Genuine Research Paper Examples

Psychological assessment tools

Validation history, strength and weaknesses: One of the criticism of the gung scale Is that It used graded responses that may be confusing to elderly patients, and so they may require assistance from the examiner to complete the form. A base rate score of 75 or greater on the Desirability or Debasement scales indicate that →

Free research paper on quality improvement

The quality improvement initiative furthermore is the key to the improvement of the entire population mental health as it will ensure the value for the expended monies and their accountability. The analysis of this initiative is important as it provides a better understanding of the topic of quality improvement in the mental health care.


The mind is reintegrated, and roles and functions are resumed in a phase of reconnection. In the nine-stage treatment of multiple personality with multiple personality the psychotherapy is established and preliminary interventions are made to establish safety, develop a therapeutic alliance that includes the alters, and enhance the patient's coping capacities.

Work effectively with in mental health 21503

It is essential to involve Lee in the development of a recovery program to suit him and his situation, as well as the relationships in his life. Frank feels that Lee may be confused and not have sufficient knowledge or experience to be sure of his sexual preference.

Six dimension worksheet

Physical health: Exercising daily is an activity that helps Social health: An activity that reflects social health would have to be interactions with other people. Praying regularly is an activity that you do daily to strengthen your spiritual health.

How can mental health recovery be used to inform practice and improve outcomes for patients?

Also, there is likely to be a cross over in terms of the users of the various services and we may be able to market our service within these groups. In conclusion, I have designed a project whichI believewould have make a positive contribution to the mental health and social functioning of both existing service →

Basically how an individual evaluates themselves

This coupled with the fact that she was still very young raised the level of stress in her life and leading to her mental disorder. Thomas problem of overdosing on non-prescribed pills in the run-up to the Olympic could have been another contributor to her state of mental health.

Adhd and autism

I have experienced and interacted with a young boy that had autism before and I found that the way he interacted with me and others around him was fascinating. Some questions that were most helpful dealt with the symptoms in a child with autism or ADD, how parents should deal with their children, how you →

Crisis and acute care in mental health

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate an understanding on the nature of risk and risk assessment in relation tosuicide. Beck suggests that risk assessment in the mental health care setting is an attempt to control the behaviour of patients and clinicians for the interests of the organisation rather than the best interest of →

Mayer-rokitansky-kuster-hauser syndrome

The hypothesis and or purpose of this study is to evaluate self-report measures of psychological distress in woman with MRKH syndrome compared to woman without MRKH syndrome. I belief observing woman when diagnosed with MRKH as well as following up with woman after dealing with the initial shock of this syndrome will give insight to →

Ambulatory care and the mental health services

With the advent of the new health program and support by these two agencies, there is hope that there will be improvement in this care. This causes a shift in the type of care that is given from coverage for illness to coverage for prevention of illness.

Client conceptualization

When the client is able to understand how her thoughts lead to a specific behavior, and the counselor has helped the client change the direction of her thoughts, the client will be better. The expectation is that the client can realize how many distorted beliefs she has and help redirect her to healthy thoughts.

Lecture week

The cylinder made of any materials will have the same stress values and thus if strength is the major concern, one should select the highest strength material. Four-point bending The better positioning of strain gauge should be in a far field as shown below to get more stable and reliable testing result.


Department stores can sell kitchen gadgets as impulse items because retailers have seen sales skyrocket of some items simply by the placement of the products in the store. How can knowledge of the product life cycle help buyers decide which products to eliminate from their merchandise mix?


In addition, unitizing is very useful in understanding and developing the meaning of division as well as multiplication of both natural numbers and fractions. Unitizing is so important since it facilitates the understanding of mathematical objects such as number and operations, especially in fractions, ratios and proportions.

