Genuine Research Paper Examples

Anatomy and physiology comprehensive final

His increased heart rate started when the cardioacceleratory center in the Medulla oblongata sent impulses down the spinal cord to the preganglia and ganglionic neurons of the Cervical and T1-T3 spinal cord segments, then the cardiac and pulmonary plexuses, which then leads to the heart and increases the rate at which it pumps. Movement of →

Outline for a longer for career/vocational counseling

The key problems that the client needs to address are 1) the depressive stage of her mind that demands medication and might be hampering her work involvement and efficiency, 2) her job dissatisfaction, and 2) her inability to decide what she wants from life. Follow up Activities A) What follow up activity will you do →

Startup biopipe’s biological pipes aim to promote sustainable water treatment

At a time when the term innovation has come to be closely linked with business propositions oftechnologystartups, the Turkish entrepreneurs behind startup Biopipe want to set an example that there is scope to innovate and make an impact in too.a patented, and one-of-its-kind wastewater treatment system, is " inspired by nature," and treats wastewater biologically →

Tax treatments for individual returns

Themoneythat Spouse A contributes to his Keogh retirement plan is not an adjustment to gross income because it is not one of the specified types of retirement plans that are able to be used as an adjustment. The family will get a child tax credit for each of the two children under 17.

Prime minister margaret thatcher

Clay for the portrait head of Margaret Thatcher, June 2005 " This historic commission is a very fitting way to remember Margaret Thatcher's time in the House of Commons and I am very pleased to welcome the statue joining those of the other Prime Ministers of the 20th Century in Members' Lobby.Rt.Hon. Above and right →

Jules cheret

It was because of his patronage of this genre and the painters associated with it; for the promotion of whom he published his book entitled Masters of the Poster; that he began to be known as the ' father of the Belle Epoque poster'. Thus giving out a short teaser through the design of the →

Current events in business research/351wk1

Running Head: essay Current Events in Business Research of the of the of the The Business Research Process Business research is an integral part of conducting a business as it seeks to suggest solutions to routine problems and aid business sustenance. The Steps in a Business Research Process.

Finance manager

Fiscal Policy in Kenya: Looking Toward the Medium-to Long-Term By Kamau Thugge, Peter S Heller, and Jane Kiringai[1] Executive Summary Kenya's authorities, in articulating their vision for the next two decades of Kenya's development, understood clearly that fiscal policy would need to play a critical role in influencing the pace at which the economy will →

Product identification

In taking the business global identification policies are needed due to the magnitude and complexity of promoting organic products. Kudler foods can use a slogan, the trademark, the brand name, and trade character to identify the organic products.

Tree plantation

The first and foremost thing we get from trees is oxygen. We get our majorfoodproduction from trees we get our clothing material from trees.

The history and colonization of libya and it’sindependence

The Libyans disliked the Carthaginians due to the fact that the rulers stipulated that the Libyans have to give up to half of their crops each season and how the Carthaginians " sacrificed their own first-born children to their implacable gods". Among the invaders, the Vandals made the first serious effort to settle in some →

The doping dilemma

According to Shermer, the only thing to be done is to dope. While Shermer asserts that the third reason for the success of doping is the incentive behind it, he provides multiple concrete ideas to shift the incentive back to competing in compliance.

A study of traumatic life events in link with obsessive-compulsive disorder

Running head: Effect of Traumatic Life Events on OCD A Study of Traumatic Life Events in Link with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder A Study of Traumatic Life Events in Link with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Obsessive-compulsive disorder, OCD, as defined by the National Institute of MentalHealthis ananxietydisorder that is distinguished by persistent, unwanted thoughts and/or compulsions. Of the four →


The reader should have a firm belief that the Creator of the universe is the source of all knowledge and the study of Quran can provide him guidance. TAFSSER: In the Name of Allah: The first ayah of the Surah Al-Fatihah is: In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

Musharraf era: pakistan flourishes

Of the 184 member countries of the IMF, Pakistan's rate of economic growth 7% is one of the best in the world. The census jointly conducted by the Ministry of Education, the Academy of Educational Planning and Management and the Federal Bureau of Statistics reveals that the number of private-sector institutions has increased from 36, →

Event planning and management

The start of the planning will be the most fun and most stressful time as the company will need to look into the budgeting and participation of the event. The eagerness of the pharmacists, their customers, and guests, the flow of the traffic of the event, the environment, the food, the entertainment, and the gifts.

