Genuine Research Paper Examples

A day without a phone

Knowing this about myself I had to factor in three important variables; what day, what am I going to do, & of course how will I notify people of my whereabouts! By this time I probably would have had to plug my phone in for the second charge of the day!

Althete safety

The most common sports for these types of Injuries to happen are in football and basketball. Whether the sports are for the school or an intramural the number of injuries is still pretty high due to the fact of not training the symptoms of injuries.

The age of faith dbq

The Middle Ages is usually defined as the period between the fall of the last Roman emperor in the West and the fall of Constantinople to the Turks or the discovery of America. The Age of Faith is the time in which the Church called for the first Crusade, philosophy flourished in the midst of β†’

Voucher threat

The fact of the matter is that school vouchers will create a competitive market in the education field causing the strongly funded private schools to thrive while the public schools that this country was built on to slowly deteriorate in quality due to fewer tax dollars being spent on the resources needed for public education β†’


Along with sterol, phospholipids make up 5% of lipids in diet Best know phospholipids is lecithin Has backbone of glycerol 2 of it 3 attachments occupied by fatty acid like those of triglycerides The third space occupied by a phospholipids group and a molecule of choline Soluble in both fats and water Fatty acids make β†’


I will cut back in going to afast foodresturaunts.i will get out and exercise more. I will try to start eating better and getting more help with maintaining a healthy diet.

Making decisions

Decision-making is a complex process that evolves under the influence of a variety of factors. Perception is the cornerstone of decision-making.

Tanglewood case 5

Based upon the information in the case it appears that the law firm of Eaglette-Schubert is currently contacting other employees and encouraging them to band together in a law suit of Tanglewood. In an effort to increase the level of minorities employed in the management program, it its proposed that Tanglewood recruits from primarily minority β†’

Confucianism in a nut shell

Yell or honesty and righteousness.C. Lie or propriety and correct behavior.D.

Buying the most expensive thing

The strength of the economy for a buyer can affect the benefits of the home ownership because it would determine the future market value of the home. With an increase to taxes there is less money to spend and save for buying a new home, and the location of the home will effect how much β†’

The unhealthy trend of obesity among children the national heart

The main objective of this program is to offer assistance to children and parents alike in obtaining a lifestyle that is more active in every sense of the word.'A sound mind in a sound body' is the goal that is set forward to achieve. This report is actually a precaution and suggestion on ways to β†’

Construction project (site and environment)

0 Overview of the project The project is by the side of the architecture building inside the Catholic University of America. 3 trace 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 2.3 15.

Advantages and disadvantages of an unwritten constituion

The strongest argument in favour of a written constitution is that it would protect the rights of its citizens and individual liberty would be more securely protected. The rights would become more clearly defined due to a written constitution and perhaps easier to enforce than an unwritten constitution because it is difficult to be completely β†’

Unbelievable horrors

The paper compares the cost of renovating elder prisons to the costs of creating new facilities. The monetary resources needed to ring the structure back to its momentum were too vast and in 1971, the state of Pennsylvania closed the doors to the once famous prison.

Family and medical leave act (fmla)

After that, employers and employees who are supporter of FMLA amended this to make sure it was incorporated in more workplaces and to help provide for paid leave instead of unpaid leave. Conclusion With the finding on research and the effects of the FMLA which was at first was focused on its effects on pregnant β†’

Religion, politics and economy

We can see the importance placed on religion from the ten temples in the area, some of which are the Temple Of Jupiter and the Temple of Apollo. The Temple of Apollo on the left and the Temple of Jupiter on the right Gods were orshipped both in public and in the home.

