Genuine Research Paper Examples

Writing proficiency

The present study investigated the sentence-level errors of freshmen students at three proficiency levels and the aspects of writing that raters focused on while rating the essays. Most of the findings of the present study corroborate the findings of previous studies on error analysis and essay evaluation that sentence-level errors have a significant role in →

Fasb asc project

Answer 1: According to the FASB Codification, a completed version, ready for copying, of the computer software product, the documentation, and the training materials that are to be sold, are the property of the company. The buyer has paid the seller, or the buyer is obligated to pay the seller and the obligation is not →

Technology life cycle

It works by starting with the innovators by building a reputation and then moves to the next group, the early adopters, in hopes of the innovators compelling the early adopters to get on the " bandwagon". When the promoters of high-tech products try to move on from their early adopters group, they leave the early →

After failing

After failing to cake the lead in the war, the decision to use total war was enforced by taking on the goal of eliminating slavery. Knowing the slaves were crucial to their way of life, the North used this 'fault' as motive for the spirit of the war.

Geological history of adair park south west arizona

The point of the trip was to view real life examples of some of the things that we have studied over the course of this semester. The first stop of the field trip was to look at the Gneiss.

Sun chips case

Pros A con to this strategy would be that if the test market results are accurate, then Frito-Lay would profit from their new product and know all the necessary details of cannibalization. Cons A con would be the possibility of the ten month test market results to be inaccurate.


If you love to do will do it every chance you can. Do you visualize a defender in front of you when making moves to the basket or do you Just do the drill?

Creating a business development plan

You have downloaded this guide for one of the following reasons: You are in business and are looking for ways to better your chances for success and grow your business You were recommended by a contact You are Just plain Curious You have recently started, or are thinking of starting your own business If the →

Walt disney: the man behind the magic

Chicago called the Disney back to the windy city In 1917 when " Walt entered McKinley High School, where he took photographs, made drawings for the school paper, and studied cartooning on the side." Disney eventually striver to become a newspaper cartoonist when he graduated. Walt Disney'schildhooddream of being a newspaper cartoonist was shattered with →

Hisotry exam 1

Why this worked in the " the most backwards agrarian countries " like the Russian empire is because of the following reasons: Because the Tsarist regime pre-WW1 oppressed the lower classes there became more and morepovertyamong the lower classes and the rural agrarian peasants what made room for more strikes and strikes with the goal →

A ready and modern army, a strategic priority

Although all of these priorities are significant, the strategic priority " A Ready and Modern Army" is the most important because it directly impacts the Army's ability to respond when called upon." A Ready and Modern Army' strategic priority affects the Army's personnel, equipment, supplies, and training. Overall, " A Ready and Modern Army' means →

The emh, the financial crisis and the behavioral finance

The first insight of the EMH is related to the most profound insights of classical economics, that is, there is no excess profit in a complete market, which is due to the fierce competition in the market. As a matter of fact, the EMH is a natural result of the fierce competition in the market →

Scientifc method lab 1

My independent variable would be the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water, while the dependent variable would be the amount of fish present. The independent variable would be the amount of sunlight the plants are exposed to, while the dependent variable would be the amount of growth of the plants.

Walker: white people and well-educated black man

In Scattered Inconveniences, Jerald Walker is up against what seems to be a " redneck cowboy" that is trying to intimidate and scare because hisfamilywas not from that part of the turns out that the guy honking his horn and riding his bumper, is just a good Samaritan trying to prevent a washer from →

Free research paper on proffessor

More specifically, the term Ancient Greece refers to the civilization began to rise during the eighth century BC.e and the period that followed the fall of the Mycenaean civilization, and that developed in continental Greece, Asia Minor, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea all the way to 146 The p n.e when Greece conquered by →

Diversity and pluralistic approach in american history

The information from this course that will be the most memorable is that, in general, the people from the White race do not see themselves as have any ethnicity. Some days are just a shade darker or brighter in some people's eyes." I also believe thatillegal immigrationwill become more of a problem in the future →

Horror of war

This story speaks the truth about the w AR rather than romanticizes it and emphasizing on the idea Of the honor, patriotic duty, DVD endure, and glory. Chimer's death was the first sign of the meaningless of life and death in the war.

