Genuine Research Paper Examples

Philosophy statement

I also understand that each child learns differently, and not every child is the same, and it's my job as a teacher to accommodate them to the best of my ability and create an environment where children feel comfortable to ask questions or voice their opinions. I believe this will be a very positive attribute β†’

Independence day

If we are to ask American citizens, " What is the most terrible crime of all? " would we be surprised if most of them immediately relate to the 9/11 tragedy and chooseterrorismas the answer? After the Second World War, A review of eight convictions of treason has made the Supreme Court established four elements β†’

Perceptual errors effects

This is an error in perception when a person tends to base somebody's judgement depending on the first impression of that person. I think the best way to reduce such an error in an organisation would be to observe the person in question over a period of time, unbiasedly, and then form an opinion about β†’


Hanukkah is an eight day Jewish holiday commemorating the rededication of the holy temple in Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean revolt of the second century BCE. The Hanukkah menorah is, strictly speaking, a nine-branched candelabrum lit during the eight-day holiday of Hanukkah, as opposed to the seven-branched menorah used in the ancient Temple β†’

An utopian society

In a socialist society, everyone is taken care of, given a job, and the government handles the " business end" of things. The opportunity is there for you to achieve in a capitalistic society.

Biology exam question list

Classify the the phosphorylation of a substrate by ATP as either endergonic or exergonic.phosphorlyation is exergonic because the electrons in ADP and the Pi have so much less PE than they did in the ATP.phospholyation is the addition of a phosphate group to s adds negative charge to a protein the electrons in the β†’

Innovative product

In the current market, there is no similar product that has the function like DualBottle and this innovative product will bring in another level of convenience to the consumers in the market. Though our new innovative product, DualBottle can reheat and re-chill the drinks; however, the existing of the products can only help to maintain β†’

Editorial: new trends in vascular inflammation research: from biology to therapy

Editorial on the Research Topic New Trends in Vascular Inflammation Research: From Biology to Therapy The evidence from basic science and clinical studies has established the role of inflammation in atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases. An article by Yurdagul et al.discusses the role of defective efferocytosis of macrophages, a mechanism that clears apoptotic cells and β†’

The best alaskan salmon in ohio

What I needed was a service that offered me a wide variety of wild, fresh salmon and Great-Alaska-Seafood exceeded my expectations with the best tasting salmon I have ever had. The freshness of the fish was also a big concern when I began to entertain the idea of making an order for salmon online.

Life on the arabian peninsula

The coastal plain is surrounded by the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea, and the Persian Gulf. The mountain ranges line the western edge of the Arabian Peninsula.

What’s on human mind?

The social democratic NDP had its origins on the Canadian Prairies and in the mining and pulp mill towns and railway camps of British Columbia, and has a history of support in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and British Columbia. Both Sides Now Composed and Performed by Joni Mitchell Rows and flows of angel hair, And ice cream β†’

Diwali – festival of lights

The name " Diwali" is a contraction of " Deepavali", which translates into " row of lamps".[4] Diwali involves the lighting of small clay lamps in Sanskrit: ? ) filled with oil to signify the triumph of good over evil. With this awakening comes compassion and the awareness of the oneness of all things.

Operations of porsche factory

The reason for this type of manufacturing is to allow the assembly of more then one type of car to be built on one assembly line, combining both. Porsche is able to gain some of the benefits of a product layout by using flexible manufacturing systems to transport the components to each of the stations.

Marx theory of alienation

Marx illustrated that alienated man is the opposite of the productive man because a man's soul is to produce and create. Money is a very important aspect in both the worker and the capitalist's life.

Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder

The primary reason for the study was to expand on prior studies of physical attractiveness which suggested that physical attractiveness should be connected with more positive outcomes in marriage. The focus of the study was to obtain observer ratings of physical attractiveness, observer ratings of behavior, and self reports of satisfaction from a sample of β†’

The legal framework

In the larger companies it is the corporate executives who drive strategy, theirresponsibilityis to their employers, it is their commitment to thegoalsof the stakeholders that got them the job, and it is an on-going commitment to their interests that maintains their positions. Self-employed The construction industry is fragmented, because of fluctuating demand the industry is β†’

Art sarcophagus

For example the Triumph of Dionysos and the Seasons Sarcophagus is a type of art the ancient Rome left for us by like around the 260 270 a.d.which was made by an anonymous roman artist that made it of marble. There are not a lot of sarcophagus left from the ancient Rome have survive this β†’

The help by kathrynn stockett: themes

In fact, the Justice system, thought to promoteequalityin " the and of the free," was useless towards the idea of racial harmony and African Americans were treated bitterly and relentlessly during this time. The author Kathy Stocked wrote a novel In the perspective of mistreated black maids and one helping white woman during the time β†’

“tartuffe, or the deceiver” – a comedy play by moliere

The principles of the Enlightenment can be found in several of the writings from this time period. In Moliere's Tartuffe, this is articulated all the way through the character of the king.

Want to do, ought to do

Historical events in history have altered what the world is today, and the decision between what they wanted to do and what they had to do play a large part of the outcome. With these simple decisions, the outcome can take a positive or negative turn and it is within the person to do what β†’

Letter of persuasion

Now I have a hole in my mouth on that bottom right row and, I cannot go one meal still to this day without it bleeding, and let me remind you that my teeth were extracted about six to eight months ago and the hole still bleeds after a meal, snack etc. Letter of Persuasion β†’

The abuse of police officers towards the citizens

The first metric which must be discussed with regards to the level of police violence and abuse is with regards to the fact that the recent geopolitical situation within the world has created a glut of rather specialized and otherwise non-employable veterans. Accordingly, it is the belief of this author that it is likely, although β†’

Are two sets of gaap really needed for colleges and universities

In the past both public universities and private institution used similar model and style in financial reporting before adoption of the " not for profit agenda" by the FASB. This has led to difference in the comparability of the financial statements where to institutions uses different rules and procedures in financial reporting.

The history of electronic medical records

Ensured the implementation of the Individual Support Plans, ISP and documentation and tracked any progress from the ISP plans. Ensured that all regulations were met for active treatment and for all services provided to the client.

The colour purple theme

The Power of Narrative and Voice Walker emphasizes throughout the novel that the ability to express one's thoughts and feelings is crucial to developing a sense of self. Most important, Celie's ties to Shug bring about Celie's gradual redemption and her attainment of a sense of self.

Thea astley’s it’s raining in mango

The characters endure some of the major events in Australia's history, such as the gold rush of the 1860s, thedepression, both World Wars, and the horrific treatment of the Aboriginal population. The value systems and beliefs of the female characters in this text create a very different representation of women's cultural identity in Australia than β†’

Π‘oncept of ijarah and its advantages

2)Ijarah enables the Lessee to have the use of the equipment on payment of the first rental. 4)Ijarah is not borrowing and is therefore not required to be disclosed as a liability in the Balance Sheet of the Lessee.

Business decisions of intel company

Intel's strategy in DRAMS was to focus on product design and to be the first to market with the newest devices and DRAMtechnology. Another strategy that Intel employed to gain a competitive advantage in microprocessors was to create a network effect and develop a network of suppliers to help produce chips for Intel.

About metals and minerals

Due to the big graduated table of the operations, the Grasberg mine has an immense consequence on the economical state of affairs of Indonesia. The company is the largest revenue enhancement remunerator in Indonesia, merely in 2004 it provided $ 3 billion and between 1992-2004, $ 33 billion direct and indirect benefits, which is 2 β†’

Coach cater

This quote shows how successful Coach Ken Carter's managing techniques are, however Coach Carter uses many managing styles through out the film. An example of a persuasive managing style Is when coach carter says.

