Genuine Research Paper Examples

Lower drinking age

The legal drinking age should be lowered to the age of 18, where in the eyes of the law you are seen as an adult. One of the major and to some the only valid reason for states to keep the legal drinking age at 21 is the National Minimum Drinking Age Act.

Dove strtegies

Besides, they can change another supplier to lower down cost however can keep the good quality of product otherwise lower down the cost of advertising that can affect the product price of Dove. By using retailing concept, the entire new or loyal Dove company customer can get the Dove company product more easily in the →

Introduction to the research topic on standard brain atlases

The concept of the identified neuron is a powerful guide in the understanding of neural function in invertebrates requiring the identification, localization, and characterization of each neuron in the respective ganglion and brain. As pointed out in the article by Kei Ito the maintenance of the large data sets of a brain atlas is a →

Samhsas center for substance abuse treatment

As the director of this organization which is mandated to control the drug and substance abuse in this country he has the responsibility of overseeing all the activities related to this topic.Mr. He explained that with the emergence of the projects like ours which try to define a different and more efficient approach to this →

Burden of proof

If the business cases lead to civil nature the burden of proof lies on the complainant and whereas in the nature of criminal cases, the burden proof lies on the investigating authority or respective State. The burden of proof lies on the employers about compliance of labor laws.

Nitration of methyl benzoate

After the sulfuric acid protonates the methyl benzoate, the nitronium ion reacts with the intermediate at the meta position thus forming an intermediate arenium ion. Furthermore, the more stable the sigma complex, the more likely it is to form in the mechanism for electrophilic substitution.

Swot poland

A SWOT analysis helps you to audit your company in relation to market developments and competitors on selected markets. The CBI Export Marketing Planner offers tools to help you make the SWOT analysis specific to your company and your target market.

Why do people lie

Let's take a look, how many of you have lied in the last 72 hours? Now that you know a little about why people lie, you are able to be aware of many lies people have been telling in order to achieve their objectives.

Theory of mercantilism

This accounting made extremely clear the inflow and outflow of trade, contributing to the close scrutiny given to the balance of trade.[19] Of course, the impact of the discovery of America cannot be ignored. The latter led to " the great upward movement in prices" and an increase in " the volume of merchant activity →

Working class and age group

Looking at the information ICM provided about relationship between neighbours, it is evident that there is a huge difference between the quantities of good neighboring relationships in different age groups, for example, from the total number, 47358, only 1031, which mearns 18% claims to have a very good relationship with their neighbours, and by the →

Coordinated orphan disease research: yes, we can!

The molecular etiology is covered by reviews on the transcriptional regulation of the ABCC6 gene and the role of modifier genes in PXE, while a contribution on ENPP1 and the overlapping phenotype between PXE and Generalized Arterial Calcification of Infancy makes the transition to clinical papers on specific aspects of the PXE retinopathy and vasculopathy. →

Education and economic aspect english

First is economic aspect English is the dominant business language and it has become almost a necessity for all people to speak English if they are want to enter a global workforce, research from all over the world shows that the businesscommunicationis the most often conducted in English. And the second is social aspect; communication →

Marco polo’s book, the travels of marco polo

Despite Marco Polo's huge influence on Europe, the false and wildly exaggerated claims and the amount of ChineseCulturehe failed to mention in his book made it evident that Marco Polo was really a fraud and never really made it to China. Marco Polo also omits many important aspects of Chinese life and culture from his →

Phase transformations in metals

Is postlude; the magnitude of this contribution Is the product of y ND the surface area of the nucleus * the total free energy change GAG Is equal to the sum of these two contributions: GAG= 4/3 aorta GAG_v+rattrap y * In a physical sense, this means that as a solid particle begins to form →

Organizational theory and behavorial problems/ikea

Everyone is expected to have the same outlook on their position, the organization'sgoalsfirst in mind, and perform their job to benefit the organization, not the individual. The most immediate threat to IKEA is the difficulty in finding employees who will accept and adapt to IKEA'sphilosophy.

