Genuine Research Paper Examples

Nicholas i

In 1825 Nicholas I had a revolt with a group of revolutionaries called the Dismembers, they were the people that wanted a constitution, which then meant that he Tsar had to obey rules. In 1854 Nicholas I believed that Russia was one of the greatest countries in Europe, he then decided to invade Turkey since โ†’

The research methods in english language education essay

In the following paragraphs, I will review the methods sections of these comparable studies in chronical order, with an attempt to highlight the similarities and differences among similar studies, and summerise the characteristics of the methods adopted by these studies in Hong Kong context. The data in this study were collected from students from seven โ†’

Media interpretation on health promotion research

To further the credibility of the article, the author names and quotes Judy Lichtman, who is one of the study's lead researchers. In commenting on the key omissions of the study, Marchione helps define the relationships of the study to the participants.

Patient, quantify thyself

Even as breakthroughs in DNA research, such as genome sequencing, allow a physician to peer into a patient's biology at the deepest level, and even as consumer devices track our health in real time, the raw data gathered lacks the requisite interpretation - the " processor," to use code-speak - that's needed to make it โ†’

Point of view in โ€˜little thingsโ€™ by raymond carver

It narrates an incidence of a quarrel between a husband and a wife that escalates to the point that it reaches the child and the couple is portrayed fighting for the possession of the baby. The only voices we hear in this part of the story are the voices of the characters.

Venezuela culture

The country I chose to do is the culture of Venezuela. Venezuela is very similar to the rest of the Latin American countries but has exceptional characteristics when it comes to the dimensions that Hofstede describes.

Appeasement policy- failure

Hitler broke the treaty of Versailles by sending troops to Rhineland, in addition to that Germany united with Austria which was originally banned in the Treaty of Versailles. In conclusion, the appeasement policy was not effective in maintaining peace; instead it aggravated Hitler's confidence and aggression which in the end led to WWII.

Compound crusher with substantial efficiency satisfies

The elements influencing manufacturing efficiency of compound crusher are a variety of, of which one of the most vital elements are hardness, humidity, viscosity ND ingredient. Hence, mining enterprises must constantly inject new technologies, accelerate upgrading of products and make improvements to core At current, SUB compound crusher is playing increasingly more vital part in โ†’

Crude oil

The fluctuations In the price of crude oil can affect the economy on a large scale. As a result this affected the price of crude oil and it rose substantially.

Parthenon marbles

And I do not mean Just the country where it's from, but when possible, even the building where it had been placed. So If I had the power, I would give every piece of art back to their primal home, and not because of the money or whatever but because there it can shine as โ†’

Short story the painted door

It is clear that the author is not only about telling the story, rather he focuses much more on the voice, setting, and symbolism of the piece. The setting of the story allowed for a lot of symbolism to be used; it was an average farm in the midst of thewinter season.

Was ho chi minh more of a nationalist than a communist?

Was Ho Chi Minh more of a nationalist than a communist? On the flip side of the equation, Minh was a true and through communist.

Health benefits of namaz or salah.

Namaz is one of the most important of the 5 pillars of Islam. It is the perfect combination of Ablution and Namaz that keeps our soul and body clean and healthy.

Benefits of omega 3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are nutrients that play a vital role in safeguarding the body against a number of health disorders and diseases and the Omega 3 benefits are many and wide reaching. A lack of Omega 3 fatty acids in the diet has been associated with mood swings, depression, memory loss and other neurological problems.

Introduction to operation research hillier and liberman

After chairing the Department of Operations Research, he served as Associate Dean of the School of Humanities and Sciences, Vice Provost and Dean of Research, Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies, Chair of the Faculty Senate, member of the University Advisory Board, and Chair of the Centennial Celebration Committee. In addition, the CD-ROM provides โ†’

Global attitudes to disability

The rationale for the selection of subject choice is that the author works within the Spinal Cord Injuries arena and so disability and views of disability are relevant to person centered care. Fein and Asch state that the medical model of disability characterises disability as a state of abnormality that is attributable to the individual.