Air cargo pkomot

The findings summarise the major air trade markets in the world, giving the major trends and projects on the future improvements and performance of the world's cargo airplane. Planning on the other hand is the creation and maintenance of a flow of events in an organisation and the process of coming up with the procedures →

Music is a kind of mathematics

In the same manner, if a face is proportionate, we will probably notice it quickly and think that it's beautiful and perfect. God used beautiful mathematics in creating the world".-To end this here's what Maulana Wahiduddin Khan believed: " The truth is that God is the greatest Mathematician, the greatest artist and the greatest genius".

Srinivasa ramanujan

Ramanujan went to Cambridge in 1914, despite the great strides he made in his work in corroboration Hardy and Littlewood it took a great toll on his body. He was also a man entrenched in his religion and a deep commitment to his family.

How the calculus was invented?

The purpose of this section is to examine Newton and Leibniz's investigations into the developing field of infinitesimal calculus. In comparison, Leibniz focused on the tangent problem and came to believe that calculus was a metaphysical explanation of change.

Prominent african-american mathematicians

When he finished his 19, he was recognized by the national press as a " negro genius." Jesse Ernest Wilkins taught at the Tuskegee Institute prior returning to the University of Chicago to contribute to the Manhattan Project. Cox's portrait hangs in Howard's Mathematics Common Room as a consistent reminder of his contribution to →

The fencing problem

I predict that the length of a rectangle that will give me the maximum area will be 250m. The square height will therefore be equal to the square of the hypotenuse minus the square of half the base.

Math paper

07 T = 3 years = N = 3 x 1 = 3 A = P ^ n A = $1000 ^ 3 A = $1225. 035 T = 3 years = N = 3 x 2 = 6 A = P ^ n A = $1000 ^ 6 A = $1229.

Flow induced vibration

0? 0? 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 KGlobal 31 32 The two 4x4 element sti? ness matrices are? 2: Introducing a Taper in the Pipe Carrying Fluid of t = 0.

Discrete math

The study of the structure of compound propositions is made easier by the use of symbols for atomic propositions and connectives. The program will terminate if and only if the input is not numeric or the escape key is pressed.

Mathematics as a source of knowledge

Although contrary to the opinion that math is not a closed intellectual system, in which everything has already been worked out, the mere existence of math compels us to have a black and white perspective of the world. The discontent that he had with the probability of human error to a large extent shows that →

Actions speak louder than words

O'Brien knew well how important the draft card was to the government because of the war, and that's why he burned it. In conclusion, the acts of symbolic speech should be protected under the First Amendment because it is a strong, way to represent and express what you feel and believe.

Mathematics of finance and commerce

Compound interest is the concept of adding accumulated interest back to the principal, so that interest is earned on interest from that moment on. The return of a bond is largely determined by its interest rate.

Ada solution manual

Given that the official purpose of the U.S.patent system is the promotion of the " useful arts," do you think algorithms are patentable in this country? What is the smallest and the largest number of divisions possible in the algorithm for determining a prime number? 9.a.

Georg cantor

At this time, he was given a considerable inheritance, and decided to transfer his studies to the University of Berlin. He also showed the necessity of one-to-one correspondence in set theory.

Business statistics and software engineering

Furthermore, a Business studies and software engineering related degree would allow me to explore, in depth, a range of exciting, multidisciplinary topics as diverse as game theory, a subject only hinted at in A Level and which I would love to explore in university, international trade and development studies. I have high ambitions, and in →

Mill’s view of lower/higher pleasures

It does make sense that since human beings are most definitely superior in the intellectual field that in order to achieve a greater value of happiness one must experience the higher pleasures, but who says that animals are not capable of any of the higher pleasures? " the love of power, or the love of →

Greatest happiness principle

In his book Utilitarianism, philosopher John Stuart Mills expands and defends the notion of using the theory of utility to decipher between right and wrong, good or bad, in an attempt ' to rescue it from utter degradation' from those who have misapplied the theory. In fact, the principle states that the degree of ' →

The incompatibility of happiness and truth

Soma: The drug soma is a symbol of the use of instant gratification to control the World State's populace. The very will to search for truth is an individual desire that the communal society of Brave New World, based as it is on anonymity and lack of thought, cannot allow to exist.

