Genuine Research Paper Examples

Accounting data in productivity measurement and strategic decision-making

According to the Institute of Management Accountants -Management accounting is a profession that involves partnering in management decision making, devising planning and performance management systems, and providing expertise in financial reporting and control to assist management in the formulation and implementation of an organization's strategy. The Institute of Certified Managerial Accountants, states " A managerial →

The advantages and disadvantages of conditional fee arrangements for legal aid

The conditional fee arrangement was introduced by the Access to Justice Act 1999, as an attempt to transfer legal funding from the treasury to the private sector. This goes on the grounds that it is important that there are incentives for lawyers to do Conditional Fee Arrangements work.

Economics ncert chapter

The money so earned is used to buy capital for farming in the next season. He will have to work as a farm laborer in the fields of medium and large farmers for an amount of RSI 40-50 ere day.

The chinese prestige cosmetics market

Procter & Gamble's success in marketing the premium SK-II brand in the Japanese market shows that SK-II has the potential to become a global brand, with the ability to penetrate and establish a wide consumer base in the domestic Japanese market, the emerging Chinese cosmetics market, and the mature European market. The success of SK-II's →

The sarbanes-oxley act of 2002

In the wake of the financial scandals that struck major corporations such as Enron, WorldCom and Tyco International, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 was enacted " to protect investors by improving the accuracy and reliability of corporate disclosures, made pursuant to the securities laws." It aims to create new and enhance previously existing standards and →

Introduction to research and it’s types

According to Martyn Shuttleworth, in the broadest sense of the word, the definition of research includes any gathering of data, information and facts for the advancement of knowledge. Without this research and knowledge, it would be difficult to make a change in the world.

Elizabeth and akbar: the religion of the ruler

Kenneth Wolfe: " Elizabeth and Akbar: The Religion of the Ruler" Kenneth Wolfe states that in 1530, the people of the country would follow their rulers religion in order to bring peace. Akbar's religious changes and mahzar caused a revolt which he was able to control.

Streams of silver 2. city of sails

The farther they traveled from Ten-Towns, where Drizzt was known, the more he would be judged by the color of his skin and the reputation of his people". Regis and Wulfgar, too, shared in Bruenor's mirth, the big man giving the drow a good-hearted slap on the back as he slipped to the lead of →

Illusion vs. reality

The people that do not have knowledge are the general public, Truman, and the prisoners; the people with the knowledge are the government, Christof, and the things causing the shadows in the ave. The people who have the knowledge either use that power to keep the reality that the people without the knowledge already have →

List and explain the generally recognized business torts

According to Keller, " a tort is committed when a duty owed by one person to another is breached and thus causes injury or damage to the owner of the interest". In a business case, the said damage is usually in the form of financial losses of the aggrieved party.

4 psychological triggers that make people like and share content

Why? Because it's your way to quickly support a cause you care about, and it lets other people know what type of person you are, therefore making you look better. Then they will like and share just to stay connected with you, even if your content is not that great.

Lama surya das and the american dharma

According to Lama Surya Das, there are many factors that influenced the acceptance of Buddhism in the western countries and this acceptance lead to a unique American Buddhism. Some of the ways of the traditional Buddhism are also omitted to make it simpler and other meditation practices are accepted to make it more appealing.

the five people you meet in heaven

No sacrifice is too small" is a lesson learned by Eddie at his second stop in heaven with the captain. The part about the story that I liked the most was when Eddie went to the captain in heaven and brought back thememoriesabout the war.

Man 4102 class project part 1

He held the position of director of Institute for Research on Intercultural Cooperation through 1980 and currently is the professor of organizational anthropology and international management. Meaning and Impact of Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions John Bing's article discusses the impact of Hofstede's work on consulting and business practices across the globe and states that Hofstede's findings →

Political stupidity

Dionne is hoping to make people aware of the political stupidity and the need to bring change in the system of politics. He also uses reports to prove his point and persuade the audience.

