Genuine Research Paper Examples

Hitler’s foreign policy

Reasons: Political divisions in France: hard to take a strong stand & refused to go to war without British support as the French were ultra-cautious Fear of modern war: fear of the bomber " The Bomber will always get through" & terror of poison gas> heavy losses Treaty of Versailles: unfair > sympathetic > revise →

Note guidelines rise to power hitler

Hitler and Nazi Germany Origins and Rise of Hitler- Note Guidelines Use pages 63-72 in " Authoritarian and Single Party States" by Waller and Todd to make notes using the following headings: How did the political circumstances of Germany after 1918 contribute to the rise of Nazism? Formation of NSDAP Role of Hitler Formation of →

Hitler’s anti-semitic ideas and medical experiments

All of these factors gave Hitler's ideas the perfect opportunity to germinate and take root in the minds of the citizenry. In addition to the T4 Program, many painful and inhumane of experiments were performed on the gypsies, the handicapped, homosexuals, Jehovah Witnesses, and the Poles.

Joseph goebbels research paper sample

Among the most important propaganda feats created by Goebbels in the 1930s were the documentaries by Leni Riefenstal of the 1934 Nuremberg Party rally and of the 1936 Olympics, which Goebbels carefully crafted to show the new regime in the best light to international visitors and observers. It was one of the most murderous regimes →

Example of research paper on the rise of nazism in germany in 1920-33

Nazism was a version of the fascist ideology that thrived across Germany in chaotic political and economic conditions of the 1920s and 1930s, and Adolf Hitler was the political figure at the epicenter of this ideology. It will also describe the brutal regime imposed on Germany and, after 1939 the rest of Europe, by Hitler, →

How did the nazi consolidate their power?

The Nazi Party's rise was to an extent due to the use of terror and violence, however there were limitations with this as the party was not strong enough to exert this. The origins of the Nazi party aimed to support German's working classes to gainequalitywith the rest of Germany; they were originally more lenient →

Nuremberg trials

The Trials were held by the Allied forces of World War II and were held in the city of Nuremberg in Bavaria Germany out of the Palace of Justice. The idea was to concentrate and monitor the Jewish population and also to make later deportation of the Jews easier.

Fdr research notes

FDR Research Notes * The Jews Standpoint * The Debates never end to the reasoning of why the 6 million Jews were not saved by the US Government * The Jews had already taken heavy fire, and now their voice cannot be heard * In 1942, as details of Hitler's Final Solution reached the Allies, →

Is a casino in the city a good or bad thing?

Nevertheless, there are just some cities have casinos, so if the people live in no-casinos places want to go there, they have to drive to the city that has one. Some people rob others to get the money to spend on casinos.

The first olympic games

The year is 776BC, and in Athens the first Olympic Games are about to start, the festivities have begun with a feast and sacrifices for the gods. I would like to give you three reasons to explain why and Why the games will benefit Britain Firstly because of urban regeneration; this has been put at →

Government-operated gambling

This shows that Gambling has grown to become a major industry in today's economy and by doing so it has helped society in several different aspects, the growth of the gambling industry has lead to an increase in revenue for the government, thus resulting in more social benefits towards the public. This brings me to →

Casino games

Poaching - Is a mechanical game originating in Japan and is used as both a form of recreational arcade game and much more frequently as a gambling device, filling a Japanese gambling niche comparable to that of the slot machine in Western gaming.2. Keno - Is a lottery-like gambling game often played at modern casinos, →


I promise I will do whatever I can to bring victory to this District and that I will be a true and brave Tribute if you allow me to stand in for Primrose. I will try my hardest to be true to our District and to undermine this cruel and humiliating festival that is the →

Malaysia traditional games

For an individual, the longest time you keep the chapteh in the air, the higher the score you will get, the higher the chance to be champion. The game is played in the circle with the first assigned player attempting to keep the capteh in the air until it falls to the ground within the →

Similarities in the epic of gilgamesh and siddhartha

He faces the battle with Hambaba, the death of his friend, he passes through the mountain pass, rows across the waters of death and then return to his people. After the death of Kamala, Siddhartha is enlightened and is able to experience the grief of this world as well as see the grief he inflicts →

The benefits and drawbacks for host nations of olympic games

The Olympic games will be held evey four years and people all over the world will enjoy the glamor of sports during that time. Then, who will host the next Olympic games becomes very important and many countires want to host the Olympic games.

