Genuine Research Paper Examples

Pilates basic history, guidelines and benefits

This is because of the fact that when it comes to Pilates, the way a regime is done is more important than the regime itself. The goal of Pilates is to enable one apply this precision in their everyday life and be effective in their everyday movements.

Pursuing perfection: society, media and beauty

The media plays a major influence, the society tolerates the subtle imposition, and the person within grasps the whole idea with both arms. Website Associated Content noted that media distorts the meaning of beauty but the society takes as it is.

The marion

Curtis was the most influential of the group and later led the push to reorganize Lincoln School into state institution. Caver a graduate student in the department of history at Alabama State completed his masters thesis, titled Marion to Montgomery: A Twenty-Year History of Alabama State University, 1867-1887.

My fun childhood in colombia

While I was growing up in Colombia my idea of fun was going outside to the park either with my cousins or friends to play until it got dark and my mom would call me to go back inside the house. My afternoons during the week would always have around the same schedule as I →

Cross halving joint

Use a Stanley knife to make a deep cut on the two pencil marks on the face sides of the two pieces of wood making sure to use a ruler to guide the knife - we do this so that the saw cuts later are very accurate. Then using the grooves made by the Stanley →

Corruption: sovereign state and black mark

Corruption Outlines: Corruption is social evil. Corruption is black involved in corruption.

Marx and nietzsche

We set out from real, active men, and on the basis of their real life-process we demonstrate the development of the ideological reflexes and echoes of this life-process.' Marx is of the view that primarily human beings are productive as they must develop a system of production to comply with their means of subsistence and →

Chapter 29 the dream

He was out of his mind," said Harry." Half the time he seemed to think his wife and son were still alive, and he kept talking to Percy about work and giving him instructions"." And.remind me what he said about You-Know-Who?" said Ron tentatively". Then Ron said in a falsely confident voice, " But he →

Ten alpina tools

The key issue here is that the business is running on very thin margins and the cash flow from this customer is critical for Giulia to cover her fixed and variable costs. This contract is key to her cash flow and the margins are small.

Keeping the good ones

It is necessary to outline that variety of factors exist to motivate employees. It is important to remember that to improve the quality of employees' life means to ensure better commitment and performance of the company.

Asddsa dsadasd s

The personal, Intimate context and the care for self or other are always emphasized, either 220 Martha convince the male target group that it is no longer enough Just to be a man and act status by masculine ways of consumption. Referring to Saffron's seminal work of 1979 which is typical for advertising as a →

Pablo picasso and stelarc

Picasso is also well known for co- founding the period of the cubist movement, along with the invention of sculpture which was constructed, the co-invention of collage and the numerous amount of styles of which he developed by exploring further than other artists. Picasso was seen as a modernist artist as he was the co-founder →


In Kitchen, the supernatural part of the world that Mikage lives in is the light. Before Mikage is even close with Eriko she can still see the light that radiates off of Eriko.

Robert frost “the road not taken” literature analysis research paper

There are a lot of different interpretations of Frost's " The Road Not Taken" that it is easy to appear in the situation that one cannot understand what the poems are about. Therefore, Frost's " The Road Not Taken" is the interpretation of the author's vision of a youth, middle age and an older age →

Hong kong taxation and employment

If the employer makes a payment to a third party for which the employer itself was solely and primarily liable, then the benefiting employee is not chargeable to tax on such benefit, unless: a) the benefit can be converted intomoney; or b) the payment was paid for the education of a child of the employee.c) →

Atkinsons case

You have contacted Meadowland Properties PL and have received a letter in return which sets out the availability and costs of leasing a new unit in the Meadowland Centre. Communicate proposed course of action and answer questions 40 Meadowland Properties PL Sheffield Dear Sir Thank you for your recent enquiry concerning the leasing costs for →

Research strategy for employee motivation research

Before conducting a research there is a need of clear planning of how to conduct the research. The objective of this research is to portray accurately the characteristics of a particular group, situation or individual.

