Genuine Research Paper Examples

Research on the flatiron photograph by alfred stieglitz

The Flatiron was made to show the beauty of the city and it appeared to the Alfred as the image of the ' new America is still making'. This photograph looks very natural and represent the natural beauty of the city in the starting of the 19th century.

Trip to tadoba tiger reserve

Both he and doc were very tuned to the various sounds of the jungle and could immediately alert us to calls made by the sambar and some birds as they communicated to convey the movement of the tiger/leopard. On seeing the condition of the cobra and in the absence of any facility to treat the →

Photography and pinhole camera

Collie The Pinhole Camera The Pinhole Camera How to build a pinhole camera Materials needed: 1. Exposure refers to the amount of time that film or paper is exposed to light when taking the picture.

How romanticism and photography shaped western modernitymodern

" Western modernity was shaped by cross-currents between Europe and North America in the 19th century and in the beginning of the 20th century." Neoclassicism was a movement which focused on the rediscovery of Ancient Greek and Roman values and style. Finally, the appearance of the documentary art of photography has in many aspects shaped →

Sample research paper on history and economic impact: cheyenne frontier days

Cheyenne, the capital of the state of Wyoming, has been the home of the American " wild west", where horse-riding cowboys tended herds of cattle in the area. The first organizers of the event first set it up in 1897 to serve as a gathering of rodeo cowboys in Cheyenne, as they come together to →

Dreams and aspirations of bliss

Pass brings up several factors about why Bliss would not try out Including her not having the guts to try out, her not being as tough as the other roller derby girls, and the fact that her mother would disapprove of It. Bliss wants to find direction in her life and follow her heart's desire →

Marilyn monroe research paper example

The blonde that conquered the world, American immortal sex symbol, all men's living dream, one of the most famous Hollywood icons of the twentieth century This is how Marilyn Monroe is usually said and written about. This first cinema experience was not successful Marilyn was too shy to show herself off in front of the →

The power of blockchain in building cohesive financial system

This was the inspiration and reference behind the launch of bitcoin ' a type of digital currency in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds, operating independently of a central bank.' Digital currencies increase transparency and provide more secure payment authentication. With blockchain, →

Quality management of client care in the hair & beauty sector

The aim of doing a client satisfaction survey is to paint a picture for you to see what clients think about your business and how good your service/products are. The customer is asked to evaluate each question in terms of their expectations and perception.

Venus de willendorf vs. barbie

The exaggerated carvings of the body parts were how the artists of that time viewed women, fat and fertile. The Venus was a representation of the women of their time and Barbie is a representation of the ideal woman, according to critics.

Toddlers in tiaras

Pageants are where young girls are primped and primed to look pretty and much older than they really are, and are made to dance and parade around on stage. Just thinking about the pressure that is put on the girls is hard to imagine, they are four and younger, they should not be worried about →

King kong: doomed love between beauty and the beast

Jackson's obvious love for the original King Kong is apparent in his remake of the film; he did a magnificent job in the retelling of the story and appealing to today's audience. Even with all of today's glorious special effects, it remains inculcate to the story of Darrow and Kong.

Importance of building a relationship for a salesperson

If the salesperson is able to win the confidence and trust of the customers at the first instance, he is likely to enjoy a competitive advantage in the market over other business people. Teaching of presentation skills is done in the aspect of and in the context of creating a trustful and open relationship between →

Nine tools for building your own mobile app

It allows you to create apps for Android, iOS and Windows, and provides flexibility in designing the app. You can even have Mippin distribute your app for you to the iTunes, Android, Windows and Amazon stores.

Plastic and reconstructive surgery

Though cosmetic or aesthetic surgery is the best-known kind of plastic surgery, most plastic surgery is not cosmetic; plastic surgery includes many types of reconstructive surgery, hand surgery, microsurgery, and the treatment of burns. There are two types of plastic surgery: cosmetic plastic surgery and reconstructive plastic surgery.

