Genuine Research Paper Examples

Do you agree or disagree

Genetically ModifiedFood has the potential to solve many of the world's hunger and malnutrition problems, and to help protect and preserve theenvironmentby increasing yield and reducing reliance upon chemical pesticides and herbicides. The more increasing of population will lead to the more requirement of food and also the lack of suitable land for agriculture.

Qualities of the product

The analysis of the five forces assist the company in comparing and understanding the competitive businessenvironment These five forces are; the threat of rivalry within a segment, the threat of new players or entrants into the market, the threat of products which can be substituted for the company's products, the threat of an increase in →

5 ways a startup can make its app a successful one

The major amount of time spent browsing, clicking and surfing on a smartphone is devoted to the apps installed. The primary feature of any mobile application is its convenience A mobile application should be user-friendly and comprehensible.

The blindside

The blindside movie versus the book Robert ward Chowan University This paper was prepared for [critical thinking102, section c], taught by Professor Collins Blindside truths and lies In the movie the blindside there are many truths and differences from the book. One of the most disputed facts was when in the movie did Michael ever →

Green & co.

Research Subject: Market Research for Exporters ThisCase studyis based on the largest and most successful supermarket chains in the UK, Greens & Co.for the purpose of doing a market research to enter the American Grocery market. As per my understanding of the case study, the types of market intelligence that Greens and Co.used are the →

Life in the 1920s in melbourne was much different than the years before

Many of the movies seen in the cinemas were from America but there were a couple that were made in Australia. Most of the transport in the 1920's was by trains and cars.

The symptoms of anxiety. researches have also

The sugar, when used in this experiment, will only begiven to the experimental group and not the control group. In the experiment the dependent variableis the mood scale and the independent variable is the sugar.

Advantages and disadvantages of single parent homes

A single parent is a parent with one or more children, who is not living with any of the children's other parents. Problems found in the single parent household may not be because of the parent who raised the child, but can be linked to other things that are also related to single parenting.

Ceos and business professionals

The case of Enron seems to have resolved the major ethical uncertainty, and has proved the need to promote sound ethical atmosphere and ethical principles in accounting and financial decision-making; and while firms andhealthcare organizations were seeking the means to improve their ethical codes, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act has come as the urgent response to the →

Components of the business market

The commercial market is the largest segment of the business market. This fact leads some firms to design business goods and services to meet specific buyer requirements, creating a form of market segmentation.

Dividend policy & capital structure

Objectives of the Report: The broad objective of the report is to build a strong familiarity about the Dividend policy & Capital Structure to measure the performance of the company. If this payment involves the issue of new shares, this is very similar to a stock split in that it increases the total number of →

Understood consent versus informed consent: a new paradigm for obtaining consent for pediatric research studies

Obtaining consent from a parent for their child to participate in a research study is often reduced to a process whereby the parent, or young person, is given an explanation of the study and an Information Package and the researcher or, more often, a member of the research team then collects a signature for participation →

A case study: cancer research uk

In February 2002 The Cancer Research Campaign and the Imperial Cancer Research Fund merged to create Cancer Research UK- whose objective is to reduce the number of people dying from cancer. Researchers have proven that the increasing use of Web-based technology is heightening the expectation of customers on the availability of services and the nature →

Acid-base titration

Once the equivalence point is known then the chemist can correctly determine the amount the concentration of the acid and the base. In trial 1 we found that the volume of NaOH added to the solution was 4.

Preventing tooth decay in hispanic preschool children: program development

A joint effort of public health professionals, day care centers personnel, and individual parents' involvement can halt the progression of caries and prevent the tooth decay in children. After attending a class on oral hygiene, parents will state the detrimental effects of snack and drinks high in sugar, and nocturnal bottle on progression of teeth →

Everything is an argument

Using Reason and Common Sense a) Logic- formal study of principle of reasoning Syllogisms- method of deductive reasoning assuming a major principle applies to all minor cases, errors occur when middle term is unrelated to topic in discussion a.Ex. The reasoning itself can be introduced as a degree, an analogy, or a precedent.