Service above self

I have never been one to judge others, I always work hard in everything I do, and love being able to be in charge. I love that I have been said to be a great person and that many people look up to me.

The optimistโ€™s daughter

For Fay, home is in the town of Madrid, where her extendedfamilylikely meets the same needs for Fay as the house does for Laurel. It seems to lack all the charm and warmth of Laurel's hometown of Mount Salus, yet for Fay it is nonetheless her home.

Captain scott

In the other hand Scott was assured of a finecareerin the Ana and he realized that the expedition to the pole would give him new and exciting experience, and also opportunities for scientific research, so he accepted the advice of Sir Clement. Antarctic is the centre of magnetism and have extreme temperature that somebody never โ†’

King of the castle tension

" I am the King of the Castle": Literature Coursework Investigate the ways in which Susan Hill uses language to create tension and a sense of foreboding in " I am the King of the Castle" Susan Hill implements several writing techniques to create tension in the novel. She shows the ability to be able โ†’

Currently israel controls palestinian water, what rights does israel have to manage water crucially needed or the palestinian people

Despite Israel owning the land the water comes from, water is a negotiating tool to stop conflict in the region, howbeit ineffective. Israel has recently reconfirmed its intention to implement the decision of the Local Israeli Assembly for Organization and Building to give a piece of land from the Hadera area to build a desalination โ†’

Decimal and marks remarks

Find the binary answer for the following: a) - FFA16 = b) 110. 458 in hexadecimal form.c) Encode the decimal number 34510 using 8-4-2-1 BCD code, d) Encode the numbers 25410, -25410 and +25410 to EBCDIC codes using i) Zoned decimal format, ii) Packed decimal format [10 marks] 6.a) Find the internal representation of 23510 โ†’

Gender stereotype

In Alice Munroe's " Boys and Girls", the protagonist began to realize society's views of her when her father introduced her to a salesman, while she was working outside as his " new hired hand", but the salesman replied " I thought it was only a girl". We are considered the weaker gender, we are โ†’

Beetlejuice screenwrite

Adam leaves his car to go in the store to get the supplies, when he realizes that the clerk is not at the front desk he takesmoneyout of his pocket and puts it into the cash register himself. This is another conflict introduced in the movie and it depicts the click of ghosts trying to โ†’

Experiences of migration

And today you are at one and Of the world and I at the Other. P to the present I thought and rolled that you would still come back to Warsaw, but since you write that you will come I comply with the will of God and with your will.

Dome of the rock

The Dome of the Rock Dennis Stoneman The Dome of the Rock is located in Jerusalem, and is one of the biggest temples in the Islamic religion. The importance of the rock itself dates back to the very inceptions of the two religions.

Providian trust

What organizational changes that the company should have made before and during the project to ensure the success of the Access Plus project? It was his opinion that the proper controls were not in place to implement the change and I also share that view.

Health law and regulations paper

The purpose of this paper is to discuss a health news situation affecting the health care system and evaluate the effect of organizational structure and governance, culture, and social responsibility. In January 2012, Jimenez pleads guilty to counts of committing conspiracy of health care fraud and frauding the United States in receiving illegal health care โ†’

Baroque art

In architecture the period is exemplified by the palace of Versailles and by the work of Bernie in Italy. Having long since shed its derogatory connotations, " baroque" is now simply a convenient catch-all for one of the richest and most diverse periods in music and art history.

