Genuine Research Paper Examples

The stroke rehabilitation ward for men through the accident and emergency after a fall at home.

Musa's notes stated that there was a multidisciplinary team meeting held at the first week of his admission and the occupational therapist comes to the ward every other day to see him and when he is having a wash she tells the nurse to encourage him have a grip of the sponge in his right β†’

Roles and functions

Effective managers lead their team members by taking control of the project and determining the path that must be followed to ensure the success of the project. My goal is to become one part of a successful organization no matter the title.

Toward the modern consciousness

Lattice movements also hostile to the established Christian churches predominantly Catholic countries imposed control over church courts, religious orders, and appointments of the clergyfailureof evolutions, governments were eager to use the churches' aid in reestablishing order close union of state authorities with established churches produced a backlash in the form of anticlericalism, especially in the β†’

The terms color blind and diversity

As compared to diversity, this is understood to provide the necessary preferential treatment in order to advance the interests of all races, being color blind is not related to racial relations but instead advocates the lack of any racial undertones. It must be remembered that in order for Civil Rights plans such as Affirmative Action β†’


The species of the Brucella, Brucella abortus, is the main cause of brucellosis in cattle and bison. One is due to the build up of erythritol which promotes infections in the fetus and the placenta.

Miss jane marple and miss cordelia grey

At first blush it is difficult to imagine two women who are more different that Miss Jane Marple, the cozy amateur detective featured in Agatha Christie's At Bertram's Hotel and Miss Cordelia Grey the protagonist in P.D. Mary Mead who she has observed for a lifetime and has learned to recognize anomalies in the actions β†’

Issues in multi cultural education

The students that are living in the low income areas of Richmond are more diverse than the ones that are living in the counties that surround the city. The Majority of the students that attend Deep Run High School are white.

Focus group

G group size can jeopardise the discussion as it may be difficult to handle the discussion, even so the group size depends on the complexity of the research study.1. The more complex of the issue is the more the duration of the discussion is required, but if so then breaks must be taken in between β†’

Research a company’s ethics statement/policy. they can easily be found on the internet. do a short analysis

Walmart's of ethics Walmart's of ethics As seen in the work of Walmart, Walmart's ethical policy touches on respects for the individuals regardless of what status they hold. As far as the code of ethics of the Walmart company is concerned, I agree that in such a company, there is no alternative but to devise β†’

Mat rempit

Although this approach is too drastic and cruel, we should consider that the youth is tending to be influenced by their friends. They should be exposed to the danger of illegal race, the punishment that will wait them if involved and how to enjoy their life in the best ways.

Fddi and cddi

Figure 8-6 and Figure 8-7 illustrate the effect of a ring wrapping in FDDI. FDDI Frame Format The FDDI frame format is similar to the format of a Token Ring frame.

Chemical kinetics lab raport paper

The rate law indicates the affect that the concentration of the reactants has on the reaction rate. The differential rate law relates the rate of the reaction to the concentrations of the various species in the system.

Employee welfare facilities

Scope of HRM: The scope of HRM is very vast, all the major activities in the working life of the employee from the time of his/her entry in to the organization until he/she leaves. The policy must cover willingness of the management, objectives sought to be achieved, range of facilities to be provided and the β†’

A period of increasing globalisation

For many countries, tariffs provide a significant source for government revenues andmoneyfrom taxes could be used to develop the economy, to make the domestic market more competitive and also to protect industries at moments of decline or the infant industries which are not enough mature nor large to be able to compete with international businesses. β†’

Its me,,,i want boyfriend

Nation, pagematch: 1, sectionmatch: 1 Among others, Filipino sex workers facehealthissues, made worse by fear of being enied access to health services, which has began " talking" to and organizing sex workers in Baguio, Tex said, has taken note of various anecdotes, illustrating the stigma that sex workers face as they have yet to secure β†’

A needs orientated approach to care

It will also discuss an example of a care plan done for a fictional patient and evaluate and discuss how the nursing plan and the nursing process have created a plan of care and how effective this was or was not. The next stage of the nursing process is planning this is where all the β†’

