Genuine Research Paper Examples

Summer at the lake

My main point of this essay is to describe how much I enjoy going to the lake and the goodmemoriesfrom the past that I have from going there. I close my eyes and feel the heat from the rays of sun beaming down on me and suddenly I go back in time to all of →

Understanding meditation based on the subjective experience and traditional goal: implications for current meditation research

In relation to studying the goal of meditation, another aspect that should be considered in meditation research is the subjective experience associated with different practices and with the end goal of meditation.6. Thus, in the process of understanding meditation in its extent, we need to study the different stages of meditation from the onset of →

Suppose demand and supply

1)Problem 6: Suppose demand and supply are given by Qd = 60 P and Qs = P 20.a) What are the equilibrium quantity and price in this market? b) Determine the quantity demanded, the quantity supplied, and the magnitude of the surplus if a price floor of $50 is imposed in this market.c) Determine the →

Mesoamerican civilization

Another intrinsically tied to the former was the archetype of the alternating powers of fire and water, derived from the division of the year into two seasons, then dry and rainy seasons". The offering of sacrifices, of both human and animal was meant to appease the gods.

The bielski brothers: a story of survival

This is the survival experienced by the troop of Jews detailed in The Bielski Brothers, the true story of how three brothers saved thousands by living inthe forest. Everything the Bielskis did was in defiance of the Nazis, and in protection of their fellow Jews.

Performance appraisal of mahindra finance

Beach has defined performance appraisal as the systematic evaluation of individual with regard to his/her performance on the job and his potential for development, Heyel observes " It is a process of evaluating the performance and qualifications of the employees of the employer in terms of the requirements of the job for which he is →

The financial detective 2005

Followed a strategy of acquiring retailed online business recently Assessing the provided information about the two companies and looking deeply at some of the financial data, it was concluded that company 1 is designated by the letter H and company 2 is designated by the letter G in Exhibit 1. This boosted the ROE of →

Current perspectives on the mechanisms of auditory hallucinations: introduction to the special research topic

In keeping with this origin, the contributors to this Frontiers Research Topic have indeed looked closely at the experience of auditory hallucinations, providing new insights into the precise nature of hallucinations in clinical and non-clinical groups; the underlying cognitive, emotional and neural processes; and how this evidence might inform the next generation of personalized treatments →

The foundation of precision medicine: integration of electronic health records with genomics through basic, clinical, and translational research

The members of the Genomics Workgroup in the Electronic Medical Records and Genomics network led the development of a Special Topic in Frontiers in Genetics titled " Genetics Research in Electronic Health Records Linked to DNA Biobanks 1". The paper by Crawford et al.describes the initial goal of eMERGE network that was to explore the →

Research government educational funds. 4.implementation- the government has

PURPOSETo propose a solution for the commonness of childhood obesity in the United States by researching and analyzing the problem through the Problem Solving Method. Contribution of Solution- The solution will give way to healthier children in our society

Classical vs baroque era music

With the addition of instruments and the development of certain musical techniques such as basso continuo, musicduring the Baroque period became more intriguing. Two types of operas were important during the Classical period: opera seria and opera buffa.

Nepalese migration to japan

The armed conflicts between the forces loyal to the King and Government and Nepal and the Maoist People's War groups, have created a fearpsychologyin the Country and encouraged migration. The martial aspect has now taken the form of economic criteria with the fast advancement of the modern materialistic civilization consequent to the industrial and internet →

Strategy implementation – smart water

For instance, Smart Water is one of the company's products whose production and marketing strategies are consistence with the company's organizational practices and policies. The Smart Water packaging is designed to conform to the company's policies and practices.

Winn dixie

This person is " responsible for deciding how to create a competitive advantage and achieve high profitability with the resources and capital they have at their disposal." The general manager hires functional managers who are responsible for the various departments. The functional managers then need to develop a strategic plan in order to get their →

Martin luther king, jr.’s fight for integration

Before Martin Luther King Jr.achieved his American dream, there were many obstacles in the way; it was not all fun and games. Through all the difficulties Martin Luther King Jr.had to face, his American dream never changed.

