Genuine Research Paper Examples

Who am i as a learner

I am always eager to knowsomething new and interested in keeping me updated in the area where I m interested in. But, if I am forced to do that I will probably makemyself concentrating in to that.

Research paper puerto rico

The week this story was published, the people of Puerto Rico were shocked to learn that the first U.S.invasion of Puerto Rico did not occur July 25, 1898 by the town of Guanica but that it happened on May 5th on the coast of the village that no longer exists called Seva. Many refused to โ†’

Develop teams individual

Four of the full-timers work in the workshop and two in in the back office and two in the front office dealing with customers. The training needs will be the result of collecting information on the skills, knowledge and attitude required to perform a Job task, identifying the training need and performance gap.

Philips vs matsushita

Their greatly increased self-sufficiency during the war had allowed most to become adept at responding to country-specific market conditions-a capacity that became a valuable asset in the post-war era.* In theenvironmentwhere consumer preferences and economic conditions varied, the independent NOs had a great advantage in being able to sense and respond to the differences. Too โ†’

Thinking on transcranial direct current stimulation (tdcs) in reading interventions: recommendations for future research directions

In view of the neural modulation property of tDCS and the benefits of applying tDCS to modulating reading efficiency in healthy subjects, several studies have adopted tDCS in reading interventions among the individuals with developmental dyslexia and below-average readers. Furthermore, due to the distributed feature of traditional tDCS and the fact that no neural evidence โ†’

Tale tell heart and goose girl

He decides that the only way he can get rid of these feelings is to kill the old man thus getting rid of the eye forever Originally, he is hesitant to actually go through with his plan, but he knows it is the only way to end his torture." I made up my mind to โ†’

Economics: supply and demand

To operate this business, he does to have to hire anyone, and he has no expenses other than the leasing costs and a fee of $3, 000 per month to rent the location of the business. 4-Q, where P is the farm price of wheat and Q is the quantity demanded of wheat, and the โ†’

Factors of increase in demand for cigarettes

The last factor that could increase the demand of cigarettes, could be seasonal By pastoralist because in many countries you are not allowed to smoke in restaurants, and they loud therefore have to smoke outside in the cold, which might not seem too appealing to the consumer, which would lower the demand. The third and โ†’

Southwest airlines internet exercise

The quality provide by the firm is not a mirror image of their service fair, instead their first priority is their customer and the firm's good quality service has earned them a good name among the customers. Regarding other airlines, such as Emirates the quality, speed and service are very appropriate and excellent, however, their โ†’

Marbury vs madison

Marbury vs Madison What Occurred in the case? oJudicial review is the power of the courts to annul the acts of the executive and/or the legislative power where it finds them incompatible with a higher norm. Marbury applied directly to the Supreme Court of the United States for a writ of mandamus to compel Jefferson's โ†’

Psychology of law

In 15 to 20 percent of the DNA cases, police-induced false confessions were the primary cause of the wrongful conviction. When a suspect perceives that he has no choice but to comply, his resultant compliance and confession are, by definition, involuntary and the product of coercion.

The benefits of sward renewal

With the increased cost of compounds slurry should be used in reseeding, 1000 gallons of slurry at 7% DM is equivalent to 4kg N, 3kg P and 19. The first grazing of a new reseed can be completed at pre grazing yields of 600-1000kg DM/ha.

Indian capital market

Jack Clark Francis revealed the importance of the rate of return in investments and reviewed the possibility of default and bankruptcy risk. He advised the investors to buy shares of a growing company of a growing industry.

The welfare of children and young people

3 *describe actions to take in response to evidence of concerns that a child or young person has been abused, harmed or bullied, or may be at risk of harm, abuse or bullying It is Paramount for anyone working with children or young people to understand how to respond to evidence of abuse and to โ†’

A month to live

If I knew I only had a month to live I would try to focus on things that are most important to me. Next, I would take a little time to reflect on my life to see if I needed to make peace with anyone.

Power of literature

It was not until I began researching about the value of literature that I realized its vital contributions to my life and the lives of everyone around me. So what is the value of literature to me?

