Genuine Research Paper Examples

Hinduism research paper

" Hinduism and Modernity" The writings on Hinduism and modernity by David Smith are an interesting read due to the juxtaposition of two opposite concepts filled with examples that are traditional and modern with a spirit of understanding that is the hallmark of modern times. European Discovery of Hinduism from " Hinduism and Modernity" The →

Health policy

The individual mandate provision has been and will continue to be one of the most controversial elements embodied in the ACA. The Individual Mandate and the entire ACA will impact the health of all Americans.

The art of cultivating a phenomenological state of mind

As long as one continues to believe in the existence of a self, it is not possible for them to properly understand the concept of mental activity as it is expressed within the Buddhist tradition. Only once the belief in an inner self is renounced, and the belief in Atman, " the non-material spiritual element →

Four business types – pros and cons

The main purpose of Securities Act of 1933 was to maximize the disclosure of financial through the detailed process of registration of securities. Garfield as the organization runs to make profits & if an organization not works well, it must be restructured in a manner so as to maximize wealth of shareholders.

Big mama’s funeral by gabriel garcia marquez

She is considered to be a mom to the people of Macondo because she provides them with everything they need and she is a queenlike figure to them. Big Mama has been using that practice for so long and somehow the family thinks that it is okay for her to do that and they are →

The effects of the equal pay act of 1963

It is the job of a human resource department to protect the employees of the business. The Equal Pay Act of 1963 is effecting the workplace, women in the workforce, and human resource departments of all companies and businesses.

Global promotion strategies of nescafe

Nescafe is one of its renowned brands in the business of traditional hot and cold energizing solubles like coffee and is available almost in every part of the world in different forms and variants. Thus, a balance has to be maintained between the local market perspective and the global outlook as well for the success →

Literature critique

The primary objective of the study is to determine a connection between divorce and mental health in children. They also assume that even prior to a divorce the mental health of children of divorced parents may be substantially different from those whose parents remain together and that divorce could positively alter the mental health of →

Judgement day

It was the last day of the season and, as they had been forced to do four times in the last six years, Portsmouth had to win to stay in the division. This continued for a few more minutes right up to the start of the match, when only then it was broken by the →

Findings, conclusions, recommendations and scope for further research

Performance of Tata Motors Nano car, which is the smallest car, in the small car segment, and was positioned to meet the requirement of a spatial segment of Indian buyer was also studied extensively.6. 68 percent of the total respondents were of the opinion that this pressure nduces the Indian middle class to buy the →

Impact of technology on higher education

This proposal thus seeks to examine the impact of technology on higher education, in particular the use of technology as a learning enabler in higher institutions in UK. The primary goal of this analysis is to answer the following question: what are the impacts of technology on learning in higher educationAs a result the following →

Learning centers in elementary education

Making my students work independently is a process where I will try to cultivate a culture with the help of the strategies I propose below. For instance, I will give the students academic choice that has been suggested in education research as a way to cultivate motivated learners.

Mr. franklin and mr. lyndon discuss the virtuous life.

Lyndon," I said, " Insofar as you and your loved ones are members in good standing in a church that clearly subscribes to the enlightened and reformative principles of the Great Reformation, which find their genesis in the theology of the late German monk, and his revolutionary reading of Paul's Letter to the..". I set →

Moroccan family values

The most common way to greet a person in Morocco is to either offer a handshake to a person of the same gender. You may find that the handshake in Morocco is gentler than in ' Western' countries it is not proper etiquette to firmly grip and enthusiastically shake another person's hand.

Chemical element

The true statement concerning the atomic nucleus is: It is made up of electrons only. None of the above What is the maximum number of electrons found in any shell of the known elements?

Memorial day

Day is a day of remembrance for those who perished while serving In the military, a day to honor the soldiers who died while defending America. Memorial Day is a day to honor and thank all the American soldiers who have sacrificed their lives.

Finance midterm

A corporation is a legal entity created by a state, and it has a life and existence that is separate from the lives and existence of its owners and managers. Although the stockholders of the corporation are insulated by limited legal liability, the legal status of the corporation does not protect the firm's managers in →

Moving away from amyloid beta to move on in alzheimer research

00006-06 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Busciglio, J, Lorenzo, A, Yeh, J, and Yankner, B.A. ER calcium and Alzheimer's disease: in a state of flux.Sci.

Free culture and political ecology research paper example

In the advent of environmental revolution calling for an immediate intervention on the perceived environmental degradation caused by misappropriation of natural resources, the question of whether alternative such as solar power is indeed viable enough to sustain the society's need for power sources and less harmful to the environment and be profitable at the same →

Nestle special t market research background marketing essay

Well, the statements below show our objectives of the research: To find out what the requirements of the consumers are. However, if we want to improve the product, we have to ask and understand the opinion of consumers or users about the product.