The pragmatic education philosophy

They gives the example of field trips as he says that for a child to learn about dairy products, its better to take him to a barn and let him experience the whole thing himself instead of showing him a movie on the subject. Realist educationists would want students to learn through their senses of →

Are herbal remedies safe and effective

The safety of the remedies is of concern because most of the drugs are self-made and prescribed. Though the herbal remedies are less effective, most of them are safe when used in the appropriate dosages and settings.

Human resource management classes overview

I recalled that in the recruitment process, it is important to have a time frame of the recruitment activities as sometimes the need for an applicant to the position is immediate, since the time frame for the application process was in a week, I figured the company must really be in a hurry to fill →

St. quiteria’s christian bravery

Quiteria and her sisters were not afraid to risk their lives to free Christians and wage war to stop others from being persecuted.St. Quiteria was born in the 2nd century in the city of Minho, Portugal to a mother that had nine daughters and was discussed by this.

The effect of marijuana legalization in colorado and washington on the global economy

Whatever your opinion is on the subject in the most recent election two states- Colorado and Washington both legalized the drug for recreational use and this has caused major debates and will have a major impact on the global economy. TheMexicandrug cartel is one of the largest illicit drug importation operations in the world, making →

Bride wars and year one

Michael Cera's facial expression is one of worried eyes which suggests he is just merely a side kick, and does not really have a say in what Jack is going to do next! " Bride Wars" gives the impression of comedy on the poster, you would never expect brides to have a " war" or →

Cloning and ethical issues

But we can use it to create new medicines or vaccines as this method can nly be used for certain parts of DNA and not the whole of it. Most of these scientists highly doubt that it would be possible in the near future to clone entire human beings, but there are always the " →

Banig organizer bag

Our purchasing and quality assuring officers and our finance officer will be responsible in all of the details regarding the contract between the business entity and the outsource manufacturer. The amount of the contribution is based on the employee's monthly salary and the schedule of contribution set by ASS.

Herniated nucleus pulposus with laminectomy procedure

In this surgical process, a portion of the lamina is excised and nucleus pulposus of the herniated disk is removed. Microdiskectomy is also performed for the removal of nucleus pulposus of a herniated disk.

Death investigations and the role of the forensic nurse

It is very important that evidence and intormation surrounding the death is preserved The body should not be cleaned prior to transport to the morgue, and any tubes, IVs or other medical equipment should be left in place. A forensically trained nurse can be an ideal medical representative in these situations." The primary goal of →

Localization of bran functions: research and analysis

The matters we will be looking at is how the brain functions are organised, exploring localisation and the strengths and limitations to this, and could this localization have be set in shape from the birth of a human brain. Huttenlocher reported a steady increase in the number of synapses in several regions of the cerebral →

Methodology is the set of principles of research nursing essay

The selection of the approach will depend on the three elements of philosophical assumption about the knowledge around the topic, plan of the inquiry and the well crafted process of data collection, analysis and writing. Paradigms are defined as the framework or the representation of the philosophical beliefs which will guide the researcher to undertake →


Objectives of the Study The following are the objectives of the research study: 1. Scope and Delimitation This study covered the common pain management of dysmenorrhea as exhibited by sophomore nursing students of Manila Central University, the duration of dysmenorrhea, and the effects of dysmenorrhea to their routine activities only.

Sociological explanations for ethnic differences in educational success

However, as criticism to this Sewell found evidence that not every pupil responded with the self-fulfilling prophecy, and in fact some African-Caribbean students adopted ' White' values and behaviours at the expense of losing their African-Caribbean stereotypical identities. Strand also investigates ethnicity and achievement in education, he compared the progress of Indian, African-Caribbean and white →

Working business

Just as the reasons for starting the business will be very personal, the definition of success will be unique to the individual. When thinking about starting a business, it is vital to take a realistic, yet positive look at the type of skills, personality, attitude, outlook and the way in which work is approached This →

The earth

The temperature of a layer is generally found by the balance between absorption of solar radiation and the emission of radiation. The surface air temperature in reality is significantly higher than the temperature of the radiation emitted by the earth to space, because of the effect of the atmosphere absorbing and re-emitting terrestrial radiation.

