Genuine Research Paper Examples

The case for christ

Refers to the fact that Jesus was a descendant of David, that he was the Messiah, that he was betrayed, that he was tried, crucified for our sins, and buried, and that he rose again on the third day and was seen by many people including James, the brother of Jesus who had not believed β†’

Formational hermeneutics

The story of who Jesus is remains consistent throughout the pages of Scripture according to Stan Janet and Bruce Bicker: Jesus Christ is God in the flesh, The Messiah, The Savior of the World. This same power is at work in the world and available to Followers of Christ today!

Relation between verse from micah and ministry of jesus

His ultimate expression of love is when he obeys God the father to lay down his life for the benefit of everyone in spite of the fact that he is not guilty of sin. Jesus Christ does not deserve the death that he is been through but he sacrifices himself in exchange for the salvation β†’

The political establishment in germany succeeded in maintaining

Adding to this point; others could argue against moderate reform being the main cause of maintaining status quo on the basis that it was down to the use of force. To do this they could refer to the Herero uprising this makes clear the weaknesses of moderate reform maintaining status quo by showing one way β†’

The rearmament of germany in the 1920s and 30s

As a result of the Treaty of Versailles, which Germany was forced to sign, the entire cause of the war was placed on Germany. At the beginning of the Weimar Republic, during the demobilization and the formation of the new troops, there was no clear distinction between legal and illegal parts of the army.

Weimar republic – political, social and economic issues

The bitterness at Germany's defeat in the Great War and the humiliation of the Treaty of Versailles had not been forgotten but most Germans appear to have come to terms with the new Republic and its leaders. The Chancellor and the Cabinet needed to be approved by the Reichstag and needed the Reichstag's continued support β†’

Nazi germany totalitarian state

When there is any overt reaction at all, it consists of a sigh followed by the half-rhetorical, halfwistful question, " Why must mankind always wage wars? " The average German looks for the causes of the last war not in the acts of the Nazi regime, but in the events that led to the expulsion β†’

The american military government in germany during world

The main objective of the allied forces was to end the Nazism in Germany and put the country on the way to democracy. Officers of the US Military Government The US military government in Germany was a result of effective planning and training for years." The training of the military government officers and enlisted men β†’

Modern history germany 1918-1945

To what extent did the weaknesses in the Weimar Republic account for the growth and rise to power of the Nazi Party to 1933? The new government was the body that signed the Treaty of Versailles, and to many, this was a betrayal.

The architecture of sans souci palace in germany

In 1746, Knobelsdorff, the interior decorator was fired because of a dissension about the site of the castle in the park. He employed the designer Ludwig Persius to reconstruct and enlarge the castle, while Ferdinand von Arnim was charged with bettering the evidences and therefore the position from the castle.[ 1 ] For the German β†’

History of the unification of germany

To accurately understand the reasoning behind the unification, one must look at the history preceding it The after-effects of the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire; The significance of the French revolutions and Napoleonic Wars on Germanic national identity; the degradation of Austria's national power; the introduction of the Zollverein in 1834 and the Prussian β†’

Assess the main reasons for the unification of germany in 1871

In 1862, Bismarck said that ' the great questions of the day will be settled by blood and iron.' Although there is undoubtedly some degree of accuracy in this statement, the most important reason for the unification of Germany, which ended ' the great questions of the day,' was ' coal and iron.' This is β†’

Gcse history revision notes – germany

The appeal of the Nazis In the 1920s, the Nazis tried to be all things to all people. Under Stresemann's guidance, the government called off the strike, persuaded the French to leave the Ruhr and even got the rest of the world to allow Germany to join the League of Nations in 1926.

Modern germany research paper examples

Otto Von Bismarck was a renowned German nationalist who rose through the ranks to become the Prime Minister of Prussia and later went to become the first Chancellor of the unified German Empire in 1871. Continuing sinking of vessels caused the United States to take a stand and declare war on Germany.

