Genuine Research Paper Examples

Final exam: career management recommendation

Recommendation I am recommending a restructuring of employee mentorship and incentive programs to increase employee morale and decrease turnover.a) Mandatory Employee Goal Statements b) Upper Management Mentorship Twice a Quarter Upper Management team members will provide employees with Goal feedback and assessment * Twice a Quarter Mini Management Training Seminars c) Goal Completion Incentive Packages →

Dunking’ donuts and issue of unemployment

Argentina is considered to have a great knowledge in biotechnology and that's actually one of the fields that Argentina is having cooperation with U.S. The main problem in Argentina's legal situation is related to corruption and problems that it's causing.

Development of employment law

The Unfair Dismissal Act The Unfair Dismissal Act 1971 was a vital step in employment law under the Industrial Relations Act. According to The Guardian, the new proposal by Beecroft presents a delicate situation for the survival of the Unfair Dismissal Act.

Japanese employment practices

Considering the high performance of the US economy in the 1990s, Neoliberals, based on the universal relevance of liberal markets, argue that the Japanese model is dead, and that Japan must adopt the US liberal market model. However, neither the neoliberals' argument for simple convergence towards a liberal market economy nor the institutionalists' claim for →

Employment torts: information guide

HELD: -The employers were not liable to D for the injury caused to him by the defective drift, because they had fulfilled their duty to him as their servant, namely, a duty to take reasonable care to provide proper appliances, and were not responsible for the negligence of the manufacturers, who had no contractual relationship →

Ban the use of phones while driving

In all of these, there is a recognition that the use of mobile phones per se is greatly beneficial to the majority of the population, save for its use while driving a vehicle as the social evil that results from it is too grave to warrant a lenient position from the state and concerned citizens. →

A perky way to productivity

Employee benefits attract employees to join a company and or make them decide to stay long in the company they are in to achieve higher compensations and more benefits. Modification of such is to cope with the employee competition in which companies strive to get and maintain quality employees that serve as assets to the →

Effects of it & employment

Informationtechnologymakes it easier to do the tasks that would have been more difficult and time consuming without it, a prime example of which is the use of the word processor instead of the manual typewriter. Com and other social networking sites to get information on the shooting.

Law of tort

The Court of Appeal was of the opinion that since the introduction of the Occupiers Liability Act 1984, the courts should not strain to imply a license. This was based on the principle of free will and that to hold otherwise would deny the social benefit to the majority of the users of the park →

Compensation: methods and policies

Organizations apply pay differentials to recognize employees' different contribution to the organization, to communicate a changed emphasis on important job roles, skills, and knowledge, to emphasize the norms of the organization without having employees change jobs, that is promotion, to avoid violating the internal equity norms and to recognize market changes between jobs. 1) Merit →

Exercise 40 chi squared

One of the key concepts in hypothesis testing is that of significance level or, the alpha level, which specifies the probability level for the evidence to be an unreasonable estimate. In medical research, ANOVA is used to test the effectiveness of a drug".

Anatomy of blood cells exercise 32


Exercise 29

99 is significant because it shows that the physical functioning and health functioning of both the men and women in this study were almost the same across the board. This t ratio is significant because it shows that the mental health of the women versus the men in this study was the largest difference.* 5.

Intro to exercise science notes

Movement of the body Adaptations to movement How has EXECS evolved? Role of Pays DEHarvardFatigue Laboratory Krause-Weber test results Professional associations American College of Sports Medicine Developed as a " unique blend of physicaleducation, medicine, and physiology" Provides significant public outreach Works to shape public policy Disseminates scholarly research Broad-based coursework Anatomy and physiology Biological →

The pros and cons to physical education

By insisting that they attend and participate in at least 60 minutes of physical education a day, the school system is ensuring that each child is given a chance to exercise and a chance at a healthier lifestyle. While the placement of funding is still up for debate the fact that physical education classes provide →

Human physical appearance

A lot of times people misjudge others by the way they look and a lot of people do not know how that it can sometimes affect or hurt someone. We know that it is wrong for other people to look upon others and judge them but nobody is perfect.