A look into beauty and femininity

It does not, in any literal or figurative sense, compel the viewer such as the common individual to rise up in arms and protest against it as it may produce a reason for the person to condemn whatever it is that disgraces the society. Much of these have something to do with the way the →

Exploring the unique japanese art research paper samples

This paper will discuss one main type of the Japanese art, which is Zen Buddhism, and it will analyze the aesthetics of Japanese art and how they can be recognized in the Japanese paintings. All forms of art in Japan, like Chado which is the tea ceremony, ikebana the flower arrangement, Shodo the calligraphy and →

Why is scalability important in building an ebusiness it infrastructure?

That is, an eBusiness can grow quickly and without sufficient warning to the proprietor, requiring the infrastructure to handle the influx of new accounts and their demands without failing. It is clear that using the Internet can be an efficient and effective way to conduct business.

Green building guide

The varied experience and professions of the committee members brings in a holistic perspective in the process of developing the rating programme.A. 16 The following are the steps to be followed in case the project team faces a problem: v Consult the Reference Guide for description of the credit goal, compliance options and calculations.v Review →

3 requirements to building a strong foundation for your career

When you experience the latter, it feels as if you have a secret that you are reluctant to share because you believe that no one will understand or appreciate the magnitude of this defining moment. As the workplace and the marketplace continue to tell us that it is becoming less about the business defining the →

Why beauty works?

Adams and lavabo and Clifford and Walter have analyzed that effects of beauty for that population sitting on the other side of the desk in the classroom. Hammerers: Beauty, Productivity, and Discrimination: Lawyers' Looks and Lucre In another study by Fiddle and Hammerers, the researchers focused on the beauty effect on the wages of lawyers.

Research paper on etienne louis boullee

Accessed: 17/03/2013 02: 18 In this excellent article, Middleton focuses on the grand and lofty manner of Boullee's designs especially with regard to the commissions by the Royal Family and the Church for grand and patriotic celebrations. Kaufmann explains that in his important treatise on architecture, Boullee's emphasised the new principle which made up the →

Gia and her life

Linda was bisexual and in the beginning had issues with it because Gia was the first woman she ever been with but Linda also fell in love with her in time. Gia was very erotic and adventourous which did capture the interests of others to her and she portrayed that well on camera which the →

Post tapping delhi-ncr, beauty services start-up vanitycube eyes 4 new metros in 6 months

All credit goes to the start-ups emerging in this space, like Vyomo, MangeMySpa,, VanityCube, Purplle and many more, who have transformed the beauty and wellness industry drastically. Maintaining high order of service quality and ensuring the availability of therapists within 90 minutes of booking is what make them stand unique from other similar ventures →

Skin cancer research paper examples

Squamous cell carcinoma, on the other hand, is a cancer of the skin that originates from the squamous cells of the skin are often characterized by rough and scaly patches on the surface of the skin and may appear ulcerated as they progress. Melanoma, which is regarded as the most severe form of skin cancer, →

Oncology as an important centre for researches on hrqol

Most of the studies of HRQOL in cancer survivors were concentrated on patients with Brain cancer, Breast cancer, Prostate cancer, Colorectal cancer and Lung cancer. In brain cancer patients, apart from the health related quality of life issues, deterioration in neurocognitive functioning is also an area of serious concern.

Example of do mobile phones cause cancer research paper

The objectives of the study are thus to research the technology used in mobile phones the damaging effects it has on human beings the possibility of causing cancer the kind of studies that have been conducted on this topic- scientific, medical and governmental studies possible bias in the study and reasons for the lack of →

Primary prevention of breast cancer

Family history of breast cancer can almost double the risk of getting breast cancer which makes the Its important to cultivate a healthy life style to avoid this problem altogether and promote healthy habits and activities than can reduce the chances significantly. Girls from young age should be nurtured in a way to adopt a →

Example of effects of breast cancer on the body research paper

Breast cancer is regarded as the second leading cause of cancer death in women. The two main types of treatment applied in breast cancer treatment are local therapy and systematic therapy.

Psychological and psychophysiological stress disorders

What are the four stages in meeting the psychological needs of disaster victims? a. 4) Meditation-helps patients to go into a relaxed state and release stress.

Lung cancer detection methods

There are several ways in which lung cancer may be detected and some of these are the following: First of all is to have the patient undergo what is technically referred to as " screening". The third is the " bone marrow biopsy" wherein a needle is utilized to take out a small portion of →

What is chromosome 21?

