Genuine Research Paper Examples

Administrative problems

With her background and experience in dealing with educators and students from elementary to high school, it can be argued that she is competent to address issues related to administration and management. Organizational Change Assessing the responses made by John and Linda with regards to organizational change, it can be seen that their opinions agree β†’

The dsm-iv

Particular facts may contain info about the patient's character, manners or a patient's responses to certain circumstances, indicators that only show in a particularenvironmentand info that cannot be gathered straight from the patient due their incapability or unwillingness to communicate with the clinician openly. For example, a person who shows a personality that is both β†’

Native american culture – the micmac

The earliest descriptions that we have are of people who already had contact with the west The Micmac, along with the Beothuk of Newfoundland, may well be the first of the first peoples to have had contact with Europeans. The Micmac were caught in the raid and were sold by the British as slaves.

Asl challenge paper

It is challenging to master the correct sign etiquette in the culture and also you must have a positive attitude about sign language because a negative attitude is easy to spot. It is definitely hard to gain the confidence to communicate roudly in a brand new language instead of a native language.

Research essay: influence of electronic media on print media

Electronic media such as the Internet, e-books and tablet readers may be having an effect on the print media sector. AnalysisData does suggest that digital media is having an influence on the popularity of printed media, and that children are going to grow up to be fond of digital media.

Differences among corporate, institutional and government procurement

The government sector is less efficient in the SCM due to legal, cultural or material complexities, not to mention the bureaucracy that can influence the speed of logistics and supply. The government establishes its own rules in view of the internal and external state policy and economic conditions.

Traffic jam in a big city

The larger crimes are apt to be the simpler, for the bigger the crime the more obvious, as a rule, is the motive.25. It is of the highest importance in the art of detection to be able to recognize, out of a number of facts, which are incidental and which vital.

Technology is being used increasingly in the

Additionally, you will need to be able to substantiate the facts and cleverly fuse them with your stance in order to arrive at a solid argumentative essay. The bottom line is that you need facts in order to support your argument on your controversial topic.

My job, my education

My major responsibilities on the job include designing software and orchestrating the development, quality assurance, and release activities; creating and maintaining the team project file, and managing the time and resources for an ongoing project; and evaluating the evolving risks and communicating them to the upper management on a regular basis. The reason why I β†’


When we realise what life is about, why we are here, what role we play in life and our purpose in life we are getting close to being self realised. When we realise the impact of our memories on our lives and we take steps to control what our memory feeds us, we begin to β†’


The story goes that due to somebody vandalizing the statue of Lord Subrahmanya one of the arms of the idol broke. The whole temple is built in the form of a square.

Orion systems jaguar

Ans: Looking at the major assessment of problem of how ORION projects are manage, it will be plausible for Rosas to shift from the matrix structure and engage in a dedicated project teams structure. Therefore, by using the dedicated project teams the process of tests, production and delivery can take less than the usual years β†’

Social psychological research

Much of their work in identity theory and social identity theory has involved human experimentation and use of empirical data in an effort to distinguish between the autonomous self and the self that comes under control of others. Bulletin of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, 18, pp.

The messenger – the joker

This is addressing both the actual 'Joker' and the events of the book.' What's in it for Ed Kennedy? Born from the concept of a 'wild card' that could beat even the highest values of the deck, the Joker originated from a tarot card of the Major Arcana.

Sub prime crisis

Banks offered adjustable-rate-mortgage and Subprime loans to all kind of people with good or bad credits scores as they wanted higher revenue when they resell the bundled subprime mortgages called the Collateralized debt obligations and Mortgages-backed securities to the other Investors around the world. Assuming that if bond defaults when the CDS issuer is unable β†’

Eye tracking:the next phenomenon in subarachnoid hemorrhaging management

SAH is attached to familial strong history of inheritable connective tissue disorders and abuse of sympathomimetic substances. Incidence of general headache A phenomenon referred to as " the worst headache of my life" is associated with SAH patients and this calls for immediate stabilization and hospitalization of its patients.

Vinamilk internation business

For instance, VINAMILK product line and its market status in Vietnam will be identified and analysis in order to suggest the best product and potential market segment in Brazil. After, based on the statistics, the report will determine the best strategy and entry mode for the firm to enter the market as well as advantages β†’

What is man in civilized society?

These traits in him also increased his power of reasoning according to the nature and the rules of his own area. This need led to the requirement of labor and dependency of man on each other.

Sit ins

It was the middle of February when they people started talking about doing the next sit In, I knew that I would be there taking a stand with the rest of my people. And to the officers surprise, they were out numbered by a lot.