Federal policy

What is the pathway of energy in the cells? What are the classes of levers? orce Second Class- weight is between the fulcrum and the force Third Class - the forc is bwtween the fulcrum and the weight pg198 Describe the domains/skills of physical education Cognitive- Development of intellectual skills -acquisition and application of knowledge →

Reaction about the national sports and physical education association standards

The National Sports and PhysicalEducationAssociation came up with the 3rd edition of the National Guidelines and Standards for the Physical EducationTeacherEducation which provides programs with guidance on the 2008 Initial and Advanced national physical education teacher training standards. The elements which must be done by the teacher started in describing and applying the scientific concepts →

Stretching and activity

Part II: Design a Warm-up for Your Personal Needs For each of the following, describe what you will do to prepare your body for the activity that you selected in Part 1, #1. Part III: Design a Cool-down for Your Personal Needs For each of the following, describe what you will do for your cool-down →

Provide support for mobility

Provide support for mobility Outcome 1 Understand the importance of mobility 1.define mobility Mobility is defined as, * being able to move or be moved freely and easily * the ability to move physically * The ability to move a part of the body 2.explain how differenthealthconditions may affect and be affected by mobility No →

Health and fitness research paper examples

Activities such as fitness and exercises help the mind to be alert and active for the students. Health and fitness project such as the sexuality training and counseling are good in promoting the health of children with respect to their ages.

Inputs are the physical objects or information that goes into a system

The mobile phones which they purchase from the supplier are inputs to the system of the mobile service provider. From the example, although the Customer Service Department is part of the system to ensure smooth delivery of mobile handsets and mobile services, we can see that it is in fact a system by itself to →

History of physical education

The text begins with the beginning of the humankind engaging in physical activities, showing the history of physical education and sport being a rich tapestry of people, places, events and social forces from early civilization to the present time through transitional periods. INTRODUCTION The ground of education as a whole is going through remarkable challenges →

Exercise 10: acid base balance

41 Describe what happened to the pH and the carbon dioxide in the blood with hyperventilation. Describe what happened to the pH and the PCO2 levels in the blood during rebreathing.

Comitatus & chivalry

The term later on evolved to describe the dynamics that exists between a warrior and his Lord. When we talk of chivalry, we conjure images of a knight in shining armor, ready and able to rescue us from our dire circumstances Comitatus is a code that binds soldiers to their commanders, while chivalry is a →

Medieval armor

Job interviews are used to give the potential employer a chance to screen you further to determine if you are qualified for the job and to see if you will fit in with the organization. As I indicated on the phone, you will need to send your $450 security deposit in order to reserve a →

The european chivalry: the ideals and practices

I will be delving into the true meaning behind the principles and what it means to be a knight devoted to the ideals of chivalry. While knights were required to defend the church, they were also expected to defend the weak, according to the Code of Chivalry.

Middle ages: overview

The golden age was also a part of the middle ages. In conclusion, the Middle Ages were a time of faith, feudalism, and desire for knowledge.

Who should have been king in 1066?

The King of England was usually the son or another close relation of the previous king. Edgar should have been king because he was of royal blood and was the closest relation to Edward.

Medieval philosophy st. anselm, an archbishop of canterbury

Anselm was a very wise young man for seeking the wisdom of God and that is why he was given the gift of knowledge. His gift was the ability to spread the word of God and his faith in him.

Social classes of england in the victorian era

The Great Exhibition of 1851 took place in London, lauding the technical and industrial advances of the age, and strides in medicine and the physical sciences continued throughout the century. The dress of the early Victorian era was similar to the the Georgian age.