China green economy

The plan is expected to become China's first national plan to shift the development agenda decisively toward a pattern of green growth, accelerating the country's efforts at green modernization. The environmental aspects of the plan are likely to be boiled down to five key points that will be presented to the public and used to β†’

Jewish resistance to nazi occupation

Most of these Jewish fighters died in the battle, but the attack sufficiently disoriented the Germans to allow the Jews arranged in columns at the Umschlagplatz a chance to disperse. Even after the end of the uprising on May 16, 1943, individual Jews hiding out in the ruins of the ghetto continued to attack the β†’

Human trafficking in cambodia

Before delving into the paper, it is necessary to first understand the concept of human trafficking." Human trafficking" is mainly defined as the illegal trade of human beings for the purpose of commercial sexual exploration or reproductive slavery. Most of them have no way to ask for help to back home." This study seeks to β†’

Philippine economy

According to Balabag, Marilyn." The Japanese Period in the Philippines." According to an article of " Why foreigners study English in the Philippines.":

Triangle fire

The fire led to legislation requiring improved factory safety standards and helped spur the growth of the International Ladies' Garment workers' Union, which fought for better and safer working conditions for sweatshop workers in that industry" To a large extent, the Triangle Shirtwaist fire brought about many strikes and was a disaster that still lives β†’

Newman’s sermon

We know about the nature of the case because of the Evidence and when we believe in a miracle because of such Evidence we can be said to believe because of reason.2. 33 It is not Faith but superstition that leads to stories of omens, charms and so on.

Myths of the native american cherokee tribe

The Cherokee Indians have a personal and trusting relationship with the earth, animals, and Plants to show that they love the earth and trust in it. The tree's that were able to stay up was the Cedar, the Pine, the Spruce, the Holly and the Laurel, they were giving the ability to always stay green β†’

The museum of fine arts

The museum itself has a much more broad focus, but there is a great deal of pieces that fit into the time periods of our course and it was fascinating to really see the cultural remnants of the people and historical periods which we are studying. There was not a guided tour that I was β†’

Charlemagne: known as charles the great

Charlemagne, also known as Charles the Great, became the undisputed ruler of Western Europe, " By the sword and the cross". Charlemagne was also the eldest son of Betrade and Pepin the Short, the first to become king of the Franks.

5 reasons to quickly start using accelerated mobile pages

If you are unfamiliar with AMP, it's that enables pages on your site to load quickly for users on a mobile device. If you take your mobile device right now and Google a keyword related to current events, you will see that the results include a carousel of AMP pages at the very top of β†’

A border passage quotes and reflections

And we assume that those who write and interpret texts in writing in the Muslim context, the sheikhs and ayatollahs, who are the guardians and perpetuators of this written version of Islam must have a better, truer, deeper understanding of Islam that the non-specifically trained Muslim.-Ahmed is pointing out that the ones who study and β†’

An understanding of managment tools

However, the experience taught the firm the importance of a ' marriage' between manufacturing and retailing a lesson that has guided the evolution of the company ever since. If the item is to be made in one of Zara's factories, they transmit the specs directly to the relevant cutting machines and other systems in that β†’

Aftermath of the great catastrophe

What was the after-effect of the destruction of Smyrna on those who lived there and the rest of Greece and Turkey? The destruction of Smyrna was a catastrophic event for them, causing physical assault and murder of civilians, the forced population exchange of people between Greece and Turkey, and the burning of a diverse and β†’

The merneptah stele and early β€˜israel’

The literary interpretation of ' Israel' as a people in the inscription is supported by the determinative used by the scribe and the Egyptian word prt as ' seed' correlates with the assumption of Israel existing as a '....rural sedentary group of agriculturalists'. In the context of the inscription the scribe portrays the message of β†’

Major appliance business group

The technique of segment markets and targets of particular groups are a technique aimed to choose a certain class of customers, and It focus on study and find the dimensions of the products that could be played by Increasing marketing. The other goal is to reach and get the largest possible area of the customers β†’

Aircraft leasing and financing-issues and challenges

An Airliner's decision to acquire an aircraft is invariably accompanied by the question of whether the aircraft is to be taken on lease or to be purchased. An Indian operator can either take an aircraft on lease from a foreign operator or another Indian operator but for an acquisition of an aircraft permission is required β†’