I just wanted to know about the present trends in housekeeping department

PRESENT TRENDS IN HOUSKEEPING DEPARTMENT Accommodation Management Staffing The housekeeping department of a hotel is responsible for ' cleanliness, maintenance, aesthetic upkeep of rooms, public areas, back areas and surroundings.' The department is not always given therespectit is due in terms of work load, the size of which can be estimated by the fact the β†’

Singlehood, hanging out, hooking up, and cohabitation

Hanging out is a pretty common thing to do and everybody does it, for the sake of finding someone, to have that feeling that your not alone or just self-satisfaction. There are the times where casual sex is " available", for the lack of a better word, and often times cannot be given up, I β†’

The star spangled banner

This was the flag that was flown during the rainy day and the " perilous night" and the flag that was described in the first part of The Star Spangled Banner. The Americans were plunged in to a world of blood and gore.

One country, two systems

It remains an active member, in its own right using the name 'Hong Kong, China', of the World Trade Organization, the World Customs Organization, the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation forum and the Asian Development Bank and as an associate member of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific of the United Nations. Representatives β†’

Should we β€˜tone down’ anzac day?

I do not see how anyone may be offended by that, except for maybe the Turkish or the Germans but even they should enjoy ANZAC day because it is a celebration of who the ANZAC soldiers were, not who they fought. But the fact that it was even suggested is a gross example of how β†’

Jump and motocross

While some say it is just a simple race others see it as a lifestyle, a way to get off the edge, a high risk to fill their need for a rush, or just a quick shot of adrenaline. It is something about the jitters you get right when you go to try a new β†’

Terry gilliam

Although I was able to understand a bit, I still had to watch It again for me to have a better and deeper feel of the story. Well actually, the movie did not Interest me t all, I got really bored watching It, not because It Is badly written nor directed, It Is Just that β†’

Communism, marixsm and capitalism

COMMUNISM, MARIXSM AND CAPITALISM Institute A Comparison and Contrast of Capitalism, Communism, and Marxism Capitalism isa form of economic governance whose primary rule is the ownership of all the property which is used for the purpose of production to lie in private hands. Marxism explains the fact that capitalism promotes the rights and wealth of β†’

Research methodology in management decisions management essay

Objective of Business Research, Types of Research, and Types of Research Approach, Benefits, Business Research Requirements and Problems, Contents of a Research Plan, Features of a Business Research Report. Business Research will be the pursuit of the truth with the observation of study, an comparison and experiment.

Legal aspects of business – indian contracts act 1872

According to Section 10, " All agreements are contracts, if they are made by the free consent of the parties, competent to contract, for a lawful consideration with a lawful object, and not hereby expressly to be void." Essential Elements of a Valid Contract are: Proper offer and proper acceptance.there must be an agreement based β†’

Origins of world war 1

As we read in " The origins of the first World War" by Ruth Heing and in " The Iron Dice: World War 1" by John G. In the Reading " The origins of the first World War" by Ruth Henig, it is stated that cause of the war was the system.

Performance measurement in the public sector

Performance measurement inprivate sector For the private sector, such as the profit-oriented organization, the primary measure of performance is profit and the majority of performance measurement activities are still based on the financial statements. Nevertheless, the values of goods and services in public sector are more difficult to identify and measure than the one in β†’

Web-based research: nintendo company ltd

With the success of their playing cards it has allowed them to enter the toy business and eventually into the video game industry. In regards as to why I particularly select this company is due to the fact that I admire that they are the most accomplished video game company that connects to all generations β†’

Economic crisis in turkey

The government had to intervene by selling its foreign-currency reserves to staunch the decline of the Turkish lira. The fiscal crisis resulted in a decline in real GDP of 5 percent in 1994 after the economy had grown briskly in 1992 and 1993.


This brings out clearly the importance of architecture in the development of material culture, and the same way, material culture is so important in architecture and other fields as discussed below. They are a source of pride and give a visual impression of the history of the people in those places.