Sociology week 1 discussion question #1

Marx was the father of socialist thoughts and people saw him as godless person and a devil whereas Weber was famous for his belief that capitalism and religion were essential ingredients of the social order. Weber thought that religion should be part of the new world whereas Marx believed that it had no place in โ†’

Religion as a social tool: durkheims and marxs views

Durkheim and Marx's view of religion There are similarities between Durkheim's and Marx's viewson religion one of which is that religion is an illusion simply because it is created by humans for their spiritual and social gratification. The other similarity the two shared is that religion is a social tool which leads the individuals who โ†’

Aids treatments

Aids is one of the most threatening disease which is effecting the lives of many people around the globe, plus the most astonishing fact is that it is effecting people and spreading at an exponential rate and as public awareness programs focus on it The most disturbing fact is that as the number of cases โ†’

Regina v. g and another case brief

As a result the newspapers caught fire to the first wheelie-bin which then spread to the other wheelie-bin then spread to the eave, guttering, fascia and the roof and eventually spread to the adjoining buildings. The jury agreed that the reasonable bystander would have been able to foresee the possibility of the fire spreading.

Risk assessment template

If a risk is identified with the room or premises then a decision needs to be made whether the activity takes place until the risk is removed or the level of risk is considered to be acceptable. The important things you need to decide are whether a hazard is significant and whether you have it โ†’

Current events: the essential elements of local public health

The National Association of County & CityHealthOfficials, has assigned ten essential services to guide local health departments on what programs they should be offering to meet the needs of the people living in their communities. To adhere to the second essential standard of " Protecting people from health problems and health hazards," Michigan partners up โ†’

Van helsing

It was through Renfield that the reader first learned about Count Dracula as a vampire and Count Dracula's dark world. Renfield contributed to the conflict most when he helped Count Dracula in his evil plans.

Attitudes,values and job satisfaction

Dishonesty in Recruitment During recruitment, dishonest selection defies the value of transparency and accountability making the organization to end up with half-baked or unqualified employees. Dishonesty in financial accounting, reporting and advising Financial accounting, reporting and advising are perhaps the areas plagued the most by the problem of dishonesty.

Agressive behavior in adolescent 12-18

One of the main reasons due to which teenagers between the age of 12 and 18 continue to behave in an aggressive manner is because their parents do not use the technique of effective disciplining and problem solving. The Social Control theory assumes that two parents can bring up a child in a better manner โ†’


To keep this from happening you need to focus on the Inputs that you are putting Into the cycle In order to create and be able to control better outputs.) Documents that are turnaround documents are going to be forms that the company prints out and gives to an employee that needs to record information โ†’

Research into consumer behaviour

It is nutritional and tastier and the process of producing the organic food is not harmful to the environment when compared to conventional food Lang. The main aim of this Research is to identify the consumer behaviour towards organic food in the United Kingdom and in India.

Goldman, sachs & co. nikkei put warrants โ€“ 1989

At maturity, the issuer would redeem the bonds from the investor at a price tied to the Nikkei. Thus, it would be as if the issuer sold bonds with the final principal payments at par but also bought a put option on the Nikkei maturing in the same year as the bond.

Opportunities for women-owned businesses

First, there is the growing popularity of certification among women-owned businesses; next, there is increasing federal procurement opportunities for women-owned businesses; and third, a web site was created to assist women business owners obtain federal contracts. Hurst added that with merely 5 percent of women business enterprises obtaining government and corporate contracts yearly, there is โ†’

Social consequences of industrialisation in britain

Population migration The reasons for migration from the country to the city during the 18th and 19th centuries is mainly threefold, for one the population in the country began to grow, this is attributed to the drop in infant mortality rate and the surplus in births over deaths, secondly the invention of farm enhancing methods โ†’

Ufo research paper

By using analysis of the research and examining photos and articles as well as listening to the radio reports of the events, I intend to show that indeed: aliens did have contact with humans in 1947 and the government did not made the fact known to the public. This project was called SIGN, and it โ†’

Othello and family guy

Similar to Othello, Cleveland racially does not fit in among friends, and both are treated different as a result. Both characters lack a sense of emotion and compassion, as they are willing to do things, like kill friends or a wife, easily.