This week: submit draft of an abbreviated mixed methods research plan

Often, the process of research is initiated, with the exploration of the previous researches to find out the gap or a problem in the existing body of knowledge, after this stage, the proper description of the problem identified is developed, through the process of critically reviewing the existing literature on the topic, at the of β†’

Sports development continuum

P1 describe three examples of the sports development continuum, from three different sports M1 compare and contrast three examples of the sports development continuum, from three different sports, identifying strengths and areas for improvement Sports Development Continuum Foundation: means the early development of sporting competence and physical skills upon which all later forms of sports β†’

New mexico’s border issues

Even though there large group of border patrol personnel's guarding the border, alien immigrants can still sneak in through various locations due to lack of funds and consistent patrol in the area. Due to the acceptance of low wages by illegal immigrants in New Mexico and other states, about1.

The role of the quantity surveying profession within the contemporary built environment

Therefore one person had to read the drawings of the buildings and take off the quantity of work each and every trade in the construction and at the same time he had to prepare an estimate for the total cost. History of the Quantity Surveying In early 70's there was a misunderstanding about the profession β†’

History notes on cuban missile crisis and protest in america in the 1960’s

The Americans blocked Cuba and stopped any ship suspected of carrying any arms.* The Soviets and Castro complained to the UN, saying the US was threatening world peace.* Kennedy threatened to invade Cuba and remove the missiles by force.* The next 10 days were extremely tense as the world was only the brink of nuclear β†’

John updike’s a ; p man vs. society conflict

The main character is Sammy who is an employee at A; amp; P and dislikes his job. Sammy is hopeful that the girls will recognize his chivalry and wait for him after he resigns, but they do not.

Wider reading – cider with rosie and cranford

Cranford is the work of Elizabeth Gaskell on the surface it appears as a quaint picture of provincial life, we are told in the first sentence it is a society of " Amazons". Throughout the book there seems to be a tender, delicate mocking of lifestyles and values which invites us to marvel and sympathize β†’

Research due to recent reforms of democratization

Through my finding I have highlighted the roleof ASEAN in Myanmar and I will sort out how far ASEAN is successful in Conflictresolution in Myanmar and if it is not successful then I will find out the reasonswhy ASEAN is ineffective in conflict resolution in Myanmar. Beside this success story Myanmar is not thatmuch successful β†’

Lewis and rostow

Outline the theories of Lewis and Rostow and discuss their relevance in analysing the problems of development in LDC's In the 1950's, the two most prominent economists of the Western school were Arthur Lewis and Walt W. The ' two-sector' model of development demonstrates the process of labour transfer and the growth of employment and β†’

Streams of silver 24. eulogy for mithril hall

The burning dragon drifted lower and lower, the light of the flames slowly diminishing to a mere speck at the bottom of Garumn's Gorge. Drizzt scrambled up over the ledge and came up beside Catti-brie and Wulfgar, Catti-brie holding the gem-studded helm, and both of them staring helplessly across the chasm.

Constitutional amendments

The Amendment's impact on contemporary society is that it gave the government a learning lesson with regard to unpopular legislations in the face of the demands of the public. The latter Amendment repealed the provisions of the Eighteenth Amendment concerning the nationwide prohibition on the use of liquor.

Economic thinking and dominated

According to Jacob H Hollander, The theory of value is, restricted to commodities, while, Ricardo's theory of distribution involves in it the relationship between the land and capital, but on the other hand, the basic aspects of these economic principles gets a back lash when it comes to Interest and Rent resulting in number of β†’

War on coal

Coal miners and their families live in some of the poorest areas of the country and the Obama war on coal is killing jobs in the parts of America that can least afford it.". For the past 4 years, Obama and his administration have tried to end coal in America and it is time we β†’

Pharmacist interventions for obesity

Health promotion involves the creation and implementation of health and social care policies that are deemed to prevent diseases and promote the physical, social and mental health of the people. Since health promotion incorporates a range of actions that are aimed in promoting health, it is essential to understand the role of pharmacists in promoting β†’

Economics notes and answers

They do not have the opportunities in their own country rather than the freedom and opportunity in America. You can overcome everything if you have the will to do it.