A blend of tradition and the contemporary

Traditional Lebanese music incorporates instruments such as the oud, the derbake and the ney. Her style is incorporating the traditional Lebanese music with and infusion of Western culture.

Want to estimate the cost of studying overseas? this startup tells you how

I ensured that I had the right " concrete materials", so to say, the idea, execution, and team, to take the plunge into being an entrepreneur. It is a unique venture and is built to ensure that students across India and the world make the correct financial decisions.

American culture and politics

Blood politics: race, culture, and identity in the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma. A genteel endeavor: American culture and politics in the gilded age.

Celebrity status

Now is that somebody a person who had a lifestyle in luxury, fascinates the media and the influences the public on day-to-day basis, implied with great popular appeal, prominence in a particular field, and is easily recognized by the public or also known as a celebrity or celeb. Who knows the child could be a →

How to bring an international franchise to the uae: the 800 degrees neapolitan pizzeria story

Once a location is acquired and theconcept designis submitted by the franchisor, it is good to hire a qualified designer to work on the detailed design of the brand. Hiring and training human resources as per the brand guidelines is key, and this is when one can synergize efforts with the franchisee brand to create →

Dispension for study abroad

I want to learn Japanesecultureas I see it as an important factor in ones' success in business since Japanese are known to have the " business attitude" that made them successful after their downfall in World War II. In the future, I want to write a research paper about E-business and role of internet in →

Sources of capital: owner’s equity

The two types of equity are purchased equity, consisting of preferred stock, common stock, and paid in capital, and that of earned equity, also referred to as retained earnings. Owner's equity is shown on the balance sheet and within the statement of owner's equity in a company's financial statements, and is most commonly influenced by →

Editorial: myotonic dystrophies: developments in research from bench to bedside

Two reviews are focused on two major extramuscular manifestations in DM, giving important suggestions regarding the related clinical management, and also illustrating pathophysiological data obtained by the use innovative diagnostic techniques, being potentially applicable in view of future therapeutic perspectives: in particular Nieuwenhuis et al.revised the current knowledge regarding the etiology and the role of →

Forklift safety: overview

Forklift trucks are used to move, raise or lower objects that are stored in containers or on pallets to other areas of the workplace. For example, people under the age of 18 years, in non-agricultural industries, are not permitted to operate a forklift truck.

Porcelain and the economy of china

As a key contributor to the economy, we have to look at it history and how it has affected the economy in the past. The article mentions that this was in great demand from a very long time and became the embodiment of Chinese porcelain.

Negotiators styles

This style is mainly employed by aggressive negotiators with the sole aim of negating the view of the opposing parties as a way of ensuring victory for their client in the conflict. In this style, the negotiator strives to get a clear understanding of the problem.

Should we spend time in the sun?

Unfortunately, researches show that people who sunbathe show a higher risk of getting skin cancer, and the earlier they start, the higher the risk. That is why many protection attempts are taken, such as avoiding excessive exposure to the sun, and using sunscreen to increase our protection, the higher the Sun Protection Factor, the higher →

Michael jordan- dominator of basketball

He still remains the most decorated player in the NBA. Jordan received one of the greatest honors in basketball.

Export assistance and incentives

These are discussed in detail below: MARKET BASED EXCHANGE RATE: For long, external value of the rupee was managed by the Reserve bank of India by pegging the value of the rupee to a basket of currencies. EXPORT ASSISTANCE AND INCENTIVES AVAILABLE TO THE EXPORTS Export assistance and a variety of facilities and export incentives →

Female sexual identity in gothic literature

Much like horror novels Gothic literature was created to evoke feelings of terror and in the words of Mary Shelley ' curdle the blood, and quicken the beatings of the heart' of audience who was predominantly female. In light of the knowledge that ' Percy Shelley laid a heavy editorial hand' on the first manuscript →

Commercial transactions

Virtual meetings will have to become the norm for businesses in the coming future to offset the losses suffered in terms of travel time, expenses and exertion by executives. Participants from different parts of the country or the world can meet on the web and conduct the meeting as if they are discussing face to →

Systems development plan for bead bar

This paper details the steps in the development of a systems software that would accomplish the requirements of the compay. As with Bead Bar company, the management has to listen to the concerns of all the employees who will be using the system, and at the same time, limit the features only to those necessary.