Inflation and the commodity super cycle

Many economists feel that the movement of commodity prices since the turn of the millennium indicates that the global economy is in the midst of a strong commodity super cycle, a phase that has just about started and still has a long way to go. The opening up of the economy, and the introduction of โ†’

Hermeneutics and philosophers

Today we prefer to call " exegesis" to that of the biblical text analysis intended to discover what the author meant to his contemporaries, and " hermeneutics" to which the same text tells us today in a different context and in a comprehensible modern man. Therefore, say that the reflection can only be understood as โ†’

Unit 4 equality and diversity

Using one of the methods you outlined in Question 1, describe the range of services and agencies that exist within your local community to support diversity. Closely allied to this commitment, was the need for empowering these communities through effective learning and development and the delivery of wanted information to the right people, at the โ†’

Cultural factors in family therapy

In cases where the therapist comes to the conclusion that it is better for the family that the Alena and Jaber separate, having a therapy relationship with representatives of the two extended families helps to reduce the damage ofdivorceon all parties. For the benefit of Alena and Jaber, it is sensible to include in family โ†’

Outline the key principles of natural law

Natural law is humans with a natural sense and the discovery of reason. Human law is some sort of man-made law with the natural law supplied by the government to the societies, and divine law is the specially revealed law in the scriptures.

History of advertising

The History of Advertising Introduction " Advertising, a form of commercial masscommunicationdesigned to promote the sale of a product or service, or a message on behalf of an institution, organization, or candidate for political office." In a primitive form, advertising has been around almost as long as Homo sapiens in a recognizably modern form. Despite โ†’

Lichen planus treatment research study

The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of topical curcumin and triamcinolone on the treatment of oral lichen planus. Measurement of appearance score and severity of pain was done at the baseline and at the end of week 2 and 4 and recorded in the patient's questionnaires.


In the novel, The Great Gatsby, Nicks use of diction and imagery in his language shows that the attendees of the party are not ordinary commoners but extravagant and luxurious people from the upper classes. Imagery Is used In Nick's language to describe the wealth of the attendees and to prove that they are not โ†’

Disciplinary action

May be the company can give the employee a written warning and give him/her a copy of the documents that will prove his absences on meetings. Approach the employee as in a way that the company is caring for he employee.


The vision at Safeway talks about value and adding value to the chain of operations that the store is involved in. The different solutions that this paper has proposed comprise of a sound transparent system in overall operations, fair measurement of performance throughtechnologyusage and SAPs, improving upon the recruitment guidelines by involving pre-agreed upon contracts โ†’

Political science and economics

As a matter of fact, the solution of many of the economic problems must come through political agencies and the major problems of every state are economic character. The problems of the modern state are Political Science And Economics By Normalize the economic conditions had influenced the political affairs.

The mortals as well as the immortals

He has made the readers and the viewers realize that this world does not receive the lovers with garlands, rather it try to litter the path, where lovers tread, with thorns.try their level best to keep the lovers away from tying the nuptial knots. She knew that Demetrius wanted to marry Hermia but she believed โ†’

Veil of roses

The book is basically about an Iranian-women named Tamila who has been basically stuck in Iran for the longest time and finally got to come to America for the first time. He seems Tami's point of view in things, and is very nice and not that important in the story.

The true essence of christmas

Gift to audience: " One starry night just before Christmas, a gift wrapper, ribbon, card and box were sitting beside the fireplace and a gift joined them." Said Gift Gift sits beside other characters. Card to characters: " Why are we so unlucky? " Card to audience: Shouted Card Gift wrapper to characters: Unlike this โ†’

Estimation of the mean retail value of greeting cards

The owner of the stationery store wants to estimate the mean retail value of greeting cards that the store has in its inventory. From the part, the standard error of mean is 0.14.

Thereโ€™s no excuse for making any of these 9 fatal startup mistakes

I hate to break this to you, but launching an online business is a tedious process that will consume every bit of time and energy you have, so you would better start liking it. Your business branding should be nailing it, letting others know in a flash the levels of success you aspire to reach.

Liberal and conservative view about the role of government

While liberals; currently represented by the Democratic Party; and conservatives; currently represented by the Republican Party; both believe that education, tax policy, and public health are important issues for the United States; they have different beliefs about the best approach for these policies. They believe that tax money should be spent by the government on โ†’

Mentor as sculptor, makeover artist, coach, or ceo: evaluating contrasting models for mentoring undergraduates’ me search toward publishable research

In the mentor-as-coach model, students are positioned as players, and the mentor's role is to support, scaffold, and cheer on their mesearch pursuits. Here the student is the one playing the research game, and winning is determined by the depth of learning and reflected in a course grade.