In some cases, the signs and symptoms are similar to those of Down syndrome. Changes to chromosome 21 include a missing segment of the chromosome in each cell and a circular structure called ring chromosome 21.

Causes and effects of cancer

An Important step of the cell cycle Is called mitosis, In which the cell undergoes a series of steps that lead to the formation of two daughter cells. The tumor will then begin growing in the location where the cell ends up.nd can be fatal In certain organs like the liver or the brain, What →

Free research paper on biology of cancer

Most of the endometrial carcinomas are adenocarcinomas and the most common type is the endometrioid adenocarcinoma. The risk factors, the spread, and the treatment of CS is similar to endometrial carcinoma.

Research paper on telomerase

The responsibility of enzyme telomerase is to maintain the integrity of the telomeres. The conclusion arrived at by scientist is that, telomerase is the main hormone that assists in replacing telomere sequences and genetic repair, thus the clock that controls the life span of the replicating cells are re-rearranged.

How does using cell phones affect people’s health? research papers examples

The exchanges between the base station and the phone occur by the help of the transmitter and radio receiver inside a mobile phone. On the contrary, the radio frequency emitted by the handset varies depending on three conditions: the closeness of the phone to the body, the length of a call and the distance one →

Research paper on how to improve the psychological and social impact of cancer in patients and family

Relapse and survival: this is the dependent variable for this study and comprises of the clinical outcomes of the cancer, which will be determined by the effect of the intensity of the psychosocial impacts of cancer. This study will be helpful in determining the relationship that exists between the degrees of psychosocial impacts and the →

Emotional and psychological effects of cancer

Cancer is " characterized by the development of abnormal cells that divide uncontrollably and have the ability to infiltrate and destroy normal body tissue." It is caused by a simple DNA mutation that causes the body to create a cancerous cell. When a patient is diagnosed with cancer, their reaction may vary depending on a →

Singing with corrrect posture

This allows the body to be in the up right postition. The third step in our process is alowing the back to be perfectly straight so that the chest can stick out.

General research structure and choice of specific contracts

In the past, the data subject would now that who the processing party is going to be. Another specific contract that will be examined in this research is medical treatment contracts for the number of reasons.

Correctional facility

Restorative justice is justice that tends to the needs of the victim as well as the offender and also the community that is involved instead of punishing the offending party. The pros to restorative justice is that it is considered fair and also the offender may experience how the victim felt at the time of →

Majority rule and minority rights

To ensure that the minority retains their rights, the constitution has limited the power of the elected officials and embedded in the constitution are certain laws that will guard the rights and interest of the minority. It is important to guard the rights not just of the majority but of the minority as well.

Monroe versus madison.

Madison was the first time the Supreme Court declared something " unconstitutional", and established the concept of judicial review in the U.S. Marbury was never appointed a Justice of Peace in the District of Columbia.

John g roberts

From 1981 to 1982, he served in the Reagan administration as a Special Assistant to U.S. Roberts left Hogan; Hartson to serve in the George H.W.

Homer adolph plessy v ferguson

The State of Louisiana, Plessy argued that the state law which required East Louisiana Railroad to segregate trains had denied him his rights under the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments of the United States Constitution. Tourgee and Phillips appeared in the courtroom to speak on behalf of Plessy.

Allocation of power between directors and shareholders

A representative suit is one brought by a stockholder in his own behalf, and in behalf of other stockholders similarly situated, and having a common cause against the corporation. A derivative suit is an action brought by the stockholder, for and in behalf of the corporation and against any person be he also a stockholder, →

Ccj v privy council

The Government of Jamaica proposes to take away your right of appeal to the Privy Council and replace it with a new court called the Caribbean Court of Justice A process of publiceducationand debate is essential and the public must be involved in making the final decision. The Government should not remove the right of →

The role and importance of the doctrine of judicial precedent in english legal system

This means that when a particular point of law is decided in a case, all future cases containing the same facts and circumstances will be bound by that decision as signified inDonoghue v Stevenson[1]andGrant v Australian Knitting Mills.[2]Whilst the doctrine of judicial precedent helps to maintain the interests of justice, many have argued that it →