Economic competition: should we care about the losers?

Within his description, Wolff clarifies that exploitation is a direct consequence of economic competition." A competition has been set up for the general good, but without sufficient regard to how this affects the people who are enticed into the competition by the promise of victory'. Unlike these forms, the side effect of an activity consists →

5 reasons the best performers underestimate their value

The people I have placed at the top of my " want to hire" list have been the least likely to negotiate their salaries. They need to stop and think about the value they can provide to those who do not have that knowledge - especially to those who might be trying to hire for →

Humanities is

The history of art is shown by how artists used their minds and imaginations. The sculpture David, by Michelangelo, is photographically realistic and has a clear statement of idealized beauty.

Expanded functions of dental assistants

These expanded functions allow a Dental Assistant in the state of Florida to be a huge asset to a dental clinic. The expanded functions that a Dental Assistant can perform in the state of Minnesota differ then the expanded functions in the state of Florida.

User adaptive system research paper samples

Adaptive systems should adopt a user-centered approach, as the users are usually the main source of information, with the main target being that of the application. This is to control dynamic behavior and that of individual systems, its state and of the environment.

Key logistics activities and technologies related to logistics

Logistics can be said as the transfers of goods and services from the point of origin to the point of consumptions effectively and efficiently in order to meet the requirement of the customers. Therefore, the company might try to minimize the expenses by reducing the amount of inventory without interrupting the flow of the products →

The effect of custodial sentences

Background and Rationale for the study In spite of the fact that there is a growing body of writing on the mental health needs of young people in the justice system, there remain many unanswered questions. Information on the prevalence of mental health which affect the children in custody age 12-17 in UK, Overall mental →

Why do you want to be a nurse

I have an honest answer, butI believeit may sound cliche that I " want to help people" and make me highlight how undecisive I have been in my professionalgoals. I want to help people with their most basic needs and be the backbone of healthcare.

Franklin delano roosevelt in 20th century

In the 20th century, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the president of the United States that shaped the American Empire. Much of this feeling was based on the idea that it would be a bad thing for the country to change leadership in the middle of the war.

Clinical research database

In some cases, information on the primary and secondary predominance repertories of the substance contributes to the safety evaluation for potential adverse effects in humans and should be considered along with the findings of safety pharmacology studies.II. Objectives of Studies The objectives of safety pharmacology studies are to identify undesirable predominance properties of a substance →

Maturity transformation

Large size also implies a large number of borrowers and a large quantity of funds, so there is scope for arranging it so that a small fraction of the assets is always on the point of maturity. The intermediary accepts a large number of small deposits, creates a large pool and then distributes the pool →

Positioning of greater global competitiveness

In addition, Adidas group also has a centralized risk management that provides relevant risk management tools and know-how, assists line managers in the risk management process, collects and organizes the identified risks on a group-wide basis and monitors these risks development. The risk management is very important to Adidas group because it will helpful to →

Young people have more want than needs. what are your view?

This new wave of attitude is especially obvious in young people who have endless desires to have what they want instead of what they actually need. These things are not bad in themselves but to maintain one's closet with the latest fashion means that young ones may often spend beyond their means simply for the →

Dark ages in the history of europe

Dark Ages in the History of Europe Various nations across the world go through different phases of evolution before reaching ages of prosperity and becoming welfare states. The Inheritance of Rome: Illuminating the Dark Ages, 400-1000.

Harlequin enterprise mira decision

Harlequin enterprise had a competitive advantage in the women's romance fiction genre up until the 1980's and early 1990's. If harlequin launches Mira in direct competition with S&S it would be very difficult considering harlequin is dependent on S&S for the distribution of its series titles within the U.