Prayer, humility, and fate

Parsons September 24, 2012 Prayer, Humility, and Fate In the story, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Gawain is developed as a Christian hero through his reliance on prayer and his humility which illuminates the theme that God controls fate. Because of Gawain's humility, and his reliance on prayer, God grants him success in the →

Importance of sports and games

The clear-cut inference is this that if the education is the car then sports and activities are the keys to drive on towards the success! Importance Of Sports The importance of sports in the life of a young student is invaluable and goes much further than the basic answer that " it keeps kids off →

India needs more focused game development infrastructure

Rahul Bhardwaj, Co-founder and COO of Junglee Games is an active investor and entrepreneur, having previously Co-founded Product Mango and Vayyoo, and has led Fortune 50 Enterprise divisions with Global SaaS solutions. They license complete gaming solutions to clients which help them to their business operations with the help of their groundbreaking integrated technology, web-based →

The hunger games vs. gladiatorial games

The Huger Games The Hunger Games is a game, that occurs annually and it is set up by the ruling Capitol to show the other 12 districts of Panem that the Capitol owns them and that they are in-charge and it also serves as a merciless reminder to the price of rebellion against the Capitol. →

Videogames benefits

Video games can be used properly to improve the coordination and concentration physically, socially, and mentally to benefit the user. Video games help the child in recognizing the alphabet and numbers.

Positive and negative effects of gaming

Video games are frowned upon by parents as time-wasters, and worse, someeducationexperts think that these games corrupt the brain. In many video games, the skills required to win involve abstract and high level thinking.

Achivements of india in science

In 1972 the Department of Space and the Space Commission were established as the executive and policy wings of the program. The major achievements of the space program have been in the area of the domestic design, production, and launching of remote sensing and communications satellites.

Mathematical in india past, present, future

Mathematicsin India Past, Present and Future What is mathematics? " mathematics is ascienceof space, numbers and quantity" Past: Indian mathematics emerged in the Indian subcontinent from 1200 BC until the end of the 18th century. These mathematical concepts were transmitted to the Middle East, China, and Europe and led to further developments that now form →

Indian modern problems related to globalization

The Rush for MBA is really a rush for big money Ethics in Business are Just a passing fashion The objective of Management is to maximize profits Do professional managers have a chance in ourfamilyrun businesses? Quality is a myth in India.

Research paper on roles of women and men in chinese and indian society

The women and men in the two societies have been assigned defined roles that are similar in some aspects while in some parts, the roles are quite different. The main question of this essay is what are the roles of women and men in the Chinese and Indian societies?

Notions of class, status and caste and significant throughout asia

The untouchables had the lowest position in the caste system. The Brahmanas did not provide details of the establishment of the caste system.

The train for india is now moving out of the station says ram charan

Ram Charan, the world-renowned business advisor, author and speaker, who first stepped into the world of entrepreneurship from hisfamilyshoe shop in a small town in northern India says 2016 is seeing a very different India. Known for cutting through the complexity of running a business in the fast-changingenvironment, he is one of the world's most →

Self rule movement in india 1937

The growing demand for the transfer of power and the feeling of nationality in Indians compelled the British to amend the whole system of governance to ensure their interests. The Act had provided the power to vote to the Indians but it all was merely an illusion because of the elaborate and special powers were →

Research paper on india essay sample

The Aryans entered through the mountain passes of Afghanistan from the great plains of central Asia and the Iranian plateau. Most Sikhs live in the north, are the leading wheat farmers, and form one of the largest groups in the Indian army.

Creating states in india good or bad

After the formation of the state, the centre bears the duty to give it grants and funds. Even after the formation of the state, there tends to be a state of unrest and insecurity within the state for which there is more diversion of resources.

