Genuine Research Paper Examples

The impact of public policies on young voters

For example, if our government can trust our youth to be mature and capable of enlisting in the military at the age of eighteen, then they are mature enough to vote as to who the commander in chief will be. To depel of this right, legislatures would have to pass a bill in the house →

Helping the smart technology to get turnover growth in the long run

Identified cases of employee resistance to training; this is because it is a vital process that ensures they are equipped with the latest customer response approaches. Assessed if customer care forms part of Smart Technologies' strategic planning; this is the only way to know if the management is on board with this exercise.

How the role of an accountant has changed over time

This essay will present many changes that have happened in accounting and the influences of these changes within companies The accounting and accountant history are hereditary, which means that the information was passed from generation to generation. For this reason the markets play an important part in the development of accounting because this discipline is →

Home business website

Links If you are a frequent customer or subscriber of a certain on line vendor, you might consider asking if they will support a link to your page in exchange for you doing the same. You can leave some of your cards with your website on it for people to visit.

Unmistakably racist

After reading the article written by William Booth entitled " A White Migration North from Miami," I easily got the gist of the article which says " There is a racism that is happening in Miami". In the article of Booth, he cited many instances wherein the Americans feel that they are being discriminated because →

Plc, bcg matrix, product, services etc of mahindra scorpio

Porter's Generic Strategy Of Mahindra Scorpio Five forces model of Porter's generic strategy of Mahindra Scorpio is as follows Threat From Buyers - Mahindra Scorpio is a low and favorable SUV available in the market as in comparison with other car manufacturing companies. In case of Mahindra Scorpio, they give the actual stated features and →

Chi mei opto electronics

As one of the leading manufacturers in the global LCD-TV panel industry, CMO continues to focus on the development of advanced technology and innovative products, and shares in the responsibilities of promoting the knowledge-based concept of the " digital home". In 2005, LCD TV panels bloomed due to the smooth mass production and ramp up →

Female education and economic growth

Duraisamy came to the conclusion that female education has a positive rate of return for all levels of education in India. Before continuing on and reviewing the impacts of female education on economic growth through a decline in fertility rate and increase in human capital, it is important to clarify the diversity in India.

A brief overview of world war i

One of the causes of World War was that they made all the aforementioned items join in the war and then was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary. The nationalism of countries throughout Europe contributed to the extension of the war and the beginning- in a general way.

Roles in the society

I had an experience of role distancing in last year's summer camp which to be one of the instructor, the expression I had given to the children is very serious, but it does not mean I am a serious person, it's because I need to go into my role. As the instructor, it's a job →

Organizational dimensions

Although there are numerous studies and dimensions of job satisfaction, only a few models and adjoining measurement instruments are available to measure the dimensions of job satisfaction, such as the Job Descriptive Index, which is one of the most widely used instruments. Proposition 3a The more formalization in hospitals, the less satisfaction with interaction, task →

Hello my name is andrea

Instead of cutting back service and losing money, USPS updating new guidelines will increase mail services. Eliminating mail on certain days will save money and at the same time deliver great service to the customer.

Sir elton john

Elton John has to kids with David. Elton John is 71 years old and is retiring from music very soon.

Peer gynt

Peer Gynt Response Paper The story of " Peer Gynt" helps explore the state of mind of the self throughout the adventures of Peer Gynt, it also projects the human soul beyond the limits of time. However, the presence of figures such as the trolls, the Boyg and sphinx illustrates that the play is also →


What Data is Collected During a Flight? " Everything " Foliage Bare Earth Transmission Lines and Towers Railway Beds Roadways Vehicles Buildings etc. 75 /mile Digital Imagery and Orthophotography $743.

Challenge in my life: how i dealt with it

Then I was explained to that I was going to have immediate surgery. The first thing I thought with that being stated I knew I was going to die.

Measuring academic proficiency under the nclb.

The law also specifically requires that 95% of the total number of students in a school and 95% of each subgroup to take the reading and math standardized tests, while the state is tasked to determine its own AMO targets and the minimum number of students in each subgroup who are required to meet or →

A piece of string

This is where cause and effect ties in, because Houchecome was acting weird and did not want Maladain to see what he was picking up Maladain suspected that he took the wallet and went and told the Mayor. Also because Houchecome had lied in the past it made it very hard to believe that he →

Instinct and circumstance

Still, it is impossible to live in the I-Thou mode constantly, for it is being only in the present and paying attention only to the present. For the man in I-Thou it is all a part of one living dialog.