Survival skills in south central la

Beauty provides a distinct look at this urban school setting through her inside view of student emotions, evidence of pain within the kids, and the feelings that she evokes from the audience despite her straightforward tone. The story itself does not appear to include any influence of bias, but the author narrates from a personal →

How has psychological research and theory helped explain

Thus, a worryingly high percentage of juvenile rates of sex offending, and underestimations of rates of offending, in addition to the persistent nature of child molestation, highlights a need for comprehensive understanding, assessment and treatment of such offenders. The strength of the Precondition Model lies in its attention to the diversity of complex issues and →

Factors affecting financial institutions

The mission of the Agency is to safeguard the rights and benefits of depositors and create the properenvironmentin which, banks and financial institutions can operate with market discipline, in a healthy, efficient and globally competitive manner, thus contributing to the achievement of long-run economic growth and stability of the country. The impact of this act →

The atlantic online

There are those who believe that the people should give Obama the chance, thus, give America the chance to prove the structure of politics and society in the country is upright. On the middle ground, some people say Obama is rightful to be the president, however, politics and the survival of the economy is still →

Why to be a chemical engineer

To penetrate the demand and supply to a deeper extent, chemical engineering has a shining virtue in the statistics column, there is a 2% unemployment in the engineering fields, yet there are jobs that [not taken]. To be a chemical engineer, an applicant should not be only strong in the occupation itself, but also in →

Small scale embedded generation

The low power evaluation of little air current turbines allows the usage of technologically advanced solutions which would be hard to implement in the instance of e.g.a 5MW air current turbine. The large difference of little graduated table air current turbines compared to big scale systems is that the blades are fixed and protection is →

Sport obermeyer case

In 1961, the first Sport Obermeyer factory warehouse opened in Aspen, and the innovations continued with " soft-shell" jackets, double lens goggles, and the first waterproof-breathable fabrics to be used in clothing. This joint venture allowed Obermeyer to manage supply and production operations in Hong Kong and China.[2] Until the mid-1980s, Obermeyer followed a simple →

Son of god

The Son of God is to be of the same nature as God and the Son of God is " of God". One significant name that Jesus was known for is the Son of God.

Arm length and heigh investigation-science

The replicate measures we used were measuring the arm length and height of the same subject three times. Our assumptions are that the wall is straight, the floor is leveled, and that we perfected the way to measure.

Research for my career plan accounting essay

They frequently measure the level of compliance of the company with its policies and objectives. Some the accountants and internal auditors carry their work with them to home.

A common theme in literature

Reality in " A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner In order to understand the whole message of this story, there is a need for the adequate provision of analysis. The illusion part is the one where she still dwells in the past and even resulting to killing her love in order to stay at →

Comptuer studies ruby notes

Identifiers are the constant/variables names In order to change a variable's value from one to another use the following To string: x.to_s To float: x.to_f To integer/fixnum: x.to_i Keep in mind, this only changes the variables value based on class properties, not its actual class Scope is where the variable can be accessed r seen →

Anchoring matter for fresher party

Consumers Banks Consumers bank is a new addition to the existing type of banks. A definite percentage of deposits of commercial banks are kept as reserve with the central bank.

Protestant reformation

Another major reason that induced the Protestant Reformation was the dispossession of the spiritual influence of the Church officials over their people which was caused by the manifestation of secularization. As a result from all of these, many people have been driven to initiate changes in the doctrines and rituals of the Catholic Church.


Of course, many people start to over consume because they need to be constantly updated on the latest trends in fashion, they need to be consuming the larger amount of food for a cheaper amount ofmoney, and they need to constantly utilize resources to run a successful business. They probably go through hundreds of thousands →

Childhood development: health and social level

For emotional development the key skills within childhood are understanding self and other, and is a focus within development in schools to ensure that children are aware of who they are the differences within society and other people. Relationships within the family become more important and the child begin to have a greater understanding of →

Mlb advanced media case summar

As the content and experience of online and mobile products increases, the desire and willingness to pay for going to the actual stadium decreases. By maintaining a separate brand for the iPad app, the company can encourage users and fans to purchase multiple products, which will ultimately prevent cannibalization of revenues.

