Genuine Research Paper Examples

Chapter 12 discussion questions

The school board says that the only alternative is to close the school. Engineering and human resources do the job that top management assigns them to do.

Free similarities between international and larger regions trade research paper example

Trade history of Saudi Arabia: The coastal people of Saudi Arabia have been well positioned from the trade due to the benefit of Arabian Peninsula. Saudi riyal has been the currency of Saudi Arabia since the foundation of the country.

Rbi and its roles

RBI and its Roles Reserve Bank of India Reserve Bank of India is the central bank of India. Issuer of currency RBI is the sole authority for the issue of currency in India.

Development of buddhist education

To gain a better understanding of the development of Buddhist education in Vietnam, we need to know first the roots and development of Buddhism as a religion, what are its beliefs, how it affected the lives of the Vietnamese populace, how it was integrated to education and from thereon discuss the developments that went through →

Buddhism in america

Second, this state is the result of attachments or desires, for in a universe of frequent flux and change, seeking to cling to anything from the grossest passion to the subtlest idol of the mind to the idea of being a permanent separate self can never bring anything but sorrow in the end. In the →

Buddhism in the himalayas

The Silk Road was said to have advanced the spread of Buddhism in Tibet as the reach of most Indian missionaries in the mountainous regions of the Himalayas have contributed greatly to the foundation of Buddhism as one of the major religions in the world. Emergence of a New Buddhist Tradition The Avalokiteshvara Statue and →

The philosophy of the buddhists

The fourth Noble truth is the truth of the way, which represents the via media between the extremes of asceticism and indulgence. Existence is therefore completely relative and the only unconditioned state is that of Nirvana.

Buddhism & history

The history of transformation of Japanese marriage and kinship over the course of Hein and Kamakura. The language of kinship and gender of the Chinese ritual has changed the Japanese family.

Buddhist healing research paper example

This frustrations results in distress for all enlightened beings and to reduce this suffering, our emotional, physical, and psychological aspects must be integrated and in line with the concepts of Buddhism. One must do this in order to build a society that fosters the integration of individuals, the community and the Earth as a whole.

Buddhism has developed in a variety of different forms

In the twentieth century, Buddhism has spread to the West, including Europe, the UK, and the USA. The World of Buddhism.

Diffusion of buddhism and hinduism

Since Hinduism reinforces the caste system and Buddhism believe in equal treatment of all people which opposes the caste system, Buddhism started to spread into other areas other than India to offer an alternative to Hinduism for those in a lower caste. As Buddhism started to diffuse into other regions, the popularity of Buddhism in →

Buddhism worksheet

What are the three most important factors that contributed to the agricultural revolution in Europe? Finally, in 1833, the slave trade was abolished and lots ofmoneywas paid back in Caribbean to the owners of the British plantation.2.

Military rule

Under military rule, everything is under strict control of the army, and civilians are subservient to it, whether they like it or not. Today, in developing countries, it is the easiest tool to bring a distraught and a disorganized society under control.

Ptsd stigma in military personnel

Through the studies identifying mental illness and prevalence in the military, researchers have found that the rate of positive screening mental illness is inconsistent with the rate in utilization of mental health services. Although the study of Mechanic et al.was specific to the general stigma of mental illness, the findings from the research have been →

Veterans in the u. s. as of 2012

Over half of the veterans In the U.S.are still able to work after returning rom war. A third of the veterans in the U.S.are out of a Job due to the symptoms of PTSD.

Young people must have a right to choose when it comes to military

This issue is controversial and opinions are divided: one thinks that it is a right of young people, they can choose and military job can not be an obligatory for them, but on the other side, second side thinks that a state needs a military job and it is a duty for young people. At →

Veteran’s health administration

In 2012 alone, the network of physician organizations, hospitals and other health care providers invested $795 million in health care programs, services and benefits for the poor and underserved and the broader community. One of the values the Sutter Health Network works to maintain is the excellence of their medical care and the high levels →

Development and use of explosives over the past century

In the ideal, the complete consumption of the propellant and the exit of projectile occurs at the same instant. The blaster is to be considered a competent person in the use and care of explosives, and have experience with the type of blasting methods being used.