Special interest group research paper

The interest group i have chosen to study and do research upon is the World Wildlife Fund. WWFs mission is to conserve nature and reduce the most crucial threats to the diversity of life on earth and to build a future in which people live in harmony with nature.

Implementing diversity in the classroom

One of the major ones was that I had the ability to process and assess all of the various ideas and theories that were discussed in depth in this course and apply them to my ever growing " teaching philosophy. I believe that I need to be conscious of this and develop lessons and activities →

Dependence of demand on supply

The increase in the cost of production, however, will cause your revenue to fall if you keep your price the same. The increase in demand should enable you to increase price, selling perhaps the same number as before but at a higher price.

Exam study guide

The authority to investigate and punish violations of Texas ethics laws is granted to the Texas ethics commission To understand the operations the Texas legislature, one must understand the power of the Correct Answer: c.lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house. The political power of the Texas Lieutenant governor is largely based on Correct →

Escape by w.s. maugham

And Ruth made her mind to marry Roger: he was rich, considerate, and tactful and was glad to take care of her, so he was the best variant for her. A week passed and he received the letter: Ruth let him know that she was going to get married and claimed that Roger did not →

Organ donation: the people right or ought to the government make a law

If the donor is dead, however his or her organs may want to save people's life must the government determine to transplant the organ to the person who wished the organ or the parent. Organ and tissue donation is also beneficial in imparting people with clinical know-how human beings donate their our bodies for scientific →

The impact of the economy on us zoos

The topic I chose to apply the concepts I have learned throughout class is the effect the economy has on zoos in the United States. All of the terms I use throughout this paper have been learned from my Macroeconomics book by the authors McConnell, Brue, and Flynn as cited at the end of this →

My foundations learning

Knowing this I decided that I would use this path as my path module. Using each of the different modules developed from my lab tests I will be able to go back and complete each module.

Psychology and health problems

The multifunctional model can be used in aiding diagnosis as the factors correlate to illness and health. The multifunctional model is used to analyze the correlation of the interaction of different factors to aid in diagnosis.

Mendel vs. darwin

I am in the process of writing book to express my ideas to the people. I have known, from your studies of genetics, One of our few differences is that you conduct controlled experiments, while I seem to like working in a laboratory while I like to explore the world and see nature as it →

Theoritical foundation of a t beck’s ct and a. ellis rebt

The first is going to bring out and emphasize on the similarities, the second paragraphs is going to focus on the differences in their theories that makes them pioneers in their own field, Paragraph four is going to talk and argue the strength and limitations of CT and paragraph five will argue the strength and →

Operational budget

A budget is a formal plan that estimates the plausible expenditures and income for an organization over a certain amount of time. If the operational budget is more than the strategic plan provides for, then the company needs to exert more effort to bring the two numbers more in line." Budgets are a valuable instrument →

How soon hath time

Typical of the Petrarchan sonnet, there is a tonal change as well as a change in the mood and emotions of the poet. He feels that all he needs is time and necessarily, along with it, the blessings of God.

Mike rose’s i just wanna be average

The French commission stated that the youth of America were offered the same curriculum in the hopes to form a united, equal society. They could see the errors of the future and grasp to what made the system work in the past.

Power influence and promotion

It was surprising to discover from statement 1 that most lecturers said they were unaware of the aims and objectives of the institution, their focus was to teach the curriculum given to them. Lecturers felt that the local Arabs were equally in dire need of training, especially in management and organisation skills, as these seemed →

Seven up, inc

Squirt is the best selling carbonated grapefruit soft drink brand in the U.S." Kate Cox, the brand manager responsible for Squirt believes that market targeting and product positioning are key elements in Squirt's advertising and promotional plan development. Some of Squirt's strengths are the fact that Squirt is represented in about 83% of the U.S.and →

Backstroke and easy roll

If you look forward and tuck your chin, your feet want to drop underneath you to the pool floor. As you kick, rotate your body from side-to-side like a barrel floating and rolling in the water.

Environmental awareness among prospective teachers

REVIEW OF RELATED RESEARCH: The number of research studies has been undertaken by investigators on environmental awareness of students at various levels of education and findings of the same are as: Shahnawaj found that a very high level of awareness existed on the part of teachers and students and also found that environmental awareness was →

Modes of payment

This defers from methods accepted in the online store, which would be open account and cash payment upon delivery of the item or through wire, credit card payment through the Nochex service and Paypal. Similarly in the online store payments through Paypal will be accepted because this is a widely used online payment method.