British political issue

Assess the impact of the media on the course and outcomes of a contemporary British political issue. However, the impartiality of the information depends on the fair-mindedness of journalists and the editorial policy.

What are the customer expectations?

The first part refers to the competitiveness of the financial services sector and the importance of organisations recognizing the influences of the external environment and how the developments in these influences can have a substantial impact on organisational success. The second part gives the theoretical framework of business external environment and contextual environment, and especially →

Critiquing prior decisions made unit 2

Apple's success in terms of its unique product design and functionality is evidence that the management team was able to hire the right people and use the right resources. Among the areas that need improvements in Apple are the transparency of plans to the stakeholders, and the hierarchical organizational structure that is not clear to →

Comparing floods

5 metre rise in the river water level; this was a major contribution to the flooding as well as the poor preparation of the towns flood defences. The floods in both Carlisle and Bangladesh caused a lot of problems for both areas.

Zen garden

In this essay I will discuss a brief history of the role of nature in Buddhism, explain why the stones and gravel in the Zen Garden are so important and describe, in detail, the finest Zen Garden example that is Ryoanji Dry Garden in Japan. 1983, The art of Zen gardens: a guide to their →

Bowling ethnography

I learned that there are different types of bowling balls made to help you throw the ball a certain way. This is a money game played by the men bowlers only that corresponds to how well you are playing.

Julian assange: hero or terrorist

Well, that is what the current battle between our government and Julian Assange is about." Credentials" of speaker: I have been following the developing story of Julian Assange for the last 3 years. Julian Assange believes that we have the right to know about the lies and secret dealings going on by our government.

Essential journal one

According to the " nursing graduates with a liberal education exercises clinical judgment, understanding the reasoning behind policies and standards, andrespectresponsibilityfor continued development of self and the discipline of nursing". Essential II Example Being able to differentiate between a good leader and a good manager, and learning what it takes to be both are some →

Major international sporting events in asian nations: olympic effects on tourism

Major international sporting events, particularly the Olympics, resulted in major improvements in sports venues and facilities, public infrastructure, transportation, and creation of new and modern public facilities in Asian nations. The Tokyo 1964 Olympic Games, for instance, led to the construction of sports venues and hotels, as well as supporting communication, manufacturing, and transportation systems.

Business research method

3-28 Exercise 3 - The manager of the ABC Company observes that the morale of employees in her company is low. She thinks that if the working conditions, pay scales, and the vacation benefits of the employees are bettered, the morale will improve.

How can we overcome the limitations of financial statements?

In order to minimize or overcome the short-comings of financial statements investors, accountants, CFOs have all developed different analytical tools and techniques. This gives the investors, creditors, and other external users of financial statements more of an idea of what the firm is about and where it may be standing in a couple of years →

Monitoring e-mail and internet usage on workplace

And the receiver can then take the information sent to them and resend it others without the permission or even knowledge of who in turn will receive it and what they will do with it. There are privacy issues here for both sides, and it can create problems if the wrong information is given.