The development of arabic scripts

Various accounts of the history of Arabia, the ' island of the Arabs', give the impression that Arabic scripts started to take form at the height of Islamization or during the time of Prophet Mohammed. Numerous inscriptions and ruins found in the rock cut tombs bear witness to the flourishing civilization of the Nabataeans but →

The mask of melville’s lawyer in bartleby

Before the appearance of Bartleby, by the narrator's own admission, he has not struggled with the ethics of justice, of good and evil; rather, he makes his way in this world comfortable by dealing with the physical, the tangible, that which he can know. In the words of Mason, " The lawyer gives Bartleby a →

Salvador dali research paper

His father was very disappointed in Salvador because of his eccentricities and would severely punish him often. The relationship between Salvador and his father was very poor because of the fact that they were constantly fighting over the love of his mother.

Anita desai

Won the Winifred Holtby Memorial Prize for her novel " Fire on the Mountain" and her children's book " The Village by the Sea", won the Guardian Children's Fiction Award. Anita Desai completed her schooling from Queen Mary's Higher Secondary School in Delhi and graduated in English literature from the University of Delhi.

Gender differences

The way to manage the things of both the genders is different to the large extent. The gender differences also occur because of the different ways of men and women of perceiving the situations.

Research method on culture

In order to provide a clear insight into this study, this chapter starts with the background of the study, problem statement, purpose of the study, research objective, research question, research hypothesis, significance of the study, study of framework, and the outline for chapter 2 and chapter 3. Subsequent sections deal with contribution of the study →

My dream school

The studio school is the kind of school which breaks away from the traditional education system. The ideas of studio school correspond to the character " learning" in the Chinese language.

Increasing number of overweight children

The fast food advertisements shown on the television seem to enhance the appetite of the children. They may even bring the children to fast food outlets for their staple meals.

Born this way

Okonkwo was a hero in the Ibo society because; he was devoted to tradition, religion, and the rules. Even though Okonkwo said that he was doing what was best for his society, he also was fearful of the change to a newcultureand a new tradition that would change his high stature in the society, "[a]n →

History and physical examination

The liver, kidneys, and spleen are normal to palpation. EXTREMITIES: Pain and swelling noted above the left elbow, other upper extremities normal.

Staycations vs vacations

Traveling is always a chance to make new friends and change the cycle of the everyday routine that people have gotten trapped in over the years. All in all, there is always a place for discussion of whether traveling is worth themoneythat will get spent on it or is it simply better to save up, →

Oxford insurance

If we fast forward to September when the numbers were falling short, Mary receives an email from Michael telling her that the holiday weekend is over and that she needs to start paying attention to the numbers. It also does not help the situation that Michael Is half the age of Mary.

Chatsworth the adventure plyaground

Chatsworth House, the home of the 12th Duke and Duchess of Devonshire, is one of the finest and most palatial houses in the UK, set in over 1000 acres of parkland in the Peak England. The existing adventure playground was clearly coming to the end of its life and it was time to make a →

Research project on abraham lincoln

By the time the Civil War had ended Abraham Lincoln's term was over, but he decided to run again for a second term in which he won. Abraham Lincoln's legacy was being able to save the union and free the slaves.

Snowboarding history

In 1980, he left the snowboarding business, but was still known as a very important pioneer of the sport. It was finally accepted as a real competitive sport and was first seen in the 1998 Olympics in Nagano, Japan.

Value and purpose of literature

The purpose of literature is to get a diverse set of people to read the same piece of work and comprehend it differently, but still have the same affect on them. Reading is a pleasing way to pass the time for some people and can in many ways affect the way you live and the →

Carols gambino

Never becoming a citizen of the United States, Carlo was on the rise to the top of one of the most powerful American Families. The loss of his wife was devastating to him.

Looking back and forward

I bet you are wondering why I made that last comment about making me who I am today and also curious as to who among the most important people in my life back then was the top one. I was able to vent to them and relax my guard to them although still not on →

Methods of research essay sample

Another way is from the component of the word itself: Research is composed of two syllables: re, a prefix meaning again, repeat, or over again and search, a verb which means to examine closely and carefully, a quest for something, that is research may mean a continuous and recurring studies. The systematic and objective analysis →

Sociological perspectives and crime

Sociological perspectives and crime Abstract: Sociological theories can be used to explain the causes of crime and criminal behaviors in the society. The third sociological perspective that can be used to explain the causes of crime in the society is the interactionist perspective.