An explosive problem at gigantic motors

In the case Jonathan Archer who works in Gigantic Motors, a manufacturer of light trucks, was advised of a situation where previous product design can cause the death of eight customers in the future. In the case of higher management in Gigantic Motors, when Cochrane brought this information to them, they decided to suppress it →

Should we reinstate the selective service draft or continue to rely on a volunteer army?

No need to reinstate the military draft One of the strongest arguments why America need not reinstate the Selective Service Draft and instead continue to rely on volunteer army is the positions presently taken by the Bush Administration. Rumsfeld said Thursday." He further quoted Rumsfeld saying, "" I do not know anyone in the executive →

The military- industrial complex

Eisenhower to the U.S.citizens, the president urged the nation on ' the dangers of allowing a Military- Industrial Complex to take control of the United States'. The Military-Industrial Complex is used to denote the symbiotic relationship that is present between politics, a nation's military and the economy.

Blackwater: the rise of the world’s most powerful mercenary army by jeremy scahill

Blackwater USA, according to the author owes its subsistence, reduction of the U.S.armed forced after theCold Warand it owes it's well-being to the addition in the number of these forces after the tragedy of 9/11 and it further owes it's disrepute to the fact that it has gained a reputation of being a mercenary setup →

Imagine you are a southern soldier

On the 2nd day of fighting, the union army brought 90, 000 men to fight our 70, 000 confederates. The fighting seemed to stay back and forth all of the 2nd day butI believethat the union army still had the upper hand on us at the end of the day.

Military and leadership

The example of the Iraq and Afghan wars, Abu Ghuraib jails, the American public speaking out against the War, are plenty for the world media and global peacemakers to click their tongues and wonder at the foreign policy of the United States of America. It is in the inherent nature of man to seek expression.

Boy soldiers in the first world war

To examine this, the investigation will focus on the increase of soldiers in Britain's army, and out of those, how many were under the required recruitment age of 18. As a result of this, there was an increase in casualties within Kitchener's Army because boy soldiers were usually not the best fighters, and would be →

Military accountability

Accountability is concerned primarily with records.why is accountability important in the army? accountability is a very important part of an enlisted and a NCO's job.the enlisted soldier is responsible for all items issued to him or her weather it be a weapon, NVG's clothers, a vehicle, or TA-50. The NCO's responsiblity is to make sure →

Military leadership

Because of the early creations of ammunition, the armies are the only available units in the war. The most explicit factor in the procedure of this war was the collaboration of slaves and the fighting units until the end of the event.

Why i want to be an army officer

I feel strongly that I have all the leadership qualities required to be a good officer and this is one of the principle reasons that I want to become an Army Officer. This would give me a deep sense of fulfillment and satisfaction that I have paid back to the nation for all it has →

Why did the gallipoli campaign fail?

It was not the fault of the soldiers, but the men who where commanding them. It was a failure as we did not successfully push through the Turkish lines to Istanbul, and then on to attack the Germans on another front to help the Russians who were suffering heavy causualties at the time.

Sony unveils new versions of playstation 4

Since the 2013 launch, Sony has sold more than 40 million units of the PlayStation 4 console, far outpacing Microsoft Corp's XBox One and Nintendo's Wii U. Sony has said the games business is set to be its biggest growth driver, helped by strong PS4 console sales, a rise in subscribers to its PlayStation network →

Why violent video games should not be banned

According to certain people, violent video gamesshould be banned; they feel that violent video games are the source of today'sviolenceamongst children. If parents want buy their under aged children violent video games, then they should not complain that the video games are causing their children to become violent.

Video game

Its primary users were between the age of 6 and 13 as a result of Nintendo's efforts to limit the amount of violent and adult-oriented material featured on games that can be played on its systems. Prior to the introduction of Xbox, in a competitive move Sony dropped the price of the PlayStation 2 to →

Child development project research papers examples

Toys and games are a major contribution in the development of children. Playing video games among the children allows them to have the freedom of making decisions and strive to meet challenges in the game.

