Genuine Research Paper Examples

Education of the henry adams

Religion had taken the backseat to science, technology, money, power, and the new ideas and art of sex." In opposition to the medieval Virgin, Adams saw a new godhead-the dynamo-symbol of the modern history" s anarchic energies". The dynamo, to Adams, has become a symbol of the unknown, of the future without God and religion.

The importance of labeling of goods and products

Even though life in general would be easier and more enjoyable without insects that can be bothersome, it is not necessary to pollute the air, ground, food, and liquids that are used daily by the inhabitants of the planet Earth, nor is it necessary to give misleading information about the products being used to boost →

Embryonic stem cell research essay sample

Steven Milloy LACK OF FUNDS Geron the first company to get the green light for trials, quit and is selling that part of the business The topic of Embryonic stem cell research carries with it a very controversial past. Stem cell research is an admirable cause, as it has the potential to cure many diseases, →

Developing virgin coconut oil-based products

An important thing to note in the production of the virgin coconut oil is that none of the products from this process are wasted. Branding the product as such will eliminate the basic idea that the product is of coconut virgin oil.

How to write a legislative bill

The most important part of writing a Legislative bill is choosing a comfortable topic that you can relate to or make your own, as well as making it personal or influential to others too. When deciding on a topic for your bill, you want to make it your own, and not what someone else created.

Buddhism, confucianism, and shintoism

The Chinese version of Zen Buddhism is probably the most prevalently practiced form of the religion in the world. Both the 8 Fold Path and the 4 Noble Truths are designed as a means of approaching life is a safe and sane manner that leads to eventual enlightenment.

Sylvia plath research

It was easy for the loss of a loved one like this to bring back the lonely memories of her late father, and Sylvia fell back into a deep depression. Ted and Sylvia Hughs continued to write in the nine months of her pregnancy and Plath even published a book.

The purpose for the establishment of the alstom

The main aim for the segment was to provide service to the existing plants in order to prolong their service other than installing new plants in the process of optimizing maintenance and enhancing plant efficiency, and this accounted for about 35% of the demand of the power industry. The business of ALSTOM power service heavily →

Feminism in education: gender equality

One of the ground-breaking results of the Act was to educate and mobilise women and the working class. Marxist feminists believe that social class has its part to play in inequalities and that education is their to support the needs of the ruling class.

My summer vacation

I had a great time though because I spend the day with my friends and I finally went to the beach. My was goal was to have the best summer vacation and I achieved my goal.

Satellite owner says spacex owes it $50 million or a free flight

The Israeli company said the loss of the satellite would have a significant impact, with its equity expected to decline by $30 million to $123 million. The firm said in a statement on Friday it was in close communication with Spacecom about how the incident would impact the merger.

Canadian business cycles

This system is characterized by the private ownership of resources and the use of markets and prices to coordinate and direct economic activity. Canada's major banks, however, emerged from the financial crisis of 2008-09 among the strongest in the world, owing to the financial sector's tradition of conservative lending practices and strong capitalization.

Higher education

ModernEducation: The Principal Difference article from the second issue of Classical Homeschooling Magazine, Patrick Carmack compares and critizes the both classical and new modern education models in terms of effectiveness and ethics. Therefore the basic content of the education, what Carmack claims, should involve feelings, emotions - the most mentioned in the article is love- →

10 reasons why late to bed and late to rise can make you successful

Now there is no doubt these men are highly successful, but I have had some significant success myself and have found that I am most comfortable and successful when my sleep time is 1 to 2 a.m.and my wake time is 7 to 8 a.m. I look at my calendar at night for the next →

Albert einstein: one genius mind

He even earned for himself a doctorate degree in the process Even though it was not entirely all plain sailing from then on, several years later, he assumed a role in theacademicsystem, and worked in Berlin to complete his General Theory of Relativity in the face of the severe destruction in society brought about by →

The sculpture bodhisattva

It is serene and this serenity is transferred to the viewer of the piece. It is rare to see a piece that has such obvious Eastern and Western elements found in the manifestation.