Minorities fall victim to achievement gap

What Fryer means that they are the minority students who excel in school-? often the richer-? and are separated from their peers because of all the pressure they receive for acting white. In the article " The Feel-good Trap," Richard Westbound believes that a students' ability to learn does not deal with rewards or acting →

Correlational research

As with all types of studies we must choose a sample of people to take the survey. We have to first identify a population of people from which we are going to get the sample.

Ap world ccot on china

E there were many changes along with continuities in the political and cultural life of the Chinese peoples. Buddhism and nomadic invasions were large changes, but Confucianism will always be in the Chinese culture and bureaucracy will also be a big continuity.

Catcher in they rey – holdens contradictory views of the world

In this sentence, Holden implies that just because Ernie is good at playing the piano he thinks he can treat people badly, as if he is better than them. This is a clear example of Holden's unstable state of mind, because he does not remember what he previously says and he does not seem to →

Kunta kinte and gustavus vassa

The hostilities that slavery inflicted in the American history would not be disregarded for it would always remind the government and the people about the importance of unity and acceptance notwithstanding the differences the people may have. Between the Blacks and Whites, it was the Blacks who suffered and endured much of the implications of →

Specific performance

The advantages of specific performance are that the non-breaching party is spared the hassle of collecting judgment, they do not need to set up another contract, and the performance may be of more value than monetary damages. This goes back to the element of the performance that is specific to a rare good.

Planning of micro start-up business

Sales levels a monthly analysis will help our business to identify patterns in sales and show when we need to take action to boost sales.* The amount of new customers who visit the business f) Other external influences Government regulations All VAT will be paid over to the Government. Effective colour and wording helps to →

Media representation in lgbt

However, the vice is still rampant in some sections of the media." There are those who have a common tendency of thinking that the way people think and can be uniform across the globe". The media is a viable source of information in society such that televisions and films are very influential due to both →

Physiology and pathophysiology of musculoskeletal aging: current research trends and future priorities

Sarcopenia is a term utilized to define the loss of muscle mass and strength and the consequent functional impairment that occurs with aging. Mitchell and colleagues highlight these issues by reviewing the current knowledge of the decline in human muscle mass and strength with advancing age and the associated risk to health and survival.

Marriott case hbs

Issue In this assignment, we are asked to compute the WACC of Marriott Corporation and each of the company's three divisions. Marriott CorporationBusiness Lines 1Beta of Debt Computed using correlation between S&P500 returns and HG Corp Bonds, s.d.of the S&P500 and s.d.of the HG Corp Bonds Same 2Risk-Free RateEstimated to be equal to 10y US →

Basal cell carcinoma

Basal Cell Carcinoma or ' rodent ulcer' is a malignant tumor of the skin that develops from the basal cell layer of the epidermis and also from the hair follicles. Basal Cell Carcinoma of the Skin.

Needs are artificially created

Skills assignment 1: ' Needs Are Artificially Created' Requirements Max 700 words incl referencing, titles Excl bibliography Source for every argument APA referencing Explain terminology Intro * Definition of marketing * Definition of needs -> motives -> biogenic or psychogenic, artificial needs, wants and demands * Definition of artificially creating * Represent the guiding essay →

Charles walton a technology trailblazer

In a quest to find what has become of the father of RFID, I came across upon a lot of literatures that mentioned the names of Walton. One document even comprehensively discussed the origin of the technology and mentioned the names of key figures in the electronic field but failed to highlight the actual maker →

Republican party

Georgia and Carolina at the moment holds the record in relation to the amount of illegal immigrants in the United States. The senate has been divided on the issue on the times the bill has been brought to the floor of the house.