Mill happiness theory

The moral of utilitarianism, especially in reference to John Stuart Mill, was the proportion of rightness or wrongness in action and living is ultimately determined by the action that produces the mosthappinessthrough its endeavor, and by the amount of people affected by it. The most good that can come from an action then is the →

Space exploration according to the treatises of hobbes, locke, bentham and mill research paper

The ideas of economists Friedrich Hayek, Milton Friedman and Adam Smith further provide insights on the desire of humans to explore in connection with their role in the expansion of the free market to global terms. What changes the course of the state of nature is the emergence of the Leviathan, or the sovereign-ruler of →

How is happiness conveyed in jane austen’s emma and charlotte bronte’s villette?

What Emma constantly desires and frequently demands is not simply that her world admire her; it must also be as rich and vital and beautiful as she feels herself potentially to be [.] The crux of the matter, then, is the peculiar way in which Emma's life depends upon and is dedicated to richness and →

If you’re happy and you know it – happiness

That's where the " money can buy happiness" phrase comes in because people believe that since money can buy everything it can buy happiness too. Money might be able to make people temporarily happy but that's not the point, the point is that it cannot buy anyone long lasting happiness.

To achieve happiness, don’t confuse pleasure with fulfillment

They are never urgent and the easiest things to postpone. The time will pass anyway, but at the end of a lifetime what will you have to show for it?

Money does not bring happiness

Moreover, there are people who believe that money can be a medicine for everything. And it's useful to remember that money is a fragile thing, which we can lose at any time.

We’ve come a long way, baby: tips for hiring women in the 1940’s research paper samples

The following are the helpful tips and advises on the subject of the selected women from the Western Properties.- Pick Young Unmarried Women The Western Properties advised on picking young unmarried women for a number of reasons. As a rule, the married women are expected to be submissive, they also have the interest and vim →

Individualism and happiness

For the most part each culture has certain values and goals that are looked upon to be the acceptable norm for happiness and that is how happiness is measures. People are encouraged to do things on their own, to rely on themselves.* The stereotype of a 'good person' in collectivist cultures is trustworthy, honest, generous, →

Money can buy happiness

It is a classical debate, sparked by the left-wing communists and religious leaders who suggest that a person can live a full life without the pursuit of money, and instead one must look to a more spiritual existence above the material desires. It is the experiences and opportunities that come with money that make you →

Aristotle and john stuart mill on happiness and morality

Aristotle and John Stuart Millon Happinessand Morality In this paper I will argue that Aristotle's conception of eudaimonia disproves Mill's utilitarian view that pleasure is the " greatest good." The purpose of this paper is to contrast Aristotle's and Mills views on the value ofhappinessand its link to morality. Aristotle presents his concept of the →

Self-esteem research paper samples

Later in 1969, Nathaniel Braden came up with his definition of self-esteem that proposes that self-esteem is the evaluation of oneself as being competent and able to solve life's challenges. Braden believes that self-esteem is the aggregate the respect of oneself and self-confidence.

Example of aristotle research paper

Aristotle was one of the first to address the theory of ethics, and according to some it is still one of the foremost theories on the subject of virtue. Aristotle also believes that the highest form of morality and goodness is happiness.

Individual happiness and responsibility in “the glass menagerie”

Tennessee Williams' play " The Glass Menagerie" tells the story of afamilyunable to cope with the harsh reality of impoverishment and how its members resort to the creation of alternate worlds to sustain their interest in life. In the play, Williams explores the conflict between an individual's right to be happy and his or herresponsibilityto →

Research on the possible future development of ai with man-made reasoning

For a few, the expression " man-made reasoning" summons bad dream dreams something out of the 04 Will Smith flick I, Robot, maybe, or the closure of Ex Machina like a boot crushing through the glass of a PC screen to stamp on a human face, for eternity. They compose: Norman is an AI that →

Artificial intelligency

In order to understand the technology of AI, the paper closely observes the technical architecture and related functionality of AI as an Informational technology. The paper concludes that as like other technologies, the features of AI are highly useful to the society and there is a necessity to concentrate on restructuring the legal frame work →

Operation ai and machine learning

That is why my goal for this project is to research about AI and Machine learning and find out how it can affect in the future and how is it affecting now. The principle of operations Machine Learning Systems is that it learns and analyze information by itself.