Education: the social institution | research

According to the curriculum the students are provided to learn the subjects that tell about the way of living, the way to speak, dress, stand, sit, and walk, it also provides norms, value and persuade the young Cambodians to love and protect their own national heritage; moreover, the information the students get is to follow →

Modern heroes and greek heroes research

One day he was performing with his family but Two-Face came in and started shooting. Hercules was born with super strength so he did not have to train.

Culture of poverty ideology

It has been said that " Povertyis functional to society today", the extent to which this is true have been explore by theorists of the cultural, Marxist, and functional perspectives and can be examined SSI Eng countries of the Caribbean such as Trinidad and Tobago. Lewis concluded his concept y suggesting that the culture of →

Italian neorealism

The neorealist style was developed by a circle of film critics that revolved around the magazine Cinema, despite a severe lack of funds and equipment the Neorealist film makers sought to reveal truth of the everyday life. Elements of neorealism can be found in the films of Alessandro Blasetti and the documentary-style films of Francesco →

Murdering of innocents

As is to be expected from Dickens, the names of the characters are emblematic of theirpersonality; usually, Dickens' haracters can be described as innocent, villainous or unaware of the moral dilemmas of the story that surrounds them. Unlike the boy " Bitzer", Sissy has a nickname and at least in this chapter, she is the →

Data abstraction

Understanding the concept of the abstract data type or ADT is easier knowing the definitions of abstraction. An example of a data structure is the struct in C, linked lists, and trees.

Smart material

The use of the terms 'smart' and 'intelligent' to describe materials and systems came from the US and started in the 1980? s despite the fact that some of these so-called smart materials had been around for decades. The change is inherent to the material and not a result of some change in volume, a →

The role of parental involvement in student achievement

The Role of Parental Involvement in Student Achievement The Role of Parental Involvement in Student Achievement The role of parent involvement in student achievement has long been researched and documented. It is the responsibility of parents to ensure that their children are equipped with the tools and knowledge to be able to make it in →

95 theses

The theses listed many critiques of the Catholic Church, such as the corruption of the Church through the indulgences and takingmoneyfrom the poor to construct buildings. In that, he is saying that the pope should let everyone into heaven and not have to wait in purgatory, and not have to pay an indulgence to the →

Why cheating in sports is prevalent

Many current athletes are secretly following the cheating habits of Barry Bonds and Lance Armstrong, they have not come to the realization ofculture, and the way people are viewing the sport. Argueably one of the greatest baseball players in history named Barry Bonds is also one of the biggest cheaters in the history of the →

Joy cowley

When joy attainted elementary school in her early years she struggled with her academics, she was a poor reader and writer. They decided to leave wellington and move to a cottage in the township of Featherstone, here joy has a shed with a lathe and woodturning tools.

16th century story-romeo and juliet

ROMEO AND JULIET: An analysis of the play by William Shakespeare. Christianity and the Religion of Love in Romeo and Juliet.

Function and role of law in business and society

Hughes Abstract A review of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Code of Conduct will be discussed for a better understanding of it role in business. Businesses have operated for years but the interest lies in the development of and reasons for code of conduct; with the Constitution and Bill of Rights identifying →

Government cut-backs

The implications for most working and middle class students are either to abandon education altogether and to accept a future of McJobs and unemployment, or to be saddled with a lifetime of debt. By 1998, the federal government is scheduled to eliminate a total of $7 billion in transfer payments to the provinces for medicare, →

Statistics for business and economics question answers

What is the point estimate of the proportion of the population of employees who strongly dislike their current work experience? -p= 473+1100= 0. 0293 What Is the 95% confidence interval for the proportion of the population of employees who strongly dislike their current work experience? -p? O.

