Genuine Research Paper Examples

Gung ho

The former foreman of the plant goes to Tokyo and does a presentation to convince the " Assan Motors" corporation to re-open the plant and provide jobs for the town. The executive goes around the plant to check the performance of the workers and sometimes judges them to work better which are very irritating to →

Unmanned aerial vehicle of bits pilani

To tap these features and advance the applications and versatility of the quadrotor is the aim of the team.1. Pitch, in a square configuration, is achieved by reducing the speeds of two propellers and increasing the speeds of the two propellers, this pitches the quadrotor in the direction of A and B.

Dormitory towns

Pittston Pittston is a village and civil parish within the Lawlessly Vale district of Packinghouse, It is located at the foot of the Chillier Hills, about seven lies east of Lawlessly It directly adjoins the village of Ivanhoe, and the two villages share a number of their facilities. To compare two sets of related values, →

The best tour i’ve ever had

We had a chance to watch the whales in the ocean. I held on to the handles with my hand and screamed.

Counseling in the church

The impact of care and maturity of the counselor outweighs the techniques used. Bock, 2007) It is God ordained for " some to be pastors and teachers for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, to which all come to the unity of the →

Chuck e cheeses

We are to prepare a written analysis of the organization with the following requirements: 1) describing the product or service marketed by the company; 2) evaluate the company in terms of the financial ratios we believe are most helpful in understanding the company's performance; and 3) include a financial forecast for the said company for →

Why most research findings about psi are false: the replicability crisis, the psi paradox and the myth of sisyphus

This leads to the following paradoxs: if the existence of psi is proven in a classical scientific setting, then it demonstrates retroactively that this setting is inappropriate because psi implies that there is no clear " cut" between the observer and the observed. Not so, because even if this experiment was replicated 50 times with →

The training and development at sainsbury’s

The training and development at Sainsbury's provides the staff at Sainsbury's with the opportunity to work efficiently and effectively so that they can stay on the job. DEPARTMENT AT SAINSBURY'S A major conflict that the Human Resources Department faces is the conflict between the training and development at Sainsbury's and the Finance Department at Sainsbury's.

A paper on listening skills

In today's life we find it a bit difficult to make important decisions or to perform the tasks in a shorter p of time because we are used to taking our time in analyzing and understand the situation and then acting on it. The paper would talk about the skills of listening in detail by →

Kids vs disabilities

On the other end of the spectrum, I have found people with Down syndrome to be very loving, and ask nothing more of you than yourfriendship. As you can see a person with Down syndrome may entail more of your time and energy, but in my experiences I have found it to be worth the →

Kennewick man

The highly controversial treatment and care of the human skeletal remains that have come to be referred to as the " Kennewick Man" or the " Ancient One", disinterred; July, 28, 1996, poses a multiplex of conflict. Being informed of the discovery of the remains, the U.

Probing the cultural constitution of causal cognition – a research program

Here, we defend the position that people's cultural background does affect whether and how they engage in causal cognition: by shaping the settings in which causal cognition occurs, the manner in which potential factors are pondered on, the selection of relevant factors from a causal field, or the way in which such factors are linguistically →

Branding strategies in the marketplace

Branding Strategies in the Marketplace The evaluation tables: The sample size is 70, it means the total number of the respondents is 70 people. However, if the brand profiles of the two brands are observed then it will be clear that the brand Crocodile is from Asia but the brand Lacoste is from the United →

The truth that everyone doesn’t accept, do you?

A topic for some people is the stain of society, a truth that many do not want to accept, a consequence of society and therefore is not accepted. In biological perspective, it is not bad that a person who born with these trend, and has accepted himself and his condition, and he just decides to →

David milgaard

The factors of social perception of deviance, the influence of the media, and the misconception of investigating police and prosecution played a substantial role in the resulting miscarriage of justice. According to Melvyn Green, Milgaard was in the " eye" of public and police.

