Genuine Research Paper Examples

North korea at the winter olympics

The Olympics are the international celebration of human excellence, Kim's North Korea falls far from the definition of excellence. In north Korea Kim has established political prison camps where men women and children can be found, it does not matter whether the person is young or old.

The history of guam and why it is a us territory

The History of Guam and Why It Is a US Territory The History of Guam and Why It Is a US Territory General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: To describe to my audience how Guam became a US territory.I. Statement of Relevance: According to the official website of Guam, the history of the island dates β†’

From millennials to boomers: generation gap

This is the time when a person discovers the world and tries to determine the place in the universe. The majority of the young people do not want to live in the past.

Stem cell research

Although the applications of stem cell research are still in trial stages rather than available as approved therapies, it is hypothesized that embryonic stem cells could have great potential in the area of regenerative medicine and tissue replacement. This is because, despite the potential boon which stem cell applications may bestow in this regard, it β†’

Post-modern theory in the 21st century

Post-modernism is the social theory that claims that society is now under the effect of the individual who creates a reality for him or herself. Social networking allows people to have a " profile picture" which serves as a reference point for the appearance of an individual.

Supply chain design

Theory of Supply Chain Design Basics In theories of supply chain management, there are several aspects that construct the quality of a supply chain design, those aspects are? Every department within the supply chain needs to know their exact role within the grand design and how they should integrate with other parts of the supply β†’

Unearthing the meaning behind “the matrix”

The Matrix is a dazzling depiction of the adventure of a computer programmer as he seeks to find answers to his mind's multitude of questions. The Matrix is indeed one of the most compelling examples that can illustrate some of the facets of the cultural anthropology.

Road rage: preventive measures

The feeling you may feel are a result of road rage. In conclusion, Road rage is a severe problem on the road ways and needs to be prevented.

Prison reform in the 19th century

The two types of prison reform in the early 1800s were meant to reform criminals through very strict methods. Like other reforms of the time, prison reform had advocates to only stuck to one idea.

My beach memories

As the ocean waves crash against me, I can still feel the sting of the fine ocean mist and the pungent taste of the salt as it sprinkles over my face. The fresh smell of the salty ocean water clears my sinuses as I synchronize my breathing with the ebb of the tide.

Olladas critique paper war is a tender thing final draft

For Christians, the most important ideal is " to love your enemies and die in the pursuit of ringing them love". The pureness of the idea about the coexistence betwixt love and war that Disdain Arum presents in the film is undeniably impressive.

China one child policy

This led to the Introduction of the One Child Policy: Limiting the children families could have. It was necessary to have the permission of council for a child, but in remote areas it was far harder to check up and therefore more unreported births.

The over-extended mind

According to Norman cognition is viewed as terms of ' knowledge in the head' and ' knowledge in the world.' According to Clark one of the most significant current discussions in legal and moralphilosophyis the extended mind, which refers to the concept between the mind and theenvironment, from the thesis of Clark and Chalmers active β†’

6 things sales professionals should never do

The best way to control a sales interaction and take the lead in the sales process is to ask questions. I suggest creating a checklist of all of the information you will need, and reviewing it before your call or presentation.

Outline and assess functionalist explanations of the role of the education system.

However, this perspective is not always accepted, it's macro theory approach is often seen as too wide bearing to be applied to the study of the education system as well as critics which dispute the functions of the education system as portrayed by functionalists. As an institution of secondary socialisation, Functionalist theorists see the education β†’

Maman/louise bourgeois

An example of such pieces is the sculpture, The Nest in the 1990's, which is a group of spiders with the mother watching over the little ones. The whole sculpture is colored black, and beneath the body, there is a sac attached to the body of the mother spider in which she carries 26 pure β†’

Fundamentals of corporate finance

For the month of February: 460, 000 x 1. For the month of March: 529, 000 x 1.

Culture and management

The research methods of understanding the functioning of Aldi were obtained through a brief review of the relevant Organisational Behaviour Literature during the lecturers. This differentiation strategy is achieved by buying the products in large quantities thereby giving Aldi the authority to control pricing of their products.

Learner guide for a level economics

You need to look closely at and follow the mark allocation in terms of the time to be taken to answer each part of a question. It is also useful in relation to the role and function of a central bank.

Another man’s poison and new broom sweeps

A bird in hand is worth two in the bush. A man is known by the company he keeps.

How to brainstorm, research, and write a pest analysis from scratch

If this is the case, then you will want to compare how things have changed for your topic from then to now. You may even want to take a look at the comments and see what people are saying.