A guiding spirit of the international anarchist movement, Kropotkin was also a distinguished geographer, a scientist and a positivist. Kropotkin, Memoirs of a Revolutionist, 498.[2] P.

Thinking like a nurse

As in every profession, innursingtoo, there are a number of details that every each of nurses should have and be aware of, because of the high expectancy by patients and colleagues in both within and outside of professional domains. Every patient should be treated the same way as if they are in the need of →

J.j. thomson – discovery of the electron

It was the crucial first step in the development of the twentieth-century concept of the atom. Flash of the cathode rays: A history of J J Thomson's electron.

How does science help investigate crimes?

In light of the recent developments in policing and the shifts towards ' crime management', this paper with make an attempt to inquire into the use of forensic evidence and forensic techniques and their impact on resolving criminal cases and whether the role of the Senior Investigative Officers at crime scenes is increasingly relying on →

War criminals

" War Criminals are still in this country just because of political unrest and corruption" ' The flag of independent Bangladesh flies at the front side of the car of war criminals of 1971.'. Therefore the clarification of Constitution is responsible to give the opportunity to the war criminals to be still here in Bangladesh.

Research methodology is a procedural framework

Methodology refers to the overall approach to the research process from the theoretical underpinning to the collection and analysis of data. In the phenomenological or interpretive paradigm the analysis and the interpretation of data are more difficult and also it is very harder to control the pace, progress and end points of the research process.3.

Food culture difference

This thesis endeavors to analyze the cultural differences and their root causes in Chinese and Western food cultures from the perspective of concept, etiquette and content, and points out that with the development of cross-cultural communication, more communication and interaction will arise between Chinese and western food cultures and they will develop together. The more →

Latin america’s access to international capital markets: good behavior or global liquidity?

The active participation of Latin America in international capital markets started when independence wars emerge in the history of the region. The first question is anchored on whether or not the erratic international capital markets affect the boom-bust pattern in Latin America's participation in international borrowings.

Childhood obesity in african american

CHILDHOOD OBESITY IN AFRICAN AMERICANS Introduction Following the elevating trouble of childhood obesity of African Americans in the United States America, the state decided to enact a policy to deal with the problem. The policy also strives to see that the rate of corpulence in children and adolescence is lowered to nil by 2010 and →

Ndebele in zimbabwe

Ndebele in Zimbabwe The Ndebele people are dispersed widely across Zimbabwe and South African's Transvaal Province and is descendents of the same tribe as the Zulu and Xhosa people. After the death of Chief Musi, his two sons quarreled over the position of chief and the tribe divided into two sections, the Manala and the →

Eternal law and human law

I agree with Augustine's argument on the necessity of both eternal law and human law and the belief of how temporal law is based on eternal law. Though there are many differences between eternal law and human law, Augustine elaborates that eternal law is both necessary and crucial for human law to exist.

Recent developments in treatment for anorexia

Neurobiological treatment A. Considerations of New Treatments A.

5 tips for getting media to ‘swipe right’ on your press release

Journalists love " breaking news" so to improve your chances of success you should offer exclusivity, and give them a clear time limit to respond before you pitch the story to the next person on your list. Like with dating, it is important to make sure your first impression is as good as possible you →

Business and the price of oil

In the article, " Oil Prices Rebound After 19 Month Lows," Tanalee Smith points out that the price of oil, while still not all that great for oil exporters, has grown recently following an extended period where the price was drastically lulled. If the price of oil escalates, would it lead to the United States →

Where do these measurements come from?

But to tell the truth, every woman in the world wants to look like a top model. In addition to this, it is a fact that woman has hard time losing weight.

Malaysia-singapore raltions

FACTORS AFFECTING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MALAYSIA AND SINGAPORE Looking at theleadershipstyle of both Prime Minister after the independent of Singapore, there is a high and low relationship which creating the foreign policy towards both countries. The extension of MRT from Singapore to Johore Bharu is planned to be built to reduce the traffic congestion in →

American nurses association

It believes that health care is a right of every citizen and a restructured development and implementation of health policies is needed. It aims to protect the rights of patients and provide them access to a better health care system.