Frederick ii of germany

Members of these groups are said to be recruited after a meeting of the church council in France where the Pope had called upon " knights" to go to the Holy Land and free the Christians from the Muslim rule. That was said to be the start of the eight crusades in the next 200 β†’

Why germany lost the first world war

Some reasons to why the allies won the war were because of; Germany had to fight a war on two fronts, the unstable political situation in Germany, the allied naval blockade, German economy, failureof the schlieffen plan, interception of the Zimmerman telegram, the German naval blockade on Britain, development of the tank and anti-submarine weapons, β†’

Eugenics in nazi germany

After public protest against the euthanasia killings, Adolf Hitler ordered a halt to the Euthanasia Program. One year after Hitler's public halt to all euthanasia killing on August 1942, German medical professionals and healthcare workers resumed the killings in a more concealed manner than previous programs.

Child development project pigged and viscosity

They need to be able to recognize the numbers that are played down and the colors that are being played. I believe that Pigged and Viscosity would believe this game contributes to a child's ability to master processing skills because they have to know heir colors and be able to match numbers with the cards β†’

Contribution of the eyfs to young children’s development and learning

When the children are brought together through EYFS, the practitioners are able to acknowledge individual child's ability and be fully aware of what they can learn, thus allow them to plan and provide for every stage in the learning process. The practitioner is able to judge the extent of their engagement with the children during β†’

Why is the field of child development considered interdisciplinary?

Question 3 2 out of 2 points Why is the field of child development considered interdisciplinary? Answer the prenatal period pH 2 out to 2 points The field of child development is often divided into what three broad domains?

Research on breastfeeding and its effects

" Breastfeeding is the process of feeding a mother's breast milk to her infant, either directly from the breast or by expressing the milk from the breast and bottle-feeding it to the infant". Something to take into consideration if this is a problem is to avoid giving the baby any kind of formula in place β†’

Understand child development and young person development

0-2 Years Physical Development: The baby lies supine The baby turns its head towards light and stares at bright and shiny objects The baby can lift the head briefly from the prone position Legs can kick vigorously both separately and together The baby is beginning to use a palmer grasp and can transfer objects from β†’

Defining capitalism and command economies

Microeconomics and macroeconomics are different in that microeconomics is the study of the individual and business decisions that affect the economy, whereas macroeconomics is the study of national and global economy. Together, micro and macroeconomics examine the decisions of individuals, businesses, the government, and society and how all of these people deal with making and β†’

Future financial stability

The majority of column inches dedicated to the divisive issue of studentfinancefocus mainly on how students are going to manage to repay the substantial debts they are likely to incur in this process. This may be, but basing the figures on that of young graduates and projecting the forecasts over a forty-year period fails to β†’


Of paramount importance to any study of Runescape within its context, is understanding the ideals of society. Conclusion We can conclude that the Runescape is both a need and a want.

Fordist to post-fordist production

The basic feature of capitalism is the 'financing of economic activity by the investment of capital in the expectation of profit'. His theories were published almost a century before Fordism became heavily used in industry, yet his predictions as to the future of capitalism seem eerily prophetic with regards to the apparent alienation and conflict β†’

Capitalism europe

The Dutch and English supported the growth of capitalism because the English East India Company and their Dutch counterpart were two large trading companies that spread the ideas of capitalism on a larger scale than ever before. The putting out system was system in which capitalist entrepreneurs delivered unfinished materials to rural households where the β†’

What is working capital?

The various elements of working capital are interrelated and can be seen as part of a short-term cycle To put this another way, working capital is to a company what water is to a plant. The working capital cycle is utilized to determine the time from any investment outlay or investment in current assets to β†’

Working capital

It measures a company's ability to replace its working capitalIt measures the working capital support to the revenuesIt measures the liquidity position of the companyIt measures the profitability position of the company Q8. In the case inventory & cash balance both relate to current assets of a business.Q13.

Differences between capitalism and marxism

In view of such felt need, what this paper attempts to do is to bring into the fore the contrasting themes of Capitalism and Marxist Socialism, in the hope of gleaning from such juxtaposition certain insights as to which economic structure best addresses the present crisis haunting the affairs of world economies in the present β†’

Politics of corporate capitalism: impact on third world countries

It is important in the light of the above to clearly state that there is increasing fear of marginalization of the third world with reference to global relations. Third world countries are undermined as a result of the world begin seen and referred to as a ' global village'.