Learning styles: the theory of multiple intelligences

Theory of Multiple intelligences Theory of multiple intelligences illustrates theory of intelligence which differentiates intelligence into specific modalities, instead of viewing intelligence as single general ability. This theory was initiated in 1983 by Howard Gardner, in his book Frames of Mind: the Theory of Multiple Intelligence.

Importance of telekinetic project in cambodia

Furthermore, telemeter mostly works on some sicknesses like malaria and diarrhea that are likely to be occurred on kids in the remote Cambodia. Similarly, Tristan dad Chunk, does not have an airstrip to provide clinical heath care for urgent situations, therefore, it would be a difficulty to contact other places in the world face to →

Advantages and disadvantages of studying in foreign universities

Some the students may come from a medium family and has the opportunity to pursue their studies in foreign universities but they faced financial constraint to pay for their school fees. It will be tough for them as they have to rush to the working place after their studies.

Positive relationships and communication explanation

1 Explain the importance of multi-agency working and integrated working The importance of multi-agency working and integrated working is that children in their early years may have a range of needs, so the way we work together with a wide range of different professionals can have a positive impact on children'shealth, development and learning as →

Phonetics as a branch of linguistics

Commutation test the procedure of substituting a sound for another sound in the same phoneticenvironmentwith the aim of establishing the phonemic system of a language Comparative Phonetics a branch of phonetics which studies the correlation between the phonetic systems of two or more languages Consonant a sound made with air stream that meets an obstruction →

Age-related neurodegenerative disease research needs aging models

008 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Blesa, J, and Przedborski, S. The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of donepezil, galantamine, rivastigmine and memantine for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease: a systematic review and economic model.

5 health indicators and analysis –

The comparison of the infancy mortality rate between the three countries raises concern, as the number of fatalities among infants in Somalia is alarming. This demonstrates the need for Mexico and Somalia to invest in more in infant and maternal health, and run programs such as vaccination to aid in reducing infant mortality.

Advantages and disadvantages having sex before marriage

Research proposal: Young people's opinion about having sex before marriage as well as the advantages and disadvantages of this issue is the primary focus of this current research. Now, facing to the integration of western's cultures, young people tend to have no embarrassment of having sex, especially having sex before marriage.

Coke: coca-cola

That Is only some of Coca-Cola's drinks they made and make. That is only some of Coca-Cola's drinks they made and

Classical humanism in art

The most enlightened renaissance popes encouraged the humanist assimilation of ancient greek and roman philosophies into their own Christian faith Inspired by the ideas in ancient greek and roman texts, which confirmed their new intellectual and scientific interests in understanding the world The praise of the deeds of great figures from antiquity that the humanists →

Business-owned property

Depreciation is the systematic and rational allocation of tangible asset cost over the periods benefited by the use of the asset. The objective of depreciation is to have each period benefiting from the use of the asset bear an equitable share of the asset cost.

Ways to keep fit and healthy

Pencil in your fitness time and keep those appointments as conscientiously as you do all your appointments. Meditation can heal your body, mind and soul.

Greek art(sculpture, vessels)

HERMES, the messenger of the gods, conductor of souls to Hades, and the god of travelers and commerce. It was contemporaneous, too, with the work of the poet Homer, who wrote the lasting epic poems The Iliad and TheOdyssey, tales of the Trojan War and the return of one of its heroes, Odysseus, home to →

Human nutrition

Some areas I consumed the recommended minimum number of servings for the food group in the pyramid, in other areas I consumed about half of the recommended servings for the food group, while yet in one specific area I did not consume any servings of the food in the food group of the pyramid. If →

Defining multilingualism

Some of the terms mentioned are ELLS, Lips, bilinguals, culturally and linguistically diverse, children with English languagecommunicationbarriers, English as a second language, language minority, emergent bilinguals, English proficient, and LOT E. Culturally and linguistically diverse as well as language minority can also include those who re already bilingual and in our community that would mean →

Introduction to mail merge

In the start from existing box, select the document you want, and then click Open.if you do not see the document, click More files.and then click Open.3. To filter items in the list click the arrow next to the coloum heading of the item you want to filter by and select any of the following: →

Example of dietary considerations of endurance athlete research paper

In addition, diets for endurance athletes should be sufficient enough to offer adequate energy that meets the training and exercise demands. Overall, diets for endurance athletes should be streamlined in such a way that it facilitates the endurance athletes to attain optimal weight for performance.

