Genuine Research Paper Examples

Immigration in lebanon

For a great period of time emigrants from Lebanon have been establishing communities throughout the world, and have been talking a lot about migration, until the number of Lebanese people outside Lebanon became greater than the double the number of Lebanese citizens. The first one is the economic causes, the second one is the social β†’

Dominican republic immigration to new york economic implications research paper

The other event that resulted to the migration of the Dominicans was the overthrowing of the government of president elected Juan Bosch in 1963. This has made both the New York and the Dominican Republic to pay attention to the migration due to the massive transfer of people from the Dominican.

Generality and reality

Particularly, thecase studyapproach and the identification of the relevance to the current crisis in Lebanon and Jordan will allow for the exploration of why specific positive or negative effects may be magnified in some cases and not others. I hope to examine past case studies and research in order to bridge the gap between generality β†’

The immigration reform circa from 2001 to present research paper examples

The hypothesis is of relevance as it will enable the government and the enforcement agencies to answer various analytical questions relating to the efficiency and effectiveness of the legislation. By comparative study, it means that the researcher will have to describe the security situation prior to the legislation and the security situation after the implementation β†’

Information technology acts

The two acts being discussed in this paper are the Children's Internet Protection Act of 2000 and the Children's Online Protection Act of 1998. The Children's Internet Protection Act of 2000 and the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 is a product of advances in information technologies.

Protection of refugees in india

The instable social, political and economic condition in the neighboring countries had led to the settlement of natives of these countries in India, as India is considered to be a very easy destination to live in illegally. The lack of strict vigil of the bordering states is one the reason for the settlement of refugees β†’

Us immigration reform policy circa 2001 to present research paper

The presence of a large number of illegal people in the nation has led to what is referred to as " immigration reform". What are some of the major reforms in the immigration sector that have been implemented since 2001?

Resource summary 2 on immigration in usa research paper

The study by Stuart Anderson explores the impact of the immigrants on the economy of the U.S. The author argues that the immigrants provide labor for the expansion businesses and industries in the U.S.

Canadian immigration: why does quebec ignore the central canadian immigration policies?

However Canada has theresponsibilityfor establishing the levels of immigration by taking Quebec's advice and it also has the control of the admission of the immigration to central Canada and Quebec areas. Quebec is a French-speaking province, therefore in Quebec, most of the people speak French and the culture and life style in Quebec is tends β†’

Free research paper on immigration laws and their effects

Introduction - Statement of the Problem - Immigration laws, past and present, and the effects that it has on different states and individuals.- Definition of Terms:- LPR - Lawful Permanent Resident - CSPA Child Status Protection Act - EUI Entry Without Inspection - USCIS United States Citizenship and Immigration Services - DHS Department of Homeland β†’

Example of research paper on multiculturalism in canada

Canadian " multiculturalism" in the initial sagacity, is a depiction of the numerous different traditions in religion, and influences in culture that are in unison and coexistence in the makeup of the culture. In understanding the multiculturalism in the Canadians, past, the affiliation between the French and the British is significant in Canada's history.

Impact of immigration on uk nationals

By highlighting the numeric data of high number of British youth unemployment and EU employment, since 2004 till 2011, and showing the enormity of the problem, MigrationWatch UK suggests stopping anymore immigration and lowering the current number of immigrants as the only possible solution to minimize the negative effects of EU immigration on employment. However, β†’

Good research paper about capstones project

This method tends to calculate the number of illegal immigrants by calculating the difference in total number of immigrants residing in United States and the amount of legal immigrants living in the country. The Economics and Policy of Illegal Immigration in the United States.

Refugees and forced displacement

This topic has always been discussed on humanitarian grounds that are most of the time sentimental to the affected; refugees and does not consider the economic effects of that the refugees have on the host economies and the lives of the natives. This paper will stick mainly to the economic effects of the refugees on β†’

Naturalization of undocumented immigrant

The statue was meant to be a beacon of hope for all immigrants that enter the U.S. Now I am going to tell you about two laws that I found alarming.A.