Ethical, legal and social responsibilities issues in the casebook

Ethical, Legal and Social Responsibilities Issues The first issue that makes a reference to the importance of ethical issues is embroiled to the fact that everybody and every place need ethics. This is therefore dependent on the fact that the decision-making process has to consider a psychological understanding of the individual and society.

History of national wildlife federation

Through many of their field offices they educate, assist and inspire people from all over to conserve wildlife and other natural resources and protect the Earth's environment in order to achieve a peaceful and sustainable future. The NWF offers environmental education programs in communities, in the outdoors, and in the classroom: The Backyard Wildlife Habitat →

Cherokee removal

This was due to the view by the settlers that the Cherokee men were lazy because the settlers viewed hunting as fun and a sport. The main concern for most of the Cherokee was land and due to that it was the first thing to be outlined in the Cherokee Constitution.

The boeing and mcdonnell douglas: merger and acquisition

The Boeing and McDonnell Douglas Merger and Acquisition The Boeing and McDonnell Douglas Merger and Acquisition One of the mostcelebrated mergers in recent history is the merger of two of the largest commercial and defense aerospace companies: Boeing and McDonnell Douglass. In this case, at the time of the merger, Boeing actually dominated the commercial →

Different situations

The sad thing about this is that the two persons are well connected with upper management that is why they are not reprimanded that much. Seeing this, it is in here that the overall mission and rules have been compromised.

Permissive and authoritarian approaches in hypnotherapy

The essay will explore this personalized induction and see if it will always be most effective to use a script that is modified of tailor made for the particular client. If the hypnosis is part of a longer therapeutic process, they there a good chance the therapist will have an idea about the clients, likes →

Effectiveness of international law

The definition and concept of international law, effective aspects of international law, and certain limitations of international law will be discussed in this essay. Definition and Concept of International Law International law can be defined as, the universal system of principles and policies concerning the relations between states and international organisations.

An acquaintance with darkness

While the assignation and arrest of Mary Surratt is the major historical event around which the book is written, it is more about the state of medicalsciencein the US at the end of the war and how it was impacted by the war. I think this book will be a way to get them interested →

Fair housing internship

This paper will give an overview of the internship program and its requirements, the history of the Fair Housing Act, a sociological review of fair housing, and discuss the responsibilities and observations made during the internship. This law significantly strengthened the enforcement power of the Act, giving the Department of Housing and Urban Development and →

Solution of chapter 8 operations mangement by jay heizer

13 For 5, 000 units, Perth is the better option.8. At a volume of 5, 000 units, Burlington is the least-cost site.8.

The southern africa researchers university association economics essay

Cheyeka, Masaiti and Mulenga, state that in 2005 the Ministry of Education engaged the Commonwealth of Learning to review the performance of teacher education programs in Zambia. For higher education to thrive and gain its lost image in the continent of Africa there is the need for universities to transcend the boundaries of learning and →

The role of public relations in rebuilding the reputation of the hollywood stars research paper samples

On the other hand, rebuilding the reputation and image of a Hollywood star require the PR personnel to consider when they need to exhaust their expertise on the issues. When it becomes apparent that the audience is no longer buying the publicity to increase the market value of a Hollywood star, the PR personnel would →

Investigatory projects

Mosquito-borne diseases are transmitted to the body of the host through mosquito bites and contaminatedfood. The water was placed in basins and was left for two to three weeks.

Acoustical recording

If a certain musician and/or instrument were to be highlighted for a specific moment in the recording, this required other musicians to quickly rearrange their seating so that the sound from the intended instrument were at a respectable range to the cone with its diaphragm. The sounds from the instruments provided by the electronic recording →

Editorial: engaging undergraduates in publishable research: best practices

Editorial on the Research Topic Engaging Undergraduates in Publishable Research: Best Practices As faculty members who are passionate about engaging undergraduates in publishable research, our goal for this Research Topic was to provide a forum for the dissemination of effective practices toward reaching this goal. As nearly a dozen of the articles in the Research →

Financing synergies

Reduction in costs associated with economies of scale is also some of the benefits that Avaya, TPG and Silver Lake are going to obtain. Benefits of reduction in cost come in handy now that companies have to spend more in research and development to keep their products going in the market.