Non-violent methods are better way of training children

Although the pain of body is easy to make people learn the lesson, on the other hand, it may also be easy to leave the scars on body and heart, causefamilyproblems and losing the opportunities for children to judge the right and wrong by themselves own. Finally, to let the children know what is right β†’

Day after tomorrow

To dismiss The Day After Tomorrow purely for its scientific inaccuracies, then, clearly misses the point of the movie, which is to use realist elements of climate science as a starting point for melodrama and fantasy, so that it can dwell on the spectacle of extreme weather, appropriate for a blockbuster disaster movie, and also β†’

Warm relationship with my grandmother

I would call her In the middle of the night and she was there to pick up my phone calls. She supports me emotionally by always being there for me in times of difficulty, making me laugh when I am sad and encouraging me to try my best with everything.

Methods of prioritizing projects

The increased demand of IT man-hours has called for prioritizing of projects in order to organize the work of the IT department. The cost of the project in reference to resources and work hours The complexity of the project processes.

My break-up with my fiancΓ©

My fiance and I had been dating for nearly seven months, and I had always maintained a level of secrecy about our relationship with myfamily, as I have done with all of my relationships. After nearly three hours of talking, during which we stormed around the house, my mother and I shouting at each other β†’

Free effectiveness of housing policies and real estate prices in san francisco research paper sample

This essay seeks to examine the level of effectiveness of the housing policies and real estate prices in San Francisco. This study establishes that, the policies guiding the housing and real estate in San Francisco are ineffective and inefficient because of their inclination to specific market theories and environment.

3 ways to listen better and become a more effective communicator

In fact, our research found that men and women agree the feminine expression of emotional control is more effective for leaders than the masculine version. Related: Women in leadership take a more collaborative approach, and men can become more effective communicators by doing the same.

I prefer to live in big cities than in small towns

I Prefer to Live in Big Cities than in Small-towns In English, there is a well-known fairy story about a poor country boy, Dick Whittington, who goes to London because he believes that the streets of that city are " paved with gold". I grew up in a small town and then moved to a β†’

Blended families

It is the role of every parent to obey theirresponsibilityof properly raising children and children have a responsibility to honor and listen to their parents. Therefore, it's clear that having appropriate discipline, overcoming difficulties, and spending quality time with each other are the three most important things for a blended family to do.

Ho! ho! ho! christmas is the most happiest time of the year

One of the reasons why I think Christmas is the best national holiday is because, it's a great time to spend quality time with thefamily. ButI believethat Christmas is the best national holiday because, it's a perfect time to spend quality time with your family and it's Christ's Birthday.

Example of research paper on aristotles principles of rhetoric within queen elizabeth is speech at tilbury

Moreover, the queen makes her troupes and people trust her by repeatedly employing several logos to confirm to them about her commitments in general life as the leader of the kingdom and in the ensuing war as a general to lead them in defeating the enemy who is the King of Spain. In this case, β†’

Role of unions and human relations management personnel

One of the reasons for the elimination of unions is that they can be one of the biggest reasons for the hindrance in rewards and productivity of the labor in an organization. Labor Unions and the Distribution Of Wages and Employment in South Africa.

Science limitations

Fears over the possibility of transgenic genes Jumping to wild weedy relatives heightened in 1996 when a Danish research team observed the transfer of such a gene - something critics of deliberate-release experiments have arned of for years and biotech companies have dismissed as a remote or nonexistent possibility." Rifkin explains that the transfer of β†’

People nowadays

Before the revolution the world was ran according to class; the people of the higher class tended to rule and " dictate" the poor. The base of this is the described as the economic system and the superstructure of it shows religion, language, and the ideas that props society.

Cost of living in america

The cost of living is the amount of money it cost to survive with the basic necessities. The changes in the type of jobs, necessities, and how people spent money 50 years ago to now increase the cost of living.