Thomas sophonow

At one point in his life he was involved in a group called the Neo-Nazi party and then the Hare Krishna with the joining of these two groups he wanted to find a place for himself in society. He was a bouncer at the Smiling Buddha Cabaret in the mid 70's and worked at Wagner →

Explain how you could promote inclusion

The essence of the definitions of all three terms is acceptance it implies that the objective of teaching is to impart the knowledge and to assist the entire group in achieving their educationalgoalsregardless of their background. They consist of? forging relationships? building community? increasing participation Inclusion in education is concerned with breaking down barriers to →

The juvenile justice system

The movement that took place in the 19th century was the reason that led to the introduction of juvenile courts in the country. According to Zimring, the US is the pioneer for initiating the concept of juvenile courts with the help of the doctrine of parens patriae, which was passed in the late 19th century.

Research paper on breaking the glass ceiling

Felice Schwartz was the first to question the imagery on the basis that the glass ceiling gives a notion of the management imposing an invisible barrier in the progress of the minority. This paper aims to use the Kelso-Adler theory of economic justice to de-construct the presence of the mommy track and the glass ceiling →

Voyeurism notes

The old crime of the 'Peeping Tom' has advanced, through the use oftechnology, to become a crime that Is so 'state of the art' that police, prosecutors, and legislators are having a hard time keeping pace. A 'Google' search of the terms 'upstart' and wouldownspouts' on the

The treaty of paris

Spain cedes to the United States the archipelago known as the Philippine Islands, and comprehending the islands lying within the following line: A line running from west to east along or near the twentieth parallel of north latitude, and through the middle of the navigable channel of Bachi, from the one hundred and eighteenth to →

Youth justice education research paper examples

Self-study is a methodology characterised by examination of the role of the self in the research project and " the space between self and the practice engaged in". FGC allows the offender, the victim of the crime, their families and communities to be involved in the transformation process, and to find a way of dealing →

Background to primary justice in malawi

BACKGROUND TO PRIMARY JUSTICE PILOT PROJECT In May 1999, the Malawi Government and DFID/MaSSAJ commissioned an external consultancy agency to conduct a study on Primary Justice in Rural Malawi, to investigate issues that are related to the protection, safety and access to justice by the poorest and most vulnerable groups in rural areas in Malawi. →

Misrepresentation case

In the case of innocent misrepresentation, the remedy available is that the innocent party can rescind the contract wholly. In case of fraudulent misrepresentation, the injured party can rescind the contract and claim damages in tort for deceit.


As Webber beings to realise this, we see that the institution is having a negative effect on him by killing hisdreamsof being a walking conscience of society. They both show the aspects of protest, enforcement and compliance within institutions and how the individual is affected through the institution, whether it is in a positive or →

What is justice?

Plato was a mathematician and a writer of philosophical dialogues, was the founder of the first institution of higher learning in the western world. He meant as the idea of Socrates that the best and true way of writing is the in bold letter the principle of justice is communicating orally for the sake of →

A jury of our fears

These groups of people can be considered the most crucial part of the criminal justice system of the nation: the decision-making body known as the jury. This means that the juries are not performing the way they are supposed to perform, and this jeopardizes the judiciary system of the nation.

Effects of plagiarism

There are many different forms of plagiarism If someone were to write a book using someone else's material, ended up selling the material and makingmoneydepending on the amount of money earned the fine can be bigger and could result in more jail time. In conclusion plagiarism can lead to jail time, fines and expulsion from →

Citizens united case

However, through the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act, also known as the McCain-Feingold Act which " prohibits corporations and unions from using their general treasury funds to make independent expenditures for speech that is an ' electioneeringcommunication' or for speech that expressly advocates the election or defeat of a candidate", the United States District Court for →

How and why does iago convince othello of desdmona’s infidelity?

Luck provides him with the opportunity to stage an affair between Cassio and Desdemona, driving Othello to insanity and resulting in the death of Desdemona and Othello. This enough proof for Othello to be convinced that Iago is telling the truth and for him to kill both Desdemona and Cassio.

