Genuine Research Paper Examples

The columbian exchange

The Columbian Exchange is one of the most significant results of the Age of Exploration and the First Global Age. The " Columbian Exchange" a phrase coined by historian Alfred Crosby describes the interchange of plants, animals, and diseases between the Old World and the Americas following Columbus's arrival in the Caribbean in 1492.

Stigma in retirement

2 ) An employee may be retired before the age of 60 if he/she is found to be enduring from a chronic medical status, or is for good handicapped and, as a consequence, is unable to to the full or decently dispatch the undertakings, responsibilities and duties of his/her occupation, or comply with the footings →

Laban movement

Spatial Intent is a clarity and specificity of outer destination in movement that has the effect of promoting and organizing inner connectivity" For example, to execute a movement with a heavy intent such as stomping your feet on the ground, thinking of a heavy mass or emotion will allow that stomping to be perceived as →

Psychology and the media

I searched the internet for news on psychology, I chose the internet because it is the easiest news source to access and probably the most popular. A lot of the time the word psychology is mentioned in the title of the subject and never mentioned again afterwards.

Bass pro shops hooks cabela’s in $5.5 billion deal

Reuters reported on Sunday that a consortium of Bass Pro Shops, Goldman Sachs Group Inc.'s private equity arm and Capital One Financial Corp.was in the lead to buy the company. Springfield, Missouri-based Bass Pro Shops has long been in the running to acquire Cabela's.J.P.

Steryotypes of teenagers

How are reader's going to have a balanced view of the situation, when this is how you set the article up? I can understand why he is thinking like this because he did not have a very happy ending of the encounter with the teens but common who needs all of the aggression?

Karl marx and old major

Karl Marx believed that the policies of the government should be controlled by the lowest working class rather than the upper middle class." The first step on the path to the workers' revolution is the elevation of the proletariat to the position of ruling class." As the animals was the labor community of the farm →

Dbq protestant reformation

The Protestant Reformation had political and social impacts in Europe by promoting the idea of religious freedom, increasing the power of monarchs, and spreading of the idea ofequality. One of the effects of the Protestant Reformation was the promotion of religious freedom.

Sumo wrestling

The objective of a sumo bout, however, is not to injure the Opponent, but to simply eject the other man from the arena, or cause some part of the body other than his feet - or even a fingertip - to touch the floor. The heavier the wrestler, the lower his center of gravity, and →

What aspects of your life would you most like to keep and why

The first and most important of aspect of my life which every person needs to have, for a secure and happy way of life isfamily; and our ability to rely upon our family to always love and care for us. I use the internet in all aspects of my life and it comes to use →

Samoan culture

In Samoa these tattoos are given to the chief of the family and he is the one who is fully tattooed. In Samoa, eating is a large part of the traditional culture.

What are the microfinance services?

The aim of this study is to establish the extent to which the Microfinance Sector in Uganda have adopted and complied with International Financial Reporting Standards and to ascertain the differences between the resulting financial statements and reports in comparison to IFRS. The objective of this study is to examine the accounting standards adopted by →

Effect of paradigms on research methods

The use of the Interpretivist paradigm influences every aspect of this research from how the topic is viewed, the purpose, how the research problem is presented, the collection of materials, how the data is analysed and displayed as well as the ethical considerations of the research. Ultimately, it is important to emphasise that the way →

Using population-based data on alcohol consumption and related harms to estimate the relative need for alcohol services in victoria, australia

The paper focused on the isolation of the data, evaluation, and presentation of the findings in a manner that address the articulated to the work. Sampling The identification of the data to be utilized in the development of the work focused on the areas centralized by the identified sources.

Cholesterol research paper

Bad cholesterol is considered when too much cholesterol circulates in the blood, it slowly builds up in the inner walls of the arteries which feeds the brain and heart. There are two types of lipoprotein one of them is the Low-Density Lipoproteins which are known as the bad cholesterol that a physician will advise you →

Suicide bombers: psychopaths or not?

According to herfamily, her suicide mission was in revenge for the killing of her brother and her fiance by the Israeli security forces and in revenge for all the crimes Israel had perpetrated in the West Bank by killing Palestinians and confiscating their lands. Further evidence that suicide bombers are responding to humiliation is found →

Silver fiddle

An alternate means of mitigating this risk is to identify a secondary set of subcontractors who are not in the local area and likely to be available during the forecasted time.* The next risk we identified was the possibility of not meeting the five month deadline for completion. We also assigned an impact factor of →

Dbq: the black plague

Over all, the human devastation revealed a growth over time in government role and the role of the educated class in serving society, while uncovering a persistent criticism of the upper classes and the common people. The areas that were the most susceptible to the plague where those with the most famine.