India now world’s #155 in ease of starting a business

The World Bank today issued its Doing Business report, which has pushed India's ranking of Distance to Frontier to 131 from a revised rank of 134 in 2015. The group projected startups in India to grow 2.

Discuss theories of communication

The stages of the communication cycle are: The scenario in which this communication cycle is going to take place is between a social worker and service user. Members of the group feel they need to lead the group.

Peter pan generation is growing up

Opening her reader's eyes into seeing children's exposure to books about death, and stories about despair and devastation, Tartar declares that books are evolving to fast for the chilren of today, with this, tartar proves how the Peter Pan generation is growing up. Once Tartar sets up the juxtaposition for these two movies, she is →

Henry v represents the more selfish side

I believe that King Henry V was a loving and caring King towards the people of his country andfamily. In Act one scene one Canterbury describes King Henry V as a thoughtful and devout ruler." Hear him but reason in divinity, and all-admiring, with and inward wish, you would desire the king were made a →

Theory comparrison

Act utilitarianism is the interpretation of utilitarianism that says that each moral situation should be subjected to the utilitarian formula " the greatest good for the greatest number." This idea of ethical decision making seems to be the least emotional due to the fact that it is pure numbers in the equation. Virtue theory states →

National geographic: the world’s most dangerous drug

The use of selection and omission, re-enactment and archival material, manipulation of codes and actuality, all contribute to the portrayal of the issues presented in this documentary. The archival material shown in the beginning of the documentary creates a feeling ofanxietywithin the audience and introduces the main objective of the film.

Mother`s day: overview

In others, it is a little-known festival celebrated mainly by immigrants, or covered by the media as a taste of foreignculture.n the Roman-Catholic Church, the holiday is strongly associated with reverencing the Virgin Mary.[25] In many catholic homes, families have a special shrine devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is celebrated on the new →

Self interest motivates

This theory is defended in the actions of Luba and her suitor in Angels of Bergen-Belsen, the decisions made by Ilsa Hermann and Hans Hubermann in The Book Thief, and the struggles with death in Night. It seems as if he is trying to help the woman he loves get what she needs, but the →

Tragedy designed by fate

Tragedy Designed by Fate book report on Jude the Obscure " a book Written by Thomas Hardy in the 19th century, Jude the Obscure is a masterpiece known by the world. It tells a story of Jude Fawley, the hero, and Sue, the heroine.

Before it is too late: professional responsibilities in late-onset alzheimer’s research and pre-symptomatic prediction

The following interdisciplinary considerations identify four different ethical and social dimensions, thus systematizing the current debate around central problems, controversies, and open questions in order to promote future research initiatives and open a more cross-cultural perspective: and research policy balancing between research for early diagnosis and care provision for existing patients, 2.ethical issues related →

Editorial: how prides of lion researchers are evolving to be interdisciplinary

Editorial on the Research Topic How Prides of Lion Researchers Are Evolving to Be Interdisciplinary Lions are one of the most charismatic, enigmatic, and polarizing species on the planet. Weise et al.provide a balanced discussion of the opportunities and challenges that are inherent to the application of this technology and expound upon the implications of →

An attempted robbery

He was alone at the time and I was the only customer. The man that held the knife was small and wiry and judging from the muscles in his hand I had no doubt he was very strong.

The true purpose of education

In a sense, Emerson argues that the purpose of education is, not to mold a judicious citizen that has basic understanding of certain topics, but to guide and ultimately unleash the genius and determination in every man by giving them the essentials to learning. On the other hand, Mann in ' Report of the Massachusetts →

Union movement in late 19th century

The worker did not always have the luxury of leaving after eight hours of work, the right to representation, or the even the right to work in a safeenvironment. Failureof some of the strikes and internal conflicts between the skilled workers and the unskilled led to a decline in the Knights popularity and influence.