The versailles treaty and the emergence of hitler

The Versailles Treaty and the Emergence of Hitler: The end of First World War was marked by a famous treaty for the world and an infamous one for theGermans. According to the German natives many clauses of it were directly repugnant to the German prestige as a result a feeling of hostility crept in the β†’

Code of conduct and ethical standards for public officials

RA 3019 " Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act" Enacted in 1861 Graft is defined as " the acquisition of gain or advantage by dishonest, unfair or sordid means, especially through the use of one's position or influence in politics, business, etc." Graft and corruption is an act or omission involving breach of the rules of β†’

Benefits of sports

It's very exciting and I recommend all students to try sports it is very fun. In conclusion I believe students should start a sport since it offers many benefits Like: health benefits, good values, and it's fun.

Valley of the immortals

Apart from searching for the home of the Mahatmas, the purpose of one of Roerich's expeditions across Tibet and Xinjiang to Altai in 1928 is not made entirely clear in his diary, but it appears to have been related to the return of a small section of a sacred Cosmic Stone to its rightful home β†’

Security threats and features of ldap

Protocol Operation: LDAP is a message oriented protocol, where the LDAP client sends a request for data to LDAP server and server processes the request and returns the client with multiple messages with unique message_id as the result. So, if the data sent will be signed with SSL certificate from the indicated party, there is β†’

Significant changes of education in america

Horace Mann" s contributions in 1868 to the common school movement, allowed elementary schools to become free and available to all in the state of Massachusetts. As the Secretary of the Massachusetts State Board of Education in 1837, this position allowed Mann to speak his ideas to improve the quality of schools.

Cross culture research

In detail, macroscopic situation involved economic environment, political environment, legal environment, technology environment, social culture and natural environment.microcosmic situation involved supplier, rivals, entrants, buyers and substitutes. We need to know what kinds of products are, what strategy is and all the thing about the rivals.

Frontiers in pain research: a scope of its focus and content

The appearance of the chronic pain state represents one of the particular challenges in addressing the pain phenotype. A major challenge in developing pain therapeutics is the tailoring of the activity with the variable requirement of the pain to be managed.

Forever 21

The basis of this paper will discuss the preconceptions and barriers, whether psychological or societal, that is linked with aging, and steadfast approaches that can be used to cope with the aging process and the reality that death is eminent. In an effort to thwart such negative attitudes, Jere Daniel, the author of Learning to β†’

Full inclusion ministry paper

The purpose for which the church was established was in order for members to meet in a civilized place, and come together to serve the LORD, and honor the values that we as Christians are to uphold. Overall the goal of paving volunteers as assistance in the children's ministry is to have extra hands and β†’

Minimizing extraneous variables in clinical research

Minimizing Extraneous Variables in Clinical Research Minimizing Extraneous Variables in Clinical Research It is true as per the postthat research studies or research topics are usually set towards answering a specific concern; therefore, it can be noted that quantitative studies often aim at answering a specific concern. It is unfortunate to the post that this β†’

Education and urban society

Teachers and schools work together to provide the best learningenvironmentfor students and the public and the government always want to see results of effective teaching and student's mastery. The reality of the changing landscape in education, the many educational theories and reforms that beset our educational system and the task of becoming an effectiveteacherare some β†’

Perfect wife

Now the most important characteristic I want on my wife would be for her to be well educated and attractive. The characteristics both my wife and I would have in common would be for us to be gentlemen or lady in the streets, but a freak in the sheets.

Living with chronic pain and arthritis

The reality that pain is a subjective phenomenon, and pain behavior is the outcome of the contact of somatic, behavior, and environmental aspects, means that learning has a part in pain. Being a chronic pain patient is hard, but finally with the help of physicians and medicine things should get easy to handle.

Leadership and the role of managers

It is one of the prime programs of public health coverage in the USA and is particularly implemented to ensure the healthcare of the low-income Americans. Bills's responsibilities as a Medicaid service coordinator include but are not limited to the coordination and administration of service plans and benefits for the recipients of Medicaid in a β†’

Startups showcase: 19 projects graduate from qstp’s accelerator program

According to QSTP, the program's first cycle received 27 applications, the second received 57 applications, and the current batch received a total of 103 applications. Image credit: QSTP.

