could be colonized and used in favor of France.

Research paper on factory labour and slavery perspective and prejudice

According to this case, the women had been treated as factory laborers and slavery prevailed in this era. The industrial revolution which attracted a lot of women to go and work in the textile factories started in 1820 in the New England and ended in the year 1850. In Lowell mills, the free wages compared β†’

Open medical marijuana delivery service full

No physician can authorize them to cultivate more (they can only testify in court that a certain amount of marijuana is consistent with the individual patient's needs, and they do not have professional competence to prescribe plant numbers). Resource: To find a California Physician you can go to: 3| Page Chapter β†’

Marijuana tax act

The reason for this is that the ratio of cannabinoids2 necessary for intoxication is 40, 000: 1 while that for alcohol is generally between 4: 1 and 10: 1.As such marijuana is one of the least toxic substances and would have to be consumed in physically impossible quantities to prove fatal. As for thehealtheffects of β†’

Belgian banks

In Belgium National Bank of Belgium plays the role of central bank. The National Bank of Belgium is Central bank of Belgium since 1850. When the banks or financial institutions provide credits to the enterprises, it causes risks on the outstanding of the credit outstanding.

Facebook’s whatsapp adds secure video calling amid privacy concerns

One of the world's most popular means ofcommunication, Facebook's WhatsApp, is adding fully encrypted video calling to its messaging app on Monday, a move that comes as privacy advocates worry about the potential for stepped-up government surveillance under a Trump administration. WhatsApp, which boasts more than a billion users worldwide, adopted end-to-end encryption early β†’

Jessica’s silence within the merchant of venice

Shylock is characterized as a villainous type of character within the play, partly because of being a Jew and partly because of his rude and mean exterior. Within the subplot of Jessica and Shylock's relationship, it is clearly visable by Shylock's treatment of his daughter that she has become resentful of not β†’

Outline of kite runner

Kite Runner The purpose of this research paper : I want to highlight the effect of the readers of the novel about Taliban and to have another thought about Afghanistan. The oppression of the Russian colonizer against Afghanistan and the people.* The theme of Diaspora ; it tackles the life of the main characters β†’

Research paper on human resource management

Job guides for each position are listed below. Position: School Principal Job Description: - Direct reports to the School Superintendent - In charge of all school personnel and is in charge of defining the roles and responsibilities of said school personnel as well as fostering their professional growth - β†’

Research paper on the case for marijuana legalization

They claim that gang use and crime would increase as a result of the legalization of marijuana, and that youth would abuse it to a debilitating degree. Also, the demand for marijuana is much greater than anticipated by many; nearly 46% of people in a 2010 Gallup poll stated that they would like marijuana to β†’

Are inmates reformed while in prison research paper

In addition to this the punishments should be in accordance to the crimes committed. The penal system should purpose to offer an equal justice for law offenders so that the pay for their wrongdoings to the system and to come closer practically to repeating their criminal activities. Reform, in this context, refers to the rehabilitation β†’

Japans lost decade (what parallels can we draw from japans situation to that of the us economy, in terms of the causes of prolonged stagnation as well as the relative effectiveness of different policies)

Proper analysis of the state of the economy of Japan before the fall reveals that it experienced extra ordinary investment growth coupled with asset price bubble. Figure 1 From the graph, it is clear that the economy of Japan stagnated for a long time during the " Lost Decade" When the recession hit Japan, β†’

A rose for emily & the lottery

The point of view used by William Faulkner in " A Rose for Emily" is in 1st person narration where the narrator is the observer of the protagonist. In Shirley Jackson's " The Lottery" she uses 3rd person point of view in which the narrator is not involved in the story. Like β†’

Dante s daughter

Dante, her father, also a white Gulf supporter, went to Rome on " business" to see Pope Boniface VIII, when the black Gulfs take over the CIA TTY, the Aligner family knew that they had to escape the city in fear that they would all be killed by ca use of Dent's political standing and β†’

Research paper on effect of strict immigration policies on california agriculture

The unavailability of labor will increase the risk of production causing farmers to either limit the amount they grow or abandon the production altogether. Strict immigration policies in California will increase the wage rates in the agricultural sector. The wealth of California farmers will continue to increase with an increase of illegal immigrants in the β†’

Research paper on the ministers black veil a parable by nathaniel hawthorne

He may have only been planning to wear the veil for a short period, but after experiencing the effect the veil had on others, he decided to keep wearing it. All the characters' reactions in the story were based on the symbol unless they became familiar with the seeing the minister wearing the veil.