Who was to blame for the cuban missile crissis

S had part of this crisis as they overreacted to the fact that the U.S.S. R is also to blame as they were taking advantage of the fact that Cuba was close to the U.S.

What must be done to protect new zealand’s wildlife

In New Zealand we are facing challenges of our own when it comes to protecting and conserving our native species. And this needs collective effort from each and every one of us to protect our native species-the government, NGOs and my essay I will be emphasising on what we can do as individuals to →

Indigenous peoples of the americas

Learning Outcomes This course will provide students with a basic understanding of the history of the Caribbean, especially from the late nineteenth century to the present. Students will gather and assess differing Interpretations about significant events In Caribbean history, such as the demise of the Indigenous population, the Orleans of slavery, the Students will also →

Congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis: a miracle or a curse?

People with the inability to feel pain have the disease called Congenital Insensitivity to Pain with Anhidrosis. It is impossible to determine the number of CIPA patients, as there is quite a discrepancy in the statistics.

Annihilation of caste

The accompanying pages contain the text of that address.[4:] The public will be curious to know what led to the cancellation of my appointment as the President of the Conference. I was then convinced that in getting the address printed in Lahore, the main object of the Mandal was not to savemoneybut to get at →

What is the role of hedge funds in the financial market

With the freedom to nvest wherever the managers believe they can perform better than the market, hedge funds broaden the use of investment strategies, increasing the number of investors, and enlarging the capital pools available and strengthening capital markets. Hedge funds have many different benefits such as diversification, flexibility and liquidity, but to the larger →

Cyber monday & giving tuesday – deep discount extended 48 hours left!

The break over this past weekend provided us a collective pause from our busy norms to focus on the " whys" rather than the " whats" of life to be thankful for what we have, and consider sharing our blessings with others. If you want to make the most of the sale, kindly reply to →

Leadership and the economic crisis

It is a recognizable fact that the banks, among other players, have had a very important role to play in the proliferation of the current economic crisis. As a matter of fact, there has been a lot of doubt as to whether these leaders have the necessary authority in as far as this process is →

Possible prize

This could lead to Solero spending extra in the short term on the market research and to a certain extent the time taken to 'control and review' the objective which could have cost them sales in comparison to if a marketing campaign had gone out straight after the objective was made. But in the long-term →

America and the world in the years to come

Sustainable energy strategies are essential at this point if there has to be a security in energy supply for America and the world in the years to come. The needs for energy and power in the time come forecasted to keep growing America and all developed and developing nations need now more than ever before →

The art of choosing well by pierre wolff

Interestingly, the bible is rife with accounts and teachings how important discernment is to the people of God. The action of the apostles of continuing what Jesus told them to do was discernment in itself; discernment in action, that is." Discernment can be defined to be the calling on the Holy Spirit to lead or →

Modern latin america

Though this book starts with the opening line that indicates the birth of ancient civilization by mentioning " When Europeans reached present-day Latin America they found three important civilizations: Mayan, Aztec, and Incan", it soon came to the focal point of the book that is the influence and impact of globalization and neo liberalism on →

Waiting for godot plot overview

" Waiting For Godot" is a play by Samuel Beckett in which the two main characters Vladimir and Estragon wait for Godot. Samuel Beckett's play " Waiting For Godot" is a product of the Absurdist movement.

U.s. federal government expansion

UNIT 1 Individual Project Everything that happened in the U.S.federal government expansion of authority between the beginning of the U.S. This act enforced the right to the people of the United States to vote in the several States.

Philosophy: overview

Philosophyof Teaching Philosophy is described as " one of the various established or traditional way of looking at the world that have been defined and indentified by those who practice the discipline whether in the academy or not." With any profession there are responsibilities that come with thecareer, in my chosen career path there are →

Teachers participation in educational innovation and research groups

Research programs allow the teachers to investigate the issues of their interest and then incorporate the outcomes of their research in their future teaching practice. It implies that the participation of the teachers in the educational research programs provides certain important benefits to the students, teachers, schools, educational institutions, and the entire teaching community.

Developmental psychology: sexual transmitted disease

It is important that women be aware of the harmful effects of STDs and know how to protect themselves and their children against infection. It should only be applied to an infant whose death is sudden and unexpected and remains unexplained after the performance of an adequate postmortem investigation including: autopsy; 2.nvestigation of the →

Light and dark shading in 17th century art

The use of light and dark shading during the Baroque artistic movement during the seventeenth century was how the artist caught the eye of the observer and brought emphasis to certain areas of the painting. Most of the picture is dark and the clothing and upper torso of the body is so dark that only →

Sociology syllabus

Exams and Assignments Exams: There will be a total of three exams: two exams will be worth 100 points each and the final exam will be worth 120 points. Please be advised that the order of the exam questions will vary for each student.