Fixed and variable costs

It is important to be able to determine the fixed and variable costs occurring in the company in order to budget the resources of the company as well as to offer the right marketing cost of the product. In both the cellular phone industry and the pharmaceutical industry, the main factor that contributes to the →

Outlining an ia for ib economics

However, in the long run this is not going to be very beneficial for the consumers due that they might be near to face a scarcity and the retail prices are going to increase which will then lead too rationing of goods. Evaluate the solution mentioned in the article or suggest one What are the →

Madura garments background

The brand offers a variety of choices with the availability of its various collections in all the stores, to keep satisfying the needs of its growing customers. For the purposes of this project, we have identified issues in the channel that are associated with changes in the marketingenvironment, most typically in the case of a →


Introduce the priority direction highlighting the significance for Australian children and youth You could: Discuss what Is social and emotional wellbeing and what are the benefits or outcomes of emotional and social wellbeing for children and youth. In this section you can discuss the factors that influence the statistics and health outcomes you have raised →

Legal research paper for wills trusts and estates essay sample

In the Matter of Ferrara, it was not George's intent to leave his assets to his family members. He stated, in his will, that he wanted all of his assets to go to the Salvation Army when he died.

Communism vs. fascism

Soviet communism and German fascism are, in fact, very unlike each other, but they affected the people of the Soviet Union and Germany in many similar ways. Soviet communism and German fascism are very contrastable, but they affected the people of the Soviet Union and Germany in many similar ways.

Education and best teacher

It's the story of a rabbit who was very confident that he was going to win in the race against the turtle and he Just sleep until he notice that the turtle is in the finish line and won.C. When I was in third year high school, I was a honor student I receive a →

Differences between piaget & vygotsky’s

Both Piaget and Vygotsky contributed information of great magnitude to studies of the learning and thinking abilities of children, however they offered different hypotheses in order to reach their research conclusions. In relation to brain development, Piaget's stages of intellectual development can be correlated with some of the foremost periods of brain growth in young →

Importance of financial statements

It presents the revenues and expenses and shows the resulting profit or loss of the company. It gives the stakeholders a picture of the company's investments, splits assets into fixed and current assets and shows the borrowing and lending.

Unit 051

First to build relationships, it's important for the staff and the parent to build relationships but also the staff and the child. Communication is important for staff too, being able to talk to others in the work place will give you more support and you can share ideas and information.

Waived consent in perinatal/neonatal research—when is it appropriate?

Informed consent is a process ensuring that subjects enrolled in research, or in the case of newborns their parents or guardians, are appropriately informed of the risks and benefits of the research. The problem, as brought to light in the discussions of the SUPPORT trial, is how one defines and ultimately presents the risks →

Big brother is watching you:the orwellian state and surveillance in the present research paper sample

However, dystopian literature owes a large debt to a single, important work that may be considered a modern classic, among the likes of Catcher in the Rye and The Old Man and the Sea. As always, the heart of the matter in discussions regarding dystopia is the relation of the individual with the state.

Emotional and physical symptoms of depression during pregnancy and different ways of treatment

Cases of pregnant mothers suffering from depression and stress are likely to reduce in the events of increased awareness of the contributing factors of stress and the necessary measures to curb them. Cases of pregnant mothers suffering from depression and stress are likely to reduce in the events of increased awareness on the contributing factors →

How the world was made

The animals were anxious to go down, they asked the birds to check if it was not too wet and they said that it was still wet. As for the trees, it was the ceder, pine, spruce, holly and the laurel who were given to be always green and to be greatest for medicine.

Components of production and operations management

Productivity is a measure of the efficiency of the system and looks at the economies achieved during the processes. These sensors are sensitive to touch and force to ' know' that the material is to be held with the requisite pressure for the conduct of operations.

Week chapter questions

Listed below are seven ways in which supply management has an impact on firm's sales: Faster to Market: Bottom line - The faster you can introduce a new product or service to the market, the larger market share you will encompass. In the early 1 sass, the introduction of computers made it considerably more accessible, →

Products liability research paper

The driver directed to the management that the Lexus had accelerated behold his control when the pedals were stuck in the mat The Toyota Company agreed to settle the sudden acceleration of the lawsuit in the year 2010. It is the expectation of many that such a well-established company provides and presents quality products to →

Basic counseling

The family members, especially the mother did not wan to go out anymore to socialize and came to the point of just lying down in the bed and doing nothing. She can go back to work and provide the needs of her family.