Research paper on a decision of uncertainty

The formula is the generalized formula of the law that is used in finance to weigh risk using evidence issued and make choices. Accept Insurance = AI = Purchase Rental Insurance Coverage Decline Insurance = DI = Refute Rental Insurance Coverage The probability of being involved in an accident and consequentially needing the insurance policy →

How do i know anything?

The Film The Matrix was a Box Office hit due to the idea it presented to the audience. Whether Virtual Reality is comparable to the neural-simulated environment in The Matrix, VR is the closest thing we have to relate to the theory.

Salesforce brings artificial intelligence to crm with einstein

Einstein will be deployed across the Salesforce cloud to analyze the mountain of automated data the platform collects - activity data, sales, email, e-commerce and calendar, social data streams and Internet of Things data - and run machine learning and algorithms, NLP and what the company calls " smart data discovery" to offer data insights →

Artificial intelligence paper

The design of the system was the result of a project funded by the Greek Secretariat of Research andTechnology. In the Operations Center there will be a computer dedicated tocommunicationwith the ambulances and another one for the operation of the GIS.

Ways to discipline

Here are some ways to discipline, educate, and spend quality time with your children. Last of all, to discipline your children with the correct manners, it is important for them and yourself as a parent.

Research paper on should transportation security (tsa) regulations be changed

Lastly, the transportation administration itself because the findings emerging from studying the topic will contribute to the development of new regulations in consideration to the issues pointed out in the study. The current state of education in the country is no longer the best in the world.

Example of the politics of the economic crisis research paper

Perhaps the economic crisis is one of the worst events to affect the world after the Great Depression of the 1930s. Even though the causes of the financial crisis have been blamed on the sub-prime mortgages in the US real estate market and the collapse of the Lehman Brothers, I believe that the origins of →

The discipline and discharge of employees

In the case of a lawsuit, the employer stands to lose if there are no formal and written documents outlining the discipline code expected by the employer. The message that should be passed across to the employees is that there is a limit to their expression and behavior which affects not only themselves but the →

Enlightenment research paper examples

The Enlightenment therefore, is the period when man started applying his knowledge, intelligence and reasoning to discover the world, what exists in it and also how he can make his life better by utilizing all the resources, knowledge and available raw materials to improve his life as well as the quality of living. The second →

Employee rights & managing discipline

Successful implementation of discipline while adhering to the standards and expectations of employee rights does encounteradversity; random drug testing, whistle blowing, and the restriction of office romances consist of a few challenges management must confront. An employee committing another infraction of the same policy within a specified period will be subjected to a written warning.

Exploring the gap between child abuse and parental discipline research paper examples

Where giving discipline could make a child's future more promising, abusing a child could have short-term physical effects, and long-term psychological effects that could manifest in the later part of the child's life. Therefore, it is fundamental to lay down in the law and the society what works amount to child abuse, and establish consequence →

Gun control research papers examples

The gun control issue is basically based on the essence of the policies relating to the importation, shipment and sale of guns in the country. The use of guns in the shopping malls and public institutions like schools should be taken into consideration in order to facilitate smooth flow of operations in the country.- Explanation →

Research paper on legal issues in hydraulic fracturing

Hydraulic fracturing employs the use of a pressurized fluid to propagate the fractures on the layer of rock. These range from potential pollution of the ground water, proliferation of the gases and chemicals used in fracturing to the surface, risks in the quality of air especially exposure to silica gas.

discipline: the essence of education

But the discipline is essential from the moment of working to the time of going sleep. The aim of school discipline is to create a safe and happy learningenvironment.