Economics and external audit

The key impact on external factors should include both threats and opportunities. Opportunities and Threats facing by the company: The external opportunities and threats facing by Kellogg may refer to social, economic, government, political, legal, demographic, environmental, technological, and competitive trends and events that impact the future of Kellogg.

The outbreak of ebola in west africa

The paper " The Outbreak of Ebola in West Africa " is a great example of a research paper on medical science. The Ebola virus strikes fear in the human population because it is not curable.

Acme home improvements

To mitigate risks to the project's critical path, we have built feeding buffers into the schedule, and added a project buffer to the project end. The project's technical process plan is covered next, reviewing such things as the IT support and guidelines for the project, processes for modification, and acceptance of the plan, and the โ†’

Intro of sefam pvt. ltd.

However, in the next two to three years the Russian invasion of Afghanistan and the Iran revolution affected the embroidery industry of Pakistan so adversely that a majority of the businesses went bankrupt, and the government was forced to declare embroidery Sick Industry of Pakistan. This human resource combined with the many state of the โ†’

Assess the extent to which the wilson government achieved

Assess the extent to which the Wilson Government achieved its objectives by 1970 To assess the Wilson Government which ran from the years 1964 to 1970 you have to look at what the Labour government promised to achieve if they won the election in 1964. The Labour party during the first years in Government between โ†’

Factors affecting the production of rice in malaysia

FACTORS AFFECTING THE PRODUCTION OF RICE IN MALAYSIA We would like to point out the factors affecting the production of rice in our country. Climate and the nature of soil, insect-pest and weed management, land areas, infrastructure, technologies and mechanization, dependency on other rice producers, investment and collaboration with international organization are the major factors โ†’

Final exam of advanced finance

The value of a growing tax shield is greater than the value of a constant tax shield. The total value of the firm is independent of the amount of debt it uses.

The life of sculptor constantin brancusi

To the left of the dark column, arching up in front of a patch of wall painted red, is a version of one of Brancusi's most famous works, Bird in Space. With " the urge to pile stone on stone" he has in mind one of the most impressive and haunting works to survive from โ†’

History of news papers

The Statesman is a founding member of Asia News Network The Statesman has distinguished itself through objective coverage of events, its value as an honest purveyor of news highlighted at times of crisis such as the Bengal Famine of 1943 and the infamous internal Emergency of the mid-1970s. In 1986 it began the printing of โ†’

Secret nimโ€™s desa kolej poly-tech mara bangi section 14

The main factor that make our " Rojak Buah" more delicious is the thicken gravy, spicy and suitable to all people and it also has a lot of vitamins from the fruits and nuts. Duration of partnership: The duration of the partnership to prevent the dissolution of the business.

Professional athletesโ€™ salaries

Teachers are having to have more and more students in their classes and many of them are having to find a new career because of the pay. In the end, it is all a business and it is their job to step up and make a change to better our society.

History of ifrs

After that, IASB had been established Accounting Standards Advisory Forum in early 2013 to ensure the countries understand of IFRS and applied it in a proper way. After that, MASB had changed the name of Malaysia Accounting Standards to Financial Reporting Standards and they had been announced in year 2005 that they will fully apply โ†’

How to turn your startup dream into reality

It can, however, help you improve the quality of your product in the long run".that's going to work for you, and do not get disheartened when someone tells you something you do not want to hear," O'Neill said." That ends up being some of the best advice". After spending lots of time on a project, โ†’

Millennials and the paradigm shift for hr departments

Related: HR's traditional and transactional role is on the verge of extinction with HR makeovers being the talk of the town. When employees are faced with a decision-making difficulty, access to a member of the does not just help them with guidance, but also strengthens the tie between the employee and the organization.

Implementing biometrics

The purpose of creating these standards is to create a simplerenvironmentfor deployment of biometric systems across organizations. Some of the challenges organizations face when implementing a biometrics system is due to the lack of understanding of the technology and the environment in which the system will be implemented.