Homo sapiens’ origin is not africa: looking into evidences of man’s true origin

The two said that most interpretations of early and recent findings pointed that the earliest " human" tools found in the Asian continent are usually attributed to Homo erectus.H.ergaster is an African species assumed by many scientists as both the progenitor of Homo erectus and the only primate capable of migrating out of Africa. The →

The history of caklempong

Caklempong is now being taught at institutions across the country with a view to inculcate the spirit of love of traditional music in Malaysia THE MUSIC OF CAKLEMPONG Caklempong is included in the group Idiofon that is in the category of musical instruments made of metal, wood, bamboo and coconut shells. When a piece is →

Communication technology and it’s positive effect on american lives

Communication Technology and it's Positive Effect on American Lives According to Horrigan, forty nine percent of Americans intensively use technology and are satisfied with the developments it has made in terms of communication. Communication technology- whether it be cellular phones, Internet, video Calls or any other form has left its mark to enhance the existing →

Leading group challenges

The goal is what the organization is working to reach in the future. In a criminal justice organization, leadership is the most important part of the organization reaching their goal.

A multi-national state

Another method to maintain peace in a multinational state is the secession or the withdrawal of a nation within the state. The problem however, is that division of these nations would take them back to scratch, wherein they would have to work on becoming an individual nation.

My thoughts about travelling

I want to see what our differences are, and what our similarities are as well. Hence, to be honest, I just realized that's what I want to achieve of all this time, finding my true self.

The strong culture perspective

In lieu with the companies of this research it can be said that both Gap Inc and PacSun Inc has a strong organizational culture. It can be said that the leaders of the Gap has been able to initiate strong culture by letting the employees have a common goal and share common values which enable →

Assess the view that conscience need not always be obeyed

" Asses the view that the conscience need not always be obeyed" Conscience is the inner conviction that something is right or wrong. Aquinas saw the conscience as the natural ability of a rationalhuman beingto understand the difference between right and wrong, and to apply the most basic moral principles to particular situations.

Trail of ghenus khan

This Mongol warrior brought forth the fact that they did indeed give the civilizations a chance to surrender to the Mongols. The Mongol warrior also helped us when the other prosecuting attorneys tried to ask him questions that were related to warfare, Instead of being elated to the main question, " Is Mr.

Socrates understanding

The next definition, ' Piety is that which is lived of the gods,' is shipwrecked on a refined distinction between the state and the act, corresponding respectively to the adjective and the participle, or rather perhaps to the participle and the verb. The third and last definition, ' Piety is a part of justice' and →

To what extent does globalisation economically

Therefore, this essay will contend that the growth provided by globalization in developing countries is short-term; in the long-term, the huge capital flows, the exploitation of labor and the depletion of resources will create an imbalance in global order which will benefit neither developing, nor developed countries. Globalization is also a process to industrialize and →

Concentration ratios and the herfindahl-hirshman index (hhi)

Market concentration can be defined as the accumulated market shares of companies that will display the scope of how much of the supply of the product is held by the largest business entities. This concentration ratio as the portion of the output of one industry that is sold by the four largest companies in that →

A closer look into the boxer rebellion

This was because when the Chinese were brought under the rule of the Manchus, it was the Manchus and not the Chinese who assimilated themselves to the culture and society of Chinese to the point that if one would compare a Manchu and a Chinese side-by-side, only subtle differences can be viewed between them. One →

Issues facing prison service

I consider the major challenges facing the prison service over the next 5 years, are preventing the introduction of drugs into prisons and managing prisoners with drug problems. The prison service has the difficult task of allowing prisoners' access to their families in decent humane surroundings, whilst at the same time preventing the introduction of →

Dante club

Holmes, who examines the body for the police, recognizes the correlation between the murder and the punishments seen in Dante's Inferno. Members of the Dante Club, a group of poets translating The Divine Comedy from Italian into English, notice the parallels between the murders and the punishments detailed in Dante's Inferno.