Malicious attacks

According to Solomon, 2012, there are many malicious attacks and threats that can be carried out against the network, some of which are identified below: -Brute force attacks are one of the most tried and true attack methods where the attacker uses a software program to try all possible combinations of a password, security code →

How do men and women use language differently

How do men and women use language differently? " Men grow up in a world in which a conversation is often a contest, either to achieve the upper hand or to prevent other people from pushing them around whereas women often speak for confirmation and support". Women and men have different purposes in a communication →

Critique of curtis’ a note to student art directors

But not the art part".[1] To encourage art directors to remain connected to originality and creativity central to being an artist Curtis offers several pointers toward the end of the article. A formula that sells does not ask for anything else unless an art director has risen above mediocrity to help in the creation of →

American government exit

In the book " To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, the character Tom Robinson was a hardworking crippled Black man living in 1930's America. Similar to Robinson, Hines is also discriminated by the people in his town because of his race.

Micro economics fiori pasta

You have been hired to give an impartial analysis of pricing strategy for Fiori Pasta under the assumption that you will pursue a single price policy. 0751Q= 0 When you solve for this you get the revenue sales maximizing quantity as Q= 531, 000 at a price of $19.

Prohibition in usa 1900-1930

Prohibition in USA in the 1900's The prohibition was brought on by the strong temperance movement happening in America in the early 1900's. But when the war was over, and Germany was distinguished as the enemy, patriots were unwilling to support their economy by buying their alcohol, which greatly helped the movement as most of →

Alliteration and symmetry in sir gawain and the green knight

For example, the poem begins: " Sithen the sege and the assaut was sesed at Troye", with the " s" sound recurring five times within the single long line. The number five is also found in the structure of the poem itself.

Joan of arc research paper

Sir Robert refused Joan's request, and sent her to her uncle, Durand, who was currently living in Vaucouleurs to take Joan back to her father and " box her ears" (to slap her with the palm of their hand up across her head to make her deaf for a while. With Joan's life being so →

Balsara used to its advantage

Quoting from Faizal-E-Miswak, it was pointed out that prophet Mohammed used "miswak before sleeping at night and after awakening." The religious appeal in the promotion was reinforced by the findings of scientists all over the world, including Arabic ones, of the antibacterial property of clove and its ability to prevent tooth decay and gums. In →


The Ehrlich gives prime examples of how in the case of cowboys, they can really be tender and caring and how society views can be so judgmental not just only on cow boys but on men in general or in this case poets. The misconception of cow boys and poets in relation are generally the →

Role of a judge and role of a defense attorney

In addition, the interdependence of the judge with the jury could possibly make it hard to eliminate personal bias and conviction during the acual process of hearing and deciding a case. In this case, the defense attorneys are trying to be independent with the prosecutor and the judge as they would create substantial appeal to →

Whether taxation is the most effective solution to market failures

If the PED is inelastic, consumers will be unresponsive to a change in price, so producers may pass on most of the tax burden to consumers, who will continue to buy the product. The tax set by the government must be equal to the size of the external costs associated with the product, and this →

Intellectual property piracy

In December 2011, the Office of the US Trade Representative released a list of " notorious markets," or markets that " typify the problem of marketplaces that deal in goods and services that infringe on IPR and help to sustain global piracy and counterfeiting," according to a USTR press release. Organizations such as the WTO →

Lady in her bath

The painting has all the classical signs of Renaissance art, and is secular in theme and emphasizes the grandeur of the individual. The " Lady in her Bath" painting by Clouet is not only a beautiful example of Europe's rebirth, but of art and the artists during that time; from the new techniques that were →

Outline of human trafficking research paper essay sample

Children who are able to successfully return to their families often pose a significant financial burden, due to their lack of education, and the illnesses and injuries they may have incurred during trafficking work. Due to the illicit nature of drug trafficking, children who are apprehended are often treated as criminals, when in reality they →

Managing sars quarantine measures in taiwan: ‘experiences of public health nurses’

This article examines the level of confidence and the reasons behind the state of confidence in controlling the 2003 severe acute syndrome epidemic among nurses in Taiwan. While the Taiwan's Department of Health responded promptly to the SARS outbreak, the measure did not consider the welfare of the public health nurses who were to have →

Real estate bubble in china: the present and the future

Even in the heyday of residential mortgages, the loan is not as easy as in the U.S. In conclusion, the burst of real estate bubble is not easy in China and, if happened, will have limited effect to the world economy.