Sociology as an independent science

But the knowledge acquired by a sociologist is of great help to the administrator, the legislator, the diplomat, theteacher, the foreman, the supervisor, the social worker and the citizen. Sociology studies role of the institutions in the development of the individuals: It is through sociology that scientific study of the great social institutions and the →

Humor and irony in british literature

Certainly the English novel tradition is remarkable for the number of comic novels among its classics from the work of Fielding, and Sterne and Smollett in the eighteenth century, through Jane Austen and Dickens in the nineteenth to Evelyn Waugh, Arnold Bennett and David Lodge in the twentieth. It is a function of his vanity →

Divine command theory

A guiding principle, the basics of morality, should be determined based solely on rational thought and then, once the principle is established, the facts of the situation may be applied to the moral principle and the appropriate action, the answer to the question, " What ought I to do?", can be determined. The simple failing →

I want a wife: a wife or a servant

Brady states throughout her essay reasons why she would want a wife, making them very bold and easily understood." I want a wife to take care of my physical needs".and " I want a wife who will keep my clothes cleaned, ironed, and mended..".are just a couple of reasons Brady gives for wanting a wife. →

Japanese smes going global: lessons from “german mittelstand”

As the " German economy is doing well in comparison with many other countries, this is causing people all around the world to take a particularly keen look at Germany, and especially at the ' German Mittelstand' and its longstanding record of high employment and productivity.", notes the Federal Ministry of Economic andTechnology. In the →

Silent suffering – a short story

I suppose the fact I recognise what I am doing is a starting point, but what have I got to live for now? I really cannot see my marriage making it to the end of the year, they will take the kids off me, I am sure.

Business value

How effective is the partnership between IT and the business at Hefty Hardware? Create a plan for how IT and the business can work collaboratively to deliver the Sway Store program successfully.

You tube llc: going global by acting local

India was the 20th country that YouTube had launched a localized site for. I recommend that YouTube " localize" when entering other countries, because India has benefited from an entirely local experience highlighting content and functionality most desired by the Indian users.4.

Reaction paper self concept

I lacked confidence because I was unprepared and nervous because I had not studied much, and when I went in to take the test I just knew that I would not do very well. I knew that I was going to have to get it together if I was going to pass my classes and →

Can a person really make up for past mistakes?

This can be a way to suppress the guilt. Actually the only way to become a better person is have compassion and forgiveness for others because we all make mistakes and we are all sinners.

Strict parents

Of course, I appreciate how they do not want something to happen to me, but I am already 18 years old and I need to live my life before I regret it. I want to be independent, and my parents just do not get it.

Living abroad

Living and working abroad Today several numbers of people desires working and living outside their home countries. For that reason, life in some abroad countries is very stressful and upsetting.

Case brief: mercan systems,

The product was very successful in the market and it quickly expanded to nearby hospitals and bottlers of water for sale to consumer. We observe the same thing for Direct Sales we can see that in case of skimming strategy the estimated sales were 215 million INR and in case of penetration strategy it was →

Racial prejudice

Regardless of the style of writing, the point of writing is to convey a message to the reader. The degree of racial prejudice that she felt caused her to have a very emotional day.

History of science and technology in the phillippines

But the direction and pace of development of science and technology were greatly shaped by the role of the religious orders in the conquest and colonization of the archipelago and by economic and trade adopted by the colonial government._________________ " Relation of Conquest of the Island of Luzon," and " Relation of the Filipino Islands, →

Dental hygiene: past and present

1980's- The state of Washington became the first to fulfill the duties in the unsupervised practice of dental hygienists in specific settings. Professional Roles of the Dental Hygienist.

Utilitarianism and kant′s theory

Through the use of this theory, one is able to make the right decisions. The other advantage of this theory is the fact that it is universal.

The blue head

He came to rest In the glassy shallows, among logs, and balanced there on tiptoe on the rippled sand, with only his raised eyes out of the water, and raised nostrils breathing the clean sunny air. In the boiling bloody water, the face of the crocodile, fastened round her leg, was tugging to and fro, →


The only disadvantage of natural anti-cancer is the rate of activity which is faster in chemo and radiotherapy. Cancer may occur in any part of the lungs and causes damage to the lung and may lead to death.