Case 08-1

For purposes of this paragraph, receipts from disposing of loans, debt or equity instruments, or property, plant, and equipment include directly related proceeds of insurance settlements, such as the proceeds of insurance on a building that is damaged or destroyed." Based on the above principle, the insurance proceeds of one of the company's manufacturing facilities β†’

Causes of lying

It's a natural feeling to want to lie or omit the truth to get out of a difficult situation. The main motives that cause people to lie are the attempts to avoid punishment, to seek attention, and to protect others feelings.

The greediest of rajahs

He wanted the fastest cow, the roundest pigs, the juiciest melons, the sweetest sugar, the finest silk, and the purest of silver and gold. The following day, the wisest of the wise men reported on how he could get the whitest cloud.

Public habit

Win-Lose is the attitude that there's only a certain amount of something, and if you get big piece, there is less for me, so therefore I am going to get my piece first. Lose-Lose is the attitude that, " If I go down, you are going down with me." Unlike these, the Win- Win cares β†’

Cultural models and cultural dimensions

On the basis of its results the project partners awareness of the cultural differences and similarities between Brazil, India and Europe should be sharpened in order to consider them during the transfer of European Safety measures to Emerging Economies. Comparison of Cultural Dimensions of Europe, Brazil and India A first issue that arises when comparing β†’

Business insight_lgt

LEG Telecoms was founded In 1996 and is headquartered in Seoul The smallest of Koreans three mobile carriers is the beneficiary of a government policy to support smaller operators. Sales Proposal: The IBM solutions To secure competitive service price through cost reduction and better service quality through NW infra improvement will be the most important β†’

Relationship between politics and religion

In the late sixth century, Gregory wrote in the account of the conversion of king Clovis bringing about the history of his armys victory between the fight of the Franks and the Alemannl. In the letter the pope claimed he had superior to rulers in terms of their power.

The irony in trifles

With this in mind the irony of the play revolves around how much better the women were at finding clues and a motive to the murder committed by Mrs. Outline Thesis: With this in mind the irony of the play revolves around how much better the women were at finding clues and a motive to β†’


Bargaining Power of Suppliers The bargaining power of suppliers is high since there are only a handful of movie studios that are able to supply the DVDs. Strengths Redbox is owned by a publicly traded company and has the funding of its shareholders.

Smaller public companies and sox

Specifically, the smaller of the larger companies that had to comply with all sections of SOX 404; 35% of those costs were related to audit cost as it relates to SOX 404. Lastly, smaller public companies feel that they have already spent a lot ofmoneyjust to be in compliance with SOX 404, and do not β†’

Europe and the new world: new encounters

By the 16th century, the Atlantic seaboard had become the center of a commercial activity that raised Portugal and Spain and later the Dutch Republic, England, and France to prominence? the age of expansion was a crucial factor in the European transition from the agrarian economy of the MA to a commercial and industrial capitalistic β†’

Easter: then and now

I have become aware of many similarities and differences regarding Easter, as a youth, and as an adult, including the Easter outfit, the Easter egg hunt, and the arrival of the Easter bunny. Actually, the rush to get out of the Easter outfit is one of the traditions that have probably stayed the same on β†’

P emergency bail out

The sub prime mortgage crisis and the ensuing credit crunch is by all means a haunting reminder of Black Tuesday, when on October 29, 1929, the NYSE crashed as a result of panic selling and led to theGreat Depression. The original idea was that the purpose of the plan would be to purchase bad mortgage β†’

The barbie effect

That is a lot more achievable than the one in one hundred thousand chance a girl has of achieving Barbie's dimensions-this defiantly gives weight to the argument that the media puts unrealistic expectations and pressures on women. But risks must be taken, because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing?

Our journey to the new world

Pa said, " I am going to drive the wagon to the front of the house. Martha crawled over the boxes and sacks to the back of the wagon.

Who do you think was the most important figure in russian history – lenin or stalin?

He expanded the Soviet Unions' borders up to Eastern Europe and helped in the spread of Communism right 100 km from the most dominant capitalist state, the USA. All this prove, that even thou Stalin might have had a greater impact on Russia, Lenin had a greater importance than him, because he was the one β†’

Even busy executives can make time for a cause

I had the desire to give back to raise awareness and support for the. I then progressed to support the research and expansion of the organization's brand experience via its, Facebook, and other digital channels.