The india we want

A large population of India is in its youth years andI believethat if the youth of the country begin to think over the current issues, find solutions and lead other people we will very soon be able to see the perfect India we picture in our minds. We can live to see the next generation →

Subramainaya baharathi

At the age of 11, in 1893 his prowess as a poet was recognised and he was accorded the title of 'bharathi'. Bharathi's love of Tamil, both the language as it was in his own day and the rich literature left as a heritage, was no less than his love of India.

Swachh bharat abhiyan: brand ambassadors

He is a famous personality and appointed as the brand ambassador of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. He has a huge fan following and that is why he is appointed the brand ambassador of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.P.

Impact of british rule on india during 1857-1867

The uncompromising character of Islam is obvious, and in consonance with it the Muslims in India for a considerable time resisted the impact of Westerneducation, took but little to science or industry, and hardly allowed their beliefs or their way of life to be influenced by the newcomers. The change has not been wholly for →

Impact of portuguese estado da india

Since, the mansabdars of the mughal empire received their pay either in cash or in the form of assignments of areas of land from which they were entitled to collect the land revenue and all other taxes sanctioned by the emperor, the mansabdar system was also an integrated part of the agrarian and the jagirdari →

How these 5 startups are contributing to make in india initiative

Make in India was launched by the Government of India on 25 th September 2014 to encourage companies to manufacture in India. Founded in 2011 by Samay Kohli and Akash Gupta, the startup has raised a Series A from Tiger Global and Blume Ventures.

Symbolism in the road

Another example of symbolism is when the man tells the boy that he they are the only ones carrying the fire. In another scene the man and the boy come across a river, which symbolizes after death, or the gateway to the afterlife.

Symbolism in william golding’s ‘lord of the flies’

The Scar: The novel starts with the mention of a scar in the jungle. The Beast Lord of the Flies: The title of the novel is itself symbolic.

Flag burning as a symbolic speech research paper

A couple of witnesses noted that they were unhappy with the burning of the flag and one of them found it suitable to bury the flag remains. Ultimately, the court established that flag desecration punishment was undercutting the very values resembled by the flag and the conviction of Johnson was running afoul to his rights →

Example of structure of the atom research paper

Both the protons and the neutrons are bunched together in the nucleus, which is the center of the atom. Although the numbers of the protons that are in the nucleus are the same for each atom of a given element, the number of neutrons that are in the nucleus may be different in different atoms →

Sample research paper on allegorical images

The name of Christ symbolically depicted in the form of fish - an image associated with the remembrance of The Baptism of the Lord in the Jordan River. These images are reflection of the events of the Old and New Testaments, as well as the image of the Savior, the Virgin Mary and the Apostles.

A tale of two cities symbolism

The way he describes the setting is horrifying, yet intriguing, which is one of many ways he makes the symbol stand out." The wine was red wine, and had stained the ground of the narrow street in the suburb of Saint Antoine, in Paris, where it was spilled. For example, the concept of hunger is →

The yellow wallpaper symbolism

The visuals and the symbolic imagery of the setting helps the readers connect with the characters more ND thus builds a connection through the entirety of the story. The metaphor of the haunted house shows the woman's concern and displacement about the house from the start.

Reasons for lack of development in laos

Early in the nineteenth century, Siam held authority over much of the territory of contemporary Laos, which then consisted of the principalities of Louang Phrabang, Vientiane, and Champasak. The French granted internal rule over a united Laos in 1949 and most of the nationalist leaders, who had fled at the time of the French reoccupation, →

Inaccessibility: fiction and miller

Thomas quotes Miller, to synthesise " Conrad's fiction in the context of the history of ideas", and later on takes up Miller's suggestion in the evaluation of The Nigger of the " Narcissus" by Conrad to demonstrate that there can be " decisive unveiling". Miller picks out the passage of Marlow's narration of life sensation →

Chronicles of narnia

While in the house playing the game she stumbled upon a room in the back of the house hidden and secluded, were she decided to go. Once in the house he began to talk to her, telling her about Narnia an how once it was a beautiful land until it was taken over by the →

Uneasy homecoming

In the short story Uneasy Homecoming written by Will F Jenkings, Connie is the first character introduced in the story, and is the protagonist; the antagonist in the short story is Mrs. Connie realized that they probably know she's home and can see her from the bay so she turned off all the lights quickly →

Life influence on the art of edgar allan poe

Two tragic events or afflictions from Edgar Allan Poe's life that influence much of his writing are violent death and the use of alcohol. Examples from the poem " The Raven" that illustrate a heartbreaking death would be the loss of Lenore, of course.