Ethos pathos logos in bare in mind

The person stating this is furious because all those men have posed for nude and nobody seemed to complain about it, but when Thompson posed for nude, everybody seemed to think that it was inappropriate or the picture send a message to the people. Depending firstly on his great pathos, Reilly also uses the ethos →

Pricing strategies

Value Pricing Price set in accordance with customer perceptions about the value of the product/service Examples include status products/exclusive products Loss Leader Goods/services deliberately sold below cost to encourage sales elsewhere Typical in supermarkets, Christmas, selling bottles of gin at 3 in the hope that people will be attracted to the store and buy →

Anatole broyard

Despite the fact that Anatole Broyard never did write that novel he was paid for, his life is that of a man of literature, and not only because he was a critic. It is a very understandable desire: to be judged by the measure of one's skills and not by the topics one raises.

The use of dramatic irony in romeo and juliet

The main characters that Shakespeare uses this with are Benvoilo and Mercutio, the Capulets, and Romeo and the Friar. Then later Romeo hides after a party that they all go to, and Mercutio and Benvoilo think it is because he is sad about Rosaline.

Opportunities and challenges of benchmarking

The result will come to the organization in the form of gaining important advantages for the organization in the form of advantages. At the same time, maintenance is also a part of benchmarking and it is not a benchmarking of the product, but of the service system in the organization.

Factors motivating variation

The first factor is speakers desire to show how to join in a group and separate from others. Meyerhoff states the speakers desire to test how in-group members are orienting themselves to those three factors.

Research on person centered expressive arts therapy

However, according to Edwards it was not until the 1940's that art, psychiatry and psychoanalysis combined in a variety of ways to provide the conditions out of which the profession of art therapy emerged. Art therapy is a type of activity therapy that may be hard to define because it is such a broad term →

Professional practice

The coach used power point presentation during the whole lesson, utilizing the flipchart and white board on occasion if she asked the scholars for pulling the images or adding the excess information. Effective oppugning requires instructors to see the degree of oppugning in relation to the scholars ' abilities and anterior acquisition, degree of acquisition →

Importance of licensed practical nurses

One group is of the opinion that the process of phasing out LPNs is beneficial to the entire healthcare system and would prove to be more advantageous than retaining them. Patients will still be attended to by the registered nurses who are capable of making decisions even in the absence of physicians unlike LPNs who →

Richard branson blogs about his near-death bike accident

On his Virgin , he wrote:" A couple of nights ago I went cycling on Virgin Gorda with Holly and Sam as part of my training for the. The next thing I knew, I was being hurled over the handlebars and my life was literally flashing before my eyes".goes on to describe how he was →

I. brief overview of different sculpture styles a. egyptian sculpture

The figures are always deliberately facing the front and much of the detail is hewn to represent characteristics of the frontal image, and is usually painted with vibrant colors. This is a classic example of the expertise developed by Roman sculptors for this particular form of art, and illustrative of the Greek influence, from the →

Increasing age diversity in the workplace

In this paper we will discuss the factors that relate to the relationship between the employee and employer in regards to age diversity and how organizations can handle this form of diversity. They also need to be watchful as even with the best policiesdiscriminationcan still occur and they must be able to handle the quickly →

Character traits of hamlet, claudius and gertrude

In Hamlet, William Shakespeare suggests that individuals struggle to restore honour and certainty because of procrastination and deception. Shakespeare is suggesting through Hamlet's delays, that an individual may struggle with restoring his honour and certainty because of the psychological impediments resulting in procrastination.