How to make shoe polish from charcoal

Shoe polish is important because it maintains the shoe polished and neat to look at. The researchers will also include the common objective of the shoe polish and that is to provide smoothness for everyone's shoe.

Regal entertainment group weaknesses

Regal's ability to operate successfully depends upon the availability, diversity and appeal of motion pictures, our ability to license motion pictures and the performance of such motion pictures in our markets. Poor performance of, or any disruption in the production of these motion pictures, or a reduction in the marketing efforts of the major motion →

Why meditation works and how it benefits the workplace

Instead, it allows the physiology to enter a state that is very normal and natural. That is a sufficient amount of time to bring about the profound benefits.

Lack of technology at my work

The termtechnologyis a concept that deals with the knowledge and usage of tools and crafts and how its ability to control and adjust to theenvironmentis affected. This was due to the need to improve the livelihood of the man.

Practice relating to own role and responsibilities

It is important to have a good working understanding of these factors as the below legislation is there to help promote inclusion within the work place and for those that we teach and work with. It's not the thought of evaluating, as it is key to get the views and opinions of others; peers and →

Blooming scent as an example of small business

The owner of the business is a soletrader, her name is Gina Moffatt. Ownership Blooming Scent is in the private sector of business because it is not run by the government.

Discuss the importance of sales training for both new and experienced sales people

A major disadvantage of inadequate sales training is that the expectations of management are not relayed to the sales people appropriately. Training improves the ability of sales people to carry out organizational selling procedures and strategies.

Let him have it

I have chosen three episodes from the film whereI believethe Director has emphasised the sympathy towards Derek and his family most effectively; the opening chapter, this depicts Derek when he was a young boy during World War II, the murder of the police officer, this is when Derek and Chris Craig attempt to break into →

Biblical criticisms

Summarily, the query inquisition made in biblical criticism concerns the preservation and transmission of biblical text and scriptures, this includes the manuscripts in which the text has been preserved, the date, its setting, its relationship, and what the most reliable form of the text is; the source and composition of the text, together with when →

Professional athletes and illegal steroid use

Ethics The debate of the use of steroids is not only limited to the health concerns. Likewise, the use of steroids in sports is considered to be a violation of sports leagues and councils even the ethics of sportsmanship.

Rosa parks

Parks, Rosa and Steele Elaine) She was the first child of James and Leona Edwards McCauley. McWilliams, Thelma ) On December 1, 1955 in Montgomery, Parks, while she in the sitting black section of bus, she refused to obey a public bus driver's orders to give her seat to a white man and over to →

An experience of a life time

I was trying to imagine myself in India, wondering what it was going to be like: the people, the country, the weather, I could not keep the energy inside of me; I just wanted to get there and see it for myself. As I got out of the airport I heard someone shout my dads →

Corrigendum: frontiers in climate smart food systems: outlining the research space

00002 In the original article, we neglected to include the funder UK Research and Innovation as part of the Global Challenges Research Fund, BB/P027784/1 to Stephen Whitfield. This study was funded by the UK Research and Innovation as part of the Global Challenges Research Fund, BB/P027784/1 to SW.

Reliable source

Yes, the available information is relevant to the topic, while reading the abstract of the back it gives you a brief summary on what it is about. Is the information relevant to the topic?