For and against pollution

Firstly, private cars are believed to be faster than public transport since people do not have to spend their precious time waiting for a bus. All in all, public transport is proven to be more efficient and cheaper than private cars.

My classmates

He has chestnut brown hair and it is very short, his hair is cut with a fade so it gets shorter towards the bottom he has side burns but they are very short to about the top of his ear. The classmate does not have a distinctive type of clothing he dresses casual and seems โ†’

Spin doctors of ancient greece

Since the first principles Tory was all about the motives and interests of intellectual of the 6th and 5th centuries BC, Sophists were positively included as part of the intellectual position of the 5th century. These Plat's imaginary conversations make a range of valid uncertainties about the political and moral principle implication of the activities โ†’

Helping pauline face her sister death

In the case of Pauline it will be very difficult in the beginning for an existential therapist to argue with her the meaning of life when it is the reason that aggravates Pauline's situation. Next is to encourage her to face death by preparing well for it and telling her the advantage that life is โ†’

The sons veto

Her name was Sophy and she was born in the country village of Gaymead in a remote nook of North Wessex. In a fit of rage, he made her swear on the cross that she would never marry Sam.

Carterโ€™s economic policies led to savings and loan failure

The Savings and Loan crisis of the late 1980's and early 1990's cost approximately $160 billion, out of which the American taxpayer shouldered in excess of $120 billion in Government bailout measures. In retrospect, Jimmy Carter's policies should have focused on lowering interest rates and possibly left the money markets as they were.

Nissan usa

Awareness on the Japanese management style and operations of the business 2. Improves the confidence of workers that increases productivity, efficiency and quality products 2.

The main functional areas

Other than putting things together they would also get raw materials in and let the purchasing department of how much they need and from there the purchasing department would go on and order them for them. Production is responsible for all the aspects relating to manufacture or assemble of goods e.g.what richer sounds do in โ†’

Auditing stages

The auditor accepted the engagement for the audit of the financial statements after the conclusion that the reporting framework was acceptable. The auditor assessed audit risk and inherent risk as it is an essential part of audit planning to help in determining the quality and quantity of evidence gathered and the staff that needed to โ†’

Science, philosophy and society

From my point of view, we are absolutely live in the matrix, and the life is not real that we live. So if we think carefully and logically, we can admit that the life we live in is not real.

Belief in black magic and witchcraft

The ideas related to a concept of the sacred, as the basis of magic and witchcraft, will be considered. Convenience may be cited: it was convenient for the church to lump its own heresies, rival systems of faith, inexplicable spiritual phenomena - in fact, almost all the threats to its own primacy - into a โ†’

Artificial birth control

Artificial birth control is also refers to the use of any medication, barrier or device to prevent pregnancy. Barrier Method The barrier method is one type of artificial birth control and as the name implies, barrier contraceptives use some sort of barrier to prevent sperm from reaching an egg.

Data comm

To give users permissions right click the database and choose properties then select permissions, if the user you want to grant permission to is not on the list you can search and select their name and then check the permission you want to grant them. The DHCP server leases the device an IP address that โ†’

After the battle

A jumble of limbs and skin, not that I knew it, I was just another fragment of the landscape, a surface of khaki and blood, surrounded the shore, clouded a dusky pink where a ship sat deserted and alone. But to my dismay all I saw were gashes of light that came to me like โ†’

Faults in badminton

If the shuttle is caught and held on the racket and then slung during the execution of a stroke.- If the shuttle is hit twice in succession by the same player with two strokes.- If the shuttle is hit by a player and the player's partner successively or touches a player's racket and continues towards โ†’

Biogenerics: how far have we come?