Federal reserve bailouts will devalue the dollar

In dealing with the question of inflation and the fall of the dollar, the nature of the Federal Reserve institution needs to be dealt with. Add to this the record breaking trade deficit of almost $1 trillion, and the dollar is in serous trouble.

Three in the middle: the experience of making change

However, they did not anticipate this, and this led to a great deal of resistance to the change itself. Rather, the main issue is that lower level employees were not steered in the right direction and obviously were not an integral part of the change process as they did not even understand what they needed β†’

Saladin and jerusalem

Salah al-Din was an honorary title that translates as " Righteousness of Faith." His father, Ayyub, and his uncle, Shirkuh, were both generals in the army of Zengi, the Muslim leader who captured the County of Edessa from the crusaders in 1144. The army had almost been destroyed and the city's leader, Guy of Lusignan, β†’

Revenue recognition

The essay will describe the principles of revenue recognition, the difference between " income" and " revenue", measurement issues between historical cost and value, matching of revenue and expenses, and the differences between the previous conceptual framework and the amendments made in the new revenue recognition model. The proposals for improvement in iAS 18 include β†’

Differences between adult and teenage brain

The brain of teenagers is in the developing stages as found by the recent researches. The balance of functionality of the areas in the brain would be in accordance to the use of these areas in teen ages.

Inventory and annual holding cost

Demand = 20, 000 units/year Ordering cost = $40/order Holding cost = $2/unit/year Lead time = 2weeks Cycle-service level = 95% Demand is normally distributed with a standard deviation of weekly demand of 100 units. 64* Safety stock = 328 units Reorder point = + Reorder point = *2) + 328 = 1097.

Elton mayo on modern business

The Hawthorne Experiment was conducted with the original Intent to study the effect of a workplace's physical factors on productivity and the main conclusions reached by Condescend which challenges prior hypothesis of work behavior are as follows: 1) Individual work behavior results from a complex host of factors. Critics of the 'Hawthorne Experiment' Though many β†’

History of social policy

Explain the meaning of the following terms: industrialisation; urbanisation; publichealthproblems and the implications for state provisions The Industrial Revolution was a period from the 18th to the 19th century where major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, andtechnologyhad an extreme effect on the society's economic and cultural conditions. The physiocrats were followers of the physiocrat school β†’

Right to education

The right toeducationis a universal entitlement to education, recognized in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights as a human right that includes the right to free, compulsory primary education for all, an obligation to develop secondary education accessible to all, in particular by the progressive introduction of free secondary education, as well β†’

Competitive advantage

Identify The Body Shop's generic strategy and use the value chain to analyse to illustrate the application of the generic strategy and also as the source of the organisation's competitive advantage. The inbound logistics of The Body Shop are not mentioned in detail in the case and are therefore likely to be insignificant in providing β†’

Michael vick case

On July 17, 2007, a federal jury indicted Vick as well as three other men, Purnell Peace, Quanis Phillips, and Tony Taylor on charges of competitive dog fighting, procuring and training pits to fight, operating an unlawful interstate dog fighting business by the name of Bad Newz Kennels. According to his codefendants, Vick was more β†’

Royal dutch shell

The Problem The Guardian News has run an article reporting on the inconsistencies of what the Royal Dutch Shell has committed to and the reality of the situation. Improvements have been done with little regard to the needs of the people and were primarily done so that it can be said that the company was β†’

Navajo religion

The Navajo do not divide the secular from the holy; life and religion are one in the same. Religion plays a key role in the everyday life of the Navajo peoples.

The kenia vision 2030

But I am yet to see zeal in government for this vision outside the ministry incharge of it. And, yes, it is feasible to attain the noble aims of 2030 vision and beyond.

The impact of sociological theories in education

Martin Luther King Jr.once said " the function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically....intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education. They are concerned with the efficiency of a student's education and the quality of a child'sacademicexperience.

Research paper on food consumption

Since the animal production requires a relatively warm weather, most of the beef production is concentrated in the northern part of the continent and especially in Canada where its large scale beef farming is done. The northern part of the continent however, is a major producer of this commodity.