Research paper on job analysis worksheet and paper

The list of tasks allows anyone to find out the necessary abilities, knowledge and skills an individual should possess in order to qualify for the job. P, & Schultz, S.E.

Interpreting research questions using manova

The paper explores variables, level of measurements of the variables, number of analyzed variables, and a summary of research questions and findings in the articles. The set of independent variables consists of the types of care services as offered by the care facilities that were involved in the research.

Cross-functional teams

If the members of the team tend to cease functioning because of some problems inside the organization, then the team or the organization little by little will cease also to function. Leadership, intense cooperation and an open communication from all the team members in the all the areas of the hospital organization is expected since →

The contribution of natural sciences

There is one method that fits well with sense perception in Natural Sciences, and that method is the Scientific method; a method of procedure that has characterized natural science. Before I serve supper, I need to make sure the result of the supper made is and looks right and I need to use my senses →

The story is dated and juvenile

He was a poor farm boy from North Carolina, and now that he is in the major leagues and playing in the outfield for a famous and well-loved team he thinks only of how it will profit him. In a move that is so predicable that it seems right out of Hollywood, his team makes →

Law code of hammurabi

The Code of Hammurabi being one of the first written laws and regulations to the laws and regulations we live by today. Also, the purpose of both of these laws is to protect and bring justice to the people to whom the rules will apply.

Soul surfer reaction paper

She found her shelter and that was in Gods arms, she realized that there is still hope and that you should not give up in a dream that you already have. It was shown through their moral support and how they show how they care, love and support her in a way that assures Bethany →

Survey of software systems

Evaluate the risks of the projects to upgrade the reservation systems of WestJet and JetBlue and key risk factors. In this situation in particular, one of the major concerns for these companies was that the information system updates would cause defects in the system and also that the time that it would take to upgrade →

Research methology essay sample

A survey was administered to a selected sample from a specific population. The term ' survey' is commonly applied to a research methodology designed to collect data from a specific population, or a sample from that population, and typically utilizes a questionnaire or an interview as the survey instrument.

Employer-sponsored retirement plans

In the second question, analysis established that there is a violation of Equity Pay Act on policy-capturing. Compliance and Compromise: The Jurisprudence of Gender Pay Equity.

The promise of entrepreneurship as a field of research

The study of entrepreneurship must involve two phenomena, the presence of lucrative opportunities and the presence of enterprising individuals. Therefore, the field involves the study of sources of opportunities, the processes of discovery, evaluation and exploitation of opportunities and the set of individuals, who discover, evaluate and exploit them.

Ap euro calendar dbq

Explain the reasons for the adoption of a new calendar in revolutionary France and analyze reactions to it in the period 1789 to 1806. This shows that the new calendar was more secular because of the decrease in the amount of religious holidays.

Doma ruling

The Supreme Court has righted that wrong, and our country is better off for it," I think that this ruling will affect our country in the future. I personally agree with this ruling and think that couples in same sex marriages should have the same benefits as couples that are not.

Poverty: most serious problem in the whole world

Latent dysfunction of the poverty is that it will only enlarge the gap between the rich and he poor. In this case, the scarce resource ismoney, The struggling groups of poverty are the " have onto", and these " haves", rich people, gain a lot more power in this case.

Attitudes about witchcraft

To be a witch, one had to sign a pact with the devil, often to worship him, which was heresy and meant damnation. To be a witch, one had to sign a pact with The Mallets Maleficent, written by Kramer and Springer, was one of the most influential books used by secular witch-hunting courts.

Reliable and trustworthy of the website and online

The purpose of this is in tended for the audience and the general readers, students or the consumers reading levels and graphics on page. Bias is about the information who is responsible for the website content and where the website is produced and publication and recent updates and last updated material.


Nando's are not change the recipe to prepare the peri-peri chiken while the peri-peri chicken is introduce to different countries because they want the consumer to enjoy a traditional Afro-Portugnese styled eating experi-perience and knowing thecultureof their food at Nando's. They are intended that everyone can enjoy wonderful food and service in the restaurant In →

What are the factors associated with online purchases

Purpose of the study The major purpose of this undertaking was to obtain the factors that affect the behavior of people with respect to online purchases and to give a deeper insight into the whole picture. The study was intended to give recommendations on the on the ways to improve the behavior of people and →

Generalizing information

Statistics are dangerously convincing because of their ability to associate information with patterns and shapes, allowing the viewer to simplify and visually compare and contrast on the information given. These statistics help bring awareness to the reality of China's population crisis to the world and the urgency to implement the one child perfamilyrule.