Compromise of 1850

The Compromise of 1850 was a series of acts passed in 1850, by which the United States Congress hoped to settle the strife between the opponents of slavery in the North and slave owners in the South. The Compromise of 1850 called for the admission of California as a free state as well as the β†’

What it means to become a teacher

I used to think that the best part of being ateacherwas the brightly colored bulletin boards, the smell of freshly sharpened pencils, the Crayola Crayons, and the endless supply of organized office supplies neatly placed on the teacher's desk. When it's the end of the day and kids say ' I want to stay here β†’

Psychology of colour

In addition to the floor plan, the colors used on the interior affect the successfulness of a restaurant because they can directly influence a person's desire to eat. Due to the size of its wavelength, Red is the most warm color and has the strongest effects on the human mind.

Hobbes’s key philosophical contributions to social and political philisophy

To begin with, one might point out that in the former field he was the first person to comment on the state of affairs prior to creation of the government. As for the political dimension of his legacy, one should point out that this philosopher advocated the idea of a social contract that all the β†’

Literature and life

In both readings you get a sense of the hardship the characters faced because of racism, the things that people may do or allow to happen because it is so hard. I believethere is also a part of her that feels this way is better for everyone, this way they do not have to deal β†’

What is civilisation ?

This was mostly due to the time people now had to think rather than hunt and gather. The standard western definition in my opinion is this: A collection of many factors that enable us to be in control of our surroundings and wheretechnology, systems and living conditions are highly advanced.

Geocentric orientations

The practices and policies of headquarters and of the operating company in the home country become the default standard to which all subsidiaries need to comply. The main disadvantages are that an ethnocentric mindset can lead to cultural short-sightedness and to not romoting the best and brightest in a firm.2.

Methods of analysis in health care

Methods of Analysis in Health Care Methods of Analysis in Health Care There are different methods of analysis used in financial decision making. Vertical analysis can be used in health care by managers to understand the nature of their debt.

Old man asleep

The old woman in this poem wants to be left alone, but she will not be and so the only time she is happy is when she is by herself". Old Man Asleep" has no rhyming pattern, this is a point shared by Jenny Josephs " Warning"." Old Man Asleep" has a four-stanza structure and β†’

In the penal colony

The officer seems to be in control of everyone on the penal colony, while the traveler seems to be a passive bystander who did not try to stop the officer's " unjustified" punishment." The traveler now wanted to remain silent, but he felt the eyes of the condemned man on him; he seemed to be β†’

Poultry production in nigeria

It is argued that one of the reasons for the increases in both the size and the impact factor for the journal is the increasing importance of poultry production and products worldwide. The importance of research of eggs and their production is likely to continue and become greater in the future, with a consequent increase β†’

Legalization of illegal drugs

Due to the illegality of drugs the supply and manufacture is obviously limited, meaning the price rises. Starting with the likes of Cannabis and Cocaine and if this is successful soon moving on to harder and more serious drugs.

Huck finn

Check out the way Huck describes it: So in two seconds away we went a-sliding down the river, and it did seem so good to be free again and all by ourselves on the big river, and nobody to bother us." Free again," " All by ourselves," " nobody to bother us": to Huck, the β†’

Basics of ict

Define the term " computer" in detail and describe different generations of computer.Q. Explain different types of software, development of software and software distribution.Q.

An appraisal of uk’s opposition to the proposed eu ftt

It is, however, raising controversy among EU member states, with particular opposition from the UK government citing negative impacts of the tax.[2] The scope for this proposed tax is transactions on financial instruments undertaken with at least one financial institution party to the transaction established within the territory of a member state of the EU, β†’

The requiredΒ rate of returnΒ on the stock

Dividend = $5 Preferred = $50 What is the stock's required rate of return ^P 0 = D/rs rs = D/^P 0 rs = 5/50 rs = 0. The stock is expected to pay a dividend of $3.

Restructuring of european societies

Overall what can be said is that over the last few decades there have been a number of changes in relation to gender and employment. Another aspect of these societies that can be said to be changing is in the family life.