Why the illegalization of marijuana was a corrupt decision

However, some of the actual reasons that marijuana was wrongly banned includeracism, protection of corporate profits, and corrupt legislators along with illegitimate widespread fear among citizens of the United States. Throughout the 20th century racism towards Hipics, Negroes, and even Mormons greatly influenced the negative outlook on the use of marijuana. In β†’

Illegal immigration, good or bad?

The ranchers and farmers along the border prospered from the influx of cheap labor and they did everything in their power to keep illegal aliens from being deported Today, however, we find thatimmigrationis not seen as a positive for our country, but rather it is unquestionably considered a problem today in America.

Political risk in venezuela

The political climate in Venezuela is very unsettled, this is because of the course of action the president decides to take. This is mainly because of the bureaucracy involved exchanging the currency, which is governed by the Central Bank of Venezuela and the National Exchange Control Administration.

Elizabeth bishop’s poetry

In her poems she takes the ordinary and turns it into the extraordinary. Bishop makes a clear statement in the opening line of the poem, " I caught a tremendous fish". The adjective tremendous is very effective, I feel.

New recession worry: bank fails

During the regular hearing on the state of the baking industry, it was reported that the mentioned 76 banks were likely to be a smaller part of the overall problem which inflicts banking sector. Of course, smaller banks are at higher risk to fail, not the global ones.

Mid term exam

Therefore the rise in price of chicken will lead to a rise in the demand of beef leading to an outward shift of the quantity demanded. b. Price elasticity of supply also is a determination of the level of responsiveness of the quantity supplied to movements in price. 6.

Does a sensitive issue of black peoples discrimination still sour human relations

In particular, the author lays emphasis not only on the possibility of such a fact, but on the perception of each other by black and white people and the difficulties through which they come forced by men's prejudices and misunderstanding of key living concepts. Another aspect of black people's treatment is desire to maintain contacts β†’

The novel frankenstein written in 1831 by mary shelley

The thematic elements concur in their references to the unknown and to the unwanted and melancholic results of knowledge that lies beyond a certain threshold of life. The monster created by Victor Frankenstein, as well as Frankenstein himself, enter the dreamlike and unknown territory of Lethe warned against by Keats, and in return find out β†’

A rose for emily (1930) by william faulkner

It is difficult to capture the feeling of the selection because the story is in five parts and the end of the story is captured in the beginning. He is the servant of Emily.

Learning v/s cramming

Cramming is the practice of working intensively to absorb large amounts of informational material in short amount of time. Cramming is strongly discouraged by educators because the hurried coverage of material tends to result in poor long-term retention of material.

Human resource management (hrm)

The strategy in relation to HRM can be split into two terms strategy as a plan and strategy as a system of management. Strategy as a plan is when an organisation uses there strategy as a way of interacting with the competitiveenvironment. A business would have to look at the environment it is in before β†’

Anaysis of the yellow wallpaper by charlotte perkins gilman

As she describes the bedroom, which she says must have been a nursery for young children, she points out that the paper is torn off the wall in spots, there are scratches and gouges in the floor, and the furniture is heavy and fixed in place. Just as she begins to see β†’

Alignment of hrm and business strategies research paper

I would have the HR analyze their resource base and any areas found wanting will be addressed through training and development. I would ensure that the human capital in the Marriott is effectively aligned with the organizations strategy and objectives. To align their strategy with that of the business they β†’

The marvelous meaning of the scarlet letter

Despite the fact that Hester was able to defy the town in that small way, the townspeople saw a different meaning of the scarlet letter. The town used Hester and the scarlet A to strike fear into their children, to warn them against the sin of adultery. The letter cloaked Hester Prynne.