Example of research paper on video game

The video has become the modern form of entertainment in the recent days from the period. There are prominent questions on the reasons for the use of video games as a form of entertainment and the gratification the players receive from doing the activity.

Video games as art

Video games also should be considered a form of art because of the vast amount of tools and media that are combined to create the games that we play today. The credits to people at the end of the games are much like that of movies and it all contributes to a fantastically entertaining piece →

Research paper on the most popular and selling games on xbox are the following

This is the first independent performance of Microsoft game consoles on the market after a joint project with the company SEGA to develop a version of the Windows CE operating system for game console Dreamcast. This operating system, analysts called the Xbox 360 OS, is a 90% rewrite of the operating system for the first →

Good do violent video games cause aggression research paper example

This study discovered that the violent behavior in individuals was not linked to the violence in the video games; rather, the frustrations arise from the failure to accomplish the goal of the video game. The same comparison is drawn between the violence in people and video games but according to the researchers, the impact in →

The sony playstation 2

However, those just one small part of reason for the success of the Playstation, the mainly reasons for the success of the Playstation are below:* Adequate knowledge formtechnology, which had been developed over many years. When Sony was struggling with the launch of Playstation 2, Microsoft and Nintendo realized this is a good opportunity to →

Video game console and nintendo

Nintendo's strategy is based on the customer premise, when other business-to-video game market has yet to be waited and see attitude, and Nintendo in the market demand for in-depth study, the firm entered the field. After have a " Nintendo Power" books and " counselors systems" scheme, which are a combination of the two major →

The impact of violence in video games on the youth research paper examples

The subject has been researched extensively and it has been found that video games can have both, a positive as well as negative impact on the mind and behavior of players. In fact, a study in the year 2000 revealed that those who played violent video games immediately displayed signs of aggressive behavior and cognition.

Should gambling be legalized in texas research paper examples

According to University of Texas Tribune Poll, majority of the voters are ready for legalizing of gambling in the state of Texas. About 6% of the respondents agreed that gambling should be expanded in the state for the Indians while 12% of the respondents agreed that gambling should be expanded in the places where gambling →

How video games affect children

How Video Games Effect Children During the last decade, attention and accusations within the media have turned more to the meteoric rise in popularity of arcade-type home computer and console games. The article also stated that a well-adjusted child who plays violent video games is going to become a school shooter.

Native american gambling research paper

The natives opposed the law, the IGRA allowed the tribes to discuss with states on the gambling rules and the type of games to be played. The tribes were required to ensure that the tribal administrations are the primary beneficiary and the sole owner of the gambling facilities.

Violent video games and their influence on kids

Opponents of this view claim that video games do not cause violent behavior in real life and are, in fact, a safe outlet to natural aggression and frustration. On the other hand, there are claims that violent media are beneficial Cones), because in the present world kids are at a higher risk of growing up →

Diaphragm: a closer look

The diaphragm fits inside the vagina and blocks the opening to the uterus. When this is the case, using a diaphragm is preferable to ensure comfort to the women.

Wrongful conception

It could be due to the age of the women and she is at a higher risk for the child to be mentally handicapped. In most of these cases, the parents allege either that the physicians failed to inform the parents of the availability of genetic testing for the unborn child or that the physician →

Who decided

The government here saw the benefits of medical technology to the point were they took control of it. As mentioned in the context of the essay, it is understood that the phrase " management device" refers to power and the capacity to dominate.

The pregnancy project

If there's no one else to tell it to you, then tell it to yourself." This is one of the things that Gaby Rodriguez says in the movie ' The Pregnancy Project'. It is an effort to her just to know how people react on what happened to her and the things that people are →

A deeper look into ethics and laws regarding surrogacy

It was the decision of the court to not grant custody of the child to Elizabeth Kane due to her signing a legal contract. This is the notorious case of 'Baby M.' It was agreed that Whitehead would receive $10, 000 if the child were born healthy, and the surrogate maintained the guidelines and restrictions →

Global pregnancy detection kit market

What are the key market trends? Who are the key vendors in this market space?