Malaysian culture

Hari Raya Puasa, the day of celebration of marking the end of Ramadan is the biggest event of the Muslim calendar. Similar to the Chinese during Chinese New Year, the Malays also have the tradition of giving Angpau but on this occasion it is known as duit raya and is given in green packets.

How to use educational resources

I myself prefer the audio appendixes and digital stories because when I am able to hear things I seem to be able to learn and remember it better. I prefer using it over going to a traditional library because all I have to do is log onto my student website, click on the library tab, β†’

Physical and economic values

How to Develop Assertiveness Physical Values This are about the tangible aspects of life: the external world as well as the state of our physicalhealthand well-being. Such values relate to the amount of space we need to feel comfortable and the degree to which we are satisfied and fulfilled by aesthetic stimulation and material possessions.

A year had departed since that fatal day

The day I repeat in my head over and over, that I could not escape from if I wanted to. Some would say it looked sinister, but it was the only way I could join her, and I had made a promise so I had to keep it.

Perceptions of workload

It will be followed by a brief account of factors that determine a students' estimation of workload and how they shape their perception along with a review of how teachers evaluate the academic capabilities of their students and what their opinions are regarding workload. Although bothteacher's and student's acknowledge and accept that academic workload must β†’

Evidence based practice and applied nursing research

Qualitative: Strengths and Limitations: The data collected provides useful and practical data to the healthcare industry in order to reduce the incidence of medication errors that cause fatal and non-fatal outcomes. If implemented, these initiatives will provide healthcare workers the skills and knowledge to proactively prevent medication errors that result in serious harm.

Contemporary logistics

Basically, what happens in supply chain is that the manufacturing company needs to take care from scratch, i.e.from the every beginning phase of getting the raw materials, which are used in the manufacturing of the product. Supply Chain Inventory Management and the Value of Shared Information.

Using a socially conscious song from either the caribbean

This is shown plainly in Banton's lyrics in his song " Untold Stories," he speaks about these untold aspects of social life that has never been brought to the attention of others, conditions such as the inflation and rising of daily living expenses, the fact that at the end of the day your expenses will β†’

Citizens united v. federal election comission

Clearly, campaign ads are very helpful when it comes to voter turnout, and after the case, there was a major increase in the amount of ads aired during a campaign according to a Wesleyan study. Matthew Melone, a professor from Depaul University, notes that, " To believe that corporate advocacy will distort the political process β†’

How to successfully expand your business into the africa

In its April World Outlook, the MIFF maintained that the central challenge for Africa remained the establishment of those conditions necessary to achieve the Millennium DevelopmentGoals, most notably a sustained reduction in poverty. In sub-Sahara Africa as a whole, inflation is projected to fall further to 7 percent in 2013 The frequency of growth takeoffs β†’

Research writing

Back to top 2 DepEd kicks off K-to-12 program ALARMED by the high dropout rate in schools, the Department of Education early this year launched its K-to-12 program, which the agency believes could be the answer to the lingering problem of the country's perennially high unemployment rate. Bautista says that there is promise to the β†’

Aids in the world

This situation is often compared to that of the story of the six blind men and the elephants that is familiar to all of us as children. Despite the pessimisms among the people, researchers were beginning to unravel the mysteries of the disease that soon they call AIDS.

Ascariasis and trichuriasis

Present a rationale discussing the rotation, patient's medical status, statistics which include the international, national and local statistics about the case and its nursing implications; b.assess patient in a cephalocaudal manner; c.obtain factual information regarding patient's data base including the biographical data, clinical data, familyhealthhistory, past health history, and history of present illness; d.construct a β†’

How to apply for a graduate scheme

How to Apply for a Graduate Scheme So that's it you have done it, you have graduated; three years ofhard workhave come to an end and you have finished university with a stellar degree and a shedload ofmemories, but what happens nextWell, by now you have probably realised that you are no-longer a student and β†’

Smart kids

Failing to realize that the intelligent people are the ones that help move the world along; this miss conception it actually leaves the un-intelligent out. Intelligent people need to be given the due credit for their works in society and not shunned away.