Bartlett vs. mutual pharmaceutical: case brief and analysis research paper samples

Implications related to labeling and liability of generic drugs Certainly, this case poses a wider implication on the design defect claims, which will have a direct influence in liability and labeling of generic drugs. Labeling of generic drugs in the United States is regulated by the FDA.

Lack of discipline in children

We need to discipline our children so they have the knowledge and skills to act in accordance with the rules of society. In my experience, the best way to discipline a child is by simply talking to them.

Abuse and proper discipline

The abuse was inconsistent, and because of this my behavior was impacted. One day I was picking at one of the holes in the wall that my father punched in.

Good research paper about theory and the 21st century

Academic theorists are mostly dismissed by those who made foreign policy, but the connection between the policy of the real world and the theory of the abstract world is an inescapable. The past, present and future of Critical Theory in International Relations".

Revelation 20:1-6 research paper

In the bible documentary series, " Understanding Revelation in 60 Minutes", Ed Hindson gives a detailed portrayal of the events of the last millennium in the book of Revelation. The proponents of this view argue that while it is not far farfetched to rule out the possibility of the literal meaning of millennialism as depicted →

Hand with the reflecting sphere

The focal point of any piece of artwork is the one object that instantly grabs the audience's attention, in this case, the man, a representation of a life full of regret and delusion. Because of the lack of attachment, the man seems to be lifeless in the sense that there is a lack of movement →

The core

This senses the strength of the magnetic field, which is strongest at the poles, and it measures the angle of the field compared to the round. Enumerate the effects of losing the earth's Magnetic Field according to the film.

Soils: the unseen earth that nurtures society

The dwellers that live along the Amazon river are in the Riparian zone, which is the country right following to the river. Because the upper canopy creates a batch of shadiness to the beds below, this degree receives really small sunshine and is invariably in the shadiness.

Research paper on solar system

The following are the important objects in the solar system: The Sun is the largest object in the solar system and is the centre of the solar system, with all planets, meteoroids, comets, asteroids and dust orbiting the Sun. Mercury is the smallest and closest planet to the Sun in the Solar System, it takes →

Isaac’s storm

Some of my favorite parts of the book are in the beginning I love the metaphors and similes. It lightens the book and catches your attention again.

Creational myths research paper example

Most of individual in the globe are Christians and believes that God is the source of all life and he has the power to control all the living things. The discussion involves the origins of the earth, human, and the role of God in the creation.

Example of research paper on global warming

Global temperatures were recorded in most of countries of the world starting in the second half of the 19th century and whatever temperatures were recorded in last 100 years shows that the average surface temperature of the earth have gone up by 0.74 0. 13 degree of the ocean temperature rise It is almost an →

Operating manual for spaceship earth

That we are endowed with such intuitive and intellectual capabilities' which we have gained from experiences and the earth have meant that we are able to discover fundamental principles governing the fundamental design of life.' For example, R.N. A and in discovering these we have been able to 'increase our survival potentials millions fold.' In →

Discovery of a father

In " Discovery of a Father", Sherwood does not like the fact that his father is a storyteller and how his father would lie about his nationality and take someone else's as his own. Therefore the sons in both " Discovery of a Father' and " Those Winter Sundays" each have their eyes open to →

Grandfather and gandalf

Tolkien and the historical fiction novel Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson both exemplify the use of the " wise old man" archetype through the characters Gandalf and " Grandfather." Although the former is a powerful sorcerer and the latter is a vulnerable slave, both act as sagacious advisors for the stories' main protagonists Bilbo and →

My father’s death

When time for TAKS came around, it was peculiar that my dad got in critical conditions but just in the day that I had to take the Science one. That day was one of the most important in my life and I know that my dad feels proud of me.