Shinenatashia unit

It is my job to work with the investigating detectives and the police department to build a sold case against Tim Masters. All the evidence they has against my client was circumstantial, the prosecution used inadmissible evidence in court to convict Tim Masters.

Dean moriarty in jack kerouac’s on the road

Though it is not until a series of passages at the commencement of the novel that the " crucifixion" of Dean Moriarty's youth takes place, forcing upon him a revelation; forcing him to relinquish his naive, rebellious ways into a life of real uncertainties and real problems. It is here, through Dean's " martyrdom" that →


The title of the novel Microserfs introduces the two main ideas of the novel: it is a play on the dominant force within the computer industry and the word serfs, which refers to the semi-slave groups who existed within feudal societies in medieval times. In Microserfs the great spur for activity is the search to →

Weight of a nation consequences

In order to see proper as made the problem needs to be addressed and programs created to benefit the lifestyle f Americans. Very go d video that opened my eyes to the reality of obesity.

The namesake

This sense of isolation is then contrasted to the sense of belonging that is developed later in the novel when Gogol Ganguli changes his name to Nikhil Ganguli in order to gain acceptance and a stronger sense of belonging within the American community. The Overcoat is also a motif that is used to symbolise the →

Beard vs graff

As you know, we have sold many novelty helmets over the years that o not meet " DOT" safety requirements, and these helmets provide no protection in a crash. Although this would be a large change in our business strategy, this change can increase profits, limit motorcycle fatalities, and positively portray the morals of our →

Finding the ratio of mole of reactants in a chemical reaction

Title: Finding the Ratio of Mole of Reactants in a Chemical Reaction Purpose of Lab: To find the coefficients of two chemical reactants that appears in a balanced chemical equation using the continuous variations method. Pour the solution out, rinse the cup and thermometer, and repeat steps 1-4 using a different ratio of the two →

Production possibilities

And when it reaches the negative value, the PPF curve of that nation would shift inward. Currency devaluation also affects the inward shift of a nation's PPF curve when some of the nation's resources are being purchased from other nations.

Bmw case

BMW's motivation behind the idea of producing the films was one to simply communicate, and focus on " what makes a BMW a BMW". This would enable BMW to answer the demands and desires of their customers, without disappointing them.

The education system of today

The pressure of society for a person to strive to reach the best schools and therefore the besteducation, to do this your test scores have to be the best. In order to get into the best college to get the best job one has to go to the best high school, which takes the best →

Reflect on and develop your practice

I took into account that I am a care worker and that I have to change my attitude and to give more of myself. This I felt helped me to be more competent person and able to deal appropriately with my clients.

Why i choose to be a sociology major

I struggled in the majority of my math related classes while I was a business major, and that was quite epressing for me. Sociology will enhance whatever knowledge and experience I have concerning people skills because I will be more aware of how to reach people on a more personable level.

Ohms law and resistance

Hypothesis: As the length of the wire increases, the resistance of the wire will increase. Repeat steps 3-6 increasing the length of the wire 10cm at a time, up to 1 metre total length Divide the voltage by the amp readings to calculate the resistance Plot the wire length against the resistance The results support →

College pressures

In the essay he states the four pressures that the students face: economic, parental, peer, and self-induced. He is telling the parents what is going on in the minds of the students and the pressures they build up for themselves.


The American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology as mentioned that one of the most effective treatments for asthma Is the Inhalation of corticosteroids, which are Inflammatory medication control for asthma. Transitions: The avoidance of all possible asthma triggers can be difficult and even if an asthmatic sermon is able to suddenly gassing for air.