Gender roles in fairytales

Not only are girls affected by these gender stereotypes throughout fairy tales but boys are taught to be the leader, to be strong, emotionless and aggressive giving many young oys aggression problems later in life. These stereotypes give men the impression girls are weak and need some sort of saviour in their life leading them β†’

Understanding ethical research

Instead a day experiment, without degradation, instead telling them they have a stutter and debriefing the children in an understandable way after, of being deceived could replace this. Forcible public experimentation without proper consent, also lead to psychological affects.states " Reimer's parents were deceived by Money, never told of his intentions and led to believe β†’

The case of susan smith

The case caught the attention of the media, and Susan Smith was seen on television left and right, making pleas for people to help her and for the suspect to return her babies unharmed. According to Smith's mother, who wrote a book about Susan, that she was never a violent person, she was always kind β†’

Advisory councils

Et/459465/poverty-numbers-unchanged- survey-shows#ixzz3FwJ6rwyE Why we should support the ups The ups program is and continues to be a good investment - Here's why a recent forum on the Panties Paying Filipino Program held at the Philippine Institute for Development Studies, experts from different government agencies and academic institutions discussed the rationale and the feasibility of extending β†’

The primary stakeholders for this case

As the controller of the company, the controller knows what is best for the company, thus, suggesting a 2% allowance for doubtful accounts guarantees that the company will be, at least, achieve its target growth rate. The company's controller should be concerned in the company growth rate because as the company's employee, he is also β†’

Science notes

The ends of the membrane tubes were sealed and the tubes were soaked for 24 hours in beakers of pure water. The beakers were numbered 1, 2, and 3, corresponding to the number of the tube they contained.

Theme of duplicity in

THEME OF DUPLICITY IN THREE SHORT STORIES OF HENRY JAMES: THE LIAR, THE REAL THING, AND THE BEAST IN THE JUNGLE Nazan Gokay Theme of Duplicity in Three Short Stories of Henry James: " The Liar," " The Real Thing," and " The Beast in the Jungle" The genius of Henry James manifests itself in β†’

Village volvo

Information: The client and the mechanic who will be working on the vehicle discuss the problems the client has noticed and sometimes they may take a short test drive. Explicit services: On the basis of 22 years of training and experience with the local Volvo dealer, they have earned a respected reputation and they offer β†’

Women education in india

Women Education in India is the consequence of such progress and this led to the tremendous improvement of women's condition through out the world. Women's Education in Colonial India The position of the women education in India revived with the invasion of the British in the country and with the advent of Bhakti movement.

Amazing experiment: carbon dioxide and potassium permanganate

On the second experiment, the special substance they use is Dry Ice - which is a Frozen Carbon Dioxide together with a balloon, funnel, mortar and pestle and a bottle with water. They crushed the Dry Ice first into small pieces then they put in the funnel which is connected to the balloon, and after β†’

Ocd research paper

This is the awareness of germs, disease, or the presence of dirt that evokes a sense of threat and an incredible inspiration to reduce the presence of contamination. This led to the underestimate of the number of people with the illness.{obsessions 1} In approximately 80% of all cases, people performing the rituals are painfully aware β†’

People vs. larry flynt

Throughout the entire movie the Larry Flynt character defends the fact that he is an American, therefore like all other Americans he is protected by the bill of rights and is entitled, specifically, tofreedom of speechand freedom of the press. The First Amendment is the recognition of the fundamental importance of the free flow of β†’

Differences of freud and erikson’s stages

Example: When I was so stressed because of exams, I had a bad news from home, after that I went to corner and started to cry like a child and eat so much chocolate. When the parents present consistent, adequate, and nurturing care, the child develops basic trust and realizes that people are dependable and β†’

Can online discussion sites generate quality data for research purposes?

Our own foray into the analysis of the content of online discussion sites was unplanned; it was precipitated by a delay in the approval and recruitment processes for a conventional qualitative research study. Data were plentiful; for example, the transcripts of online discussions relating to the administration of eye drops extended to 39 pages.

Benefits of pdp to academic performance

Personal development planning is beneficial to ones academics in the sense that one is able to gain a clearer focus to learning. The theory of Personal Development Planning As advocated by the, the definition of personal development planning is a process of lifetime learning for all individuals and teams that can be used to meet β†’

The influence of tv commercials on people

There is a great divide between the perception of both, the young people and the adults. The gap between the old people and the young is called the generation gap.