Teams organzation behaviour of disney

With this respect, it is agreeable that team organizational behavior determines the success or failure of a company. The study of team organizational behavior put across that, it is important to have all employees in an organization to posses broad, detailed customer skills, and management techniques.

Organization impact of e-business

Since the customers log in, order the food, and pay from their credit cards, several risks both for the business and the customers are there. Not only this, thecommunicationshould be there between the customers and the food company, where customers would be required to make a call for the confirmation of their orders.

The rain came

Singing quietly under her breath Oganda ignores the prickling of her skin as she makes her way through the sacred land. She wades in until her head disappears under the waves, and then Oganda can watch no longer.

How to become a crisis hotline volunteer

You will also learn different counseling techniques, although through the hotline you will be having the person in the crisis situation be the decision-maker. It's about this operator and she is trying to keep this young girl calm because she has been kidnapped in the back of a trunk.

Research paper on hall effect sensors

The process of generating a voltage with a magnetic field is known as the Hall Effect. The benefits of Hall Effect sensors are they can measure a large current; they are functional in large temperature ranges and can measure zero speeds.

Un kyoto protocol

Rationale of UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol The ultimate objective of this Convention and any related legal instruments that the Conference of the Parties may adopt is to achieve, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Convention, stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference →

Tips for a career: financial analyst and financial engineering

If you would like to make it all the way to the Wall Street lucrative jobs and be there offering advice on one what to buy or when to buy, or, what to sell and when to sell, or, go to top in investment banking a financial analyst career can help you get there. Financial →

Does religion cause wars?

There is a conventional belief among many individuals that religion is the main cause of the present and past wars inflicting torment within the world. In conclusion, religion is not the sole reason of the previous and present wars within the world, it is also the people themselves who exploit and twist religion itself.

Sociology and modernity

He is so pessimistic on the effects of modernity given the mean definition that he gives to the phenomenon. He believed that modernity would bring in the world the concept of diversification of economic activities in the human society.

The pacific legend-maui

Although the legend of demi-god Maui is always be descript as the mischief maker or trickster god, but the Maui story probably has a larger number of unique and ancient myths than that of any other legendary character in the mythology of any nation." There are three centers for these Maui legends, New Zealand in →

Leadership philosophy

It is obvious to a great extent in the face of a calamity they find comfort and inspiration from their leaders. A question which arises often is " How do you lead men in such a way that they will put their life on the line for you in an encounter situation in times of →

Explain the difference between rule

Bentham was interested in the principle of utility, this is the theory of usefulness that suggests that an action is right if it brings the greatest happiness for the greatest number. There are seven elements: the intensity of the pleasure; the duration of the pleasure; the certainty of the pleasure; the remoteness of the pleasure; →

Second foundation 20. i know…

But what do you know of the intensity of that search - of the single-mindedness of it. All of it, by the terms of the peace treaty will be part of the Seldon Historical Museum eventually, and you will all be free to be as leisurely in your analysis as I have been.

Human-animal interaction research: progress and possibilities

The 13 papers that comprise the core of this Research Topic are a microcosm of the advances that have been made in HAI research, including the range of human and animal participants, the rigor of the study designs employed, and the diversity of measures used to capture mediator/moderator and outcome variables of interest. While these →

Selling city futures:the financialization of urban redevelopment policy

This leads to the discussion of the author's concern about the role of local government in shaping and being shaped in the financial markets. Structure In discussing the arguments, the author begins by providing a brief overview of the financialization literature such as discussing the importance and the role of the local government.

C++ arrays guideline

Following is an example to assign a single element of the array: If you omit the size of the array, an array just big enough to hold the initialization is created. An array is defined as following; type-of-array; name-of-array; [; number of elements in array;]; * type-of-array: It is the type of elements that an →

Analyze the english research paper essay

The feature of WhatsApp is that it can reveal the user's ' last seen time' and it can let the sender know whether the receiver has been seen the message or not. The establishment of WhatsApp has replaced traditional SMS and MSN, it is because WhatsApp has bring about three positive effect to the users →

Interest rate behavior and lending in microfinance

00 Loan term: In micro and small business finance, the loan term or the loan repayment schedule can affect the ability of the borrower to pay his/her loan back. Therefore, the longer the loan term, or the less frequent are the loan installments it is more likely for banks to have higher arrears which indicates →

Coming of age-portrait of an artist

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is a complete work of art, complete in the sense that it gives such great insight to human nature and the people of the world. In a way these ideals can be looked at as good or bad, the good being that he is from Ireland →

Mr. butt

But I guess that the most interesting and appropriate connotation in our case is the definition of the phrasal verb " to butt in": " to interfere or meddle in other people's affairs". But I am just going out." And unfortunately, to hear him speak, you would think he is boastful about the things he →

Ideas for young activists

Solomon Islands: Comics against Corruption The Solomon Islands government, in partnership with Transparency Solomon Islands, ran a programmer that used comic-style posters and comic strips in newspapers to increase awareness of corruption in the country. Venezuela: Tweeting the Election Twitter is a simple way to monitor elections with your friends and community.