Margaret sanger: the morality of birth control

The Morality of Birth Control pin points several key reasons as to why birth control should be accepted and embraced into the lives of people around the world. Concrete examples for her argument are also provided in stating that the right to control the population is an award due to the fact that our world →

Why durex is promoting an emoji-inspired eggplant-flavored condom

Durex wanted to emphasize the absence of a condom emoji among the Unicode Consortium's standardized collection. Durex Global Durex is not the first organization to employ the eggplant emoji to speak out about sex.

Surrogacy in india

With the business growing so fast, the government is drafting laws to make sure surrogacy is not being privatized. In western countries, surrogacy can cost up to 90, 000 dollars but in India, the surrogates are only being paid around 6500 to 7500, which is the sum of their income for several years.

A swinger’s lifestyle

In the book " The Lifestyle: A Look at the Erotic Rites of Swingers" by Terry Gould, the roots of swinging activities were traced to have started as early as the times of World War II and done by the United States Air Force pilots and their respective wives. Another is nobody should never engage →

Re-examining the ‘step-and-slide’: sex differences in pedestrian collision avoidance

A chi-square test found a significant made a number of observations including that people tend to form two lanes whilst walking upon the pavement, with one group walking on the inside, away from the road and the other group walking on the outside and close to the road. The predictor variable was the sex of →

Early sex exposure to youth

Article Summary Sex is a God given gift, to form and multiply in a way that's honorable to Him. In case of the article Protecting youth from early and abusive sexual experiences, by authors Lynn Rew, Katherine Bowman, they discuss advantages and disadvantages to early exposure to youth.

Sex education taught to 8 year olds

The average age of puberty for girls in New Zealand had fallen to between nine and 14 and for boys, it was between 11 and 16, Bird said." Some people are concerned that providing information about sex and sexuality arouses curiosity and can lead to sexual experimentation. Liggins Institute director, and newly appointed chiefscienceadviser, Professor →

Eth/125 gender and sex worksheet

Do our concepts of gender and sex contribute to the ways we embrace gender and sex in diversity? Yes, our concepts of gender and sex contribute to the ways we embrace gender and sex in diversity.

Single sex classrooms

It also expands ideas of educational opportunities and core values for both boys and girls, and the classes generate custom created learning strategies and instructions to better learning. Girls at single sex schools are more likely to take nontraditional classes such as physics and advanced math because they have the opportunity to excel in them.

Is there too much sex on t.v?

Reasons to support the views that there is too much explicit sex on TV is that some people feel that sex on television has become acceptable and is being broadcasted in 'soaps' and other programs during the day. Sex on TV can also influence children in a huge way, many teenagers have admitted to having →

Sex education is necessary in high-school

Sex education and HIV/STI prevention programs do not increase rates of sexual engagement, and do not lower the age at which youth engages them in sex, and they do not increase the number of sex partners and the frequency of sex among young adults. As of 93% who are actually in favor of the subject →

Iran awakening

Ebadi weaves the story of her life in a very personal and unique way, telling the account of the overthrow of the shah and the establishment of a new, religious fundamentalist regime in which opposition to the government are imprisoned, tortured, and murdered. In the autumn of 1977, there was, what Ebadi describes as, a →

Example of research paper on mediation divorce

During the mediation sessions, there is an initial stage where the mediator and the parties to divorce discuss the mediation process and whether it is appropriate, the parties to be present during the process, the format of the process and the time and cost of the process. The parties involved and the mediator will the →

Research paper on child custody issues in the criminal justice system

In the overall literature context on divorce effects on children, a diversity of reactions seems to be among the most reasonable conclusion, with the majority of the children adjusting properly after the initial trauma period and transition pass. The psychological issues that surround the separation of parents and their children are interdependent and complex.

Identify and explain two reasons for an increase

This shows that the change in social attitudes towards sex outside of marriage has led to an increase in cohabitation. However, the New Right claim that cohabitation is less stable than marriage and can lead to negative consequences.

Is it out right to deny a right?