The similar quality, safety, efficacy and the reduced cost of biogenerics compared to the reference brand product have arisen the interest of developing biogeneric products in oncology. This may be due to the insufficient evidence of biogenerics quality and the lack of policies relating to such products.

Three fundamental elements of an effective access control solution

Authentication and Access control.3.lf you can browse a file on a Windows network share but are not able to copy it or modify it what type of access controls and permissions are probably configured? What is two-factor authentication and why is it an effective access control technique?

Claudio โ€“ โ€˜a man of honour betrayedโ€™?

At the beginning of the play when the messenger enters he describes Claudio as having: " the figure of a lamb, the feats of a lion." Claudio is considered a man of honour, he is praised in battle and is portrayed as a great soldier; he is said to be noble Claudio". To understand the โ†’

Grand challenges in psychosomatic research

J, and Ness, A.R. A, and Dube, M.P.

Marslowโ€™s hierarchy of needs theory

It is based on the belief that the efforts of the employees lead to organizational performance, which make the employees be rewarded. Motivation results from the rewards givens, which means the more positive the reward is the more motivated the employee will be.

All about russia

There were two revolutions in Russia: First Revolution was the overthrowing of the Tsar and formation of the Provisional Government and the other was the October revolution in which Bolsheviks overthrew the Provisional Government. But by the late 1980s, the weaknesses in the economic and political structures led the Communist leaders to embark upon the โ†’

Marketing research of the promotion strategy

The purpose of this research is to investigate the students in mainland China in terms of their motivation to study in HECK as well as the information searching pattern when they evaluate the desired universities. Moreover, the report measures the perceptions of the students in terms of their motivation to study in HECK, their preference โ†’

A natural-resource-based view of the firm

The goal of this article is, therefore, to insert the natural environment into the resource-based view - to develop a natural-resource-based view of the firm. However, it has only been during the past decade that a bona: fide theory, known as the resource-based view of the firm, has emerged, articulating the relationships among firm resources, โ†’

Description of the sonnet 104 by william shakespeare

In the first quatrain, the poet focuses on his beloved, exploring the theme of beauty and aging. This last line of the quatrain shows that his beloved is a fresh beauty.

Once the initial layer

Once the initial layer soaked the entire area of the canvas, other colors were added to create the effect of the painting. Fraternally used the same technique of covering the canvas with an initial diluted color and allowing it to seep into the canvas as a beginning of the piece.

Trade issues between developed and developing nations

Trade Problems 1 Trade Issues between Developed and Developing Nations Friday, January 22, 2010 Trade Problems 2 There are trade problems that exist for a less developed nation when trading with a more developed nation. Most of the inventory problems have to do with thefoodsecurity and livelihood of the people.

Second foundation 12. lord

Kalgan was at the service, therefore, successively - and successfully - of the effete and perfumed dandies of the Imperial Court with their sparkling and libidinous ladies; of the rough and raucous warlords who ruled in iron the worlds they had gained in blood, with their unbridled and lascivious wenches; of the plump and luxurious โ†’

Applying change, leadership, and advocacy theories to disadvantaged and vulnerable populations

In relation to foster care, advocacy needs to start from the selection of children to join foster care, to how the training of foster parents can be carried out successfully. In a nutshell, it is explicitly clear that advocacy plays a crucial role in terms of bettering the lives of children in foster care.

World war i and the war in iraq

Until World War II, it was often called the Great War because it was the most destructive and widespread war the world had ever seen. The war was at least partly responsible for the success of the Russian revolution and the rise of Communism.

Healthsouth fraud

Based on our text, Beam knew he was stretching the truth because he continued to believe that the investors had to have some kind of knowledge of what he was doing. According to my understanding of the 3 levels of Kohlberg's moral development, I would place Beam in Level Two; Stage Three: Interpersonal Concordance Orientation, โ†’

Short research essay on andy warhol and his influences on identity

Sending the message to millions of Americans that anyone had the potential to be famous and being eccentric was a good thing. Warhol's work catered to the general public and all members of society, blurring the lines between race, gender and class.