Essence and importance of sense of humor

In my opinion the most important characteristic that a person should have to be successful in life is a good sense of humor. I really think that the sense of humor is the most important characteristic one should have in order to be successful, maybe not always business wise but for your personal life for →

Trinidad carnival

In 1498 Christopher Columbus had step on the soils of Trinidad and claimed the island in the name of the King and Queen of Spain. Carnival, as the end of the social season was also marked at the apex society by elaborate balls to which was added the custom of masking and disguising.

Pros and cons of high turnover of club med

The suggested methods of finding the right GOs for Club Med are costly, but are extremely beneficial for the company in the long run because they will cut the high costs of turnover. PROS New blood New blood can add more of a competitive edge - the newcomers are eager to prove themselves and the →

Desmond tutu

Apartheid itself started off of as religion and that was the main reason why it was able to stand for so long was because of the Whites wrong interpretation of the Bible, that stated that: White people are superior to the Blacks but clearly it was not so in the eye's of God. What also →

Caring for the guardians—exploring needed directions and best practices for police resilience practice and research

In addition to imminent physical injury or death, police officers are the gate keepers of public safety they are on the front lines of our communities and must deal with a myriad of stressful and continuous issues. The ambiguity of the police role, the extremes of policing, and the constant and continuous exposure to stress, →

Best is the new worst and glamour, that certain something

How the media affects our perception of beauty and ' being cool' In the world today it is seen that media plays an important role in affecting the behaviour and perception of many people. Media does affect our perception of beauty in one way or the other and at times this can prove to be →

What contribution did edward jenner make to medicine?

The main reason that I am interested in Jenner is that he was able to come up with a successful method of prevention of smallpox without advancedtechnology. In conclusion, Edward Jenner was a man who was able to make a large contribution to the advancement of medicine and prevention of death from smallpox.

Poverty and education

After all education is the most powerful weapon that can bring positive changes in a society, it is the only weapon that can empower an individual in particular and a whole society in general, alleviate poverty and eradicate disease. The foremost aim of education is to empower an individual to be a model citizen and →

Basic network technology, structure, and protocols

On entering a website address in browser, the computer contacts the DNS, which responds with the logical address of the website. It shows how the DNS request packets travel between DNS servers to trace an IP address of a website.

Rebbecca skloot henrietta lacks

Henrietta's cells were her property and no had the right to make a profit of it without her permission. Their tools were used to grow the HeLa cells, but they still took cells from Henrietta and her family was definitely entitled to gaining something.

Nosocomial infections

It is ironic that nurses and doctors should also be the main vectors of nosocomial infections. If we do not clean our hands, then it is dirty with the needless suffering and death of patients from nosocomial infections.

Which is the most successful gothic horror short story

Another, less obvious theme is the nature of humans, the main character in The Red Room is very confident in the face of the wisdom of the elderly residents of the castle. In both The Red Room and The Monkey's Paw there is this aspect of darkness, isolation with the stories setting the isolated, dark →


The purpose for managed care plans are to reduce the costs of healthcare for which the third-party payer must reimburse the providers and to ensure continuing quality f care. Compare the CUR and CPRM payment systems.

Research on korean culture: how to business with a korean company flashcard

In general, Koreans prefer to make contracts in the form of verbal obligations that are not binding; however, it is up to the other party to suggest and insist on making a formal contract of the Western type that is not unusual in Korea. In Korea, " the giving and receiving of business cards is →

The positive and negative effects of technological advancements

They are able to share ideas, have a meeting, chat, and talk with the use of the Internet. This is one branch of technology that has promoted the economy and society to rise.[10] Technology has allowed millions of people in the world to get a job.

The usage of the internet by a number of people

The need for the Security The PCs in the school are used by a number of people including students and staff. Students in a school are to be exposed to learning exercises in the internet and not to the other derogatory experiences that one might get on the internet.