Strain controlled triaxial test- geotechnical engineering

The dynamic triaxial test is the most effective method to arrive the static and dynamic properties of soil like cyclic deformation, damping ratio, liquefaction strength etc. HISTORY One of the first pieces of equipment designed to test cyclic triaxial loading was the pendulum loading apparatus by Casagrande and Shannon in 1949.

Editorial: metabolomics in crop research—current and emerging methodologies

Besides the aforementioned applications, it is extremely valuable in the discovery of biomarkers and in the improvement of crop yield and quality. It comprises 13 articles from 109 authors that show the importance and the contribution of metabolomics in the analysis of crop's traceability and genetic variation, in the study of fruit development, and in →

Startup kickoff gives this startup its lifeline: funding

To make entrepreneurs' life easier in terms of getting funds and mentors, Entrepreneur Media has created a platform called ' Startup Kickoff' where startups can pitch their business plans to a panel of investors/ VCs/accelerators. Out of these 11 ventures only 9 startups qualified for the final round where they got a chance to present →

Concepts of electrostasis

In the case of the inner electrons, the opposite is true. As a result, the intensity of the earthquake is recorded.) A length of wire is bent into a closed loop and a magnet is plunged into it, inducing a voltage and, consequently, a current in the wire.

Difficulties of being a carer

In many family care situations there is a considerable amount of support lacking and many of these people are not made aware of the outside help that they are entitled to receive - when Ann visited the Doctor she was given anti-depressants yet no information about where she could go for help with her father. →

How ecommerce is changing warehouses for the better

As a place to store and ship inventory, however, they are highly susceptible to changes in productivity, efficiency and overall operations. Overall, warehouses are more efficient these days, thanks to better technology and more innovative storage procedures.


The sentence also creates a sinister tone in a way that she wants you t be afraid of her because she was once destroyed now she wants to destroy others as she has the power to do so. This demonstartes the strength of her power to destroy, her power is so strong that anything that →

Alignment of academic standards with ell proficiency standards

The law say that each state is to embrace English Language Learners in the state assessment and evaluate the student's language skill " with valid, reliable assessments in the areas of oral language and reading and writing skills, more specifically comprehension, speaking, listing, reading, and writing". Since the federal standards has been made to the →

Effect on the skeletal system of young people performing contact

This is due to the fact that the majority of bone density material is developed when the person is young. If repetitive stress injuries go untreated then it is likely that the performer will have to stop competing in physical activity for a long period of time.

Economic questions

Chairman Mao is the founder of the People's Republic of China in 1949 and one of the founders of the Chinese Communist party in 1921. The Chinese Economic Reform From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [Online], the Chinese Economic Reform refers to the program of economic reforms called " Socialism with Chinese characteristics" in the People's →

Piagets theory

Cognitive development is the beginning to the ability to think and understand. The first stage of Piaget's theory lasts from birth until about age two, and it based upon the baby trying to make sense of the world.

Digital classroom

I used to conventional classroom for 23 years. If I am in classroom I want to see my book and I want to use my pencil.

The world’s industrial fisheries

Another factor that has been instrumental in affecting the population of these black-legged kittiwakes in the North Sea has been the change in oceanographic variables. The most common form of prey for the black-legged kittiwakes is the sandeel, and it has been shown that during the most active period of sandeel fishery the survival of →

Research paper on why people dream and what the dreams mean

Therefore, according to Sigmund Freud theory of the Id, the ego and the superego, people dream as a result of the failure of the ego to balance both super ego and Id parts of the brain. An individual's perception of the world results in dreams.