Youth migration

With the opening up of the world economy resulting in free movement of youth, both within their countries & across the nations for bettereducation, better jobs, better quality of life, migration, both internal and international, has emerged as a burning issue. At the International level, free movement of youth for education & employment has meant β†’

Good research paper about other

Today, the countries of Haiti and the Dominican Republic, which share the same island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean are vastly different. The living conditions of the countries are distinctly different with the Dominican republic being relatively well off and the island nation of Haiti in new poverty conditions.

Example of religious background of germany and how it has impacted immigration, migration or research paper

A developed country is combination of diverse cultures, races and ethnic backgrounds because in its past a lot of people belonging to different areas of the world had migrated to this country and so had influenced it in one way or another. Earlier there used to be a lot of racism and conflicts among the β†’

Low fertility rate

Ageing population refers to a situation where an increase in number of elderly, and a decrease in number of newborn babies lead to a shift in the median age distribution of a population. This might act as a deterrent for ouples to have children, and further exacerbate the issue of low fertility rates.


In the article, Zuckerman attempts to determine ways for the U.S.government to measure and reduce the immigrants, especially by safeguarding and protecting the boarders. The other main point that has been raised by Zuckerman is for the government to reduce the issuance of visa to the immigrants, allowing them to enter the U.S.

Slaves in the ottoman empire

Since the Sharia forbids the enslavement of free-born Muslims and Zimmis who do not violate the conditions of their status, and since the various mechanisms of manumission and the absence of slave-breeding practices limited the ability of the slave population to reproduce itself, slaves had to be recruited from outside the Islamic world. The Ottomans β†’

Classical empires dbq

Takes into account both the sources of the documents and the authors' points of view. However - as all human beings wish for happiness and not to suffer - the purpose of life may be said to end that suffering.

Science fiction and empire on environmentalism

Through the use of empires as the powerhouses of society, SF books like War of the Worlds and Foundation dig deep into the question of what would happen if societies continued to allow the progression of destructive and commercial technologies. By providing a glimpse of the future as a product of current technological change, science β†’

Rome, europe, the dark ages, and islamic empire research paper

In relation to the paper discusses the social, cultural, political and religious factors which accounted for the transformation of a largely Bedouin society into the center of the world learning while the collapse of the roman empire led to nearly a thousand years of backwardness among Europeans. Western medieval studies considered the beginning of the β†’

Development of classical states and empires

Differences of Africa's civilizations: a. Africa Growing #s of ppl from S.

Latin literary evidence for roman religious change in the early roman empire research paper

During the 5th century, the West of the central government collapsed and the remaining half in the Eastern proceeded to be what was later known as the Byzantine Empire. Following the long endurance and the vast extent of the Empire, Roman institutions and culture was gaining a lasting and profound influence in fundamental sections like β†’

Iron ageΒ historical powerΒ inΒ ancient india – mauryan empire

The Empire was founded in 322 BC by Chandragupta Maurya, who had overthrown the Nanda Dynasty and rapidly expanded his power westwards across central and western India taking advantage of the disruptions of local powers in the wake of the withdrawal westward by Alexander the Great's Greek and Persian armies. The population of the empire β†’

The han dynasty and the roman empire

Both the Roman and the Han officials wanted to use technology to control water for the benefit of the citizens, but for the Han dynasty, it was more necessary to thrive. Both of these documents show that the Han dynasty saw technology as a way to improve in their society and for the goodness of β†’

Significance of the distinction between an employee and independent contractor

Instead, it is up to the employer to bear the liability as the employee is regarded as having the consent to do discharge services on behalf of the employer. The Tests for the Determination of Employees and Independent Contractors In the past, it has been a rather difficult task for courts to draw the line β†’

Leadership style: what do people do when they are leading research paper sample

For the leader it is critical to be able to match styles to competence and commitment of subordinates or match to the situation. Democratic style of leadership is based on involvement of the followers and providing them with the opportunity to participate in the process of guiding and directing themselves.