Biff loman’s role in death of a salesman

Biff's essence is what motivates the men in his family to choose the path that they take in life. All of Willy's hopes and dreams were wrapped up in this one boy and when Biff failed to live up to them, Willy felt thatfailurejust as deeply as he felt the let-down of his own unfulfilled →

Hero vs. tragic hero

The Difference between a Hero and a Tragic Hero The tragic hero is one of the most interesting characters within a Greek or Roman play. A Traditional hero is a person of " distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities.

Okonkwo: a life story of a tragic hero

Ezeani, the priest of the earth goddess comes to the hut to discuss Okonkwo's actions and how he could ruin the clan. Forced to march in a procession, Ikemefuna stricken by one of the clan members, when he tries to seek Okonkwo's protection, Okonkwo so as not appear weak performs: " Dazed with fear, Okonkwo →

The role of iago in act iii scene 3

Othello's vision of himself and his wife excludes such compromise, and so when Iago offers Othello 'proof' he is savage in the passion with which he believes her to be guilty. The image Iago paints in Othello's mind is repulsive, sordid and disgusting.

Analyzing iago in shakespeare’s othello

Here, the audience is able to see how Iago exaggerates things to a great level and it allows them to believe Iago will behave in this way for the majority of the play. This enables the audience to see how honourable and trusting Roderigo is to Iago as he does not question the latter of →

What techniques does shakespeare use to reveal iago’s villainy?

Othello is very clever in the way that he tells Iago, " yes, and went between us very oft" here he tries to get information out of Iago about what's going on because Othello had been incidentally reminded but Iago that Cassio has easy and frequent access to Desdemona so therefore senses that Iago is →

Is cyber-bullying really a problem?

What cyber-bullies would do in order for them to trace their victims or look for victims is most likely where they would have easy access and that would be through the internet and through cell phones. I would say that the internet is one of the best places for cyber-bullying than through cell phones because →

Bullying in the schools

The bully abuses the victim through physical, verbal, or other means in order to gain a sense of superiority or power. Bullying usually occurs in the presence of peers, who can adopt a variety of roles, such as remaining neutral during a bullying incident, assisting and encouraging the bully, or aiding or consoling the victim.

Bullying in the organization sby

Incase of physical bullying, especially, one should immediately report the matter to the police and the employer or someone in the human resource department. It is the proficiency in managing relationships and building networks that can greatly help an individual to overcome the effects of workplace bullying.

Managing bullying and harassment in the workplace

00006718 The first step to this is that the organization spells out clearly their stance and their outline on bullying and harassment before a person is being pointed to any post in the organization, also the management of the organization should clearly state and constitute which activities are considered to be bullying or harassment therefore →

Consequences of bullying

In the social area, is hard to victims to have friends in general because of their high anxiety level and low self-esteem, for this reason they have just a few friends or none at all. Another reason that other kids do not hang around with victims is because they worry that peers will not like →

Bullying and memorable punch line

What is a good structure, outline or good guidelines to writing an Informative speech? * Your Opener - the opening, ice-breaker or attention grabber * Introduction - Tell them what the speech is about and what your main points will be * Knowledge - Establish credibility by demonstrating expertise and knowledge of the subject - →

Depression in adolescencename:institutional affiliation research paper sample

Unfortunately, it is typically not safe to give SSRIs or antidepressants to an adolescent because according to an article entitled " Depression in Childhood and Adolescence" published in Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, their brain is still being formed. A prior history of depression in the adolescent themselves is also →

Free research paper on medical billing fraud

This incident in the Chicago area is not an isolated case of fraud and the crackdown by the authorities are part of the concentrated effort to address the problem of medical billing fraud which according to the Department of Justine and Health and Human Services amounts to about $233 million in false billing. The 5 →

Sample research paper on paying for health care in america

This was an incentive for the hospitals to lessen the stay of patients' and keep the number of procedures at the minimum. As Danna it is important in the team of health care providers to maintain a common goal and expectations from each other should also be clear.

Mudslides and associated issues research paper sample

A mudslide is a specific variant of a landslide, a term which describes " a wide variety of processes that result in the downward and outward movement of slope-forming materials including rock, soil, artificial fill, or a combination of these".. A similar effect can be the result of over-grazing of sloping terrain, when the animals →

Types of users in car managing system

The system administrator will be able to add and delete students and also will be able to open new classes. The system administrator will be also able to determine the number of students in any given class.9.