Native americans

The government at the time was trying to encourage them into the white world and ultimately lose their cultural beliefs but Indians themselves at the time fought bitterly against the policies by the US government and also for their tribal lands. Due to the activism the congress passed the IndianCivil RightsAct of 1968 which granted β†’

Dual-nitride quantum wells effects on laser diodes

The consequences show an addition in the breadth of the quantum good and the rise in the center of the barrier to cut down the breadth of the visible radiation. Figure 6: Change the visible radiation to alter the breadth of the barrier in asymmetric dual quantum good nitride.

Naturalism in jack london’s to build a fire and the call of the wild research paper

The validity of such an idea can be well explored in regards to the literary legacy of one of America's greatest writers Jack London, as the extreme naturalism of many of his short stories and novels conveys a clearly defined philosophical message only the objectively existing laws of nature, to which people are being subjected β†’

Product expansion and concentration in japan

The company can use the popularity of the core products of SK-II to introduce other products that would enable the brand to capture a significant portion of the market. A major entry barrier to SK-II's expansion in Europe would be the cultural differences between the European market and the brand's Japanese market.

Better and gloria steinem

Additionally, it is said that if you want to change, the risk is an ingredient to enhancements. This shows that change is good because it is only for the better and improvements to what we had before.

Anselm’s monologion

The same line of argument is followed, where the oneness and the perfection of the Supreme Being are emphasized, but after a point we notice that the effort is diverted into explaining the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, so that God is said to be three persons in one substance, and yet indivisibly one. The β†’

Capacity planning and performance modeling hw

What this signifies in essence is the need to comprehend that capacity planning will be the torchbearer for determining the production capacity that is required by the organization under consideration and which will change with the growing demands for the different products and services. When short term changes in capacity planning and modeling are insufficient β†’

Internal customers of disneyland paris

This would be a major incentive for Marks and Spencer to entice employees into the company and as the wants of the internal customer have been met and exceeded it is very likely that employees will be much happier in their work place and in turn will provide an excellent customer service to all customers β†’

Press self-regulation in britain

History of self-regulation Following the cessation of World War Two and the end of wartime press controls, the regulation of the press emerged as a key point of debate and contention. The upshot of this was another commission on the subject of regulation in the early 1960s and a change of name from the General β†’

Lake effect snow in areas east of lake ontario and lake erie

This paper makes a summary of the proposed project which is an analysis of the lake effect snowfall in cities east side of lakes Ontario and lake Erie, by outlining the various data and methodology's, interpretation tools and reasons why the steps will be crucial to achieving objectives of this proposed research. The purpose of β†’

China’s terra-cotta army

He was a member of the Qin Dynasty and ascended to the throne in 247 BC at the age of thirteen. Perhaps the two key changes that ensured the unity of Chineseculturewere the standardization of currency and the written script.

Cognitive theory detailed outline

If the schemas that are built within are faulty, they can cause a domino effect of inappropriate thoughts, emotions and behaviors until the faulty view is challenged and the old schema is replaced with a new one.ii. CT is " structured active, collaborative, and psychoeducational" and " emphasizes a scientific approach".xxv." The goals of CT β†’

The boy at the window

The dire aspect of the snowman's situation being a wholly terrifying experience to him, as seen in lines three and four of the first stanza, " The small boy weeps to hear the wind prepare/ A night of gnashings and enormous moan." It is apparent that, to this boy, this is a huge menacing storm β†’

Private and public police

Abstract In my paper I will be discussing the relationship between private and public police, I will tell you how the conflict regard the definition of the public and private space and how it influence the relationship between the two, and I will tell you ways to maintain or improve the relationship between public and β†’

Previously conducted

These changes may affect the choice of management accounting practice in an organization and may also result in the need for the firm to reconsider its existing organizational design and strategies in order to fit with the changing environment. To promote a better understanding of the changes in management accounting practices, the International Federation of β†’

The violet poem – victorian poetry

The emergence of ' violet' poems, during the reign of Queen Victoria, somehow functions as a collective endeavor to neutralize the various shapes and subjects of poetry, equally drawn from either positive or negative influence of the British society." Violet Poems" by Christina Rossetti, an Anglican poet of the Victorian era, manifest the impact of β†’

As economy develops, the relative importance of different sectors of production changes

Ways to develop in advanced and backward countries - result of such development How the employment pattern changes throughout the developmentEducationlead to a growth in service sector. But as income per capita rises, agriculture loses its primacy, giving way first to a rise in the industrial sector, then to a rise in the service sector.