Bringing hydrocephalus

The history of hydrocephalus dates back to the time of Hippocrates and even further to medieval times when physicians believed that it was caused by an extractable accumulation of water. Hydrocephalus is defined as " A condition marked by an excessive accumulation of cerebration's fluid resulting in dilation of the cerebral ventricles and elevated interracial โ†’

Fundamentals of business system development

Also, the proposal will give a detail analysis that will be included in the design methods that will be involve in the configuration of the new system. The production of a project schedule will be the produced to document the design of the project; the guidelines that they will follow; and the timeline that will โ†’

The masquerades of war

The soldier bears a severe weight of fear inside him when he witnesses the death of a cohort in the war who dies of a heart attack. Paul Berlin of the short story undergoes hypocrisy when he acts that fear of death and all the stress of the war remains unreal.

Giving and receiving the gift of feedback

Sure, it's a lot easier when it's positive feedback but even then you have to remember to deliver it. You cannot just give feedback when you think of it, you have to make it a way of life.

Economic way of thinking

The test of a theory Is Its ability to predict Positive and normative economics Positive economics - the study of " what Is" among economic relationships For Instance, positive statements can be statistically evaluated. The test of a theory is its ability to predict Positive economics - the study of " what is" among economic โ†’

What to do with a ba in history

In " How to Get a Real Education at College" by Scott Adams and " What Do You Do with a History" by Ken Saxon, they agree that college is worth going to but they have different outlooks on what to do with that college education. He is against the idea of " B โ†’

Legal services bill and private practice

The main provisions in the bill are to set out clear objectives about the regulatory framework and the legal principles of the profession, and to separate the representative and regulatory functions of designated legal bodies; to create a new Legal Services Board that will provide oversight of legal regulatory bodies; to give the Legal Services โ†’

Children and young people developent

All these Issues can feel overwhelming to a child and If the transition Is not handled or dealt with sensitively then this could lead to insecurity issues and affect their feelings of self-worth and confidence. The thought of going to live with potential strangers, often only being able to see their family periodically and contact โ†’

Kalma chowk underpass

Addressing the ceremony held on the occasion, the Chief Minister said that completion of the largest underpass in a record period of 82 days is a great achievement which was possible due to the collective efforts of the entire team working on the project. The Chief Minister said that Punjab government has spent millions of โ†’

Planning of a rich media project for digital portfolio

One of the most obvious shifts in project management trends is the limited resources provided for each project. Surveyed executives and project professionals reported that developing a consistent approach to managing projects is one of the most common challenges in today's project management.

Part one wednesday

But it was all finished, all over, the trips in the car and the rowing and the talking to the local newspaper. Simon had intended to open it and check that it was what he had paid for, but a growing sense of his own imprudence overrode the desire.

Philosophy of fear

The extent of forfeited rights is to a level such as permitted by everyone in the society and the individuals must be tolerable of the sovereignty still possessing these rights. The sovereignty has a contract with the people to protect them and the people must keep the contract of giving up their rights to the โ†’

Script for emceeing

After 41 years of dedicated service to the people of Dagupan City, it is just and right to give honor to someone we call mentor and mother. Ladies and gentlemen, we are all gathered here for one common celebrate, give due recognition and reminisce the unforgettable moments we had with our beloved...the one and โ†’

The two approaches of accounting research

The positivist approach and the critical approach are the two approaches of accounting research. The positivist approach and the critical approach are the two methodologies of accounting research.

The facts and fictions of the salem witch trials

The comparison of historical facts and the play the Crucible are the perfect example of an exaggerated actual event. During the Salem witch trials, Tituba was asked to make a " witchcake" in order to figure was afflicting Betty Parris.

David carson: renowned for his inventive graphics

Indeed, his maxim of the 'end of print' questioned the role of type in the emergent age of digital design, following on from California New Wave and coinciding with experiments at the Cranbrook Academy of Art. Carson became interested in a new school of typography and photography-based graphic design and is largely responsible for popularizing โ†’

Rationale for ptlls

Prior to the session I will prepare a PowerPoint presentation which will include aims and objectives of the session, the CV examples, the group task and the final outcome. I will then handout a formatted copy of the original CV and how it should look.