The cheesecake factory

It is basic that this set of principles is secured in light of the fact that staff parts must comprehend the Cheesecake Factory's morals and conviction framework in correlation to different associations in light of the fact that it may vary as to social substance, values, and requesting of convictions. When you make the best →

Charlemagne robert folz

Robert Folz is well known for his monumental studies of the legend of Charlemagne in the Middle ages. Robert Folz was a French medievalist and a specialist in the Carolignan era; for this reason he is better qualified than most historians to convey a deep understanding of the efforts and signifance of Charlemagne for France →

The new digital era called “mp3 technology”

Lee Bockhorn, in his article " MP3 and Me: How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Online Music File Sharing " stated that on one side of the wave is the estimated 60 million MP3 Internet users that enjoy the advantages of ala carte collection choice, downloading these selections for free and testing music →

Allegory criticism

In the fiction reading, " The man In the Black Suit" by Stephen King, the main character Gary a young boy at the age of nine has found himself coming face to face with someone he believes is the devil. As Gary goes further in the woods is when Gary comes in contact with the →

Billy joel

They then married in 2015, and went on to have a baby named Della Rose. Later in Billy Joel's career he suffered from an alcohol addiction and was continuously in rehab.

The worst storm in canadian history

The severity of ice storms depends largely on the accumulation of ice, the duration of the event, and the location and extent of the area affected. One of the major differences between fire and ice storm is the rate of damage.

Reorganizing the royal dutch/shell group

Understanding this, Shell made a decision to restructure the company, but to do that successfully they had to start with the analysis of the old structure. The problems of the old structure From analysis of the pre-1995 structure of Shell Group, it is possible to identify a number of problems.

Pipeline inspection at petronet, south africa

This section was dissected and inspection revealed that the leakage was due to incomplete fusion in the weld which initiated the formation of hook cracks and cavities in the parent material directly adjacent to the weld. External stresses from theenvironmentmay have accelerated the growth of the cavities and cracks yet the clamp increased the strength →

Cardava turon

National Trends Basically, the only national trend that can hinder the growth of Cardava Turon in the market is when the cardava banana supplies will be scarce for it is the main ingredients to our product Cardava Turon. The launching of Cardava Turon could be a good indication to our economy and even internationally for →

War on poverty: role of the privileged people – s.c. aggarwal

He presents the reasons for the prevalence of poverty in India and highlights the negligence of ancestral villages by people and the lack of new programmes by economists as the main contributing factors for the same. Pointers to multiple approaches to people from varied professions, asking for their support in the rise of the poor →

The real world of technology

In this reading, the Author, Franklin has named the title " The Real World of Technology" because she wants to speak out or tell the real truth about technology. Just as the Industrial Revolution led to productive and holistic divisions of labor, she fears that new technologies non-communicationtechnologies

Electronic music types and history

In the later 1950s many electronic music studios were established in Europe, the most significant being the RAI studio in Milan, founded by Berio and Maderna, the Institute of Sonology in Utrecht, and the EMS studio in Stockholm. Today, many universities have a computer music studio and several countries have national studios, devoted to the →

Developing intellectual capital globally

True of most growth companies, Skandia is interested in attracting investors, and in having current as well as prospective investors understand and recognize the full value of the company Knowledge Management or learning organization cannot be built overnight. How has Jan Carendi been able to grow AFS from a marginal division of Skandia in the →

Is your wellness program a slave to fads or backed by science?

Oz Effect is to incorporate an effective wellness program that gives your employees the tools and information they need to be healthy. Rather than leave employees to fend for themselves in a noisy industry, choose a wellness program that will arm them with accurate information and give them the tools they need to get - →

A jury of her peers by susan glaspell

The conflict is, of course, the murder of John Wright; or, to be more specific, the finding of clues to solve the murder of John Wright. The women solve the mystery, but this is not the climax of the story.

Motivation/reward system

The success orfailureof an organization is dependent upon the ability of those in leadership positions and roles to motivate and inspire the members of the organization to high levels of performance. In opposition to this the offices with the highest wages showed the lowest level of overall satisfaction and motivation.

Mr. david o’brien

I will look at the key aspects that are present in the piece and how they relate to the question asked and the reliability of the source provided. The three aspects that I will look for are the evidence of economic pressure and how this drove people to fight against the poor law and rebel →

Compensation: limousine business operators

The average limousine company allocates 25% of its budget for salary and benefits. Business and professional clients comprise 61% of the customer base for limousine services and should be the target customer base for the company.