Study overseas is better than study locally

Studying abroad is a better choice Education is a never-ending learning process that has always been a part of our life. Studying abroad is a better choice Education is a never-ending learning process that has always been a part of our life.

Acupuncture for pain management

However, studies have shown that acupuncture can modifies the perception of pain and how it is processed by the brain. Acupuncture is one of the key components of the traditional Chinese Medicine.

Human resource planning and development

Human resource activities: Strategic HR management, following the equal opportunity employment, fulfil the staffing need of the organisation, human resource development, Dealing with the compensation and benefits to the staff. And also tell them that she is not going to work in the same department.

Research paper on justice and education in platos republic

Glaucon asks Socrates and the others to find a way to prove that justice is something that should be sought after to the point where it is desired in and of itself and for whatever consequences may arise. In Book II of Plato's Republic, he also discusses the principles of education, and how it plays β†’

The do research because it is another

However, it is suicide that has resulted in the deaths of over 150, 000 Vietnam soldiers during and after the war. The Vietnam War brought more than fifty-eight thousand deaths and is to some one of the darkest battles in United States history.

Real estate law week 9 individual work

A lessor is the person who conveys the property, while a lessee is the person to whom the property is conveyed to. The following are the needed elements of a lease, description of the property, duration of the lease, terms of the renewal, rent and security payments, use and occupancy agreements, the lessor's right of β†’

Brown v. board of education

In the broad scope of the hundreds of thousands of cases decided by the United States Supreme Court in decades past, few measure up to the historical significance of Brown v. The decision of the judges in this particular dispute challenged the mainstream views of the people of our country, changing the times, and shaping β†’

Are liberty and equality compatible?

It Is defined as the ability to maximize one's potential, given the current state of resources available to people." Positive liberty Is the possibility of acting? or the fact of acting? in such a way as to take control of one's life and realize one's fundamentalteacher, then he would be positively free if he is β†’

A vast improvement in oneself

So, the owner of the car takes the car to the gas station and now he needs to make a decision on which type of gas to put into the car. For that reason, there is the nutrition pyramid to tell us what our bodies need the most and the least of.

C.ronaldo and messi

Ronaldo and Messi Have you ever watched a game of C. Ronaldo and Messi?

Technological advancement of the 19th century

The end of the nineteenth century brought about a huge change in the way the United States worked as a nation, making the United States the world's most productive nation. Railroads even helped shape the physical growth of cities and towns.

The arab spring

Theleadershipvacuum has put the army initially and then the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, the Ennahda Party in Tunisia, a conglomerate of anti-Gaddafi forces in Libya, and elements of the old guards in Yemen in power. In a nutshell, in order for the Arab Spring to stay alive, the post-uprisings Arab governments must achieve a minimum β†’

Employee drives and needs

Motivationrefers to the forces within a person that affect his or her direction, Intensity, and persistence of voluntary behavior o Particular level of effort o Certain amount of time o Particular goal motivation, particularly a focused, Intense, persistent, and purposive effort toward work-relatedgoalsEmployee Drives and Needs To understand how to create a more engaged and β†’

Lcci past paper

In addition to the errors in the above Sales Ledger Control Account, the following errors and omissions were discovered: An invoice for 1, 200 was entered in the Sales Day Book but had not been posted to the customer's account in the Sales Ledger The discount allowed column in the cash book was over-added by β†’

Judgment case

The utilitarian benefits that will be given to the African people in the construction of the Caltex plant is more important than the possible violations of moral rights and justice of the people. The first thing is that, it is stated in the law of the government of Africa that " the basic rights to β†’

Why real-life results don’t meet buyer persona expectations

Related: Building buyer personas is one of the first steps of an effective, but just like all the other important tasks, it can never be permanently ticked off your to-do list. The truth is, many businesses create great buyer personas and use them to develop pain points and a USP, but then never for other β†’

Making scotch

It is now prepared to go into barrels for the next stage of the Scotch making process maturation. Before it is matured, the Scotch is simply referred to as spirit.