Conscious capitalism

First and foremost the reason I agree with Conscious capitalism is that they are subjected to the discipline of the market and they need to deliver strong financial results just as any other business however, they do this by doing what is right because it is right Secondly, I agree with John Mackey is his β†’

Kantian capitalism

A utilitarian perspective would present the argument that the liability of corporations in the effects of its actions depends largely on whether or not Kantian capitalism focuses on the corporation as an individual with rights, the exercise of which is limited to the extent that the rights of others are affected. As the nature of β†’

The effects of colonization in africa

In document 5, it states " when the whites came to our country, we had the land and they had the Bible; now we have the Bible and they have the land," an African proverb regarding the Europeans. The cheap labor force and raw materials were sent back to the mainland to be finished.

Why did so many molonists die at jamestown

One of the biggest problems for the colonists is that the droughts made it hard for them to Grow crops, and the food that they did have would not have been enough to last through winter.from about 1607 to 1612, Jamestown suffered a horrible drought. Since Human wastes would not float away down the rivers β†’

Impact of british colonization on kenya

2003 in History Resource Center, database on-line, Gale Group." Kenya: Peoples and Cultures." Encyclopedia of Africa South of the Sahara. Kenya: Peoples and Cultures." Encyclopedia of Africa South of the Sahara, 1997 in History Resource Center, database on-line, Gale Group".

Colonialism and slavery

We are determined, that our nation, and the world as a whole, will not be the play thing of one small corner of the world." When it comes to taking over another country, the selfish reasons behind it cloud the minds of the colonizers into thinking that what they are doing is to the advantage β†’

The iroquois confederacy to six nations

Northern Kentucky University The Iroquois Confederacy to Six Nations Thesis: Examine how the Seneca, Mohawk, Onondaga, Oneida, and Cayuga, and the 1722 addition of the Tuscarora, resulted in the Iroquois Confederacy or Six Nations and their influence on the creation of the Constitution. Historically and by native traditions, Dekanawidah, a Huron tribe member and shaman, β†’

Men vs. women: online shopping habits

According to the study, women in Pakistan are more typically brand, hedonic, and fashion conscious and are more prone to impulse purchasing compared to men when shopping, in support to the Darley and Smith study in 1995. Also, it is essential to market to genuine male consumers, the type of men who are " normal" β†’

99 supermarket

1Objectives * Expanding the Service around Peninsular Malaysia before the year of 2020 * Redesign the Organizational Structure to smooth the administration work * Ensure the Supply Chain is able to cope with the expansion while maintaining " Near ' n Save" slogan 2. The main benefit is that the workers will have both hands β†’

Wm morrison supermarkets plc

The other motives which have propelled to the idea of the acquisition of the Wm Morrison is because Morrison PLC is nearly the same match as the OneStop in terms of the particular skills involved in the running of the business and the various capabilities which are need to conduct the business. The other motive β†’

Research paper on frequent shopper program

The quality assurance should also be undertaken to check on the complexity of the program. The program should be simple for the Kudler clerks who will be the ones feeding the names and details of the shoppers.

Example of the benefits of buying a house instead of renting research paper

One who wants to buy a home have the freedom to choose the best economic time to buy a house that is when inflation is low and prices of houses is fair. A house owner is the key holder of the house and so no one can ask them to vacate the house any time β†’

The prevailing commercial bank rates research paper

Since the Federal Reserve is the Central bank of the United States, it is the lender of last resort to the commercial banks. The Federal Reserve controls the supply of funds in the economy using the discount rate.

Ppt of indian retailing

Most of the upcoming Indian online stores and the Indian counterparts of the already established inter-nation e-retail brands are reaping in the benefits of shoppers' community and the latest Web 2. The above strategies are a clear indication that the trend of online shopping is not merely restricted to the selection and buying process.

Pet shop boys and beauty

Carla explained, " Bethany is beautiful and she has the charm, personality, and is perfectly pretty". Bethany wanted to be just like Carla, and she had a god dam genie and only one wish to make".

Trading food between america and china research paper

One of the big food items China is buying from the United States is American soybeans. Chop Suey: A Cultural History of Chinese Food in the United States.

The lost treasure

While I think about the holiday I spent there and listen to the words Lake Tahoe, I keep in mind a beautiful location; but also a regretful memory that in the long run changed my mindset about the love God has for me. Assuming I was so tight with my grey, wireless flip phone, I β†’

Polythene: plastic shopping bags

The plastic bags we use to carry homefoodor products are for the most part very light and very strong. The problem, leading to polythene pollution, is the improper methods of disposing of the bags.