Viewing mrs. dalloway through the lens of “modern fiction”

This narrative technique moves the action forward, and simultaneously delves into the life and inner workings of Clarissa, baring her soul to the reader and opening up the possibilities and realities of the spiritual world. The power of the imagery of death and the ability to transcend it is fully realized in the doubling of →

Difference of drama and prose fiction

The basic genres of literature are drama, poetry, prose but in this essay, restriction will be on drama and prose fiction. Also, in drama, thepersonalityof the playwright is mostly hidden in the sense that there are several characters in the work while in the case of prose fiction, the author selects the character and therefore, →

My oedipus complex research paper essay sample

In the short story " My Oedipus Complex," O' Connor uses the character Larry to represent his experiences as a young boy and relay the main theme and story's title to the reader. Neary's article discusses a variety of O'Connor's short stories and analyzes the traits and qualities of several characters in the different stories.

Is reading fiction a waste of time

Fiction is fun, intriguing, and can teach people many new things, even if the person who is reading the story does not know it. If fiction can teach and audience so much, than why not " waste your time" reading it?

Stephen crane’s the bride comes to yellow sky

This paper will also look at the setting and the time in the story and relate the development of the story to the underlying changes going on in the story. In this section of the story, Crane masterfully shows the lack of orientation of Jack and his wife to the luxury and the elegance of →

Fables in different cultures

One of the best-known of Aesop's stories is " The Ant and the Grasshopper," which teaches the need to be industrious and save for the future during times of plenty. Some of his best-known fables are " The Lion and the Mouse," " The Fox and the Stork," " The Hare and the Tortoise," " →

Sample research paper on music: composer paper

The group work has just been a start in the life of Beyonce and later she has been a great woman in the sector of music. Beyonce has a strong vocal range and she is highlighted as timbre with her voice described to be one of the most compelling.

The gospel of the new testaments as biographies of jesus research paper sample

The history of Jesus that is confined in these books makes them to be referred as the biographies of Jesus. The paper will present a systematic account of the life history of Jesus in relation to the gospels.

Theodore roethke research paper

In all the poems Roethke uses great detail so that the reader can really picture and relate to the life cycle he describes. From the works discussed in this paper it is clear that Theodore Roethke found nature as the main inspiration and symbol for his literature.

The five different approaches to motivation

The forth would be the incentive approach which it suggests thatmotivationstems from the desire to obtain valued externalgoals, or incentive. The fifth would be the cognitive approach and it suggests that motivation is a product of a person's thoughts, expectations, and goals-their cognitions.

Teacher motivation and its effect on the academic achievement

In this research, the focus is to find out if there is any difference regarding the level of curiosity, external regulation and intrinsic motivation between males and females. Data Analysis The purpose of this study is to test the gender difference on level of curiosity, external regulation and intrinsic motivation.

Motivational factors

In order to achieve these goals, employees need to be well trained and motivated by managers which are the key factors in the success of this task. Everything starts with a common cycle of motivation that needs to be fulfilled to attain the motivation desired of the employees.

Employee motivation in low income earning jobs: subway

Aims and objectives To identify the main factors that affect motivation in Subway employees To investigate the methods used by Subway managers in motivating employees To find out the problems of motivation in Subway Significance of the study Motivation is a powerful tool in the work places because it can compel employees to work at →

The motivation of the team members

As a result of research on engineering companies I would be aware of the way the employees work and will be able to understand the employees' behaviour at an early stage. However, the core of the study is motivation, and forms the basis of the literature review.