Employers: managing maternity leave

While the benefits of maternal leave cannot be disputed, the current debate surrounds the continuing discrimination of women at the workplace and how maternal leave and benefits could actually contribute to preferential treatment of men over women in the labor market. These policies are in place to provide support to working women and to improve β†’

Research paper on effective communication

The behaviours displayed by leaders are outstanding and not similar to the rest of the employees. He was always willing to listen to different views and ideas from the rest of his team.

Advantages and disadvantages for the employees

Today, more and more of the employees are willing to spend their working time in flexible hours which is anywhere around the corner but the traditional cage ribs of the office walls. New technologies assure that flexible working is the solution to a number of problems like commuting chaos and loss of billions in this β†’

Companies that gives importance to their employees

Boston Consulting Group BCG invests " 100-plus hours and thousands of dollars to recruit each consultant," says the company's site, and it also claims to pay 100 percent of its employees'healthcare premiums." Attracting top talent and maintaining anenvironmentin which employees can rapidly develop have been key to our success and our ability to deliver enormous β†’

Discrimination research paper example

It was until the day of the powerful seizure that the management realized that he had a long history of the medical condition he, however, explained to me that his medical condition was not actually epilepsy, the epileptic seizures were actually as a result of the cancer of the blood, it was the condition that β†’

The employees who attracted and committed

And also in business, BMW is the best management so I would like to work in this company. This Mitsubishi Group is the best company in Japan and contributing the ethical organizations so I would like to work in this company.

Research paper on ussera

The concept of protecting rights of reemployment of their civil jobs of those employees who served nations through their military and uniformed services was emerged after services of veterans who served America in battle war. The basic aim of the USERRA was to provide the rights to those employees who need to re-join his β†’

Companies may just retrench employees due to fall

In a company's attempt to reduced labor cost it may resort to out-tasking or outsourcing which is an attempt to cut costs or improve efficiencies by having instead private companies to manage and perform one's local support services. Some companies may just retrench employees due to fall in economic condition and or due to the β†’

Research paper on arab-americans in the united states

This paper seeks to focus on discrimination in employment of Arabs-American, since the attacks evident by media reports regarding the increase in the issue. Employers in the United States have also been biased against employees of Arab origin, as they are not giving employment motivations such as promotion and increase in their wages.

Attracting and retaining the best employees

How many of each type of therapist will the company need? How will the company justify the travel costs?

Cross-cultural determinants of employee motivation system effectiveness

The research will take into consideration various theories that help explain the concept of employee motivation and how managers can implement such practices to effectively manage their work force, keeping in mind at the same time the unique values and features of the different cultures the organization is operating in. How different are the employee β†’

Good technical training: enhancing ksas for it specialists research paper example

Since information technology is a field that is constantly changing, there is a need in the organization to constantly enhance the knowledge, skills and abilities of the IT specialists in order to ensure that they can sufficiently tackle all the organization's information technology needs. However, once they set foot in any organization, there is a β†’

The 40-year employee

However, the truth is that it was John who failed himself and the company. It is even rarer when the said employee has proven to be very competent and helpful to the success of the company.

Employers get tough on health

In the reading the Article states " the rules of the work place are changing" and you should be informed of those changes so you can be a likely candidate to get hired if applying for a new job at these companies. I recommend this article to anyone who is currently looking for a job β†’

Free research paper on factors influencing job satisfaction among people in the us

In regards to the income levels those with high incomes were more satisfied to their jobs than those in middle income jobs and lower income level jobs with 17. The second hypothesis is the relationship with income levels in which those with high levels of income are more satisfied with their jobs than those with β†’

4 ways to motivate employees to achieve phenomenal results every day

It outlined your goals, what you want to achieve, the steps to achieve those goals, and why you want to come into work each and every day. Employees have the freedom and flexibility to tackle projects on their own terms, working the hours that they work.