Four problem that farmers face

How the Government help farmers in the Bahamas Today I am going to speak momentarily on how the Bahamian government help farmers in the Bahamas. Another thing they do is allow the farmers to sue, because these days some people go on farmers land and pick their crops without permission to do so.

Alka seltzer expirement research essay

Alka Seltzer is provided in the form of a some what large fizzy tablets. The Alka Seltzer tablets are dropped in water and dissolve in a glass water.

Measurement of internal consistency software

But with the help of MICS, examiners can now easily visualize and measure the color density and other important aspects of handwriting and document examination. Measurement of Internal Consistency Software or MICS is indeed a valuable " invention" by the Limbic Systems, Inc.

Disadvantges of joint family

There are some things you will want to do alone or sometimes one may want to think or spend time alone in privacy all of which is very hard to do in the extended family especially a very large one. Some Children get spoilt in extended family by the grandparents.

Accolade vs. sega

Analyze this case from the perspective of each of the theories of private property described in this chapter The case is supported as well with Locke's theory of the state of nature. According to the legal experts, Sega has a right to this property, which is the core argument in the case, in which Accolade's →

Bill of rights and its impact on business in today’s society

This paper would focus on the first and fifth amendment of the bill in relation to the condition of the business sector. The following are the statements of the first and fifth amendments respectively: AMENDMENT 1." Congress will make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging thefreedom →

Yahoo to provide details on massive data breach

1 story in the technology news site, Motherboard, that said a cyber criminal known as Peace was selling the data of about 200 million Yahoo users, but did not confirm its authenticity. Peace was selling that batch of data on the 200 million Yahoo users for 3 bitcoin, or around $1, 860, according to Motherboard.

Critique of theoretical framework

There is nothing profoundly new about the inclusion of faith-based organizations in the delivery of social welfare services to the disenfranchised and vulnerable populations. The Bush administration aimed to do two things based on the core Judicious principles of Charitable Choice: first, to increase the amount of federal social-welfare resources going to faith-based organizations; and →

Notes on psychology

Four categories of behaviors were assured and observed: separationanxiety: the unease the infant showed when left by the caregiver, the infant's willingness to explore, stranger anxiety: the Infant's response to the presence of a stranger, and reunion behavior: the way the caregiver was greeted on return The observer noted the behavior displayed and scored the →

Emotions paper

Quality is a person's interpretation of the experience where as the intensity of the experience depends on the degree of the arousal. Facial Feedback According to Buck, facial feedback hypothesis states that the facial expressions of a person provides a necessary requirement for a person's emotional experience or behavior to affected.

History of the ku kus klan

In the documents I have asked you to read, the universal rights of the individual - man, woman, and child - are addressed or the question of injustice to a particular group is central. The paper must use correct MLA format and documentation style.

Cardon carpet mills case

Cardon Carpet Mills Issues and constraints The issue, which Cardon Carpet is facing, stems from the lack of expansion throughout the United States, specifically limiting their contract sales portion of its business only to the southeastern portion of the United States. Present a contract that specifies a referral of at least five institutions by each →

Research prince charles

The highlights of his life include his marriage to the late Princess Diana, his early life with the military, and of course his present life now. The Prince's marriage to Diana was not one of the best kept secrets in the world.

Calculating blood components of cholesterol research design

It comprises of the study of samples made in the laboratory according to the various constituents present in whole blood in the RF range of 10MHz-4000MHz. This thesis is proposed to contain 6 chapters with proposed chapters as given below Chapter I This chapter includes the introduction to the thesis, health and diseases, overview of →

3 ways to manage your time and boost productivity

Many people believe that all they need to do to remain productive is schedule blocks of time to work on given tasks. For a maker, a meeting in the middle of the day is a nuisance.

The steps to be taken towards a green future

Plastic is overflowing the landfills of the world and something has to be done. With the power plants not using oil and petroleum products that amount of oil that is needed to live can be cut down.