Tesol – observation journal 1

Again this was also seen when individual students were picked out by name to repeat a phrase paying specific attention to their intonation; on numerous occasions at the start of the lesson upon speaking the requested phrase the teacher was very quick to repeat the same phrase using the correct intonation. Oftentimes the teacher would β†’

Bcg of tvs matrix

Global two wheeler market 2009 Two-wheelers to remain the preferred option over Cars The ownership and maintenance cost of a car is 4 times of a two wheeler Two wheelers deliver a superior mileage of 70kmpl as compared to 12kmpl of the cars. It is the holding company for the TVS Group of companies engaged β†’

Labor-leisure model in the everyday life

As I am not actively looking for work in the labor market my indifference curve is so steep there are no tangencies to my reservation wage, which is defined as the " lowest wage rate at which a worker is willing to accept a job." By dedicating all my time to studying and practise, and β†’

An insight into boredom, the cause and the cure for the state of mind called boredom

Buying a new computer game is useful force to tackle boredom and it can be very expensive, and you have to have the console to play it on in the first place. It is very simple to avoid but it is just as easy to fall into the trap of boredom.

Human societ

He wanted to be as easygoing and careless as his friends but he could not be so because his mind was depressed all the time by the events of the life around him and he could only describe them in his art. When he understood that it is not possible to find compromise between " β†’

Women in law enforcement

In this research paper I will explain the background on women in the law enforcement and how women have the same intelligence, communication, compassion, and diplomacy as a male officer. The amount of women wanting a career in law enforcement encouraged them to work harder for a higher profession as a career distinct from a β†’

First ice story

Whilst David is checking the local cinema listings for a film that he and Louise can watch, the firstsnowflake of winter falls to the ground outside the house nestling on a fallen leaf instantly melting and running onto a small spider that is hiding from the cold trying to keep warm. The room lights up β†’

Principles of supporting business events

Section 1 Understand how to support the organisation of a business event 1. Review the event with your colleagues, this way you can find out if anything need to be improved Section 2 Understand the purpose of displaying professional and helpful behaviour whilst supporting a business event and how to do so 1.

William james

William James studied and taught biology, medicine, and psychology but was more interested in the scientific study of the human mind. The Philosophy of Religion was taken very seriously by James he interpreted religious experiences according to his pragmatic conclusions.

The costs of congestion

A criticism of the congestion in London however is that rich people would be able to pay and the people on lower incomes would not. However the downside of this is that in current times, these cars are very expensive.

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for the management of tennis elbow: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial: the tate trial

Journal Article Review al Affiliation Methods This was a randomized controlled trial in primary care to examine the effectiveness of information and advice given by a medical practitioner on exercise and analgesia through employing transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation as a non-drug method of analgesia to minimize the intensity of pain in patients with tennis elbow. β†’

Adult learning theory and practice

Thus, the aspect of utilizing the transformational theory of learning can make the students to become sensitive over other behaviors and likewise improve the communication process. The psychology of effective learning and teaching.

Hooters vs the eeoc

Response: Hooters employee selection is critical to the effective Hooter's primary image is that of sex appeal and the entire waitstaff is the reflection of the company's image. Hooters will also loose a lot of customers if they integrate, because the majority of the customers go there for the female waitress.

What is philosophy

The quest of philosophy is to answer these questions. Essentially, the sole purpose of a normal life is to perpetuate and thrive to expand and fill the world galaxy with it.

Most dangerous sports muay thai

Thailand considers muay thai part of the folklore and the impact it has in society is big. At the end as a closing event king wanted to see who was the best between the Burmesses fighters and the Thai kick boxers.

Give me liberty

I believeReconstruction did fail, due not to racism of the country as a whole, but to racism in some white citizens who were reluctant to allow change in the social standing of the black man. The largest of these clans was known as the " Old Time Ku Klux Klan" which began to revolt against β†’

My friend- donna

You will definitely find it annoying how she wants the world to turn around her- but she is really worth that! It's really annoying that Donna wants everything in her life to be so perfect.

Human resource training in kfc

Expatriate policy of KFC Company KFC Company employs the expatriate policy as one of their strategy in order to establish restaurants that are suited to the culture of a given country because the expatriate's familiarity with the culture is seen as an advantage to penetrate the country more effectively. In this way, both emigrants and β†’

Technicalities of dance

The strokes do not belong to that of the painter, but rather the educator who supervised the integration of music and dance. I explore the reasons as to why society judges the attributes of dance in such cases as mixed genders, their styles, and the unwillingness to accept it as a sport.

Wilderness versus civilization

Since the time of the first colonizers that set foot in America, there have been great debates regarding the preservation of the Wilderness or the promotion of Civilization. As could be seen in the essay " Of Plymouth Plantation", one could see what a civilization or the introduction of civilization has brought to the people.