Outsourcing and rampant corruption

Impact of Corruption on India's Policy The Impact of Corruption on India's Policy and Administrative Service over the last 25 years Assessing the impact of corruption on India's polity and administrative service over the last quarter century has enabled me to gauge the progress made by India's politicians in tackling one of the country's biggest β†’

Free kwame kilpatrick former detroit mayor case research paper example

Although the defense requested that he should receive a term that is not more than 15 years, it was not possible owing to the seriousness of Kilpatrick's crimes. In as much as Kilpatrick pleaded guilty for these crimes, it was not possible to reduce his sentence as his corrupt actions had driven the city of β†’

The biggest bribery cases in business history

With that said the extent of Siemens AG network flows from one end of the world all the way to the other. The fines that Siemens AG agreed to pay totaled to over one billion euros, which was in addition to the billions of euros that it had to pay in taxes and late interest β†’

Constitution and economic growth of the country

The State recognizes and promotes the rights of indigenous cultural communities within the framework of national unity and development. Thus, the State is bound to consider the customs, traditions, beliefs and interests of indigenous cultural minorities in the formulation and implementation of State policies and programs.

Effects of corruption in the military

It is surprising to hear from the news nowadays that the Armed Forces of the Philippines tops the list of the country's most corrupt organizations. Even the Bureau of Internal Revenue and the Bureau of Customs, whose names used to be synonymous to graft and corruption, seemed to have faded in the background to give β†’

How prisons can save money

I know that this is not just about the money; we need to focus on the people, and making this country better for them and us. ButI believethat if we do these things to save our money we can achieve the goal of helping our communities and society by keeping people out of prison.

Research paper on ethnicity and police corruption

Weitzer and Tuch also analyzed the correlation between income and education and perception of the police, and found that whites with higher income and Hispanics with more education tended to have a more positive view of the police, though it was not as significant as the correlation between race or ethnicity and perception of the β†’

The morality of capital punishment

Supporting this is the fact that of the percentage of murderers convicted, only a small number of them are actually sentenced to death, and of that percentage, only a small number of those people are actually executed. According to, in Indiana the cost of the death penalty is 38% more than the cost of β†’

The positive effect of capital punishment in modern america

Capital punishment is one of the most controversial topics in the American society and is also one of the topics most people feel very emotional about. Although some people believe the risk of executing the innocent is too great, the use of capital punishment has greatly impacted our society in a positive way because of β†’

Capital punishment or death penalty practice overview

Most nations have allowed executions as punishment for various crimes throughout their history, however the amount of nations that abandoned their recognition of the death penalty have steadily grown since the 1800s. The first established capital punishment dates as far back as the Eighteenth Century B.C.within the Code of Hammurabi.

Capital punishment research papers examples

This academic investigation provides an excellent opportunity for pursuing and answering my inquiry of the first recorded historical documentation of capital punishment as a legal finding for a person found guilty of a crime and exploring the arguments why, in particular the United States a great Western democracy continues imposing this form of punishment in β†’

Research paper on research contemporary arguments for & against capital punishment

A survey of death penalty cases in the USA, as of March, 2013, reports that in the 33 states the capital punishment of death still prevails. A majority of the citizens/residents may favor the death penalty to be awarded and executed in the case of murder; because of the anguish of the survivors of the β†’

Capital punishment

Capital punishment is often attacked due to the fact that in the past innocent citizens have been convicted to it. It does not give a good impression if we show prisoners more sympathy than the actual victim." Society is justly ordered when each person receives what is due to him." Crime does not stop ever, β†’

Why do engineers need to have a working knowledge of soils research paper examples

Increase in moisture content causes the expansive soils to swell and when the moisture content decreases, the volume of the soil reduces. Based on the investigations conducted it was established that the failure of the retaining wall was linked to the presence of expansive soils in the foundation.

Mama might be better off dead: the failure of health care

In this essay I am going to provide a creative review of the book " Mama Might Be Better Off Dead: TheFailureofHealthCare in Urban America" and discuss the overall failure of the health care in the modern US. The book provides an account of the unhappy destiny of the four generations of the poor and β†’

Example of diagnostic tests research paper

It is used to determine the evolution, location, and resolution of an acute myocardial infarction. ESC guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure 2012.