Can any business afford to be socially responsible

This is a compelling topic since business ethics and the social responsibility are two aspects of a business that go hand in hand, thus a business person will have to tackle the aspect of social responsibility in the running of the business. This period was used to read the various reports that touched on the →

Backstage view of ‘the avengers’

CMT 2325 PROJECT 3 ESSAY Backstage view of ' The Avengers' The primary objective of this essay is to elaborate on the creation of the different special effects in a movie. They were responsible for creating many of the film's digital assets from the Helicarrier, to New York streets and buildings, to digi-doubles of the →

Anti-war movement

The antiwar movement against Vietnam in the US from 1965-1971 was the most significant movement of its kind in the nation's history. The activists involved in the Anti-War movement of this time were passionate and dedicated to seek change.

The end or the journey

The future Is unclear and the path Is cloudy, the end Is a mystery and the Journey Is a challenge. There is the pleasure of the Journey taken and the Joy of the end.

Visualize your best self

What type of learning style do I exalt the most? What type of learning style do I exhibit the most?

Amish tripathi

The Shiva Trilogy has become the fastest selling book series in the history of Indian publishing, with 1. The Immortals of Meluha and The Secret of the Nagas, the first two novels by Tripathi, have been commercial successes.

Power control theory

In this paper I will describe myfamilyenvironmentbased on Hagan's Power- Control Theory, I will explain paternalistic and egalitarian families and which behavior my family is affected by. Young girls are less likely to steer out of control because they have the view of what there mother does and that often influences them to be obedient →

Role of media in india

Role of Indian Media in the New Age The following is the speech given by Shri Kapil Sibal, Minister of HRD and C & IT, on the topic: " Role of Indian Media in the New Ag", presiding as the Chief Guest for the 'Press Club Awards for Excellence in Journalism', on 5th May, 2012 →

The meaning of family photographs

As more people owned cameras andbecame familiar with their workings, the photographic process becameless intimidating, and the proliferation of the equipment beganchanging the content of the photographs. Photographs are not subject to memoryrecollection, and a person's portrayal of events can be quitedifferent from what appears in the photographs.

International business chapter nine

Emerging markets & developing economies are attractive to Arcelik because they represent promising export markets for products and services. Types of risks & challenges Arcelik is likely to face in doing business in emerging markets.

The life and literature of f scott fitzgerald

It is also fair to conclude that he was deeply concerned with class, wealth, and their effect on the corruption of " TheAmerican Dream." The novels and short stories of Scott Fitzgerald are documents that illustrate the hazy and glamorous Jazz Age, and had Fitzgerald's own life been any less hazy and glamorous, some of →

Tomco-hll merger

This is the third time that the Tatas and HLL are coming together and this time it is in the fertilisers and chemicals businesses. Sources close to the deal reveal that the valuation of Tata Chemicals is much higher than HLCL's, hence the latter's shareholders will be issued shares of the Tata group company.


Indicate the measurement focus and basis of accounting used for the government-wide statements. Indicate the measurement focus and basis of accounting used for the governmental fund statements.

Mansfield reformatory

Along with the murders of countless prisoners, a prison farmer and hisfamily, the warder and his wife also had died at the Mansfield Reformatory. A visit to the Catholic Chapel and insight on the living quarters is also part of this tour.