Future trends in data mining

Although the article greatly deals with the technical and computing side of data mining, the article is able to give a clear description of what data mining is, how it started and the future applications of the process. On the other hand, data mining has its own weaknesses, and this is raised by the second →

Abnormal psychology critique

The points presented by the author about the existence of this feeling of depression among older people are true and satisfactory. The issue that attracts my attention is the prevalence of suicidal behaviors in older adults and lays a foundation for understanding the role of risk factors in the prevention of suicide.

What technology has made america today

Also, when it comes to monitoring aging parents, a reminder on any type of technology device they are able to use can help one remember to take their pills or blood pressure for example. In an elderly home, the person might not fully know how to use all the technology and this may cause some →

Custodial issues

To prevent cases of ex convicts re-offending, courts should take bear in mind rehabilitation of prisoners back to the community after their jail terms. Finally, I would propose that ex prisoners be made to pay back to the community for crimes committed.

Walt disney world co. vs aloysia wood

In adopting comparative negligence, this Court expressly declared two purposes for the change in judicial policy: To allow a jury to apportion fault as it sees fit between negligent parties whose negligence was part of the legal and proximate cause of any loss or injury; and To apportion the total damages resulting from the loss →

Democrats and republicans

The democratic party will most certainly convince the majority of the people that it is the ideal party to remain in office because it promotes economicequality, it advocatescivil rightsand individual freedom, and because it is a liberal party. The democratic party is also known for being the party of the people.

Violation of the law

In our case the reward or what motivates the person to do the act, which is violation or breaking of the law, is the fact that, he or she is confident that he or she would not be caught. Knowing that he or she would be caught is the Negative Reinforcement set here to prevent →

Defects of education in india

THE GURUKUL SYSTEMBRINGS A SENSE OFRESPECTAND COMMITMENT FROM THE TEACHERS AND THE STUDENTS Nalanda and Takshishila universities were the oldest university-system of education in the world. The system of Education in India should focus on learning and not exams.

Society does emphasis on phsycal appearance

In today's society of never-ending nips and tucks, we forget that the essence of beauty stems from a person's inner vitality and depth. These items are to hide ones true beauty and to show a beauty that is more popular or fashionable to fit in with society.

The reflection of continued professional development

I will discourse the subjects that I found interesting during the bringing of Research in IT faculty and which i logged during my surveies. In 4th Lecture I learnt about literature reappraisal and seeking the literature Literature Reappraisal: This is relevant of description of the literature to a peculiar field in a subject.

Cogent argument

Relevance is the relation of the various premises to the conclusion premise, it all the premises are true then it is said to be relevant to the conclusion. All the premises are true and combine to give the conclusion that is given in the above case.

Ruth and naomi in a place called moab there lived a nice family

Naomi called her sons wives and told them, " I am going to go back to where I used to live and I would like you also to go back to your family where you used to live. And Ruth had such a good attitude and wanted to help, she moved away from everyone she →

I wish i could say i was proud of my generation, but lets face it: the media aren’t far wrong

The reason for this is that we see fashion as a way of self-expression, it's a contest to see who can have the most unique look, and this often leads to a rather outlandish outcome. The current state of fashion is a gargantuan mess: people trying to stand out and people trying to fit in →

The role of accounting on business and our society

The Role of Accounting on Business and Society The Role of Accounting on Business and Society Question 1 Financial statements are summary statements of results of business activities for an accounting period and balances at a given date. The balance sheet reveals the financial position of a business and reports the assets, liabilities, and owner's →

Beat! beat! drum!