An interesting place to visit

The view is to die for. The place is a quiet atmosphere from hustle and bustle of the city.

University project help

Cost estimation, if done correctly, enables a firm to determine if the project will be profitable, if the company can afford the project and in general if the project is worth ursuing. Consider the common problems with project cost estimation and recall a project with which you have been involved.

What is knowles theory?

Malcolm Knowles' theory of andragogy allows coordinators and managers to construct activities, situations and undertakings that are important components pertinent to the learning atmosphere of adult members and recipients of particular health care organizations. And with an effective nursing curriculum, health care delivery among nurses can be facilitated more appropriately according to the needs of →

Wars negative impacts

War effects the economy of both countries fighting in a negative way. War is a conflict between countries thru the use of arms attempting to gain what they believe to be beneficial to their country.

A year round education and staff burnout

In some plans teachers will be able to either take the breaks with the children or act as a s stitute for the tracks who are in school. Some experts think that a year round education will be beneficial to children because they will not have the long break where knowledge is lost.

Ethical fashion markets in the uk and india | research

In order to fulfill my project, I need to do the forecast research of the Ethical Fashion in UK and India in order to reach to the best topic of my research. Investigate into an Ethical Fashion market in UK and India Investigate into an Ethical Fashion market in UK and India Understand the current →

David lynch as a cult auter

One of the key themes that they noted was the usage ofdreamsand dreamlike imagery within his works, something they related to the " surrealist ethos" of relying " on the subconscious to provide visual drive." This can be seen in John Merrick's dream of his mother in The Elephant Man, Agent Cooper's dreams of the →

Johnnie cochran

Johnnie Cochran was on his way to mastering acareerin law after facing hundreds of juries as a city attorney and soon afterward as a criminal lawyer. Johnnie Cochran idolized Marshall and therefore wished to follow in his footsteps as a lawyer.

Knowledge is the ultimate power

He is the king of cosmology not because of political power; he has everything not because he is a billionaire. The world of knowledge is waiting for our contribution.

A research on job satisfaction in different countries

The high percent of dissatisfied workers is in part due to the lack of job security, inability to progress in their career, and decline in benefits. According to these surveys it is safe to say that job satisfaction does not vary around the world, as people are just about equally dissatisfied with their work in →

Like a flag in the wind we are one

It is seldom that I get the chance to have companionship with other Christians and to be in anenvironmentwhere everyone's focus is on God. There is comfort in knowing I will see them soon and until then we share the same purpose in unity.

Gene therapy research at the frontiers of viral immunology

The authors present an up-to-date analysis of the mechanisms surrounding the innate immune response to single-stranded and self-complimentary AAVs, including the role of the viral capsid, the effects on target tissue, and the therapeutic potential of blocking innate responses. They provide strategies of immune modulation and tolerance induction in order to prevent unwanted immune responses →

Investigation into the impact of tourism on croyde and newquay

I went to Newquay on the 6th, which was in the middle of the very popular Ripcurl Boardmasters and the music week beach sessions. It is rare but to some surfers the village is known as 'The Place of Legends' or 'The Place of Kings' due to the way that the village is almost perfect →

Why one should not steal

It is important to know that if something is not yours, you do not have a right to it. Clearly, it is not worth it to steal anything, from anyone because it will not affect you positively in the end.

Determinants of the dividend policy

In addition, both the market and the firms prefer certain degree of continuity in dividend payments. In that case, managers of large firms are more likely to distribute high dividend payments, and convey their positive expectations of the firms' prospect.

Exponential smoothing forecast

The naive method forecast is done by projecting the current period's demand as the next period's forecast. In this case, our Ch is estimated to be 30% of the unit cost.

Save the earth, save mankind

Let's burn more and increase the earth temperature. Let's increase the sea level and pray for more tragedy.