Nevertheless, 44 states deny citizens their right to marry someone of the same-sex due to the fact that it violates religious morality, weakens the definition andrespectfor the institution of marriage, and it weakens the traditionalfamilyvalues that America has. According to Cable News Network's article, " DeniedDivorce: Some same-sex couples wed-locked", several states in America do →

Research paper on parenting styles changes after divorce and the effects on children

It is estimated that more than one million children in Western families have to cope with parental divorce, which in turns affects families to " the levels of behaviour and adjustment problems of children, the parenting styles they perceive and the attachment styles they develop". When a marriage ends up with a divorce, " The →

Divorce research paper

To some, it is a word that representsfailureand a reason for them to raise the white flag in defeat. If both adults in the marriage decide that divorce is the best option for all members of the family, it is important for the child to be informed and to be allowed to grieve in his →

Integrated concepts of equilibrium

The mechanisms in this reaction are the dissociation of Cu2, redox of Cu2+ and Zn, and precipitation of Zn2, leading to an overall reaction of Cu2 + Zn? In the seventh test tube, the addition of Cu2 caused to form a cloudy turquoise precipitate.

Public policy making in zimbabwe

Once known as the bread basket of Africa, Zimbabwe has the ability to rise up again especially with the internationally accepted new government of Unity were the two major political parties, ZANU PF and MDC have come together to work as one for the betterment of the country and to fulfil the needs of the →

Ib bio experiment on effect of substrate conc on enzyme activity

The effect of substrate concentration on the rate of enzyme activity of Catalase Aim To investigate the effect of substrate concentration on the rate of enzyme activity of catalase, produced by liver cells, on the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. We can investigate the effects of substrate concentration on the rate of reaction by catalase by →

Penny lab

Hypothesis In this experiment the hypothesis was that soap was going to affect the surface tension by weakening the bonds and allowing less water on the penny. We then carefully dropped water from the dropper onto the head side of the penny while counting the number of drops.

Introduction to mental disorder

A mental disorder or mental illness is a psychological pattern, potentially reflected in behavior, that is generally associated with distress or disability, and which is not considered part of normal development of a person'sculture. The causes of mental disorders are varied and in some cases unclear, and theories may incorporate findings from a range of →

They say i say

The students who bunk for the school for a short or large part of the day calledtardinessor the entire of the day called truancy not only harmacademicfailure, but give to the rising number of students who negatively impact the standing of the educational system as well as nation. The problem statement of the study is →

Cognitive development theory

Equilibrium- assimilation and accommodation are constantly working together to produce changes in a child's conceptualization of the world and reaction to it. There are 3 kinds of techniques Piaget use to study this stage; first is the Egocentrism it is the children's assurance that the world thinks like they do.

Psychology – experiment on stress

Since it's a short-term based experiment and the same sample of participants is used for both conditions, the experimental group would perform a series of memory-challenging activities, and later on, the control group would perform the same tasks but under the influence of some source of stress, in this case, loudmusic. Participants Since the target →

Dsm iv diagnosis

His father, in his adolescent years also drank and dabbled in drugs and he died in a work accident. He tried to decrease his marijuana intake for a number of reasons: he wanted to take care of his younger brothers and sisters, and felt that he was at a point in his life where he →

Low morale of prisoners

According to the Rocky Mountain News, the expenses of the medication and therapy is one of the reasons many prisoners do not get the proper treatment they need. The majority of damage to the prisoners is psychological.

Theories in cognitive development

The child's intellectual organization and insight will mature in to several stages of cognitive development: The first stage of Piglet's cognitive developmental stages Is the seniority stage. Weights was also able to point out that cognitive growth is defined by the " zone of proximal development" - this is the distance between the level of →

Cnps 365 midterm 1 notes

Neurotic anxiety is out of proportion to the situation, not aware of it, and tends to immobilize a person. Assist people in facing life with courage hope and a willingness to find meaning in life Therapists strive to create caring and intimate relationships with clients, core of the relationship is respect.

Developmental disorders of renal disease

Polycystic renal disease is a familial condition in which the affect individuals develop cysts in the kidney. Renal hypoplasia is a condition in which the ureteral bud gives rise to an underdeveloped and small kidney.