Companies ais and their defending

Since, the company benefits and consequently profits from the use of accounting information system, it should bear the losses that arise from attacks on the accounting information system. Further it is the responsibility of the company to maintain the highest level of security for its accounting information system.

In depth overview of geico inc.

Geico also has three affiliates such as GEICO General Insurance Company, GEICO Indemnity Company and GEICO Casualty Company. This dynamic progress of Geico is made possible by the CEO and chairman of Geico, Tony Nicely and its 22354 employees.

Research paper on patient privacy

In spite of the fact that medical officers have access to the health records of patients, it is important to understand that patients also have personal lives out of the hospitals. The responsibility of disseminating this information to the public can be done by the hospitals, but it would be a breach of the law →

Will affordable care act be considered a success or failure of president obama research papers example

One, to reduce healthcare costs to both the government and individuals in the country, two, to lower the rate of the uninsured by offsetting the expansion of both private and public insurance coverage, and three, to increase the affordability and the quality of health insurance. The Act also introduces a number of additional reforms which →

Free research paper on defined contribution in healthcare

The Exchange, through the Small Business Health Options Program Exchange or SHOP, offers defined contributions to their employers. The Exchange offers defined contribution type of health plan by extending options to determine the cost of coverage or contribution, while giving the employees the opportunity to shop for their own health plans.

Americas healthcare research paper examples

This is the gist of the long awaited healthcare plan; it is a form of universal healthcare as mentioned in " Sicko" As certain as death it is a foregone conclusion that no government is ever going to create a healthcare plan that will satisfy every citizen. I realized that a group of islands that →

Motorcycle helmet usage

The use of helmets in the United States is a highly controversial topic. Seven states require riders under the age of twenty to wear a helmet, while 19 states require riders under the age of eighteen to wear one.

6 consequences of living a life without life insurance protection!

Life Insurance, as a number of people in India think, is a kind of business contract that mainly benefits the insurers and the insurance agents. This is one of the main reasons why the percentage of life insurance penetration in India is remarkably low, as compared to the other countries in the world.

1970 jsu shooting

The tensions on the way Lynch Street ran right into the heart of the University was a very large aspect that led to the shooting. The main people driving up and down Lynch Street were white motorist and it caused a lot of tension between them and the African American students that attended JSC due →

Australian economic indicators

The 2007 growth was the highest in the period, whereas the lowest growth rate of 2. The three kinds of inflation measured by ABS include: Consumer Price Inflation: This index is used to measure changes in market prices for goods and services used by consumers.

What extent is it accurate to claim that australians

In many ways education and knowledge are the keys to a prosperous and successful life; however it is not possible for everyone to access this valuable resource. For Australia to be committed to a fair go' all citizens should possess the same standard of access and equity in the legal system, however, the implications of →

Australia’s foreign relations to 1945

The UK which was the first to arrive in Australia in the 18th century greatly influenced Australian foreign policy from settlement to the WW II. Conclusion It is apparent that the foreign policy and relations of Australia to 1945 was influenced by Asia, Britain and America.

Development of australian law

The Battle of Hastings in 1066 which saw the Normandy takeover by William the Conqueror, saw a change in the way England was ruled, and the further development of the Feudal System to English society. It closes the period during which the law Is plopped by the power of the crown alone, and it begins →

Australian nurses and health care system

Other personnel that can be considered as a part of the health care team can include those from the emergency service personnel, the persons who are involved from the referring agencies such as the paramedics and the ambulance staff as well as the hospital department staff so that information with regards to the entirety of →

Anzac day in australia

This is the only insight I have of Granddad and the war as he seldom talks of it. My mind is brought back to the present, when the silence is pierced by the sounds of " The Last Post" from the lone bugle and the Wing Commander of the day barking out the command for →

Youth homelessness in australia

Some youths become homeless because they become involved in drugs and they get kicked out and have nowhere to go. These youths will often not want help and end up being alone and without help There are many myths about homeless youths and many of them are incorrect.