It was seen in this part that as the drum beats, the life and happiness of the church become more sustainable and developed." BEAT! beat! drums! The drums beat for them, the drums is this part signifies the life and ideologies of the society in this modern world.

Human multi-tasking

The first published use of the word " multitask" appeared in an IBM paper describing the capabilities of the IBM System/360 in 1965.[3] [edit]Research on human multitasking Since the 1990s, experimental psychologists have started experiments on the nature and limits of human multitasking. According to a study done by Jordan Grafman, chief of the cognitive →

Carbon trading

India and China are likely to emerge as the biggest sellers and Europe is going to be the biggest buyers of Carbon Credit. Only a portion of the total earnings of Carbon Trading of the company can be transferred to the company of the developed countries under CDM.

Trim store sop

The supplier invoice or the transporters copy of the Delivery Challan should be checked by the trims store in charge and then unloading should be done in the designated area. As soon as any kind of stationary is issued the stock card should be updated noting down the issued quantity and quantity left.

Organization as the computing good for business

Hewlett-Packard is working on a series of technologies to reduce the carbon footprint of data centers by 75 percent and, with new software and services, to measure energy use and carbon emissions. Microsoft is also trying to encourage energy-saving software practices by charging business units by the amount of power they consume in the data →

Building an intelligent and autonomous robot

This call is identified by the controller using GSM modem and it accepts this call by sending the appropriate command to the GSM modem. The main aim of this project is develop a Robot vehicle which will find out its lane using proximity sensor.

Assess the socio-economic impacts of tourism in east africa

The parks help to protect the animals and fragile ecosystems from being totally over run by tourists and poachers, today no one is allowed to kill any of the animals in the park, however the welfare of the animals is still be affected indirectly by tourism. The creation of the parks caused the native people, →

Good research paper about five approaches and theory

After the completion of the study, however, a theory will be formulated based on the interpretation of the lived experiences of the participants. Another type of approach is the biographical study, a narrative study in which the researcher writes and records the experiences of another person's life.

Industrial/organizational psychology

Horton JC's Casino Improving Organization Retention Running an effective company needs a management staff that has goodcommunicationskills and the ability to anticipate and satisfy the needs of the company as well as the employees. The tension of additional work is very difficult for the workers and their determination to work for the organization has decreased." →

How the media gives the pit bull a bad name

There are actually several breeds of the Pit Bull that include the Terrier line like the American Staffordshire Terrier, American Pit Bull, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, the Bull Terrier and the American Bulldog. Article: Thanks to the media and general sensationalism, the Pit Bull is a newsworthy dog.

Pros and cons of privatization of vsnl (videsh sanchar nigam ltd.)

Change of Name and the Board of Directors The name of the company has also been changed to Tata Communications Limited. To find the answer let us peep into the present and try to find out the advantages and disadvantages of the privatization.

One nation under corn?

A position paper done in fall of 2012 on the cause and affect of the industrialized corn crop. Most of what we see in the news is the emphasis placed in the trials and tribulations of the farmer, for the benefit of the consumer.

The effects of traveling abroad

Even though journey takes a lot ofmoneyand time, most people want to take a journey to learn something from the journey when they can afford to. The experience in England contributes to my thinking and dream in a global way.

The negative impact of bilangual education

She seems hostile to the English language and to a culture that does not honor the Spanish language in general or various Spanish dialects in particular. Anzaldua, on the other hand, reflects her linguistic background with a fine toothed comb, un tangling the many strands of English and Spanish that coexist in their multilayered identity.

Human resourece management

The National Occupational Safety and Health Excellence Award, which is the highest appreciation by the government of Malaysia, is aimed at giving credit and recognition to organizations which have a good record of achievements for occupational safety and health management at the workplace through the safety and health program audit. The Occupational Safety and Health →


The shouts of canon, ringing, the tap of drum. It is month of August and it is late afternoon, a mix of heat and vapors sparkles over the polished stonework, sun moves through the silky tress of pines borders has been trimmed like short graceful grass.