The academic program councils overview

As a group we will be evaluating the subject of psychology as a discipline and in relation to the individual. Topics and Objectives Introduction to Psychology Describe the development of the discipline of psychology.

There is something disturbing about the world

As her mother battles withdepressionand her father is in a senior position at the war office, she has had to grow up largely on her own, which perhaps contributes to her tendency to dramatist and fantasies everything, as she needs to create her own worlds In order to escape from her truthful lonely reality. This →

Principles of conditioning

The dog needs to be in a healthy state, be happy, and have a good emotional connection to the trainer, also known as rapport. One of the dog's strongest drives is to have a social relationship with other dogs or humans.

Mining in antarctica

They include, breakdown of peace, destruction of theenvironment, no major gain for the world, it would encourage disputes between the countries who have claimed a piece of Antarctica and it is against the laws of the treaty. If Antarctica was mined the machinery and equipment would severely affect the ozone layer resulting in similar damage →

Motivation in cedar net company

All managers must learn and ensure that they identify all the needs of their workers and also their drives so that they are in a position to direct their behavior in their workplace so that they can give the best and lead to the success of the firm. Most workers feel that their employers are →

John forbes nash jr.

With the permission of Martin Hansen, his old friend and intellectual rival who became the head of mathematics department in Princeton, Nash was given a space in the library to talk to students and audit classes. Eventually, he was able to teach again and was honored in a pen ceremony by his colleagues for his →

Free holistic-dynamic theory by abraham maslow research paper example

Abraham Maslow was the father of holistic-dynamic theory which provided the basic foundation of human motivation that propels people to want to achieve psychological health and self-realization. Maslow developed the hierarchy of needs that indicated an individual's degree of maturity towards development of intellectual and social independence.

Golden krust bakery & jamaica money market brokers

ACCOMPLISHMENTS The Achievements of the Prestigeous Company are listed below along with those of the man behind the empire.* Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award * The Jamaica Observer's Business Leader Award * Man of the year award by North American Gleaner * An Honorary Doctor of Letters from Medgar Evers College * →

Hierarchy of maslow

In the case of ACTAVIS the managers should also make the most of the Maslow's needs satisfaction theory which is the base of motivating an individual. In order to motivate the employees it is important for the company to understand the basic needs of the employees.

Understanding of motivation

It's because if a group is without a leadership, the members of the group cannot work normally as they cannot solve the problem or achieve the goal effectively. Leadership is the process of influencing the activities of an organised group in its efforts toward goal setting and goal achievement Working groups mean that a group →

Motivation action plan

This will happen in a way of stimulating his interests which may be the best way to increase motivation for him. This will help each team member to accomplish a goal as each task is complete and the reward system to be proven to motivate each team member.

Kite festival

I really enjoyed the event and although there are many reasons why I like about the kite Festival, few major facts why I like the event the most and catches my attention. First reason why I like the event is that the Taiwanese allowed the kids to fly and played their kites.

Theories of motivation that bmw and volkswagen implement

The way in which this theory is applied in BMW is done by reducing the amount of hours workers do in order to take time in a 45 minute meeting to discuss problems and share suggestions and ideas surrounding the work place. One of the benefits that this can bring is that it generally improves →

Motivation will: the first grand theory

For example, in a corporation, it is the beneficial that the leaders of the corporation to motivate its workers with job incentives, increased salary, Christmas bonuses and many more. If so, then that person would not progress and, therefore, be left in the flow of modernization.

O.b case studies

Given that people's values differ, managers can use the Rokeach Value Survey to assess potential employees and determine if their values align with the dominant values of the organization. If employees are required to engage in activities that appear inconsistent to them or are at odds with their attitudes, the pressures to reduce the resulting →

Drive by daniel pink

The Puzzling Puzzles of Harry Harlow and Edward Deci Drive offers a new way to think aboutmotivation. In the book, Drive, Dan Pink argues that it's time to get rid of the old operating system and replace it with a more scientifically accurate understanding of human behavior.