To what extent have uk prime ministers to become ‘presidential’?

One example of the growing tendency of the UK Prime Minister's to be more ' Presidential' is how the growth of spatialleadershiphas become more prevalent in recent years. Also, the Prime Minister's power is linked to the backing of the so-called ' unsackable' ministers in Cabinet.

Causation and effectuation theory

In Economics, the effectuation process is the alternative to the causation process. This opens up the notion of risk, which is essential to the effectuation theory.

Tlmt quiz

Question 11 of 16 Which of the following is not one of the typical questions to ask prior to inviting a supplier into the design process as presented in the book? A. Answer Key: A Question 12 of 16 Which of the following is not associated with the development phase of the design process? A.

Motivation expectancy value theory

Vansteenkiste, Lens, Witte, and Feather in their journal wrote that expectancy value theory is a cognitive-motivational theory that relates to an individual's level or strength of motivation. Individual differences come up in the extent to which a student perceives the utility of schoolwork to being a channel that is used to enact, academic and the →

Aubade poem

He begin to describe his emotional feelings on paper, thinking about the time that he will be the next one laying in the grave, he is fearing death. Philip begin with all the negatively, what he does every single day and the fear he has inside of him, death.

Nanotechnology: newest technological wonder

Mirkin, C.A.use nano-flares in their research to study the structures of RNA in living cells. D, Prigodich, A.E.and.

Beauty and beast

In explicating the things that happen in the story, the author uses different literary tools to make the story electrifying while giving the readers an outlook that contrasts the inner beauty with the outer one. From the statement, it is apparent that the life has taken a different twist for the family and it has →

Plastic bottles, skin pack

In India, the fastest growing packaging segments are laminates and flexible packaging, especially PET and woven sacks. There are about 600-700 packaging machinery manufacturers, 95% of which are in the small and medium sector located all over India.

Understanding research philosophy and its importance

The meaning might sound rather profound, however, the author further explained that the basic meaning of the definition is precisely the exact thing every researcher is doing when he or she is conducting a research and that is the will to develop knowledge in a particular field. The first reason the author added is that →

Research paper online free

In Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, love surges from the relationships of Darcy and Elizabeth, Bingley and Jane, Wickham and Lydia, and Mr. The first relationship that emerges in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice that proves that all relationships are different is the realistic love affair of Darcy and Elizabeth because they have to fight →

Export promotion vs import substitution

A number of methods are adopted by the countries today to improve their economic conditions and bring a balance of trade to positive levels. Export promotion and Import substitution are both working as a handsome tool to improve the balance of trade and achieving economic self dependence.

Corporate finance in europe

The research paper also mentions that the investment appraisal methods used in the public sector are more or less of the same type as in both the sectors the end result is the same, which is, getting the most return from the project and fulfilling the interest of shareholders to the maximum. Also researches show →

Effects of migration into cities

Since all the citizens are settled in abroad and the income they earn is of no use to the country, the country's economic status lowers as compared to other countries. The major disadvantage of moving to a new city is the loss of attachment to the native place and their neighbours.

On the necessity of rationalism

In the process of considering the various means of justification, a relativistic conception of reality assumes that the truth and hence the validity of a statement may only be assessed in relation to the perspective of the discipline which holds a particular belief. If such is the case, it is necessary to conceive of the →

St. augustine’s confessions

Thus, Augustine's birth symbolizes the creation in the first of book of the Bible, in the book of Genesis. The story of Augustine's infancy can be related to the story of Adam and Eve in the Old Testament.