Assessment and learners

Summarise types of information that should be made available to learners and others involved in the assessment process Students should be made aware of the criteria in which they will be assessed from the start of the course as well as the forms of assessments that will be used during the process and the length โ†’

History of sunnah

At the time of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam: One of the main reasons behind this is the fact that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam clearly taught the Companions may Allaah be pleased with them the importance of his Sunnah, its place in Islam and their role in saving it, teaching and conveying โ†’

Focus journal # 20, sharon olds, the promise, 591

These lines allow the reader to see how much the couple love each other, and the enjoyment they have together. The feeling of love and compassion is so great during this poem.III.

Aristotle or a post-modern anti-hero?

There are merely shades of darkness in the spaghetti western, and the same can be said for most of the characters in On the Road, set as it is within a world of constant wandering throughout America that is in some ways very similar to a western. So in the manner of both the hero โ†’

Lifestyle of rococo era

The fist manifestation of the Rococo Era was in the decorative arts and the interior designs. The emergence of the Rococo era can be considered as the artists as well as the society's reaction to the heavy works that the Baroque style has created.

Surgical instruments

The ancient Hindus also used lancets to carry out cataract surgery, scalpels to restore amputated noses via plastic surgery, and sharp knives to remove bladder stones. The ancient Hindus used lancets to carry out cataract surgery, scalpels to restore amputated noses via plastic surgery, and sharp knives to remove bladder stones.described the use of ligatures.

Faber s three things

Books at least allow the reader to put them down, giving people time to think and reason about the information they contain. If they read and determine that something should be changed, then they would have the right to take action and stand up for what they believe in.

Production scheduling and control

The simulation that was used showed how efficient and effective batching is especially during the peak hours because it was able to significantly reduce the presence of variability in the business operations. The graph that was provided in the website clearly shows that with batching, more people are seated and the number of those waiting โ†’

A short story roselily by alice walker

Literature is called the mirror of life; it is also called a mode of the expression of feelings and emotions. The way I understand the short story, Roselily's story is, as it is presented to the reader through Roselily's thoughts as she is in the middle of her wedding, a reflection of Black Americans' and โ†’

Bureaucracy and public policy

According to the analysis of the mentioned categories, Brehm and Gates come to the conclusion that in many cases it's impossible for supervisors to coordinate the actions of street-level bureaucrats, and thus the public policy which they carry out on a high level might appear very different from the policy which is actually provided on โ†’

Effects of irresponsible business practices

In other words, corporations need to be aware that their actions are not being conducted in isolation and that they are now accountable to the kinds of issues that affect consumers or employees. This is largely because the public felt that it was their responsibility to engage in sociable causes.

Telephones versus face to face

If a student andteacherwere to have a face to face discussion, the student would be able to grasp more information compared to if the teacher was to write down all of the information instead. The reason for this is because the information displayed on the plasma screens are more general and implies to most of โ†’

2- religion does not cause wars

It is important to keep mind two things though 1) that the Christians had been in possession of the land until the Muslims seized in the 700s AD and thought they were just taking it back and 2) that it was not just Christians versus Muslims. But regardless, the point is that it was one โ†’

Coram, robert boyd: the fighter pilot who changed the art of war

As an engineer, Boyd codified the principles of energy-maneuverability, and evaluated all of the fighter aircraft of the time using the equations he developed. Boyd and his associates, if only to hear the tall tales of a meritorious veteran warrior-scholar.

The digital economy

Some of that is already being experienced in the way that many people now shop online for items and have them delivered directly to the intended recipients, instead of waiting around in long lines in crowded stores, only to find out that the store is out of whatever it is the person wanted anyway. Another โ†’

The jack-roller: a delinquent boyโ€™s own story

In the detention home, Stanley was able to meet other criminal that furthermore gave him positive reinforcement of crime, " I was really awed by the bravery and wisdom of the older crooks. The social learning theory supports Stanley's case because his family, peers, school, and hisenvironmentall directed him into a life of crime.