Introduction to research topic: attention and consciousness in different senses

Our original motivation to edit this Research Topic was threefold: to gather and collect current, diverse views on the relationship between consciousness and attention, to invite reviews on consciousness and attention in non-vision modalities, and to invite empirical studies of consciousness and attention. Asynchrony in visual consciousness and the possible involvement of attention.

King of the castle

Hangwood is where Kingshaw escaped to he enjoyed it there due to the feeling that he was completely hidden and everything around him seemed innocent and pure.when Kingshaw had first stepped intothe forestit looked dark and gloomy he was scared and thought of the forest as a threatening place. Kingshaw soon becomes obsessed with the →

College and success in life

A university education can help you achieve some types of success, but it makes little or no difference to whether or not you are successful in other areas of life. In fact, a university education does not generally enable you to achieve spiritual happiness, or to have successful relationships with family and friends.sIn conclusion, there →

Hannibal and the battle of cannae

HANNIBAL AND THE BATTLE OF CANNAE The battle of Cannae was a major battle of the Second Punic War near the town of Cannae, an ancient village in southern part of Italy. In time, the weight of the Roman assault began to take effect on Hannibal's troops, and the center of the Carthaginian line retreated.

Psychological foundation of education

An understanding of the nature of learning and the conditions under which learning takes place is very important to the teacher. Cognitive theories of learning emphasize the concept that learning is a process of discovering and understanding relationships.

Colony collapse disorder

The first item that needs to be completed is do extensive study of the both the wild and domesticated honey bee. The bee keepers need to be able to recognize the initial signs that one of the hives is beginning to collapse.

Financial problem of general motors corporation

If the situation had no chance of improvement, then the company thought of accessing $2 billion bringing the total amount to nearly $10 billion by the end of the first quarter of 2009. According to the statistics, the sales of the auto companies showed depressing results in the month of November, 2008.

Remote desktop

RDS servers are designed on a similar principle - if most of the processing takes place in a single location, you can concentrate the hardware resources needed to support that processing in a single location and worry less about power on the client end. You do not need to tell this to the budget people, →

Advantages and disadvantages of hiring third party logistics providers (3pl)

First party provider is the main company that provides the service or product, the second is to whom receives the service it is the consumer and the third is the company which hired by the main company for provide the service between costumers and company. However, the company who is going to hiring a 3PL, →

The role of theory and modeling in medical research

This, however, requires not only computer simulations but also the development and application of mathematical concepts for the theoretical discovery of mechanisms and organizing principles that can subsequently be explored in experiments. The role of theorem proving in systems biology.J.

Memorable day in my life

My sister wedding is one of the most memorable days of my life. She even will teach me did the homework and play with me once farther left to work at my younger age.

Small team group paper

Us girls all got along so well and liked each there that we wanted the five of us to continue to be able to work together in a team and represent our company at future events such as the one we were working at. Another goal we had was to make the over all luncheon →

Electronic bill payment in canada

The true challenges arise when facing a number of issues, namely the maintenance of the web page in terms of the content of information and errors/breakdowns and up to date modifications, as well as the configuration of the access network on which the web page is based.ii)Notification Notification about the invoice can be delivered to →

Rules and conventions of academic writing

In writing a letter, it is important to know your audience, the institution to which you are addressing, and the accepted norms of the time. It is also important to formulate your idea in a way that the reader can follow and understand.

The mirror of the other and america: the multinational society

The issues explored in " The Mirror of the Other" and " America: The Multinational Society" point out problems I society that are compounded by the " mono-cultural" attitudes that Reed and Fuentes tell us to try and avoid. In his culture the elderly are perceived as a royalty and are of the highest honor.

In nathaniel hawthorne’s

The act of sacrifice is evident in Hester Prynne with her endurance of public shamings and being a societal outcast to defend the integrity of Arthur Dimmesdale. The townspeople cannot agree of what they saw that day, but Dimmesdale and his sacrifice allows the townspeople to realize that anyone can be sinful, later sharing a →