Kudler foods – expanding their business towards catering

The product is represented by the actual food presented to the customer and the services are the making of the food and its delivery to the address requested by the customer. Considering that the products are prone to rapidly deteriorate if kept in inappropriate conditions, the supplier has the moral and legal obligation to inform →

Economical plastic bird spikes won’t allow birds

Release - Plastic bird spikes keep pest birds like pigeons, gulls and crows from landing and roosting on your building One of the most effective and humane bird deterrents ever devised is currently available in a variety of sizes and colors. The spikes are blunted at the tips so they will not harm birds, curious →

Why some countries are in debt

Countries can be in debt for different reasons: Trade deficit When a country's imports are worth more than a country's exports, the country loses money and therefore it is forced to borrow money from other countries or international organisations to try and cover the losses. When a country is in debt, a majority of the →

Chapter 3

The Cash receipt was recorded as unearned fees and at December 31, 2007, $1, 000 of the fees had been earned. The adjusting entry on December 31 Year 1 should include: A debit to Unearned Fees for $500.

The origins of affirmative action

In " Stigmatization revisited." the authors performed experiments to determine the effects of affirmative action versus diversity management. Thc theories of affirmative action are changing in today's world, according to the authors of " Diversity management.

The purpose of education

The majority of people believe that getting knowledge is " obtaining education." There is more to the concept that " students are depositories" and the " teachers are the depositor. If a teacher is not confident and prepared, there will be doubts that will be raised in the minds of the student.

A history of greek festivals

The honor and glorification gained by the masters in each of the four Games was so great that the lone stuff awards straight received from the organizers were Crowns of assorted workss sacred to the Gods that the festivals were dedicated to.[ 2 ] This led to the term ' periodonikes' being created which was →

Human person and it’s nature test

What is the nature of the human person; and How does a person attain his highest potential that can create a possitive result towards society. We are so involved in living that we forget the purpose of living.

Costing businesses

For this reason it is vital that the Supervisor explains to the Colleague the consequences of providing inaccurate or insufficient data. Once this form has been completed it is passed to Human Resources where the information on it is crossed checked with the Absence Record of that individual.

The history of the noose and its significance to african

It is therefore to the best interest of everyone to be able to identify the origins of the hangman's knot or the noose in the current period. Pitts also reported for the Chicago Tribune how a noose was left on the door of a black professor at Columbia University that stands to investigate the recent →

Arizona senate bill 1070

Finally, the idea of trying to get rid of all the Hipics rapidly is not a great idea for the economy. But, it is a fact that immigrants are working the jobs many Americans do not want to apply for.

What is cloud computing?

Various benefits of cloud computing: Scalability, Simplicity, Security and Storage Load Balancing:-Load balancing is an even division of prosessing work in the cloud computing which have a great effect on the performance of a framework, dependent on the measure of work allotted to a framework for a given period of time. Fault tolerance: It is →

Yadav challenges

I am deft at making vouchers all type with Journal and bank reconciliation. I am adept at handling of Income tax and service tax.

Organizations and businesses

The main objective of this essay is to elaborate any two of the above five functions in detail, critically evaluate them, analyze whether they are beneficial for today's managers or not, and highlight the way these functions can be made a real key to success. Planning is the designing of future action plans in order →

The golden age

Most of the time pking is not severe enough to cause harm to the child. Most of the time pking is not severe enough to cause harm to the child.

Continuing my education

I think it is wonderful to get all the education I can to help to help me to proceed better on my job. Thus, I think it is important to have that degree under my belt.

Celebrity role models

Although some think that celebrities are appropriate role models for young people, the majority of people believe that celebrities can negatively influence their admirers harming theireducation. The final argument advanced by opponents in favor to consider celebrities as role models for young people is that how they are always well informed of updates, imitate their →

System forensics

The one In charge of labeling and securing sensitive information is the forensic specialist.5. What is the presumption of innocence?


Depending on the economics of the particular situation, fabrication may be accomplished in a commercial pipe fabrication shop, or a site fabrication shop, where portions of the piping system are fabricated into subassembly or modules for transfer to the location of the final installation. Accordingly, fabrication and installation contractors must work closely with the designer →

Business: overview

Also Maxim group have the Surplus Bread Donation Programmer which started in 009 About 70 Maxim's Cake joined this programmer in order to donate the surplus bread to the elderly or poor. Maxim's awarded the caring company for arrears started In 2009 This award Is appreciated Maxim that their contribution In community This is the →

A legabl problem in hospitality industry

In many instances, as will be related here, the inability of owners of the swimming pool to follow safety rules requirement cause these accidents and drowning that lead to filing of court cases. The operator of the swimming pool was held liable for violation of the safety rules that require a permanent readable depth marking.