The phenomenon of bipolar affective disorder

The onset of Bipolar disorder usually occurs between the ages of 20 and 30 years of age, with a second peak in the mid-forties for women. In a majority of bipolar patients, it lessens the duration, frequency, and severity of the episodes of both mania and depression.

The practice

The practice of ingesting the placenta, which has been going on in Asian medicine for hundreds of years, seemed inappropriate, unnatural, and disgusting to me as discovered more about it. The more grew in my knowledge of this practice, the more I discovered the ingestion of the mothers placenta could actually be very beneficial.

Psychotherapy techniques

The analyst listens well and interprets the patterns and inhibitions in the patient's speech and behavior the analyst's main job is to help the patient to free his mind from unconscious barriers or past patterns of thought relatedness that are no longer helpful to the client. Unlike psychoanalysis and cognitive therapy, the client practices a →

Ocupational impairments

I would also like to know the psychosocial history of the client, as well as the following information: developmental history, any history of trauma, and mental and medicalhealthhistories. Biological factors are likely to have influenced the predisposition, onset, course, and outcome of the diagnosed illness of the client.

Goup influence on self

The subject of this paper will compare and contrast the concepts of conformity and obedience, analyze a classical and contemporary study concerning the effect of group influence on the self, and analyze individual and societal influences that lead to deviance from dominant group norms. The experiment was to prove and determine the willingness of people →

Intellectual and cognitive development

Understanding Child and Young Person Development Assignment 023 Table 2 - Intellectual and Cognitive Development Explain the sequence and rate of development Age Range 0-3 Months Babies at this age are learning a lot about their parents they are beginning to recognise the sound of their voices, especially Mum's voice and smell, they may stop →

Good example of research paper on the psychology of dreams

Beck posited that dreams reflect the client's cognitive schemas and perceptions of the self and the world, and as such are prone to the same distortions and misconceptions as the waking state. To this extent, dreams need not be interpreted; a discussion of the situation and experience in the dream itself may suffice.


Depending on each alteration, students were asked to observe and decide whether or not there were any macromolecules in the substances. During ourobservation, many of the results came back altered in some form, meaning that macromolecules were present in the chemical.

Carl rogers core conditions

Rogers' said that a therapeutic relationship can occur if there are two people in psychological contact, the client is experiencing in congruency or is anxious, the therapist is congruent or integrated in the relationship, the therapist experience unconditional positive regard and acceptance for the client as well as an empathic understanding of the client's internal →

Based on kolberg’s scale

I do conform to the norms that I learned at home and in school, not so much from the church though because I have not been an active member for some time now. For instance, getting in trouble with the law for fighting or being disruptive, I eventually grew out of it and learned that →


She lived at the time of the conquest of Canaan by the Israelites Her house was located on the wall of the city and was strategically placed to lodge travelers. Rahab had heard of the God of Israel and aced in faith.

Building up brand awareness in a social media context

According to ESOMAR, a global association for market, social and opinion researchers.), social media is defined as " internet based platforms and technologies that permit users' interaction and/or facilitate the creation and exchange of user generated content." Whilst the scope is evolving, the following format is focused and discussed: * Multi-person/group communication and/or collaboration platforms →

The god-in-jesus continuously reach out to us

The God-in-Jesus continues to reach out to us through the church, though wounded as she is, the Church remains the visible sign God's gift of reconciliation; celebrated in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. God wants us to " come home" The author of the book " Boundless love: The Parable of the Prodigal Son and Reconciliation", →

Reflecting on wisdom

Jesus who was the son of God was sent to the world to save the world to teach the gospels and to help save the world from sin. Jesus was a very wise man because he studied the gospels, he spent many hours in prayer, and he also went to the tabernacles to learn and →

The life of jesus christ

The Life of Jesus Christ The birth of Jesus Christ to the Virgin Mary is said to have happened in a humble stable in Bethlehem, which is of some controversy. The sharing of the bread and wine are for the remembrance of Jesus, the bread a sign of his body and the wine of his →