How does confucianism and daoism view women?

The father was to act the father, the son was to act the son, etc. The process of becoming that of which one is supposed to be is called " Rectification of Names." The society should be founded on five relationships: 1) The ruler and subject; 2) The father and son; 3) The husband and β†’

Why did the tamburlaine plays have such extraordinary appeal for sixteenth-century audiences?

This has often been taken to refer to Tamburlaine's execution of the governor of Babylon in the final act of Part II, but the assumption cannot be verified.' Also 'in 1588 Robert Greene.could allude to Marlowe wouldaring God out of heaven with the Atheist Tamburlan', a far less ambiguous reference to the scene in which β†’

Sub-prime mortgages more to blame for the current crisis

A good example of this is the American International Group which had to pay numerous mortgage defaults out of the $440 billion it had insured in CDS and in the end the company had to obtain a bailout from the government to help in reviving its activities. The credit default swaps too are threatening financial β†’

Translation of image in metaphor

In translation of metaphor, It Is necessary to start with Investigating the concept of metaphor. In translation of dead metaphor the same image is transferred." An example of a dead metaphor would be the 'body of an essay.' In this example, 'body' was initially an expression that drew on the metaphorical image of human anatomy β†’

Letter from the trenches

The noise is horrific and the despair in the eyes of many a soldier is evident as another comes over. If and when the shelling stops, many drink or smoke to try relax but you can tell that a few are on the brink of breaking down.

Local business project paper

In the united States, a small business is a business that employs less than 500 people, and in a company like Yogurts, it would have to expand significantly to do that. In this way, they act as a secondary b equines due to the machine processing of their frozen yogurt.

Scholarly vs popular writing is not a scholarly resource, on the basis that " Scholarly writing is usually confined to journals or textbooks, which are more difficult to find in the market place and are usually read by academics." In an article by ProQuest: " a publication is considered scholarly if it is authored by academics for a β†’

Freshman year survival guide

Freshman Year at Howard University: Survival Course Being a freshman at Howard University can be the start of a great life for a young black person. Howard University should require mandatory courses and meetings that freshman attend to tell them how to get through their freshman year the correct way.

All part of the research consumer. (2)

To experience a problem the researcher must have some doubt as to which alternative to select. There must be some environments to which the difficulty or problem pertains.

Integrative problems and virtual organization strategy

With the aim of outlining a thumbnail sketch of the process this paper will discuss the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of IPO by comparing and addressing the process of going public in LaFleur Trading Co.IPO. As a result, the public trading of the organizational shares automatically sets the value for the company's share through β†’

Examine the key ideas associated with law and punishment

Most of the time it is not a choice as to whether you are part of a law-following community because almost all countries in the world have some kind of law-system and often the minute you turn the age where you are legally responsible or step off the boat, plane or train you are subjected β†’

Awareness to the health problem of violence against women

Abuse is the leading cause of injury to women and homicide a major cause of traumatic death to women. Education of all women as to the cycle of violence, the potential for homicide, and community resources for primary, secondary and tertiary prevention and care.

Debates on “standard of care” in research

The debate regarding what constitutes a reasonable and fair standard of care for subjects in the developing countries and those who participate in the clinical trials has been aroused by the critics of the studies on transmission of HIV. The debate over the issue what standard of the care should be required for the individuals β†’

Payment system

Types of payment system: They could use Commission: Workers are paid a percentage of the products' sales value this would be suitable as it would motivate staff to sell more as they rely on commission to earnmoney. Broad Options Another advantage of using money to motivate employees is that a company has broad options in β†’

Advanced research methods: evidence-based practice essay sample

The Quality Indicators established and supported by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality are one response towards the need for multidimensional, accessible quality measures that can be used to gage performance in health care. In the study conducted by Kennedy, Bakir & Brauer, there were discussions of a quality indicator program and its implementation, β†’

Non financial reward system

Moneywas in the past seen as the only motivating factor and thus a rise in the basic pay was enough to motivate and ensure employeeloyaltyand commitment to an organization. However, with the dynamism and the ineffectiveness of monetary rewards as a means of motivating workers, many organizations are turning to non monetary incentives as a β†’

Roderick mullen

D) Following the fall of the Abbasid caliphate, the Middle East became part of the colonial empire of the emerging feudal states of western Europe. A) The opposition of the scholar-gentry and bureaucracy B) The technological inferiority of Chinese ships and navigation C) The growing military expenses of the campaigns against the Mongols D) The β†’

Girl with balloons

The placement of this image is art, not the artwork itself. Banksy placement is the key to this image which inevitably makes it " art".