Renaissance research paper

Others believe Italian Renaissance began with Giotto in 1267 to 1337, who is considered to be the first painter to have broken the tradition of Byzantine art at the end of the middle ages. Marlowe begins by persuading his woman to take him in as a friend and finally, persuades her of a powerful love →

Brazil world cup

The relationship between the FIFFA president Sepp Blatter and Brazil president Dilma Rousseff has been rocky, especially when the realization hit that Brazil is facing some alarming delays when it comes to the hosting of the 2014 world cup. The FIFFA president had asked for talks with Rousseff concerning the collapse of the relationship of →

Sexism in football

Sky Sports were broadcasting the match on live television, Presenters Andy Gray and Richard Keys were preparing to cover the pre game coverage, when the two named above began to talk about the female linesman Sian Massey and what they thought about her in a very discriminating fashion The commentators, who apparently believed their microphones →

What is the best way of explaining football hooliganism?

In other words: it is war minus the shooting." The best way to explain football hooliganism is to perceive it in the same context as war. Overall, the best way to explain football hooliganism is in the same context as war through territory, humanitarian law/ moral codes and of course, masculinity.

Ballet or football

A good sport has a certain level of safety to keep the participants safe and requires a lot of teamwork so that every is playing together. They use their lower body strength to push out of a plie to a pique turn and have to maintain the core strength, so they do not wobble too →

Diego armando maradona

Thus, the aim of this paper is to analyze the contribution of Maradona in the soccer world and extrapolates it to the sport world. In the 1986 World Cup, Maradona was the captain and contributed a lot into the winning of the 1986 FIFA World Cup.

American football

Football is played at a professional level all over the world, and millions of people regularly go to football stadium to follow their favorite team, whilst millions more avidly watch the game on television. The star I admired most in football is Lionel Andres Messi, nicknamed Leo Messi, is a former Argentine football player and →

Cricket world cup

The format of games was the same as in the 1975 World Cup. The top two teams in each group qualified for the semifinals, and the winners of this played the final The final was played between India and the West Indies at the Lords ground in England.

Sample essay on research project: interview with joseph blatter

I want only growth of this game in the world. FIFA has to develop football and not to sink in the scandals.Q.

Twitter users cheer thursday night football live video

The CBS live feed marked the first time an NFL game had been broadcast on Twitter and the event quickly began to trend on thesocial mediaplatform in the United States. Available on Twitter's platform worldwide, Thursday's game was the first of 10 that the microblogging site plans to stream as it seeks to make itself →

The highlight reel of marxism in american football

Leaving many to wonder the lag in the responsiveness for the NFL to make drastic changes after all the NFL is only has approx 1, 900 players a season, leaving the separate class structures such as high school football and college football to absorb the majority of injuries related to football ndustry. Explanation in the →

The undefined american dream

In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald uses the characters of Nick, Daisy, and Gatsby to exemplify false hope that the American Dream is often unfulfill. Nick observes Gatsby a lot because he uses to live in the West Egg and moves to the East believing it can be the best life he will possibly get but →

American dream or american nightmare

A couple negative aspects of renting would be, if someone a property that was not protected by the rent control and the landlord was able to consistently raise the rent. In my final paper I plan to give statistics on how many homes have been foreclosed and how many people have ended up homeless in →

American dream

The American dream may still exist, despite the failing economy and lack of jobs, the downfall of the public school system, the budget deficits, and the warfare overseas. Herbert blames the government and their failed promises to make society better for the reasons that the American dream is not what it used to be.

American dream is still alive

Today there are many problems with the economy; there are many people out there who think there's no such thing as the American Dream anymore." The creation of a government that is out of control, and thus out of touch, robs every citizen, preventing fulfillment of the original American Dream. Jobs are still hard to →

Recipe for the american dream

Money is an important ingredient in making the American Dream become a reality, and Americans experience constant reminders of the need to live the dream, through the media and peers. Work is what causes his father to withdraw from his family, and there is no doubt that the American Dream is what spearheads the separation.

The american dream: walt disney’s cinderella and ron howard’s cinderella man research paper

This is attributed to the fact that the original ideas and the fundamental principals that founded the dream are quickly fading away given the changing fortunes of the average American. It is the people's imitation of Disney world and their unwavering desire to attain and live the dream that compels them to work so hard.