The notion of self-concept

For teachers and parents, the establishment of a strong academic self-concept should be the first priority over the promotion of the longevity of academic achievement. However, the REM merging the two models and claimed that earlier academic achievement affects later academic self-concept, and in the same vein, prior academic self-concept affects subsequent academic achievement.

4 ways small businesses can survive the slower months

And do not just prepare for the worst: Use the slow seasons to your advantage. So keep your chin up, plan for the worst and hope for the best.

The tragedy of a man

It is also an act of great contempt that is needed to give a man the strength to destroy himself completely and blind him to all the protestations of his body. The scrivener's act of refusing to vouch for the copy would be parallel to the rejection of the accuracy of exchange.

Discuss the reasons for, and consequences of social and economic groupings of nations.

The reason as to which countries want to form these alliances with other countries is as they want to stimulate their economic growth via various methods, such as: making trade between the countries easier, thus increasing profits, allowing the free movement of labour and capital, and sharing knowledge thus allowing all members of the group →

Problem in diastereoselectivity

Record the IR spectrum and compare it to the spectrum of the starting benzoin, noting the absence of the carbonyl-stretching band. Record the mp and IR of your product.

Limit pricing and oligopolies

The competitive outcome of the market however is not astonishing at all since only the price is used by the firm. Both in the classic and dynamic limit pricing, the market power of the established firms are restricted due to the potential competition.

The lion, the witch and the wardrobe

S Lewis wrote the novel The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe initially for his Goddaughter in order to keep her in touch with Christianity. As much as the readers enjoy the magical land of Narnia, 21st century life is not exactly full of Dryads, Naiads and Fauns frolicking and feasting in the summer woods.

Which allied power contributed the most in ww2

That is approximately half of a million people the United States lost in the war. That is also another half of million people the United Kingdom lost in the world together that makes a million.

Adolescent rites of passage

Central Idea: Adolescent rites of passage have marked the passage of children into adulthood around the world, and elements of those rituals are being used in modern American society. Transition)To begin, let's look at some of the different rites of passage from around the world that show traditional coming-of-age ceremonies in other cultures that are →

The nightingale pledge: past, present and possible future research paper samples

The Nightingale Pledge: Past, Present and Possible Future Florence Nightingale is the most famous nurse in the history of the nursing profession. It perhaps was inevitable that a Nurse's Pledge, written in 1893 by a Detriot committee of the Farrand Training School for Nurses, would be named the Nightingale Pledge:" I solemnly pledge myself before →

Operating system

Application software - Application software is a piece of software that enhances the users' experience and helps them achieve a goal or complete work. Enterprise software - Enterprise software also known as enterprise application software, is software intended to solve an enterprise problem rather than a departmental problem, and often written using an Enterprise Software →

The day the cowboys quit

His opinion is respected by John's actions because he views it in a way in which that what John Brown did was right. Robert's background has impacted his view on John Brown in a way that he believed Brown was responsible for his criminal- like actions.

Marijuana legalization: an annotated bibiliography

The polls show that in most of them polls, half of the pollsters believe that it should be left up to the states that have legalized marijuana to decide the laws. Summary: In this article, the writer addresses the issue of what exactly would be legal when it comes to the future of marijuana.

The alcatel lucent merger

In 2001, Alcatel of France, the communications equipment maker in Paris, and Lucent Technologies, the U.S.telecommunications giant, began negotiations for a merger of the two companies. THE ALCATEL-LUCENT MERGER!

Cultural enlightenment

I thought fondly back to my first weeks in the church choir as I was growing up. The music continues to live through this choir, and I know that their witness has inspired me.


Since there were an increasing number of people going to Scrofula to use the sand dunes, the council, state and commonwealth had the act quick to save the sand dunes. Dune Reverberation has been used in the Scrofula/Wanda area for the management of sand dunes because it removes weeds and harmful materials which may affect →

If it happened today, would the stephen lawrence case be policed differently?

The study traces the problems in the case to a lack of understanding of racism and poor skills at an institutional level within the police. Kindly include the name of the essay and order number in your email.