Elderly demographics research study

Review of Related Literature Even though the growing population in the Philippines was dominated by the young we cannot ignore the needs of the increasing population of the elderly. Significance of the study Since health care programs to the elderly is not yet well established in Davao Regional Hospital, the outcome of this study will β†’

Concept of divinity in judaic, sumerian and hindu society

I will compare and contrast the concepts of divinity in Judaic, Sumerian and Hinduculture, based on Genesis, The Epic of Gilgamesh and The Ramayana of Valmiki, respectively. The Hindus had multiple gods, like Brahma, the god of creation, Visnu, the god of preservation, and Siva, the god of redemption, from the Ramayana of Valmiki while β†’

Sport obermeyer

The best way to mitigate the inability to meet the demand of retailers during peaks sales would be to forecast the demands with either past data or with the help of a forecasting committee. Sport Obermeyer has the following main problems: Inability to meet the exact demand of the retailers of the latest fashion which β†’

The concerns of donating bodies for research

Of course there are some people who do not think it is right to donate their body to science, but others would rather help people in the future to hopefully find cures for some diseases. However it is possible to have a funeral ceremony and a showing for all of the families to say their β†’

Mudule guide

By the end of this module, successful students will typically be able to; demonstrate the ability to critically analyse and evaluate the reality of complex IHRM and employment relations issues from a variety of perspectives; demonstrate the ability to relate theory to practice; demonstrate the ability to evaluate the relative strengths and weaknesses of selected β†’

Research: the rhetoric surrounding aids in the 1980s

Ryan White who was a hemophiliac contracted AIDS at age 13 through a blood transfusion and many people jumped to the conclusion of him being gay, which was not true. Although the novel is a work of fiction, it takes place in 1987 and Uncle Finn fits the stereotype of what the first victims of β†’

2 important issues for paralegals today licensing and unauthorzed practice of law by non-lawyers

Presentation The un ized practice of law is regarded in many s as the practicing ofthe law by an unlicensed person, or generating a notion in the public through advertisement that he/she is able to offer services on law related matters, that only a licensed attorney is allowed to offer. Secondly, it has to be β†’

Andres wood chile

Philip Kurian 2603275 LAH 4734 " Machuca, 2004" Directed by Andres Wood Chile Setting: For the Machuca film, the setting for it was taken place in the city of Santiago de Chile. Summary: The Machuca film was in Colegio Saint George that was a private school that taught English to boys by the Jesuits.

Teaching – nursing considerations for teaching patient hope to deal with type 2 diabetes, hypertension and renal disease

Purpose of the Study To improve the student's ability to develop and conduct effective health teachings based on the patient's health condition. Conclusion The nurse should always consider the patient's physical maturation, cognitive abilities, and psychosocial development when conducting health teachings.

Lost knowledge of departing experts – consequences and questions

At the onset of 2016, with Traditionalists and Baby Boomers poised to leave organizations, are the next generation of workers equipped to run the show? They have, through the years, amassed a vast amount of knowledge, and have largely kept it to themselves.

Fashion in the 1950s

He was aware of his destiny at an early age and preferred to be at the side of his mother, who was a talented seamstress in the village of Guitar. In conclusion, a time of peace and change was upon America in the sass.

Freud and erikson

This might have gone smoothly when he was at home with the help of his loving and supportive parents, but he probably does not trust in teachers or aids to help him if he needs it. Just being around a lot of kids that can walk and do things he cannot is probably the main β†’

Jean watson

Listening and understanding how the patient is feeling and why the patient are reacting to the moment the way they are will lead to a better understanding and empathy.4. In other words, the nurse needs to view the situation through the patient's eyes to have a better understanding and be able to develop a relationship." β†’

Shaka zulu

Shaka Zulu was the first son of the chieftain Senzangakhona and Nandi, a daughter of Bhebhe, the past chief of the Elangeni tribe, born near present-day Melmoth, KwaZulu-Natal Province. Because of his background as a soldier, Shaka taught the Zulus that the most effective way of becoming powerful quickly was by conquering and controlling other β†’

Lost time is never found again

Some of us earn more money for less time and of course the opposite is true. All of us should realize that the material world around us makes time money.

How procter and gamble moved to electronic documents

The Business Problem P&G faced problems managing the vast amounts of paper required for a company that develops drugs and over-the-counter medications. P&G's initiative focused on implementing methods to manage digital signatures and creating a method to confirm the identity of the signer.

How post-world war ii technology changed america

Three of the biggest technological advances during this era were the introduction of the atomic bomb, television, and space race technology. Television, in the 1950's, changed the way people thought.

Kafka and grimm

Through this, the reader realizes the extent of Gregor's alienation from himself, when such a physical difference is presented to him from his own body he chooses not to recognize it, and thus, the theme of alienation from self is made clear from the start of the novella. For Gregor, the metamorphoses relates to his β†’

Literature questions

In " Much Ado About Nothing" by William Shakespeare the ideals of humanism are definitely reflected because of the strong emphasis on the arts and the importance of the individual as opposed to the group. In Voltaire's Candide the writer shows the audience the transition from the beliefs of the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment β†’

The changes in the global pattern of tourism

I think this is due to the climate in the Med. I feel this shows just how big these changes in the pattern of tourism are.