Supervisory model

So, coming short of appearing to be a dictator, I do realize that it is something I need to become more comfortable with and would need to evolve in knowing that I have made the best decision for the whole of my programs. Legally and ethically I knew that I was in a very precarious →

Veni vidi vici vimy (vimy ridge for canada)

Did not escape unscathed, but the participation in the war gave a stronger sense of nationhood.- Canada's contributions into WWI led to international recognition; other countries must recognize you as sovereign.- The effort also brought acknowledgement to Canada's contributions and heroism on the battlefields of Europe, giving Canada the shot to be a more-mature, experienced →

What made canada a leader in human rights

Such as drafting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Ontario Human rights code, Canadian Human rights Act, and as well as the Canadian Charter of rights. First, Canada's participation and corporation in drafting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is influential and significant, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a major milestone in the →

Patriots in lower canada

The earl of Durham whose name was John George Lambton introduced the Durham report to the Colonial Office in February 4, 1839 but Durham report was consummated in January 1839 that was why it was officially introduced in the following month by the said earl of Durham. But indeed, Durham report was able to played →

Jade peony

Belonging When someone is said to be Canadian, it does not just mean being one who lives on this land, or has lived on this land long enough to obtain this citizenship, it means living the Canadian life, it means waking up in the morning wearing a ton of layers and going outside in the →

Air canada

Air Canada has also prided itself in the fact that the flight attendants of Air Canada play many roles such as safety professional, caregiver and service provider. The rich history that Air Canada has had in the aviation industry is truly something to behold.

Oral health of the elderly in canada research paper sample

One of the primary reasons why seniors in Canada are not getting adequate oral health is because the country is in short supply of oral health practitioners. Recommendation One of the major drawbacks to oral health care of the elderly in Canada is its affordability and accessibility.

Unions in canada

The rate of workers joining unions is on a downward slide, noticeably so in the public sector, despite the fact the unions helped to stabilize and grow the economy in the past. History of Unions in Canada and their Effects on the Economy Unions have been apart of Canadian history since the early 1800's.

Americanization of canada

One of the most telling signs of Americanization seems to be the spread of American burgers and cola to nearly every country on earth, crowning the United States as the king of pop culture. By defining America, their society, and economy one can see the threat of Canada losing its heritage is increasing.

Women’s employment and the phenomenon of dual breadwinners in canada

Throughout the early parts of Canadian history, Canadian women served only as wives and mothers where they shared the reservations of motherhood, the tasks and responsibilities of managing their home, and the vocation of serving their families. This report served as an instrument in the creation of " Employment Equity Act" in 1986, the purpose →

Residential schools in canada

Since the organic education was what made the Aboriginal culture stronger and last, the Europeans knew they had to break this system in order to weaken the culture. Since the organic education was what made the Aboriginal culture stronger and last, the Europeans knew they had to break this system in order to weaken the →

Canada-us and north american

Our opinion is that, should the United States, Canada and Mexico work on a similar model for their treaty, it would be of benefit to all of them. However, it is our opinion that, to gain the maximum benefits and advantages from an agreement of this nature, there is a need for improvement.

Negative and positive effects of prohibition in canada

Although the ban of alcohol may have been able to do great good on Canada, the people's reaction to it completely flipped it around. Prohibition made people view the law as something stupid and unimportant instead of what it was meant to do.

Principles and practice of mental health nursing

The socialization process fit with that of the recovery model both of which are patient centred, giving hope and optimism to the patient, and using a set of outcomes set by the patients. Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing: The craft of caring 2nd edn.

King v cogdon

Was the Killing of Pat Involuntary? Ms. Cogdon fell asleep, she began to dream of the war, and that one of the soldiers was attacking Pat in her bed.

Mental health issues in the workplace research paper

It is recommended to design the conditions in the company to strengthen and encourage a supportive culture in the organization: creating a transparent information and decision making policy constructed on trustworthy cooperation and open dialogue; Further qualification and training. As the stress in certain work environments can be related to an eating disorder, a positive →

Psychological anaylsis of the virgin suicides

Both the Lisbon girls and the neighborhood boys share the two roles throughout the duration of the novel. When reacting to the structure of the novel, one notices the straightforwardness of the piece.