The low-wage worker wanting the american dream

Polyester states, " Fewer than one percent of Americans break out of the class they are born into." She goes on to tell about her parents and their dream of class jumping, and how they devote their lives to it. Her parents tried and pushed hard to come out of the class they were in.

Homeland of the free

The dream is not what it is but, the dream is what you want it to be. We have to work hard to " bring back our mighty dream again." The vision of America that Hughes shows is that the not what it should be.

What is the immigrants american dream?

The idea of the American Dream is rooted in the second sentence of the Declaration of Independence which states that " all men are created equal". This is what I mean when I retort that, the dream has been misinterpreted across various levels of people in America.

Willy loman & the american dream

Howard, Wally's employer, does not want to cope with his dream, and Instead of handing Wily the promotion that Wily believed he deserved, he lays Wily off of his sales position because of his inability to produce. Order to achieve Willis view of business success on the basis of being " well liked," he must →

Financial aspects of corporate governance

In the mid-1990s, the early integration strategy of seeking to harmonies substantive company law seemed to have been stalled by the need to reconcile fundamental differences in approaches to corporate governance. Supervisory Function: A supervisory board or supervisory committee, often called board of directors, is a group of individuals chosen by the stockholders of a →

Good governance in pakistan

This is the reason of failure of governance in Pakistan. It is essential for the process of functioning.

The salvation army and stakeholder governance

Stakeholders in the organisation are not owners in any aspect and neither do they work in the organization but partner with the organisation in ventures that are of interest to both of them. Being part of the projects the stakeholders have expectations on the information they should get from the institution regarding thefinancethey contribute and →

Corporate governance at wipro

Report of SEBI committee on Corporate Governance defines corporate governance as the acceptance by management of the inalienable rights of shareholders as the true owners of the corporation and of their own role as trustees on behalf of the shareholders. It is important to understand, though, that reliance by a company on the integrity and →

Cyberpolitics and e-governance

The traditional news and information new such as TV and newspapers are increasingly using the contents of these websites as a source of their information. The use of traditional methods of obtaining information has been declining gradually after the 2008 presidential campaign with a drop in both TV news and daily newspapers.

Progressivism dbq

After much thought, I have decided to give $600, 000 to the meat packing plant, $300, 000 to child labor, and $100, 000 to women's rights. It also states that " thousands of RA TTS would race about" on the pile of dirty meat, and there would be " handfuls of the dried d dung →

Corporate governance and forensic accountants’ role

Corporate governance is defined as the formal mechanism of direction, supervision and control put in place within a company in order to monitor the decisions and actions of its senior managers and ensure these are compatible and consistent with the specific interest of shareholders and the various other interests of shareholders who contribute to the →

General principles of good governance

Professional Competence When we talk of professional competence, we refer to patients' expectations that the professional they come into contact with will be up to the job. Professional competence requires a firm educational grounding, followed by a period of formal training to acquire the relevant knowledge and skills in the workplace.

Implementation of good governance in pakistan

CAUSES OF CORRUPTION IN PAKISTAN 1. Inconsiderable salaries: It is one of the major causes of corruption.

Nairobi securities exchange

6 Objective of the study The general objective of this study is to examine the effects of voluntary disclosure on the cost of equity of capital. To determine the effect of financial information voluntary disclosure on the cost of equity capital.iii).

Protecting interest of the minority shareholders

The majority shareholders treats the company as his own, and acts accordingly, to the detriment of the other shareholders, or where there is a breakdown in the relationship of the shareholders or any of their number, which gives rise to questions about the future ownership and control of the Company. On the other hand, where →

Hr governance

HR governance is the practice of making effective decisions regarding the human resources of the organization and the efficient controlling of them. To measure the impact of HR governance on sustainable human resource development.

Corporate governance at bp (british petroleum)

Unlike other multinationals where a corporation is directed and governed by a small coterie which consists of the unelected chief executives and other senior executives at BP, the real power lies in the hands of the shareholders. At BP the shareholders are the real owners who delegate their authority to the board which governs and →

Corporate governance case on apple

Since Steven Jobs is the only executive director, he is not a member of any of the three committees, this would violate the separation of ownership and control. The board is supposed to represent the interest of the shareholders, so there is a breach in the governance mechanism here.