Tourism: brazil’s location

With half of South America's land and one-third of the population of all Latin Americans, Brazil is a land of the marvelous, transcendent and the tragic. The place of tourism in the economic life of Brazil Although Brazil is not a tourism-dependent nation, tourism indicates one of the most vital areas for the successful Brazilian →

Oil and conflict research paper sample

The reason for this difference is that despite the existence of the conflicts in countries with oil resources, the intensity of these conflicts in regions such as the Middle East is more pronounced or is higher because of the difference in the abundance of oil resources. Some of the political factors which influence the conflicts →

Lightwave thechnology

Hence, in this round of financing, the company should position itself as manufacturing the technology of the future and advertise the benefits of the technology. They could also make presentation to various governments about the energy saving properties of LED and convince them to use this technology in their municipalities.

Week one journal

I know there is much in store to learn and I plan to take full advantage of the ideas to help me succeed. When I put myself together to go out because I want to look presentable to others, I am giving them the message that I care about how I look because I want →

History of biomaterials

A leaflet in heart valve must flex 60 timer per minutes without tearing for the life time of a patient 0 Bulk physical properties: The dialysis membrane has a specified permeability, the reticular cup of the hip Joint has a lubricity, and the intraocular lens has clarity and refraction requirements 13 Absorbability 0 Absorbability is →

A research on faith-based charity organizations

The author of this article seeks to show how contracts between the government and faith based organization regarding charity grants awarded to the organization by the government are viewed by the court. It summarizes the number of grants that were awarded to faith based organizations during the year 2005.


The worms relied on the ground for shelter and the plant for oxygen. For example, one of the three worms had died because it got stuck between the plant and the side of the bottle.

Day of triffids

Chapter 3: The Grouping City Bill goes on the street and encounter a blind man, and then he see a young blind man with a child and a blind woman trying to get somefoodfrom a store. He see a group of blind people is control by a sighted man, and he tries to stop the →

Classical sociology

A fight that each time ended, either in a revolutionary re-constitution of society at large or in the common ruin of the contending classes"." The emphasis on conflict in Marx's theory of social revolution highlights the key role of social classes, and the struggle between classes with different and opposed interests" Modern industrial society is →

Science: a curse or a blessing

First, let us see how man has used science for his good so that it has become a blessing for is science that has provided modern man the life of ease, leisure and pleasure. It has brought within reach of the common man comforts and luxuries which were available in the past only to →

Edgar a. poe

I have gathered from the biography excerpt renamed " Poe's Final Days" by Kenneth Silverman, the article " Poe's Death is Rewritten as Case of Rabies, Not Telltale Alcohol", with the letter to the editor in response published in the New York Times, that Edgar Allen Poe died of symptoms of alcoholism, that escalated fromstress. →

Abraham and sarah

The development of Abraham and Sarah, through the story of their lives, not only demonstrates the power and emotions of God and the maturation of their relationship with God, but also the maturation of themselves and their faith in God. When Abraham is ninety-nine years old, God comes to him with a covenant to make →

Livy and polybius on the life of hannibal from carthage

Livy moved to Rome at the age of 30 and after a brief stint writing and teachingphilosophybegan a large scale documentation on the history of the Roman empire. In book 21 of his ancient writings Livy shows positive perspectives on Hannibal declaring him the commander and chief of the Carthaginians and a soldier who led →

Explain externalities and public gods

With the aid of examples explain the terms: i) Externality ii) Public Good Externality Externalities, or transaction spillovers, arise when a third party who is not involved in the consumption of a product incur certain costs and benefits that are not compensated for by the generators of those externalities. In Economics, the MSC is defined →

Sultan abdul samad building

The original plan of the building from Norman was adapting the Classical English Rennaisance concept. It was built in 1897 and was named after the reigning sultan of Selangor at the time.

Vending machines

In School Vending Machines Thesis Statement: By looking at studies of in-school vending machines you can see that they are becoming a true problem. School lunches are down and vending machines are up.1.

The single life

Finally I made the decision that if a relationship would cause me not to maintain my focus and career goal that is was not for me at that time. Base on the information presented in my paper I have concluded that being single is conducive to the hectic lifestyle of a young, working college student.