John boehner

During his freshman year, Boehner was a member of the Gand Of Seven which was involved in bringing media attention to the House banking scandal.B. After the Republicans lost control of the House in the 2006 elections, the House Republican Conference chose Boehner as Minority Leader.1.

Colonization and its impacts

The second wave had the desire to secure sources of raw materials and to educate and save the native people. The colonizing of Africa was to exploit the physical, human, and economic resources of an area that would benefit the longing nation.

Reasons for the increase in housing profits in india

An inwards shift In the supply ot homes would be caused.the skill and willingness to furnish a cornmodlty, as less proprietors select to vend their houses.changing the equilibrium.the worth should rise from PO to Pt. 6, should cause there to be an Increase In employment to compensate for the higher prices.

Portakabin: how market research helps portakabin to remain cutting edge essay sample

This is because by undergoing market research and finding information about the customers in the market and the market itself, can help a business to understand how the markets work more and what the customers want and so it can help them to be more successful because they have more knowledge of the functions of →

The bauhaus related to 2014 fashion

The Aesthetic Of Bauhaus and Current Trends Following WWW, as much of Germany lay in despair, Bauhaus thrived as a revolutionary, inspired and unique School breaking down the perceived class barriers between craftsmen and fine artists. Engaged with the transparency of the form", Brewer created a mere structural outline of what then was considered the →

Economic inequality in america

Economic Inequality in America The Occupy movement gained fame in September 2011 with a slogan that brought together a wide range of people, " We are the 99 percent." The goal of the group is to get rid of economic inequality throughout the world. Wealth inequality is a word used to describe howmoneyand assets are →

Does higher education lead to financial success?

Some people think that people can get the financial success with a higher education. However, I believethat a higher education is not exactly accord with the financial success not only because pursuing a practicalcareeris more crucial factor but also because all the people with higher education cannot get higher pay.

Biochemical cycles

I will describe the water cycle, explaining the major processed involved and the relationship of micronutrients. The water cycle is a hydrologic cycle that moves water in the biosphere through evaporation, condensation and precipitation.

Dower and dowry confusion

The dowry system is not recognised in the religion or the law of the Muslim societies but has spread into it. They argue that the situation is absolutely reverse, as dowry is not a gift to the wife or her exclusive property but the property of her in-laws.[5] Islam has legislated the giving of the →

Advantages and disadvantages of using cash to make payments advantages

Cash is the most common way of payment around the globe when compared to all other types of payment. Cash can be easily purloined and anybody can claim its ownership, thus, It is insecure when compared to other forms of payment.

What is the use of formal market research?

Market research is the methodical, logical and objective gathering and study of information relating to certain target markets, their environment and also their competition. The management of Starbucks has the requirement to thrust the company ahead and hence managed to develop and sustain a successful international marketing culture.


Fought in the first three days of July 1863, the Battle of Gettysburg resulted in a hallmark victory for the Union " Army of the Potomac" and successfully ended the second invasion of the North by General Robert E. On July 2, Lee attempted to envelop the Federals, first striking the Union left flank at →

African american hero: harriet tubman

Much of Harriet Tubman's time was spent taking care of poor people in her home. Harriet's not last, but Greatest achievement is the ones she completed during the civil war.

Benifits of walking

" Benefits of Walking" Walking provides a wide range of benefits, some of which are more obvious than others. The purpose of this essay is to persuade my listeners to get out their walking shoes and start reaping the benefits of a healthy life and start walking.

Social impact of technology

The Industrial revolution led to the alienation of the working class and although many union battles have since led to the adoption of better working conditions, the effects of the Industrial revolution remain. The Industrial age saw the concentration of technology in the hands of the rich and powerful, allowing them to dominate and subdue →

The brake system of a motor vehicle

Fluid was used to transfer the movement of the brake pedal into the movement of the brake shoes. The advantage of drum brakes is that they are much cheaper to manufacture than disc brakes.