Jerusalem a city of three faiths

Jerusalem has been beckoning those of the three major monotheistic faiths to come and seek her since all three faiths inceptions, The City of David, The City of Jesus and the place where the prophet Muhammad ascended to Heaven can be seen as truly a focal point of the World's religions, though it is in →

Internal and external conflicts

The story goes; Hester Prynne committed the sin of adultery with the minister of their Puritan Community, Arthur Dimmesdale, the community then condemning her to wear the scarlet letter " A" for the rest of her natural life. This is an internal conflict because this does have her dealing with the pain in her heart →

A white heron

A White Heron - Alternate Ending " The tree seemed to lengthen itself out as she went up, and to reach farther and farther upward." Her pale face glimmered in the new sunlight that appeared Just over the horizon. Sylvia knew she was getting close to arriving back home to her eager grandmother, who wanted →

Research of multinational companies operating in serbia

The current research has been realized by combining of the theoretical knowledge through the revision of the literature relevant for the existence, operations ad growth of multinational companies and different spillover effects they create, as well as practical research realized in the field on five multinational companies operating in Serbia. The first part of the →

Alex and the amazing time machine ?

When I got home, I was pretty excited because I was sure that it was going to work. While I was on my way to the camp, I had to make sure that I was not seen.

Sociology: notes on social dimensions of crime

SOCIAL CLASS Since the recession of the 1980s, employment rates for adolescents increase yearly and have an impact on the diminishment of youth crime The younger you are, the more prone you are to be a victim of victimization The older you get, the more you are prone for property crimes and less for physical →

Childrens literature

In children's literature books the fairytale of the moms staying home to care for the children and the dads going out to work is portrayed. Rather than not reading to a child at all it is important to explain to a child that children's literature is fun to read and the books are mostly fairytales.

What motivates different age groups visit bath for leisure purposes?

The focus will be the tourists of the city of Bath and what inspires demand for the destination. In the discussion of the determinants of demand, the motives for visiting are rarely ignored.

Advanced maternal age

The good news is that medical advances in prenatal and perinatal care have diminished the effects that many of these complications have on pregnancies at advanced maternal age. The dilemma to put off childbearing looms large for many career women and must be considered along with the risks of advanced maternal age.

Acid rains and our planet environment

We have been around for millions of years and we have been using the resources of our planet for our survival, from the last hundred odd years, we have started exploiting the resources of our planet more actively to make our lives comfortable. However, in the last century we have been using the nature's resources →

Financial statements and ratios

This paper will compare the financial aspects of McDonald's and Wendy's to each other, and the industry, from the personal investor perspective. The results are based on a 5 year time p and the primary sources of information are the SEC 10-K filings, company's websites, and trade publications.

School of business studies

NPV is calculated in terms of currency while IRR is expressed in terms of the percentage return a firm expects the capital project to return. The EOQ of 267 units means that this is the economical quantity purchase since it minimizes the cost of ordering and holding inventory.

The metamorphosis by f. kafka

The first sentence of The Metamorphosis announces Gregor Samsa's death and the rest of the story is his slow dying. What Gregor awakens to on the morning of his metamorphosis is the truth of his life.

The philosophy of the human person

But the outcome of any philosophical inquiry is determined by its starting place" relates to the question of horizon, a limit of what can be seen from a definite perspective consisted of a subjective and objective fixed point of reference. The philosophical inquiry of Lily is " what is Justice? " The outcome of this →

Developmental psychology: overview

By not forming a secure attachment to her caregivers in the early stages of her life, it had a negative impact on her behaviour later on in her life. In examples of physical and sexual child abuse by a caregiver, it is evident that it leads to detachment and weak bonds with the caregiver.

He published poor richard’s almanac and the pennsylvania gazette

His contributions in electricity earned him recognitions such as the one from the Royal Society's Copley Medal in 1753 and in 1756 he became one of the few eighteenth century Americans to be elected as a Fellow of the Society. In 1728, according to Gillon and Matson when he was just a young man, Franklin →

Simple science experiments

Put the two teaspoon of dry ice on the balloon, After that get the bottle with water and put the Balloon on the bottles 4. Put the opening of the balloon into the bottle mouth until the dry ice is consumed.

Enterpreneurship education

In other words, entrepreneurship education is a programme that provides discipline to an individual to assume theresponsibilityand the risk for a business operation with the expectation of making a profit. Teachers should be recruited, trained and re-trained in the area of entrepreneurship education.