Tyco international- corporate malfeasance

Dennis Kowalski was able to work his way to the top of Tyco and take the CEO position in 1992. Overall, Tyco should still compete in this industry because of the constant demand and the potential to have a product go above and beyond expectations.

Corporate governance in malaysia ; us

The High Level Finance Committee was established in 1999 under the Ministry of Finance to review and address the corporate governance issues in the aftermath of the Financial Crisis. The US government reacted to the wave of wrongdoing by endorsing the most comprehensive corporate-reform law, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and the modification of the →

Pr plan for m&s clothing

Aims and Objectives The primary aim of this PR and marketing agenda is essentially to reinvent the positioning of the M&S clothing division, so that it is not forced into having to discount and is therefore able to maintain stronger profit margins. Yet, it is necessary for the fashionable element of the product to be →

Child abuse and maltreatment in school-age years

Statistics indicate that a closefamilymember or someone that the child knows is the perpetrator of most sexual abuse. Some of the warning signs of sexual abuse include a child's knowledge of sexual acts, seductive behaviors of a child, excessive aggression, uninhibited behavior, or fear of a certain family member.

Research paper on impact of child abuse on the quality of life

Despite the existing elaborate research, the specific impact of emotional abuse and neglect is not studied in a greater depth as compared to the commonly studied consequences of other forms of abuse. Apart from the social, behavioral and psychological impact of child emotional abuse and neglect, it is also true to state that child abuse →

What is a parental capacity assessment?

According to Brandon et al, both substance misuse and psychopathology play a significant role in the abuse and neglect of children. Research findings suggest that the impact of parental substance abuse on children and young people is influenced by the chronological age, stage of development and the extent of vulnerability.

School counselors and child abuse

Unfortunately, it is a cold fact that child abuse exists all over the world, but fortunately educators and individuals in human services are beginning to open the eyes of many individuals about the power they have in prevention, intervening and changing the lives of those affected by the horrid effect of child abuse. School counselors →

Skeletal survey

According to centers for disease control and prevention, child abuse is any act or series of act or neglect from the parent or other care provider that harm the child. Also the ability of doing post processing provide the ability to modify the image to avoid repeating the examinations and provide the ability to compare →

Free research paper on child abuse and long term effects

The phase and developmental prominence of the victim, the maltreatment victim faced the frequency of maltreatment, and the relationship that exists between child and perpetrator are popular factors that are likely to influence extent of consequences. A section of therapists believe that sexual abuse can lead to trauma enough to erase memories of the abuse →

Research paper on effects of child abuse prevention and treatment act 2010

The purpose for this clause is to ensure that the issue of child protection is for the whole society and all members of the public also have a duty to ensure the cases of child neglect and abuse are minimized. On the side of the victims, failure to abide by this law may increases cases →

Example of research paper on child abuse: causes and prevention

The mentioned are all forms of particular kinds of abuse that are seen and experienced by children who breathe and survive within the walls of domestic violence and thus experience child abuse on a daily basis. Child Abuse in the Context of Domestic Violence: Prevalence, Explanations, and Practice Implications.

Social learning theory

The research will use the following working definitions: Dependent Variables: Deviant behavior after abuse: The behavior of the victim shown after the abuse had happened to him or her. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Juveniles Age: Age the first time that you were exposed to criminal behavior or crime?