Product category

Their icon could have been the rainbow apple but it is now on the website reduced to an inconsequential presence. The Apple wares are displayed on their website to be purchased.

Moral philosophy in ‘liar liar’ by paul guay

In this case immorality will entail a violation of the categorical imperative and is therefore not rational. To be straight to the point, it is clear that we are commanded to exercise our wills in a particular manner and not to do some actions or others.

Josephine baker: racial refugee comes home

Baker describes working for the " Mistress," a wealthy white woman, in herautobiography, where she was required to get up at five in the morning: " There was coal to fetch, the stove to stoke, chamber pots and spittoons to empty, bed to make wood to cut, the kitchen clean." She did manage to go →

What is hearsay

Under court rules, spouses are not allowed to testify against their partner, without the express permission of the suspect, or if the spouse is the complainant in the case. The element of hearsay in this case lies in the fact that Susan's recorded testimony is presented by the police, and Susan cannot be presented in →

A secret for two by quentin reynolds

The narrator concretions: he had delivered the milk to the families on the street for thirty years. He had delivered milk to the families on the street for thirty years.-? link 4 Links 1- 4 connects the sentences of the fragment at the surface level, and the use of same lexemes insures the psychological side →

Cruise ship vacation vs. land based resort vacation

If you desire to visit the Virgin Islands of the Eastern Caribbean or a couple of the Central American countries in the Western Caribbean, seven to 10 day cruises are also available out of these same ports. The most hectic part of your vacation is over once you have made it through the traffic and →

Tokyo essy

Tokyo is the capital of Japan and is the most densely populated cities of the country. The political economy of Tokyo is very immense and the city revolves around the people, environmentand Jobs.

Liberal reforms and its impact on the lives of the people

To do this the Liberals aimed at giving aid to the young, the old, the sick, the unemployed and the workers; these groups will be discussed throughout the essay. Both of these acts did not improve the overall lives of the young in Britain and showed that not enough was truly being done to effectively →

Male on male rape

The lack of tracking of sexual crimes against men and the lack of research about the effects of male rape are indicative of the attitude held by society at large - that while male rape occurs, it is not an acceptable topic for discussion. The rape of a defeated male enemy was considered the special →

Crime in british society

The main purpose of this proposed research is to inquire into the level of crime and the extent of deviance in the British society. As a result the following are the research objectives To investigate the level of crime and social deviance in the British society To identify the sections of the British society that →

Educational history

In my new school, I improved in the tennis rankings which gave me the insight of even playing tournaments of higher level. In 2006, I transferred to Thornhill Secondary school from the demand of my situation that required non-traditional education.

Liberal bias in media

Another case of media bias in this case would be the overly critical media coverage in the US warfare. In this light, is a call for the eradication of media biases.

Building and planting vegetable gardens

Building cages and poles lets you have a vertical garden which boosts your produce per square foot since you will have more space to plant in the ground. If you plan to shop for things for your garden online or in a garden store, you will notice how many choices there are when it comes →

Relative isolation of sub-saharan africa

The lack of contact with other African societies and non-African societies helped shape many distinct groups with individualistic forms of religion, language, and customs. Societies in the rest of the world have been in contact with one another long before they were able to penetrate into sub-Saharan Africa.

Impact of affordable care act on medicare

Medicare was beginning to pay for additional preventive care services that were in accordance with the typical United States health care insurances as a measure to decrease the necessity of costly health care treatments in the future." The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003 provided that in the first six months which →

Annotated bib

The point of this statement is to tell how Antigen's disobedience, andloyaltyto her brother created this play, but Is overshadowed by the impotence of King Akron. Antigen is described by Bernhard Frank as, " Rather than the " ill-fated bride" of Hammond, it is as the bride of her slain brother that Antigen may see →