Bias: stereotype and people

As the name indicates, the topic of the book goes around stereotype, and it provides the readers a better understanding of stereotypes: what the stereotypes are; how stereotypes impact people and business; and what to do when stereotypes happen. In business, the main inefficiency of stereotype is in management, which is always considered to be →

Many including dowshen believe

Since it is a strong possibility that one of the sources of the child mistreatment is mothering therefore the relations between the child and mother are also one of the biggest contributors towards the culmination of addictive behavior into the children including binge drinking. Conclusion Studies indicate that poor relations between the mother and child →

Modern times

In this time of fast pacedtechnology, increase in population andpovertyall over the world, a movie entitled " Modern Times" illustrates how a factory worker strive hard to survive and struggled to make it through the toughest times of his life." Modern Times" implies how poverty is present in 1930's and of course still very present →

17 words that changed my life forever

I? taking the time to tell you all of this preliminary information because when I tell you the 17 words, I really want you to get it and get it NOW! It will enable you to go through the trials and tribulations that may be necessary so you can arrive at your destination.

Cost pools and cost objects

Gaining a better understanding of the Cost Pools and how these costs are allocated to the Cost Objects is a good starting point. While I may like to define the Cost Objects narrowly, it should only be done to the extent it is economically viable.)I recognize that there are a number of ways to allocate →

Nike international finance

The main strengths of the company then were low capital requirement and the necessity to develop the market which captured the market totally with its reputation of authenticity and highest quality products. In 1970 the biggest success of Nike was that it surpassed the market share of Adidas by almost 50% and the complement goes →

Brazil’s political factor in business

The combination of tightened import controls, real depreciation, and the fall in domestic demand induced by the restrictive macroeconomic policies of the early 1980s resulted in a sharp adjustment in Brazil's external accounts. Under the second phase of the Growth Acceleration Program, the Government of Brazil will spend R$955 billion indevelopment of the country's energy →

The human eye

The external layer of the eyeball is formed by the cornea, and the sclera. The iris is flat and divides the front of the eye from the back of the eye.

A single-dose, randomized

The formulations were considered to be bioequivalent if the log-transformed ratios of the 3 pharmacokinetic parameters were within the predetermined bioequivalence range, as established by the USFoodand Drug Administration. The 90% CIs for the ratios of mean Cmax, AUC0-72, and AUC0 were within the range of 80% to 125%, meeting the FDA regulatory criterion for →

Characterize both sides of only one aspect of the international debate concerning global warming

Whilst this may seem to be absurd, it is a fact that we are now living in a world that is characterized by extreme climatic changes as a result of the effects of global warming. The melting of ice as a result of global warming results in increases of more water to the ocean and →

Comparing different philosophical theory

In an argument by Roberts, determinism shape the behavior and the activities in the society. The idea is of the assumption that a person may take part in an activity out of free will.

Ind aff by fay weldon

Peter is having difficulties with his wife and having a love affair with a young student is letting him have temporary breaks from his marriage." It was a silly sad thing to do, in the first place, to confuse mere passing academic ambition with love: to try and outdo my sister Clare." The narrator stating →

Localism and hoover’s views on goverment

Reconstructionfinancecorporation- urged by hoover to be passed; gave more than a billion dollars of government loans to railroads and large businesses trickle-down economics- theory held thatmoneypoured into the top of the economic pyramid will trickle down to the base Bonus Army. He believed in rugged individualism, and relied on the individual, the churches and private →

Caveman wanderer

The demagnification of technology is showing the world how to communicate, share, and combine the works as one. Artists run trials of their artwork and have the world try it out.

Michele de montaigne on making decisions

Montaigne, " On the Resemblance of Children to Their Fathers," 866.[ 5 ]. Montaigne, " On the Resemblance of Children to Their Fathers," 871.[ 7 ].

The gestalt approach

Then you have the goal state which is the solution of the problem. A person has to search the problem to find the solution to it, and one way of directing the search of finding the answer is a strategy called means-end nalysis.