Tropical rainforests vs tropical grasslands

However, when based in the indices on Diversity, Similarity and Dominance in the tropical grassland and tropical rainforest data, the Simpson Indices favor the data for the tropical rainforest as more diverse than the tropical grassland. The Simpson Indices, as defined in Cuevas, is based on dominance and as the number of dominant species →

To what extent do contemporary sociologists see the modern family as a haven from the outside world?

This is an important issue insociologywhen looking at the role of the family, as the family is the only institution in society providing affection and emotional support. He argues that the family performs two roles, the primary socialisation of children, and the stabilisation of adult personalities therefore agreeing with the idea that the family is →

Implementations based on existing software development techniques – modern gadgets

The origins of the word " gadget" trace back to the 19th century. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, there is anecdotal evidence for the use of " gadget" as a placeholder name for a technical item whose precise name one cannot remember since the 1850s; with Robert Brown's 1886 book Spunyarn and Spindrift, A →

Advantages and disadvantages of having siblings

When you do not have anyone it is hard to have someone close enough to you, to help you out in times of need. And of course, it is most likely that to share your room and stuff addition, having siblings give you a lot of things to do at home, so that means →

Need statement

The highlight of our program is craving for drugs and alcohol is erased from the mind of the addict. That prevents the relapse, which is the major cause of worry in most of the drug demand reduction program.

Art and politics

This is why there tends to be a trend of " Art politics" that seemingly commands the taste of people, resulting in the belief that great art comes from the production of the elite. This however does not just hold true to the southern hemisphere, as the United States of America's influence holds strong in →

The rio olympics 2016

The questions we are now asked is if the coming Olympics provided the motive for the increased importance that have been placed on controlling drug trafficking while also disguising as a strategy and justification to clean up the favelas of Rio? The Olympics routinely bring hundreds of thousands of tourists to the host city and →

Stem cell research and utilitarianism

The ethical issue of manipulation and destruction of the human embryo and its stem cells center the debate on stem cell research. There can be a comparison of stem cell research of embryonic stem cells to that of individuals in the military.

Through the tunnel

The journey through the tunnel symbolized Jerry going from a child to an adult. He finally has become the man that he wanted to be.

Cerebral cortex and phineas gage

Frontal is for reasoning, parts of speech, movement, planning, problem-solving, and emotions Phineas Gage Phineas Gage is a good example to use when explaining what happens to a person who receives brain damage and how the damage can affect ones cognitive functions. To this day " the role of the frontal cortex is involved in →

Research essay

In fact, we know that the source of the Superstitions is ignorance while Science is all about explanations and predictions of the Universe, however people's ignorance will never end. Radford, people believed mirror trap the one's spirit in it so breaking it will affect the person's soul, " The origin of this belief is that →

Non-invasive diagnostic techniques

The strength of a magnet in an MRI system is rated using a unit of measure known as a tesla. Maintaining such a large magnetic field requires a good deal of energy, which is accomplished by superconductivity, or reducing the resistance in the wires to almost zero.

Understanding social interaction

Limiting the number of toys available and requesting that children play in a small area requires the children to share and engage in the same activity, thereby encouraging social interaction. Assimilation is therefore, another form of interaction which cannot be neglected in the social process.

Diffrent type of doctors

Cardiologist: These are doctors of the heart that diagnose and treat heart diseases and cardiovascular diseases. Immunologist: The doctor who studies all aspects of the immune system in all organisms and gives treatment to diseases of the immune system.

Pvsyst tutorial

The basis for this tutorial will be to design a PV system that fits on the area defined by the LDK roof of the model used in the Ecotect_Tutorial. In the next window of the " System Specification" wizard select the module type and specifications.

South korean-business etiquette and cultural aspects

Some of the business topics we need to discuss are where is Korea, Business Meeting Etiquette, Business Dress Attire, Giving and Receiving of Business Cards, Giving and Receiving of Business Gifts, Business Dining and Entertainment, and Business women. The Koreans were liberated from the Japanese after World War II and the country was split in →

Urban sprawl and motorization

Increasing urban sprawl and motorization have become leading causes of environmental and social problems in recent years throughout the world, particularly in cities of developing countries. Climate change, which is caused by motorization and urban sprawl, is one of the most significant problems.