Free research paper on default and dispute

Under the termination for convenience, the government has the right to terminate a contract either partly or in whole especially when the termination is within the interest of the government. In this case, the Contracting Officer terminates by delivering a Notice of Termination stopping the Contractor from working as specified in the notice while they β†’

How does failure lead to success?

So in my eyes failure can lead to success, at least It has for me. As I look back into my past I realize all the times my failure has led to success.

Com 220 prison overcrowding harms everyone

The main point of the paper is the overcrowding of the prison system. You showed cause and affect of what the overcrowding did to the prison system.

Stand your ground

The police chief released Zimmerman stating that he had a right to defend himself with excessive force and by the Stand Your Ground law he was to release Zimmerman immediately. Marissa Alexander not only was stripped away her rights of using the stand your ground for acting in self-defense but she was charged with aggravated β†’

Michelle v canconcert

In pursuant to sis of CLAW, Consonance's liability should also extend to Fauna, as she is a parent of Ben and afamilymember of Ben. The manner of harm was a foreseeable result of Ben's injury as it is appropriate to hold Lisa responsible for the entire course of injury, even if Ben has sustained prior β†’

Kinds of evidence – to establish a negligent act

The court will instruct the jury as to the standard of conduct required of the defendant. The plaintiff can show that the defendant violated a statute designed to protect against the type of injury that occurred to the plaintiff.

Research paper on justice system

Judicial precedent is a principle which asserts that a rule made in previous case should be the basis of a legal decision of another case that is similar to it. In civil law, a given written code is used as a source of the law.

Companies act

After the deliverance of the judgment in the case of Ebrahimi it had been the practice of the courts to look beyond the provisions of the memorandum and articles of association of quasi-partnership companies whenever there are petitions for relief under s 459 of the Companies Act 1985 or under s 122 of the Insolvency β†’

Mccarty v. pheasant run , inc.

How a Defense is Triggered A common defense is that there was a superseding intervening cause which was the cause of the injury to the plaintiff. The plaintiff must then prove that the injury was a result of the tort committed by the defendant and not due to the progression of the prior cause.

Police roles and functions

Secondly, the description of various types of police agencies at the local, state, federal level, and the roles and functions of each will be discussed. Protecting and serving the local community and theircivil rights, traffic control, to uphold and enforce the law, and to encourage respecting the law.

Right, duty and obligation/responsibility: a search for ethical

The Kantian challenge here is that before we can build a morally strong and ethically virile social order the citizens should know the fundamentals of? righteousness' or the values that build a right and moral citizenship who knows his rights, carries out his duties and compels the state, within the bounds of a good moral-legal β†’

Free research paper about motherhood who needs it by betty rollin from the norton reader page 286-295

The most surprising thing is that most of the women complaining about motherhood have been born in a modern society where they have the chance to effectively plan for their children. The responsibility of motherhood was not to be overwhelming in the first place, to the level that women would stage a demonstration against it.

Teachers responsibility should be replaced by robots

Presently, if the government were to purchase the robots, and to replace the teachers, the compensation money that should be paid to the teachers is too costly for the government. All in all, it is strongly believed that teachersresponsibilityshould not be replaced by the robots because they are lack of human touch, exacerbate the matter β†’

Social responsibility in business

Milton Friedman, a major proponent of the stockholder theory, argues that beyond legal compliance, " the social responsibility of business is to increase its profits," meaning corporations hold responsibilities only to their shareholders and the law. Unlike social business, Freeman's stakeholder theory is not meant to be a foil to the stockholder theory, but instead, β†’

Ethical behaviour social responsibility

In 2005, the company implemented a five-year vision called the Community Legacies program which is based on the belief that " every person we hire, garment we create, store we pen, customer we educate, and yoga class we attend contributes to building a legacy in our communities." 9 This goal and action plan, along with β†’

Liberty vs responsibility

Applying the Lockean proviso to the conflict between liberty and responsibility, in the presence of carcity, there has to be a certain set of responsibilities that people need to fulfill ) mainly including the one where they do not over-consume resources so that less is left for others and at the same time enjoy the β†’