The public safety leaders and the study of the future

The 9/11 disaster is in itself a glaring example as to how the public safety leaders in the United States failed to interpret the developments taking place in the present, which lead to a leadership crisis in the future. Going by the topic under consideration, the positive and heartening thing is that in the public →

The retail inventory-level planning

The difference between the book inventory and the physical inventory can be attributed to shrinkage. The final step in the process is determining the ending book inventory at cost and retail.

Functional polymorphisms of xenobiotics metabolizing enzymes—a research topic

Functional polymorphisms in xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes and their impact on the therapy of breast cancer. Functional polymorphisms in xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes and their impact on the therapy of breast cancer.

House of payne

I realize that when I have no one else to count on, that my family is the last hope I have, and also understand that sometimes I may have disagreements with relatives, but its ok because as long as there iscommunication, nothing is to hard to overcome, All of these things are key points that →

Evaluating the breeze as educational tool in e-learning

Literature Review Information Technology as Educational Tools The above condition strengthens the importance of current education system to understand the needs of current and future workplaces in order to customize their syllabus so that they meet the needs of employers. Therefore, Fiorina implies the urge of becoming learning organization in which information exchange exists in →

Is the life-span approach essential to human development

One of the major assumptions of the life-p approach as suggested by Baites, is that development is a ' life-long process' by this he meant that developmental changes occur throughout a person's life, from the point of conception till death. Baltes, went on to state that development as a life-long process assumes that, no point →

Alternative method for onsite sewage disposal

The greases and fats are collected in a layer on the upper liquid surface whereas the solids settle to the bottom of the tank. The design of the system, the maintenance of the tank, and the characteristics and amount of wastewater being treated greatly influence the rate of clogging.

Markething research of coca cola

Table of contents INTRODUCTION3 MARKETING RESEARCH4 MARKETING RESEARCH METHODS5 PRIMARY RESEARCH5 SECONDARY RESEARCH6 THE LINK BETWEEN PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING AND MARKETING RESEARCH7 CONCLUSION7 SOURCES7 Introduction In this assignment I am going to describe how the marketing research information is used in order to understand customers, competitors and the market environment in a company like Coca →

Sixth sense technology

In its Report on the electronic vote, Opportunity, risks and feasibility on January 2002, the Federal Council in particular asserts the fact that: - E-Voting should be as easy, practical and safe as possible - It should under no circumstances penalize citizens who have no access to electronic communication methods - The electorate should be →

To what extent did economic, political, and social change

The Revolution birthed many advances, including the separation of church and state, concepts of individual rights and equalities, the delegation of power through written constitutions, and the notion that the government should be by consent of the people. On the other hand, men To what extent did economic, political, and social change effect the lives →

A journey of thousand miles

I am fully aware that the Charter College of Education can help me realize my goal to become an expert in the field of secondary education. In many ways therefore, I do believe that, for a learning institution that promises to give individual attention to their students, the Charter College of Education is the best →

The media: misinterpretation of reality

The focus of the media is to present to the public the accusations made and the personalities involved. The nature of the media to sensationalize issues adheres to the argument that news has a tendency to obscure reality than presenting it as it is.

What is the bystander effect

Their award-winning research was gathered to complete their essay " Why Do not People Help in a Crisis," they suggest the probability of a bystander helping is correlated to the number of bystanders present. First the bystander must be aware of the situation, second the bystander has to establish if the situation is an emergency, →

You changed my life

It is the sequel to the 2008 blockbuster movie A Very Special Love, starring Sarah Geronimo and John Lloyd Cruz. Laida, on the other handare, is being offered a job to Canada.

Thomas green

Inability to blend in the organization and not listen to his immediate boss: Green was reluctant to listen to his boss, Davis and hence was unable to mould himself to the needs of the organization. Inability to blend in the organization and not listen to his immediate boss: Green was reluctant to listen to his →

The likeliness of being different

Among the many things that have been engraved in my mind about the subject, the idea that everything is due to our genes and environment fascinates me the most. One of the things that differ between older people and younger people is the number of people in their lives.