Companies act responsibly

CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY In the opinion of McWilliams et al, The capacity in which a company takes part in voluntary actions which is seemingly good for the society and, is beyond the companies interest and lawful requirement is known as corporate social responsibility. The depth a company decides to go as regards their corporate social →

Industrial design

In Depth " Industrial Design is the professional service of creating and developing concepts and specifications that optimize the function, value and appearance of products and systems for the mutual benefit of both user and manufacturer." According to the IDSA Design, itself, is often difficult to define to non-designers because the meaning accepted by the →

Law social engineering

LAW AS A TOOL FOR SOCIAL ENGINEERING IN INDIA KARANDEEP MAKKAR1 Roscoe Pound introduced the doctrine of " Social Engineering" which aims at building an efficient structure of society which would result in the satisfaction of maximum of wants with the minimum of friction and waste. 7 Technique of Social Engineering: Pound advocated the technique →

Patient self-determination act

This would mean the patient ill warrant the ability and right to make decisions about their medical care and treatments that they wish to receive Just as long as their decisions compile with the law. A living will would be very important to have as well in order to protect the patient rights.

Tok knowing a friend and swimmin

Knowing a friend would require a bond, which is created through experiences with each other, a perception of the feelings of that friend and thoughts that run in a deeper level. The problem with knowing a historical period is that it is in the past and we are in the present, the knowledge of a →

Exploring online consumer behaviors

ResearchParticipants and Sample Size The denominator of analysis in this research study is the individual consumer who has familiarity and understanding in buying products online. For the purpose of this study, a sample population of public school teachers within a New Orleans school district would be used to study and analyze their online consumer behavior.

About my family

They are my father, my mother, my grand-father, my grand-mother, myself, my brother and my two sisters. The member of my family: The name of my father is Shri Narottam Nayak.

Quality culture and customer retention at disney world

It is owned by the Walt Disney Company and is considered as the largest recreational resort in the world. Because the perspective used is that of the customers', Disney World is able to determine what customers need and want.

The soothing sensation that is bath salts

Pharmacokinetics The routes of administration of bath salts are similar to that of drugs in the " salt" class. Neurophysiology As mentioned previously, due to the limited amount of available information for understanding the mechanism of physiological action of MDPV, the neurophysiology is theorized to have a similar mechanism to that of amphetamines and MDMA.

Research study: use of jargon in dental students

About 50% of respondents admitted of using jargons in history section and about 32% of the respondents in all sections of case history taking. Although majority of the respondents are comfortable with the use of jargons, majority of the postgraduates and faculty feel the use of jargons should be stopped.

Cost-of-living index

Crafts argues that there is a better source for 1801-1851 house rents than results from Lord Stafford's cottages.'Deane and Cole estimated house rental income in current prices, and Feinstein gives the value of the housing stock in constant prices.'8 According to Crafts, the two sources together can be used together to make an estimate of →

Attention deficit disorder

I am very talented in gymnasium and my talent helped me get admitted in the varsity cheerleading team during my junior year, where I learnt to cultivate my interpersonal skills. I will study hard in the university to achieve all mygoalsdespite my condition.

Features of organ donation

Organ donation is the process of giving an organ or a part of an organ for the purpose of transplantation into another person. In order for a person to become an organ donor, blood and oxygen must flow through the organs until the time of recovery to ensure viability.

Error detecting codes research paper sample

Another error detecting and correcting code is that of Luhn algorithm. One weakness with this error detecting code is that it lacks the capacity to detect the transposition of two digit numbers 09 and 90.

Policy in theory and practice

Social administration is linked to the growth and development of welfare services, which have existed since the turn of the century, but were expanded and consolidated in the 1940s. New liberalism led to a transformation in the nature of and relations between the state and the market.

Modern methods of packaging reduce the amount of waste that society produces

However, the answer might be to determine whether some of the most prominent and efficient forms of packaging generates such wastes as mentioned by Robertson or adds to the costs of products in the claims of some authors. Flat methods of packaging designs is another effective way of reducing waste that society generates through packaging →

Legal aspects of healthcare administration

Alcohol policies in the United s: Highlights from the 50 s A Review " Alcohol policies in the United s: Highlights from the 50 s" is a helpful source of information on laws relating to alcohol use, issued by the University of Minnesota in 2000. Most of the legal principles, policies and laws are discussed →

Negotiable and nonnegotiable instrument

On the other hand, the nonnegotiable contracts are simply put as any transaction in which the promise made by the bearer of the contract or the pay order does not go with the provisions of the and implied necessary requirements of the revised Article 3 of the Uniform Commercial Code. These are the drawer of →

Venus’ mirror: an image of baroque art

It consisted of many changes in the continent such as the development of Martin Luther's reformation, which was the birth of Protestantism. What we see in the mirror is only an image of a beautiful woman, but not Venus herself.