Different business structures

The assets and liabilities of the owner and those of the business are the same. The owner can make all the decisions and can retain all the profits.

Economics cuurent macroeconomic situation

The major concern right now is the status of employment in the country. Robert Reich suggests that only reason the economy is not in a double-dip recession is due to the boosts injected by the government.

Product life cycle and product level

In the development stage that has already been based, the entrepreneur or the owner of the business would have actually come up with a business idea to launch such a product and then all the necessary processes would have been started in order to actually enable the entrepreneur to develop the product. The last stage →

The role of mass media in suzanne collins’s the hunger games

The Capitol comes up with the idea of the Hunger Games in order to remind the citizens about the failed rebellion of the districts against the Capitol. The tournament is broadcast to the entire nation and serves as entertainment to the Capitol which shows the dehumanization of the citizens of the districts by the Capitol.

Concert paper about blue man group

I remembered a discussion we had had a few months prior when we spoke avidly about how our parents always made references to something called " the blue man group" as we were growing up, and that we still to that day had no idea what it was or why it was being referenced in →

Julius caesar questionnaire

What do the final 4 lines of scene I suggest about the status of the people under Caesar's rule?" Foreshadowing" is the technique of preparing a reader or audience for something to happen later in the narrative." Beware the Ides of March" is an example of such a technique. Since Brutus himself is said to →

Edgar allan poe life outline

Body- Poe's early life, marriage, works, later years Poe'sfamily his father left his family early on in his life, and his mother passed away when he was 3 years of age. Poe's Later years After the death of his wife, Poe became very depressed.

Assess the view that traditional class identities

Although now many people in the working class vote for different parties as they do not all agree on what is important now in society, supporting the idea that traditional class identities are no longer important. Diamond and Giddens agree with this as they argue that the working class is no longer important because of →

Compromises that lead to the constitution

In the period between the drafting of the Constitution and the start of theCivil War, compromise was a main part in the governing of the United States. The north accused the south of trying to extend the institution of slavery and the south said that the north was conspiring to destroy the Union and end →

Technological development

When you used the bolt, it would refuse the consumed container shell and load the next one into the chamber. An additional thing that help making the machine gun so effective was with the way the soldiers were trained to bring attack on the target.

Adult life

What I feel the definition of being an adult means to be mature and responsible with your things that you have to do in life to life basics. As a member of society you would need to engage in the community you live in, so you know your whereabouts in the place you live at.

A journey by colm toibin

A Journey by Colm Tobin is a story that deals with a reflection about the past, and how it has affected the present. In A Journey the reflection happens in flashbacks, that the story's main character Mary is getting on her journey from a hospital to her home.


Thus the main function of Mise-en-scene is to add to the narrative by creating meaning, allowing creative expression through the physical manipulation of each scene. Also the narrative of the film is in contrast to what the mise-en-scene indicates.

Business envirmonet

I have chosen China and the UK as my two contrasting countries and my chosen business is KFC which is large globalfast foodchain, china is the most populated country in the world and is also has the largest economy. The Republic of China is an Asian country which is situated in east of Asia and →

The value of college education

College education is a step further and takes a person into realms that can only be understood and appreciated by someone who has earned a college degree. A college education can teach a person about his or her moral obligations and helps the people to realize what it is that is missing from their lives.

Being a teacher

I think that even though I will earn not so big salary still I will enjoy teaching. I want to experience all things in teaching and I so hopeful that I will succeed this profession.

Scene 5 act 5 commentary

Shakespeare has a very specific diction, and in this particular passage, he chooses to use repetition." Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow" BY repeating ' tomorrow' over and over, the boredom of life in general is stressed by dragging the word out. He also compares life to a candle." Out, out brief candle." The brief candle →

Methods of transportation

If you go to Saukville the price would be the same as taking the bus. But if think about it the option of going anywhere at anytime and you will not have access to local transit, renting a car is not as bad as it seems.