Against concealed carry law

Turn on the news, the radio, read the newspaper, surf the internet and the topic of conceal carry will be discussed. Broadcast media sources were searched for recent broadcasts related to concealed carry and gun control, and for examples of recentgun violencewhere the assage of concealed carry was proposed as the solution to preventing future β†’

Managerial finance issues

The impact of this cyber attack becomes clearer when you analyze the role of the company in global energy security given that Aramco is arguably the largest oil company in the world. The magnitude of the destruction wrecked by the computer virus unleashed on the company on that fateful morning on August 15 has kept β†’

Guidelines for writing the three major parts

Answer the following: Is the topic about the problems in a discipline or field of study, the processes in a discipline or field of study, or the practices in a discipline or field of study? It includes the major concepts that can be used for the literature search, and the outline is placed in the β†’

Best solution

This topic must be presented in a persuasive manner; if the majority of your speech Is informative, you will fail this speech. Requirements: You must Inform and persuade the audience of a position on a topic you have researched.- You must Identify a problem, explain several possible solutions, and then convince your audience of the β†’

The transformation of psychology

Over the years many scientists and psychologists have contributed to the transformation of psychology. During the time period between the 1920's and the 1960's, American psychologists led by John Watson redefined the meaning of psychology into a science of mental life and observable behavior.

The dictatoral regime

Role of the Government and the Citizen The role of the government in a dictatorship is to exert immense control over the affairs of the nation as a whole by using threat and force to interfere in the lives of its citizens. But a dictatorship, as discussed earlier, is more likely to result in the β†’

Life of quaid e azam after independence

Jinnah uthorized force to achieve the annexation of the princely state of Kalat and suppress the insurgency in Baluchistan. Jinnah in Karachi, Pakistan Through the 1940s, Jinnah suffered from tuberculosis; only his sister and a few others close to him were aware of his condition.

Buisness and the recession

In the year 2000, the company held the title for the 29th largest company in the world. Government action: In response to the economies recession the government took a number of actions.

Fabric research, research a ‘new’ apparel or home textile

Still in the incubation period, the company can hold a minimum of 100 employees who are currently on site and sits on a 3-acre piece of land in the leafy suburbs of Rio de Janeiro. Concept description The actual composition of the fabric is different types of leaves ranging from the soft to the hard β†’

The implications of fraud on uk banks

The significance of fraud on UK banks as an investigation represents its scale that is estimated to cost the economy in the range of 190 billion to 193 billion annually of which 110 billion is attributed to bank fraud. The above definition of bank fraud is an important aspect of the approach to this dissertation β†’

Early supplier integration in the design of the skid-steer loader

So, while Chapter 9 of the text, which dealt with information flows, and several other chapters of the text have discussed or mentioned the use of information systems when managing processes, this chapter seeks to guide the reader towards a deeper understanding of successful supply chain process integration, and the necessary steps and tools to β†’

Government health campaign: the change4life campaign

The Change4Life is a programme for the government to reduce the rising issues on obesity for children. The campaign focuses on the cause of the childhood obesity and therefore, aims to tackle the rising issues by targeting households with children.

Research methedology

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: Purpose of the Research The general purpose of this study is to determine whether the unique concept by TATA MOTORS of launching the Rs.lakh car in the year 2008 was a success and also to study the consumer behavior in the Indian automobile industry towards the world's cheapest car and the niche segment β†’

Fear in the things they carried

The motif ' Shame" played a huge part in every character in this book as it was a trait they all shared in common Shame in this context is not necessarily a bad thing as with the power of hindsight, we found it to have been a motivating factor for them during the war in β†’

Marginal costs and benefits

Analyzing the marginal costs will benefit us in the long run because when we live on a budget, we spend most of our lives trying to find the most out of our spending. The benefits of this situation is that if we find deals and discount for the necessary factors of our trip, we have β†’

Sociology ch notes

Are a Result of the collection and analysis of data from a variety of sources such as: Interviews Observations Surveys They are models that allow us to generalize and make predictions Students Need To Be Objective When StudyingSociologyDo not be subjective We all have a belief system that can be a problem when studying sociology β†’