Faculty empowerment and the changing university environment

Faculty empowerment and the changing environment Faculty empowerment and the changing environment The word empowerment came to academic world from the organizational world. In organizations empowerment of employees means the process of raising the productivity of the employees through periodical training." Empowerment in schools or colleges can be defined as the process of investing teachers →

Avalon destorying

All the characters within the novel seem to be struggling for a sense of belonging, making it a strong theme of the novel. In regards to Valor it is her need to progress forward socially which only ends when she develops a strong sense of belonging in the Z group.

Triple jump phase

Finally as the body is coming out of the bounding position, the opposite leg hits the ground in order to propel or " jump" the body forwards, aiming for distance rather than height, into the pit.[pic] The phases In the triple jump, there are three joints that aid in movement of the hip, the knee, →

Product launch

When you want to introduce a new product onto the market, market research is important. Marketing in general is highly relevant when your intention is to introduce a new product onto the market.

Explain the role of the first world war in the decline and fall of the romanov dynasty

Explain the role of the First World War in the decline and fall of the Romanov Dynasty The role of the first world in the decline and fall of the Romanov Dynasty has been contended debated. The liberal school of thought on the fall of the Romanovs greatly highlights the significance of the First World →

Fear and loathing in las vegas

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas " Explain how characters transition from headstrong and quirky in the beginning to something that resembles shell-shocked soldiers" Raul Duke and the Attorney also known as the main characters of the novel Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas transition from headstrong and quirky characters to something that appears to →

Generation gap

The fight between the old and the young is not new and has been bound in thecultureof every nation of the world. The generation gap is a more modern term for the difference between generations, or another term for the " clash" between the opinions, the attitudes and the behaviors of the younger and the →

Human organ shouldn’t ligalize

Although the sales of human organs have been done since long ago, and there are many claims and proposal to make it legal, a lot of oppositions are against this idea.*Moneythe purpose Considering the poor status of most donors, one of the primary stated reasons for organ selling is to pay off debt. Besides, there →

The concept of total war

Aside from its unforgettable aftermath wherein a number of casualties and various war damages were recorded, World War I also paved the way for the emergence of the concept of total war. It was a war between two " Superpowers," the United States of America and the Soviet Union.

Long term financing paper final

Although, more than one formula exists for the CAPM, the most common is referred to as the market risk premium model presented below: r = Rf + beta Where: r is the expected return rate on a security Rf = the risk free rate of return B = beta coefficient, or historical volatility of common →

Syria conflict

Introduction The Syrian Arab Republic is an Arab country in Western Asia, bordering Lebanon and the Mediterranean Sea to the West, Turkey to the North, Iraq to the East, Jordan to the South, and Israel to the Southwest. The traditional core of IR relates to issues concerning the development and change of sovereign statehood, in →

Computer programing engineering

After spending time with those engineers, I came to realize that computer engineer are needed for various jobs all around the globe, and the work is tedious but in the end the computer engineers get paid hefty for their works. After mygraduationfrom here, I am hoping to have a job that will financially take care →

Changing culture at pizza hut

Organization cultures are created by leaders and, therefore, one of the most important functions of a leader is the creation, management, and sometimes the destruction of a culture. They were, in effect, invited to sign the company's " Declaration of Independence," and in doing so, make a public commitment to the culture and the company.

The proof behind darwin’s claims: a rhetoric of research and transformation

The concept of mass accumulations of strong evidence as a means of proving a point is one explored repeatedly throughout Darwin's On the Origin of Species as Darwin builds a case for and defends his theory of evolution and the topic of natural selection. This method of explanation in which new evidence is frequently given, →