Why project fail

If a project is to be a success senior management and users need to be involved from the start, and continuously throughout the development. The recommendation here is to review all project plans to see if they are realistic, and to challenge the participants to express any reservations they may have with it.

Evaluating websites for academic use

Edu Domains For Academic Research Introduction From analysis of two websites http and http that both clarify the role of social media on human development, it is evident that websites with are the most dependable for academic research. Erroneous knowledge is thus frequently transferred to unsuspecting websites advertise products and services →

Palio’s ristorante

Base on heavy studies of unmarried committed partners there a law that determine the will of a person who die and that is the law of interstate. It did exactly what a " pre-nup" is supposed to do, that is, it explained the terms of the agreement in specific, understandable language.

Gender equality and women’s empowerment

Or the fact that is was the woman who ate the fruit off of the forbidden tree, does that make the women less superior. He is the president of the United States and not that of the women abroad.

Plastic surgery in south korea

Sociologygroup presentation: Plastic surgery * Plastic surgery is becoming one of the popular ways to change one's physical appearance in South Korea.* People in Korea believe that looking good can change their lives.* 40% of the people in Korea think that they failed theintervieware because they do not look beautiful.* 70% want to change their →

Decay of faith in the enduring chill

Bolle IB Junior English October 5, 2012 Decay of Faith Heaven, earth, and beliefs of a superior being ruling the world are contradicted through Flannery O'Connor's stories." The Enduring Chill", a short story by Flannery O'Connor, displays religious figures combined with the hypocrisy of Christian faith." The Enduring Chill" is about Asbury, a male writer, →

Election a benchmark election

Lincoln achievements, coupled with the distrust of southern Democrats after the Civil War, paved the way for Republicans to control the White House for the latter half of the 19th century. THE NEW DEAL AND THE GREAT SOCIETY The GreatDepressionchanged the way government operated in the United States.

There is nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so

There is nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so" Whether it is technology, relationships, food, clothing, or profession, it is our thinking that shapes our likes and dislikes. There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so: Informational support and cognitive appraisal of the work-family interface.

Health, safety, and nutrition for the young child

Health, Safety, and Nutrition for the Young Child Selecting developmental toys The process of selecting developmental toys for young children should be associated with certain guidelines. Roll & Play The toy is very attractive to parents because it provides a great opportunity for them to interact with children.

Scm micromaxx and rim, blackberry

BlackBerry has joined this initiative, which aims to help the governments of the DRC and other countries in the region break the link between the illicit minerals trade and ongoingviolenceandhuman rightsabuses. Sourcing areas of the corporation are encouraged to identify and include diverse suppliers and consultants in the procurement process.

Hardy short stories

This was because with Sam she could afford to be herself, that was a person of a lower class, whereas now in the eyes of society and her husband she had to pretend to be a 'lady' which was the artificial her. This can be shown by the quote, 'Sophy the woman was as charming →

Baroque style of period

But Bach always found the right time to play, and it was not during the right second or on the right beat. Stay tuned to learn what was going on, who else had the magic touch, and the characteristics of the Baroque time.

Accountant necessities

You have to strive for the best in order to be the best and you have to do perfect in whatever you do. They have a lot of paperwork to do but as long as you do what is asked of you to do then you are going to get your job done.

Anxiety culture

Attitude concern, informational, reflective A Audience The working class R Rhetorical Rhetorical question- " How can you despise ease and laziness then Strategy not feel guilty when you take a rest? " Commentary In the magazine article, " Anxiety Culture: The Puritan Work Ethic." by Brian Dean, he uses the rhetorical question " How can →

7 things you only learn from moving to the uk to study

So in case you are tossing up whether or not tostudy abroad, we look at the 7 lessons that you will learn from moving to the UK to study. The number one thing you will learn from living in a foreign country is that if you put your mind to it, you can do anything!