Combination therapy in heart failure

The ability of the heart to pump blood Is impaired and It can no longer meet the bodys metabolic requirements Table 1. The antioxidant effects carvedilol and some of its metabolites are due to the presence of carbazole moiety.

The ethical issues behind cosmetic surgery

The third is the belief that American popcultureand media have a role in affecting people's personal awareness and ideals of beauty, and this is making them much more willing to have unnecessary cosmetic plastic surgery performed. To thisI believeMill would still say that it is the patients responses that matter, for they are the ones →

Nature based therapy

The second paper by Jordan & Marshall describes a the changes to the traditional therapy frame in a the uncertain environment of the outdoors. In an attempt to provide consistency and validity to the results, Howell et al, provide succinct definitions and examples for some of the questions on these scales in order that the →

The hawksbill turtle

The most important thing that can be done for this species is to make the public aware of their actions that harm the turtles and how they can change their ways. These balloons often float over the ocean before popping, and sea turtles can choke on the pieces of the balloon that fall into the →

Research paper on leukemia health and social care essay

Even though, the household in the United States made a petition to in-migration services to let my uncles parents to come to the United States to see their boy. Chronic Leukemia: In the beginning phases of the disease, the leukaemia cells can still make the occupation for normal white blood cells.

What’s stifling creativity at coolburst

However, what happens when an organization suppresses the thought of reinventing themselves to adapt to changes in society and even the world? Ultimately, Jenkins left the Coolburst to go with a company that was very more innovated and creativity.

A vision, a possibility

I am driven to achieve acareerin business and I believe that a thorough mastery in accounting would be of great help to me. Since I am also endowed with the virtue of generosity, I believe that this scholarship would cause a positive multiplier to the community.

National science day

The basic objective ofobservationof National Science Day is to spread the message of importance of science and its application among the people. Raman announced the discovery of the Raman effect at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore.

Jem and scout’s transformation

In the beginning of the book, Scout gets Into fights and Is always quick to retaliate. Gem is still the example of this is when Scout finds gum in the tree and Gem yells at her to spit it out immediately.

W.h. auden’s september 1,1939

The ideas Auden presents of the ' Collective Man' and ' the lie of Authority' suggests that concerning the war, he believes that the people of the world should be more truthful to one another, and that governments are to blame for the deceptions and wars in the world. Auden's poem is read primarily as →

Orange peel as antioxidant

CHAPTER I THE RESEARCH PROBLEM BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Now days, exporting is hard in the Philippines hence the country is not that good in means of transportation because of the gap between the islands and provinces; and not all places have good roads. Mango is a sweet fruit and succulent that's why Filipinos just →

Strategies for consumer research

Critically, Szmigin and Foxall recognise that the real value in consumer research comes from the quality of the information that the research gives to the managers making the ongoing marketing decisions. Positivistic Approach AnalysisBased onSzmigin and Foxall's Research It seems, from considering both the research as conducted by Szmigin and Foxall and other related research →

British invasion: mods, rockers, and social crosscurrents

There are two types of rock and roll, The classic rock and roll which is the simple one while the mod rock and roll refers to the modern music style. The second group is the one who likes ' bad boy rock and rolls' like the ones created by The Rolling Stones.

Tapescript role play in business meetings

I would expect everyone to attend, and to be on time - that's not the case at the moment as you know. You do not think he is a suitable person to manage the sales team.

Grade and grading curve scenario

Copy the formula in cell D4 into the range D5: D223 to calculate the grades for the rest of the students' scores In cell I4, use the COUNTIF function to count the total number of letter grades in the range $D$4:$D$223 equal to the value in cell H4. Note: The closeness of each grading curve →

Frantz fanon

Theoretical and postcolonial pioneer activist, who wrote in 1960 in the context of the French occupation of Algeria, Frantz Fanon through his seminal work, The Damned of the Earth and the black skin, white masks analyzed the effects of colonialism both on the colonizer and on the colonized. In The Wretched of the Earth, Fanon →