The importance of french education for engineers

The initial qualifications of those who apply for admission to INSA guarantee the high quality of the students: 80% of them graduate in 5 years and 5% in 6 years.[1] Engineering studies start concurrently with the first year of their training. The scientific training, conducted in French but adapted to engineering students from different backgrounds, →

Recruitment and selection in business

The recruitment process of an external employee take a long time because at first Tesco will need to outline the vacancy and will have to give an account of the type of person required, then the organisation will need to advertised the job vacancy and finally they will need to select the most appropriate person →

Taoism by confucius – my research

Taoism is described as a Chinese religious and philosophical system aimed at assisting its followers to achieve harmony within themselves and with the energy of the universe. In chapter 42 of the Tao-Te-Ching there is a reference about yin and yang.

Nokia’s mission statement

In order to gauge the company's performance in these two areas, there are a couple of specific indicators that Nokia is looking for. Nokia gives four areas that will become the primary focus of each of the business areas and gauge its success.

Introduction to culture and imperialism

For instance: " Culture is the learned, accumulated experience of the communities, and it consists of socially transmitted patterns of behavior." The final analysis of definition boils down to " socially transmitted patterns of behavior", and makes more sense, though like other definitions, it too cannot be taken as exact and conclusive. Said deplores the →


In order to tackle the problem, Sainsbury has adopted the policies of operating in EU and also other parts of the globe. One of the collaboration of Sainsbury is to focus on the demands of the consumers and maintain a healthy relationship with the suppliers and other partners.

The end of osama bin laden

Ever since the twin towers of World Trade Center collapsed in New York on September 11, 2001, United States of America was hot on the heels of Osama bin Laden, the founder and main source of inspiration of al-Qaida, the organization accused of carrying out that heinous attack. But on May 1, 2011, nearly a →

Research, define, and discuss what strategic philanthropy is and why it is beneficial to organizations, as well as give one example

This is the main difference between strategic and general philanthropy, it seeks the long-term benefits either to the organization or to society as a means of building a more positive future and knowing whether the effort is worth the investment or the cost. Strategic philanthropy is beneficial to the organization because it can give consumers, →

Life should be taken care

By looking at the above premises I reach to a solid conclusion; that no one should be allowed to ride in the truck of truck unless they have taken the necessary precautions, e.g, having attained the proper age, or when the truck is but the only means of transport in afamilyand the speed at which →

Kinship system in foraging and horticultural

You could also feel safer in the event a family member is hurt or was to become ill and could not provide their part of the food for a while. Of course, we have the welfare system and food pantries that do make it easier for those who do not have to get food.

Research was higher than in oligozoospermic 9.5%

As reported in literature, in half of the couples with unsuccessful pregnancy, the cause of infertility ismale related, and of them in about 30% genetic factors with abnormal semenparameters should be considered. In presentstudy, the incidence of chromosomal abnormalities in azoospermic group 16.

Intrnational mkt research canada 18587

Geographic proximity, cultural and historic ties, and strong awareness of business and other developments in the United States are key accelerators for the sale of U.S.goods and services in the Canadian market. The NAFTA has improved Canadian access to the U.S.and Mexican markets and enhanced the attractiveness of the Canadian economy to foreign investors.

Four basic ways a divisionally structured firm could

In contrast, reengineering is concerned more with employee and customer well-being than shareholder well-being. Whereas restructuring is concerned with eliminating or establishing, shrinking or enlarging, and moving organizational departments and divisions, the focus of reengineering is changing the way work is actually carried out.

Corporal punishment: overview

The authors to " Is Corporal Punishment an effective means of discipline", an article in the American Psychological Association corporal punishment state that corporal punishment can in fact build up antisocial behavior in children such as emotional and physical problems. I feel that corporal punishment can lead to child abuse with out caretakers being aware →