Equity theory research paper

Abstract The intent of this paper is to discuss some of the current research and opinion concerning, and to compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of, one of the more common theories of motivation, the Equity theory. 2003), made comparisons between the reactions of Dutch firms and U.S.firms on positive and negative equity to →

Aging & psychosocial

To a certain extent, it has been considered by Estes that the major difficulties that are faced by the elderly, for that of the geographical area of the United States are those which are brought about by the perceptions that are formed of them. The clear emphasis of the author with regard to the relevance →

Background of the study

Results In finding a suitable title for the researcher's investigatory project and the main concept to do it is by creating a website the researchers finally decided to make a website for kids. Also, the researcher would like to acknowledge the parents of Diane for letting the researcher use the computer is doing the website →

When small means big: the impact of nanotechnology

The scientific community is now excited by changes that could be brought about by the multidisciplinary discipline of nanoscience and nanotechnology, which is comprehensively defined as "[r]esearch andtechnologydevelopment at the atomic, molecular, or macromolecular levels, in the length of approximately 1 100 nm range, to provide a fundamental understanding of phenomena and materials at the →


In the case of titanium, the reducing agent is either sodium or magnessium. The atom economy of the process used to extract titanium.

Women in psychology mary calkins

In 1891, her determination began paying dividends as she was able to set up a psychological laboratory at Wellesley and added scientific psychology to the program of study. Of all of Mary Calkins contributions to psychology, she was most interested in self-psychology and ignited the brainstorm over this that caused many to take up research →

The tendention of using american english

Aims The aims of this research are: analyze whether PBI students more frequently use British English or American English analyze the tendency of PBI students in using British English and American English pronunciation.3.o analyze the ability of PBI students in identifying reading and listening passage of British English and American analyze PBI →

They dont care where you were born, just how.

" They do not care where you were born, just how." Discuss the importance of genetic makeup in the world of Gattaca. In the world of Gattaca everyday life is based upon ' perfection.' Yourcareer, social status and living conditions are all affected by genetic makeup and whether or not you were genetically altered before →

Economics write-up

The Unemployed In the episode of How I Met Your Mother, Robin is currently unemployed and she is looking for a Job because she might be deported back to Canada. However, we see that she is not fit for the Job because it is totally different from the Job that she is used to and →

Sultry days by shobha de

I can only regret he was not for real.' [2] Shobha De dazzles the reader with her frank and candid tales of the lives of males and females who are trying to carve a successfulcareerin the field of literature and journalism in the city of Mumbai. In the beginning of the novel Deb asserts the →

Creepy craig story

Zara always felt suspicious of the man who lived there, because when she waited for the lift to go to the floor of her unit, he would stand there at least four times a week and watch her as the doors closed. She felt uneasy about being on her own but it was only a →

Admitting turkey to the european union

Based on these grounds, it is necessary for the EU to reconfirm the foundations of the core of all EU policies, and in particular, its geographical definition before it considers another country like Turkey as part of its community. Given that there is an understading of general freedom of movement within the EU, internal instability →

Unit 18 babies development

This will also stimulate the muscles in the mouth and around the jaw which helps with the transition to solids and also aids speech, emotionally this helps with independence and will give the baby the confidence to hold the bottle themselves to feed. Also " helping to ensure that the care of the child meets →

Economics: foreign direct investment

This will affect managers of privatized firms in that they may not have the power to make decisions on their own, decisions will be made by the state and this may limit levels of efficiencies in these firms, also the firms may not respond quickly to changing market conditions due to long process of decision →

Strikes in the early 1930’s

After discovering the individuals who could help, the investigators interviewed and then recorded the men and women" s accounts of the strike. It allows the reader to see what actually happen through the The book is a collection statements, stories, and feelings of the men and women involved in the strike.

The tuskegee experiment

Though the event preceded the declaration of the informed consent notion, it is still fraudulent because of the timeline and deceptions planned and carried out by the conductors, therefore it should still be factored in, because of the depth and the fact that the participants were bamboozled. When the patients began dying off, the researchers →

Impact of absent fathers and research into participating parents

They estimate that around 17% of fathers have ' non-resident children' which equates to around one million fathers in the UK, however, this statistic is based around fathers with children under the age of sixteen so it is likely that this number would increase with sixteen to eighteen-year-olds included. However, Goldstein and Coleman found that →

Mental health and the law (guilty but mentally ill)

MENTAL HEALTH AND THE LAW ID Number: of of School Estimated Word Count: 614 Date of Submission: January 31, 2012 MENTAL HEALTH AND THE LAW Introduction The administration of justice is based on the principles of retribution, equity and use of just punishment. However, the criminal justice system as an institution often fails to consider →

Formatting and editing options in different menus

The Task Entry View is a combination view with the Gaunt Chart in the top and the Task Form in the bottom. E, how can you edit the Standard Project Calendar in the Global.