Pagan and christian symbols in beowulf

Rather, the monks writing the work interjected some Christian ideas in order to try and sell Christianity to the people that were familiar with the tale. The pagan and Christian ideas are perfectly laced together to introduce some of the ideas of Christianity to a pagan people. The monks who wrote down β†’

Fname lname research paper sample

Security also dictates that re-locatable power taps should not take the place of the normal electrical wiring and must pass through ceilings, walls or windows. The National Electrical Code has the sole purpose of safeguarding people and property from hazards resulting from the use of electricity. The NFPA 99 code provided by the National Fire β†’

Local laborers 310 union research paper sample

Labor unions have the obligation of protecting the rights and privileges of workers working in the private and public sectors. It has stood test of time and embrace reforms in its operation. Local laborers 310 unions background information and history Local laborers 310 unions operate as a subset of β†’

Accuracy of historical films

Len the creation of a film many historical Inaccuracies occur as seen In the film Gladiator. This film Instead of being a historical recreation of the Roman culture and gladiatorial games tends to embody the idea of certain characters and events. Historical films are merely a form of entertainment that is used to β†’

Good example of research paper on free labor market and talent differences

The main task completed by the labor markets is to determine the wage as a result of the negotiation between the workers and the employees. It might be possible that the market creates a wage/productivity schedule, and every worker receives a wage equals to his or her marginal contribution to the production. Even though the β†’

Of mice and men empathy task

I lost Lennie as well, he was someone to talk to and I hope he finds the damn rabbits he always wanted, in fact; he was the one that told me about the dream in the first place. She was responsible, i wanted to kill her, but she was already dead!! I β†’

Example of medical marijuana and legalization research paper

' Medical Marijuana' is the term used to contrast the use of marijuana as a pharmaceutical to the recreational use of marijuana; it is marijuana which is used as a pharmaceutical. The hypothesis is that legalizing medical marijuana offers many advantages that make a federal change in the categorization of marijuana a necessity. States Rights β†’

Chronology in β€˜a rose for emily’

He does it superbly by avoiding a proper chronological order. Faulkner skillfully put the story up to demonstrate the indefinable and intangible character of time. He says that " A chronology of ' A Rose for Emily' is useful for at least two reasons: it makes the β†’

Managing the risks of multinational operations

ANS: True. If hedging currency risk is to add value to the stakeholders of the firm, then hedging must impact either expected future cash flows or the cost of capital or both. Hedging policy can decrease the variability of firm value and can thus reduce the risk of debt and the required return charged by β†’

Research paper on human resource

I had taken the help of the HR department to coordinate with the whole process of selection and to support me in proving my successor to be an asset for the organization. The evaluation of the job and the corresponding employee with respect to the job is studied.

Credit creation

The money supply is considered an important instrument for controlling inflation by those economists who say that growth in money supply will only lead to inflation if money demand is stable. In order to control the money supply, regulators have to decide which particular measure of the money supply to target. The M1 is a β†’

Mary shelly by victor frankenstein

However, Victor is immediately repulsed, stating, "...the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart." His life had become so consumed on bringing it to life, that he did not take the time to think of the consequences of his actions or his creation. Here, Shelley seems β†’

Research – whether human sciences are considered real sciences

The argument is that the natural sciences take a different approach to results and have a strong dependence on the observer. This is due to the fact, that in some cases human sciences have to take into account concepts, which are hard to measure like peppiness or love. Likewise, the background knowledge and β†’

Free research paper about chilean copper mine collapse

It is important to identify the roles and the needs of the audience so that the message delivered can attain its intention. Different Roles and the People in the Audience The main audience in this scenario of Chilean Mine incident is the families of miners and colleagues. The rescue team is in the process β†’

Example of research paper on documentation portfolio

The time has come for the workers in these small businesses to be made aware of the OHS rules and regulations. " Occupational health should aim at: the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental and social well-being of workers in all occupations; the prevention amongst workers of departures β†’

Of mice and men: an unexpected connection

The superiority of Curley's wife's qualities to those of Lennie later contributes to their tragic end. Both Lennie and Curley's wife have to constantly create physical connections in their lives, but each for a different reason. Knowing that they have the ability to satisfy each other's needs, Lennie and Curley's wife are in a very β†’

Language usage in huckleberry finn

From this I concluded that Jim is most probably uneducated, I do think that he's not stupid though because up to this point In the book Mark Twain have showed how Jim uses his logic, for instance when Jim was arguing about Solomon, we can clearly see how he used his logic in criticizing the β†’