To document ella baker’s life

Upon and at one time, president of the New York branch Ella went South in the 1950s to help the civil rights movement as it was developing in Alabama. Shortly before her death in 1986, a documentary titled " Fundi: The Story of Ella Baker" was aired on public television.

Editorial: integrative research on organic matter cycling across aquatic gradients

The movement of water ultimately controls the transport and transformation of geochemical components as they move from land to sea, and as such, contributions to this research topic will be described within the context of the hydrological cycle, starting with rainfall. The downstream decrease in DOC concentrations in the Mississippi River is in contrast to →

Effect of temperature on magnetic strength research paper

Magnetism is the ability of a material to exhibit attraction or repulsion of certain magnetic materials due to the presence of magnetic fields. However, this effect of increased temperature on reduction in magnetism is observable up to the Curie temperature.

Red scare

The Red Scare was the label given to the actions of legislation, the race riots, and the hatred and persecution of " subversives" and conscientious objectors during that period of time. From the very beginning of the Red Scare, the Wobblies were attacked by the government because they were a symbol of radicalism.

Contract and hire purchase act

Below the High Courts are the Subordinate Courts, the highest of which are the Sessions Courts, each of which is headed by a Sessions Court Judge. Under the Malaysian Law, explanation 2 to Section 26 of Contract Act 1950 provides that an agreement to which the consent of the promisor is not void merely because →

Interpretive vs. escapist

The escapist style is recognized in the bedtime story that the narrator creates the story within the story. Though she is the most realistic character in the entire work of fiction, the character of the narrator is also more flat than round.

The author certainly

It is even set in a very particular and very correct setting, as the hotel room seems to have a life of its own, making the viewers feel the impersonality of the situation. To create a piece with only one meaning and have it still be a work of art is the work of a →

Race as a social construct

Race as a Social Construct Omi and Winant's discussion from " Racial Formations" are generally about race being a social construct and is also demonstrated in the viewing of Race - The power of an illusion. And as a social construction, race functions as a source of management that sustains the importance of certain groups →

Research paper on debt restructuring essay sample

A constructive obligation to restructure arises only when an entity: I) Has a detailed formal plan for the restructuring, identifying at least: the business or part of a business concerned; the principal locations affected the location, functions and approximate number of employees who will be compensated for terminating their services the expenditures that will be →

A philosophy of leadership

The intention of this paper is to expand on the leadership qualities I possess, how they relate to my role as a nursing student and communicate my philosophy of leadership. This theory seeks to fulfill the needs of the follower by involving the whole person and their thoughts, leading to a mutual relationship with the →

The assylum seeker

After a week of roughing it on a empty carriage of a cargo train and then hiding on the deck of a fishing trawler I had arrived in England. A yawning pit of dread opened inside me as I walked down the ramps and through the docks.

Tourism in porto

I am going to inform about where the tourists most like to spend their time, how much time they spend in Porto, when about in the year they come, to explain why tourists come to Porto, what they like and dislike about the city, and describe what the whole city is about. Tourists like to →

Owning feelings

When I say those things, I do not see that he does not realize that I find he is being inconsiderate because he is not trying to be. I tend his mother and he acts like my child.

The outbreak of the hiv virus, aids in 1980s

The outbreak of the HIV virus, AIDS, in the early 1980" s resulted in medical research, public misconceptions, and ultimately growing awareness. With minimal research there was nothing to initially " combat" the virus; but, thanks to time and funding, there were some drugs that seemed to help stop the spread of the virus in →

From the classroom to the lab: how faculty can extend curriculum oriented research experiences to publish with undergraduates

Although certain students may be ready to join and contribute to a faculty lab earlier in their studies, we believe that the step-wise progression of the C.O.R.E.helps develop our majors into critical consumers and producers of research, and better prepares them to collaboratively conduct publishable research. The time and effort required to mentor students, as →