The role of human resources with corporate social responsibility (csr)

As a final point, the report will clarify how the HR department of the Humphrey Group can add to implementing and promoting the company's CSR morals andgoals. Human Resource Department is aware of the worries voiced out by the Board of Directors concerning the compensation ethics in the company and the neediness of slotting in β†’

The legality, morality, and social responsibility

Opponents to the healthcare act state it is an attempt to increase the size and power of the federal government and it is one of " the largest tax increase in the history of the world," despite it being almost equally in size to President Clinton 1993 tax increase. The idea is that every law β†’

Top 5 companies in terms of social responsibility

November 13, 2012 Top 5 Companies in Terms of SocialResponsibilityWe live in a society that holds companies accountable for their actions in relation to theenvironment, the welfare of the less fortunate, and the investors that fund them. Societal responsibility refers to the duty a company has to preserve the environment and to the public in β†’

Social responsibility

A downfall to the Proprietor is the responsibility of running a business that " pays the bills". The partners are the founders of the organization.* Liability: Being co- owners, the partners have equal rights to the possession of the partnership assets.

Love and responsibility in hill like white elephants

" Hills Like White Elephants" written by Ernest Hemingway that is the controversy revolving around the theme ofabortionbetween the American man and the girl named Jig waiting for a train at the station. Besides, it is revealed from the American man's words " It's really an awfully simple operation" and " It just to let β†’

Free research paper about diabetes in children

According to the preparation of the paper, the main aim of the researcher was to educate and inform the readers so as to understand the emotional effects of Juvenile diabetes in young ones with an estimated age of zero to 16 years. The purpose of screening is to accumulate all the data and information for β†’

Example of research paper on association of smoking cessation and weight change with cardiovascular disease among

In particular, the hypothesis of the study was that " weight gain following smoking cessation does not attenuate the benefits of smoking cessation among people with and without diabetes". The article did not have a separate section with the heading of literature review, however in the introduction and discussion of the results, the authors referred β†’

Cataract research paper examples

Surgical removal of the cataractous lens is and the replacement of the optical power of the lens is the only effective method to restore lost vision. Majority of the cataracts cannot be prevented, though, sometimes, visual disability and blindness can be prevented in some cases.

Research paper on type 2 diabetes

It is interesting to note that ever since the 1970s, when middle-class families moved out of the urban areas and decided to reside in the suburbs, the market offering healthy foods moved out with them, leaving low-income families unable to purchase healthy food and have a balanced diet. In regards type two diabetes, or also β†’

Good research paper about biology

PANCREATIC CANCER History of Pancreatic Cancer Cancer of the Pancreas is a malignant neoplasm coming from transformed cells occurring in tissues that form the pancreas. In the United States, this cancer is the fourth most general cause of cancer-related fatalities in the United States.

History of art Β– cubism

Historical Account Cubism is a part of the abstraction period of modern art in the beginning of the twentieth century. The Impressionists and Realists of the late 19th century started to paint more everyday items and in a ore spontaneous fashion, in contrast to the classical period which came before.

Research paper on the dietary therapy of diabetes mellitus

The use of dietary therapy in the management of diabetes is a safe and a very effective means of improving the metabolic control. In the case of Type 1 diabetes, the use of dietary therapy helps in the reduction of the solute load that is getting into the kidney.

The use of motivational interviewing to help patients achieve better self-management research paper sample

In the process of operationalizing motivational interviewing for diabetes care, it is necessary for the management of health care organizations to provide the necessary resources and support for training of health practitioners and the evaluation of the operationalization process. The process of institutionalizing motivational interviewing in primary care is a continuous process.

Puerto rican health research paper

From all over the world, people refer to Puerto Ricans living on the mainland and dry lands mainland Puerto Ricans and those living in the islands or near the sea island Puerto Ricans. Puerto Ricans in the island would turn out to be healthier, due to all the fruits in the island and the non-processed β†’

Research paper on motivational interviewing for better self-management

The effectiveness of motivational interviewing techniques in eliciting behavioral change is determined by the skill of the health care practitioners in using motivational interviewing techniques and the degree of collaboration by the patient. According to Steinberg, some of the parameters that can be evaluated in the determination of the overall effectiveness of motivational interviewing include, β†’