Two peg test

Two Peg Test is a surveying operation carried out to determine whether the leveling bubble and telescope line of sight are parallel. Staff is read on each staff point A and point B and the height difference is calculated.

Travis hirschi social bond theory

In rare instances, a child's assent may not be required if the intervention or procedure is likely to benefit the well-being of the child directly and is available only in the context of the research. In the absence of a parent or parents able to give consent, consent may be given by a child's legal →

Textbook quick quizzes

The four principles of economic decision making are: people face trade-offs; the cost of something is what you give up to get it; rational people think at the margin; and people respond to incentives. The opportunity cost of seeing a movie includes the monetary cost of admission plus the time cost of going to the →

Study plan sample

I believethat by becoming an entrepreneur I will not only start a profitable business but also I will be able to bring about change to my community by solving social problems in an innovative and creative way and contributing in the wellbeing of my nations and the world. By spending oneacademicyear in the US, I →

Macro economics on uae

Emirate of ABA Dhabi contributed between in GAP during the period, while contributed to the Emirate of Dubbed is between in the GAP of the I-JAKE during the same period, illustrated by the percentage contribution of the five other emirates combined during the study period ranged between.". Although ABA Dhabi and Dubbed have contributed more →

Nora in a doll’s house: behind gendered lines

Nora is the personification of an emancipated female in that era- at first, the picture of an obedient wife whose very existence revolves around her husband but in the end, showing that women are not dolls who can be bribed to be the kind of persons their husbands want them to be. However, to confine →

Nurse culture assessment

Reassuring the confidentiality of the client's interview, utilization of the cultural heritage assessment tool enabled the author to gather, classify, and analyze the culture of an American Hindu Indian. Cultural Sanctions and Restrictions According to the client, there are no cultural sanction and restrictions that the client is aware of.

The hohokam vs. mesopotamian culture

Much like the Pueblo Grande site, people of the Ubaid Period in ancient Mesopotamia built elaborate canal systems, groups of residential houses, and centralized buildings. The canal system of the Hohokam matches a large portion of the prehistoric canals that predated their arrival.

Student educational loan fund, inc.

The co-signer is relieved of thisresponsibilityonly in the event of death or total and permanent disability of the borrower. On the date of disbursement, you and your co-signer are sent copies of the loan disclosure, which describes the specific terms of the loan and the scheduled disbursement date.

Theorizing the spaces of literacy practices research paper examples

The authors defined literacy practice is the act of performing certain actions through the medium of written texts which are significant in a social, cultural, and ideological frame. If anything, I think that it is a realistic portrayal of certain relationships and issues inside the workplace however it is done a bit more exaggerated to →

Bead bar consultant activity

Because of this significant influence, most of the major social and economic industries rely much to the value of information and the effects of their exchange in the operations of each respective organization. Part of the security plan, which the organization itself must consider critically, is the aspect of recovery and backup for any intrusion →

Cannon–bard theory of emotion

According to the Cannon-Bard theory of emotion, we react to a stimulus and experience the associated emotion at the same time. The key component of the Cannon Bard theory of emotion is that when the thalamic discharge occurs, the bodily changes occur almost simultaneously with the emotional experience.

Property taxes

Under a property tax system, the governing authority implements assessment of the financial value of every single property, and tax is measured in quantity to that value. Property tax in Netherlands is imposed on homes on a municipal origin in two fragments: for the individual who lives in the household, and for the landlord of →

My mother

The first reason that I admire my mother is she teaches me about experience. She has been teaching me everything since I was young until now, and for the future Now, she is still a best friend, I think, she is the greatest psychologist that i have known.

Describe and discuss see directions below

For some reason or the other, if the defendant stands silent for the crime that he may or may not have committed he will stand the right to do so. This refusal to take a stand before the Jury or before the Law, by the defendant, under unforeseeable circumstances, is known as ' taking the →


There are various myths associated with the festival and different religions and communities in India have a different way to celebrate the festival but the festival is primarily dedicated to goddess Durga who is worshipped in nine forms during the nine days of Navratri. The Garba of Gujarat and Durga Puja of West Bengal are →

Plastic surgeries: a way to become more beautiful?

Cosmetic surgery is very popular and not because people need surgery, but because society has made the perfect person and everyone is trying to be that. Cosmetic surgery is not new, but the popularity of it has rapidly increased in the last few years.

A life changing moment

I have always perceived my life to be that of the ordinary. I started to be more cautious of my actions, and at the same time view life in a more positive way.