Black & economic structure

One of his Malcolm's teachers laughs at him and tells the class that " though the slaves have been freed, black people are still lazy and dumb." When an adult says something like that to a child, the child is more than likely going to believe the teacher and begin to think of him or β†’

Attachment: overview

0 INTRODUCTION I was attached at achiever college of professional in the department of information technology from 4 February 2013to 29 march 2013 The IT fraternity is a small group which comprises of six staffs four in EMBU college two in KERUGOYA college and two interns both in EMBU college who solve problems and offer β†’

Apa/aca web site critique

Everything was plain and clear for me to understand and I did not have to scroll through a bunch of options that did not have anything to do with me or what I was looking for. I felt better knowing that I was reading everything there was about autism and that I did not have β†’

Bush negroes

Moreover, these slaves, known as the Bush Negroes of Surinam and the Maroons of Jamaica, were able to survive despite the efforts of the Europeans to bring them back under their control. Despite their similarities, however, the settlements of the Bush Negroes of Surinam and the Maroons of Jamaica were different in many aspects, especially β†’

The obsession neurosis

The irony follows in the context of the variation of the extent of Naming God and believing in God. It is evident that the world of today is liberal and is open in the idea of religion and in beliefs, hence, it connotes that for some, the existence of God is still not established although β†’

Mannerist portraits of the 16th century

Now the painting that I have chose from the Mannerist portraits of the 16th is Parmigianino's Madonna and child with Angels, which is also Madonna of the Long Neck. Now the reason they call it Madonna of the long Neck is because how long her neck is in the painting.

What is bayesian thinking?

When the host first opened the door with the goat, something happened: opening the door gave the player extra information, and thus changed the probability of outcomes. The host opens either the first goat door or the second, and the player switches to the other goat door and loses.

A day worth remembering

I called my husband and informed him that I was being sent to the maternity ward. I was almost to the finish line and I was ready for it to be done and over with.


The feminist media work as the activists say ' has three ultimate purposes: first, to interrupt the incessant flow of images that supports the established social order with alternative ways of thinking and acting; second, to organize and activate viewers; third, to create artful and original imagery that follows in the tradition of fine art, β†’

The idea of anti-sexism has hardly scratched the surface of the popular male imagination

Despite the 'personal politics' of a few men, the nature of work itself has not changed and continues to reinforce the same traditional male values. It would be a move against the binding domination of full-time work and the undervaluing of part-time work, which would allow a balance of working and domestic life to suit β†’

Alarming literacy concerns in us

Why do people put a major emphasis on learning to drive and such a minute one on learning to read? If a child is read to on a regular basis, they will be ahead of the game before they start their long journey to read.

Chico mendes

When the union found out about the plans they fought back and organised protests and speaches, the leaders of the operations did not appreciate this and sent Wilson a goats head, this was a death promise. Wilson and his union did not back down though, this was the cause of Wilson's death, he was shot β†’

Being a vegetarian

Weight loss is one of the many benefits of being a vegetarian. Avoiding meat and being a vegetarian is challenging and very hard to do.

An overview of research methodology education essay

Methodology is the theory of how research should be undertaken, including the theoretical and philosophical assumptions upon which research is based and the implications of these for the method or methods adopted. The first layer raises the question of the research philosophy to adopt, the second considers the subject of research approach that flows from β†’

Aeon history

JUSCO Home Centre opened in 1 Utama Shopping Centre, 000 seedlings were planted in the vicinity of the JUSCO Permas Jaya store as part of? Develop the new idea is the proses activity to the manager become successful to managerial the employee to become creative and behavior to an organization.