Children in the children center observation

4: 55- She jumps down from the bench and stands put her left palm on the side of the bench and looks back. He looks at his mother and sits down on the bench.

Athena research paper 1

The great Athena was the first to teach the science of numbers and all ancient women's arts, such as cooking, weaving and spinning. Athens was named after Athena and she became it's protector after a dispute with her uncle, Poseideon, the god of the sea.

Barriers to entry

In the theory of competition in the field of economics, barriers to entry refer to the obstacles that a firm faces in entering a certain market. Research and development can also be a barrier to entry in a market.

Shakespeare’s sonnet 102

His allusion to the nightingale correlates perfectly with the paradox of his increasing love for a woman in conveying the sonnet's overall theme that silence is always preferable to just meaningless words. His love resembles the nightingale's singing in that it is always going to be there even if it is not heard because he →

Literature final

Like Poe's most famous poem " The Raven," his " other" famous poem " Annabel Lee" is steeped in musical diction and meter, with a view toward creating a lyric tension between the sweetness and musicality of the poem's meter and form and the more profound and perhaps less idealized potency of the poems themes: →

Improving socials skills

The drive for such autonomy derives from the internal, biological processes marking the transition to a more adult role and from the shifts in social roles and expectations that accompany these underlying physiological and cognitive changes. Here the child develops a way of dealing with the world and making meaning that now criticizes and evaluates →

The modern finance theory is based on the capital asset pricing model

The first scale? is connected with each possibility p and the decision weight is, the other scale is v, which the outcome is v with a number x.the value of prospect in Equation is the same as the result of expected utility theory. There are two arguments in the value function, the first one is →

American parkour movement

He started to incorporate this new idea to the training of French soldiers since World War II. For a while Parkour had no real definition, it was just a wondering lifestyle heard by ear but the American Parkour committee, along with members outside of the committee, gathered together to discuss the definition based of it →

What came before

As we progress, we can use the values and principles of the past in addition to the mistakes they may have occurred and create a better future. But I also feel like it is the best option for me and that I need to try my best to be successful in doing this.

Ada-approved fluoride toothpaste

Toothpaste is used to promote oral hygiene: it serves as an abrasive that aids in removing the dental plaque andfoodfrom the teeth, assists in suppressing halitosis, and delivers active ingredients to help prevent tooth and gum disease.[1] Most of the cleaning is achieved by the mechanical action of the toothbrush, and not by the toothpaste. →

The famous architect

At the age of 12 his family had " settled in Madison, Wisconsin, where he attended Madison high school." Retrieved from His " summers were spent on his Uncle James Lloyd Jones farm in Spring Green, Wisconsin, here he realized his dream of being an architect." Retrieved from Without finishing high school he →

Describe and explain recent changes (since 1945) in the employment structure of the uk

The current UK employment structure is as follows; 76% are employed in the Tertiary sector which includes the UK's excellent and rapidly growing financial services industry which accounts for, 22% in the Secondary sector, and only 2% are involved in Primary sector activities. Over 40% of the workforce was employed in the Secondary Sector in →

Civilization vs. savagery

In the novel, Lord of the Flies, the boys ended up stranded on the island. In the beginning, Ralph and Piggy discover the conch shell onthe beach, and Ralph uses it to call the other boys on the island.

Chicago’s history

In 1900, the problem of sewage was largely resolved when Chicago reversed the flow of the river, a process that began with the construction and improvement of the Illinois and Michigan Canal and completed with the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal leading to the Illinois River which joins the Mississippi River.1.3. In 2008, the city →

Brand history ysl

Yves Saint Laurent 1962-2002 The Day of Birth: August 1, 1936 The Day of death: June 1, 2008 Reputation: He is considered by many of the world's best- dressed people to be the inventor of modern fashion. Besides that, he is seen as the last of a generation of clothes designers that made the Rive →

Colorism: black people and skin color

She was the hardest on me out of all the grand children when it came to disciplining us, because my father's skin tone was that of a black man. Colorism in the United States is a stigma that will not get lifted because of what slavery has embedded in the minds of African-Americans.