The relationship of work productivity of nurses and their work schedules research paper sample

Of the updated information available, the premier resource can be found in a study conducted by Rogers, et al on the relationship between the working hours of staff nurses and the safety of the patients they are taking care of. The study was entitled Effects of Critical Care Nurses' Work Hours on Vigilance and Patients' β†’

Free research paper on effectiveness of team based rewards

In the current work setting in America, team based rewards take the form of bonuses, recognition schemes such as team of the year, and commissions. The incentive plans, which are team based, are required to be incorporated in team organizations with the aim of improving team spirit, satisfaction, and performance However, effectiveness of team based β†’

Labour force participation rate research paper

Labour force participation rate is an important concept in economics and it is defined as the number of labours that are participating in the economic activities from the total number of labour available in the economy. The concept of Labour force participation rate highlights the fact that an increase in the number of labour force β†’

Example of research paper on historical issues of different races in the workplace and how to handle them

The focus here is on racial diversity and the particular issues that are experienced in the day to day work environment. Promoting a culture in the organization that is against any form of discrimination is a great and effective way of eradicating and preventing any incidences of the same.

Employers & compensation

The recent trend of offering stock options and profit sharing to employees have become key components on which employees base their decisions to leave or stay with the company. In the same light a study by Balkin and Gomez-Mejia found that employees were more inclined to profit sharing than to stock options.

Employee motivation: implementing mcclelland’s three needs theory

They tend to use their power in ways that benefit others and the company rather than for personal gain. Money is secondary to the need for power.

Ethical issues in managing employee behavior

Ethical issues for dealing with individual employees is difficult because managers on the front line are responsible for various accounts such as hiring and firing disciplining and performance evaluation also during all these procedures managers are responsible for employee supervision because managers are role models for their employees in their department it is critical the β†’

Benefits of educating employees

Education of skills, particularly computer competency and how they function gave the employees an overview of the system as a whole. They list the benefits to employers who work to increase the competency skills of their employees as: improved production and income, cost savings, bettercommunicationand employee retention as well as improvedhealthand safety.

The imagery of bird in poetry in 16th to 17th century research paper sample

Ordinarily, the common thread in the use of birds is the position it assumes in the poetry. Free birds and their lives have been applied across the centuries' poetry to represent freedom of the people, of the beauty of love and freedom.

Freedom and equality

Although freedom andequalityare values that American's hold dear to their hearts, they are difficult to enforce to an entire nation from the perspective of the US government. This was the case because all men were not created equal in the eyes of the wealthy white make, obviously I am generalizing, women and African Americans had β†’

Freedom of contract in english law

The existence of freedom of contract requires three main considerations: the freedom to contract or not to contract, the freedom to choose with whom to contract, and the freedom to decide the terms of the contract. In today businessenvironment, it is not rare for the parties to agree in advance the damages that will be β†’

A long walk to freedom- nelson mandela

Though his life was full of bannings and jailings, he never gave up his fight, but he knew that the south African government was becoming agitated with him and the ANC. Xuma was friend of Nelson and the president of the ANC, but the struggle forces many hardships on one" s life.

Freedom writers vs the outsiders

The only reason I felt that it did not deserve 5 stars is because I found some of the parts in the movie to be rather confusing. Although The Outsiders is a thrilling and well directed movie, I did not find it to be as exciting as Freedom Writers.

Freedom of expression in india

When we have the right to celebrate the achievements of our country, we also have the right to criticize the negative development and unethical activities. As the citizen of our country we have the right to vote and elect the person who we trust for the welfare of common public and the country.

Racism & freedom writers

On the other hand, senior teachers of the school just ignored the students and they did not make an effort to pave for solving racist problems. Before, the students did not have anymotivationto success and refuse to interact with other groups because of they do not have hope, but after they develop awareness about tolerance β†’

Good example of first amendment issues research paper

The first amendment furthermore has a tendency of explicating the second Amendment as is observed in the issue of the right of citizens to bear fire arms that is supported by the First Amendment protections for excessive freedom. The law of Free Speech and its relationship to the First Amendment has led to a " β†’

Internet freedom and democracy

Internet Freedom and Democracy Recently people more aware about real democracy because technological developments and internet help people who access the internet simultaneously. In conclusion, many people believe that internet is accelerating the freedom and democracy in most of the countries.