American utopias

In American History, the communal movement in the 16th century to 17th century, and the similar attempt to establish the Utopian America of the 1960s to 1970s, was both a response to the social ills brought about by the development of capitalism and commercialism. While the communal movement of the 16th century can trace its β†’

Special needs assistant requirements

Engagement with parents of special needs pupils in both formal and informal structures as required and directed by school management.11. Other duties appropriate to the grade as may be determined by the needs of the pupils and the school from time to time.

Cycle incense sticks

So the challenge was to make the category and the relevant for that part of society that had not given them a thought yet. Building brand salience for Cycle brand was the key and had to explore, create and exploit opportunities where one would have to leave reason to rest and just had to keep β†’

Gym culture

Sub-point A: Being a full time student and working part time can be very stressful to me as I am sure it is the same for a lot of college students, but finding at least an hour to an hour and a half to go to the gym or even working out from home can β†’

The lesson

Although Sylvia might come off as a mean and cocky little girl, you can tell at the end that there is something deeper to Sylvia when she begins to reflect on her ay with Ms. Although Sylvia's attitude often gets the best of her and she seems to be Just a rude little girl, at β†’

Free research paper on favorite color: green

The color green has been revealed to be traditionally and universally synonymous with nature since most of the plants that abound bear this color. Thus, it could be deduced that through the creative talent and skills of the painter, a magnificent work of art could be produced even through the use of a predominant color, β†’

Structural family therapy

Role of the Therapist: The aspects of this theory that I like is that it differs from some traditional therapy models and does not focus on the cause of the family's problems nor dictated the way the family is supposed to work, but focuses more on a better approach that moves the family focus off β†’

Msc development finance

As a native of Brunei, a developing country, I would like to contribute to my country's progress with the use of the knowledge and skills that I acquired during my undergraduate studies. Although the University of Manchester has given me sufficient knowledge in the field that I have chosen, I believethat pursuing to study under β†’

Problems of inequality and poverty in finance

The central hypothesis of this paper asserts that if there is a positive relationship between financial development and the reduction of income inequality, financial development can be used as a means of alleviating poverty in developing countries. Conclusion The evidence presented in this paper shows that there are a number of factors required for financial β†’

Road safety

India has the second largest road network in the world with over 3 million km of roads of which 60% are paved. On the whole, the facilities for the road users are not up to the mark, leading to a high toll of the death victims.

Native americans of chesapeake bay

The colonists arrived in the midst of the worse drought in 1, 700 years, and life in the new world was hard from the get go. This was the beginning of a bloody history that ensued between the colonists and the Powhatan people.

Two ultimate decisions

I will be a very powerful person both in and out of the corporate world. At this point, I believe that my decision will be to work for the corporate bigwigs.

Japanese society yakuza

First of all i will start with the history of the Yakuza, why and how they developed and try to find here possible parallels of a influences on the modern society. After the end of the occupation period and the appreciativeness of Japan as sovereign state in 1952, a rebuild of the Japanese economy and β†’

Lie and story tartuffe

One is a hypocrite about religion and the other one is very pious. Tartuffe is the most hypocritical man in this story.

Bird in the house

A Bird in the House tells a story about the life of Vanessa Macleod, the protagonist, and the rocky journey she endures throughout the process of growing up. When she wrote and developed ideas, Vanessa escapes any feelings of entrapment and helplessness; however, one of the hardest things Vanessa has to endure is the numerous β†’

Operation mgt

Stevenson Solutions manual Operations Management 10e William J. Stevenson Solutions manual Operations Management 10e William J.

World war two and the b-24 bomber

The Consolidated B-24 Liberator was the workhorse of the Allied fleet. The Design Stage The B-24 bomber was designed as part of the strategic bombing plans drawn up by the Allies in the 1930s.

Ducati (italy) vs. harley-davidson (usa)

The authors provide a review of each company's business practices as both Ducati and Harley-Davidson invent and reinvent themselves in their attempts to stay on top of the consumer market. The timing of each was a determining factor in how the companies designed a comeback, and because the company ideals of Ducati and Harley-Davidson differ, β†’

The reality of imagination

According to Roy Harvey Pearce's essay Wallace Stevens: The Life of the Imagination, Stevens refers to himself as an " exponent of the imagination" and " As poet, he [Stevens] ' exponent of the imagination'... In the very beginning of A Fading of the Sun Stevens directly calls upon the audience to question the β†’

Karl marx’s

German Ideology is a critically significant relook at the philosophies of the day to incorporate the basic needs ofhuman beingas the basis for the concepts of ownership, labor andfamilyas a unit of the society. In this step of history, one of the first social interactions of man is to procreate or produce more of human β†’