Burying the cadburyโ€™s

Cadbury's Response When the news first came out, Cadbury denied any of the allegations that they were involved in the salmonella outbreak. In the Community.2007.

Ups launches u.s. drone test flights for urgent medical deliveries

United Parcel Service Inc.said it began testing the use of drones for emergency deliveries of medical supplies this week with a flight in rural Massachusetts, which the company hopes will eventually lead to federal approval of drones as a regular delivery option. This demonstrates a drone is the best and most efficient way to deliver โ†’

Landing at inchon

The American invasion of Inchon during the Korean War must certainly be the exception to this. As the American doctrinal approach to the operation was the same as in the previous conflict, so essentially were the forces at MacArthur's disposal The U.S.

Faking the grade

After demonstrating an example, that a man made hiscareerby selling his essays to students and their parents even offered to pay the ghostwriter for his works, the documentary reveals that parents have something to do with students' cheating. In the end, the documentary concludes by insisting a change is needed to prevent students from cheating โ†’

How has confucianism influenced economic growth

This will be achieved by firstly providing a working definition of Confucianism; then locating its positive impact within a broader debate concerning a distinctly Asian development model; investigating and analyzing he challenges presented by Confucianism in the economic development of East Asia; evaluating both the negative and positive implications of Confucianism in East Asian economies โ†’

Opposing viewpoints: jefferson and the lousiana purchase

Jefferson Goes Against His OwnPhilosophy: Louisiana Purchase The Louisiana Purchase was the acquisition by the United States of America in 1803 of 828, 000 square miles of France's claim to the territory of Louisiana. Constitution did not contain provisions for acquiring territory, he decided to go right ahead with the purchase anyway in order to โ†’

The people

He just states the different priorities of men and women, Barry went on to say that " the opposite side of the dirt coin, of course is sports". Britt goes on and on about sloppy people and their sloppiness and she gives off a sense of being unbalanced when it comes to sloppy as well โ†’

Research strategy essay

In this section the information from the research question will be clarified, and the limitation for the data collection will be set, as well as the main reason for the choice of the particular participants. SAMPLING To answer the research question and achieve the objectives of the research there is the need to collect data, โ†’

Std booklet

The smaller a group is, the more successful it tends to be e. Litigating to influence policy through the courts appealing to the public to promote a positive group image Which of the following is true of mimics curiae briefs?

Family structure changes

Many suggest that both a father and a mother are necessary for the normal development of the child and that any time of significant change in family structure is a time ofstressto the parties and the children involved. Sexual abuse is any type of touching that is unwanted and it is often performed by a โ†’

Applied research methods

Language barriers may not be a hindrance as well as convenience due to instant responses by the respondents, and the benefit of gaining the respondents additional information. Question Two Regarding the dos and do nots of constructing questions, it is important to note that, few questions trigger better responses.

The wealth of nations

Labour, therefore, is the real measure of the exchangeable value of all commodities." Of the Component Parts of the Price of Commodities: Smith argues that the price of any product reflects wages, rent of land and ".profit of stock," which compensates the capitalist for risking his resources. Of Money Considered as a particular Branch of โ†’

Inventing elliot the final chapter

The principle needed time to take In everything Elliot Just said and he had other things he needed to do. And that was the only Elliot he ever needed to be.

Tagoreโ€™s gitanjali

For Tagore, his existence and strength is closely related to the presence of god. And I can undoubtedly say that this is the best book which filled my heart, mind and soul with thoughts and the presence of God.