Hume philosophy

Even if we do indeed believe that the future will be like the past, the truth of that belief is not self-evident, it is always possible for nature to change. Hume offered some explanation for the fact that we do hold it, the technique needed is to search for the original impression from which our →

Cognitive studies as the direction of modern linguistics

The cognitive linguistics is the study of how the person operates the symbols, while coming to understanding the world and themselves in the world, the subject matter of which is the human mind, the thinking and the mental processes and conditions [11, 2005: 8]. The concept itself is an element of the picture of the →

Karl marx and weber

A strong discrepancy in interpretation of religions exists between the two great thinkers, Marx and Weber, in that Marx saw religions as " the opiate of the masses" meaning that religions justify believers' bitter lives and make them passive whereas Weber saw religions as having power to bring about not just social but economic changes. →

Should teens be tried as adults

Forty-one states currently have laws that make it easier to try a juvenile that has committed a violent crime and is over the age of 14 as an adult. In the 1960's the juvenile court system changed and gave juveniles referred to as " respondents" instead criminals, the rights to have a lawyer represent them.

Russian media as a conveyer ideology and a tool of hegemony

This control manifests itself in the perceptions of prosperity that are held by many Russians, largely because of the glamorization of Westerncultureas presented in the media. It is by the hegemonic efforts of the media that these and other ideas have been placed in the minds of the Russians.

Does social inequality exist in jamaica

Carefully analyze and discuss the validity of this statement based on current events in the Jamaican society." Social Inequality is the existence of socially created inequalities; it occurs when ideology and power combine to make one group of people feel inferior to another. This is due to the fact that hunting is a physically intensive →

Reprogramming of pericyte-derived cells of the adult human brain into induced neuronal research paper examples

One of the main challenges in the transformation of neural reprogramming into therapy is whether the adult human brain encloses some cell populations which are acquiescent to direct somatic cell conversion. A major hurdle that has been recognized for the conversion of neuronal reprogramming into therapy is whether direct translation can be attained from the →

Computer systems and how they work in healthcare

Potential Health Care The integration of wireless technology in healthcare systems has significantly triggered the health care with rapid responses to the patient. The patients will receive quick response of the health care services because the doctor may get all the information related to a patient in seconds.

Diet pills: contents, risks, efficacy and recommendations

The significant rise in the cases of obesity may be attributed to various factors that affect the physical health, psychological condition and social life of people starting from their childhood. Some studies have confirmed that the use of weight loss pills may have detrimental effects on the health of the users as some of them →

External influences in business

By being given the opportunity to publicize the KEA incident they were able to further communicate their message to the public and to other businesses. The biggest disadvantage of working with technology like RIFF is the heavy investment and capital required for it to function in the market, which can amount to millions of pounds.

Potential practical and empirical obstacles

Conceptual and Theoretical Problems and Difficulties A conceptual difficulty that could arise in the course of the study is the differing perspectives of the managers and employees of whatcultural diversityis and the manner that this occurs in the organization. The questionnaire needs to be well-developed to precisely cover all aspects to be studied and clearly →

What is justic

The negative punishment is: killing the person and shaming the person. And the Portion's way is a negative punishment.

Dose spirituality have a place in the organisation when a manager is tackling issue such as sustainability

Institution: xxxxxxx @2012 Spirituality in Organizations The paper focuses on establishing the ways that the managers in an organization are dealing with the issues of sustainability through the spirituality in the organization. Towards a theory of spirituality in the workplace.

Porter’s competitive advantage rationale

Thus, by being the leading firm in the health care industry, the company will be in apposition to acquire sustained competitive edge in the industry. Therefore from the analysis of Porter's competitive advantages Wal-Mart Stores, Inc can afford to purchase Lianhua Supermarket Holdings Co.

Breaking norms of society

I always kept to the thought that Russian people preferred drinking alcohol during their parties, and when I was invited to their party I was prepared to that. The host of the party came up to me and whispered that I should not have behaved as that.

Copying and simulation

In the process of copying, an identical clone of the original work is produced. While copying must produce an identical version of the object, simulation creates something that must only be similar in purpose and result.