Technical analysis in relation to a security or index of currency

The technical analysis is crucial to traders because it offers information on the price movement in the market that make safer for traders to invest in the market. According to Luca, despite the significant of the volume in the market, it is only used in equities and futures and not for the foreign exchanges of →

Jane eyre research

This passion between the two lovers mirrors God's Word in the way that both " Rebekah at the Well," and the steamy story of Jane and Rochester are both beginnings; the start of a long collection of religious stories and the start of love. This overflow of water relates to " Noah's Ark" in how →

Economic association

Export promotion is enhanced by giving facilities and less paper work to the exporters, whereas Import substitution is achieved by subsidizing the production of the indigenous product.5. Export promotion: Export promotion is one of the widely used methods to improve balance of trade and bring foreign currency in the country.

Contemporary society

A critical thinker needs to be able to understand the validity and truth behind a writers work, understand the importance of ethics and moral reasoning, and understand the advantages of informationaltechnology. Reading the information that the National Institute on Drug Abuse has written it is easy to see that the information is not bias and →

Workforce education

Abstract An adult education philosophy, or philosophical orientation, is the categorization of an individual's beliefs, values, and attitudes toward adult education and what the purpose and outcome of adult education should be. The traits of thebehaviorist teacherare close to those of the liberal, in that the behaviorist " manages" the learning process and directs learning.

Baroque agead

One of the main similarities is that both songs give the listener a haunting, sorrowful, distressed and sad feeling. Although one song is expressing the sorrow of a loved one's death and the other is expressing the tragedy of one's fate; they both put off a sad vibe.

Royal wedding media coverage

The Royal wedding in 2011 Many PR specialists define the Royal Wedding of Kate Middleton and prince William as the PR event of the year. It has set the beginning of the reputation building of this newfamily.

Rene castellani

In 1965, Rene Castellani was working as a radio promotions manager on his show " The Dizzy Dialer" in New Westminster, and slowly killing his wife, Esther Castellani, by poisoning her with arsenic. She and Rene Castellani had been having an affair from approximately the fall 1964 to the spring of 1966.

Online presence

Design of the site: The next strategy that we will use to ensure the search optimization for our site is to take a close look at the actual design of the site. We will have some PDF of our contracts and other information for our customers to look at and download from the site.

Employee training and development

The union of organizational support and the application of training can lead to optimal transfer of training. The ability to transfer the concepts and skills acquired in training is the ultimate transfer of training goal.

Unusual festivals in spain

On the night before the tomato fight, participants of the festival compete in a paella cooking contest. The signal for the beginning of the fight is firing of water cannons, and the chaos begins.

Dietary supplement

The benefit of taking dietary supplements is that they are designed to augment your daily intake of nutrients. The risk of taking dietary supplements is that some contain active ingredients that have strong biological effects in the body.

The life and survival made by the nile

The resource that helped structure the Ancient Egypt through that time was the Nile River. Due to people wishing the Nile will be with them forever and everybody worshiping it, the Nile resided deeply in Egypt's religion.

Running water’s effect on roman society

Most of the information on the aqueducts in ancient Rome comes from Sextus Julius Frontius, the water commissioner in the 1st century A.D. The aqueduct system began at the source: a spring or river that looked to be suitable for the citizens of Rome, and ran at a slight decrease in altitude to the walls →

It’s a wonderful life

Frank Capra's 1946 film It's a Wonderful Life is considered one of the sentimental favorites of our time and a staple of the Christmas television season. Because of its place in the collective consciousness, It's a Wonderful Life definitely deserves a mention in the Top 25.

A.a. milne

Milne rather focused on the joys of childhood and teaching kids, and adults, the key to a happy future through his themes. A Milne, through his writing, inspired countless authors and raised the canon to what is now, modern children's literature.

How did tolstoy have such a fascinating insight to every level of society?

Leo Tolstoy, -a Russian novelist, a social and moral philosopher and one of the greatest writers of all time- lived during the period of realism. Tolstoy continued to work with his serfs and convinced his friends and other people around him to try and better the life of the work force.

Spark’s message in a bottle intro

Procedure The researchers, with the procedure of making this study, analyzed first the novel they are to use. The making of a thesis comes next together with the formulation of questions they are to answer in this study.

5 ways to turn a crazy idea into an awesome reality

Related: With all the focus on growing Bitty, it's a wonder Megan has been able to maintain her sanity. Megan's vision is to make sustainable insect protein a substantial part of the food supply, and in so doing, help solve some of the biggest ecological challenges we face.

Annual day function

Prayer can be a form of religious practice, may be either individual or communal and take place in public or in private. When language is used, prayer may take the form of a hymn, incantation, formal creed, or a spontaneous utterance in the praying person.

Confucianism in chinese business culture

Nowadays, as a citizen in this modern civilization we can never hide away from the impact of china in the global economy, based on a personal point of view thesuperpowerof China today has always maintain the samephilosophy, culture and tradition as they have always have which could that back the most ancient of times, none →