Holocaust victimization research paper examples

If not for Al's father's strong loyalty to God, Al thought of the incommensurate agony and hathred his father would have had then to the Germans and God before his death, that is, if not for a wholehearted trust in God's power, which transcends human understanding. Al's book " From A Name to A Number" →

Free research paper on mackenzie phillips

She later emerged to reform the version of her father's show the Mamas & the Papas in a new version known as The New Mamas and The Papas. However, in the overall, the world tends to listen to Mackenzie's version and have since believed that she was a victim of incest by her father.

Sample research paper on the prophet samuel

The reason is that Samuel was the last of the judges-rulers who governed ancient Israel before the era of the Kings began. God told Samuel of Saul's coming, and told him to make Saul the King of Israel.

Sample research paper on tradition vs modernity

Traditional Parents and Modern Children Technology and modernity seem to have put parents and children on two opposing sides in the world today. Even so, the world today has no choice but to acknowledge the blend between modernity and tradition and both parents and children are left no choice but to acknowledge the challenges that →

Sample research paper on father figure and the oedipus complex

Because of the feud between Larry and his father for the mother's attention, Larry's mother becomes the most desirable and powerful. In addition to fighting for love between the each other, Larry's father and Larry are forced to fight for the attention of the baby and of the mother.

Like father, like daughter

The BSE membership gave Rathi the opportunity to set up his own venture in 1994. In 2004, Gupta's wife and Rathi's daughter, Priti, also became a part of the company.

Father quigley(tm)s sermon and the presentation of religion

In this novel set in the 1950s Belfast, Brian Moore closely relates to the recurrent theme of religion, he shows his distaste through the despair and escalating loss of faith suffered by the lonely spinster Judith Hearne. Moore's attitude to religion throughout The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne relentlessly reveals to the reader that he →

Sample research paper on defining george w. bushs portrayal as president

His presidency endured the rise of the Internet, the 9/11 attack, the wars with Iraq and Afghanistan, the art of electronic surveillance, immigration law and international relations, specifically the Geneva Convention's regulations for the treatment of prisoners of war and how war itself should be conducted. People seem to forget he was elected the Governor →

Pilgrim fathers

The pilgrim fathers where different to other colonists because when they arrived in America they did not explore the land. When the pilgrim fathers travelled to America they had a lot of problems.

Why daughters need their fathers

Your Daughter Needs You to Be Involved It is not enough for a father to just be present. My hope is that it will inspire a father to step up and get involved in his daughter's life.

The chinese culture

Each member of the family help each other when there is any problem The Chinese culture has many special characteristics which are very interesting for people to learn, and deliciousfoodto try. As for many Asian families, Chinese people eat dinner all together at one table, They try to put the meal in the centre of →

Investigating the relationship between hong kong and china

This allows Hong Kong residents to havefreedom of speech, freedom of press and publication, freedom of association, freedom of assembly, freedom of procession, of demonstration, ofcommunication, of movement, of conscience, of religious belief, and of marriage. In addition, the laws that were previously in force in Hong Kong, such as the common law and rules →

Yu dafu sinking

In a sense, this also serves to be a paradox, for while the Chinese might have looked up to Japan as a prime example of an Asian nation that had successfully modernized according to the Western standard, it is at the same the cause of their national humiliation. Yu Dafu also recalls to his audience →

Peking opera

Nueva Cancion is seen as playing a powerful role in the social upheavals in Portugal, Spain, and Latin America during the 1970s and 1980s. Nueva Cancion started in Chile in the 1960s and was known as " The Chilean New Song".

Research paper on an analysis of the film the planet of the apes 1968

The fact the nation was founded one of the greatest civilizations that the world has ever seen has led to the durability and the inordinate strength of its political structure and culture. The Rise of the Planet of Apes is hugely synonymous to the situation in China in a couple of aspects.

Crisis management: hong kong airlines

The efficiency of Hong Kong Airlines to response the crisis is far from satisfactory. One week after the flight disruption, on 29 July 2012, Hong Kong Airlines was still struggling to clear a backlog of passengers at the Hong Kong International Airport.