What is the value of keeping an accurate inventory

Helps in the arrangement of logistics Similarly, inventory records assist the distribution outfit of the company to arrange for transportation and other logistics to convey the manufactured goods to the final customers in the value-chain. Helps in production scheduling The importance of keeping accurate inventory records to the producer in sourcing for raw materials has โ†’

In the heart of the sea

Nicole Hart HIST 2300- Christopher Trobridge Writing Assignment One October 16, 2010 " In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whale ship Essex" In order to understand the ramifications of an event such as the sinking of the Essex one needs too understand the community that produces the crew. The sinking of โ†’

Developing yourself-important skills for the workplace today

According to Thomas Friedman, author of The World is Flat, it's " interdisciplinary combinations - design andtechnology, mathematicsand art - that produce YouTube andGoogle." In this age of overflowing information, in which the number of words on the Internet is close to surpassing the total number of words spoken in the history of humanity, we โ†’

Phoenix jackson

During the trip having many obstacles in her way such as her old age, the cold weather, ditches and hills, thorns, wild animals and a hunter with a gun, she falls, gets back up and keeps on toward the goal of getting her grandson's medicine. Phoenix keeps her faith, by enduring to the end and โ†’

Plato`s euthypro and republic

The man can not choose what is holy and unholy and so the only thing directing the person in life if fear. Scope: everyone has the choice, and the only difference of a choice is what we should pay for the results of it.

Describe the type of business, its purpose and ownership

The purpose of ASDA is to sell its services and goods to the local consumers of different areas/cities within the UK and also out of the UK. Asda is concerned in attracting the budget market as any other business would look into the same type of aim, as a business it is achieving massively in โ†’

Infant mortality rates and importance of them

Infant mortality rates are of import indexs to direct the focal point of a state sing the betterment of its health care. Specified to the efficaciousness of a state 's medical engineerings and interventions, infant mortality rates provide intelligent grounds of the quality of a health care system.

Pschychological effects of teenage pregnancy

Since the subject of teenagers having children is an ongoing discussion, the researcher is interested in evaluating the reactions of teenage mothers to the results of the research study. Teenage Pregnancy: The Making and Unmaking of a Problem.

The munich putsch 1923 โ€“ source related study

It is more reliable then these sources because source A contains information provided by a witness that was their probably at the time of the Munich Putsch and saw the event. The fact that reference is made in source E to the testimony of a witness makes it likely to be more reliable than sources โ†’

Basic sentence structures and samples

There should be a variety of sentences in a written work, so noticeably, if for instance, the above sentence is followed by a compound sentence like, " She eats everything but she also chooses what to eat based on her mood." the above simple sentence acquires another dimension and thus, more clarity. Finally, with the โ†’


Holi is celebrated by playing with colors, and is mainly celebrated in India as one of the main festival. The event is now celebrated as the festival of Holi, because ' Prahlad' was seen playing with the Tesu Flowers.

Marx and arnold โ€“ individual in the class

In the struggle of the classes, Marx believed that it was individual influence as denoted in labor power which had been undermined over the years by the bourgeoisie. The view of individual power held by Marx is thus of production, material creation and contribution to the class struggle.

Developmental psychology and children

The advantages of such a system, however, is that parents can have assurance that carers are providing a sound experience suited to the age and stage of development of their children, and this is quality assured by Ofsted to ensure poor practice is identified and action is taken to rectify this. The main features of โ†’

Sexual selection in males and females

This is essential due to how in some species the female will mate with a number of different males so the male with the best fertilizing sperm will win. This is due to how men will want to be in a relationship with women in their most fertile age and the younger the woman is โ†’

Three major exceptions

In the last half of the 19th century, employment In the united states has been at will or terminable by either the employer or employee for any reason whatsoever. The employment-at-will doctrine vows that when an employee does not have a written employment contract and the term of employment is of indefinite duration, the employer โ†’

Blockchain compliance by design: regulatory considerations for blockchain in clinical research

The applicable laws and regulations for clinical research in the United States depend on the funding source, whether the research involves a covered entity and protected health information and whether the research is funded by, or will be submitted to, a particular regulatory agency. When designing a blockchain intended to store information that could be โ†’

Philadelphia art museum experience

Once you have battled the line in, the first thing that strikes you immediately upon entering the main foyer is the beautiful statue of Diana reflecting majestically off of the highly polished sweeping marble staircases that lead to the many wings of the museum. The Philadelphia Art Museum is capable of transporting the imagination through โ†’