The diary of mrs danvers

I watched her face scornfully as I told her about the West Wing, how beautiful the room was, how expensive the furnishings were, and I compared it with the inferiority of this room. As she turned pale and awkwardly mumbled an excuse about closing the shutters, I saw that the latch of the wardrobe was β†’

Hong kong and disneyland

As thecase studypointed out " Chinese needed Disney and Disney needed China." Both saw the addition of a Disney Park as a way to increase revenue and tourism, and more importantly, Disney saw Hong Kong as the gateway into China. With complaints rising about the lack of activity in the park, and the mistreatment accepted β†’

Research on total quality management

Importance of the Study The intangibility element of San Miguel Brewery as a business service, the job of the developing a wider marketing program and better management system for the company had put a distinctive twist on its continued existence and expansion to the industry. Findings are expected to improve the human resources management system, β†’

Country side is great

While Harvey was in the farm he had learned so many things and to appreciate what was handed to him, he did not come from a wealthy incomefamilyand all he could have done is go by what his expectation were. The farm town is far away like it's supposed to be and endless fields.

The effect of hyperinflation

They needed so much money to buy what they needed that they would physically struggle to transport the money to the shop. In conclusion, the main effect of hyperinflation was that people struggled with buying what they needed, however there are many other effects that caused shortages and hardship: savings and debts becoming worthless, bigger β†’

Demand and supply

As the baby boomer population ages, the elderly population will increase the demand for home health services due to financial and emotional factors. The range of those interested in home care is vast.

International business study guide

Strategic International Allicance Consortia Similar to joint ventures and could be classified as such except for two unique characteristics Typically involve a large number of participants Frequently operate in a country or market in which none of the participants is currently active Consortia are developed to pool financial and managerial resources and to lessen risks β†’

Identifying trainining resources

The major resource for training is financial, therefore the need for the department to have cost estimates for most of the training being investigated. Types of Training Resources Internal Training The types of training, classified as internal, external or a hybrid of the two have a bearing on the types of resources needed to implement.

Relationship between theory and research

The chapter will provide information about methodology in the context of research by giving the reader an insight into the process of deciding upon the methodology to be employed in research studies based on underlying theoretical and philosophical assumptions and how the choice of a literature review as a methodology was chosen as the most β†’

Causes and stages of cancer

Leukaemia stem cells and the evolution of cancer stem cell research. Significance of Lgr5 cancer stem cells in the colon and rectum.

Technology comes

Technologycomes in with a lot of benefits as it simplifies work and increases integration of various countries and business organizations world wide, but it also brings in new threats to personal and property security, one of the greatest security threats people are now facing in the wake of accelerated technology is phishing, which is a β†’

The internal stakeholders refer to the employees

The internal stakeholders refer to the employees and the top management while the external stakeholders are the channel members such as the customers, the distribution intermediaries and the suppliers. This illustrates the importance of marketing to the rest of the organization.

The rainforest and their importance

Over a fifth of the world's water can be found within the boundaries of the rainforest, and similarly, so can a large chunk of the world's wildlife. At the base of the rainforest is the forest floor, this is a dark and damp area- receiving only 2% of the forest's sunlight, and a large amount β†’

Session long affirmative action

Despite the growing awareness about the social implications and the consequences of discrimination, as well as financial and human costs of discriminative attitudes at workplace, numerous firms and businesses appear unable to change the traditional structure of their business relationships. Objectively, KBR, not an exception for even despite its growing commitment to diversity at β†’

Women education in pakistan

Lack of emphasis on the importance of women's education is one of the cardinal features of gender inequality in Pakistan. 6) Women's education is so inextricably linked with the other facets of human development that to make it a priority is to also make change on a range of other fronts, from the health and β†’

Mexican immigration

First-generation Mexican American children also demonstrated the lowest levels of utilization of health care services, as assessed by visits to a physician, use of prescription medications, and screening for hearing and vision problems. First-generation Mexican American children also demonstrated the lowest levels of utilization of health care services, as assessed by visits to a physician, β†’

Solution focused therapy

The relationship between the practitioner and the client is of utmost importance in this perspective because it is within this relationship that a new style of language can be created for the client to build new realities. If the client's way of solving a problem is working then the worker should encourage the client to β†’

Koreanovelas: now a better media than local teleseryes?

Cornflakes are undeniably one of the latest trends in our country, making us one of the places greatly hit by the throng current of the so-called Halley wave or Korean wave, that refers to the rapid spread of Korean entertainment in Asia. The said drama is greatly known through the say recognition of the names β†’