The kitchen house research paper essay

The protagonist of the book, Laving, is white and raised by black slaves. Unexposed to the hatred and emergence that was prevalent of this time, Laving believes she is the same as the slaves who raised her.

Historic american wars through the ages

In this research paper, the various wars that America has taken part in are discussed and dissected to identify the root causes for the wars, the actual incidents which transpired and the final consequences in the aftermath of the said wars. Theresponsibilityof the militia in the case of the United States was to basically supress →

Comparing country and city life

While in a big city, the travel to the store might be further than in the country. The crime rate in the country is way lower than in the city.

Swat smuckers

The importance of each individual buyer of Smuckers Peanut Butter is vital to the continuing sale of the product. The Socio-Cultural is population and demographic relating to distribution of income and mobility and Smuckers has its two peanut butter brands Jiffy and Smuckers.

Medical unknown

Since unknown 8 was determined to be Staphylococcus coagulase test in addition to the following tests were performed on this unknown: 1) Production of DNase on DNase agar. The data suggests that the gram positive bacteria was Staphylococci saprophyticus because it was gram positive, was catalase positive with the production of O, and was resistant →

What is anthropocene?

The videos In the website " Welcome to the Anthropocentric," discusses about Anthropocentric. The word " Anthropocentric" is given its name because human activity has polluted the sea, caused mass extinction of animals and plants, and changed the Earth's natural cycle.

Frida kahlo

Friday had the first exhibition of her work a year before her death, and she was well known as an artist. Ironically, her fate was not the enjoyment of all the values that she had, such as an artist, but Friday is a legacy of art, history, and humanity.

Calcualtion of beta

When calculating the beta value, the volatility of the market is taken as 1 and the beta of stock is calculated as how much the stock price moved in comparison to this market volatility. The slope of the Characteristic Line is the Beta Coefficient The degree to which the characteristic line explains the variability in →

Economic aspect of sweatshops

Working in the apparel industry in any of the sweatshop operating countries results in earning more than the average income in that country. Some of the world's leading economists have cited sweatshops as a necessary step in modernization and development.

What i believe in – beliefs that frame my outlook on the world

That is my challenge and it is something that I should learn to accept. However, as long as I know that what I believe in is right and just, life will find a way to pay me back.

Birthday party by katharine brush

The headwaiter brought it in and placed it before the husband, and meanwhile the violin-and-piano orchestra played " Happy Birthday to You" and the wife beamed with shy pride over her little surprise, and such few people as there were in the restaurant tried to help out with a pattering of applause. It was a →

Culture and health attitudes

According to the Wikipedia Encyclopedia, " The concept of yin and yang is also applicable to the human body; for example, the upper part of the body and the back are assigned to yang which is cold foods, while the lower parts of the body are believed to have the yin character which is hot →

Describe a room of your house: my drawing room

Inside the square section of the room there is the television, which is a flat, screen Philips 40 inches. The television is on the top of one of the 12 shelves that compose the TV storage combination drawer.

A world lit only by fire

Men of the church were blind by the power the Holy See gave them, and by the name of that same church, the one that was supposed to protect the interest of all the faithful Christian, was the one that cause thousands of innocent deaths. Manchester goes more deeply in the corruption of the church →

How smartphones change our society

They combine the performance of a cell phone and a computer. A lot of people rely on use of smart phones in business and personal life.

The gains of hosting international sports events

The World Cup is truly one of the biggest sporting events in the world. The World Cup will also add positively in terms of tourism, which is likely to grow in sync with branding of a country.

Research into youth gang culture criminology essay

Key areas in this research were the analysis of different theories of youth gangs, the use of different subcultural concept in order to explain the emergence of youth gangs & the impact of the press in changing public perception and government reaction, as the effect this has on official statistic. Hallsworth &Young [2008] stated the →

Necessary conditions for international business

Business lesson The need to enter the World Trade Organization and other international business unions has compelled Guangzhou to gather a meeting of potential business partners, and to discuss various profitable investment perspectives." The mere fact that Guangzhou felt compelled to promote itself to the foreign companies it invited to the gathering this week attests →

Sonnet writing

As she watches over his shoulder, the author acts in an invasive yet inquisitive manner as she intrudes on the love that the boy is trying to express. With the use of her language and ideas that she is expressing, it is as though ridiculing the boy for falling in love.