Wendy citrarasa

The reason is due to the taste of those imported material is different from the local material, and if Wendy's use the local material, it causes the different original recipe of Wendy's menu. Generally the influence of microenvironment and macroenvironment for the company is about how Wendy's restaurant can research, plan, and implement their marketing →

Design a research study regarding issue in developmental psychology

The Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Identity in Kidnapped Children I was listening to an ABC News video interview of Jaycee Lee Dugard, the woman who was kidnapped at age 11, by a pedophile and his wife, and was held for 18 years, gave birth to and raised two daughters, fathered by her kidnapper, and was →

Pointers in humanities

Chapter 2 Pre-Spanish Period Malayo-Polynesian Alphabet Chapter 3 The Spanish Period Contribution of Spaniards, Miguel Lopez de Legazpi 1st gov.gen in the phil. Emilio Aguinaldo" Chapter 6 Japanese Period 3 poems HAIKU, TANAGA, KARANIWANG ANYO Chapter 7 Rebirth of Freedom Start of PALANCA AWARDS Chapter 8 Period Activism Youth Power of Activism Chapter 9 Period →

Media and anti-corruption

There are also cases of media close to current or former governments, in Bosnia Herzegovina, for instance, which can impede investigative journalism and its favorable impact on the efforts to combat corruption. For instance, in Romania, because of few laws giving access to public information or lack of their enforcement, the independent media has to →

Asia pacific breweries

1 Strengths Tiger beer, the prize brand of APB, was the winner of the UK's Brewing Industry International Awards, the most esteemed award in the brewing industry 1998. 2 Weaknesses Although the US market is mounting at a slower rate compared to certain Eastern European and Asian markets, lack of presence in this market puts →

Quinceaneras are not so bad

I did not want to tell my mom that I did not want a acquaintance because, I was afraid to hurt her feelings, and the culture she has had went throughout her whole family. The hall that I had was really big, and beautiful.

How does financial crisis affect currency

Discussion It was difficult to understand how the collapse of the sub-prime mortgage threatened to collapse the US financial system and the economy. The collapse of the housing bubble was the spark that ignited the chain of events that eventually brought the fall of the 2008 crisis.

Advancement in science and technology research is a

There is a immensely increased apprehension of the operation of biological systems as a consequence of the function of the human and other genomes every bit good as of progresss in structural biological science and the survey of proteins. The intersection between chemical science and biological science has farther expanded thanks in portion to the →

The council of trent

The purpose of the council was to address the grwonig threat presented by the rising Protestant movement which was rapidly spreading all over Europe, winning believers to their side and threatening the very existence of the Catohlic Church and faith. The Council of Trent.1545.

Journal entries for habit

Habit two: Begin with the end in mind According to Covey, " Begin with the End in Mind" is to begin today with the image, picture, or paradigm of the end of your life as your frame of reference or the criterion by which everything else is examined. He also talked about valuing the difference; →

E-culture: ethical issiues

It is the ICT-availability and Internet access that provides opportunities for production of e-culture.e-Culutre: involves preserving and presenting cultural heritage in line with the challenges of the future; exhibiting valuable cultural assets clearly and informatively using state-of-the-art technology. The internet and it use of e-com have raised several ethical issues about protection of customer and →

Yoshino covering

The imagery of fence in Fences of Enclosure, Windows of Possibility and the Covering Hidden Assault Cover In ourCivil Rightsshows the theory of the way power structures restrict and control over society. The productive way of getting over the barriers is to arouse the pride of authenticity as an individual feels the virtual fences of →

Brief history of art therapy

In his book, The Discovery of the Art of the Insane, MacGregor presents a history of the interplay of art and psychology pning the last 300 years. Contemporary writers from art therapy and other disciplines continue to explore the notion of art practice for the purpose of personal exploration and growth and to reevaluate the →