Porter’s fourht force is bargaining power of buyers

We can discuss porter's fourth force it in the case of Emirates airlines along the following lines, the buyers' ability to influence the prices and demand higher quality and value for the price, also their ability to trigger competition especially in a very high competitiveenvironmentlike airlines industry, in many ways this ability forces airlines to β†’

One day leave

Because of the MEN can bring more new opportunities, knowledge, and resources of the information to the organization more than the domestic. Issues When TEASE Becomes Transnational Organization The issues that transnational organizations have to facing with are: the force for local differentiation and responsiveness, and the challenge of management style and the lobar business β†’

Anger by gender

These assumptions are reflected in the research literature, which focuses primarily on male-to-male or male-to-female hostility and aggression, rather than hostility and aggression on the part of females directed at either at men or other women. The review article by Brody and Hall cites research by Brody that found more anger on the part of β†’

Responsibilities of an educated person

These various attributes affect the direct but also the suggested responsibilities that an educated person might hold, the latter being implied and not related to any concrete school of thought That being said, the main responsibilities of an educated person are: to contribute to the development of the global society, impart their knowledge on to β†’

Mission, vision and values

Microsoft plan to monopolize the software industry through patent laws and manufacturing software that obey the command of the manufacturer rather than the user. Microsoft Company desires to dominate the software market through provision of products that will have positive impact on people and the world in general.

To what extent is the commercialization of sport a positive trend?

As the players would be constantly under the limelight, details of their lives, both the good and the bad, are released to the public. Sports has to be commercialized in order to gain these funds, and thus the commercialization of sports is good.

The british judiciary is both independent and impartial

The act ensures British Judicial independence as it removes the title of speaker of the House of Lords and also head of the judiciary of England and wales from the office of the Lord Chancellor. Moreover, I agree that the British Judiciary is independent as it is assured by the nation and is enshrined in β†’

Survival skills

An Island that a person Is stranded on seems unlivable, but knowing these simple skills; hunting, building shelter, and first aid, will help an uninhabited situation. An island that a person is stranded on seems unlivable, but knowing these simple skills; hunting, building shelter, and first aid, will help an uninhabited situation.

The final stages of world war ii in 1945

During the final stages of World War II in 1945, the United States conducted two atomic bombings against Japan in the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Hiroshima prefecturalhealthdepartment estimates that, of the people who died on the day of the explosion, 60% died from flash or flame burns, 30% from falling debris and 10% β†’

Heating the world

Introduction: The community considered Tucker very fortunate for his marriage, and so did Tucker, nevertheless he had no knowledge of modern women and the marriage had bought changes he had not predicted. At the beginning of the short story we get an idea of where Tucker is in his life.

Lago in act 1 scenes

Thus, through lagds characterisation of Othello through his ethnicity, he forms a racist impression of Othello and thus, is able to highlight the significance of one's thnicity and how difficult, if not impossible, this boundary is to surpass. By agitating Brabantio, Iago makes a fool of the high ranking senator, and this brings forth the β†’

Research questions and hypotheses

Research questions are a part of the research methods and are mostly used in research fields of sociology and literature. Research question: What is the effectiveness of traditional and non-traditional early warning systems in arid and semi-arid areas in Africa?

Discuss the drawback of the jury system as it is implemented in the uk

In the majority of instances, a jury is not needed as a defendant will have submitted a guilty plea, yet in those instances where a not guilty plea has been entered, it has been said that juries are essential in ensuring that a fair trial is provided to the defendant under Article 6 of the β†’

There is no hope of doing perfect research

If this investigation were so carefully planned and performed, why can all the facts be acquired at the time of the research? There is no guarantee that the results of this research were perfect.

American government: 21st amendment

The history of the U.S.court notes three cases, involving the 21st amendment; though, none of them was clearly based on the article. 2% beer to males under the age of 21 and to females under the age of 18".

A relaxing day on the beach

In peace at the edge of the water, the myriad cares of the world behind me, the warming rays of the sun bathe me in their wonder and glory. The world around me drowns out by the sounds of the wind whispering its song along the coast, and the distant thunder of the surf rolling β†’

Countrys i will visit

I made my bucket list and the three countries I would love to visit the most would be Mexico, The Bahamas, and Brazil. After visiting Mexico I would love to go and visit the Bahamas.

Purpose of college education

However, it is important to note that not all people believe in a college education. As stated above, the primary purpose of a college education is to prepare the students for the real world.

John fitch

He was unable to do this because one of John Fitch's companies, William Thornton was the clerk of the patent office and bitterly opposed him. But John Fitch had a patent from France and was credited more than Robert Fulton for the invention of the steamboat.