Child abuse and maltreatment

While the definition of child abuse and neglect changes from state to state, it is defined by The Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act as, at minimum: Any recent act orfailureto act on the part of a parent or caretaker which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation; or →

Types of child abuse and their outcomes research paper sample

Some form of child abuse has been around since the beginning of times, although child abuse was not as prominent as it has become in the nineteenth century, child abuse of some type has been known to the government. In 1974 the U.S.the escalating rate of child abuse prompted the Congress to pass the Child →

Good cynicism and bitterness from world war 1 research paper example

Moreover, the League of Nations that was formed after World War one was inadequate to handle the world and mistreated various states and world order between World War two's initiation and World War one's finale. Cynicism and Bitterness is also portrayed through visual arts that were created after World War one and solely in a →

Research paper on why the united states want to rebuild japan after the world war

It was an event of total war between some of the world's leaders in terms of economic and military capabilities such as the United States of American, France, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union which was during that time headed by the Russian Empire, China, Poland, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Greece, Norway, the →

Free research paper on japanese mistakes on their attack at pearl harbor

One of the main reasons why the harbor was built is because it was intended to be used as a headquarters for the United States Navy particularly the U. S could be a threat to the success of their plans of invading the pacific countries to increase the territory covered by the Japanese Empire.

Origins of cold war research papers examples

The second section of this paper will discuss who started the Cold War and the important events, individuals and ideas that shaped the development of the Cold War. The Origins of the Cold War.

Court systems

The federal court system was established by the legislative body under the influence of the Constitution of the United States. In the state court system, each individual state has a separate system of courts that operated under the Constitution and laws of that particular state.

Visit to court

I stepped into the entrance and the first thing I see is security woman with desk in front of the court. Then she asked us to come one by one, so that my group member would go first and I was waiting him outside of the entrance.

Crim justice

Which of the following describes the scientific study of the causes and prevention of crime and the rehabilitation and punishment of offenders? a. The preliminary hearing is used to decide whether: a.there are reasonable grounds to believe the defendant committed the crime.b.the crime that occurred is a felony.c.the defendant is fit to stand trial.d.the defendant →

Research paper

Ignorance of not knowing the law is not an adequate excuse, that may be necessarily true, but if the country wants to be considered " fair" then the court system needs to understand that children and teens are not adults. No matter what the crime the juvenile is still a juvenile and should only be →

Russia bans linkedin after court ruling

LinkedIn, which has its headquarters in the United States, is the first major social network to be blocked by Russian authorities, setting a precedent for the way foreign Internet firms operate. The Kremlin said that the decision was legal and that President Vladimir Putin did not plan to interfere in the case.

Supreme court of the united states and reasonable accommodation

The rules governing the events include the " Rules of Golf," which apply at all levels of amateur and professional golf and do not prohibit the use of golf carts, and the " hard card," which applies specifically to the PGA tour and requires the players to walk the course during most of a tournament. →

Should society act now to forestall global warming

He uses the Black Body concept to determine absorption and emission of radiation to explain the relationship of the Earth to the Sun. The purpose of the study shows a difference between the mean temperature of the Earth and what is calculated by adding the presence of GHG's in the atmosphere since the Industrial Age.Mr.

Ozone depletion and global warming

The visual aid was very useful to his persuasive speech and his performance of pursuing the audience to act. The structure and source the speaker used to back up his speech was overall amazing and very useful in creating a persuasive speech of my own.

Global warming: the government’s little white lie

Global warming happens all the time and it's not because of carbon dioxide or human interaction and is more of a political issue than reality. The polar ice caps are another object that scientist like to grab ahold of to push their idea of global warming.

Good example of drugs use causes increased crime rates research paper

Among several studies of the concept that drugs lead to crime, Gottfredson et that following more than two decades of research by the Drug Abuse Research Center of UCLA, it was concluded that " crime was an inherent part of illegal drug use and the commission of property crimes almost always increased to support →

Alcohol use disorder

Alcohol-induced psychiatric syndromes The essential feature of alcohol-induced psychiatric syndromes is the presence of prominent and persistent symptoms, which are judged- based on their onset and course as well as on the patient's history, physical exam, and laboratory findings to be the result of the direct physiological effects of alcohol. The accuracy of these measures →

Is it ethical to expel children carrying drugs or alcohol to school

Is expulsion of a child found In possession of narcotics in the best Interests of society and the child In question? It is important to also mention that since most of the children procured the absences from a knowing or unknowing adult, should the adult be vicariously responsible for the child takeresponsibilityand face the consequences →