Life of pablo friere

He also goes on to say " Education thus becomes an act of depositing, in which the students are the depositories and the teacher is the depositor. They are as follows:" the teacher teaches and the students are taught the teacher knows everything and the students know nothing the teacher thinks and the students are β†’

Media role in everyday life

The whole point of a media text is that it moves and flows: the meaning is never 'there' at a given moment, but in juxtaposition and sequence, in the tension between one moment and another. 2000: 11 One of the strengths and also the challenges of media studies is precisely that it asks you to β†’

Observation performed at atascadero lake park

There was a great deal of interaction between the young man and his peers he seemed to have no issue with the sex of the other child, however I did observe at one point that he was holding the hand of a girl who appeared to be around the same GE as he. This was β†’

What makes a business successful?

What we can learn from this is that as a business you have to develop and match customers needs by focusing on what would be preferred by the customer and always adapting to new trends. What we can learn from this is that to become a successful business you need to understand the online world.

Is facebook a good or bad example of participatory culture

Facebook is a good participatory culture as it provides a platform where artistic expression and civil engagement are easily expressed to a large number of people. In conclusion, it can be seen that Facebook is both a good and a bad participatory culture.

5 ways to not write a guest blog post

The value for the author and the company is in the article byline: the part that lists your name, company and position. While you may be an expert in your field, you also have to make sure that when you write about your industry, you are not describing the exact problem your company solves.

Franchise support

In order to become successful in the franchise business, the franchise support staff should offer praise, encouragement, and instruction to the franchisee because working in the positiveenvironmentwill ensure success to the franchised business. It is actually to boost the morale and feelings of interdependence of the franchisee and the franchisor These kind of calls actually β†’

Four software development methodologies

The system will display projected occupancy for a period of time. The system will display room revenue for a specified period of time.

Eyjafjallajkull – volcanic eruption

The reason for such a complete halt was not only reduced visibility but also the presence of tiny volcanic rocks that were hugely present in the ash. The Eyjafjallajokull Volcano in Southern Iceland: Some Facts.

Examining the saytam scandal

Ramalinga Raju, who is the laminitis and besides the president of the Satyam Computer, the universe has learnt and shocked about the fradulent fiscal activities that the Satyam interfered. When the authorities and the clients of the Satyam became leery about this behavior of Satyam and the investors panically and all of a sudden sold β†’

A taste of honey by shelagh delaney

Delaney did not focus on families being what everyone conceived them as, where thefamilyconsisted of the head of the household or the dad, working for the family in order to earn a living and then the mother who stayed at home and cooked and cleaned and tended to the children. To connect more closely with β†’

The world in a train by francisco b. icasiano

I had previously arranged to divide the idle hour or so between cultivating my neglected Christianity and smoothing out the rough edges of my nature with the aid of grateful sights without - the rolling wheels, the flying huts and trees and light-green palay seedlings and carabaos along the way. When I noticed him he β†’

Defining security

Pluralists believed that the pursuit of military power and economic power by a state, which was the idea derived from the thinking of Realism was too simple." Pluralists, as the term implies, consider that a plurality of actors, rather than just states, exert influence on the world stage". The paradigms that affect issues in security β†’

Rabbit, run

The drowning death of a newborn baby challenges the religious beliefs of many of the characters, and even provokes her father to dream of founding a new religion, based on " the truth" about life and death. He would spent the night in a motel and the day trying to catch a glimpse of Ruth, β†’

I really enjoy family time.

One of the things I love the most from them is that they always remind me that I have to live life to the moment. That is one of the main reason I enjoy so much spending time with my daughters.

Genogram paper

My grandmother is my only grandmother I have left and I wish I had more of a connection with her like I did with my mother's grandmother. My father is the middle child from his mother's children; I feel this is why my father and I understand each other more compared to my mother.

Beanstalk: the real story

The old woman tells him the traditional version of the " Jack and the Beanstalk" in which the giant is portrayed as a selfish. Because of the doubt, Jack decides to go to another world where all is revealed to him along with the story of his ancestor, the original Jack and the Beanstalk.