The monopoly of the united states postal service

In the course of this assignment I will provide a brief history of the Postal Service, determine what kind of monopoly it is, and examine whether it has engaged in abusive conduct. The Postal Service can claim to be a natural monopoly, but that does not make it so.

Weight management. dietary supplements

It is important in the formation of red blood cells and in widening the arteries to avoid blood clotting. A person who wants to eliminate the practice of taking daily supplements can research which foods are high in the vitamins and minerals necessary for proper health and include those foods in their diet.

An exploration of the malay kompang

There are two main types of tones on the Kompang the lentong beat played by hitting the side of the drum with closed fingers, and the cerang played by slapping the center of the drum with the palm. A summary of the different Pukulan specific to the Kompang Ezhar community is shown in Figure 1 β†’

Third gender

In a more evolved and accepting society, men and women will not be judged based on physical attributes and passing judgement on those whose beliefs and physical and mental make up do not agree with that of their own. The appeal of accepting the idea of adding androgynous gender to society will transcend and eliminate β†’

Le corbusier, the modernist

The International Style of Architecture The international style is characterized by three basic principles; the marked influence of volume rather than mass; balance rather than applied symmetry; and the total expulsion of ornaments to the composition of the structure both in the facade and interior spaces. The Columbia Encyclopedia sixth edition.2007.

What does enlightened self-interest involve?

Enlightened self interest is actually a viewpoint in principles which states that people who act to advance the interest of others eventually they provide their own self interest. Enlightened self interest clearly states that a big business is in due course assisting itself through helping to resolve communal problems.

War is no solution to any problem

Form this we can understand that war is no solution to any problem it only ends in loss of both the parties' hence peaceful negotiation should be preferred. As it is said by Eleanor Roosevelt that " No one won the last war and no one will win the next" Thus reconciliation should be preferred β†’


It underpins importance of rest and enjoyment for efficient working. For the reasons I have mentioned, I am going to seek a job for my self and do it with all my best to grow out of my own ebullient thought and action.

Statistic: sampling and research design

Probability sampling is a proportion and such sample is selected from the population by means of some systematic way in which every elements of the population has a chance of being included in the sample. Sampling design involves taking a proportion of the population to do your research project.

Labor demand

At a state where the current real wage is higher than the equilibrium real wage, the labor supply is greater than the demand for labor which means there is an excess supply of labor in the market. Equilibrium in the Market for Labor.

Bar coding

The mitochondrion of most eukaryotes contains the mitochondrial DNA, and the rate of mutations is faster that are responsible for a significant variation in the DNA sequences of the mitochondria between the species. DNA bar coding: To characterize the species of the organisms a novel technique exists termed " DNA bar coding", and the technique β†’

Discuss how education as a social institution impacts on caribbean society and culture

Therefore, if education is to be seen as a form of social institution, it means then that education as a social institution would an important and influential organization in a community in which people are also able to interact with each other. One of the disadvantages of the education as a social institution is that β†’

Proverbs as the collection of national and international features

The proverbs are the " code" of the people, expressing the individual way of life of each nation. At the same time, it is also important that the population of the nation and the size of a social group in the society.

Strategic opportunity assessment

For example, in the field of economics, and even managementscience, perhaps the most popular method is be using a cost-benefit analysis in order to facilitate through a quantitative and theoretical approach what are the costs and the benefits of undergoing a certain project and being able to decide if it is indeed truly feasible and β†’

Multi-national corporate rewards program

The program must hold appeal to the employee and be appropriate for the location, especially if the company is a multi-national organization. Culturally Appropriate Reward Programs The rewards programs for our company will consist of a base package that will be appropriate and applicable to all divisions.

The cult of lego

Ithink that lego went through a horizontal integration just because of the fact that they went froma small shop to now what is one of the most powerful companies in the world. LEGOwill most likely always be a lot of fun for the workers and for the kids that get to use them.

Philosophy of coaching

Some coaches are to win, some are to teach the players to be responsible, and some are to allow the players to Just have fun. Winner will be able to get out of conditions for the day.

Procure it resources

For an IT based organization to be successful, it not only needs to plan and organize effectively but also has to make sure that it acquires the right processes and implement it in the best manner possible. For the implementation to be done it should be made sure that the two most important factors of β†’

Elements of christian worldview and difference between christianity and atheism

Worldview is a framework of ideas and beliefs is forming a global description through which an individual group orculturewatches and interprets word and interacts with. Worldview is formed through combination of all beliefs and assumptions where a person must internalize his or her values and convictions and be able to apply in generating thoughts, feelings, β†’