Study of a sonnet

The next sonnet, " Death, be not proud" is about how Donne challenges the footing of Death instead of challenging the footing of himself in God's eye's, as in " Batter my Heart". It is not a conversation of any kind, nor is it a debate, as the sonnet is totally one-sided and it is →

Role theory

For instance, adopting a role theory perspective to understanding intimate partner violence necessitates looking at the patterned and characteristic social behaviors of intimate partners in a relationship, the parts or identities that each partner plays in the relationship, and the scripts or expectations that are interpreted and adhered to by the partners in a particular →

Misuse of anti dowry law

Hence the main reason for choosing this topic for research by the researcher is to study the social impact of anti dowry laws in Indian society and to trace are the anti dowry laws are being used in a positive way by the society in order to eradicate the evils or is being misused just →

Business letter to brutus

Lastly, in the final paragraph, restate the purpose of your letter and request some type of action. And finally, restate the purpose of your letter and request some type of action.

Huaorani of ecuador

Their connection with the rainforest is important to their survival in that without that connection they would not have the knowledge and abilities to gather and survive otherwise. They also haverespectand interest in the trees because of the medicine they get from them, and because they relate the growth of trees to their own growth.

Vital role of play in healthy development of a child

The Vital Role of Play in Ensuring Healthy Development of the Child and Maintaining Strong Parent-Child Relationships by: [date of submission] The Vital Role of Play in Ensuring Healthy Development of the Child and Maintaining Strong Parent-Child Relationships The United Nations High Commission for Human Rights recognizes play as a child's basic human right. According →

Aol-time warner merger

Then, in the final section I discuss, with reference to empirical evidence and the view of management and commentators alike, whether AOL Time Warner's merger has failed. It is comments such as these that lead me to believe that the principle motive behind the merger of AOL and Time Warner was to exploit synergies.

Belief, pain and healing

Though one would usually think of a wound or sickness with the issue of pain, pain does not simply take into consideration the body, its parts and processes. Wall proposed the gate control theory which aims to explain the perception of pain in the psychological sense.

Addie bundren’s everlasting impact

Addie Bundren's Everlasting Impact Often times in novels, there will be a character that has the ability to appear as little as possible and still be able to have one of the biggest impacts on the rest of the characters and on the novel as a whole. She has only one chapter in the entire →

Manufacturer end-customer relations

Hence, the manufacturer is the individual that is mandated with the production of either goods or services that are required by the end-customer. In inertia, the supply of goods that is done effectively contributes to the satisfaction of the customer through the provision of goods that the customer feels and believes are of the best →

Becoming a better negotiator

I think that the questionnaires that I took really amplified what I need to work on as a negotiator. I must take a plan of action to see things from my opponent's perspective and keep in mind the intangibles that go into negotiation.

Good habits

The habits like, reading books that radiates knowledge and moral, or attending religious ceremonies, or participating in group sports, would make a comprehensive or a complete human being. To put it in to nut shell, indeed good habits make a good human being.


Describe the audience and the sort of magazine that would appeal to this collection of readers. There is a massive need among people to " Mind the danger!" I would call my magazine in this way.

Abnormal psychology and study of abnormal behavior

This type of disorder is the combination of the symptoms of mood disorder and psychosis. This two types of disorder is almost the same that they are very hard to determine.

Study more

The brain and spinal cord are made up of many cells, including neurons and glial cells. These neurons have many processes originating from the cell body.

Importance of planning

Any successful Project Manager will tell you that the success of a project is determined by the initial plan. This is important because it allows the Project Manager to determine an initial outline that should be followed.

College pressure

I wish them the right to experiment, to trip and fall, to learn that defeat is as educational as victory and is not the end of the world. I wish them the right to experiment, to trip and fall, to learn that defeat is as instructive as victory and is not the end of the →

Mies van der rohe and the sense of space

Modern Architecture: A Critical History P12) Although it acts as an introspection of the over-elaboration of architectural language in Rococo interiors of Ancien Regime and the secularization of Enlightenment thought, architects cannot simply be sufficed with the fact a reverence for the classical past They started to discover the fundamental morality of the building. Now →

The ritz-carlton, riyadh wants business travelers to have a productive stay

66% of the hotel's visitors are business travelers, with the largest share coming from the US and the UAE. The Ritz-Carlton, Riyadh also launched a meeting and event planner mobile app Chime, to utilize the hotel's services with a touch of a button.

Business correspondence

Sometimes there is little correspondence between the way a word is spelled and the way it is pronounced in English.8. Business correspondence is still the principal means used by a business firm to keep in touch with its customers.