Battle cry of freedom

The election of Republican Abraham Lincoln in the " revolution of 1860" precipitated the " counterrevolution of 1861," the secession of the lower South and, after the firing of shots at Fort Sumter, of the upper South as well. Thus, he emphasizes that thefailureof the Army of the Potomac to reach Richmond during the Seven β†’

Free research paper on religion and the government

In America, particularly in the building up of its government, the impact of religion is evident. In fact, religious wars that devastated France in the 16th century and Germany in the 17th century was somehow [directly] ignited by the persecution of the Protestants and the Catholics.

Research paper on the libertarian party

Aspects covered in this research paper are the party's platform, the reasons it was originally formed, the type of people who have either joined or supported it, what successes they have achieved as a party, the effects this party has had on American life or politics, and if and why the Libertarian Party is still β†’

Discrimination in the movie “freedom writers”

In the case of the students in the movie, they are just simply hopeless and what they all just do is to keep raging flames in their hearts. In other way, if we compare other set of numbers in the same procedure, these are just a few samples and would be good as basis for β†’

Is everything already determined by fate or god or is there room for human freedom?

In that awareness, that of the divine presence, there is always a choice and possibility to create a new self in the image of God. This is so because everything that he does is by the willpower of God so if he succeeds he knows that he helped him in doing it; he does not β†’

Four freedoms

The basic idea of the four freedoms has changed drastically from the times of the 1940s to the current time we are living in now. In the 1940s, the freedoms that people were promised to receive were not for all people of different races and they were different from what the four freedoms had to β†’

Freedom of the press

When Freedom of the Press was added, it was to ensure that the government would not censor the people's opinions in newspapers and to expose schemes and information that some people might want hidden. Without freedom of the press, the government could have also limited who could be a journalist, as well as be the β†’

American freedom

The majority of Americans believe that in order to survive in modern world of commercialization and skim the cream off one should be free, independent, and self-reliant in terms of thoughts and decisions. Many Americans make statements saying that their culture is not distinct enough to describe as they frequently visualize culture as a number β†’

How freedom of religion cultivates american innovation

It is important that the state not cross the lines of religious freedom unless religious expression harms the rights of others - in the case of polygamy or human sacrifice. The framers knew that if they created a country that favored Christianity, personal beliefs of those outside that religion would be devalued and a follower β†’

Jeffrey bezos

Jeffrey's step-father was a petroleum engineer and his grandfather was the manager of the Atomic Energy Commission's operations office. REVIEW - Birth of a Salesman - Behind the Rise of Jeff Bezos and Amazon: Richard L.

Suzie orman

In the essay that Suze Orman wrote, " How to Take Control of Your Credit Cards", Orman says that it is only a matter of choice whether or not you learn to take control of your credit cards. Orman says; before you select a credit card you should always find the lowest interest rate for β†’

A business issue in business intelligence

In this scenario, the implementation of Six Sigma can play a significant role for improving the quality of this critical process. RECOMMENDATIONS: The implementation of Six-Sigma standards and quality management support at an organization for improving the process of BI and decision making requires us to make use of homogenous and structured data, which can β†’

E-commerce marketplace

History of ecommerce dates back to the invention of the very old notion of " sell and buy", electricity, cables, computers, modems, and the Internet. It was founded in 1994 by Jeff Bezos and was one of the first American ecommerce companies to sell products over the Internet.

Predicted revenue and prediction interval

From the plot of the Regression Line for lnRevenue vs.lnCirculation, it can be seen that the points are relatively equally scattered around the regression line. This is evident in the plot of the residuals vs.predicted values, as the points are randomly scattered about the center line.

Measurement and nominal b. ordinal

Quantitative Analysis for Business Final E Progress: The main purpose of descriptive statistics is to A.summarize data in a useful and informative manner B.make inferences about a population C.determine if the data adequately represents the population D.gather or collect data The general process of gathering, organizing, summarizing, analyzing, and interpreting data is called A.statistics B.descriptive β†’

Forecast exam test quiz

4 For; t = 2, 3, 4. 00 2 21 20 1.00 1.0 1.

Essay on the role of research and statistics in the field of psychology

The third step is the use of the formulated hypothesis in the prediction of other phenomena that are in existence or the prediction of the results for a new observation quantitatively. Collection of secondary data is less expensive and takes a shorter time to collect than the primary data collection.

Statistics chapter 12 solutions

If we wish to determine whether there is evidence that the proportion of successes is higher in group 1 than in group 2, the appropriate test to use is a) the Z test.b) the [pic]test.c) both of the above d) none of the above ANSWER: a TYPE: MC DIFFICULTY: Easy KEYWORDS: chi-square test for difference β†’

To attain such goal

The sample mean is considered as the most valid estimate of the true value that is considered in the course of the experiment. It is considered as the norm in finding the probable location of the center of the data set since it is the value in between the extremes of the data.

Water leak and a pump failure

The probability table shows the probability for all states of the node given the states of the parent nodes.b) What is a joint probability distribution? Is it possible, in your model, to compensate for the lack of Mr H.S.'s expertise with a better pump?

Gap inc statistics on competitive advantage

Porter's five forces model is to be used in the apt industrial analysis of Gap Inc: Rivalry Gap Inc.strives to survive in a fierce and competitive industry through the aid of its competitive advantage. While Gap Inc.generates revenues and maintains a rate of profitability from its products, the company is compelled to allocate budget for β†’

Interpretivists approach to suicide

He thus says that Durkheim's study of suicide is not useful in society because the statistics were based on coroner's interpretations and so his study was not reliable. In conclusion, there are many criticisms against Durkheim's study on suicide which suggest that it is not suitable to study the causalities of suicide and maybe the β†’

Social research methods

Unobtrusive research is simply the methods of studying social behaviorwithout affecting it.- There are three types of unobtrusive research: Content Analysis Analysis of existing statistics Comparative and historical analysis Content Analysis - With content analysis you focus on the details of recorded human communications. The determination of latent content requires judgements by the researcher.- Both β†’

Leadership profle: mother teresa

Mother Teresa started a school in the slums to teach the children of the poor. She was able to attain and sustain the people that chose to join her in her life's mission by continually convicting them of the need of these works to be done in a world that is starving for such.

Your mom

The old view was that NAZI Germany was a " totalitarian" state. The best way to get a decision was to get to Hitler personally.

One-eyed mother reaction paper

And she wants that her daughter did not experience the feeling of loneliness that her give to her mother. I ant see that my mother feels that way and I cannot do that to her because, I loved her so much.


In addition to containing all of the vitamins and nutrients your baby needs in the first six months of life, breast milk is packed with disease-fighting substances that protect your baby from illness. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breastfeeding as a way to help reduce your child's risk of becoming overweight or obese.A.

A)the hurricanes pauline on the cost of south pacific is caused for the climate changed or is human responsible( what causes and effects)

Such a disastrous and still considered one of the strongest hurricanes of the south pacific coasts was hurricane Pauline. Indeed some of the researchers have been able to prove that global warming has somewhat a role in this increased number of hurricanes and their disastrous effect.

Geography – problem solving: flooding

By doing this, it will also disrupt the wildlife where the town could be moved. As a result, this saves the town from being flooded but the flood downstream will be worse.

Introduction to geography-montessori

However it's not uncommon for the child in Montessori schools to know the names of all the countries and counties of the child's own country/continent. At a later stage the child can also do a matching activity with flags, and later maps are provided with the names of the countries and capitals.

Monsoons: monsoon and southern hemisphere

Strengthening of the Asian monsoon has been linked to the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau after the collision of the Indian sub-continent and Asia around 50 million years ago.[9] Many geologists believe the monsoon first became strong around 8 million years ago based on records from the Arabian Sea and the record of wind-blown dust β†’

Free essay on research methodology

Classical music is the considered to be the music of east. The melody of these notes is important in the Indian classical music.